I have admired Congresswoman Gabbard since I first encountered her about 2015 through the electronic media, although her positions on most social and political issues are antithetical to mine. My opposition to the immoral, by international law illegal and unconstitutional wars which have been waged by the empire in our name – Americans is rooted in the sensibilities of my father who fought in WWII. His brother fought in WWII, was wounded in 1943 and spent the rest of his life, until 1976, in a V.A. hospital, dying as the result of a Swine Flu Shot. His brother-in-law was killed at the age of 19 on his birthday in March of 1945. My father was in theater from 1942 through 1945. My father knew what war was, and he knew that Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and the War Against Saddam were immoral, illegal and unconstitutional. He died before Obama and Hillary launched the “Arab Spring” which began the ravaging of North Africa and the Near East. Like me, he would have disagreed with most of Congresswoman’s positions on social and political issues; but he would have embraced her with her call to end the interventions and end the regime-change wars. Frankly, I pray for Congresswoman Gabbard’s safety; my father would as well, for he believed before he died in 2006 that Hillary Clinton was possessed; and that was not a metaphorical belief!
I sense the sincerity in her voice and the words she spoke and that is a credit to what she believes. But the reality is the “Democratic” National Committee will do everything in its power legally or illegally, to deny her the presidential candidate appointment to run against President Trump in 2020.
We have already seen how the pathology of this malignant neoplasm worked against Bernie Sanders in 2016 (not that i supported him at all). So why would Congresswoman Gabbard believe this time would be different? It won’t.
I still believe she should abandon her presidential campaign and run for senator in her home State of Hawaii where she will gain 6 years of experience in the smaller chamber of 100 and greater visibility with the national media. She will have a better chance to become the Chief Executive in the future and use her influence to reshape American foreign policy that has isolated the U.S. from greater economic opportunities (e.g., Belt and Road Initiative) instead of being the most despised power around the globe.
Yes, I too can sense the sincerity in her voice. However, I am still not happy that her name was on the Roster of the Council on Foreign Relations, and we all know who created that.
Events are speeding up. Ecuador and now Chile are out on the streets and perhaps Argentina and Brazil will follow Now the warrior Queen Tulsi raises the standard calling out the terms of the struggle in Transhumania.
And that on the day Amazon proudly announced its first drone delivery.
The two polls I like for no other reason than that they bolster my narrative are the Drudge poll asking who won the last Democratic Party debate. 40 % gave top score to Tulsi. . The same poll on Infowars site gave her 60%
Let the games begin. Hopefully Tulsi has short term as well as long term strategy as well as the grit to stay principled.
The local MSM sewer tried to ignore Chile for as long as possible because the Right adores Chile, for its Pinochetism and firm adherence to neo-liberal sado-monetarism. But now that the serfs are finally revolting against poverty, debt, garbage wages and taxes aimed at the poor, and against a President, Pinera, who is that perfect human type, the billionaire demi-god, they really deserve to be ‘disappeared’, lest the local plebs get any ideas. The whole stinking, filthy, Evil capitalist edifice is crumbling before our eyes, and the economic implosion and the worst of the ecological Holocaust haven’t even raised their Hydra-heads yet.
This is more Political Professional Wresting to distract and confuse the masses. It’s fake political differences and fake debates to promote the illusion of political pluralism and thus the Big Lie called American democracy.
American elections and presidential selection campaigns in particular are nothing more than a political version of (un)Reality TV not unlike Survivor, American Idol, or The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
As Frank Zappa once said, “Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.”
I disagree, yes American elections are a farce no doubt! Gabbard on the other hand has managed to speak truth to the American people and this is great! Will any of them see the reality? I don’t know but after every debate she is in she ends up being the one every one talks about. Now add HillaryClinton’s mouth into the discussion and all those people who can’t stand her are thinking about what the hell we are doing in Syria and Ukraine. The supporters of Clinton will die thinking that america is exceptional but I think their numbers have really shrunk.
I think their is a real anger building towards the DNC and Tulsi just adds to it. I say go Tulsi
Yes, they pretend to fight each other in order to keep up the appearance of democracy in the West. (in effect the old hag is promoting the likes of Trump and Gabbard, the shadow government’s preferred candidates)
Besides, Gabbard actually represents fascist AngloZionist NWO India instead of Russia. Just read Andre Vltchek’s (as always) very good article (at New Eastern Outlook) about fascist NWO India, and decide whether you like what Gabbard stands for.
except the chief evidence that Gabbard is a tool of Modi is an article in the Intercept where someone went through Gabbard’s contributors, pulled out the ones with Hindu names, and tried to make those contributors out to be Hindu nationalists because of something about their names. The real writer then had an obscure professor with a Hindu name put her name on the article as the “author” to make it seem less racist.
Against the backdrop of the ongoing monumental setbacks and defeats for Western imperialism, this Pindo psychobabble about ’Russian agents’ comes across as profoundly silly, profoundly boring, and profoundly irrelevant. I mean: If the harridan believes Putin and Russia can be stopped by slandering all and sundry with the meme ’Russian agent’, the less said the better.
Its set at the intelligence and attention level of your average american so it’ll do just fine. Bogey men (or women) existential threats, american exceptionalism, its all just gimmicky grist for the mill. Yet again the dems just have to find someone, anyone! who doesn’t come across as asinine and confused as Trumpski and they go and pick the only person who comes across as more dementiad, Biden, these people genuinely are trying to hand a second term to the orange marvel surely.
”Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, rules of the House, rules of the committee, and the rules of confidentiality.” ~ Jerry Zeifman a Democrat during the Watergate investigation.
Hillary was a Republican at the time, but otherwise has NOT changed one bit.
Tulsi’s tweet rage yesterday was the kind of honest dialogue Americans need to engage in the sooner the better.
Americans have voted lately for the “right” candidates which includes Obama and Trump. Obama turned out to be a big disappointment, and Trump well what can we say, it could have been much worst with Hitlery. Tulsi sounds (hope I am wrong) too good to be true. She reminds me somehow of Obama in the beginning of the race to become president for the first time. I hope I am wrong about her but doubt it very much.
I like Tulsi’s sincerity and tone an dmessage regarding ending regime change wars.
but I too think her message is a bit too hopy-=changy (bringing all Americans to gether to pursue the values that make us Americans” boilerplate) which gives me Obama PTSD.
No, all Americans do not share the same “values.” This kind of talk is also a fig leaf over the American reality.
The USA needs an *intelligent* conversatoin about immigration.
The USA needs an *intelligent* discussion of class differences in the USA and what the bottom line is regarding services that benefit all.
The USA needs an *intelligent* discussion of the role of banks and finance in shapoing our choices as to what kind of society we want to live in.
The USA needs an *intelligent* discussion of the basic issue of privacy vs. national security, and what about nationalizing the social media biggies.
Not boilerplate. Intelligent discussions are needed where the “taboo”-like parameters of what can be openly discussed and are eliminated or very much widened.
IMO Tulsi needs to start these dialogues and then start outlining specific policies.
Perhaps she did so in the debates. I didn’t watch.
Well the truth is do you want to keep voting for those who have one foot in the grave with all their corruption built up over years and years of feeding off the people while funding the MIC,or do you want to vote for a younger candidate who lacks those years and years of corruption,me if I vote at all will vote for the younger one,one who has served in the armed forces,one who knows whats wars are and about..Your choice.!!!.!!!
I don’t see Tulsi as actually running for president at all. Accordingly the conventional political electoral logic does not really apply. She is using the electoral process to raise the consciousness of the American people and that is really what is most important. She is a sincere female advocate of Aloha. I am confident she knows this. In this view she has already won. It remains simply to take the consciousness raising process as far as possible and call that victory in itself. She has to run as a democrat to get any media visibility at all. All the rest is just minor detail, in my opinion.
I agree with you. The corpo-state media is blasting her comments all over the place lately even though they want to make it so that she doesn’t exist.. Very well played by Tulsi.
Tulsy is being groomed to be the next Trump? And Hillary is helping, again?
Well, as long as deplorable’s candidate wins (Trump – Tulsy), there will be some sort of stability in the US. Sooo, is she the cotroled steam valve for the US boiling pot, or the real thing?
It appears a type of madness has descended on much of the western world. It looks to me that especially the Democrats are attempting to start a revolution. The results were terrible for Russia when they experienced it and it will likely be worse for the U.S. They also seem more than willing, if they can take power, to risk blowing up the world.
It would be very difficult for anyone to stand against such never-ending hate. A woman should never have to face that. How is Tulsi Gabbard going to stand and not wither under the heat because the Russian hate is not going away and anyone who does not tow their line will be a Russian agent?
