Saker note: Yup, you read that right. And I did not even make this up. This was printed by The Daily Mail website. Here is the full text of this article (no comment is really needed at this point):
Bible and Koran should carry anti-Semitic warnings, say Jewish leaders
By James Wood For Mailonline
Jewish leaders are calling for new editions of the Bible and Koran to carry warning messages which highlight anti-Semitic passages in the holy texts.
The recommendations have been made in a new document called ‘An End to Antisemitism! A Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism’.
It was produced following an international conference organised by the European Jewish Congress, at which academics gathered to discuss how prejudice and discrimination can be tackled.
Ariel Muzicant, Vice-President of the European Jewish Congress, and co-author of the new document holds it up, showing the title ‘An End to Antisemitism! A Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism’
Among the policies mentioned in the document was the idea of warning messages in holy texts, a topic discussed in a chapter entitled ‘recommendations regarding Religious Groups and Institutions’.
The document reads: ‘Translations of the New Testament, the Qur’an and other Christian or Muslim literatures need marginal glosses, and introductions that emphasize continuity with Jewish heritage of both Christianity and Islam and warn readers about antisemitic passages in them.
‘While some efforts have been made in this direction in the case of Christianity, these efforts need to be extended and made consistent in both religions.’
There are several themes in the New Testament that have come under fire for their use as justification for anti-Semitic attitudes.

Saker comment: note that Ukronazi Pavlo Klimkin sits with this gang of anti-Christian crooks :-)
These include the blame of Jews for the death of Jesus and the seemingly stubborn nature of the Jewish people and their disloyalty to God.
While there are some negative remarks about Jews in the Koran, and negative portrayals of the people.
The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has previously spoken of how religious texts can be exploited or misinterpreted to promote discriminatory attitudes.
The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has previously spoken of how theological teachings have in the past been used to spread anti-Semitism. He spoke of how it had ‘infected the body of the Church’
Academics and leaders gathered in Vienna earlier this year to discuss how an end to anti-Semitism can be brough about. Pictured here (left to right) are Ariel Muzicant, Vice-President of the European Jewish Congress, Heinz Fassmann, Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research, Mathias Doepfner, CEO Axel Springer SE, Danielle Spera, Director of the Jewish Museum Vienna, Kenneth Jacobson, Deputy National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, Pawlo Klimklin, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Dina Porat, Head of the Kantor Centre
Writing in a collection of essays published in 2016, he said: ‘It is a shameful truth that, through its theological teachings, the church, which should have offered an antidote, compounded the spread of this virus.
‘The fact that anti-Semitism has infected the body of the Church is something of which we as Christians must be deeply repentant. We live with the consequences of our history of denial and complicity.’
The document, which was produced by academics including Dina Porat and Lawrence H. Schiffman, also calls on all antisemitic texts and passages in the heritage of Christianity and Islam ‘to be identified and rejected’.
Other recommendations include religious leaders and thinkers ‘publicly denouncing as unholy writ’ canonical or quasi-canonical writings of religious anti-Semites.
The justification for these changes, the documents states, is because divine messages are always communicated through human beings and therefore subject to error.
It reads: ‘God’s revelation is thus marred by human fallibility. Beginning with the New Testament, divine revelation expresses itself in Christian holy texts that also express a form of hatred.
‘The manifestations of this hatred resulted in a tradition of antisemitism that gave moral legitimacy to crimes against the Jewish people, the epitome of which is the Shoah.’
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, and Manfred Weber, Chairman of the European People’s Party, are pictured during a conference on anti-Semitism in Vienna, Austria. The conference followed the publication of a document outlining a number of policy suggestions
Once the ‘antisemitic contents of a religious memory are identified’ religious leaders and followers need to be told, the document concludes.
Other areas highlighted, following the conference, include addressing anti-Semitism online and within research organisations and academic institutions.
This includes ensuring internet search engines privilege positive depictions of Judaism and accurate descriptions of the history of anti-Semitism.
Academics have been reacting to suggested recommendations laid out in the documents.
