by F(unny)Man for the Saker Blog

After some days of looking for my mind, and finally finding it yesterday afternoon … I think I lost it again today.

I was watching a YouTube video of how chicken meat and eggs are produced in a poultry farm with all the steps in between(1). They show the entire thing in that video. From the hatching of the chicks to the final packaging of the Meat and Eggs, etc. Quite interesting, so long you are not one of the wokefied, vegan-vegetarian-ecologist, mentally weak, politically correct, animal rights warrior “earth is better without humans” type.

Suddenly something made a connection in my head, about this process and the ZONE A.

I mean a connection between the hatching and raising of the Chicks, nurturing them, feeding them, keeping them Warm and comfortable, and some months later … ZACK! the industrial sacrifice of the chickens and their processing to… you know… make food to feed the persons that buy these poultry products.

At first I thought of the Ukrainian kids(2) that have been raised and fed like little chicks, with HATE of all Russian. In order to make them the desired anti-Russians that would be later, at the convenience of the Powers-that-be(3), used and industrially sacrificed in the altar of whatever goals, dreams, and desires those Powers have. It is happening now just before our eyes and happened many times in the past.

But seconds later, I realized that, here in the ZONE A(4), the general population… we are all chickens living in an Ideological Poultry Farm… they want us ignorant, without understanding, just eating their (ideological) feed(5) , growing with it, without any concern about what awaits us, isolated little egoist-narcissist chickens(6).

I said Ideological Poultry Farm because, you know, what they feed the chickens in there is well over 50% their own recycled shit.

You do not see a chicken asking himself about their situation, or about what they eat, about their expectations of life… they just eat, drink, poop, grow… till the last moment when they are slaughtered. Well, they can not. Little ignorant beasts.

I know who the managers of this farm are(7), I wonder just who are the owners… because they are going to use, then sacrifice and eat us all. For their own benefit.

There is always hope, but I never heard of any poultry farm where the chickens rebelled, and brought the Farmers to the stake…

This is why Zone A is doomed.

Oh look, there is my Mind… Hey! Stop There! Why are you running away?

  1. A logical and very needed release and detox after suffering the constant bombardment of Ukrainian propaganda on the western media
  2. I mean not only kids, but those unmatured, ignorant adults that have been brainwashed… that after all are just like little big Kids.
  3. If you are reading this essay, on this site, you know whose “Powers-that-be” I mean… it’s a Hydra with many heads and many names. Such as the Three-Letters-Agencies, various Governments, and Institutions, the …(drums rolling)… Governing Elites, FIRE, the Liberal Intelligentsia, et cetera.
  4. ZONE A, AKA “the International Community”
  5. This “Ideology, Country, Person” (insert as needed) is good or bad…

You must buy/follow this “Product, Media, Narrative, Policy…” (insert as needed)

Eat this, do not think, do as we say, grow a little, do not resist, follow the line…

  1. At first you might think sheep make a better comparison, but these are relatively advanced, intelligent and complex lifeforms. Compared to chickens… sheep are geniuses!
  2. If you want an insight, look at the members of any Government in the Zone A.

Ed Note:  I am reliably informed that the Featured (or feathered image), this one, has a depiction of our SmoothieX12, looking on with contempt.  Enjoy figuring it out.