28th June: A leader of the Naqshabandi order, Khalid Ibrahim, has been killed in the north east of Baqouba. He was killed along with five associates by SWAT, a Special Forces group.
28th June: Daash has destroyed three Shia mosques: Husseniyeh, AhlulBayt, and Al-Hakim mosques and three mausoleums/shrines: Khader Elias, Imam Saad bin Aqeel, Ar Mamut shrine in Tal Afar. Daash has made announcements that shrines and mausoleums within its territory will be destroyed.
28th June: The army, augmented by Shia militias, is now making a concerted push north towards Tikrit. Helicopter Gunships have attacked rebel positions in advance of the army’s assault. Lt Gen Sabah Fatawi: “Isis fighters now have two choices: flee or be killed.”
28th June: The Kurdish leadership has told Kerry that they want to see Maliki go. Kerry is insisting on a political solution followed by a military attack on Daash and its rebel allies.
28th June: A mortar attack has struck north Baghdad injuring six people.
28th June: UNESCO and Iraqi authorities are concerned that over 1800 sites in Mosul and 250 ancient monuments in Ninaveh under Daash rule are in danger of being obliterated. Hatra, Nimrud and other archeological sites, some dating back thousands of years are in danger of being destroyed. There is also the looting of artifacts and archeological finds that are at risk of being looted.
28th June: Admiral John Kirby, the spokesperson of the US Department of Defense has stated that the United States is in a position to deploy 30000 troops to Iraq if the need arises and the President so decides.
28th June: Qassim Atta, the spokesperson for the Iraqi army claims that Russian made Sukhoi aircraft will be supporting army operations in the next few hours.
28th June: Claimed Kills by Security Services:
Five Daash fighters killed by security forces in Fallujah
Twenty vehicles belonging to rebels destroyed near Samarra in air strikes
A fighter belonging to Daash is killed in Muqdadiya, 35 km north of Baqouba. Two police personnel are left injured in clashes.
Clashes between Daash and Security Services are ongoing in Sadiya district 80 km north east of Baqouba.
Abu Abdul Hadi, a security official within Daash, and 29 other fighters are reported killed in Tikrit.
28th June: The Iraqi army is claiming full control of Tikrit. It plans to advance on Baiji next. 28th June: The southern Jordanian town of Tafilah sees anti monarchy protests.