Dr Christine Joynes, a theology lecturer at Oxford, told The Times that she had ‘some sympathy’ over the suggestion of an annotated bible.
But said: ‘The whole Bible needs a health warning to read it through the right critical lens and in historical context.’
While Muhammad Abdel Haleem, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of London, and also speaking to The Times said that the Koran is entirely negative towards Jews.Saker note: Yup, you read that right. And I did not even make this up. This was printed by The Daily Mail website. Here is the full text of this article (no comment is really needed at this point):
He said: ‘If someone wants to get involved in antisemitism or anti-Islamic behaviour, they will do it whether or not you add warnings and footnotes.’
I’ve always wondered why the Old Testament is even included in the Christian Bible? It seems very out of place.
To me, the most important parts of the Bible for a Christian are the Gospels. As close as the world has to a first-person, eye-witness account as to the life of Jesus Christ and what it was he had to teach humanity.
A telling point is that he largely seems to be preaching to ignore all the stuff said in the Old Testament. The Old Testament says stuff like “An Eye for an Eye” etc, and seems to talk a lot about stoning people. The Gospels teach to “Love Thy Neighbor” and “Turn the Other Cheek.”
In fanatical American Christianity, whenever someone is using the Bible to preach hatred and intolerance and violence against others, they always seem to be quoting bits of the Old Testament. Same back when I was growing up in the South and the racist Christian preachers who supported racism and segregation always seemed to find Old Testament bible quotes to back their hatred.
With the message that Jesus is the Son of God and a part of the Holy Trinity, it always seemed that there was a new message here. That it is better to establish a world of Peace and Love based on the teachings of Jesus. This seems to be a contradictory message to what’s in the Old Testament. It thus seemed to my simple mind that it would be far better to strip away all of the old parts that appear to have the fanatical Christians so confused.
In my life, the Terror attacks that have occurred near me have all been committed by radical, fanatical Christians. And they always seem to be quoting the Old Testament. Obvious of course, as its awfully hard to combine a message of Love Thy Neighbor with a policy of killing your neighbors with a backpack full of explosives and nails.
Too bad that we cannot change any legal document, here the bible, to suit your personal opinions and own egoistic interests.
The bible is a legal testament, A contract between two parties, God and humanity: The first old testament and an addendum which changes certain conditions in the old.
You cannot read the New Testament without the relations to the old Testament.
? the Bible did not exist when God or Jesus walked the earth so your muricanized grasp of history makes your comment a feelzy one and illogical. I suggest you dive into Christian(Orthodox not xtian) literature, i might not see if you answer so please do not think i tried to diss you or be rude, i just do not see how you can argue that it is a legal doc when there exists so many books that were left out and/or is lost in history or some maybe even hidden by the vatican. It makes no sense tbh. There is many good sites i often use: and when i want to find books or an answer.
Russian Orthodox
I dont understand what you want to say??
The bible must be seen as a legal testament because its why its called a testament. The New testament is thus legally an Addendum to the first testament. This is my point.
If you read the Bible you will discover the red line throughout from the beginning to the end.
Then you claim there are many other books. So what? Other books do not make the Bible a fragment. The Bible is still a unit.
You could also refer to Enochs book is older and India´s Shiva teaching is even older. Still it does not make the Bible less.
“I’ve always wondered why the Old Testament is even included in the Christian Bible? It seems very out of place.”
So you find no reference to the Old Testament in the New Testament? Here’s an idea. Instead of repeating dumb stuff freemasons say, try actually reading the Bible.
The article itself is making me yawn. A bunch of british freaks, posing as Christians, but in reality Anti-Christ, are trying to ban teachings of Christ. Old news. Cyrus Scofield is 100 years ahead. You could say King James is hundreds of years ahead, to an extent.
I guess the threat here is if they manage to give the book “Mein Kempf” stigma.
It is called Bowdlerization.
There is no place for Bowdlerization in the 21st C.
It is beyond mind-boggling that anyone could seriously suggest Bowdlerizing the Bible.
For starters, people have a right to be anti-Semites if they so choose.
That is, to think thoughts that might be called anti-Semitic.
