Dear friends,

It looks like next week East-Central Florida might get a most unwelcome visitor: Hurricane Erika.  At this point in time, this is by no means certain, the system might weaken and peter out and it might turn into another direction, but so far it looks like it is coming directly towards yours truly:


5-day predicted track for Hurricane Erika

So far there is definitely no reason to panic, but this is a good time to begin making, or to finalize, preparations.  This means that I might have less time to dedicate to the blog for the next couple of days.  I will do my best, but I cannot promise anything, especially closer to, and on the, week-end.  Once (if?) Erika makes landfall, I might have to evacuate my home and seek shelter into a more sturdy building.  There is also a good chance that we might have problems with electricity and communications.  Right now, there is no reason to suspect anything that dramatic.  God willing, all we will get is some rain and some wind, but nothing major.  If things turn ugly I will inform you here before signing-off.  In the meantime, I ask for your understanding if I don’t spend as much time on the blog or replying to emails.

Hugs and cheers,

The Saker