By Jeff J. Brown for The Saker Blog
Crosslinked and podcast at:
Huawei is the dominant global 5G player, it offers to sell its core technology and share its 5G base stations around the world, with the country that had the founder’s daughter, Meng Wanzhou, kidnapped and imprisoned (
Whaaaaat? It’s true. Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei says he is ready to sell Huawei’s 5G tech to Western buyers ( He clearly means Apple. In April, he offered to sell it its 5G chip, which Apple sorely needs to remain relevant in global mobile tech ( Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, who is a very astute businessman indeed, didn’t seem to bite, at least publicly, as I’m sure the Western deep state would crush the deal, as is explained why, below.
Ren loves Apple phones, buys them for his family (, asked Baba Beijing not to punish Apple and said Apple is Huawei’s teacher, which in Chinese culture is the ultimate compliment (
That’s one arm tied behind the corporate back. Huawei is willing to tie its other, by sharing its 5G base stations with competitors around the world. It made this very un-capitalist announcement at the just concluded World Energy Congress 2019 (
Ren Zhengfei said all of this would help level the playing field in global telecommunications. In other words, Huawei is the only turnkey total-5G provider on the world stage ( and, yet it is willing to tie both arms behind the back, as a gesture of China’s millennial, win-win business and mutually beneficial cooperation, so that humanity can progress. Every capitalist on Earth would use this opportunity to create a monopoly, fix prices and plunder the planet. It’s their modus operandi. Always has been. Always will be.
In spite of the mobster sanctions coming out of Washington, Huawei is thriving in 5G, microchips, mobile tech and keeps on reporting healthy profits ( Why? Because, it is a 188,000-employee-owned company based in communist-socialist China. Imperial-capitalist Eurangloland can’t compete against communism-socialism. End of story (
This truism is reinforced by Huawei’s generous offers. Ren obviously has tremendous confidence in his company, its leaders and employees, as well as China and its outstanding, responsive, citizen-oriented governance and democracy (
But it gets juicier. Read on. Ren is even trying to allay the West’s fears that it cannot watch and record every sentient being on Planet Earth. In offering Huawei’s total package, he said (,
When we transfer the tech, they can modify code on top of my tech, once that’s through, it’s not only shielded from me, it’s shielded from everyone else in the world… US 5G will be their own thing, there’s no security concern, the only concern will be the U.S. keeping American companies (which bought it) in check.
This means Huawei is ready to sell its licenses, codes, patents and blueprints, so US companies can make 5G that the CIA, NSA, DIA and the rest of Western spydom can vacuum, to watch and record your every move. This would mean we have two world 5G systems, Western empire’s and China’s. Neither could spy on the other. This is why the global elites are doing everything they can to threaten, extort and blackmail its client states, which includes Eurangloland, Israel, Japan, South Korea and all the others, to not use Huawei’s 5G tech, otherwise those countries’ citizens would be able to go to bathroom and make love without Five Eyes ( recording them every second of the way. Ren even offered to sign a no-surveillance, no-spying, no-backdoors pact with each country. Get a load of that.
This is what Ren meant when he said, …the only concern will be the U.S. [meaning Five Eyes] keeping American companies (which bought it) in check [emphasis mine]. He knows the West’s deep state is going to put backdoors in all the equipment used among their cowed and browbeaten “allies” (read vassal states).
A few US lapdogs are trying to keep working with Huawei, as they too are sick and tired of their leaders, governments, businesses and people being probed 24/7, with an espionage proctoscope up their collective backsides ( Germany, France and other doormat states have caught Five Eyes listening to their leaders’ phone calls, and know it is still snooping across the board, in government and corporations, in spite of all the public denials. Instead, they can jigger Huawei’s 5G to keep out Baba Beijing AND know that Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, or two CEOs can have a conversation that is not being saved onto the CIA’s and NSA’s computers, to use for bribery, extortion and blackmail throughout their halls of government and business.
