Both sides have sent reinforcements to disputed Ladakh line, as Beijing flexes its muscles around Asia
by Pepe Escobar – posted with permission

A Chinese soldier (L) next to an Indian soldier at a border crossing in a file photo. Photo: AFP/Diptendu Dutta
It would be counter-productive for BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization members India and China to come to blows on account of some extremely remote – albeit strategically important – snowy mountain passes.
But when one looks at the 3,488-kilometer-long Line of Actual Control, which India defines as “unresolved,” that can never be totally ruled out.
As the Hindustan Times reported: “India has pushed in high altitude warfare troops with support elements to the eastern Ladakh theater to counter [the] Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s aggressive posture designed to browbeat the government to stop building border infrastructure in the Daulat Beg Oldie sector as it may threaten the Lhasa-Kashgar highway in Aksai Chin.”
The highway runs from Tibet to southwestern Xinjiang Province, where the Karakoram Highway – the northern part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor – goes from Kashgar to Islamabad. Thence a road heads through Balochistan to Pakistan’s strategic Gwadar port, as part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
“The specialized Indian troops are familiar with the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China and are tuned for operating at rarefied altitudes,” Hindustan Times reports. “The scale of PLA deployment – two brigades’ strength and more – indicates that the move has the sanction of Beijing and [is] not limited to local military commanders.”
None other than Donald Trump has offered to mediate.
The current flare-up started building in late April, and led to a series of scuffles in early May, described as “aggressive behavior on both sides,” complete with fistfights and stone throwing. The Indian version is that Chinese troops crossed the Line of Actual Control (LAC), with vehicles and equipment, to block road construction by India.
The key area is around a spectacular 135 kilometer-long, 5-7 kilometer-wide lake, Pangong Tso. It’s in Ladakh, which is a de facto extension of the Tibetan plateau. One third is held by India and two thirds by China.

Pangong Lake, on the border between India and China. Photo: AFP / Antoine Boureau / Biosphoto
Mountain folds around the lake are called “fingers.” The Indians say Chinese troops are close to Finger Two – and blocking their movements. India claims territorial rights up to Finger 8, but its de facto holding extends only to Finger 4.
New Delhi has been steadily expanding infrastructure development – and also troop deployments – in Ladakh for nearly a decade. Units now spend longer periods deployed along the LAC than the six months that used to be the standard rotation.
These are called loop battalions: They do a back and forth with the Siachen glacier – which was the theatre of a localized India-Pakistan mini-war in 1999 that I followed closely.
The Indians maintain there are no fewer than 23 “disputed and sensitive” areas along the LAC, with at least 300 “transgressions” by People’s Liberation Army troops every year.
Crossing the line
The Indians are now particularly focused on the situation in the Galwan valley in Ladakh, which they maintain was breached to a distance of 3 to 4 km by PLA troops now in the process of digging defenses.
Diplomatically, it’s all pretty hazy. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused Indian troops of “crossing the line” in both Ladakh and Sikkim, as well as “attempting to unilaterally change the status of border control.”
The Indian Foreign Ministry has preferred to maintain that “established mechanisms” should prevail in the end, justifying its relative silence with the explanation that quiet diplomacy between military commanders and officials must take precedence.
That’s in stark contrast with what Indian sources on the ground are stressing: face-off between troops in at least three points in Ladakh and Sikkim; too many Chinese troops at LAC areas patrolled by India; and blocking of Indian patrols in finger areas on the Pangong Tso.
Interestingly, Indian defense sources deny there’s a Chinese troop buildup across the middle sector of the LAC, in Uttarakhand; they see what would qualify as routine “local movements.”

India-China border issues are usually settled on the border in meetings between local commanders and officials. Photo: AFP / Indian Defense Ministry / HO
It’s significant that a former Northern Army commander told The Hindu, “Normally stand-offs happen in a local area, but are resolved at the local level.” That pretty much sums up the whole state of affairs along the India-China border and also the India-Pakistan border.
Yet now, added the commander, there seems to be a “higher level in China” in terms of planning, so the skirmishes should be handled diplomatically. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is reviewing the current LAC situation.
