By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission
The times call for acting as poets instead of politicians

The Triumph of Death, fresco, Palermo, Italy (artist unknown).
Between unaccountability of elites and total fragmentation of civil society, Covid-19 as a circuit breaker is showing how the king – systemic design – is naked.
We are being sucked into a danse macabre of multiple complex systems “colliding into one another,” producing all kinds of mostly negative feedback loops.
What we already know for sure, as Shoshana Zuboff detailed in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, is that “industrial capitalism followed its own logic of shock and awe” to conquer nature. But now surveillance capitalism “has human nature in its sights.”
In The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene, analyzing the explosion in population growth, increasing energy consumption and a tsunami of information “driven by the positive feedback loops of reinvestment and profit,” Simon Lewis and Mark Maslin of University College, London, suggest that our current mode of living is the “least probable” among several options. “A collapse or a switch to a new mode of living is more likely.”
With dystopia and mass paranoia seemingly the law of the (bewildered) land, Michel Foucault’s analyses of biopolitics have never been so timely, as states across the world take over biopower – the control of people’s life and bodies.
David Harvey, once again, shows how prophetic was Marx, not only in his analyses of industrial capitalism but somehow – in Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy – even forecasting the mechanics of digital capitalism:
Marx, Harvey writes, “talks about the way that new technologies and knowledge become embedded in the machine: they’re no longer in the laborer’s brain, and the laborer is pushed to one side to become an appendage of the machine, a mere machine-minder. All of the intelligence and all of the knowledge, which used to belong to the laborers, and which conferred upon them a certain monopoly power vis-à-vis capital, disappear.”
Thus, adds Harvey, “the capitalist who once needed the skills of the laborer is now freed from that constraint, and the skill is embodied in the machine. The knowledge produced through science and technology flows into the machine, and the machine becomes ‘the soul’ of capitalist dynamism.”
Living in ‘psycho-deflation‘
An immediate – economic – effect of the collision of complex systems is the approaching New Great Depression. Meanwhile, very few are attempting to understand Planet Lockdown in depth – and that goes, most of all, for post-Planet Lockdown. Yet a few concepts already stand out. State of exception. Necropolitics. A new brutalism. And, as we will see, the new viral paradigm.
So let’s review some the best and the brightest at the forefront of Covid-19 thinking. An excellent road map is provided by Sopa de Wuhan (“Wuhan Soup’), an independent collection assembled in Spanish, featuring essays by, among others, Giorgio Agamben, Slavoj Zizek, Judith Butler, David Harvey, South Korean Byung-Chul Han and Spaniard Paul Preciado.
The last two, along with Agamben, were referenced in previous essays in this running series, on the Stoics, Heraclitus, Confucius, Buddha and Lao Tzu, and contemporary philosophy examining The City under The Plague.
Franco Berardi, a 1968 student icon now professor of philosophy in Bologna, offers the concept of “psycho-deflation” to explain our current predicament. We are living a “psychic epidemic … generated by a virus as the Earth has reached a stage of extreme irritation, and society’s collective body suffers for quite a while a state of intolerable stress: the illness manifests itself at this stage, devastating in the social and psychic spheres, as a self-defense reaction of the planetary body.”
Thus, as Berardi argues, a “semiotic virus in the psycho-sphere blocks the abstract functioning of the economy, subtracting bodies from it.” Only a virus would be able to stop accumulation of capital dead in its tracks: “Capitalism is axiomatic, works on a non-verified premise (the necessity of unlimited growth which makes possible capital accumulation).
Every logical and economic concatenation is coherent with this axiom, and nothing can be tried outside of this axiom. There is no political way out of axiomatic Capital, there’s no possibility of destroying the system,” because even language is a hostage of this axiom and does not allow the possibility of anything “efficiently extra-systemic.”
So what’s left? “The only way out is death, as we learned from Baudrillard”. The late, great grandmaster of simulacrum was already forecasting a systemic stall back in the post-modernist 1980s.
Croatian philosopher Srecko Horvat , in contrast, offers a less conceptual and more realist hypothesis about the immediate future: “The fear of a pandemic is more dangerous than the virus itself. The apocalyptic images of the mass media hide a deep nexus between the extreme right and the capitalist economy. Like a virus that needs a living cell to reproduce itself, capitalism will adapt itself to the new 21st century biopolitics.”
For the Catalan chemist and philosopher Santiago Lopez Petit, coronavirus can be seen as a declaration of war: “Neoliberalism unabashedly dresses up as a war state. Capital is scared,” even as “uncertainty and insecurity invalidate the necessity of the same state.” Yet there may be creative possibilities when “obscure and paroxistic life, incalculable in its ambivalence, escapes algorithm.”
Our normalized exception
Giorgio Agamben caused immense controversy in Italy and across Europe when he published a column in late February on “the invention of an epidemic.” He later had to explain what he meant. But his main insight remains valid: The state of exception has been completely normalized.
And it gets worse: “A new despotism, which in terms of pervasive controls and cessation of every political activity, will be worse that the totalitarianisms we have known so far.”
Agamben redoubles his analyses of science as the religion of our time: “The analogy with religion is taken literally; theologians declared that they could not clearly define what is God, but in his name they dictated rules of conduct to men and did not hesitate to burn heretics. Virologists admit they don’t know exactly what is a virus, but in its name they pretend to decide how human beings shall live.”
Cameroonian philosopher and historian Achille Mbembe, author of two indispensable books, Necropolitics and Brutalisme, has identified the paradox of our time: “The abyss between the increasing globalization of problems of human existence and the retreat of states inside their own, old-fashioned borders.”
Mbembe delves into the end of a certain world, “dominated by giant calculation devices,” a “mobile world in the most polymorphous, viral and near cinematic sense,” referring to the ubiquity of screens (Baudrillard again, already in the 1980s) and the lexicography, “which reveals not only a change of language but the end of the word.”
Here we have Mbembe dialoguing with Berardi – but Membe takes it much farther: “This end of the word, this definitive triumph of the gesture and artificial organs over the word, the fact that the history of the word ends under our eyes, that for me is the historical development par excellence, the one that Covid-19 unveils.”
The political consequences are, inevitably, dire: “Part of the power politics of great nations does not lie in the dream of an automated organization of the world thanks to the manufacturing of a New Man that would be the product of physiological assemblage, a synthetic and electronic assemblage and a biological assemblage? Let’s call it techno-libertarianism.”
This is not exclusive to the West: “China is also on it, vertiginously.”
This new paradigm of a plethora of automated systems and algorithmic decisions “where history and the word don’t exist anymore is in frontal shock with the reality of bodies in flesh and bones, microbes, bacteria and liquids of all sorts, blood included.”
The West, argues Mbembe, chose a long time ago to “imprint a Dionysiac course to its history and take the rest of the world with it, even if it doesn’t understand it. The West does not know anymore the difference between beginning and ending. China is also on it. The world has been plunged into a vast process of dilaceration where no one can predict the consequences.”
Mbembe is terrified by the proliferation of “live manifestations of the bestial and viral part of humanity,” including racism and tribalism.
This, he adds, conforms our new viral paradigm.
His analysis certainly dovetails with Agamben’s: “I have a feeling that brutalism is going to intensify under the techno-libertarianism drive, be it under China or hidden under the accoutrements of liberal democracy. Just like 9/11 opened the way to a generalized state of exception, and its normalization, the fight against Covid-19 will be used as a pretext to move the political even more towards the domain of security.”
“But this time”, Mbembe adds, “it will be a security almost biological, bearing with new forms of segregation between the ‘immunity bodies’ and ‘viral bodies’. Viralism will become the new theatre for fractioning populations, now identified as distinct species.”
It does feel like neo-medievalism, a digital re-enacting of the fabulous Triumph of Death fresco in Palermo.
Poets, not politicians
It’s useful to contrast such doom and gloom with the perspective of a geographer. Christian Grataloup, who excels in geo-history, insists on the common destiny of humanity (here he’s echoing Xi Jinping and the Chinese concept of “community of shared destiny”): “There’s an unprecedented feeling of identity. The world is not simply an economic and demographic spatial system, it becomes a territory. Since the Great Discoveries, what was global was shrinking, solving a lot of contradictions; now we must learn to build it up again, give it more consistence as we run the risk of letting it rot under international tensions.”
It’s not the Covid-19 crisis that will lead to another world – but society’s reaction to the crisis. There won’t be a magical night – complete with performances by “international community” pop stars – when “victory “will be announced to the former Planet Lockdown.
What really matters is a long, arduous political combat to take us to the next level. Extreme conservatives and techno-libertarians have already taken the initiative – from refusal of any taxes on the wealthy to support the victims of the New Great Depression to the debt obsession that prevents more, necessary public spending.
In this framework, I propose to go one step beyond Foucault’s biopolitics. Gilles Deleuze can be the conceptualizer of a new, radical freedom. Here is a delightful British series that can be enjoyed as if it were a serious Monty Python-ish approach to Deleuze.
Foucault excelled in the description of how meaning and frames of social truth change over time, constituting new realities conditioned by power and knowledge.
Deleuze, on the other hand, focused on how things change. Movement. Nothing is stable. Nothing is eternal. He conceptualized flux – in a very Heraclitean way.
New species (even the new, AI-created Ubermensch) evolve in relation with their environment. It’s by using Deleuze that we can investigate how spaces between things create possibilities for The Shock of the New.
More than ever, we now know how everything is connected (thank you, Spinoza). The (digital) world is so complicated, connected and mysterious that this opens an infinite number of possibilities.
Already in the 1970s, Deleuze was saying the new map – the innate potentially of newness – should be called “the virtual.” The more living matter gets more complex, the more it transforms this virtual into spontaneous action and unforeseen movements.
Deleuze posed a dilemma that now confronts us all in even starker terms. The choice is between “the poet, who speaks in the name of a creative power, capable of overturning all orders and representations in order to affirm difference in the state of permanent revolution which characterizes eternal return: and that of the politician, who is above all concerned to deny that which “differs,” so as to conserve or prolong an established historical order, or to establish a historical order which already calls forth in the world the forms of its representation.”
The time calls for acting as poets instead of politicians.
The methodology may be offered by Deleuze and Guattari’s formidable A Thousand Plateaus – significantly subtitled “Capitalism and Schizophrenia,” where the drive is non-linear. We’re talking about philosophy, psychology, politics connected by ideas running at different speeds, a dizzying non-stop movement mingling lines of articulation, in different strata, directed into lines of flight, movements of deterritorialization.
The concept of “lines of flight” is essential for this new virtual landscape, because the virtual is conformed by lines of flight between differences, in a continual process of change and freedom.
All this frenzy, though, must have roots – as in the roots of a tree (of knowledge). And that brings us to Deleuze’s central metaphor; the rhizome, which is not just a root, but a mass of roots springing up in new directions.
Deleuze showed how the rhizome connects assemblies of linguistic codes, power relations, the arts – and, crucially, biology. The hyperlink is a rhizome. It used to represent a symbol of the delightful absence of order in the internet, until it became debased as Google started imposing its algorithms. Links, by definition, always should lead us to unexpected destinations.
Rhizomes are the antitheses of those Western liberal “democracy” standard traits – the parliament and the senate. By contrast, trails – as in the Ho Chi Minh trail – are rhizomes. There’s no masterplan. Multiple entryways and multiple possibilities. No beginning and no end. As Deleuze described it, “the rhizome operates by variation, expansion, conquest, capture, offshoot.”
This can work out as the blueprint for a new form of political engagement –as the systemic design collapses. It does embody a methodology, an ideology, an epistemology and it’s also a metaphor. The rhizome is inherently progressive, while traditions are static. As a metaphor, the rhizome can replace our conception of history as linear and singular, offering different histories moving at different speeds. TINA (“ There is no alternative”) is dead: there are multiple alternatives.
And that brings us back to David Harvey inspired by Marx. In order to embark onto a new, emancipatory path, we first have to emancipate ourselves to see that a new imaginary is possible, alongside a new complex systems reality.
So let‘s chill – and deterritorialize. If we learn how to do it, the advent of the New Techno Man in voluntary servitude, remote-controlled by an all-powerful, all-seeing security state, won’t be a given.
Deleuze: a great writer is always like a foreigner in the language through which he expresses himself, even if it’s his native tongue. He does not mix another language with his own language; he carves out a non pre-existent foreign language within his own language. “He makes the language itself scream, stammer, murmur. A thought should shoot off rhizomatically – in many directions.
I have a cold. The virus is a rhizome.
Remember when Trump said this was a “foreign virus”?
All viruses are foreign – by definition.
But Trump, of course, never read Naked Lunch Grandmaster William Burroughs.
Burroughs: “The word is a virus.”
As shown here, back in 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation ran a rather prescient scenario outlining the key pathways that governments would take during and after a pandemic:
We are clearly seeing governments around the world flexing their powers to control the behaviours of their citizens. This plan suggests that citizens will be willing to give up their sovereignly in exchange for “safety and stability”.
Reading that 2012 imaginary pandemic scenario causes something within me, the old man, to want to speak very loudly using nasty words. But, since I am trying to transform into an eastern mindset, Orthodox Christian and am in polite company, for the most part much better educated than myself, I will refrain.
They already knew what they wanted to achieve and how to achieve it. Are we really to believe that almost every nation on earth, certainly those fully in the grip of the west quickly and in unison adopted the same strategy? This was orchestrated from the top. I have had more than one person say to me under their breath, what they dare not say out loud, that something does not seem right with all this! And I look at them and agree: yes, something is not right. It doesn’t add up and make sense.
We had our sad excuse for a Prime Minister make a statement the other day about opening things up. He didn’t actually give an indication of when that might be. Given previous statements, even when it is over, it won’t be over. He said ‘it is all up to you’. This goes along with the slogan they have cleverly embedded into everyone’s head: We are all in this together! Doesn’t that make you feel so part of the hive, I mean family? And then there is this constant droning about the heroes in our midst. I’ve never seen so many heroes. Police, fire, ambulance, doctors, nurses, grocery store workers, anyone who has to face another human being in what should be normal, run of the mill, daily activity is now a hero and the rest of us should show our appreciation by staying in solitary confinement. We are under one huge psychological operation and most are walking lock step to their enslavement. Walmart is open but we can’t attend, as willing participants, a church service of our choice. No faith allowed! I cannot believe what is happening is just happenstance. This was all planned out. They, the real rulers of this world, the names we rarely if ever hear mentioned, want us all under total control and surveillance. They want us all chipped. And they want to seriously reduce world population. This is not going away. This is a lengthy article. I’m more interested in the part near the end under The Deep States End Game.
“… give up their sovereignly in exchange for “safety and stability” from a virus that will not harm 99.9% of them.
Wow, a dictionary is mandatory with this piece. I thought Pepe was possessed by the late David Suskind who never was at a lack for words arcane and rare. But much of these are quotes from others, an erudite cluster of thinkers.
Talk about vertiginously!
I’ve read it twice and my head is still spinning. Especially with Burroughs and ‘Naked Lunch’ for a finish.
The message?
TINA (“ There is no alternative”) is dead: there are multiple alternatives.
And, fighting the feudal and fascistic that is using the virus to take all power:
“The choice is between “the poet, who speaks in the name of a creative power, capable of overturning all orders and representations in order to affirm difference in the state of permanent revolution which characterizes eternal return: and that of the politician, who is above all concerned to deny that which “differs,” so as to conserve or prolong an established historical order, or to establish a historical order which already calls forth in the world the forms of its representation.”
This is not acceptable, tina.
Nor is it possible, Alabama.
Oh, it is possible to be imposed very briefly on this planet by the technocrats and that Silicon Valley asshole that declared last week ” Humans are a biohazard. Machines are not.”
But that attitude is a dead end for the species, which I believe would lead to our extinction through the mass erasing of….well POETRY…..which no machine can write. Just as no machine can desire…or love.
In other words, the technocrats, the goddamned left brain imbalanced engineers might increase their control indefinitely until all CREATIVITY and independence that resists their Ego-driven Utopia were biologically and politically erased by Big Techno-Brother……but that would be the Sorry End…of actually human evolution …here locally in this tiny speck of a corner of the Universe.
Meanwhile, taking the Long View of the Matter (in that worst case scenario, locally) most of the remainder of the Universe not afflicted by such Demonic “Gods of Olympus” would surely continue chugging right along without us.…evolving to higher and higher states of organization and consciousness…and “poetry” having sloughed us off…as a human body sloughs off dead skin….or excretes…… Well, you get the picture! LOL
I remain optimistic that the unacceptable (and universally, at least, IMPOSSIBLE) will in fact not be accepted….and a happier future of centuries and millenia for humanity will be won, avoiding that worst case alternative.
Of course it will require millions of persons embracing the challenge and evolving individually…..and politically……..but what could be more beautiful, as an opportunity or a challenge???
Without resistance the musculature and the brain atrophy. Without gravity and weight….within weeks or at most months…………our bones turn to mush.
See, part of your problem bro is that you are unable to see where the human race came from, so that makes it even more difficult to determine just where the human race is going and how long does it have to get there.
No worries though, you are not alone in that regard and that is why we have a word called forgiveness, god forgives you and many others for not understanding.
But none the less you are still subject to her wrath and formula for her evolutionary process, and if you don’t understand and are compassionate about it, its all good, and if you don’t understand and get angry about it, well that most often leads to trouble.
I stand by my belief which ultimately becomes a fact, that there is no political solution, there is no military solution, for if there were, we would be in a different place rather than the hellish place we currently reside at. Her solution takes a long time b/c humans are not particularly good or nice people, they are inherently bad people, who do bad things, and therefore must eventually pay for all the “badness” they have created and done in the past.
But until then just live it up as if tomorrow was your last day knowing you have plenty of tomorrows left to live, b/c you can always blame your being a victim of circumstance (if you are one) on her, and then your odds on favorite could very well be right, like mine is.
You comment illustrates why I have a keen dislike for articles like this. If it requires 80 words in a sentence to convey a thought, that person probably doesn’t have his idea clearly set in his own mind. 80 words for one sentence! You have to be kidding me. By the time I finish the one sentence, I have already lost what the meaning is supposed to be.
Well, instead of imagining an ever increasing, and more complicated, cresendo of artificial cra@,
We could just reconnect our mind with our living spirit within ourselves, and see how that goes instead.
Of course some among us may well prefer to keep spraying mind numbing chemicals into the population’s breathable atmosphere, keep making up increasingly preposterous postulations, and keep practicing their pattented television hair flip moves instead,
Or, whatever…
The trouble is that we can’t ‘just’ reconnect with the living spirit when we close churches and forbid religious manifestations. Acquisition of the Spirit (of the grace of the Holy Spirit, that’s it) is a rather arduous task and no Deleuzes and Foucaults and Burroughses with their gay and drug ‘subculture’ would help. On the contrary. We should live that logorrheic obscene garbage in the oblivion in which they deservedly fell.
I’ll join in with what Sally said.
But before I say what I am about to say, I’ll say that in my young days I had to spend endless hours at the University Library to find what I was looking for. In contrast, today we can find things instantly (almost). The information found in my youth was not guaranteed to be any better than what’s on the net today. So there we go. This Greek video is basically a translation from the English, the screens are in English.
Invention of Covid-19
Start at 0:21 and short while after we can see the “gang – Gates and John Hopkins” working on a case study
0:25 “warning of global Pandemic” . October 2019, at 0:29 we can see one Chinese face the rest are white.
Read what it says at 0:39 “Organizers invented a disease” they “expected 33mln dead 1:48?” The question is why 33mln, why not other number. I’ll let you scratch your heads about it (anyway the answer starts at 4:25). Have fun.
The number 33 is evidently a numerological “master number,” which I’m sure Gates, no doubt a self-appointed member of the global glitterati, has keyed in on.
“Number 33
Number 33 is the most influential of the Master Numbers and resonates with the energies of honesty, compassion, inspiration, courage, and blessings. High level of sincere devotion makes the 33 number outstanding.
Master Number 33
Master numbers are not just random numbers that you happen to see at certain times of the day anywhere you go; they are messages that you need to decipher right now.
Guardian Angels are supporting you on your life’s journey and they are sending you the master number 33 to remind you that they are watching over you. It’s up to you to receive these messages and act on them. Your Angels can help you as you search for enlightenment, peace, and clarity.”
As a personal aside, the deep, thoughtful, self-righteous, insipidness that Gates and others of his station in life exude with their every choreographed gesture and moronic utterance has always been a source of fascination and deep loathing for me. The way they speak so s-l-o-w-l-y and softly to force their enrapt listeners to hush in anticipation of the many pearls of wisdom they bestow on us lesser mortals speaks of nothing so much as a massive steaming pile of freshly excreted bullsh*t. And yet, here we are. Numb-nuts like a Gates and his coterie of pseudo-intellectual disciples making and executing their plans for world domination based on nothing more than winning the wealth lottery, itself based on little more than their being in the right place at the right time for the so-called “knowledge revolution” – the knowledge of which is decidedly still of questionable value at this late date.
Nothing would satisfy me more than being around to witness his and his equally pretentious and smug wife’s eventual and long overdue demise, but I doubt I’ll live that long. Hopefully, there’s some sort of cosmic rationale for all this nonsense; but if so, I’ve yet to gain an inkling into what it might be. Oh well. We live, we die, and perhaps there’s a reason for it all to be revealed later. Or perhaps not. What’s a lowly serf to do?
@ Dissafected,
Well done for bringing this often overlooked or undestimated subject to the front.
May I add a few points for the benefit of those who do not understand hoe the ‘Elite’ work or think, or who have never been a member of an elite or occult society (including the Freemasons).
Firstly, the number 33 is one of the most significant numbers in Spiritual Warfare.
The number was/is regarded as ‘sacred’ in many World religions, particularly the Abrahamic Faiths and the Satanic / Luciferian / Promethian faiths.