For the West, the only solution to maintain its global, Orwellian Big Brother corporate police state, is to try to destroy Huawei and keep the whole planet (outside of China) from using its world beating communication technology. This is why Five Eyes is trying to force anyone and everyone to use Western-suborned companies like Apple, Ericsson, Samsung, Nokia, Cisco and others, since they cannot say “no” to the CIA-NSA putting in backdoors, in the name of “national security” (sic).
Thus, the Western deep state will likely publicly ignore, and behind the scenes, fiercely resist Ren Zhengfei’s visionary win-win offers. The West has no vision, just quarterly stock reports and golden parachutes.
The prior’s information vacuuming is not just to terrorize the West’s citizens into fascistic sheeple, but it is also used to blackmail, extort and bribe corporate competitors into sanction- and coercion traps, to steal their assets for pennies on the dollar. This is very bitterly spelled out in Frederic Pierucci’s new book, The American Trap ( “Allied” companies are at the top of the list. Never forget the CIA was founded by a capitalist gang of hoodlum Wall Street lawyers (
But then again, I repeat myself.
Key words,
Huawei, Ren Zhengfei, Meng Wenzhou, Apple, Tim Cook, 5G Base Stations, Baba Beijing, Price Fixing, Capitalism, Imperialism, Socialism, Communism, Employee-Owned, Microchips, Mobile Tech, Backdoors, CIA, NSA, DIA, Five Eyes
Jeff J. Brown is the author of The China Trilogy (, blogs and podcasts at His forthcoming book, Faster than a Speeding Bullet – the Chinese People’s Unstoppable Socialist Dream for Global Leadership into the 22nd Century, will be released in December 2020.
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Jeff is correct on the bottom line reason for the US attack on Huawei. The US and its Anglosphere vassals (the five eyes) will stop at nothing to keep spying on the world. They will not stop lying. They will not stop their corruption. They will not stop their all out efforts to plow and plunder the world. They are trying to abort the future humanity that is trying to be born and is emerging in the East. The more I understand them the more I see them as the enemy of humanity, even of their own humanity.
Does Jeff Brown or anyone else associated with the 5G roll out have any sensitive concern for the potentially catastrophic impact of 5G radiation on the biological integrity of living creatures, animals, insects and humans, or is it all just a wonderful club to hit the empire over the head with. I am very alert to how many scientists are talking about 5G technology being a public health disaster. I don’t claim to be an expert in the technology so I am not in a position to judge the finer points of the debate myself. The thing that most concerns me is the picture that gets presented that 5G is really just a glorified arms race that China and Russia must have for military security reasons. If this is so then they have no maneuvering room with which to pause in the race for implementing 5G and stop and consider the health impacts. It is all too gee wiz for my comfort.
You got to know when to hold um, know when to fold um, know when to walk away, know when to run.
You either get caught with your technical shorts down, or face the possible effects of a radiation similar to todays radon (scam)?
Snow Leopard,
There are more than 10’000 studies published on the impact of EMR on health and the environment dating back to the 40’s. These studies relate to anything but 5G. There is also lots of very interesting but mostly untranslated science from Russia going back decades.
Here is an outtake of the 1973 WHO Conference on EMR in Warsaw, Poland. That was 46 years ago.
“This 350-page document is the result of a symposium (convened by WHO, among others), held in Warsaw on 15–18 October 1973, with the participation of 60 researchers specializing in the biological effects of microwaves on humans.”
This document describes primarily the adverse effects of microwave radiation on neurological, vascular and cardiac systems, as well as on the thyroid and thrombocytes; it also reports that microwaves can cause Type II diabetes, sleep issues, cataracts, opacification of the ocular lens, and behavioural disorders, among others.
Do you think the WHO should be trusted?
It’s Official: Mike Repacholi Is an Industry Consultant And He’s Already in Hot Water
–, November 13, 2006.
Lilian Franck, Thomas Schlottmann, Robert Cibis – TrustWho (2018) – A damning investigation into the World Health Organisation’s hidden practices.
Dr. Lennart Hardell – World Health Organization, radiofrequency radiation and health – a hard nut to crack (Review) – International Journal of Oncology, June 21st 2017. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2017.4046
Judith Richter – Time to turn the tide: WHO’s engagement with non-state actors and the politics of stakeholder governance and conflicts of interest. – BMJ 2014;348:g3351. May 19th 2014.
The ‘Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP)’ warns the WHO for its unbalanced EMR Working group, consisting mainly of present and past ICNIRP members who do not recognize the biological effects of EMR. March 2017.
Martin L. Pall – Response to 2018 ICNIRP Draft Guidelines and Appendices on Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz) – Washington State University, October 8th 2018.
Repacholi’s RF Review –, October 25th 2011.
Leading expert Anders Ahlbom linked to the Telecom Industry. Conflict of interest at the World Health Organization (WHO) – Mona Nilsson, investigative journalist, Sweden, May 23rd 2011.
IARC Drops Anders Ahlbom from RF–Cancer Panel,, May 22nd, 2011.
IARC Welcomes Industry to RF–Cancer Review,, March 23rd 2011.
Try this article, from the point of view ionizing radiation and the WHO.
Robert James Parsons – The World Health Organization in Thrall to the Nuclearists
Thursday, 29 May 2014 – Truthout
Do you think the FCC should be trusted?
Sam Roe – We tested popular cellphones for radiofrequency radiation. Now the FCC is investigating – Chicago Tribune, August 21 2019
Joe Mahr – Lawsuit filed against Apple, Samsung after Chicago Tribune tests cellphones for radiofrequency radiation – Chicago Tribune, August 29 2019
Norm Halster – Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission is Dominated by the industries it presumably regulates -Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University.
Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Mike Doyle (D-PA) letter to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai. – “Under your leadership, the FCC has failed repeatedly to act in the public interest and placed the interest of corporations over consumers”. – February 4th 2019.
Statement from Jeffrey Shuren, M.D., J.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health on the recent National Toxicology Program draft report on radiofrequency energy exposure – US Food & Drug Asministration (FDA), February 2nd 2018.
Jeffrey Shuren, conflicts of interests and the US Food & Drug Agency (FDA) – FDA SpyGate, New Revelations Challenge The New York Times Investigation of Agency “Enemies List,” Raise More Questions About the ‘Government’s Most Dysfunctional Agency’ – Jon Entine, Forbes, August 20th 2012.
Jeffrey and Allison Shuren’s conflicts of interests – At FDA, a new goal, then a push for speedy device reviews – Associated Press, November 28th 2018.
The rest…?
SCENIHR members’ history (bias and conflicts of interest)
Bias in the assessment of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) – Over 40 NGOs lodge a complaint to the European Ombudsman over SCENIHR report – Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, 2015.
Conflicts of interest at IEEE’s International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety – ICES (SCC-39) Annual Report: 2014 – 2015 Includes Technical Committee 34 (Product Safety Relative to the Safe Use of Electromagnetic Energy) and Technical Committee 95 (Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields) – Submitted by Ron Petersen, Secretary, SCC-3929, November 2015. See pages 19 to 23.
Louis Slesin – The Precarious Case Against Precaution, A Deep Dive into the Swedish Cancer Registry –, March 30 2019
Louis Slesin – “Radiation Research” and The Cult of Negative Results –, July 31, 2006. ISSN 0275-6595
Louis Slesin – Row over Cancer, Cell Phone Review A Request That It Be Withdrawn –, February 20 2019.
Louis Slesin – EMF Studies: Industry Funding Sways Findings, Power Line-Cancer Links Show Consistency, Not Contradictions –, September 4, 2019
Louis Slesing – Journals Address Conflicts of Interest,, September 21st 2006.
Brandon Ledford – Cell Phones, Electromagnetic Radiation, and Cancer: A Study of Author Affiliation, Funding, Bias, and Results – Policy Studies Organization (PSO), 2010.
