Likud’s MK Miki Zohar says Jews are the smartest in the world, so know Netanyahu isn’t corrupt
by Stuard Winer for the Times of Israel

Likud MK Miki Zohar speaks during an Interior Affairs Committee meeting at the Knesset, in Jerusalem, February 20, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
A lawmaker from the ruling Likud party said Wednesday that the “Jewish race” is the smartest in the world and possessing of the “highest human capital,” which is why, he said, the Israeli public did not buy into the allegations of wrongdoing by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
MK Miki Zohar made the comments during a radio debate with veteran political journalist Dan Margalit about the corruption investigations in which Netanyahu is either a suspect or has given testimony.
His assertions led to a Twitter spat with Joint (Arab) List party MK Ahmad Tibi, who noted Nazi Germany’s treatment of Jews as a race during the Holocaust.
Citing recent opinion polls that show Netanyahu enjoying strong support despite being a suspect in three graft investigations, Zohar argued that the media focus on the probes has not convinced the Israeli public that the prime minister is unsuited to lead the country.
“I can tell you something very basic,” Zohar said during the Radio 103FM debate. “You can’t fool the Jews, no matter what is the media writes. The public in Israel is a public that belongs to the Jewish race, and the entire Jewish race is the highest human capital, the smartest, the most comprehending. The public knows what the prime minister is doing for the country and how excellent he is at his job.”
Tibi, in response, tweeted a picture of Zohar with the message: “An elected official in ‘the Jewish state’ presents: race theory.”
Tibi, whose party and its members have often raised ire among their Jewish colleagues with their open support for the Palestinian cause, followed that tweet up with a photo of himself reading Amos Elon’s book “The Pity of It All,” which examines how the Holocaust brought an end to German-Jewish culture.
Zohar tweeted back: “And on the back cover there is a photo of Albert Einstein, another Jew who brought great news to the world.”
“What’s the connection between you and Einstein?” Tibi rejoined. “It isn’t even a relative relationship.”
In a follow-up interview with Hadashot TV news, Zohar at first denied that he had spoken about the supremacy of the “Jewish race,” but, presented with a recording of his earlier comments, doubled down and reiterated: “The Jewish people and the Jewish race are of the highest human capital that exists.”
“What can you do? We were blessed by God… and I will continue to say that at every opportunity,” he said. “I don’t have to be ashamed about the Jewish people being the Chosen People; the smartest, most special people in the world.”
Zohar cited the many innovations and discoveries made by Jews, and said that Israel had achieved more in its 70-year span than some peoples had in thousands of years.
“You can understand why we usually win a lot of Nobel Prizes,” he said.
Times of Israel staff contributed to this report.
So obnoxious.
But maybe an opening for a discussion of who are the “smartest” Jews:
The Zionists or the Jewish foes of Zionism, such as Albert Einstein.
And they actually use the Nobel Prize as a metric for their “intelligence”??
Hilarious! I guess with mediocrities like Obama, Ahtissari, Wiesel they’re in good company.
Tesla, Shostakovich, and Gandhi would probably be laughing their heads off…
Thanks for the clarity, Zohar. If the Nazis had not gone after the Jews they could be great friends with these people. Although I doubt the wisdom of Israel’s choices in the long run.
Look closely at Ukraine’s leadership (ownership).
You see the amalgam of both #1 ‘Races’, self-proclaimed.
And if you look at IDF behavior, you are hard put to see the slightest difference from the Third Reich.
They came together long ago.
Supremacy of psychotic people.
They play footsie with each other. They probably can’t agree on who gets to be #1, though. The Israelis have also been supporting the Phalangists in Lebanon, another fascist outfit.
The Nazis and German Zionists were good friends, for a while, co-operating on moving Jews to Palestine. They had a lot in common-delusions of racial supremacism, a lust to steal lebensraum from ‘lesser breeds’, a love of violence to get their way etc. Indeed, their eventual falling out was probably the result of a dispute over who was the supreme type-the Aryan or the Jew. I guess a similar situation pertains today with Israel and the Yankee Reich, both of whom imagine themselves ‘God’s Chosen People’. And Israeli ‘Exceptionalism’ must bow down before the US version, surely-if you’ll forgive my ‘antisemitism’.
Careful MM, you can be kicked out of the UK Labour party for saying Nazis and Zionists worked together. Truth is no defence!
I would as much join the UK Labour Party as I would join the Australian Labor Party. ‘Social democrats’ are worse than the vilest Rightists, because of the hypocrisy and self-delusion-to be generous.
