So Kerry and Nuland are in Kiev, and tomorrow Merkel and Hollande will be in Moscow. This is probably the strongest evidence that the Debaltsevo cauldron is closed and the surrounded junta forces desperate and defeated (one Russian military analyst stated in an interview that he believes that about half of all the truly combat capable junta forces are in the Debaltsevo cauldron – in other words, the junta army has been defeated again). In other words, the AngloZionists are again intervening to save their sorry little Nazi buddies and their failed regime in Kiev. How noble of them.

Did you know that Putin suffers from high level autism? Yes, according to The Telegraph, this is what the US Pentagon thinks: Putin is an “Aspie”. First, there is nothing wrong with being an Aspie (I have several terrific Aspie friends – I really like Aspies, they make more sense to me then “normal” people) but second, it really makes me wonder what they are going to say next to try to vent their hatred of Putin. Maybe that he is a deaf, dumb and blind baby eating pedophile with strong homoerotic and sadomasochistic traits? Or that he is an extra-terrestrial preparing the invasion of earth for alien Orthodox monastics? Or maybe just another “new Hitler”…

Open thread until this evening.



The Saker


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