Beijing has been mostly quiet about it. Yet the Global Times seems to be distilling the predominant Chinese narrative: India’s poor “are facing an increasingly severe threat of famine.
“Against such a backdrop, it is conceivable that hyping border tensions at this juncture will flare up nationalist sentiment and increase domestic hostility toward Chinese capital, putting unnecessary pressure on bilateral trade and dealing a further blow to the Indian economy already plagued by downturn woes.”
Global Times insists China “clearly has no intention of escalating the border disputes with India,” and prefers to stress the “overall improvement” of their “bilateral economic and trade ties.”
The usual divide-and-rule suspects, for their part, prefer to speculate on the possibility of an India-China LAC mini-war. That’s not likely to happen.
Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, billed as special representatives of India and China, met face to face for the last time in December 2019, discussing an “early settlement of the boundary question.” It looks like they will soon have to meet again.
A little context: there are unknown thousands (millions?) of tons of rare earth metals in the granite of the Himalayas.
Militarily control those remote mountains, valleys and icy glaciers and cliffs, and also control access to, and the future mining of, those extremely strategically and industrially important, rare earth metals.
Please see:
And then compare the arc of the rare earth mineral deposits in the Himalayas to the Line of Actual Control, which runs along the Himalayan border region that lies between Chinese and Indian controlled territory.
There’s your geo-military-political subtext. I am surprised that the article fails to mention this.
The area discussed in the paper is largely in Nepal and is 1000 km away from the current confrontation.
Right. That entire 2,000 or 3,000 mile long extent of mountain chains that runs from the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan all the way over to Bhutan is LOADED with trillions of dollars worth of mineral wealth: millions of tons of rare earth metals and even more millions of tons of other metals: copper, iron, gold, etc.
Here is a map of the mountain region I am referring to:
Please see this article about the vast mineral wealth that is in the mountains of Afghanistan, to cite another example of the region’s mineral wealth:
60 million tons of copper
2.2 billion tons of iron ore
1.4 million tons of rare earth metals: lanthanum, cerium and neodymium
major deposits of gold, aluminum, mercury, zinc, silver, lithium, etc.
For the purposes of my argument which applies to the entirety of this mountainous region that lies between South Asia and Central Asia please note **very** well:
The Afghan government has already signed a 30-year, $3 billion contract with the China Metallurgical Group, a state-owned mining enterprise based in Beijing, to exploit the Mes Aynak copper deposit, and …
… awarded mining rights for the country’s biggest iron deposit to a group of Indian state-run and private companies.
Back to my original point, this is a resource war between China and India for control of an incredibly mineral rich region of the world, with literally millions and even BILLIONS of tons of metals to be mined and extracted, including the incredibly valuable rare earth metals. That entire geological region is loaded with unimaginable mineral wealth. India and China will sign business deals and contracts. They will come to understandings with other governments, and they will even bring their military forces to the front lines to make their point.
That is why China and India are vying militarily in the Himalayan region: for mining rights and control of the vast mineral wealth. Wars have been fought over far less, and China and India may yet fight a major war for military control of that region. The stakes are just that high.
(This is also another obvious reason that the USSA has invaded and militarily occupied Afghanistan, but that is a subject for another time.)
The odd thing about rare earths is that in a way they’re not very rare. Seems like it’s rare to find them in high concentrations, good ores. But if you take a piece of dirt and hit it with high enough heat to gasify it into constituent elements, there’ll be some rare earths in there.
This trouble seems to be hindutva fascists in the bjp and their brownshirts sucking up to tRump and helping with the China bashing so far, modi seems to actually believe india is able to become a industrial nation like China tho.
That is a dream and will not happen this century imho. india is what tRump would call a “shithole” for 90-95% of its citizens and the extremely racist cast system makes it even less plausible that it will emerge as a industrial power.
Perhaps not the best examples but they show the gist of Modi`s extremism and racist/fascist politics, this one is about the india/US-China from May 14-
@Per/Norway: You don’t know much about India, though you think you do. Regarding India’s industrial capacities, keep in mind that the world’s leading countries regarding hypersonic-missile technology are Russia, India, the U.S., and China.
