By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog

HONG KONG – British and American media in China for as long as we scribblers remember have empowered Chinese saboteurs and secessionists just so as to annoy Beijing. Without fail, if there ever was some corrupt princeling (local Chongqing tyrant Bo Xilai), a fugitive from the tax law (mafioso Miles Guo), or just another crackpot religious charlatan (Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi), you could draw your own square Tiananmen with a Tank-man on top there was going to be endless China-bashing.

None of those famous trouble-makers, however, is more idoneous and adaptable to the Western master narrative about the eternal battle between Good and Evil (God’s chosen people versus the godless Chinese) than “Joshua” Wong – the eternal Jewish instigator.

Forget for a moment about his Holiness the Dalai Lama, nude artist Ai Weiwei, blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng or activist Liu Xiaobo, and welcome China’s most powerful spiritual leader (second only to the Republic’s true leader and president, Xi Jinping, of course): the Hong Kong teenage-hero “Joshua” Wong Chi-fung.

Metaphysics of Western Foreign Interventionism

This Carry-on-England savior, named after the key character of Jewish persecution in King James’ translation of The Old Testament, who, according to The British Sunday Times, started his anti-China activism during Middle School at the age of thirteen, is not an ethnic Jew (which is a racist construct), but a Neocolonial Christian nationalist and Cantonese identitarian. He insists, perhaps honing the influence of his devout believer mother “Grace,”  that the Wong people – the people of Hong Kong – are systematically oppressed not by Ramses and the ancient Egyptians but by Xi Jinping and the 21st Century Hans. “Joshua” wants his special fellow students to rise up against China and to lead the Wongs out of Zhongguo and into God’s holy safe space – Birmingham in England.

Imagine the bombastic hurrah at our Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong, the Jewish-run Western media complex, the Christian lobby and ultra-liberal Hollywood upon hearing that such an insanely unlikely Asiatic shepard exists. They had to make him the greatest Chinese philosopher that ever walked the planes since Saint Confucius and Catholic Bruce Lee (though the latter was not a Christian, he must have been, according to the Christian Post).

If this sounds like Hollywood claptrap and eerie dream fabric, that’s because “Joshua” was carefully staged that way:

 “…the 18-year-old Wong doesn’t look like Hollywood’s idea of a charismatic rebel leader. But…” (Fortune Magazine).

…BUT he doesn’t have too, as an early opinion piece by Alex Lo in the South China Morning Post explains. It’s like trying to demonstrate that the 14th Dalai Lama is not a reincarnated Bodhisattva: We cannot prove a negative. We cannot possibly show that Joshua Wong is not a global leader – after Hollywood and Fortune magazine made him out to be one – ‘No 10’ in the world, to be precise, only four slots behind Taylor Swift, the #blessed and #flawless singer of ‘Call Me Maybe’.

And there it sailed, the propaganda ship of folly. But first, don’t get me wrong on this: It’s all gold for Chinese “Joshua.” Other Hong Kong teenagers worked and volunteered equally hard, but “Joshua” – back than he was just 16 – was perfect for the Western narrative and thus chosen by the globalist Anglo-Zionist media cartel to personify the ‘Umbrella Movement’ – yes, we are talking about as in: …for the Western history books. China bullies Christians in Hong Kong!

Virtuous Campaign for Wong Justice

To most China experts with a gun-boat mentality, the sheer audacity of Western planners to pitch Israeli spy “Joshua” against the Chinese civilization was genius. In Europe, questioning the global Jewish cause is instant career seppuku – worse than hell, the C-plague and Trump-voters combined. Countries smaller than China have been terminated because of it. How on earth could Beijing ever wiggle itself out of these horrible Western accusations of religious persecution of… well…”Joshua” himself?

Pro-Joshua Berlin immediately invited Mr. Wong over and had him address 80 million Germans via its tax-payer-funded 8.4-billion-euros state-TV. Pro-Joshua London offered social housing to half of China willing to relocate to Milton Keynes. Meanwhile, pro-Joshua Washington dispatched aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and a 20th Century Fox Christian Bale blockbuster movie to Devil’s Peak.

Mr. Wong thus earned his first multi-million dollar campaign co-sponsored by pro-Joshua media ReutersAPdpaNew York TimesLA TimesCNNBBCGuardianSpiegelEconomist and hundreds more. The viral factor was absurd, comical even, because Hong Kong students themselves didn’t know at first they were marching for “Joshua.” Fortune magazine framed the protesters’ gullible street performances as backdrop to this rising star’s fame:

“His nonviolent protest message and energetic idealism galvanized crowds that, over months, numbered in the hundreds of thousands.”

How many “hundreds of thousands” – six hundred thousands maybe? (That’s the actual number given in the Old Testament.) All the media hyperbole made the young man with glasses and asymmetric face appear to be the spiritual leader of an oppressed Hong Kong people, but was he really? Well, he clearly wasn’t, says Alex Lo. “Joshua” was not elected but selected by the Western interest groups – as in: China must never be allowed to do politics on its own terms.