Of course no one has the right to act out all of their thoughts or opinions.
But they can think what they like and they can read what they like.
No one has a right to try to control another adult’s mind by censoring any information.
And certainly not by censoring classical and religious texts and “cleansing” them of uncomfortable material.
The Jews should look to cleaning up their act in Israel. That situation is the prime driver of anti-Semitism.
Not the *Bible*!
However, it might be a good outcome if this ridiculous idea were to lead to a serious discussion of the actual connection between the Old Testament and Judaism as it is currently practiced.
Since a lot of people say there is little connection. Which could actually work to the advantage of the Jews—if they could actually say, all of this bad-sounding stuff doens’t have anything to do with modern Judaism.
Of course, pointing that out might weaken the claims that the Jewish state makes on Palestine.
Like, you can’t really pick and choose, as on a menu. Either the whole Old Testament is valid, or, it would seem, none of it is valid.
“The Jews should look to cleaning up their act in Israel. That situation is the prime driver of anti-Semitism.”
Yes, but unfortunately, it’s not just Israel. It’s also Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan…and countless other places, and also subversive actions in Russia (Yeltsin years) and Ukraine.
Before the war, in my family and my immediate community I never, ever heard anyone in speak negatively about jewish people. And yet, the Americans who attacked us were exclusively Jews (Albright, Rubin, Holbrooke, Clarke). The Russians who sold us out (and not just us but Chenchya and the entire Russian foreign policy) were Kozyrev and Primakov, also jews. The frenchman who was the first governor of Kosovo who swept the KLA crimes under the rug, (especially the organ harvesting from Serbian civilians) was yet another jew, Bernard Kouchner (not to mention Bernhard Henri Levy and his vitriolic racist smear campaigns) ..what should one make of this??
They bleat about anti-semitism and yet they go around attacking Muslims and Christians in their own countries. Stop committing crimes and people will stop hating you.
And let’s not forget Morton Abramowitz, George Soros, Eliot Engel ( the first U.S. congressman to be featured on a postage stamp in Kosovo ) Jerry Nadler, Benjamin Gilman,Tom Lantos, Joseph Lieberman, Ellie Wiesel, and Gary Kasparov ( Garik Kimovich Weinstein ).
Abramowitz played a leading role in the foundation of the vehemently anti-Serb International Crisis Group, and has been a board member since it’s inception in 1995.
He also served for nine years on the board of the National Endowment for Democracy.
Gary Kasparov received Croatian citizenship in 2014 in recognition of his support for Croatia during the 1991-1995 war.
It is remarkable. One would think that jewish people, who were such prominent victims of nazism, would find the openly fascist Nazi & ISIS groups in Croatia, Ukraine, Kosovo, Syria, Libya abhorrent. But no. In fact, the more extremist the ideology, the more fervent their jewish supporters…
Serbian girl,
It’s much more sinister and disturbing than even suggested. In the 90’s, we visited the National Holocaust Museum in D.C., along with the Jewish leader of the Serbian-Jewish partnership. Our group was horrified to find that not only was their no mention of the Croatian death camps, there were exhibits celebrating croatians and bosnian muslims, as protectors of the Jews. Justifiably disgusted, our Jewish companion asked to speak to the curator. Their immediate response was to shut down the entire museum, in the middle of the day.
Not only was anti-Jewish sentiment frowned upon in Serbia, Serbs were the defenders of the Jews, in Eastern Europe. The Jews were in fact slaughtered, alongside Hundreds of thousands of Serbs, by croatian, Bosnian muslim and Albanian nazis. Now they sell them weapons and train their new Nazi armies. Their genocide promoted at the expense of the larger genocide of the Orthodox Slavs. The genocide of the Serbs, buried by the Anglo-American Zionists and Vatican church. In fact, there is growing evidence that the Anglo-Zionists supported the Vatican’s plan, for the genocide of the Serbian nation, in WWII.
Forgive them when they repent, but never forget.
The zionazi-nazi freakshow gets more shrill, hysterical and desperate by the day.
Notwithstanding the fact, taken from DNA evidence, etc., that the so called Jews are not Semitic people but are from the region of Khazaria (Turkic-Mongol), it appears to me that these people want complete immunity from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Prophet Mohammed. In other words, they want to expand their ability to corrupt, steal, lie, murder and chase after someone else’s wife (pornography). The last thing we need is for non-Semitic or non-Christian people to rewrite the Bible or the Koran. This is blatant HERESY!
The Archbishop of Canterbury is a total embarrassment. He should convert to Judaism, as he does not believe in Christianity. This bizarre religion of the shoah being the BIG Event, when the Archbishop might think of all the victims of the English Empire over the years, or the Arabs killed in his lifetime by the Anglo-American assault on Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Has he denounced the ongoing Genocide in Yemen which the English are aiding?
Not to diss Russia, but according to Geert Mak, “In Europe,” a total of ca. 17 million Russians died in the 1930s a a result of purges, collectivazation and deportation, being sent to camps to become slave labor and perish, other waves of famine in cities and the countryside. And, the magnitude of sheer terror inflicted on the Russia people was greater than that suffered by the Germans under the Third Reich.
And, even in the Holocaust it wasn’t only Jews who perished, fer chrissakes.
Also communists, Poles, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Roma, Russians . . .
Geert Mak speaks perfect Westish — except he’s laughingly far behind the inflation regarding the Size-of-the-heap-of-corpses-of-people-murdered-by-Stalin. Needs to be corrected upward by (at least) a factor of 5, methinks.
Jews are a highly arrogant breed, just like the Anglo-Americans. Anglo-Zionist Empire is an excellent conceptualization of what the West’s Liberal Imperialist Establishment refer to as Judeo-Christian — with utmost emphasis on the first part of their compound. Kosher Bible and ditto Quran? Mathias Döpfner at Axel Springer’s should be all ears.
“Geert Mak speaks perfect Westish — except he’s laughingly far behind the inflation regarding the Size-of-the-heap-of-corpses-of-people-murdered-by-Stalin. Needs to be corrected upward by (at least) a factor of 5, methinks.”
Upward to what?
What is your figure, and what does it cover? And where did you get it?
Have you read Mak’s book?
I am not a knee-jerk defender of anyone, but I don’t comment, and don’t go slinging around labels such as “Westish”, unless I am sure of what the person actually says and am sure that they are wrong and am sure *why* they are giving wrong info (i.e., apologists or some such).
In a later chapter, about the war in Russia itself (not the purge era of the thirties), Mak adds many more millions (can’t recall exact figure now) which are those who actually lost their lives in the war.
Also, “behind *inflation*” sounds as though you think Mak’s figures are too high, not too low.
The Old Testament has the most negative portrayals of Jewish culture. It celebrates the worst aspects of Jewish culture throughout the book. Genocide and massacres of any foes of Israel are found throughout the Old Testament. The Purim theme is an extremely negative theme. The Jews massacred 75000 thousand men, women and children related to Haman. The seven nations to destroy theme from Deuteronomy 7.1-2 is another negative theme. All such negative themes should be underlined and stated that Jewish culture does not celebrate or honor such negative themes anymore.
Back to book burning. I were almost about to think Jews were like the rest of us, but this roll me all the way back to the Jew haters.
“In reality we the Jews didnt kill Jesus. Jesus killed himself. Jesus went too far. “We Jews only did what everybody would do. Thirty shekels is thirty shekels man. You would do the same”.
It will be difficult to edit this one:
Then Jesus started telling them stories. “A man planted a vineyard. He fenced it, dug a winepress, erected a watchtower, turned it over to the farmhands, and went off on a trip. At the time for harvest, he sent a servant back to the farmhands to collect his profits.
3-5 “They grabbed him, beat him up, and sent him off empty-handed. So he sent another servant. That one they tarred and feathered. He sent another and that one they killed. And on and on, many others. Some they beat up, some they killed.
6 “Finally there was only one left: a beloved son. In a last-ditch effort, he sent him, thinking, ‘Surely they will respect my son.’