Regarding “caste,” I doubt you realize that the term is not an Indian word. The Portuguese imperialists didn’t understand the Indian varna-jati system. That’s why, in their language, they referred to that system using a word they were familiar with. “Casta” is the Portuguese word for “lineage,” and the concept comes from the Portuguese-Spanish system of “limpieza de sangre” (“blood purity”). That’s related to Roman Catholicism and the legacy of the Inquisition. Hinduism rejects that entire system.
I’m an Indian Orthodox Christian, by the way.
OK, I have more time now. It seems that in ancient India, the varna system was flexible: one could freely choose one’s profession, but then one had to obey the code of conduct for that profession. That’s not a crazy idea … Today, there are various professional societies (for doctors, lawyers, etc.), and if one does not abide by the relevant code of professional conduct, one can lose one’s license.
It is true that over time, the varna system decayed. People became corrupt, and they wanted to put up barriers to entry to their profession, such that their own children wouldn’t face competition from talented outsiders. So, Brahmins, for instance, created rules that one could be a Brahmin only if one had Brahmin parents.
That was a mistake, obviously. However, India’s independence leaders recognized that and banned that practice. Most Indians understand the wisdom of that … After all, Narendra Modi is “low caste” but was elected to be the Prime Minister, in two successive landslides.
Can add that the modern Indian caste system was codified by the British. There’s academic books on it but they miss the point. The British Raj used Caste status to reward vassals. The adharma barriers to entry would be something came about after the British took control.
Before that, population was vastly rural and Hindu and had it’s only school system, value system, medical system etc. Can Google ‘Sri Dharampal’ for evidence.
“its only school system…”
and what’s called Arabic numbers, in Arabia is called Hindu numbers. Yes, the numeric system came from there. While the zionists are still peering in their torah in search of infinity, India gave you the number zero and defined the meaning of nothing. Without which nothing will work.
The solar calendar older than the gregorian calendar is still accurate. And astronomy, maths and much more. All from a bunch of backward cow worshippers.
I hope you understand that before the ‘zero’ given by the Indians to the whole world, civilizations used to call it ‘nothing’. The egyptians, mayans, greeks, south east asian, latina american cultures and chinese built magnificent structures which would not have been posisble without calculations.
There are accurate calendars by the south american civilizations also, who were isolated from the Asian landmass for centuries.
Stop pretending like the whole world owes to the indians for all the civilizational progress.
Oh and by the way, there was a time when cows were eaten by indians and not worshiped, this is something said by swami vivekananda himself, a swami who every hindu respects
Ever read the manusmiriti? was it written by the british?
The indian god rama is said to have been born around 5000 BCE. Rama killed a shudra named shambuk when a brahmin complained about the death of his son due to the shudra doing penace which only the high caste brahmins were allowed to do. Were the british around 7000 yrs ago?
Ever heard of Dr. ambedkar, writer of the indian constitution burning manusmriti?
“the world’s leading countries regarding hypersonic-missile technology are Russia, India, the U.S., and China”
Avarachan, you are quite proud of India’s rising military powers. Are you also proud of billions having no access to clean drinking water, malnourished children, and people defecating on the streets? The Indian caste system is a curse of Hinduism and Indian culture. You have to be blind not to see it. Your attempts to rationalize it away by specious comparison with other cultures fools no one. Rank poverty, villages of lower caste being burnt down in Bihar, a rising Hindu fascism are all ugly realities. You may delude yourself, but you fool no one.
same old tired trope. India launches a satellite — “they should be building toilets”. India builds next super computer — “they should be building toilets”. Hinduism is old and has survived many invasions, looters, plunderers and wars. They are defecating, all castes and religions in their country on their streets or where ever. They can say you are all perverts with your porn and child fetish.
Caste did not exist in Indian vocabulary till the colonialists showed up. It was one more way to divide Indians. A class system did exist like it does everywhere. Go back to Indian classics upto 1400 CE and you will see no mention.
I suggest you read a couple of books to see how India was put where it is.
“Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World” and
“Chuchills Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II” to learn more.