Miki Zohar has payed tribute to an ethnic group which existed in Palestine in Roman Times. When the Roman Empire fell, the Jews of Palestine became assimilated with the local populations, with the result that Palestinians today have more Jewish blood in their veins than citizens of Israel.
The current Jews are almost all descendants of Khazars, a Turkish tribe which in the 8th century accepted the Hebrew faith, taking it from those Jews who lived outside Palestine.
As for Albert Einstein, he was anything but a :smart” man. He failed his mathematics test in high school, and he married Mileva Marich, a Serbian girl, who had a degree in physics and who did his math homework for him. As for “his” theory of relativity, he stole it from others. He was the most hated man in American academic circles between the two world wars, as everybody knew he was not the author of the theory of relativity.
When it comes to the Nobel prizes, they are basically a joke, influenced by politics. Would any decent person want to receive a Nobel Prize when the same was given to somebody like Barack Obama, who contributed zero to peace, but who killed a large number of people with his drones ?
“As for Albert Einstein, he was anything but a :smart” man.”
??? I have studied physics and I can assure you Einstein’s reputation is not hype. It is true that elements of special relativity were developed by Poincare and Lorentz but he really put the theory together. He made many fundamental contributions to physics beyond relativity. The biography by Pais presents a good overview of his discoveries. No contemporary scientist comes close to this giant.
Every great scientist sees far beyond others because he stands on the shoulders of other giants (if I might paraphrase Newton, who was not the first to say it), going back, in the West, to the Greeks, and the Egyptians and Sumerians before them. Einstein was a great thinker and visionary, and a great man, with the usual faults, as well.
From what I can tell, Einstein himself credited half of the theory to lorentz and Poincare. The theory was ripe for explanation at the time, and without Einstein it would have been “discovered” very shortly.
That said, he was a genius no doubt. I think the reason, though, that he is always cited as the greatest mind of all time comes from the fact that Jews own the media and want to promote their brand. I give them credit for being successful in that regard. Gentiles would never promote someone like Tesla simply to prove they are capable of equal or greater genius. Self promotion as a separate race in competition with Jews just never occurs to them.
`I think this thread is going off-topic and will be brief As far as I know Einstein was not aware of Lorenz’s or Poincare’s work when he wrote his paper on special relativity. This paper presented some revolutionary concepts such as replacing absolute space and time with an absolute velocity, insights which other physicists did not make. Lorenz, for example, hypothesized that objects alter their length in the presence of an aether wind. While Lorenz’s paper was attempting to explain the results of the Michaelson-Morley experiment, Einstein’s principle concern was a paradox in electromagnetism. Einstein resolved this problem through a careful analysis of the measurement process; all measurements are described in terms of two events measured using a stopwatch and a beam of light. I think Whitaker’s book on theories of the aether does give credit elsewhere but most people, including myself, credit Einstein.
I think that there can be a “Jewish narcissist” bias in the press but this is hardly unique. At other times one might notice an “American narcissist” bias or in India, perhaps, sometimes an “Indian narcissist” bias and so on.
“Gentiles would never promote someone…”
Actually, the Nazis were probably doing this all the time and everywhere.
True, Edward, but I really think that the group narcissism endlessly expressed by certain sections of the Jewish community is pretty much unrivaled in intensity, and propagandising promulgation, by that of any other group I can think of. American Exceptionalists are not far behind, but that cult yet lacks the ‘religious’ imprimatur of Judaic supremacism as expressed in Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism.
“Would any decent person want to receive a Nobel Prize when the same was given to somebody like Barack Obama, who contributed zero to peace, but who killed a large number of people with his drones ?”
Just to further reflect the complete hypocracy of the prize, it was fairly commonly reported that nuland was pressuring the Committee via the US embassy in 2014 to award Poroshenko the prize-did not happen but reasons for the unsuccessful effort were not clear.
If any other country had a representative at any level of government say that white people are smarter than everyone else, or Christians were the most favored by God, or that Tesla’s ability was because he was a gentile and no Jew could have produced such genius, he would be pilloried in the media and immediately dismissed from his position. There would be a great weeping and gnashing of teeth while starlets publicly searched the depths of their souls to see why there was such ugliness in their race/religion/nation.
But in Israel, it’s quite acceptable. Indeed, it’s just considered common knowledge from what I can tell.
Yes, it is a unique country. It is uniquely racist, uniquely supremacist, uniquely parasitic, uniquely protected, and uniquely doomed, because finally the rest of the world has had just about enough of them. The only way they can continue to hang on is because they have attached themselves in parasitic fashion to the USA and have been sucking the taxpayer’s teat for 2 full generations now. But even the gullibility of the American Fundamentalist “Christians” and treason of the shabbos goy in Congress can’t save the Jewish state from the dustbin of history. The end of the dollar standard era approaches at last, and Israel will need to find a way to exist without the largesse of the USA and its taxpayers.
I’ve seen online articles that suggest the Jews in Palestine will just pivot eastward to feast on Russia and/ or China after it abandons the US’s carcass. Not sure that would be easy for them. Though not impossible as China adopted leftist ideology from Bolshevik Russia some time ago. Maybe an influx of immigrants into China and Russia might smooth the transition.
I don’t believe that that is going to happen since the whole Zionist project is doomed for a number of reasons.
It’s just a question of how much further damage will be inflicted on the West until then. And will the West have the balls to wipe out all the Jewish and non-Jewish oligarchs.
His arrogance is going to bite him in the ass. He just doesn’t know it yet.
Oh yes; Nemesis wants a piece of him alright.
The book “Merchants of Sin” can be read online here:
Hi Mods,
Are you planning to censor my post? I don’t see it.
I haven’t seen your post tonight? You might want to resend it.MOD
Will do. Thank you!
RT covered the story, as well.
Israeli MP invokes the supremacy of ‘Jewish race’ in bizarre pro-Netanyahu tirade
This sort of judeo-supremacist thinking is common in israel. Among Jewish zionazis, it is also common outside israel. Though not usually within earshot of the “inferior” goy.
Actually, I think a lot of goyim also parrot this idea, that Jews are smarter, are nerds, geniuses, etc.
Actually I just read of a recent study that analyzed some data concerning academic performance by Jews (going by last names that sound Jewish… so not terribly scientific, but still) and that study concluded that the preponderance of Jews as high academic performers is declining.
I might have seen this at the Unz Review.
Here is an article by Ron Unz that appeared at a different blog, and I think this is the study I recalled reading:
Thanks Katherine, Very good article as usual from Ron Unz.
He is an excellent researcher, with a gift for condensing results.
He also covers quite a bit of speculative ground, and leaves readers to interpret data as they see fit.
Something I for one appreciate, as I cannot stand crude attempts to ‘herd’ readers into specific ideological channels.
I think, Katherine, that the competition from east and south Asian students is denting the religion of Ashkenazi supremacism, more than a little. I think that there is a debilitating effect being experienced by the best of the Jews, too, from seeing Israel become a justly despised and rotten fascistic terror state. Support for Israel among young US Jews is steadily falling.
An example of typical bigotry from a zionazi Jew outside israel.
‘Muslims are the vilest animals’: post shared by Jewish Board of Deputies member sparks probe
What they are upset about is that she was public with her bigotry. Rule #1 is “don’t let the goy know what we think of them, keep it in the tribe, always”.
Einstein has as much relevance to Netanyahu as Newton to Theresa May.
Besides, he was an outlier, and considered himself German – Bavarian to be specific.
One could easily argue he achieved despite, not because of his Jewish ancestry (itself heavily German – assimilated.)
He turned down the presidency of Israel and, along with other Jewish luminaries, condemned it as far back as the forties as a proto – fascist colony.
Interestingly, he is currently being sold as a racist in some media outlets, due to some ancient remark about Asians. Presumably, his well – documented (and now far better known) anti – Zionism needs to be ‘discredited’.
Excluding Orthodox Jews from IQ tests in the US gives a highly skewed result, whereas in Israel itself, not only are Israelis heavily bunched around the average, they are well below most European countries on various educational measures.
Currently, their IT skills are so poor, maths and science graduates from other countries are being wooed to make up the shortfall.
And they have absolutely no gift whatsoever for architecture – a major lacuna in their heritage, and notable for its bucking of civilization/religious heritage. This is reflected in their poor spatial scores.
Using Nobel prizes as some index of ‘brilliance’ is quaint – they are heavily politicised, and the products of networking, bribery and blackmail.
When someone like carpet – bomber Kissinger gets a Peace Prize, we are well into the twilight zone…
The only thing Israelis in power – like this Zohar –
excel at is blackmail, bribery and terror.
“Presumably, his well – documented (and now far better known) anti – Zionism needs to be ‘discredited’.”
I think that is the major operative principle behind the Einstein bashing. He opposed the sacrosanct ones, therefore must be discredited. There is another vector, that of the old fashioned euro anti-semite, the sort the nazis cashed in on, and gay edgar hoover – to example the pindo aspect, but these are mostly the walking dead now, and mainly kept ambulatory through zionazi Jewish support (backdoor of course, in both senses… ;-D).