Lennart Hardell, Martin J. Walker, Bo Walhjalt, Lee S. Friedman and Elihu D. Richter – Secret ties to industry and conflicting interests in cancer research – American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2006. DOI: 10.1002/ajim.20357
Laetitia Rollin, Nicolas Griffon, Stefan J. Darmoni, Jean Francois Gehanno – Influence of author’s affiliation and funding sources on the results of cohort studies on occupational cancer. – Am. J. Ind. Med. 59:221–226, 2016.
Cristin E. Kearns, Laura A. Schmidt, Stanton A. Glantz – Sugar Industry and Coronary Heart Disease Research – A Historical Analysis of Internal Industry Documents. – JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(11):1680-1685. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.5394
Friedman, Lee; Friedman, Michael – Financial Conflicts of Interest and Study Results in Environmental and Occupational Health Research. – Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: March 2016 – Volume 58 – Issue 3 – p 238–247. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000671
Louis Slesin – Industry Studies Tend To Come Up Empty. –, September 18th 2006.
Dr. Richard Horton, Editor, The Lancet – What is Medicine’s 5 Stigma? – The Lancet Vol. 385, April 11th 2015.
Louis Slesin – Journal Editor Steps Down After Conflicts Revealed –, September 23rd 2006.
Here are some more documents with regards to the history of health impacts:
Arthur Firstenberg – The work of Allan H. Frey
Michaelson, Thomson Howland, – Biologic effects of microwave exposure – Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1967, Hearings before the Committee of Commerce, U.S. Senate, 90th Congress, Second Session, S.2067. Washington D.C. 1967.
Glaser Z. – Bibliography of reported biological phenomena (Effects) and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation. – Naval Medical Research Institute, October 4th 1971.
Glaser Z. – Bibliography of reported biological phenomena (Effects) and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation. – Naval Medical Research Institute, September 27th 1976.
Biological Effects of Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation – A digest of current litterature – Franklin Research Center, Volume IV, Number 3, March 1980.
Glaser Z. – Cumulated index to the bibliography of reported biological phenomena (‘effects’) and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation: report, supplements (no. 1-9). BEMS newsletter (B-1 through B-464), 1971-1981.
Arthur W. Guy, IEEE – History of the biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation.
As you can see 5G was not invented that we already knew about the health and environmental consequences of EMR. Actually, there is quite a bit of mythology about the state-of-the-art of “5G” and “IoT” currently being peddled by the corporate media which are usually copies and paste of press releases from the telcos. What is being deployed today is not true 5G as in the MM wave range. Actually quite far from it and there are no standards.
EVERY US Government agency is captured by the capitalist interests it is meant to ‘regulate’. Without exception and for decades. It’s called ‘Freedom’ and ‘Democracy’.
5G has two primary agendas for the Sabbatai global death cult. One is to damage the biological integrity of all life on the planet, but human functioning in particular. The other is to make the “internet of things” effective so that one’s refrigerator will not only spy on you but can be shut off if you exceed your technocratic energy allotment. The “patriotic” battle between China and the USA is simply more Kabuki theater to get the uninformed majority of the world to knee jerk support their “team” as they head into the abattoir.
I would tend to agree with you about the Kabuki theater.
This, just out, from James Corbett:
The China Deception on This Week in Money
I am torn by this. On the one hand, it is a wonder the USA can even hobble with to canes anymore, they have shot themselves in the foot so often by now.
On the other hand, those I call “the tinfoil had squad” are so against 5G because of the high radiation density presumably radiated by 5G cell towers … . Of course these are the same as those who are against high voltage transmission lines with their electromagnetic radiation. Well, 60 cycles per second, even at 250,000 volts three phase, is hardly ionizing.
I used to be an electrical engineer, though I stopped that in abut 1970, so I am certainly not up-to-date and do not have the latest reliable information.
As I say, I am torn.
There you have it. A gift. An almost free gift. And guess what. The dumb bastards will look the free offer in the mouth…to misquote the saying.
What I don’t understand is that 10 or 15 years ago GCHQ was working hand in hand with Huawei on less sophisticated communication projects, but today it is all up in the air.
Huawei must be making this offer because they know the Anglozionists are so far up their own backsides that they don’t have the humility to just take the offer at face value and say ‘thank you’!
I mean, when you are the chosen people how can a bunch of Chinese peasants be cleverer, more honest and so ott ten times more generous than you are?
The Five Eyes thugs met in Canada in July last year, I believe, to plot the attack on Huawei, as part of the ongoing, and increasingly desperate efforts to ‘..bring China down’, that have proceeded more or less constantly since 1949, and probably you could say since 1793 or thereabouts. The meeting was even reported in the Guardian, then disappeared down the Free Press ‘Memory Hole’. The plot to kidnap Meng was also hatched many weeks before the actual act, by the black-faced liar, Trudeau, but with the Ukronazi fascist Freedland, pulling the strings, as ever.
The real problem is that China, after decades of massive investment, education, at home and abroad, graduation of scientists, technologists and engineers in huge numbers, some IP appropriation, like all other states capable of the act, but certainly less than the USA, the premier cyber-thief, is already at least a scientific-technological peer of the glorious West, and soon will be streets ahead and drawing away.
Whereas China is very happy to co-operate with others in scientific and technological advance, the USA sees scientific pre-eminence as a tool of economic
exploitation and military dominance, coercion and, when necessary, ‘obliteration’. So China must be ‘brought down’, before it’s too late, ie NOW. May you live in interesting times. This race and civilizational war is absolutely bi-partisan in Thanatopolis DC, so the rocky road has no turning.
A lot of ways, a lot of ways no one hears about.
“What I don’t understand is that 10 or 15 years ago GCHQ was working hand in hand with Huawei on less sophisticated communication projects, but today it is all up in the air.”
There is nothing mysterious here. It has always been like that for the last few decades – US feels comfortable only when dealing with weaker countries.
Spin it any way you like. Globalists of all flavours and especially the two main factions (Lubavitchers v. Zionists, apparently) have more in common with each other than they do with you or me. They work together and by hook or by crook they always will. All together this is still an issue of class and social caste: them against us. You are a peon and they will enslave you by technology, it matters not who holds the leash.
Building the technological infrastructure of a Satanic A.I. Big Brother Overseer is every Globalists #1 priority. This is Technocracy and it is already. By sharing it’s 5G tech with the US, presumably in response to the Trump administrations negotiating tactics, they are making a decision to work for a balance between themselves. The Chinese are also returning a favour to the Zionist elites who gave them everything needed for development after Nixon and Kissinger signed up the CPC to work against Soviet Russia.
If accepted by the US it mirrors the situation of what occurred when nuclear weapons tech was provided to the Soviet Union after 1945, by spies or perhaps not, thereby establishing a balance of power under the rubric of Mutually Assured Destruction.
As for the aforementioned Satanic A.I., any intelligence existing in the absense of regulation by the wisdom of heart and soul is indeed Satanic, by definition. Only humans have the capacity to discern Truth and in the absense this mediating facility we will indeed be destroyed by our machines. One can see evidence of how this will become more and more explicit on the internet today as the replacement of human intelligence by souless by A.I. is proceeding at break neck speed -hence the need to digitize and financialize everything and everyone.
And what of Russia, the weakest third link of a tripartite new world order? Will it be given access to the technology offered to the US by Huawei? Or is it still being eyed for dismememberment and destruction by the Anglo Zionist Empire and it’s erswhile ally the Chinese CPC?
“The Chinese are also returning a favour to the Zionist elites who gave them everything needed for development after Nixon and Kissinger signed up the CPC to work against Soviet Russia.”
In 1971, before Nixon removed gold from backing the USD, he crawled to Beijing, which the US did not ‘recognise’ diplomatically then, hauled himself up to Mao’s apartment ( Mao did not greet him at the airport, nor attend any functions ), to make a deal: China gets factories and markets provided China lends the USDs earned back to the US ( or in polite language, ‘reinvests in US treasuries’ ). It was not a gift, but a way to import cheap Chinese labour and export expensive environmental pollution costs. As others have pointed out here, when has the great US given less than what they took? But the spin they put on Nixon’s gold default was something to behold, pulling wool over our eyes for 4 decades!
“And what of Russia, the weakest third link of a tripartite new world order? Will it be given access to the technology offered to the US by Huawei? Or is it still being eyed for dismememberment and destruction by the Anglo Zionist Empire and it’s erswhile ally the Chinese CPC?”
The Double Helix symbiosis between Russia + China forms the strongest strategic defence against the US + Useful Idiots. If the helix frays, then each member will be attacked in turn. If the helix holds, time is on the side of Russia and China, each a civilisation in its own right, while the US spins down the gyre from election to election, from quarterly report to quarterly report. Not that there will be no more USA, but just that she will go the way of the empire upon which the sun never sets. Looking at the Huawei chairman’s demeanour, reading his announcements, I will not doubt that the offer will be open to Russia too. That is how a win-win mind works. After all, aren’t they building oil pipelines and trading military tech with each other? Aren’t they colluding ( yucks, ugly word, that ) to destroy the USD hegemony?
If you watch the Western demi-gods gibbering among themselves regarding China, and its meteoric rise since 1949, on fakestream media or ‘think-tank’ maunderings, you will soon notice the irrefutable signs of racist fury. Rage that ‘mere Asiatics’, the ‘Yellow Peril’, have had the gall, the utter impertinence to outperform God’s Chosen People, the mighty White, European, Western, Judeo-Christian ubermenschen.
The local fakestream presstitutes, being selected for their imbecility as well as capacity for Groupthink, betray their pig ignorance by sneering that October 1 is the 70th anniversary of ‘the Communist Party’, rather than the CCP, although that might be a ploy to equate China with ‘communism’, to prepare the Western serfs for war. A frequent trope, racist to its rotten core, is that the Chinese are incapable of ‘innovation’, so must steal ‘Everything’ from the glorious Big Brains of the West. And all even slightly less than hysterically vicious anti-Chinese observer have been purged from the media for Badthink and race treachery. The degree of hatred, as these things will do when Evil imbeciles compete to outdo one another in venom, just grows and grows and grows. The terrorist thugs in Hong Kong are heroes of ‘democracy’, of course, a billion Uighurs and Falun Gong are being ‘harvested’ for human organs, the Chinese people (as if the West speaks for them, in their subordinate position on the human hierarchy) are yearning for ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’, just like those living amidst human faeces of the USA’s mean streets, or just itching to get at each others throats in the UK or banged up in the USA’s prison-industrial complex.
Just because USA ‘bad’ does not mean China ‘good.’ I am tired of continuous complaints by unabashedly pro China commenters and sayanim.
I look for nuance and an honest appraisal of what is before me. China is a nuanced place, don’t you agree? Shouldn’t a nuanced Civilization and People be given a nuanced assessment by well meaning people?
Not all criticism of China is unjustified, for example the Sesame Social Credit System of both active and passive fullspectrum monitoring, leading potentially to near total social exclusion and quite often suicide. It this not a terrifying thing and if so why not?
Moreover I am sick and tired of being told I am a racist, living in fear of the yellow peril, because I ask legitimate questions. Sesame is about forcing everyone to internalize oligarchic and elitist forms of absolute control. This is fascism pure and simple, no matter how the wolves campaigning for it are always proclaiming their faith in Karl Marx.
Agenda Driven Globalists need to stop whining about racist white guys – as a distraction from all the important discussions of Social Class we are no longer having – and answer a few simple questions.
Mulga, what is your opinion of Sesame in China and to balance things out, of how Credit Ratings are used in the so-called West to do essentially the same thing? Do you have an opinion on this or is it just Greta-style gibberish and signalling all of the time?
China’s social credit system is being mostly used to give the public information as to which businesses and individuals are trust-worthy, and reward socially beneficial behaviour, whereas, in the Glorious West, shonks, spivs, crooks and wide-boys rule, OK, rule, OK, in business, politics, the fakestream media etc. And, undoubtedly, China is no Utopia-yet. They are trying to get better, and succeeding, while the West dissolves into neo-feudal squalor. And I see that you are another victim of Greta Derangement Syndrome-my condolences, and wishes for a rapid recovery.
Mulga time for education
Very interesting, but not surprising-thanks for the reference. The global overlords have no intention of ever giving up their power and wealth, but they do have factions. The Koch tendency spend their billions creating denialist industries to protect their precious fossil fuels with a bodyguard of lies and disinformation, just as Big Tobacco defended their billions gained by killing hundreds of millions, through lies and corrupted pseudo-science. This is the ‘Climate Destabilisation isn’t Real’ mediocrity that has much of the Right in its thrall.
And another faction is this phony ‘Green Capitalism’ farce, where capitalism, the cause of our self-destruction, is promoted as our salvation, and Bill Gates gets to keep his loot! How good is that!!! If Greta Thunberg is a pawn of this tendency, and how else would she be allowed such great publicity in the fakestream media, that is regretable, but expected. But it does not refute her message. We are on the brink of an ecological Holocaust caused by anthropogenic climate destabilisation, and Greta’s rage and angst are based on solid science and a grim assessment of reality, and no amount of exploitation by capitalists ferociously intent on preserving their power can change that.
But it does not refute her message. We are on the brink of an ecological Holocaust caused by anthropogenic climate destabilisation, and Greta’s rage and angst are based on solid science and a grim assessment of reality,
this refutes yours “solid science and a grim assessment of reality”
It will be a bonanza for Goldman Sachs, trading global warming certificates, such as medieval papal indulgences, with green policemen to enforce all this. And lots of green taxes.
The neoliberal-corporate fascist program is trying to deceive you and threatens all of humanity because the proposed mitigation policies are a pretext for financing “natural capital” and “human capital” social engineering to agree to speculation in certificates. Which is basically bad. And it is a potential threat of extinction of all life on earth.
The term “climate change” is neoliberal branding and corporate behavior change program. This is because they can propose a decarbonisation and sustainable growth program – around sustainable development goals – that seems credible to you and present it as a Green New Deal or Climate Failure.
To develop a human plan of living in peaceful harmony on a finite planet, it should be logical certainty that a plan of peaceful living will not come from a neoliberal corporation. Or from their socio-political proconsul (like Naomi Klein or WWF) or their “pro-business” political representatives. It must come from you. And what you are taking part in does not come from you. You are useful idiots for capitalists and their dumps from, 1Sky, Amnesty International, Avaaz, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Celebrity, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Greenpeace, Neo-Liberalism and the Defanging of Feminism, Rockefeller Foundation , Social Engineering, TckTckTck, The Defanging of Feminism, Whiteness & Aversive Racism, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
“Not all criticism of China is unjustified, for example the Sesame Social Credit System of both active and passive fullspectrum monitoring, leading potentially to near total social exclusion and quite often suicide. It this not a terrifying thing and if so why not?”
LOL. It sounds like you (just like most people in the west) don’t know much about the system, but have no problem criticizing it – even citing it as an example of legitimate thing to criticize China.
If you wonder why some people call you a racist (which I don’t, at least not yet), then you should reflect on your behavior. You just decide that there ought to be something in China that is not good (so-called nuanced appraisal – which I don’t disagree), and then try to look for one that you FEEL must be bad.
I wonder who is going to be piloting that parachute when addressing the public debt bomb in a couple decades?
“Huawei is the dominant global 5G player,…”
The hilarious thing is that before the whole campaign to suppress Huawei, nobody knows about Huawei’s dominance. Now everyone knows it.