Indeed, the number 33 features very significantly within Human Biology (The Creation of Man), significant events in the Bible (including names, reigns, and even the age of Jesus), and in the Luciferian faiths – particularly Freemasonary (the Scottish Rite having 33 Degrees of asendance and qualification).
With further regards to both the Luciferain and Abrahamic Faiths, the descent of Lucifer and his ‘army’ to Earth occured at a mountain marked on the 33rd Parallel. This line can be drawn accross the Earth and the Luciferians regularly conduct rituals on this so called 33rd degree ‘Line of Death’ – some very significant and well know world events, including the Kennedy assasination occured on or very close to this line.
The number 33 is often encoded (hidden in plain sight) to convey messages to those who are members of certain occult (meaning ‘hidden’) societies.
The inversion of the number (its positvive energy used for bad) can regularly be seen used to mock Christians – especially those who have studied Spiritual warfare and the imlications of inversion.
The numerals ‘CC’ (numerolgy C=3) may be used instead of 33, or more complex Gematria or numeralogical processes may be used, just as in Gematria the Luciferians hide 666 in the word / name ‘FOX’ (20th Century Fox, Fox news, and many more).
Once you get your ‘eye in’ for the use of the number 33 by the elite, and you will because they use it so often to ‘claim responsibility’ / boast they control a narrative, you will see it throughout the mainstram news almost daily.
For example, a plane crash (carrying an important person) may have claimed 33 victims, or a group of miners may have been trapped under ground for 33 days, or a new missile system may have been delivered costing 33 Million USD, or a bailout to a financial company may be 33 Billion USD, or deaths from Covid-19 are expected to be in excess of 33 Million worldwide, or as in todays news, the British have promised to give 330 Million Pounds for Covid19 vaccine development. It is relentless, and shows the global reach and all pervasive level of control the global elite have.
As mentioned above, it is very important that people recognise that the so called ‘Elite’ invert the sacred number 33 – so when you see them use it is always taking responsibilty for something bad.
It matters not if the masses, or even people of faith – Jews, Christians, and Muslims especially – believe in the power of numbers / numerology / occult powers, because the elite do, and they are calling the shots.
Covid-19 has an encoded numerological message, as does the the number code on the DNA Collection kits called ‘C-19 TEST KITS’ for the (literally) uninitiated to supply thier personal details and genetic information to the global database, but I digress.
If you are not convinced, take a look (and listen carefully) to the now infamous IMF speech delivered by Christine Largard back in the day where she suddenly started talking about the ‘magik’ (not magic) number 7. This was the first time the term ‘Numerology’ was used formally in front of a World audience – marking the date when the Global Elite decided they had sufficient control over global financial institutions that they no longer need to hide thier Occult / Luciferians ambitions and loyalties. Here is the first link I found on Google (Google is also a number and not a name by the way – this rabbit hole goes deep):
Keep a very close on the global food supply chain and regional stocks – food is now under the full control of the global elites and will be used as a weapon of control against the masses come winter time (if the evil agenda of the elites is not stopped before then). Plan and prepare accordingly for food shortages, and doubt or mock at your own peril.
Keep a very close on the global food supply chain and regional stocks – food is now under the full control of the global elites and will be used as a weapon of control against the masses come winter time (if the evil agenda of the elites is not stopped before then). Plan and prepare accordingly for food shortages, and doubt or mock at your own peril.
You are right on target with this. Tyson Foods has already said the supply chains are breaking. There is a partial answer from that great lover of humanity, Bill Gates who wants us to eat ‘meat’ created in a lab. For those who are vegetarian inclined, a large amount of that is either GMO or sprayed with poison. So, our food supply is already highly toxic, creating a diseased society. But now they will strangle the supply. I’m clearly seeing it at the grocery store as items disappear and prices rise. Now you can’t find flour or yeast. A big bag of rice has gone up quite a bit but is still a great purchase for your food stocks. Even cat liter is missing! I asked the lady at check out the other day, as she spoke to me behind a plastic shield if the day was coming when they would have no more items to sell. She gave me a look, almost of fear, and said ‘I hope not’. This would be a good time to start increasing your storable food. Quickly! And remember, to be a human means if you have something to eat and another has nothing, help them. You can’t just turn your back on them. Remember the cunningly placed slogan “we are all in this together”. Indeed we are. But it is not us against the virus. It is us against the world rulers.
@ Craig,
Great comment.
I would like to add that the new catch phrase, ‘We are all in this together’, is straight out of the Communist playbook, indeed much of the new western control grid that is based upon the Communist style, particularly that of the more ‘modern’ (catch word ‘progressive’) Technocracic-Communism form we see successfully Beta Tested in China.
The Communist slogan ‘We are all in this together’ fits in well with the NWO ‘United Peoples’ slogans over the years such as ‘We are all one people’, or ‘Together as one’, etc.
The ultimate agenda of the NWO (through thier Technocratic Communist World Government) is of course that all people are indeed ‘one’ – that is no individual nations, no borders, no seperate religions, no seperate currencies, not even seperate races (hence the mass migration and race mixing that has been imposed upon nations). We will all be part of the new ‘Collective’ of the Global Community (aka we are all in this together).
Even the old ‘Heros of the Revolution’, and ‘Heros of the Soviet Union’ style ‘hero worship’ has appeared, as have public displays of support for the ‘Great Struggle’ such as public clapping.
The mix of North Korean style propaganda, Chinese Style techno-control, and old school Soviet style brutality are all apearing through the slogans too.
The ‘United’ all in this together theme is exemplified in The ‘United’ Kingdom, The ‘United States’, The ‘United States’ of Europe (aka the European Union), and bodies such as the ‘United’ Nations’ (and WHO) are examples of how vast and ancient this Luciferian plan is. Many people simply are unable to even begin to comrehend such a vast and ancient ‘Conspiracy’ – but that is by design too.
With regards to ‘Meat’, this issue is much too deep and evil to elaberate on too much within a comment section.
However, beyond the issues of nutrition and poison – which are valid on a superficial level – I must state clearly and publically that there is a much deeper and very evil Spiritual warfare element to the issue of ‘meat’.
This issue has been hidden (occulted) for centuries, but has been recently (albeit breifly) re-exposed through the details of the Clinton Foundation involvement in Child related issues in Haiti, the ‘Pizza Gate’ and Epstein Island scandals, and the ‘Spirit Cooking’ parties and rituals of the Global Elite (including Bohemian Grove and other well documented gatherings related to Molech). I will not elaborate on those issues here.
But – due to the ‘Rules of Spiritual Warfare’ we have all been predictively programmed and even directly informed about the practice of the Elite – particularly the more hard-core Satanic types – throughout our lives, although many will not actually realise.
The methods of choice of our programming (as both Aldus Huxley and George Orwell explained, and amazingly illustrated by Fritz Lang and others) is the moving image and music. This is why the movie and music industry is dominated by Luciferian / satanic types (it is well known that Disney ran the infamous ‘Club 33’).
The 1970’s movie ‘Salo’ illustrates the behaviour of the Elite at a very deep level (but watching it is not easy and it requires a considerable intellect and great objectivity to comprehend the message).
Almost 100 years ago the old movie ‘Metropolis’ showed the Technocratic-Communist NWO plan for us (including Transhumanism!) – generations before most were even aware of such things.
The classic movie ‘Soylent Green’ was perhaps the clearest indication of how the Technocrats view people and how they would propose to keep the ‘Human Farm’ supplied with food.
More recently, the Satanists in the music industry released the most blatent and explicit disclosure of thier practices to young people in the form of several pop videos – one by Katy Perry being actually showing Canabilism to young children (and also showing aspects of ‘Spirit Cooking’ to those versed in Spiritual Warfare):
It would not be appropriate for me to go any further here, but I must stress to all people of faith and knowledge, that the Satanists / Luciferians ae currently winning. They have also now suceeded in shutting down the temples, the Churchs, and the Mosques globally, and this is only the begining I assure you!
We are in a deep and deadly Spiritual War, that sadly few have the eyes to see it, and even fewer still are willing (or capable?) of hearing the warnings.
I really do hope that this very humble comment helps some Souls to see the truth.
May God bless, guide, and protect all those who have the eyes to see the truth.
Master Number 33 is the number of the highest degree of Freemasonry. Those watching you.
…” Numb-nuts like a Gates and his coterie of pseudo-intellectual disciples “…
and this should be our reply again! Embarrassment.
…and stay off crap tube. bit chute for freedom!
wether the corona was manmade or natural is not really important, hte western economies were failing. now instead of blameing the bankers and the capitolists and our goverments/htey will be the first to proclaim that it was the virus that dstroyed the world economy. the perfect out for them, wether the virus is as deadly as they claim or not ,they have a perfect out. it was not us.
Exactly. But that also strongly supports the idea that it was an intentional controlled release. Far too many inconvenient coincidences for it not to have been. Since 9-11, the presumption of guilt should always lean toward the globalist cabal unless definitively proven otherwise. And that’s important, because it promises that this is not an isolated incident. There will be many more coming.
Excellent, this is the way we are going. We need to be smart to face this. Equilibrium is the key.
Bravo, Pepe Escobar! You have been working your way towards saying certain things for some time now. You are really pulling together the concepts we need for the revolutionary evolution of our social organization in the west and the world. Thank you.
We can begin to discern the enemies, and the allies, and the tides of history, and the communal solidarity of rhizomes and inconceivable strength of mycelium – the secret life of fungus and its hundreds of miles of inter-connectivity. The fungus that buoys the entire plant world, upon which all things live. And a life not so secret really, just a little underground, but visible to the sympathetic eye, and in touch with all the network nodes on the right frequencies.
I love the fight that lies before us, and the enemy not understanding in any way how to prevail. The enemy fighting against the very Earth itself, against the very universe. And thus losing.
If this all sounds abstract and incoherent – sorry – it was a celebration of victory that Pepe’s paradigms now show as possible. My giddy comment is just a riff on the poetry of the time, as Pepe elucidates it to us. The poetry that calls forth the creative power, against which no construct can stand, unless it too be made of that power.
I don’t have to make sense yet – Pepe didn’t through the last half-dozen pieces, until now, as a massive, momentous theme begins to come together.
Oh, well done sir! You were born for this time, to explain so much so well, and in the very heat of battle.
I salute you, comrade Escobar, and all of us, at these barricades that the enemy cannot see, blinded as he is by Google’s totalitarian algorithms.
I will wait for more, eagerly now. Gladly.
Why wait for postlockdown? Right now is the time to fleece the public for more dough:
‘World vs. Virus’: White House Gift Shop Unveils COVID-19 Task Force Commemorative Coins
“The White House Gift Shop is now offering COVID-19 commemorative coins, featuring the likenesses of members of US President Donald Trump’s task force, as well as slogans like “World vs. The Unseen Enemy.”
The COVID-19 novel coronavirus has killed more than 60,000 Americans and infected over a million, but some folks are already looking at the other side, marketing commemorative coins celebrating a victory over the pandemic that hasn’t happened yet.
“Everyday heroes suited up, everyday citizens did their part” one coin says around the front; “World vs. Virus: Together we fought the unseen enemy,” reads another inscription. The inverse side shows the White House Briefing Room podium, from which the president’s Coronavirus Task Force held its daily briefings; the coin lists members of the group, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and Vice President Mike Pence.
In case that wasn’t enough to get you excited, your $100 purchase comes with a hand-signed parchment Certificate of Recognition for Your Service – if applicable, the site notes – as well as a black velvet coin case and presentation box.
Proceeds from the coin sales will be donated to one of five hospitals researching the novel coronavirus. There are only 1,000 coins available, so don’t dally, reader!”
Probably best if I don’t add my own view of this here and just hit the post “button”.
…and since we are already on the post-truth rather than two minutes before midnight what is left is only to understand. and what a better way than to exercise the crazy power of words, words won’t go down without a fight! because that is the nature of their divine escense (Khabala , Borges) they came tumbling down because at the beginning was the word…Poetic justice, Damn it! even if in the cave we already manifested in grunts and images! what a regression lockdown! Everything is possible! (Shestov) Common sense as time-proof knowledge( Gramsci) words as rhizomes always evolving in meaning, sounds crazy? we are all crazy! (D. Cooper, Deleuze-Guatari) it is all an open or locked down mad-house (Braudillard). Or a Phalanstere? a world all made of screens for no one to see? or should all go the La Boise way and rebel against all voluntary servitude? Well they are already testing us, How should we respond? Become Totalitarians? we are already there, how do we respond when we see someone without a mask? just don’t act, Think! why be mad when you are mad, is just people who had been inoculated to common sense. It’s eight o’clock next day after midnight and people in the neighborhood come to their front door and howl in madness! it’s nerve wrecking!….. Going back to Lacan? or are we really beyond Marx and Freud ( Braudillard)? yes, there are still a lot of questions and no answers, like, why are all this cabal of task forces telling us what to do on every screen without wearing masks or gloves? are they as immune as we are fearful? Or are they scare shitless they need to hide behind a screen and call themselves first responders? Respond to what? for that they have their lackeys which they call heroes…behold it’s only virtual reality. Yeah the id, Lacan’s favorite word, turn virtual, Deleuze virtual reality only put it upside down! sometime around the time of the great neoliberal simulacrum, (Braudillard) But are we really in the deep beyond of the Political Economy of the Sign (Braudillard)? or is another Babel regression where everyone speaks their own emoji? Absurdly waiting with Godot for the great bolt to stoke us down… Yeah, we need all the help we can get says Henry Chinaski, from poets and poetry and a few almost forgotten crazy minds, which reminds me another heavy-weight in the eighties had too, already foreseen all this, Paul Virilio, what an architec! what an eye, what an insight, like the microchips navigating your body in a great journey through your body for the sake of our craving for speed where the military are the captains of time and the so called great leaders (alexander, cesar, napoleon, hitler, lenin, mao) Only Traffic Controllers ( Virilio’s Speed and Politics) it all the same as traveling through a book, he says… which means not all knowledge comes virtually there are also books, in the lockdown I just read a seven hundred pages book in two nights, Not Born To Be Soldiers(K. Simonov) about the turning point in the fight against Fascism in WWII in Stalingrad, or should I call it another traffic clusterf**k? well take care you all, use your common sense, there is a great sayin in spanish, we all have a bit of a doctor, poet, and madman, after all, we are not all soldiers but the fight goes on…
…and yes, all victories of the people always come at a great cost, let’s we forget…our immortal battalions! As of the poetry of poets and painters, it all with time becomes common sense what was once flights of fancy of our imagination! There it was once a power of creation, be it a 24/7 toil, or a Big Bang, take your pick…..
Once upon a time in a conversation with Ulises Lima, the man behind the character of the Savage Detectives (R Bolano) I defined poetry as creation and he really got a good laugh! it takes time to understand… poetry is inspiration (R Graves White Godess) a good mix of mushs with honey which by the way makes the honey so drinkable, or Absinthe (Baudelaire) or just a good homegrown spiff and let it fly…but remember, there is poetry and there are poets and poets, lemans and bards, the academics and the street poets, the poets of the elite, and the poets who are the mouths of the people. The elitist will claim that they behold the power of creation in the name of those who feed them crumbs, those of the cloacks have nothing but the people to feed their imagination. After all, Socrates teachings were Happenings in the open air, in the garden in the house of one Academus, or so says Cioran, who also lamented the closing of the school of Athens, after which Dialectic went off track, such main gear to think critically, or the critic of the critic of the critic if you like, or that great Philosophic-Poetical teatrice called the manuscripts of 1844 or Grundisse! Yes, the world has changed on a blink but with Arturo Belano, the other Savage Detective, I say, I’m going to The Origen…..after all that’s the power of the word
Watch the video of the opening ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics at this link and read the essay and you will be left seriously disturbed at the goings on. What is the agenda here folks and wow to pull something like this off would take an immeasurable amount of planning? What is the real purpose and agenda here what???????????????
Mike Stone — Satanists Playing Us Like a Fiddle
“TINA – ‘there is no alternative’ – is dead: there are multiple alternatives.”
But all those glitzy alternatives are administerd by the JMafia – therefore TINA.
