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Tag "Intermediate mini-SITREP"

A few loose ends about Debaltsevo

“Dragon_First_1” has posted a detailed analysis of the forces which have actually succeeded in getting out of the Debaltsevo Cauldron. The original Russian text is here: ПРОРЫВ ПОДРАЗДЕЛЕНИЙ ВСУ ИЗ РАЙОНА ДЕБАЛЬЦЕВО 18 февраля 2015 г The Google machine translation is here. Novorussian sources estimate the number of killed junta forces at about 3’500. As for Poroshenko, apparently “buoyed” by the recent “victory” of his forces, he is now asking

Intermedia Ukraine mini-SITREP

So Kerry and Nuland are in Kiev, and tomorrow Merkel and Hollande will be in Moscow. This is probably the strongest evidence that the Debaltsevo cauldron is closed and the surrounded junta forces desperate and defeated (one Russian military analyst stated in an interview that he believes that about half of all the truly combat capable junta forces are in the Debaltsevo cauldron – in other words, the junta army