Pakistan is sending trained Crickets to attack india according to indian hindutva msm, the fact that millions of people literally believe it to be true is one of the reasons india will never become an industriell powerhouse and compete with China. Last week Pakistan sent trained pigeons to spy on them btw.. I do not have a twitter acc but i do follow it closely bc news tend to break there b4 anywhere else the last 5-6 yrs.. And with autotranslate it is easy to follow modi and his rss extremists, @Praecursator007 is a muslim tweeter his site have led me to a bunch of hindutva acc and indian officials, from what i observe there is not much hope. rss is a fascist org and have close ties with the phariseeic occupying entity in Palestine.
Orthodox Christian
So Iet us agree to disagree my brother in faith, and i hope my negative view of india is proven wrong. God bless you☦😀
(ps i have lost my access to the email this comment account was registered with, so it was just luck i saw you answered my comment)
I hope u read the link about shaurya missile which you gave. The shaurya missile is yet to be induced by india whereas china and russia have hypersonic systems deployed by their armies.
The indians also like to talk about brahmos, the truth is that brahmos is an export version of the russian ‘onyx’ anti-ship missile.
Regarding caste, the indian word for caste is ‘jati’. Hindusm doesn’t reject caste system, it is an integral part of the hindu society, upheld by the vedas and manusmriti(laws of manu). Read this link:
the higest jati(caste) of indian are the brahmins(priestly class), next comes the kshatriyas(the ruling class), next are the vaishyas(the business class) and finally at the lowest order are teh shudras(the manual labour/servant class)
The brahmins control the whole religious discourse and the Kshatriyas are bound to protect the brahmins with vaishyas funding their religious services. The shudras are meant to serve all the other castes. The shurdas are also not allowed to read and learn any religious scriptures. Before independence of india, higher caste would not even let the shadow of lower caste to fall upon them, otherwise they would have to purify themselves. There are indians who actually dont even fall into any of the above four mentioned caste system, their status is the lowest, even lowers than the shudras, they are called dalits. The upper caste dont even touch the lower caste and dont eat the food prepared by them, that is why the lower caste are also called ‘untouchables’.
an excerpt from a hindu religions text:
arti samhita 1.308: “He, who unknowingly salutes a ‘low caste’ person , should immediately bathe and get [himself] purified by taking clarified butter” (Tr. manmantha nath dutt)
Brahmins refuse to eat food prepared by dalits in quarantine:
watch this documentary ‘india untouched’ on the indian caste system:
The writer of the indian constitution, Dr. Babasaheb ambedkar was a dalit who rejected hindusm, burnt manusmiriti(which established the caste discrimination) and converted to Buddhism.
the book ‘annihilation of caste’ by Dr Ambedkar is a must read for anyone trying to understand the caste structure, it’s manifistation and it’s religious backing among hindus.
And the word hindu isnt even indian, the word ‘hindu’ was given by the arab and persian Muslims to the non-muslim population of the indian subcontinent, the right world is ‘sanathan dharma’
@Parabellum: “I hope u read the link about shaurya missile which you gave. The shaurya missile is yet to be induced by india whereas china and russia have hypersonic systems deployed by their armies.”
The submarine-launched version of the Shaurya has been inducted into the Indian Navy.
You implied that I did not read the article I linked to; however, it is you who did not. Bye!
You implied that I did not read the article I linked to; however, it is you who did not. Bye!
I maintain that the shaurya hypersonic missile’s Wikipedia link that you gave doesn’t say anything about the induction or deployment of the said missile.
Regarding sagarika missile,the Wikipedia link which you gave doesn’t say anything about sagarika missile being hypersonic (at least it should give the Mach number) which means that it’s not a hypersonic missile.
I hope you have not forgotten that we are talking about India’s indigenous hypersonic missiles that have been induced by any of the indian defense service branches.
Now I would advice you to not only read the shaurya link again, but also the sagarika link.
Far right Hindu India is just like Zionist Israel.
They are both racist military occupiers of other people’s lands.
Jews in Palestine, Hindus in Kashmir.
Both specialize in killing and terrorizing civilian populations, along with the U.S.
At a recent conference in New Delhi, Netanyahu said Modi was a great friend of his, and Israel.
India has given launch pads for deep earth penetrating ballistic missiles to take out Pakistani Nukes ( Islamic Nukes), to Israel.