Most self-respected university students in Hong Kong who participated in the protests, if they believed in freedom and self-determination, would probably resent the idea of being put into (((the brackets))) of some superimposed, manufactured Western master narrative and personality cult. But that’s all irrelevant now, because the Western media wanted Joshua Wong to be the leader of that movement, and that is what it is.

Back in 2014, “Joshua” was barely among the 50 Greatest Leaders (Fortune). By 2017, he was personifying geopolitics: “Joshua vs Superpower” (Netflix). By early 2020, German Die Welt described Mr. Wong’s cursory vision is near transcendental: “Joshua: China is Threat to World Freedom.”

So here we were at movie plaza and watching that 20h Century Fox Christian Bale blockbuster ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’. US director Ridley Scott and his writers decided to have the Lord speak through the body of “a Boy-angel” who orders Bale (Moses) to lead God’s favorite people out of Ancient Authoritarianism. Boy-angel, Israeli Joshua, God’s puppet whatever. The scriptural “Joshua,” which Wong Chi-fung goes by in Western media (they don’t care about his Chinese name, it is “Yellow”), has his own chapter in the Hebrew Bible – ‘The Book of Joshua’The titular hero leads the slaves into crossing the Jordan by dividing the South China sea, basically. Anyway, that was my reading of it. As the HK-British flagship media SCMP notes: “To make a film of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt is brave.” Yeah.

“How Joshua Wong’s faith motivates his activism” celebrated ABC News. “The Christian Spirit flows through Hong Kong protests” mused The Liberty. “Hong Kong’s Religious Revolutionaries” blasted Foreign Policy. “Joshua Wong: We long to see Hong Kong free from tyranny,” hailed the Economist.

Sacred, religious narratives are problematic for social science. Nothing good comes of them. Except of course, if they help to debilitate and collapse your enemy. US and European diplomats in Beijing and Shanghai, their intelligence services and Foreign Correspondents Clubs in cahoots, love to explore all ways of delegitimizing China’s government, including accusations of religious persecution in Shanghai (Christians), Tibet (Buddhists) and Xinjiang (Muslims).

These Western conspiracies are nonsensical. China is a pluralistic, multilingual and multi-ethnic civilization that has all kinds of beliefs, including magicians, healers and pagans. It is more diverse than any other Western nation. There are over 52 thriving minorities. China has more foreign students, including Africans, than Europe and North America. It certainly has more Muslims than France, Germany, the UK and the USA combined. It has millions of Taoists and Confucianists, a multitude of Buddhist fractions and Orthodox and Protestants and Catholics and everything. It is a difficult task to keep the harmony between them – tian ren he hi: all under Heaven. The British Empire, which collapsed, and the US Empire, which is waning, would love to stir hatred, spread misinformation and fake news. China can respect that. But it will never let foreign powers divide it.

Your author recalls fondly our desperate liberal media’s attempt – such as the Wall Street JournalCNNAtlanticSouth China Morning PostIndependent and a thousand more -, between 2005 and 2019, to elevate a cult leader in Chengdu, a certain Pater Wang Yi, of the evangelist Church of Early Rain, to the status of a Sinitic super-saint. The man was conscripted by the US state department and rushed to the White House where he met then-president George W. Bush in 2006. Pater Wang was all over the global news, yet left no lasting impression on the general American public. Years later, in early 2020, Pater Wang was shipped to Vatican City in order to meet Pope Francis. However, those CIA expert idiots couldn’t tell the difference between the Holy Roman Catholic Church and hard-core Protestantism, so naturally it was a bit awkward for everyone. The Messenger of God Francis instead sent an archbishop to greet the Messenger of God Wang, and that was that. Just for your reference, the Early Rain cult – despite its millions of dollars worth of US media press coverage, at no point had more than 600 members. Worse, Western social media users, especially young people, could not identify with this Chengdu toad. Jehova-style proselytism is not cool. Cult leaders are not cool. The Pater Wang act collapsed.

That said, even the most militant Western press soldiers could not have anticipated that one day they would be able to play “the Jewish card” against Beijing and call its leadership antisemitic. And thus we have barely survived the Trump-era (roughly the reign of US president Trump from 2016 to 2021) of associating Han Chinese with neo-Nazis (the have a Nation, they have Sozialismus) – for prosecuting “Joshua” and the Hong Kong Wongs, the Uighur Tohtis and the Tibetan monks, and all religious people under Heaven.

Now the world was hooked of course. Holocaust in China everywhere! “Genocide” and “concentration camps” and “exodus” made the global China-headlines.

So there you have it. The news of the coming of a new leader, or Chinese Boy-angel, or God’s messenger – known to Christians as the ‘Holy Trinity’ – quickly consumed our Abrahamic sense of mission to subdue Asiatic people – only the 1.4 billion mainland evil ones, not the 8 million colonial good ones -, and trickled down to second and third tier media organizations and Youtube channels. No investigation, no fact-checking. Just mindless repetition: China is really really bad.