: )
There used to be garage bands now there is only garage me. So in the non-conformist comfort of the office garage buried under an assortment of remembrances of things past (Proust) I strive to find meaning on words if not things. Reading is difficult and sometimes you have to squeeze every sentence in order to reach an understanding…Are we going forward or backwards? who knows, perhaps we should ask the new medievals, those who inhabit those mysterious closed communities you sometime catch a glimpse of from the highway, yeah, those behind moats and high walls. the other day checking a video of open spaces in El Desierto de Altar, infamously renamed the Sonora-Arizona Desert as if to claim ownership, How subtle! you see the plains the far out mountains, the big sky, it made me realize what an stupid idea it will be to put a wall in there, not to mention when is coming from our own pockets! and not to mention wild fauna being sieged in benefit of theme parks for recreational hunters, or is stupidity the new normal? I Had rather be dead…
There was also a time when…..Poetry is a weapon charge with future (A. Machado) and in the blink of an eye…..There is not poetry after Auschwitz (Adorno) but lets not be deluded, words are a prism refracting endless meanings, for that I say I rather be dead, if that is what it takes for all to live or at least to give meaning to the virus in a bio-sense, after all it seems the technology had always come with flaws and the newer ones already possesses viruses which are man-made! I had rather be dead because after all, the degree zero (Barthes) of capitalism is only that, death, the destruction of everything living, plain and undignified death, because after all us, humans, the only thing we possess of real value is our dignity, everything that deny us that, is inhuman…..Dignity as a weapon, As the indigenous neo-zapatistas from Chiapas with their mock wooden weapons to stress the point
when taking on the neoliberal hydra and their bad government, and they are there some thirty years after and the resistance goes on. Better to die standing than beg in my knees said Emiliano Zapata, Land and Freedom, his battlecry. Or the idea that we don’t own the land, we are only their care-givers as was known to the indigenous peoples of the world. There are many knowledges euro-centrism has robbed us from as in that great divide west-east, north-south when in indigenous wisdom is only the four directions of the all which may not be the whole as in world. There is also Soul/Spirt as in hope/redemption or as in Art as the long-denied redemption of nature (Adorno) or his Negative dialectics with unravel the works of our totalitarian modern societies, globalism et al you figure it out. The degree zero of ideology is ecology, says Braudillard, which means which means we had reach a hard-rock bottom, without a way out? That will be the end of history! LoL…or maybe of history as it was known before, maybe they may call it intercommunication, what do i know? and that brings me back to the Athens school of thought; “Know thyself” or at least try, for then the poet in all of us will say like that poet who said: “Every time that I go in search of myself, I take the wrong turn”there is never a straight path to everything….
Capital is exacting, reified. Capitalism degree zero is death; Reification (Lukacs) where the top echelons of technocratic societies exact their toll on people and resources and in the end that toll means death, yes, capitalism works, is the perfect system as in Bioy Caceres The War of the Pig where the promoters of eugenics declare a war on the elderly, or when at the end the protagonist declares; “I had rather be dead” as the only dignified way to mislead myself rather than being lead. That’s the stuff of poetry, the power of the word, as long as is your own words, written and spoken, words in chains or broken links or as in breathing freely or deadly viruses, hell…..
This is so much -and so greatly- depicted in the late Maurice Dantec early’s 90s dyptic SF novels “Cosmos Incorporated” and “Grand Junction”. I really recommend them to anyone, if possible to be read in French.
Especially his analysis on how humanity will be merging (the novels take place in the mid to late 21st century) with the Anti-Christ, portrayed and understood as the mathematical inversion of the Christ, ie a generic, artificial, NON UNIQUE, everlasting and interchangeable entity, with the appearance of a human being, much in the way Agent Smith takes the Matrix as a virus, but out of it being a machine wanting and trying to be a human…
Tratado de Nomadologia.
This video sheds some light on the nwo script for our near future. ‘We will never go back to our previous society.” “We will be changed.’ “New outbreaks will be a constant threat.” Bill Gates to the rescue- the RNA vaccination is being fast tracked- trials have already begun. Detection technology by drone which sends out data to the police via the inserted RDIF is ready to go in Australia.
Unfortunately all I learned from this, is that all those academic leftist radicals have nothing very coherent to say about the situation. Dugin was more enlightening when he specifically said it was a replacement of liberalism by “medical-military” regimes.
But actually the whole thing now seems to be fading away into anticlimax. Countries everywhere are cautiously “reopening” (or never really closed in the first place). Coronavirus is not a flu but the total casualties resemble those of a bad flu season. There has been an enormous economic disruption, a month or two of surrealism and emergency rule, and now it’s going to be back to business, with a few new factors in life.
I suppose that, in the west, the next big thing will be the 2020 US presidential election.
Excellent work, Pepe E.
Just one minor technical point on use of feedback: “We are being sucked into a danse macabre of multiple complex systems “colliding into one another,” producing all kinds of mostly negative feedback loops.”
Negative feedback loops — that trend a system back to a desired state — are usually a good thing. Your air-conditioner for example. Too warm it trends cool. Too cool it trends warm.
Positive feedback loops amplify — the rising ear-splitting squawking noise from a microphone too close to the loud speakers.
Unfortunately in English ‘negative’ (as in consequences) is usually conflated with negative feedback.
It is a little ambiguous here, but I suspect this has occurred in the above quoted sentence.
Perhaps it could be phrased as “… producing all kinds of mostly negative-consequence feedback loops” or “… producing all kinds of feedback loops with mostly negative consequences.”
Otherwise, 10/10!
Mr. Escobar, can you tell us which original publication has David Harvey’s paraphrase from Marx’s Grundrisse? The replacement of skilled workers by machines is a crucial subject that is ignored across the political spectrum with few exceptions. David F. Noble talks about the fate of machinists (essentially, from skilled workers to mere loaders) in Progress Without People. My observations of the technical illustration profession show a similar trajectory: from reliance on one’s brain, hands, and physical tools to an operator of expensive (or rented) software.