Hillary seems to me to be openly bonkers.
her “clever” ploy of thinking that she can label with a scarlet “R” any third-party candidate—indeed, per HRC the very idea of a third-party candidate is a subsersive idea, coming from the Russians!—is such an obvious, primitive move to control all the terms of political change in this country.
If you try to buck our two-party system, you are a Russkie/commie. Because I say so.
Yes, yes, it’s all right, we believe that you are are Napoleon.
Now be a good girl and take your meds.
She really does sound like a madwoman, muttering imprecations in her attic room and hurling down curses fon a younger, more attractive and appealing politician.
Did losing the election do this to her mind? Or was she already a nut job?
This is the woman who would have been the US president if Trump had not won.
Jesus Christ.
The USA, and the world, really dodged a bullet.
IMO this little performance disqualifies Hillary from any furhter political or public acitivity of any sort. It is the verbal equivalent of sending sarin t hrough the mail to Tulsi and Jill Stein, and anyone else who dares to challenge the corrupt DNC hegemony over the Dem. Party.
Hillary should be retired from public view immediately by her handlers, whoever they are.
To me, Hillary seems – as you say – to be bonkers. The idea that Gabbard and Stein are “Russian puppets” is just flat out “off the wall.”
But I really wonder about the political sophistication of Americans. The Russiagate hoax went on for two years. It was self evidently absurd but until very recently Americans bought into it by the millions. I hate to say this about my countryman, but maybe they might take Hillary seriously.
Of course they do the American voter votes by what triggers their emotions rather than facts on the ground,hell one only needs to look to the McCain campaign where Plain had the crowd so worked up that she could have turned it into an armed rebellion,she had to be instructed to turn it down.I believe it was Mr Roberts who said” Americans are dumb shits” and he’s right,what your looking at is age old conflicts within the two parties carried over generation after generation and that’s not going to change anytime soon.most people if you ask them why they voted for any certain person in a primary would’nt be able to give you a rational answer and that carries over to the election for president!!!!
Love your spirited rant, Katherine. Some while back a Secret Service agent had written his memoirs and he described many incidents in his time at the White House during the Clinton years. What he described certainly qualifies Hillary to be bundled away by men in white coats and locked up forever, for the sake of humanity.
Yes, openly bonkers, and not the least bit self-conscious about it.
Allow me to elaborate:
– bat-dung crazy
– more than a screw loose, more like all fastenings unhinged
– elevator stuck in basement keeping her morals company
– congenitally incapable of recognizing the truth
– serial, sadistic witch
– delusional to where she would start WWIII “because I’m Hillary”
Don’t overlook the comedic potential. May I suggest a SNL opening with HRC, Pelosi and Pocahontas (and I mean Pocahontas, not Rabid Warren) stirring a boiling cauldron in the woods …Double, double toil and trouble. Fire burn and caldron bubble.
It could be from the new musical on Broadway, McTrump.
Hillary represent a whole cadre of ancient hags, rich feminazis who are just slobbering for a ‘female’ to ascend the Throne of Blood and rule over the Real Evil Empire, just like some Imperial Omega Male in drag. `This, alas. is what ‘women’s lib’ has meant for the ruling elites-the opportunity to be as depraved as the males.
Katherine, there might be a method in her madness.
Tulsi taps into the same dissatisfaction that got Trump elected. But Tulsi must know by now that the democratic-media-intelligence complex will never let her run as the Democratic candidate. Not ever. The thing to do is to start a third party. So, Hillary anticipates a third party run and demonizes it in advance.
There is a similar dynamic with Jill Stein. I used to be a Democrat. Now I am one of millions who detest them. The Democrats may have begun to sense this and sense that defections could become massive and turn into a rout. Hillary is trying to deflect a mass defection by demonizing it before it starts.
Of course, the “Russian Puppet” gambit doesn’t have a lot of credibility. But what is Hillary going to do. Is she going to attack Tulsi for wanting peace? Both the Democrats as well as the Republicans are running out of story lines. No one anymore believes that a “rising tide raises all boats.” They know now that the only “boats” being raised are yachts. Russian meddling allegations is the best that they can come up with. It looks like madness since it is a desperate gambit, but it is all they have at this point.
They do fear a third-party challenge—the possibiltiy that a third party will draw off enough voters from both right and left to pose an existential threat.
And, the “russiagate” slur worked once before, with Trump, so why not try it again, this time with a more general target, the *idea* of a third party.
The chances there being some sane corner inside that hellhouse called Demoncrats must be smaller than a Planck length otherwise we would have noticed it somehow underway.
Likewise is the chance of Gabbard being able to deliver one nano second on her standing after entering the oval office because she would have to fight the same Demoncrats as today are fighting Trump AND the Reptiles in communion. See ? It’s impossible geometry – won’t happen, cannot happen due to fundamental laws of nature.
Insanity can only give birth to more insanity until all space for insanity is exhausted somehow (which we still believe in somehow hopefully).
The ‘liberal democratic’ system CANNOT be sustained. Politically it puts all real power in the hands of the rich, while dividing society into two or so factions who increasingly HATE each other, over nothing at all but ‘cultural’ matters peddled by Rightwing hate-mongers. Economically it is based on debt and inequality, both growing like topsy, yet ignored. Ecologically it is a death-cult that INSISTS on eternal growth on a finite planet even now, as ecosystems are crashing everywhere. Culturally and spiritually it is moribund, popular culture reduced to a calculus of ‘market share’, advertising inescapable and pernicious, mindless consumption and insatiable greed, even among the ranks of the destitute and near destitute, the very raison d’etre of existence and metabolic derangement secondary to poisonous junk-food diets, running rampant. And the system offers not one iota of hope that any of these will be ameliorated, let alone reversed.
Used to just be right-wing hate mongers. Now both wings are at it. If Clinton ever acquires the presidency, it will give the beast the head of a harpy as well.
Mulga, they know it since around 4000 years the least, thus they have put plans in action a long time ago already to effect the necessary culling of the weed – timing is perfect, the robots are just around the corner.
They don’t need more growth, they need to secure their power eternally THAT is the sole motivator all other motivations are only serving that goal.
However to really start that culling effectively – they MUST control the whole planet to the extent no outside force can intervene or take advantage out of it.
Their plans are perfect (as perfect as humans can), but there is still that ominous phenomenon of Providence where out of seemingly nowhere something big happens which forces the great manipulators to drastically adjust their plans.
So it happend – against calculations and plans, Russia and China are now sovereign, challenging their supremacy, thus they are forced to readjust, and WE get another chance to thwart their plans – small seemingly random changes can have huge effects in the future….
Given some of trump’s recent claims of being God’s choice for prez and “in my great and unmatched wisdom”, among many others, I think he and clinton, given her likewise tenuous hold on sanity, would make an excellent team. They wouldn’t need to change their party affiliation, either, since the two parties are essentially the same, and have been for decades. Merge them into one, trump/clinton or clinton/trump could be the merged partys’ first prez ticket team.
On the other hand, Stein and Gabbard could run on the same ticket, as well. This would make it much easier for the Russians to coordinate their control of these two Moscowian Candidates.
Do you find it really odd that so many dems ignorantly think US should go to war with NATO ally Turkey to support designated terrorist groups SDF/YPG and PKK?
Funny how dems have a bromance with General “Mad Dog” Mattis.
Funny the lack of support from household name Dems when HRC calls a US soldier and Congresswoman a Russian asset.
This trickles down to real people I see on FB, so blindly drinking their master’s koolaid.
I see more support from Conservatives for Tulsi than from Dems. I see real people respect Tulsi speaking truth to power. It is strength and you cannot help but to respect it even if you disagree with some of her other views.
DNC would rather lose to Trump than have Tulsi as their candidate. That is how much power she gains anytime she speaks the truth. If she expanded this to some of her other positions, she would be unstoppable. By that, I mean truly taking in trying to understand both sides of issues and what truly is best for people while respecting our constitution. Get educated on business and realize that business does need a favorable environment to prosper so that their workers can prosper. Pollution in general is a bigger problem than “carbon emissions”
A democrat that can speak to real world business in a non-socialist way that still benefits workers would do very well. DNC platform is all about social engineering and little real benefit to people’s daily lives. It rings hollow and is a loser. America does not like being a loser, socialist, it’s ok to not win, country. It is not who we are.
Biden is hair smelly, creepy, corrupt loser, Bernie is coward who let HRC take it from him loser, Harris is heartless and evil loser, Warren is a wannabe Pocahontas loser. Pete, sorry when you are gay and have that last name – No, just no.
In all seriousness, could a Trump-Gabbard ticket be beaten by anyone?
I know there are procedural difficulties, but there are no ideological ones to be sure.
For there to be an ideological conflict, it would be necessary for Trump to acquire an ideology.
Trump was a Democrat before he switched to Republican in preparation to run for President.
He is pragmatic and I don’t think he holds many idealistic views other than his vision of what America should be. He’d pick Tulsi as VP and drop Pence (whom he’ll likely drop anyway) if it increased his odds of reelection. Tulsi, I don’t think she would want to be associated with Trump like that. Maybe I’m wrong but I just really doubt it.
There was any truth to Qanon and HRC is getting positioned to be put in prison. Then it could be a unifying ticket to tone down the chaos that would come from that. That’s some good tinfoil hat material.
For all the Russians and their allies who support Tulsi Gabbard, you might want to take a closer look at her stance on the Ukraine and Russia. Here is her official government website:
In terms of her “antiwar” credentials, Gabbard is antiwar in the same way Barack Obama was. They don’t oppose American wars of aggression on any principled basis but because they are *unsuccessful* American wars of aggression that might backfire on the American Empire’s broader ambitions to dominate the world.
As Obama said, he doesn’t oppose US wars–just “dumb” wars like the US invasion of Iraq.
Basically, there is no *sincere* voice for peace within the American ruling class, which is hyper-militaristic in its essence.
So when some America politician makes some “antiwar” noises, desperate people latch onto him/her as the latest (false) political messiah of Hope and Change.
For a person dying of thirst, even a glass of urine looks appealing.
Spot on. Given TG:s pronunciamentos above, one wonders how she would fare in a Ukro election. I mean, on one hand she spouts the usual Western garbage and is a US national (= immensely appealing to your average dolt in Ukraine), but on the other hand she is a ’Russian agent’. Imagine the confusion!
Last week, Mulga.Mumblebrain made the astute observation that
Gabbard’s hatred for Assad, an absolute hero, is pretty indicative that she is a phony — as she must be. If she told the truth about Syria, you’d never hear from her again or see her on the fakestream media. But she could, just, have said nothing, but she chose not to.
Again: Obama, Trump, Gabbard — the supply of fraudsters is endless, and people endorse the garbage every single time. Pathetic.
Fool me once, shame on you. Foll me over and over and over again-‘liberal-democracy’ in the ‘Free World’. The freedom to be a sucker-how good is that!??!
Assange and Manning — they can testify what awaits anyone being serious about confronting the Empire from within. Does the moronic US population care? Actually yes — by siding with their criminal state. While Gabbard is at least given the benefit of the doubt, Assange and Manning are Russian agents, full stop.
One has to look at not only the grandstanding but the background noise. It is patently obvious that any viable or not viable candidate for the DNC nomination for president on the dem ticket is being slowly and inexorably destroyed. Biden is done for, Sanders has serious health problems ( yeah yeah, I know, so does kankles, but she’s got an ‘in’), none of the rest have a snowballs chance.
I say again. Hillary Diane Rodham will be the 2020 dem candidate for president, and when it becomes official, that is when you’ll see the deep state go into overdrive. I can guaranty you that when she loses again, for two months after the ‘official’ vote count, piles of ‘uncounted’ ballots will still be found, and 99.999% of them will be for kankles.
Never The Last One, paperback edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521849056 A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
Hillary will not run for president again. There are some people that should not run for office, people like my mother, my aunt, Caroline Kennedy, Hillary Clinton. Sometimes they dont listen, people dont always listen to reason, they would rather ignore it and watch it go away so the status quo can be maintained.
But there comes a time when bad habits of a culture can no longer be handed down to the next generation disguised as benefits, and this is one of those times, and Hillary is one of those people.
A week or so ago, my Red-Pilled Sister sent me an email with nothing but a Twitter thread by a John Miller (and many respondents) .and a mistaken assumption in the Subject: line…… that Saker sees her as a Pacific Joan of Arc….(or something..like a kind of political “crush”..) .let’s see if this works……here:
And so do I about the initiator of that thread. JINGOISM, superficiality, stupidity.
All of the rest of our lives will require a lot heavier intellectual lifting than this twitter clown shows any evidence of being capable of.
The warning of what he’s against (her obvious untrustworthiness) is fine.
BUT WHAT IS HE FOR??? His individual and our collective EGO????
THAT is the enemy. the weak exploitable manipulable flank every bit as much as Tulsi probably IS…………at least a potential wolf in sheep’s clothing…whether she fully comprehends that or not. Players on a stage. But who owns the theater???
It looks like DJT may be crashing, disrupting the Theater’s Schedule and some alternative “PLAN” may come off through the first month of 2025…………..BUT THEN WHAT????
Any plan that isn’t long term enough to wear down and dismantle the New World Order and transform the John Miller type of Deplorables into more thoughtful Citizens of the World……..with just a bit (sic) more actual culture……and intelligence……will all be just a brief, entertaining distraction form the New World Order Luciferian Agenda……..as they can outlast and befuddle a vast army of people like him.…………after a few more years of the Trump Disruption….unless the collective IQ in that “thread” of his…..is raised …..by at least 50-75 points.
With a few million tons of sadly missing morality thrown in.
The next candidate (that lands in the White House) probably better have more anti-establishment qualifications than Tulsi……………..and lots of Deplorables like John Miller best …ahem……develop a little deeper understanding of the world …………..than the idea that F bombs and bombing Iran are some kind of “solution” to their very real angst.”
But you know something? The Ugly American ………John Miller of the profane anti-Tulsi Twitter thread…..reminds me of a lot of commenters here…….. that will correctly despise JM and his thread (and those that tweet thanks to him for warning about Tulsi…..) in their Anti-The Ugly American counter role to him.
Because like John Miller and knowing what y’all (and he ) are against….I can’t figure out what some of you ….are really FOR!
The Idea That Nothing Will Ever Change (despite the climate changing constantly….lol) so give up the idea that anything ever could??? (Then why waste time…even talking about it? More “entertaining” than anything else, playing the cynic…with no real moral “skin in the game”??)
“So why would Congresswoman Gabbard believe this time would be different? It won’t.”
I could write half a book on numerous changing conditions in the recent past …..and fast approaching …like a runaway train………..that can upend any number of conditions “set” in many peoples’ rigid minds……….that debunk the “It’ll always be the same……………forever…why bother?” mantra.
And there are some other doozies, “Yawn” by arm chair cynics that offer nothing …..in an era of absolutely “off the charts” Crisis……and don’t forget the Chinese Character of Double Meaning….Opportunity! other than sitting on their hands…………..with zero productive input whatsoever…..just the smug satisfaction of the individual that adopts the stance of the safe-from-it-all critic….who positions themselves to feel above the unfolding farce or tragedy………while having zero moral or intellectual investment in any positive, creative ideas whatsoever…to change it.
It’s a process…of profound potential change………and it were better to understand the process …and attempt to keep up with it...or even get out ahead of it, conceptually …..than to always presume that “past miserable results” will always guarantee future miserable ones, despite changing conditions and potentials!
A few here, not naive about Tulsi have some of that more creative outlook and spirit.
Snow Leopard is right…IMHO:
“She is using the electoral process to raise the consciousness of the American people and that is really what is most important.”
And I am fairly certain she realizes that things are in great flux…and she needs to learn more…..that things aren’t fixed forever in some immutable hellishness………and unlike Hellary…she Tulsi…had better learn…and grow ….fast…. and get as ready as she can………even though she probably suspects…..she may be in way over her head this cycle or 3 or more electoral cycles from now…and in any serious engagement…from a fire fight to an election….. while “victory” may be possible, theoretically…..plenty of other not so nice outcomes…are probably far more likely.
You need a lot of citizens with that outlook, courage in whatever form they are able to manifest it to support..or become the leading part anything close to the kind of presidency that can reverse the national decline of a formerly more vibrant Republic….hijacked…and morally degraded… as the mostly unconscious (outside of the MIC and its minions) vehicle for Empire.
Sorry reads like some foreign countries Manifesto,what we need is a domestic president to deal with domestic problems, the world will still exist without our loving touch for a few years,we don’t need to nuke anyone simply cut the strings that attach their 1% to our 1% ,rather than forgiving all debts make them interest free debts, unless your going to forgive all the debts of the American people,because for once in their lives the American people would come first not foreign governments, foreign leaders the foreign 1%.!!!!
”Sorry reads like some foreign countries Manifesto,what we need is a domestic president to deal with domestic problems”
Firstly, I am not of the exceptional/indispensable breed. I couldn’t possibly care less who’s s(h)itting inside the Offal Office and what morbidly obese Pindos see as their ”domestic problems”.
Secondly, I left the US out of the equation as the exceptionals and indispensables are self-destructing — hence no need to nuke them, however well-deserved.
Thirdly, there are swathes of oppressed (in the real sense of the word) countries being bled white by usurious debt. This is what props up US consumerism alongside militarism. On this basis, it’s easy to understand why debt cancellation for oppressed countries doesn’t resonate with parasitic oppressor nation spendthrifts.
