Funny Quote of The Day: From the BBC “Israel under renewed Hamas Attack.”
Funny Quote of the Day Two: Iranian representative to Iraqi Kurdistan “The Kurds should not RUSH to declare independence.”

It’s Elementary Deduction:
In a famous Sherlock Holmes short story, Silver Blaze, Holmes got the key to the murder in this dialog:
Scotland Yard detective: Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?
Holmes: To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.
Gregory: The dog did nothing in the night-time.
Holmes: That was the curious incident.
Holmes concluded that the murderer must have been known to the family, hence the watch dog recognized him and kept silent.
The “curious incident” in the latest saga from Iraq is obvious. Why didn’t President Obama send bombers to Iraq. He has the power. He clearly has the track record. He had to know that WMD (chemical weapons were within reach of the ISIL pirates). AND he was invited to step in by Iraq.
Why didn’t the aggressor in chief act?
—Michael Collins

Correction: CE pointed out correctly that the 300 Daash fighters killed by the Kurds were in Syria. Please read this link by CE, it provides details of the confrontation taking place between Daash fighters and the Kurds in Syria. Daash is using looted Iraqi military equipment:

9th July: Reports from Diyala indicate that the Ba’athist and Naqshabandi faction is targeting the leadership of Daash in Diyala.
10th July: Abu Ahmed (Bashar al-Akidi) the administrative head of Daash in Western Mosul is killed by fellow Rebel fighters in Mosul.
10th July: US officials insist that Baghdadi cannot be targeted by drones unless Obama instructs the same. This is while the US has put a 10 million USD bounty on Baghdadi.
10th July: The Iraqi Army is making steady gains in the north of Tikrit. It is being aided by the Air Force. Most rebels have fled to Mosul.
10th July: The Iraqi Army Engineers have dismantled over 300 IEDs in their advance on Tikrit
10th July: The Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, Gennady Gatilov, on forming an international forum on terrorism in Iraq, “This kind of challenges and transnational threats requires bilateral cooperation, primarily between countries like the United States and the Russian Federation.”
10th July: France plans to prevent its citizens from travelling to Syria through Turkey by using a law that allows for 6 month restrictions on travel. Those still wishing to travel can travel visa free to Greece right up to Turkey’s border.
10th July: Sunni political parties are laying down conditions before agreeing to attend Sunday’s Parliamentary Session. They want the question of appointing the three—i.e., President, Prime Minister, and Speaker—resolved first.
10th July: Kurdish politicians condemn Maliki’s statement of Kurdistan harbouring terrorists and call it an attempt to blame others for his own (Maliki’s) security failures
10th July: Daash executes 30 members of a tribe and it’s chief and his son in Diayala for failing to pay allegiance and pay tribute to DI of Daash
10th July: A motorcycle bomb explodes at a gas station in Southern Kirkuk injuring 7 people including police personnel. The gas station was close to a police station.
10th July: Glowing Daash fighters-The IAEA States that the nuclear material seized by Daash in Mosul University is not of high enough grade to be a threat.
10th July: Iranian envoy to the Iraqi Kurdish region, Nazim Dabagh, “Iranians support a Kurdish-Shiite alliance and back Sunnis who supports the Iraqi government.” He also asked the Kurds not to “rush” for independence.
10th July: 500 residents of Samarra have volunteered to join the security forces to help fight Daash. Most of Samarra is Sunni Muslim, it is unclear whether the volunteers were Sunni Muslims.
10th July: Mortar shelling has killed three and injured eight in two areas of north eastern Diyala
10th July: Militia fighters/volunteers find 4 rebels/Daash fighters in Babel with a car bomb. The car bomb is detonated and rebels/Daash fighters killed.
10th July: The Kuwaiti government donates 9 million USD to help refugees in Iraq
10th July: Atta’s/Government’s claims for the day:
Salah il Din province: 47 rebels/Daash fighters killed, 14vehicles destroyed
Diyala province: 39 rebels/Daash fighters killed, 7 vehicles destroyed
Babil province: 25 rebels/Daash fighters killed, 10 vehicles destroyed
Anbar province: 46 rebels/Daash fighters killed, over 12 vehicles destroyed

10th July: President of Yemen is in Saudi Arabia for talks after Shia Houthi rebels take Amran a city 50 kilometres north of the capital Sa’ana
10th July: Jordan is facing the same demographic and financial upheaval that Iraq faced on account of its large refugee population

Further Reading:
Veritas pointed out that the killing of 53 “Sunni” men could be a false flag operation. It is unclear if the dead men were Sunni or Shia. As the bodies were found in an area with mostly Shia villages but some Sunni ones too. However, both sides are capable of such acts of cruelty, thanks in part, to the American education system:

Cutting through the BS:

Algerie francaise: