Iraq SITREP 24-25-26-27-28th July: The Spice/Oil must flow-Iraq announces exporting 2.42 million barrels of oil per day in the month of June

Quote of the Day, Shaykh Zakzaky (on possibly the start of Shia resistance in Africa): They shot our brothers and sisters; my son Mahmud, who came from a university in Beirut, was shot in his stomach and died on the way to the hospital. They came back and arrested three of my sons alive and killed two while in their custody. How did they arrest my children without resistance? Our submission to the Nigerian authority is not in doubt hence they took them away. And so what lies are they telling?

24th July: Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations meets with Sistani and releases a press statement after his meeting. He praises Sistani for preventing Sectarian conflict in Iraq, the UN’s gratitude for the civilian lives he has helped save, and seconded Sistani’s call toward the formation of a unity government.
Sistani has refused to meet any EU or US officials so far, from even before the 2003 invasion. He has sanctioned the United States from himself.
24th July: The Iraqi Speaker, Salim Al Jubouri, meets with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, in Baghdad
24th July: The Peshmergas carry out a multi pronged attack on the remaining southern part of Jalawala, west of Khanaqin, and clear out Daash/rebel fighters. The Peshmergas suffered one dead and seven injured.
24th July: Fuad Masum is elected the President of Iraq by the Iraqi parliament. He receives 211 votes and becomes the seventh President of a dying Iraq.
24th July: A convoy carrying prisoners that left from Taji prison, north of Baghdad, is attacked by arm men who later fled. 70 prisoners and a guard are killed. The Iraqi government has instituted an enquiry.
26th July: Qasim al-Fahdawi, A Member of Parliament from Anbar blames the local government in Anbar for “misguiding” the central government. He stated that the advice given by the local government led to the decisions made by the Baghdad government that weakened the security forces and that they are yet incapable of fighting the Daash led rebels.
26th July: Riyad al-Athath, the head of the Baghdad Provincial Council is kidnapped by unknown gunmen after they attacked his home in Adhamiya, Baghdad.
26th July: Tribes from the Eastern parts of Karma, North West of Fallujah have started to assist the security forces against Daash/rebel fighters. The tribes were hostile to Daash, which has controlled the area for more than six months, but were unable to act on their own.
26th July: Bombing out of existence: Daash bombs the Prophet Sheet (as) Mosque in Mosul:
Daash had earlier destroyed the Prophet Younus and Jerges shrines in Mosul by bombing them.
26th July: Maliki orders the release of Dawood al- Jubouri, a Sunni politician and head of the council of Adhamiya a northern suburb of Baghdad, arrested under the country’s anti terrorism laws. Dawood had allegedly “confessed” to security personnel of collusion with Daash/rebels and that Adhamiya would have been used as a base for a rebel push on Baghdad. His release has been brought about by the efforts of Sunni politicians, Osama al Nujaifi, and the current speaker Salim al Jubouri.
26th July: The Iraqi government has relocated over 10000 Turkoman families from Mosul and Tal Afar to four central provinces of Iraq: Najaf, Karbala, Babil, and Wasit. The families had travelled through Iraqi Kurdistan to get to Baghdad.
26th July: 15 Daash/rebel fighters are killed by security forces when clearing out the Hamrin gas fields north of Baqouba.
26th July: Maliki arrives in Sulaimaniyeh to visit former President Jalal Talibani on the latter’s return from Germany
26th July: Hoshyar Zebari, Former Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs, blames the council of ministers for the current sectarian atmosphere in Iraq and corruption for the collapse/capitulation of the army in early June.
27th July: The Municipality of Baghdad has planned a carnival like atmosphere for the celebration of Eid. The festivities include games, bazaars and fireworks to light up Baghdad’s night sky.
27th July: The Iraqi speaker of Parliament, Salim al- Jubouri, arrives in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan. He is expected to visit Christian families in refugee camps in Iraqi Kurdistan.
27th July: The Iraqi Human Rights Commission issues a statement that over 150 children, mostly Shia, have died on account of heat and disease. The children belonged to families displaced from Tal Afar and Mosul that fled the onslaught of Daash.
27th July: The Iraqi Kurdistan government is denying claims that appeared in Turkish media that suggested the Kurds had requested the Turkish Army train Kurdish Peshmergas.
27th July: Security forces are carrying out combing operations in Al Atheem to clear the area of Daash fighters and make it possible for displaced families to return. Eight Daash fighters are killed and six vehicles destroyed on Sunday, arms and ammunition was also recovered.
27th July: The Iraqi government has reopened social networking sites that were blocked subsequent to the events of June.
28th July: Counter Insurgency: Government forces kill Nashwan Jassim Mohammed Ibrahim a terrorist wanted for sectarian killing. He was one of the men respomsible for the “liquidation” of Shia and Kurdish prisoners in Badush prison in Mosul. The extermination of Shia and Kurdish prisoners started after Daash took Mosul on the 10th of June.
28th July: Athel Al Nujaifi, Governor of Nineveh, on the formation of Sunni militias in Mosul to take on Daash “The army that fell apart in that awful defeat and lost its weapons can’t come back to fight again and militias can’t fight in a land that does not accept its presence , in front of this failure in the Iraqi security system and its sectarianism composition , the people of Mosul can only rely on themselves and on Brigades of their sons, which will liberate Mosul.”
28th July: Former Ba’athist from the Naqshabandi army start to break ranks with Daash, “the forces of counter-revolution… began to emit its toxins in the ranks of the revolutionaries … where a group has committed crimes against Iraq and its people through the displacement of citizens , blowing up landmarks , religious shrines and residential buildings
28th July: Nikolay Mladenov, the representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations to Iraq congratulates the people of Iraq on the occasion of Eid and implores them to stand united.
28th July: The Parliament of Iraqi Kurdistan has asked the President of Iraq, Fuad Masum, to work towards resolving economic and political issues between the Government in Baghdad and Iraqi Kurdistan.
28th July: Ismat Rajab of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) survives an assassination attempt on his convoy by an IED. No casualties reported.
28th July: Terror tactics: Daash is threatening to execute young men in Saadia, 60 km north of Baqouba, if the attacks on Daash are not called off. Two youths have been executed so far.
28th July: War of Attrition: 10 security personnel including voluntary militia members are killed when a booby trapped house explodes in Al Atheem, Diyala. Security forces continue to defuse explosives.
28th July: Abu Wissam, a Tunisian and a commander of al Zarqawi battalion is killed along with five terrorists in al Karma, west of Baghdad and north east of Fallujah in Anbar province.
28th July: Iraq Fighting back: Army trrops and volunteer fighters are gathering in force to attack and break the Daash siege of Amerli, Salah al-Din province south of Tuz Khurma. The sub district was running short of fuel and food and the local elders asked government troops to air lift supplies as an interim measure.
28th July: Salim Al Joubouri calls for a general amnesty for prisoners on the occasion of Eid excluding those with blood on their hands, but not necessarily on their conscience.
28th July: No shame in playing politics: Massoud Barzani thanks the people of Kurdistan in accommodating refugees from other parts of Iraq despite the “sanctions” of the Baghdad government
28th July: The deputy governor of Diyala, Furat al-Tamimi, warns of the threat of reinforced Daash fighters on Hamrin Dam. He pointed out the strategic importance of the dam and requested the armed forces to try and cut the supply lines of Daash and fight a proactive campaign. The key to chess is offence.
28th July: Iraqi Government suspends its planned fireworks display over Baghdad out of security concerns
28th July: A fire breaks out on a rubbish heat in Kut al-Hajaj, Basra. Firefighters have to battle hard to extinguish the fire that destroys tons of rubbish.
28th July: Daash is preventing mourners from visiting cemeteries. They are referring to it as heresy.
28th July: Fahad al-Qahtani, a Saudi Dassh fighter is killed on the outskirts of Mosul
28th July: Hamid al-Mutleg, an MP from the Wataniya Coalition condemns the destruction of shrines in Mosul and urges the citizens of Mosul to fight Daash
28th July: Jalal il-Din al-Sagheer, Iraqi politician and Imam of the Shi’a Buratha Mosque in Baghdad, is targeted with mortar fire on his visit to Shia volunteer militias in Southern Baghdad. No casualties are reported.
28th July: Thirty one bodies of Daash/rebel fighters are found in Baqouba
28th July: A roadside bomb kills two civilians in southern Baqouba
28th July: Four Peshmerga fighters are killed and eight others (including civilians) injured in a car bomb attack on a Peshmerga security Headquaters in Diyala
28th July: France, a state that claims to be secular, offers asylum to Christians displaced by Daash
28th July: Government claims for today:
7 Daash/rebel fighters killed and three vehicles destroyed in air strikes north of Baqouba
The Iraqi Air Force/Army Aviation kills 200 Daash/rebel fighters in Salah al-Din Province, in and around Kirkuk and another 34 Daash/rebel fighters in Dhuluiya town, Sala al-Din along with 7 vehicles
Air Force carries out bombings of Daash/rebel targets in Fallujah
Hamdi al-Oubaidi, a leader of Daash, is killed in Baqouba along with three Daash/rebel fighters in Baqouba

Related News:
25th July: Daash in Syria overruns a Syrian army base in Raqqa and beheads captured Syrian Soldiers. It later mounts their heads on poles and releases a video. The Syrian army is organizing a counter attack.
26th July: A UN report warns that Daash is day by day growing in strength in Syria. More and more rebels are breaking away from other rebel groups and joining Daash.
26th July: Nigerian police open fire on Shias returning from a rally held in support of Palestinians. Twenty four civilians are killed and another 40 seriously injured. Sheik Zakzaky’s son, Mahmud Ibraheem Zakzaky is shot in the stomach and bleeds to death. Three of the Sheik’s sons, Ahmad, Hameed and Ali, are abducted by security personnel and two of them, Ahmed and Hamid, are killed in custody and Ali is left injured with a fractured leg.
28th July: Iran plans to unveil new radar and missile systems in September
28th July: The UAE carrier Emirates has decided not to fly its planes over Iraq
28th July: Bashar Al Assad attends Eid prayers in Damascus. The Syrian government had earlier captured

Further reading:
US formed counter insurgency death squads in Afghanistan:
Saudi Efforts to buy off the Palestinians, subvert the resistance, and collude with Israel: