Bad day for the Empire, good day for the rest of us.
First, Hollande won the Presidency in France.  Or, to put it in a more realistic way, Sarko lost.  Which is good, even if Hollande is likely to be as “Sarko light”.  Sarko was all about rabid  turbocapitalism and Zionism, whereas Hollande at least pretends to care about social issues and has declared that he would recognize a Palestinian state.  Of course, Hollande will prove at least as sold out to the French Israel lobby as Sarko was, but at least this shows that the French Israel Lobby does not hold power over the French people, but only over the French government.  Finally, Sarko out is also good for Europe where Madam Merkel is now alone in trying to impose wealth on the bankers and austerity on everybody else.
The other good news comes from Moscow where the modestly named “March of the Millions” ended up bringing less than 10’000 people out in the streets.  And even though the demonstration had been allowed by the authorities, the organizers clearly had to compensate for their lack of numbers by breaking police cordons, beating up TV crews, and getting arrested.  Bottom line, the opposition is clearly desperate and using its last whiffs of energy to try to get some “repression” going, mostly for the Western audiences, really, and in particular their generous sponsors (Soros, the CIA, NED, etc.).
Finally, the pro-financier parties in Greece have suffered huge losses at the polls.  New Democracy (pseudo-democrats) down from 33% to 20% while PASOK (pseudo-socialists) crashed down from 44% to 14%.  These are provisional figures, but the trend is clear.
France, Russia and Greece – three traditionally very anti-capitalist countries (at least culturally, on the grassroots level) have today clearly shown the middle finger to Obama and his Zionist overlords.  Oh, I am not so naive as to think that now these countries will peacefully prosper.   What happened today is not so much a tectonic shift as a gradual erosion of Anglo-Zionist power.  But it might well be that 2012 will mark the beginning of a slow process of European decolonization.
The Saker