Thanks to the superb work of the Russian Team, it is my huge pleasure to present you with one of the most interesting interviews about the war in the Ukraine and the global struggle for the future of the planet and the views of one of the best informed men in Russia: Sergei Glaziev.

Glaziev is an advisor to President Putin and a close friend.  I personally believe that the western media is either wrong or deliberately lying when then say that Dugin is Putin’s ideological mentor. I am not sure that Putin has – or needs – any kind of mentor, but over the years I have found that Glaziev seems to say out loud what Putin does not, but seems to be acting on.

Glaziev, who was born in the Ukraine and who is an economic himself, has a superb understanding of the behind-the-scenes power plays in the Ukraine and in Russia.  This man really *knows* what is going on.  Furthermore, he is one of the leading “Eurasian Sovereignists” and he is therefore absolutely hated by the pro-US circles in Russia.  He is equally hated in the USA who put him on their recent sanctions list for no other reason then the fact that they don’t like what he has to say.

I urge everybody to listen to this 15min interview which is one of the most interesting ones I have ever had the pleasure to post here.


The Saker

(please turn on the subtitles by pressing on the ‘cc’ button)