7-8 “But those farmhands saw their chance. They rubbed their hands together in greed and said, ‘This is the heir! Let’s kill him and have it all for ourselves.’ They grabbed him, killed him, and threw him over the fence.
9-11 “What do you think the owner of the vineyard will do? Right. He’ll come and clean house. Then he’ll assign the care of the vineyard to others. Read it for yourselves in Scripture:
That stone the masons threw out is now the cornerstone! This is God’s work; we rub our eyes—we can hardly believe it!”
12 They wanted to lynch him then and there but, intimidated by public opinion, held back. They knew the story was about them. They got away from there as fast as they could.
Fairenoughski. Then we’re gonna need even more commentaries on that Commentary of commentaries, the Talmud — these new commentaries should highlight all the Talumd’s anti-Christian and anti-gentile nonsense. Fair should be fair afterall :P
This article is unbelievable. Don’t get me wrong, I believe it is true but the chutzpah! All holy texts must be changed for one religion — or should that me the One Religion. Incredible. If they keep this up then people might start taking a closer look at the Jewish holy texts beyond the Bible — they are also an eye-opener when it comes to prejudice and hate. Mind you parts of the bible seem to be a primer in rent-seeking, power-grabbing and genocide.
This perfidious European Jewish Congress wish to expurgate the words spoken by our beloved and supreme God of Abraham and his ordained prophets and saints in an attempt to indemnify themselves from any justifiable criticism of their wanton criminal acts. So now the Jews demand further compunction from billions of Christians and Muslims of which God (Allah) has recorded the truth about them in both their infallible and sacred tomes.
Holy and Divine Gospel, Mathew 21:12-15
And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them. And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; they were sore displeased,
Holy and Divine Quran, An-Nisa 4.47
Among the Jews are those who distort words from their [proper] usages and say, “We hear and disobey” and “Hear but be not heard” and “Ra’ina,” twisting their tongues and defaming the religion. And if they had said [instead], “We hear and obey” and “Wait for us [to understand],” it would have been better for them and more suitable. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, except for a few.
The hypocrisy of these arrogant people and their Talmudic, apocryphal religion is beyond human tolerance.
It might not be a bad idea to produce a kind of concordance of all the inhuman stuff pronounced by and about the Hebrews in the Old Testament. It would be kind of like a Cliff Notes version of the Old Testament, very handy for boning up before debates with the Talmudists in DC, Tel Aviv, and elsewhere.
As for throwing out the Old Testament and just keeping the new one, I thought that the whole idea of Jesus was that his new version of the Hebrew religion was in reaction to what the old-time Hebrew religion had degenerated into. It was Paul who finally said, This is hopeless, let’s just get some new blood from among the pagans (metaphorically—no cutting needed!). Actually, I wonder whether that last item might partially explain the prominent role (I believe) of women in the new Jewish-Christian sect. Seems like the only phase that could truly be called Judeo-Christian would be this early phase when the sect was transitioning from a break-away Hebrew sect to becoming Christianity.
So, eliminating the Old Testament would be kind of eliminating all of the black from a black-and-white photo. Wouldn’t leave much of interest or relevance.
Dont be surprised if Jewish leaders some day call for leaving out Jesus from the bible. Because he is anti-semitic.
Sad to see Jewish leaders of today just confirm all of Jesus teachings.
Pax Judeïca is upon us!
I hope a Church or priest demand that we put warnings on the anti-Christian passages in the talmud now.
We need to start taking Christ`s warning about the pharisee`s, their European heirs and their father serious, their anti-Christian narrative is getting dangerous. Soon every Christian will be hunted like dogs unless we stop fearing the “anti semite” slur and start discussing this topic openly.
Well said, Per. I was planning to say much the same. The foul Talmudic edicts to murder, cheat and sabotage the ‘Goyim’, as George N outlined, need to be communicated direct to the Archbishops of every country to warn their flock. But they probably already know about them and choose to play dumb. We, the Gentiles, therefore need to take legal action against anyone supporting, invoking or implementing this plethora of criminal intents. The International Criminal Court makes it an offence not to prosecute OR EVEN REPORT anyone urging Crimes Against Humanity once known. The Talmud is a ‘bible’ of them.