Mass Brainfuggery and Fremdbestimmung [foreign rule]

It is now six years of “Joshua arrested,” “Joshua on bail,” “Joshua protested,” “Joshua in court again.” He barely talks sensible. His parents checked his boxes for “dyslexic” – a middle-class exculpation for being partially illiterate. He is the ultimate message board – plane as a pan. There are more Western TV stations, microphones and cameras following him than actual people. Most of his appearances are clearly montages, edited for mass (social) media consumption. He also came to adapt the lifestyle of a true übermega-celebrity – alleged private jets, five star hotels, meeting pop singer Pakho Chau Pak-ho. His finances are taboo. He may be totally dependent on foreign services. He certainly is by far the greatest asset the CIA, MI6 and BND ever had.

Yes, there are back-up dissidents, just in case: One is the female Hong Kong activist, Agnes “the real Mulan” Chow (22). She is pretty and touted as the savior of oppressed Chinese women. Another is Nathan “the Law” Luo (27) – get it? his surname sounds like Law! The West primed him for future HK politics. But, really, both real Mulan and Mr. Law can’t hold a candle to holy “Joshua.”

This drama of re-enacting the ‘Exodus’ of our ideological enemies over and over again is, I claim, brought to near perfection in the West. We call it “creativity” [a divine inspiration] and often blame the Chinese for their lack of it. To be sure, this creativity is seen by our enemies as a demonic superpower; it makes the West unpredictable to foreign governments (are they really that sadistic?); yet the unpredictability obviously has a system: The messianic creed with its biblical superpowers creates world history. Let us briefly digress:

The power of world history often surprises even our own children. They looked at Leonardo Da Vinci’s alleged master painting ‘Mona Lisa’ and asked: “Is it good? Why him?”, or Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ and went: “Really? I could have painted that!” Remember reading about Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America? That America is real. However, it was only called this way decades later and Columbus didn’t discover it, but, you know, he existed tangibly and close enough in that area (the Bahamas) in 1492 and he was Christian and European. Bam! Ownership claimed. So that counts as world history.

From Jesus “I-am-the-king-of-Jews-and-son-of-God” Christ to modern saviors like Barack Obama, Steve Jobs or Greta Thunberg: It’s all irresponsible make-belief, designed to disrupt the lives of as many humans as possible. To our enemies, our creations can be terrifying. And so is “Joshua” to Beijing.

Hong Kong was nominated a new historic figure, superimposed by Western description. The real leaders in the city state look like insignificant cunts. China’s own [attempts to create] history looks like alternative history, unauthorized history, fake history. “Joshua” wasn’t elected but selected – and certainly not by his own people. He is shamelessly exploited by a Western biblical narrative and sense of mission to civilize China. And if China doesn’t comply, according to The Book of Exodus, the country will be exposed to the Wrath of God in form of the ten plagues: economic sanctions, political assassinations, secessionist movements, a new nationalist party, pseudo-religious fundamentalism, identity politics, diversity task forces, cancel culture, and probably #BLM (Black Lives Matter) mindless terror. Good times for Western satanists: The New York Times in autumn of 2020 suggested Beijing was accusing “Joshua” of worshiping the Devil. I’m not inventing this, here are the headlines: “Chinese Propaganda Video Warns of West’s ‘Devilish Claws’.

Siege to China’s Jerusalem

Titled our all-favorite anti-China propaganda press UK Guardian: “Joshua Wong, the Student who Risked the Wrath of Beijing” and, in the opening paragraph, this: “Cometh the hour, cometh the boy,” an idiom attributed to three prophets of your choice: Moses, Shakespeare or Winston Churchill. That’s the Guardian for you. It’s a mental institution.

I’m almost done with chronicling this prophetic lunacy and suspect where the West is going with it – regime change or worse. Regardless of what we are told in the liberal press, China must promote law and order and reason and science; still: the epic sway of Western interventionism terrifies me: “Joshua” is leading his fine people away from the former British hub for human trafficking and money laundry and into the promised land – America? Canada? Germany? The United Kingdom?” How to do it? Have you asked your own citizen? Of course not. Australia wants 100,000 HK refugees, it says. The rich ones. The UK Johnson regime doubled down on its pledge to welcome 3,000,000 or so “new English” to enter Albion and settle… I don’t know… in Brighton on the cliff by the sea?

“Joshua” is 22 now. Since he is dyslexic and has no job, he wants to become a democrat. A local Hong Kong district court sentenced him to a short-term prison sentence over sedition, which he, after consulting with Western Powers Inc., now eagerly anticipates. He was told his was world history in the making. And he better believe it.

The author is a German writer, cultural critic and political commentator on Sino-Western relations. He has published ‘The East-West Dichotomy’, ‘Inside Peking University’, and ‘Shengren – Above Philosophy and Beyond Religion’. He can be reached at