India, at the behest and financing from Jewish controlled U.S., and illegally occupied Palestine, has been building military infrastructure close to China’s western flank, specifically hardened airstrips, supply structures, command and control infrastructure. This all is not intended to be used by India’s third rate lackluster armed forces, but by the U.S./NATO/Israel, who are in the final stages of preparations for all out war against China.
To them, it’s either stop China, or be relegated to Third World status as the days of Anglo/Jewish/Zionist hegemony and belligerence across the world for the last 200 years is quickly coming to an end.
There is, through the new world order brought about from the gracious China, the OBR Silk Roads, that promise to lift the long suffering people of the global South out from under the boot that has utterly destroyed them and their people for too long. China too understands this through its own Century of Humiliation.
India is sneaking, and build the infrastructure for 24 hour, round the clock strategic and tactical air bombardment from the western China border area, as the enemies of China know China will not engage them offensively in the South China Sea, as of yet.
China and Pakistan will both plow through northern India in very little time, and perhaps even threaten New Delhi. Kashmir will be freed. That links up China, Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon.
China is a friend of the Arab, Islamic people, and all people’s who are, or have been oppressed.
Libya too, is all about China, Russia against the coalition of evil.
Btw, it is reported that India has 400 million malnourished children, the highest number of suicides by ratio in the world, no Middle class, as they have all fled to the west, 1.3billion people in poverty and 100 million racist greedy well off corrupt citizens.
And it’s on the wrong side of history, as the enemies of China and Arabs/Islam will use Indians as cannon fodder.
Well China is actually Israel’s third largest trade partner, way ahead of India. Both countries have always enjoyed good trade and military relations as Israel was one of the first countries to recognise the Chinese Communist Party. Although as a muslim the Israel/Palestine conflict might be dear to you, the Chinese have no such affection or passion for the Palestinians and you can’t fault them for that. The Chinese (or Indians, Russians etc…) have no religious or cultural ties to the Palestinians or muslims in general so why expect them to make the plight of Palestine the centrepiece of their foreign policy? The Chinese actually have their own major problem with muslims in their Xinjiang province where the local populations are being stirred up by the mad Turkish Sultan and his crackpot brotherhood ideology.
Sovereign nations have no friends, only interests and they base their decisions along these interests which is why Russia is helping Syria for example. Not because of Arab or muslim solidarity but because they need the warm water ports of Syria, show their military capabilities to the West and stop the islamist cancer from spreading up to the Caucasus. World politics is much more complex and intrinsic than China, Russia and the arabs against the evil anglo zionists, that’s fantasy. +Boiling every world issue down to the Israel/Palestine conflict is a skewered and partisan way of viewing things. You want to blame someone for the suffering of the Palestinians, Lebanese or arabs and muslims in general start by blaming and attacking their own leaders and elites. That’s exactly where you should start, cleaning up your own house.
Dude, not all freaking Palestinians are Muslem……………..and the Occupation of Palestine, while draped in religious cloth, has nothing to do with religion. Squatters are squatters, scum is scum, and stealing someone’s land, posioning their wells, burning their crops and killing innocent men, women, and children is freaking genocide. Yes, let the murdering Zionists of the hook by blaming the victims. Sick, and I’m being polite, to stay on mods good side.
btw Islamist cancers are created in Tel Aviv and exported to neighbouring countries that defy the Genocidal Apartheid Occupation of Palestine.
Well put, sean. On the subject of Islamist cancers, I feel inclined to say that they are a joint Judeo-Christian-Muslim business, involving in addition to Tel Aviv the capitals of Western Europe, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Their ”export markets”, as you say, are countries that defy the Settler Colonial Implant in Occupied Palestine.
@bored muslim
”Far right Hindu India is just like Zionist Israel.”
Make that ’like Nazi Ukraine’ and it becomes even more striking. Israel, unlike India, is a First World colonial implant with living standards (for the Oppressor Jewry, of course) guaranteed by the proceeds of imperialism. Modi’s India follows in the footsteps of the Ukronazis, gladly rolling the country right down in the gutter, offering horrendous poverty, violence, hatreds, and rampant corruption as Hindutva’s vision of societal progress. The significance and meaning of Swastikas seem to be converging in favour of fascism.
“The significance and meaning of Swastikas seem to be converging in favour of fascism.”
Swastika has been in Hindu culture for millenia before you read it in your revisionist rag. Any grandmom would have seen it in a temple or door post or house pillar and bowed her head to it in respect. It stands and has stood for strength.
Then it was appropriated, tilted by 45 degrees and recolored by a mad man. A simple search for swastik would have shown pictures but it was stepped up to trash Modi like a Ukronazi.
”Then it was appropriated, tilted by 45 degrees and recolored by a mad man. A simple search for swastik would have shown pictures but it was stepped up to trash Modi like a Ukronazi.”
Sorry, but Modi’s track record of madness and incompetence does make him a kind of Ukronazi. I knew you were going to try to ”correct” my point about the irony of Swastikas as an attribute to Modi’s Hindutva. Reaction, violence, chauvinism, and millions of crazy, agitated people show the convergence of the meaning of the symbol in favour of fascism. Modi likes it that way, sorry.
Now, even without this BJP/Modi/Hindutva garbage, there is a vastly more fundamental issue that needs to be addressed:
It is very instructive indeed to look at India’s and China’s history since the late 1940s when they both emerged as newly-liberated, extremely immiserated countries due to the tender, loving care of British imperialism; in China’s case further reinforced by the genocidal frenzy of the Japanese. The Chinese rooted out the squalor as they, just like the USSR, made giant leaps in public education, industrialization, sanitation, and modernization overall. India, by contrast, hasn’t even addressed its horrendous rural poverty and the equally shocking, quite widespread practice of infanticide against baby girls. India has remained a third world country to the hilt. If there is one country that could pull India out of the Third World based upon similar historical experiences and highly successful results, that country is China. But Modi prefers the Ukronazi approach of trying to appease the West by clownish acts of thuggery instead of cooperating with a bigger and vastly more successful neighbouring country.
… “They are both racist military occupiers of other people’s lands. ”
Stopped reading after that. Kashmir has been Hindu for ever with a Hindu ruler. All muslims in India are forced conversions. Most mosques were built on Hindu sites. Can go on. But then, hey, it’s not muslim so must be wrong.
in my own analysis, it would be far better if the two collaborate the moment it happens, its the day the two (Asia) will emerge the world super power) however, their paves way for whites hence keeping Asia behind. why America is poping in its nose. India and China will all lose hence the whites remain the worlds super power? by. welunga yusuf guild president islamic university in uganda – Africa a pan africanist. +256705177487
by ‘white’, do you mean like a Zionist living in Occupied Palestine as being those you consider ‘super powered whites’ I’m white, have no super powers and feel sorry for anyone imperially occupied by apartheid regimes or otherwise. Mind you, where I lived, and where I live now, I am still imperially occupied and controled by dual citizens that pledge aligance to the destruction of Palestine. And they take my money in the form of tax to build bombs to drop on people half a world away from me, and I feel helpless…………other than safely boycotting what I can and speaking out when and where I can, thank you again, Saker.
This is all just sensationalist news. Nothing is happening. China and India will never fight. Their trade today touches $80 billion per annum. Both are huge markets for each other. Russia will intervene if things get out of hand. Both sit on the BRICS and SCO organizations as founding members. So essentially much ado about nothing!
Yet the Global Times seems to be distilling the predominant Chinese narrative:
Global Times nails it. Hindunazi Modi and his incompetent, ultra-reactionary government are currently — using Covid-19 as the pretext — busy waging all-out lawfare against India’s trade unions. In Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh labour laws are being suspended for three years to begin with, mind you. In other states, inspections of hazardous workplaces have been outlawed. 12-hour working days and, in some cases, 72-hour working weeks are being put in place.
The BJP needs all the wars it can get. Evil, rotten filth
“The BJP needs all the wars it can get. Evil, rotten filth”
Removed. Mod. Unless you’re interested in seeing India descend into famine and more unemployment by enforcing 1st world labor laws.
The laborer on one hand like his money and on the other hand do as little as possible. If you’re underwriting it, be my guest.