Well as Bush said “love it leave it” you left it so that leaves the rest of us to fight for it,other countries will have to make their own fight to preserve their own culture to increase their own standard of living, fight their own corrupt leaders that have done nothing but bind them with monetary,usury conditions while they line their own pockets,the Ukraine comes to mind along with a few others as the 1% steals the money as it comes in.
And yet you believe that we the people should forget and forgive those bloodsuckers who stole the money as fast as it came in,the 1% not in my book my friend not in my book in fact I think both the world bank and the IMF should be/been done away with a long long time ago, rather than being a cash cow for corrupted countries still being run by corrupted leaders as a rule to benefit our own corrupted leaders our own corrupt government and capitalism.!!!!
”I can’t figure out what some of you ….are really FOR!”
America should pay war reparations for all the nations that it has bombed, looted, subjugated, balkanized, invaded, or regime changed.
There will be dozens of nations lining up to collect their blood debt from the United Snakes of America. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Somalia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc…
The war reparations that the USA must pay will likely run in the trillions–if not quadrillions–of dollars.
In short, America–both US elites and the America people themselves–must face their Day of Reckoning for all their massive crimes.
I shudder to think how close this nutcase came to being President. How long would it have taken Hillary to start a major confrontation with Russia? I was actually relieved when Trump won.
Speaking of this Hillary’s very nasty handiwork, an Australian presstitute Tracey Sheldon wrote a despicable piece at ABC news today regarding what was done to Libya, without any mention of who was responsible for this monstrous crime, and then laid the blame on Gaddafi for the destruction of his own country! Sheldon admitted she had been “embedded with the rebels”.
I try to believe there is such a thing as Karma. I also believe Clinton needs professional help.
The ABC is not just a sewer these days, but an EVIL sewer. I don’t know who this Sheldon is, but I know WHAT it is. The ‘rebels’ in Libya, like those in Syria, were fascistic Islamist jihadist vermin, the West’s allies for decades. Libya was reduced from the richest, per capita, country in Africa, with the highest place on the UN Human Development Index, to its current stinking hell-hole, with 50,000 murdered by NATO to boot. I do really, so very, very, often, hope for a just and vengeful God, and an actual Hell, so that vermin like this can get their just desserts.
There was an even more outrageous piece of garbage by Matt Bevan this morning on ABC declaring that Putin had invaded Ukraine in 2014, and seized a large chunk of its land, there had been No Obama coup, No neo nazi takeover, No Victoria Nuland, no mention of anything relevant. Just… . Putin seized a lot of Ukraine, and by Trump “betraying our allies the Kurds” – Trump had handed both “Putin and Assad a huge victory in Syria”!!!! Nuts. Absolutely Nuts. And complete cow manure. Just straight out Newspeak. These people are worse than Andrew Bolt. Oh, and apparently Putin lives in a 1 Billion dollar Dacha says Mr Bevan.
Tulsi has eviscerated the biggest Deep State snake in her way and now is positioned to win the nomination. She has been scratching, clawing, kicking and slashing her way to the nomination leaving dead bodies in her wake. Nothing can stop this woman whose Power of The Force is the greatest on Earth excepting for one other person and he ain’t an American. She has never lost an election and she won’t lose this one either so Trump better fire Pompus Minimus ASAP and replace him with Tulsi or else he will lose to her in 2020. That is the scenario I prefer because then she will be around for 12 years instead of 8 because the snowflakes are not ready for her yet. They are having fits over what she did to Hitlary. If they let her in the next debate they will be tame as kittens with her so she doesn’t slash one of them to shreds like she just did with the “Queen Warmonger” and crook who has destroyed the Democrat Party, stolen Billions of $s, murdered numerous people and started multiple wars in Eurasia.
The MSM has shot their wad on her and don’t have anything left to go after her on. Tucker keeps letting her say what she wants and has to say without interruption because he is the only MSM person who understands what she is about and what she will do when she gets to the Oval Office. which will be to restore the Party to its roots. I was born and raised an FDR Democrat. The only other person I know who is another one is Ray McGovern although I suspect Bill Binney is another and Tulsi is the only one who can accomplish that.
I’d like to add this, since there seems to be a little confusion on what Gabbard seems to think.
Do not forget Gabbard is a soldier. Soldiers are not anti-war. Soldiers want their leadership to choose wisely what wars their country gets involved in. Soldiers want to protect their country, they have sworn an oath and back it up with their lives to do so.
The best thing you can do with a soldier who is now a politician is educate them fully on complex situations and show the truth. Tulsi does not have the best interests of other countries in mind, she has the best interests of HER country in mind. Truthfully show her why it is not in her country’s best interests to pursue a particular policy and she will likely agree. Lie and try to twist things and I don’t think it will bode well in the future. Keep in mind the best interests of America are not confined to defense or financial, they also involved what America is supposed to stand for. (US soldiers, more than anyone are believers in what the US is supposed to stand for)
Ukraine debacle was not in best interests of America and you can educate on that.
Syria is very, very complex
US, by doing the right thing, is seeding much power to Russia in the ME. This is a hard pill for Americans to swallow but they must. True American ideals are supposed to be about doing the right thing, taking the right path, even if it is the harder path to follow. As with an individual, it is hard for a country to admit when they have gone down the wrong path and change course. A retreat on the battlefield equals a loss in American minds but it needs to be framed as a moral decision when doing the right thing is harder than continuing to do the wrong thing.
There is no denying pulling troops in Syria is a huge strategic loss for a misguided US policy. What needs to be ingrained in peoples heads that this was a horrible policy that lead to hell on earth for many innocent people. It is shameful and the American people need to bear that shame and learn from it to prevent it from further staining our country.
I can tell you US soldiers, more than anyone, realize this shame in the dark of night when everyone else is sleeping and they are left to the nightmares of what was seen, done and cannot be undone. Most joined to serve with honor and defend their country. Many realized the wars were not about any of that and it disturbs them more than anyone can ever realize and more than most will ever say.
I suspect Tulsi knows this feeling and sincerely wants to ensure US only gets involved in actions that are just and warranted. You should also know that politicians get put in a bubble and are fed propaganda by intelligence services in the form of intelligence reports with are written like they are an impartial view of the facts but are exactly almost never that. They get briefed continually and this is the opportunity for intelligence services to mold their thinking.
You should know it is an extremely difficult thing to change American policy when much of the lifestyle Americans enjoy are based on the exploitation of the rest of the world.
Hillary’s Narcissism is extreme. She hates the American people for rejecting her, and now hates the democratic party for not demanding that she be the nominee. She has paranoid tendencies. Remember when she was first lady and talked about “the vast right-wing conspiracy” out to get her? She probably believes Tulsi IS a Russian agent, just as she believes Trump was part of the Vast Putin-Nazi conspiracy. She will continue to be the Wicked Witch of New York.
I hope Major Gabbard sues her in court and wins.
Hillary Clinton may be trying to distract the public from her connection to Harvey Weinstein, just as she probably used Russiagate to distract Americans from her email scandal:
I’m going to have to say that Caitlin Johnstone skewers this entire sordid episode with a single blog headline: ” ‘Russian Asset’ Is A Meaningless Noise War Pigs Make With Their Face Holes.”
At the recent debate, Tulsi said that the first thing she’d do as president is to sit down with Russia and China, work things out, and try to reduce the nuclear arsenals. Practically everyone else wanted to continue the wars.
I have admired Congresswoman Gabbard since I first encountered her about 2015 through the electronic media, although her positions on most social and political issues are antithetical to mine. My opposition to the immoral, by international law illegal and unconstitutional wars which have been waged by the empire in our name – Americans is rooted in the sensibilities of my father who fought in WWII. His brother fought in WWII, was wounded in 1943 and spent the rest of his life, until 1976, in a V.A. hospital, dying as the result of a Swine Flu Shot. His brother-in-law was killed at the age of 19 on his birthday in March of 1945. My father was in theater from 1942 through 1945. My father knew what war was, and he knew that Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and the War Against Saddam were immoral, illegal and unconstitutional. He died before Obama and Hillary launched the “Arab Spring” which began the ravaging of North Africa and the Near East. Like me, he would have disagreed with most of Congresswoman’s positions on social and political issues; but he would have embraced her with her call to end the interventions and end the regime-change wars. Frankly, I pray for Congresswoman Gabbard’s safety; my father would as well, for he believed before he died in 2006 that Hillary Clinton was possessed; and that was not a metaphorical belief!
I sense the sincerity in her voice and the words she spoke and that is a credit to what she believes. But the reality is the “Democratic” National Committee will do everything in its power legally or illegally, to deny her the presidential candidate appointment to run against President Trump in 2020.
We have already seen how the pathology of this malignant neoplasm worked against Bernie Sanders in 2016 (not that i supported him at all). So why would Congresswoman Gabbard believe this time would be different? It won’t.
