From the English version of

“Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei described Commander of IRGC’s Quds Force General Qassem Suleimani as ‘worldwide Resistance icon’, vowing a ‘severe revenge’ for the top commander who was martyred by US strike on Baghdad airport early on Friday.

In a message issued Friday, Imam Khamenei said “the cruelest people on earth” assassinated the “honorable” commander who “courageously fought for years against the evils and bandits of the world.

His demise will not stop his mission, but the criminals who have the blood of General Suleimani and other martyrs must await a harsh revenge, the Leader stressed.

“Martyr Suleimani is a worldwide Resistance icon, and all Resistance supporters are now his avengers,” Imam Khamenei said.”