BJP’s mandate is to get the economy up and has to listen to the employers public and private and do what is necessary. Most of India works between 5.5-6 days a week (except IT) and they may extend the work day to 10 hours to catch up. That is when the trade union (CPI-M, CPI-L) plays block and tackle and are usually fed by external sources to do their bidding. The businesses are tired of this charade and have outright said what they want. They want work busting politics out till they can get their head above water.
Yip, unfortunately, Indians themselves are supporting the Hindu extremist Modi with their votes despite him screwing them mightily, see what he does to the poor in India:
I think people are missing the point as to the reason of the chinese incursion in ladakh. China wants to restore its status quo which it had before the abrogation of article 370
Some background which led to the current situation:
-India and China don’t have settled borders, they have LAC(Line of Actual Control), which is the result of the British empire’s (when it still controlled the indian subcontinent) treaties with Himalayan kingdoms and imperial China in the region and 1962 indo-china war (between People’s Rebublic of China and Republic of India) which was won by the chinese. The chinese withdrew from the indian territories that they captured during the war without any settlement of the disputed borders, resulting in both the sides having different perception of LAC.
-India abrogated article 370 of the indian constitution(which grants special status to kashmir, enabling it to be an autonomous region withing india) unilaterally last year, making kashmir and ladakh union territories of india (In india, union territories are governed directly from the fedral government by the president, unlike other states of india which have their own local state governments). Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh are disputed territories between india, pakistan and china. India claims whole of Kashmir and ladakh, Pakistan claims whole of kashmir and china claims whole of ladakh. This dispute has an international status and no country can take the decision of the status of these disputed territories unilaterally. India making kashmir and ladakh union territories can be seen as india cementing its full control of the disputed territories.
-Half on kashmir is controlled by pakistan and the other half is controlled by india. Part of Ladakh is controlled by india and the ladakh territory which china controls is known as aksai chin.
-Ladakh borders Tibet region of china, Pakistan administered kashmir borders afghanistan, pakistan and china, indian administered kashmir borders pakistan.
What led to the present situation between india and china:
The chinese are angry with the loss of their status quo when India made ladakh (a territory which chinese claim to be their own) it’s union territory unilaterally by abrogation of article370, which is opposed to the UN convention. The indian home minister, amit shah had said in the parliament that the whole jammu, kashmir and ladakh are indian territories which would be annexed by india. This statement angered the chinese, with indian diplomats trying to diffuse the situation by talking to china, but the chinese didn’t buy any of the indian diplomats’ claims.
will the current situation between india and china lead to a war?
NO, the indians lack the capability to wage war against china. It is no longer 1962 where both indians and the chinese were at the same level. There will be talks at the diplomatic level and it’s difficult to predict how the situation will unfold, but a war can be safely ruled out.
why do these countries keep on fighting over these territories?
-India wants connectivity to central asia, if it had pakistan administered kashmir, it would get the connectivity. Currently it relies on Iran.
-China has a secure connectivity to indian ocean via land through pakistan (which it would loose if indian gets pakistan administered kashmir and ladakh). China needs the connectivity since the Malacca strait can easily be blocked by the US navy.
-Pakistan claims the region since it is muslim majority and many kashmiris from indian administered kashmir wish to join pakistan. There is an ongoing militant insurgency by muslims in Indian administered kashmir to get independence from india.
why did india abrogate article 370?
It was in the election manifesto of the hindu nationalist government of modi. If reelected, it was promised that kashmir would be made an integral part of india and it’s special status would be removed. The RSS-BJP wanted to remove the muslim laws of kashmir, which kashmir had when it was an autonomous state, something which many hindu nationalists couldn’t digest. The hindu nationalist want to make India a hindu rashtra(hindu nation) which would bring back the discriminatory caste system and make the minorities like muslims and christian as second class citizens.
why did china wait for nearly a year to take actions against india for the loss of the chinese status quo?
The chinese are extremely patient, they waited for the right time and they didnt come suddenly. They gradually ramped up the incursions which began since February this year. It was the failure of indian border patrol (which doesn’t come under the indian army but the home ministry of amit shah) and indian intelligence to detect the Chinese troops. The Chinese had certainly ran all the simulations, permutations and combinations of the current situation’s outcome before making any decision. Otherwise they would not have made such a dangerous move.
why dont USA and Russia having strong ties to india diffuse the situation?