Excellent comment, BTW.
Thanks VT.
Methinks it’s high time Bavaria honoured their countryman.
Can you imagine the uproar that would cause?
Iblis: “I am better than him(Adam). You created me from fire. You created him from clay.”
What else is new? After all, any group that goes around proclaiming themselves to be “God’s Chosen People” is of course at the same time declaring themselves to be superior to all other mere ordinary mortals.
So, judaism has gone from a religion to a race? WTF?
It would almost be funny if it weren’t so pathetic…
“To the perceptive eye the depth of their degeneration was clear enough, but to those whose judgement of true happiness is defective, they seemed, in their pursuit of unbridled ambition and power, to be at the height of their fame and fortune.”- Plato, Critias .
This sort of attitude is one reason why Jews were prosecuted thousands of years before and still prosecuted today. A multi-ethnic abhorrence that spans countries and geo.
It’s an incredible achievement to be disliked/distrusted by a significant number of Earth’s total population.
So .. I will concede. They’re geniuses. No one on Earth have achieved this prominence and maintained it for such a long time period (afaik).
Should award them a Nobel prize for this excellent achievement.
Arguably, the ‘greatest’ contribution by Jews to the human race is its impending destruction.
The Manhattan Project, run by Oppenheimer and his staff of gnomic found the deadliest purpose imgaginable to the E=mc formula of Einstein, which was actually cribbed from a French Scientist who did not have easy access to the patent office.
Truer words than these by Martin Buber, a righteous Jew, were never spoken on the subject:
“Jews are far better at tearing things down than at building things up.”
And I agree with the poster who noticed that there is little difference in attitude between the Khazar Jews of today and the German Nazis of yesterday. Of course it turns out that they collaborated quite actively in those dark and now inscrutable days of the twentieth century.
Netanyahu implicated in nuclear smuggling from U.S. — big story in Israel… The corporate for profit media won’t touch the story but that’s OK because the alternative media are on top of it. During the 80’s when Netanyahu claimed he was working as a furniture salesman (same job as Obama’s grandfather nudge nudge wink wink) he was in fact smuggling nuclear triggers out of the United States. They are called Crytrons and given Israel is a non signatory of the nuclear proliferation treaty we can expect to see Nutty Netenyahu in jail one day or at least in the dock like Rupert Murdoch with his warmongering empire crumbling around him. Ironically the Israeli press has been more open than the Western press. Alternatively Iran might just wipe the floor with Israel and teach them a lesson if they try it on. I’m quite relaxed about that right now given the latest information. Read more:
Yes, I’m a late commenter.
Miki Zohar is only verbalizing a belief that many Jews (to varying degrees) espouse privately. His attitude is one of the pillars that perpetuates that mental construct known as “Jewish identity.”
Jews love to point out that reality itself is a socially accepted construct. As evidenced by their promotion of specious Critical Theory.
Yet only an incredibly tiny number of Jews — despite their supposed intellectual, moral, and cultural superiority — ever seem to question the veracity of their own identity as Jews. They much prefer to focus their attention on the arbitrary nature of the underpinnings of Gentile constructs instead.
This huge, gaping, black hole of a blind spot leaves them susceptible to being easily manipulated by their own elite. An incredible irony, wouldn’t you say?
Sure most Jews are compensated for their compliance with higher standards of living and a hollow sense of superiority. And their precious Jewish identitarian sense of victimhood supplies them with convenient rationalizations that make undermining their host countries feel justified.
So, of course, Miki Zohar is a knucklehead who sincerely believes his own people’s propaganda. Kind of like some ordinary Brits who long for a return of empire, some Yankee fans, some Americans who took pride in watching smart-bomb footage on tv during the first war with Iraq, etc, ad nauseum. Knuckleheads love to be part of “something bigger” that somehow helps them feel their quiet desperation a little less. It’s about self-medicating.
If or when there is an Gentile uprising, it’ll be ordinary Jews like Mr. Zohar who wind up protecting the Jewish elite with their lives. As it is sometimes pointed out, no Rothschild died in Auschwitz.
Rational thought does not support such idiocy. I see no great composers, writers or artists. Just a bunch of also rans running about on the shoulders of the truly great who he chooses to be blind to. Even their cuisine is just borrowed dishes from host populations. The word ‘ inauthentic ‘ comes to mind, as does the phrase ‘delusions of grandeur’. Good for a laugh though.