What? This is outrageous! The Talmud is full of anti-gentile guidance for the Jew; who is gonna remove or edit this??
But the sheer effrontery of these people is hard to stomach.
“The sheer effrontery of these people”
Really. And for another great example of effrontery and self-absorption, the head of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which claims to represent the views and interests of *all* UK Jews, has the effrontery to dress down the British Quakers for divesting from the Occupied Territories.
This woman, Marie van der Zyl, with her died blond hair, has the chutzpah to attack a Christian denomination—one with a history and indeed a mission—to stand up for peach and justice *everywhere*.
When I lived in Germany in the seventies I had an Austrian friend who was a child in Vienna at the end of WW2. And the first thing he said when he learned that I had been raised as a Quaker was that the Quakers had kept many children, including him, alive through food distribution in the city. Especially peanut butter (!) which he had never heard of and didn’t particularly like. But that peanut butter and other supplies kept many children from starving to death.
I just cannot believe the ignorance of this awful Van Der Zyl. Doesn’t she know how much the Quakers did to help Jews before, during, and after WW2? The problem is that too many Jews think that they are the only ones who deserve anything. They want it all. Nothing for anyone else. Phil Weiss skewers this dame and her squawking pretty good in the piece (linked above).
NB (from the Holocaust Encyclopedia): “For their relief efforts, their work with refugees, and for their overall promotion of peace, the American Friends Service Committee and their British counterparts, the Friends Service Council, were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947.”
I’m an atheist and even I think this is garbage-
Have not read the Bible for decades, but recall some chilling AntiSemitic passages from the Old Testament:
1. Daughter of Babylon about to be destroyed, blessed be the man who will take thy infants and smash them against the rock.
2. Saul has killed thousands of Palestinians but David has killed tens of thousands, therefore David shall be our king.
3.The people of Israel were, are and shall be collectively punished for their sins.
4. Our Lord God Jehovah commands us to make war on our Semitic neighbours and their false gods: the Moabites, the Jebusites, the Canaanites, the Palestinians, the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Sidonians, the Ammonites, the Baalites; for we live in a Tough Neighbourhood..
Nutty, vicious, aggressive. Ziocrazies indeed.
Jews have institutional hatred of Christians. They are commanded by their Rambam, Maimonides (1135-1204), to KILL all Christians. Unless they have some special dispensation, it is compulsory.. Quoting Shahak’s translation from the Maimonidean Code, the command to exterminate Jewish infidels. The Hebrew text does on to specify the prime examples of “infidels” who must be exterminated: “Such as Jesus of Nazareth and his pupils, and Tzadoq and Baitos and their pupils. (The latter nominally means Sudducees but he may have meant Karaites.) Any Jew who did not lick the feet of Pharisaic talmudist rabbis had to be killed.
They scored a great success when the Persians conquered Palestine and in AD 614 Jerusalem fell, “with the help of the Jews within the walls.” (Runciman.) “There followed a terrible massacre of Christians; […]” What happened was that the Jews bought the Christians from the Persians, and killed them, and that continued until the Persians realized what they were doing and put a stop to it.
And the word “anti-Semitism” is deceptive nonsense. The Jews of Palestine in Old and New Testament times were Semites, but even in the time of Christ the majority of Jews lived outside Palestine were not. Certaily, European Jews of the modern era are not. They’ve put an immense effort into huge, highly-coordinated DNA research projects to prove a connection, but because they are huge, and highly coordinated, by Jewish geneticists, there is no credibility. They obtained the results they were required to obtain. And documented history says the reverse. Essentially, post-Alexander, the Jews are not Semites. Read Shlomo Sand, “The Invention of the Jewish People”.
And since, according to the Jews, Christians are renegade Jews, their claim to be Semites means Christians are Semites.
In reality the worst anti-Semitism of all time and the longest pogrom of all time is today being perpetrated in Palestine.
And, the Palestinians are the real Jews. They remained Palestine, Saadia the Gaon bears witness that they converted to Islam, most. And began to call themselves Arabs.