– USA has its own disputes with China, it cannot diffuse chinese-indian tensions(no matter what the idiot-in-chief claims).
– Russia does not interfere with chinese decisions. Additionally, Russia has been a vocal critic of India joining the Quad(military alliance of USA, Australia, Japan and India). India has compromised its relations with russia by growing closer to USA.
What is the future of the region?
-My view, there is certainly going to be a war, not between china and india, but between india and pakistan. Not only the governments, but also the public of both the sides are lusting for a war.
-There was a time when india used to be the most sane actor in the region. Unfortunately it is no longer the case with the hindu nationalist government of modi in power. India has managed to spoil it’s relations with every single of it’s neighbors.
-Before the china-india dispute, there was nepal-india dispute of the borders in which the nepal PM had said ‘indian virus is more dangerous that coronavirus’. Nepal has issued a new map with the disputed territories being shown in it’s map after friction with india.
-The public perception of India is also changing in Bhutan, with the bhutan public being angry towards india. Bhutan wants to join the BRI OBOR program of china but india is using it’s diplomatic clout to block the Bhutan aspirations.
-The indian law of CAA in assam has also led to open dispute with bangladesh, with bangladeshi ministers canceling their trips to india.
-It is also interesting to note that India was kept out of the Afghan peace talks completely, despite being a regional power.
If u were unable to comprehend my poor writing, please follow the following lines
(watch from 07:00, to understand the reason for the current situation)
Globaltimes is a source of media that is as biased as CNN in its own slant. Note posters who cite it.
Who allowed communist China to take Tibet.
And why.
Who fed them the ability to rapidly industrialise.
And why.
I think Trump and Putin and Xi may all be on the same side. I hope. We will see.
Also, poster above, Ambedkar is not a credible source. Full of colonial and neo c colonial lies. Indians have moved on. And Rama did not murder any shudra etc. Rama was an avatara, not a god, a mortal with a piece of supreme god consciousness inside, atman, soul. For you to spout such vile and untruthful lies, its similar to saying really vile things that Jesus or Mohommed supposedly did, based of some 20th/21st century cultural Marxist writing for university sociology departments. Utterly without credibility.
Those who read global times know that it is a communist party of china mouthpiece, people read it to get an insight and understanding about what the communist party thinks. The article was quoted to get the readers to understand the reasons why china bought troops in the area.
“Ambedkar is not a credible source Full of colonial and neo c colonial lies.”
Ambedkar is the writer of the constitution of india, your country makes laws based on the constitution written by him. Denying his credibility is like denying the credibility of the laws of your own land. Is india still based on colonial and neo-colonial lies that it follows ambedkar’s constitution?
“And Rama did not murder any shudra”
This story about rama killing the shudra named shambuka is from the site of Government of India:
The about link reads “It was in this forest that the Shudra ascetic Shambuka was practising penance. According to the notions of those days, this was an irreligious act and so Rama beheaded him”.
Are you denying the claims of the government of India?
“Indians have moved on”
If india has moved on then why is the 5000 yr old caste system still followed. Why did the brahmins refuse to eat the food prepared by the dalit cook?
“Rama was an avatara, not a god”
If rama is not a god, then why do the hindus make temples for him and worship him? why is rama called as the ‘god of courage’ by the hindus?
The first lines of the article read, “Rama or Ram, also known as Ramachandra, is a major deity of Hinduism”. Is the article above lying?
”Globaltimes is a source of media that is as biased as CNN in its own slant.”
Incredibly much more truthful than CNN, however.
”Who allowed communist China to take Tibet.
And why.”
Culprit: Dean Acheson.
Because: He had already botched China the year before.
Corollary question: Why do you ask?
”Who fed them the ability to rapidly industrialise. And why.”
Culprit: Richard Nixon.
Because: That’s usually the way the big bourgeoisie ’rewards’ the deluded, reactionary petty bourgeoisie/labour aristocracy.
Corollary question: Why do you ask?