I still believe she should abandon her presidential campaign and run for senator in her home State of Hawaii where she will gain 6 years of experience in the smaller chamber of 100 and greater visibility with the national media. She will have a better chance to become the Chief Executive in the future and use her influence to reshape American foreign policy that has isolated the U.S. from greater economic opportunities (e.g., Belt and Road Initiative) instead of being the most despised power around the globe.
Poke The Truth
Yes, I too can sense the sincerity in her voice. However, I am still not happy that her name was on the Roster of the Council on Foreign Relations, and we all know who created that.
Events are speeding up. Ecuador and now Chile are out on the streets and perhaps Argentina and Brazil will follow Now the warrior Queen Tulsi raises the standard calling out the terms of the struggle in Transhumania.
And that on the day Amazon proudly announced its first drone delivery.
The two polls I like for no other reason than that they bolster my narrative are the Drudge poll asking who won the last Democratic Party debate. 40 % gave top score to Tulsi. . The same poll on Infowars site gave her 60%
Let the games begin. Hopefully Tulsi has short term as well as long term strategy as well as the grit to stay principled.
The local MSM sewer tried to ignore Chile for as long as possible because the Right adores Chile, for its Pinochetism and firm adherence to neo-liberal sado-monetarism. But now that the serfs are finally revolting against poverty, debt, garbage wages and taxes aimed at the poor, and against a President, Pinera, who is that perfect human type, the billionaire demi-god, they really deserve to be ‘disappeared’, lest the local plebs get any ideas. The whole stinking, filthy, Evil capitalist edifice is crumbling before our eyes, and the economic implosion and the worst of the ecological Holocaust haven’t even raised their Hydra-heads yet.
This is more Political Professional Wresting to distract and confuse the masses. It’s fake political differences and fake debates to promote the illusion of political pluralism and thus the Big Lie called American democracy.
American elections and presidential selection campaigns in particular are nothing more than a political version of (un)Reality TV not unlike Survivor, American Idol, or The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
As Frank Zappa once said, “Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.”
I disagree, yes American elections are a farce no doubt! Gabbard on the other hand has managed to speak truth to the American people and this is great! Will any of them see the reality? I don’t know but after every debate she is in she ends up being the one every one talks about. Now add HillaryClinton’s mouth into the discussion and all those people who can’t stand her are thinking about what the hell we are doing in Syria and Ukraine. The supporters of Clinton will die thinking that america is exceptional but I think their numbers have really shrunk.
I think their is a real anger building towards the DNC and Tulsi just adds to it. I say go Tulsi
Yes, they pretend to fight each other in order to keep up the appearance of democracy in the West. (in effect the old hag is promoting the likes of Trump and Gabbard, the shadow government’s preferred candidates)
Besides, Gabbard actually represents fascist AngloZionist NWO India instead of Russia. Just read Andre Vltchek’s (as always) very good article (at New Eastern Outlook) about fascist NWO India, and decide whether you like what Gabbard stands for.
except the chief evidence that Gabbard is a tool of Modi is an article in the Intercept where someone went through Gabbard’s contributors, pulled out the ones with Hindu names, and tried to make those contributors out to be Hindu nationalists because of something about their names. The real writer then had an obscure professor with a Hindu name put her name on the article as the “author” to make it seem less racist.
Against the backdrop of the ongoing monumental setbacks and defeats for Western imperialism, this Pindo psychobabble about ’Russian agents’ comes across as profoundly silly, profoundly boring, and profoundly irrelevant. I mean: If the harridan believes Putin and Russia can be stopped by slandering all and sundry with the meme ’Russian agent’, the less said the better.
Its set at the intelligence and attention level of your average american so it’ll do just fine. Bogey men (or women) existential threats, american exceptionalism, its all just gimmicky grist for the mill. Yet again the dems just have to find someone, anyone! who doesn’t come across as asinine and confused as Trumpski and they go and pick the only person who comes across as more dementiad, Biden, these people genuinely are trying to hand a second term to the orange marvel surely.
Why was Hillary Rodham fired ?
”Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, rules of the House, rules of the committee, and the rules of confidentiality.” ~ Jerry Zeifman a Democrat during the Watergate investigation.
Hillary was a Republican at the time, but otherwise has NOT changed one bit.
Tulsi’s tweet rage yesterday was the kind of honest dialogue Americans need to engage in the sooner the better.
I like Tulsi. I do not consider Clinton to be a legitimate source of human speech.
Tom Luongo (if I understood correctly in his last utube) didn’t think DJT get re-elected and Gabbard as VP is possible.
What say you?
Do you think TG wants to be POTUS (and whatever else that comes w it)?
What say you?
Pls share you point of view here.
Thanks in advance.
p/s I personally am NOT writing HRC off.
Americans have voted lately for the “right” candidates which includes Obama and Trump. Obama turned out to be a big disappointment, and Trump well what can we say, it could have been much worst with Hitlery. Tulsi sounds (hope I am wrong) too good to be true. She reminds me somehow of Obama in the beginning of the race to become president for the first time. I hope I am wrong about her but doubt it very much.
I like Tulsi’s sincerity and tone an dmessage regarding ending regime change wars.
but I too think her message is a bit too hopy-=changy (bringing all Americans to gether to pursue the values that make us Americans” boilerplate) which gives me Obama PTSD.
No, all Americans do not share the same “values.” This kind of talk is also a fig leaf over the American reality.
The USA needs an *intelligent* conversatoin about immigration.
The USA needs an *intelligent* discussion of class differences in the USA and what the bottom line is regarding services that benefit all.
The USA needs an *intelligent* discussion of the role of banks and finance in shapoing our choices as to what kind of society we want to live in.
The USA needs an *intelligent* discussion of the basic issue of privacy vs. national security, and what about nationalizing the social media biggies.
Not boilerplate. Intelligent discussions are needed where the “taboo”-like parameters of what can be openly discussed and are eliminated or very much widened.
IMO Tulsi needs to start these dialogues and then start outlining specific policies.
Perhaps she did so in the debates. I didn’t watch.
Well the truth is do you want to keep voting for those who have one foot in the grave with all their corruption built up over years and years of feeding off the people while funding the MIC,or do you want to vote for a younger candidate who lacks those years and years of corruption,me if I vote at all will vote for the younger one,one who has served in the armed forces,one who knows whats wars are and about..Your choice.!!!.!!!
Tulsi fires back, and Hillary says “See, that’s aiding the Russians.”
I don’t see Tulsi as actually running for president at all. Accordingly the conventional political electoral logic does not really apply. She is using the electoral process to raise the consciousness of the American people and that is really what is most important. She is a sincere female advocate of Aloha. I am confident she knows this. In this view she has already won. It remains simply to take the consciousness raising process as far as possible and call that victory in itself. She has to run as a democrat to get any media visibility at all. All the rest is just minor detail, in my opinion.
Excellent points.
I agree with you. The corpo-state media is blasting her comments all over the place lately even though they want to make it so that she doesn’t exist.. Very well played by Tulsi.
Tulsy is being groomed to be the next Trump? And Hillary is helping, again?
Well, as long as deplorable’s candidate wins (Trump – Tulsy), there will be some sort of stability in the US. Sooo, is she the cotroled steam valve for the US boiling pot, or the real thing?
It appears a type of madness has descended on much of the western world. It looks to me that especially the Democrats are attempting to start a revolution. The results were terrible for Russia when they experienced it and it will likely be worse for the U.S. They also seem more than willing, if they can take power, to risk blowing up the world.
It would be very difficult for anyone to stand against such never-ending hate. A woman should never have to face that. How is Tulsi Gabbard going to stand and not wither under the heat because the Russian hate is not going away and anyone who does not tow their line will be a Russian agent?
It would be very difficult for anyone to stand against such never-ending hate. A woman should never have to face that.
That’s why they are represented in court, (by a man).
Hillary seems to me to be openly bonkers.
her “clever” ploy of thinking that she can label with a scarlet “R” any third-party candidate—indeed, per HRC the very idea of a third-party candidate is a subsersive idea, coming from the Russians!—is such an obvious, primitive move to control all the terms of political change in this country.
If you try to buck our two-party system, you are a Russkie/commie. Because I say so.
Yes, yes, it’s all right, we believe that you are are Napoleon.
Now be a good girl and take your meds.
She really does sound like a madwoman, muttering imprecations in her attic room and hurling down curses fon a younger, more attractive and appealing politician.
Did losing the election do this to her mind? Or was she already a nut job?
This is the woman who would have been the US president if Trump had not won.
Jesus Christ.
The USA, and the world, really dodged a bullet.
IMO this little performance disqualifies Hillary from any furhter political or public acitivity of any sort. It is the verbal equivalent of sending sarin t hrough the mail to Tulsi and Jill Stein, and anyone else who dares to challenge the corrupt DNC hegemony over the Dem. Party.
Hillary should be retired from public view immediately by her handlers, whoever they are.
Glad to see the b over at Moon of Alabama agrees with me.
She has gone mad. Literally. Not figuratively.
When it comes to Hillary, I always find she has one more swan song.
Swans mate for life.
Yeah but they only sing once during their entire lifetimes, just before they die.
To me, Hillary seems – as you say – to be bonkers. The idea that Gabbard and Stein are “Russian puppets” is just flat out “off the wall.”
But I really wonder about the political sophistication of Americans. The Russiagate hoax went on for two years. It was self evidently absurd but until very recently Americans bought into it by the millions. I hate to say this about my countryman, but maybe they might take Hillary seriously.
Of course they do the American voter votes by what triggers their emotions rather than facts on the ground,hell one only needs to look to the McCain campaign where Plain had the crowd so worked up that she could have turned it into an armed rebellion,she had to be instructed to turn it down.I believe it was Mr Roberts who said” Americans are dumb shits” and he’s right,what your looking at is age old conflicts within the two parties carried over generation after generation and that’s not going to change anytime soon.most people if you ask them why they voted for any certain person in a primary would’nt be able to give you a rational answer and that carries over to the election for president!!!!
Love your spirited rant, Katherine. Some while back a Secret Service agent had written his memoirs and he described many incidents in his time at the White House during the Clinton years. What he described certainly qualifies Hillary to be bundled away by men in white coats and locked up forever, for the sake of humanity.
Yes, openly bonkers, and not the least bit self-conscious about it.
Allow me to elaborate:
– bat-dung crazy
– more than a screw loose, more like all fastenings unhinged
– elevator stuck in basement keeping her morals company
– congenitally incapable of recognizing the truth
– serial, sadistic witch
– delusional to where she would start WWIII “because I’m Hillary”
Don’t overlook the comedic potential. May I suggest a SNL opening with HRC, Pelosi and Pocahontas (and I mean Pocahontas, not Rabid Warren) stirring a boiling cauldron in the woods …Double, double toil and trouble. Fire burn and caldron bubble.
It could be from the new musical on Broadway, McTrump.
A better title for the Broadway musical might be
“Coming up Trumps”.
More in keeping with the times , if you know what I mean.
Hillary represent a whole cadre of ancient hags, rich feminazis who are just slobbering for a ‘female’ to ascend the Throne of Blood and rule over the Real Evil Empire, just like some Imperial Omega Male in drag. `This, alas. is what ‘women’s lib’ has meant for the ruling elites-the opportunity to be as depraved as the males.
Katherine, there might be a method in her madness.
Tulsi taps into the same dissatisfaction that got Trump elected. But Tulsi must know by now that the democratic-media-intelligence complex will never let her run as the Democratic candidate. Not ever. The thing to do is to start a third party. So, Hillary anticipates a third party run and demonizes it in advance.
There is a similar dynamic with Jill Stein. I used to be a Democrat. Now I am one of millions who detest them. The Democrats may have begun to sense this and sense that defections could become massive and turn into a rout. Hillary is trying to deflect a mass defection by demonizing it before it starts.
Of course, the “Russian Puppet” gambit doesn’t have a lot of credibility. But what is Hillary going to do. Is she going to attack Tulsi for wanting peace? Both the Democrats as well as the Republicans are running out of story lines. No one anymore believes that a “rising tide raises all boats.” They know now that the only “boats” being raised are yachts. Russian meddling allegations is the best that they can come up with. It looks like madness since it is a desperate gambit, but it is all they have at this point.
There definitely is something to what you say.
They do fear a third-party challenge—the possibiltiy that a third party will draw off enough voters from both right and left to pose an existential threat.
And, the “russiagate” slur worked once before, with Trump, so why not try it again, this time with a more general target, the *idea* of a third party.
@Craig Mouldey
The chances there being some sane corner inside that hellhouse called Demoncrats must be smaller than a Planck length otherwise we would have noticed it somehow underway.
Likewise is the chance of Gabbard being able to deliver one nano second on her standing after entering the oval office because she would have to fight the same Demoncrats as today are fighting Trump AND the Reptiles in communion. See ? It’s impossible geometry – won’t happen, cannot happen due to fundamental laws of nature.
Insanity can only give birth to more insanity until all space for insanity is exhausted somehow (which we still believe in somehow hopefully).
The ‘liberal democratic’ system CANNOT be sustained. Politically it puts all real power in the hands of the rich, while dividing society into two or so factions who increasingly HATE each other, over nothing at all but ‘cultural’ matters peddled by Rightwing hate-mongers. Economically it is based on debt and inequality, both growing like topsy, yet ignored. Ecologically it is a death-cult that INSISTS on eternal growth on a finite planet even now, as ecosystems are crashing everywhere. Culturally and spiritually it is moribund, popular culture reduced to a calculus of ‘market share’, advertising inescapable and pernicious, mindless consumption and insatiable greed, even among the ranks of the destitute and near destitute, the very raison d’etre of existence and metabolic derangement secondary to poisonous junk-food diets, running rampant. And the system offers not one iota of hope that any of these will be ameliorated, let alone reversed.
Used to just be right-wing hate mongers. Now both wings are at it. If Clinton ever acquires the presidency, it will give the beast the head of a harpy as well.
Mulga, they know it since around 4000 years the least, thus they have put plans in action a long time ago already to effect the necessary culling of the weed – timing is perfect, the robots are just around the corner.
They don’t need more growth, they need to secure their power eternally THAT is the sole motivator all other motivations are only serving that goal.
However to really start that culling effectively – they MUST control the whole planet to the extent no outside force can intervene or take advantage out of it.
Their plans are perfect (as perfect as humans can), but there is still that ominous phenomenon of Providence where out of seemingly nowhere something big happens which forces the great manipulators to drastically adjust their plans.
So it happend – against calculations and plans, Russia and China are now sovereign, challenging their supremacy, thus they are forced to readjust, and WE get another chance to thwart their plans – small seemingly random changes can have huge effects in the future….
Given some of trump’s recent claims of being God’s choice for prez and “in my great and unmatched wisdom”, among many others, I think he and clinton, given her likewise tenuous hold on sanity, would make an excellent team. They wouldn’t need to change their party affiliation, either, since the two parties are essentially the same, and have been for decades. Merge them into one, trump/clinton or clinton/trump could be the merged partys’ first prez ticket team.
On the other hand, Stein and Gabbard could run on the same ticket, as well. This would make it much easier for the Russians to coordinate their control of these two Moscowian Candidates.
Tulsi represents what REAL Democrats should stand for but seem to have lost their way.
Where is congressional oversight of current wars?
Congress has allowed Afghanistan to drag on how long without demand for exit plan?
The House vote was 354-60 to condemn Trump for pulling troops out of a country we occupy illegally. Insanity
Have Americans forgotten that the power to declare war lies with Congress?
Do you find it really odd that so many dems ignorantly think US should go to war with NATO ally Turkey to support designated terrorist groups SDF/YPG and PKK?
Funny how dems have a bromance with General “Mad Dog” Mattis.
Funny the lack of support from household name Dems when HRC calls a US soldier and Congresswoman a Russian asset.
This trickles down to real people I see on FB, so blindly drinking their master’s koolaid.
I see more support from Conservatives for Tulsi than from Dems. I see real people respect Tulsi speaking truth to power. It is strength and you cannot help but to respect it even if you disagree with some of her other views.
DNC would rather lose to Trump than have Tulsi as their candidate. That is how much power she gains anytime she speaks the truth. If she expanded this to some of her other positions, she would be unstoppable. By that, I mean truly taking in trying to understand both sides of issues and what truly is best for people while respecting our constitution. Get educated on business and realize that business does need a favorable environment to prosper so that their workers can prosper. Pollution in general is a bigger problem than “carbon emissions”
A democrat that can speak to real world business in a non-socialist way that still benefits workers would do very well. DNC platform is all about social engineering and little real benefit to people’s daily lives. It rings hollow and is a loser. America does not like being a loser, socialist, it’s ok to not win, country. It is not who we are.
Biden is hair smelly, creepy, corrupt loser, Bernie is coward who let HRC take it from him loser, Harris is heartless and evil loser, Warren is a wannabe Pocahontas loser. Pete, sorry when you are gay and have that last name – No, just no.
In all seriousness, could a Trump-Gabbard ticket be beaten by anyone?
I know there are procedural difficulties, but there are no ideological ones to be sure.
For there to be an ideological conflict, it would be necessary for Trump to acquire an ideology.
That is funny. Thought of that ticket crossed my mind today too. It would be fun to watch.
Trump was a Democrat before he switched to Republican in preparation to run for President.
He is pragmatic and I don’t think he holds many idealistic views other than his vision of what America should be. He’d pick Tulsi as VP and drop Pence (whom he’ll likely drop anyway) if it increased his odds of reelection. Tulsi, I don’t think she would want to be associated with Trump like that. Maybe I’m wrong but I just really doubt it.
There was any truth to Qanon and HRC is getting positioned to be put in prison. Then it could be a unifying ticket to tone down the chaos that would come from that. That’s some good tinfoil hat material.
For all the Russians and their allies who support Tulsi Gabbard, you might want to take a closer look at her stance on the Ukraine and Russia. Here is her official government website:
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Russia Must Face Consequences for Continued Aggression in Ukraine
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Statement on Joint Session of Congress with Ukrainian President
In terms of her “antiwar” credentials, Gabbard is antiwar in the same way Barack Obama was. They don’t oppose American wars of aggression on any principled basis but because they are *unsuccessful* American wars of aggression that might backfire on the American Empire’s broader ambitions to dominate the world.
As Obama said, he doesn’t oppose US wars–just “dumb” wars like the US invasion of Iraq.
Basically, there is no *sincere* voice for peace within the American ruling class, which is hyper-militaristic in its essence.
So when some America politician makes some “antiwar” noises, desperate people latch onto him/her as the latest (false) political messiah of Hope and Change.
For a person dying of thirst, even a glass of urine looks appealing.
Spot on. Given TG:s pronunciamentos above, one wonders how she would fare in a Ukro election. I mean, on one hand she spouts the usual Western garbage and is a US national (= immensely appealing to your average dolt in Ukraine), but on the other hand she is a ’Russian agent’. Imagine the confusion!
Those press releases are five years old. I wouldn’t give them much weight.
Last week, Mulga.Mumblebrain made the astute observation that
Again: Obama, Trump, Gabbard — the supply of fraudsters is endless, and people endorse the garbage every single time. Pathetic.
Fool me once, shame on you. Foll me over and over and over again-‘liberal-democracy’ in the ‘Free World’. The freedom to be a sucker-how good is that!??!
If Tulsi is actually sincere and this isn’t all a load of Kabuki then when would the CIA/MIC dispose of her? How long?
Assange and Manning — they can testify what awaits anyone being serious about confronting the Empire from within. Does the moronic US population care? Actually yes — by siding with their criminal state. While Gabbard is at least given the benefit of the doubt, Assange and Manning are Russian agents, full stop.
One has to look at not only the grandstanding but the background noise. It is patently obvious that any viable or not viable candidate for the DNC nomination for president on the dem ticket is being slowly and inexorably destroyed. Biden is done for, Sanders has serious health problems ( yeah yeah, I know, so does kankles, but she’s got an ‘in’), none of the rest have a snowballs chance.
I say again. Hillary Diane Rodham will be the 2020 dem candidate for president, and when it becomes official, that is when you’ll see the deep state go into overdrive. I can guaranty you that when she loses again, for two months after the ‘official’ vote count, piles of ‘uncounted’ ballots will still be found, and 99.999% of them will be for kankles.
Never The Last One, paperback edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521849056 A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka, paperback edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1696160715 NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Hillary will not run for president again. There are some people that should not run for office, people like my mother, my aunt, Caroline Kennedy, Hillary Clinton. Sometimes they dont listen, people dont always listen to reason, they would rather ignore it and watch it go away so the status quo can be maintained.
But there comes a time when bad habits of a culture can no longer be handed down to the next generation disguised as benefits, and this is one of those times, and Hillary is one of those people.
A week or so ago, my Red-Pilled Sister sent me an email with nothing but a Twitter thread by a John Miller (and many respondents) .and a mistaken assumption in the Subject: line…… that Saker sees her as a Pacific Joan of Arc….(or something..like a kind of political “crush”..) .let’s see if this works……here:
sounding the Deplorables’ Warning…..about Tulsi…..rather profanely.
I don’t endorse either…..and replied:
“Don’t trust her but she comes off as sane compared to the rest of the Dems…despite numerous SERIOUS warning flags.
Saker must lean towards her hopefully as a “non-military interventionist” …anti-Neocon………..but is she really??
He has his SEVERE reservations.
And so do I about the initiator of that thread. JINGOISM, superficiality, stupidity.
All of the rest of our lives will require a lot heavier intellectual lifting than this twitter clown shows any evidence of being capable of.
The warning of what he’s against (her obvious untrustworthiness) is fine.
BUT WHAT IS HE FOR??? His individual and our collective EGO????
THAT is the enemy. the weak exploitable manipulable flank every bit as much as Tulsi probably IS…………at least a potential wolf in sheep’s clothing…whether she fully comprehends that or not. Players on a stage. But who owns the theater???
It looks like DJT may be crashing, disrupting the Theater’s Schedule and some alternative “PLAN” may come off through the first month of 2025…………..BUT THEN WHAT????
Any plan that isn’t long term enough to wear down and dismantle the New World Order and transform the John Miller type of Deplorables into more thoughtful Citizens of the World……..with just a bit (sic) more actual culture……and intelligence……will all be just a brief, entertaining distraction form the New World Order Luciferian Agenda……..as they can outlast and befuddle a vast army of people like him.…………after a few more years of the Trump Disruption….unless the collective IQ in that “thread” of his…..is raised …..by at least 50-75 points.
With a few million tons of sadly missing morality thrown in.
The next candidate (that lands in the White House) probably better have more anti-establishment qualifications than Tulsi……………..and lots of Deplorables like John Miller best …ahem……develop a little deeper understanding of the world …………..than the idea that F bombs and bombing Iran are some kind of “solution” to their very real angst.”
But you know something? The Ugly American ………John Miller of the profane anti-Tulsi Twitter thread…..reminds me of a lot of commenters here…….. that will correctly despise JM and his thread (and those that tweet thanks to him for warning about Tulsi…..) in their Anti-The Ugly American counter role to him.
Because like John Miller and knowing what y’all (and he ) are against….I can’t figure out what some of you ….are really FOR!
The Idea That Nothing Will Ever Change (despite the climate changing constantly….lol) so give up the idea that anything ever could??? (Then why waste time…even talking about it? More “entertaining” than anything else, playing the cynic…with no real moral “skin in the game”??)
“So why would Congresswoman Gabbard believe this time would be different? It won’t.”
I could write half a book on numerous changing conditions in the recent past …..and fast approaching …like a runaway train………..that can upend any number of conditions “set” in many peoples’ rigid minds……….that debunk the “It’ll always be the same……………forever…why bother?” mantra.
And there are some other doozies, “Yawn” by arm chair cynics that offer nothing …..in an era of absolutely “off the charts” Crisis……and don’t forget the Chinese Character of Double Meaning….Opportunity! other than sitting on their hands…………..with zero productive input whatsoever…..just the smug satisfaction of the individual that adopts the stance of the safe-from-it-all critic….who positions themselves to feel above the unfolding farce or tragedy………while having zero moral or intellectual investment in any positive, creative ideas whatsoever…to change it.
It’s a process…of profound potential change………and it were better to understand the process …and attempt to keep up with it...or even get out ahead of it, conceptually …..than to always presume that “past miserable results” will always guarantee future miserable ones, despite changing conditions and potentials!
A few here, not naive about Tulsi have some of that more creative outlook and spirit.
Snow Leopard is right…IMHO:
“She is using the electoral process to raise the consciousness of the American people and that is really what is most important.”
And I am fairly certain she realizes that things are in great flux…and she needs to learn more…..that things aren’t fixed forever in some immutable hellishness………and unlike Hellary…she Tulsi…had better learn…and grow ….fast…. and get as ready as she can………even though she probably suspects…..she may be in way over her head this cycle or 3 or more electoral cycles from now…and in any serious engagement…from a fire fight to an election….. while “victory” may be possible, theoretically…..plenty of other not so nice outcomes…are probably far more likely.
You need a lot of citizens with that outlook, courage in whatever form they are able to manifest it to support..or become the leading part anything close to the kind of presidency that can reverse the national decline of a formerly more vibrant Republic….hijacked…and morally degraded… as the mostly unconscious (outside of the MIC and its minions) vehicle for Empire.
”I can’t figure out what some of you ….are really FOR!”
Not sure if the phrase ’some of you’ includes yours sincerely, but here is Nussiminen’s Positive Manifesto in its full magnificent glory — enjoy!
Sorry reads like some foreign countries Manifesto,what we need is a domestic president to deal with domestic problems, the world will still exist without our loving touch for a few years,we don’t need to nuke anyone simply cut the strings that attach their 1% to our 1% ,rather than forgiving all debts make them interest free debts, unless your going to forgive all the debts of the American people,because for once in their lives the American people would come first not foreign governments, foreign leaders the foreign 1%.!!!!
Typical Pindo-centric response:
”Sorry reads like some foreign countries Manifesto,what we need is a domestic president to deal with domestic problems”
Firstly, I am not of the exceptional/indispensable breed. I couldn’t possibly care less who’s s(h)itting inside the Offal Office and what morbidly obese Pindos see as their ”domestic problems”.
Secondly, I left the US out of the equation as the exceptionals and indispensables are self-destructing — hence no need to nuke them, however well-deserved.
Thirdly, there are swathes of oppressed (in the real sense of the word) countries being bled white by usurious debt. This is what props up US consumerism alongside militarism. On this basis, it’s easy to understand why debt cancellation for oppressed countries doesn’t resonate with parasitic oppressor nation spendthrifts.
Well as Bush said “love it leave it” you left it so that leaves the rest of us to fight for it,other countries will have to make their own fight to preserve their own culture to increase their own standard of living, fight their own corrupt leaders that have done nothing but bind them with monetary,usury conditions while they line their own pockets,the Ukraine comes to mind along with a few others as the 1% steals the money as it comes in.
And yet you believe that we the people should forget and forgive those bloodsuckers who stole the money as fast as it came in,the 1% not in my book my friend not in my book in fact I think both the world bank and the IMF should be/been done away with a long long time ago, rather than being a cash cow for corrupted countries still being run by corrupted leaders as a rule to benefit our own corrupted leaders our own corrupt government and capitalism.!!!!
”I can’t figure out what some of you ….are really FOR!”
America should pay war reparations for all the nations that it has bombed, looted, subjugated, balkanized, invaded, or regime changed.
There will be dozens of nations lining up to collect their blood debt from the United Snakes of America. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Somalia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc…
The war reparations that the USA must pay will likely run in the trillions–if not quadrillions–of dollars.
In short, America–both US elites and the America people themselves–must face their Day of Reckoning for all their massive crimes.
I shudder to think how close this nutcase came to being President. How long would it have taken Hillary to start a major confrontation with Russia? I was actually relieved when Trump won.
Speaking of this Hillary’s very nasty handiwork, an Australian presstitute Tracey Sheldon wrote a despicable piece at ABC news today regarding what was done to Libya, without any mention of who was responsible for this monstrous crime, and then laid the blame on Gaddafi for the destruction of his own country! Sheldon admitted she had been “embedded with the rebels”.
I try to believe there is such a thing as Karma. I also believe Clinton needs professional help.
The ABC is not just a sewer these days, but an EVIL sewer. I don’t know who this Sheldon is, but I know WHAT it is. The ‘rebels’ in Libya, like those in Syria, were fascistic Islamist jihadist vermin, the West’s allies for decades. Libya was reduced from the richest, per capita, country in Africa, with the highest place on the UN Human Development Index, to its current stinking hell-hole, with 50,000 murdered by NATO to boot. I do really, so very, very, often, hope for a just and vengeful God, and an actual Hell, so that vermin like this can get their just desserts.
There was an even more outrageous piece of garbage by Matt Bevan this morning on ABC declaring that Putin had invaded Ukraine in 2014, and seized a large chunk of its land, there had been No Obama coup, No neo nazi takeover, No Victoria Nuland, no mention of anything relevant. Just… . Putin seized a lot of Ukraine, and by Trump “betraying our allies the Kurds” – Trump had handed both “Putin and Assad a huge victory in Syria”!!!! Nuts. Absolutely Nuts. And complete cow manure. Just straight out Newspeak. These people are worse than Andrew Bolt. Oh, and apparently Putin lives in a 1 Billion dollar Dacha says Mr Bevan.
Sunday Special Tulsi !
(a dance)
Talsi tansi dancey taosi
Dance with me Tbilissi
Umfundisi special Tulsi
Click clackity castanet
Baiting baitsi bambasi
Flamingosi pink froesi
Fabulous fiumedinisi
Tutsi tussi tutsi Tulsi !
Tulsi has eviscerated the biggest Deep State snake in her way and now is positioned to win the nomination. She has been scratching, clawing, kicking and slashing her way to the nomination leaving dead bodies in her wake. Nothing can stop this woman whose Power of The Force is the greatest on Earth excepting for one other person and he ain’t an American. She has never lost an election and she won’t lose this one either so Trump better fire Pompus Minimus ASAP and replace him with Tulsi or else he will lose to her in 2020. That is the scenario I prefer because then she will be around for 12 years instead of 8 because the snowflakes are not ready for her yet. They are having fits over what she did to Hitlary. If they let her in the next debate they will be tame as kittens with her so she doesn’t slash one of them to shreds like she just did with the “Queen Warmonger” and crook who has destroyed the Democrat Party, stolen Billions of $s, murdered numerous people and started multiple wars in Eurasia.
The MSM has shot their wad on her and don’t have anything left to go after her on. Tucker keeps letting her say what she wants and has to say without interruption because he is the only MSM person who understands what she is about and what she will do when she gets to the Oval Office. which will be to restore the Party to its roots. I was born and raised an FDR Democrat. The only other person I know who is another one is Ray McGovern although I suspect Bill Binney is another and Tulsi is the only one who can accomplish that.
Lady Macbeth of Arkansaw, the most revealing photo so far.
That’s my opinion too: borderline insanity from final frustration of frantic high flyer.
I’d like to add this, since there seems to be a little confusion on what Gabbard seems to think.
Do not forget Gabbard is a soldier. Soldiers are not anti-war. Soldiers want their leadership to choose wisely what wars their country gets involved in. Soldiers want to protect their country, they have sworn an oath and back it up with their lives to do so.
The best thing you can do with a soldier who is now a politician is educate them fully on complex situations and show the truth. Tulsi does not have the best interests of other countries in mind, she has the best interests of HER country in mind. Truthfully show her why it is not in her country’s best interests to pursue a particular policy and she will likely agree. Lie and try to twist things and I don’t think it will bode well in the future. Keep in mind the best interests of America are not confined to defense or financial, they also involved what America is supposed to stand for. (US soldiers, more than anyone are believers in what the US is supposed to stand for)
Ukraine debacle was not in best interests of America and you can educate on that.
Syria is very, very complex
US, by doing the right thing, is seeding much power to Russia in the ME. This is a hard pill for Americans to swallow but they must. True American ideals are supposed to be about doing the right thing, taking the right path, even if it is the harder path to follow. As with an individual, it is hard for a country to admit when they have gone down the wrong path and change course. A retreat on the battlefield equals a loss in American minds but it needs to be framed as a moral decision when doing the right thing is harder than continuing to do the wrong thing.
There is no denying pulling troops in Syria is a huge strategic loss for a misguided US policy. What needs to be ingrained in peoples heads that this was a horrible policy that lead to hell on earth for many innocent people. It is shameful and the American people need to bear that shame and learn from it to prevent it from further staining our country.
I can tell you US soldiers, more than anyone, realize this shame in the dark of night when everyone else is sleeping and they are left to the nightmares of what was seen, done and cannot be undone. Most joined to serve with honor and defend their country. Many realized the wars were not about any of that and it disturbs them more than anyone can ever realize and more than most will ever say.
I suspect Tulsi knows this feeling and sincerely wants to ensure US only gets involved in actions that are just and warranted. You should also know that politicians get put in a bubble and are fed propaganda by intelligence services in the form of intelligence reports with are written like they are an impartial view of the facts but are exactly almost never that. They get briefed continually and this is the opportunity for intelligence services to mold their thinking.
You should know it is an extremely difficult thing to change American policy when much of the lifestyle Americans enjoy are based on the exploitation of the rest of the world.
She was apparently a medic, perhaps one who feels that w/o wars she would, or could have, something better to do w/her time.
Hillary’s Narcissism is extreme. She hates the American people for rejecting her, and now hates the democratic party for not demanding that she be the nominee. She has paranoid tendencies. Remember when she was first lady and talked about “the vast right-wing conspiracy” out to get her? She probably believes Tulsi IS a Russian agent, just as she believes Trump was part of the Vast Putin-Nazi conspiracy. She will continue to be the Wicked Witch of New York.
I hope Major Gabbard sues her in court and wins.
Hillary Clinton may be trying to distract the public from her connection to Harvey Weinstein, just as she probably used Russiagate to distract Americans from her email scandal:
Jill Stein has also challenged Clinton to a debate:
I’m going to have to say that Caitlin Johnstone skewers this entire sordid episode with a single blog headline: ” ‘Russian Asset’ Is A Meaningless Noise War Pigs Make With Their Face Holes.”
Pithy and true. What more can you ask?
At the recent debate, Tulsi said that the first thing she’d do as president is to sit down with Russia and China, work things out, and try to reduce the nuclear arsenals. Practically everyone else wanted to continue the wars.