Yes, for those who might have read your recommendation to read Shlomo Sand’s “The Invention Of The Jewish People” and are wondering about it. Mr. Sand teaches contemporary history at the University of Tel Aviv. The 344 page book is an “earthquake” causing an uproar among the “tribe”. Prof. Sand draws on ancient letters, ancient documents, and modern archeological findings to prove that the Jewish history (story) that holds Jews together is almost entirely mythical. Fascinating reading, as is Arthur Koestler’s “The Thirteenth Tribe” which explores the Khazar’s in and around the Caucuses who converted to Judaism in the 1100s as a political expedient and later moved westward into Europe. Now called Ashkenazi Jews, they claim they are Semitic but are not and hold extreme prejudice against the few surviving Semitic Jews in Israel. Virtually all European Jews are Askenazi but believe the myth that they are of the original “people”.
Thanks. And you’ve brought up a hilarious point. Calling themselves Ashkenazim was clearly, originally, a disclaimer, a DISclaimer of being Semites, an express claim to be Japhethites. Ashkenaz was Noah’s son Japheth’s grandson, appearing at Genesis 10:3. That’s the beginning of a big argument, because the rabbis first assigned Ashkenaz to the lands of the Khazars. Originally, to their predecessors on those lands, but about A.D. 1100 Ashkenaz went to Khazaria Airport and caught the latest jet to the Rhineland, and suddenly the rabbis found him there. Different generations of rabbis, different stories. The original assignment to the Khazars’ predecessors’ land was in the Book of Jeremiah, I forget where.
Who exactly was it that clamoured for Jesus’ crucifixion?
These people won’t be happy until they have the world subjugated at their feet and all those who help them should have an IQ test. They want the right to wage war at will, to slaughter civilians en masse, to take everything and anything they want and for the rest of the world to accept their “divine” right to do so. They are a monstrous creed when they go to these levels so therefore the light of day needs to be shone on all their nefarious activities, but then again that would be “anti-semitic”, wouldn’t it? Just like everyting else that exposes them, just like the Bible it would now seem…
At first, Martin Luther was kind to the Jews. In his writing “Receive Jews Cordially”
in 1523, Luther accused Catholics of being unfair to Jews and treating them “as if they were dogs,”
thus making it difficult for Jews to convert. “I would request and advise that one deal gently with
them [the Jews],” he wrote. “ … If we really want to help them, we must be guided in our dealings
with them not by papal law but by the law of Christian love. We must receive them cordially, and
permit them to trade and work with us, hear our Christian teaching,
He became Jew-hostile after studying the Talmud and wrote in 1543 the book “On the Jews and
their Lies”.
Martin Luther’s book in English – –
and in German – –
nowhere in the bible does it say that the jews are Israel, or the 12 sons of Jacob. no where does it say that.
if you don’t believe that, then show me where it says that.
If the Jewish state really wants to tackle so-called ‘antisemitism’ – depending on your definition of it, all they really have to do is vacate the land they stole. Balfour’s Declaration is a done deal, much like the European invaders of North America. You cannot force yanks off their stolen ground, and that is reality. You CAN however force Israel back to it’s mandated borders.
As long as Israel oppresses and occupies the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem, there will be people – like me – who oppose it. There will be no peace until this occurs.
That is not antisemitism.
Uh-huh, the anti-Christians feel very safe.
But why aren’t they suggesting we do the same with the Jews’ hate-filled Talmud? I want to highlight the sections about Jesus boiling in excrement for all eternity. And the part about Mary being a whore that had a thing for carpenters. And the part about Gentiles being created for the sole purpose of serving Jews. And the part about Gentiles being animals that only have a false human appearance. And the part about how it’s okay to sexually penetrate little Jewish children until they are 3 years of age. And the part about how a Jew can do anything he wants to a Gentile of any age as long as it won’t make problems for Jews. And the part about how it’s wrong to help a Gentile. And the part about how Gentiles will have to be in complete compliance with Jewish Noahide laws as judged by a Jewish sanhedrin in order to avoid execution.