1. Commo around Slavyansk is busy with reports of much movement of Nats forces.
2. Semenovka is under continuous bombardment since 07:00 06.06.2014. Vast areas are destroyed. Grad missiles are used but not in salvo. 15.2 cm howitzers and 12.2 cm mortars plus heavy field guns and tank cannon.
3. Lugansk City proper is under air attack 18:05 06.06.2014. At least 2 Su25 aircraft attacked living areas. Casualties unknown.
4. Nats An 30b surveillance aircraft shot down 06.06.2014 18:45 local time. First 2 vids. http://vk.com/video?gid=57424472
5. Slavyansk water supply system hit by Nats arty. Water supply to most of city cut off.
6. Slavyansk electric supply system hit by Nats Arty. Electric off for most of city as of 14:00 06.06.2014.
7. Krasni Liman. All males ages 18-40 being arrested by right sector. Those arrested are being taken out of town. Fates unknown. Photos. Militsiya (police) car with right sector.
8. 2 strong armor columns moving toward Slavyansk. Numerous tanks and supporting troops.
9. 3 cm anti aircraft guns are shooting down in to Slavyansk City from overlooking hills. Living areas and shops are targeted.
10. An agreement was reaching with Nats Army CO Slavyansk area to evactuate two columns of buses with children and young mothers. First column left city using designated route and was fired upon by right sector units. Casualtied, if any, are unknown. Second column left by a different route. No commo with either column since 16:14 06.06.2014.
11. Donbas Army has made appeal for qualified tankists and pilots.
12. Reports of heavy fighting developing outskirts of Slavyansk City proper 18:45 local Ukraine time.
14. Personal conversation by phone mid day today with person living near Krasni Liman. Person states right sector is looting shops, confiscating cars, trucks and buses. A few civilian men shot down in local streets. Some young women have been outraged. Person says no food allowed in to their living area location. Person states person and children eating porridge made from stored cattle food using water from local stream. Porridge is not cooked, barley soaked in water until soft, eaten cold. Water and electric cut off. Right sector going door to door checking documents and confiscating computers and cell phones. If no one answers door right sector breaks door down. If anyone in house or flat they are beaten and sometimes shot. Citizens with Russian passports are arrested and taken away. Fate unknown. Could hear screams and shouts at not great distance from cell phone, person stopped phone in mid sentence. I did not call back for fear of endangering person.
I posted here 2-3 comments in the past criticizing Russia (or Putin) for not selling their gas in euros (at least) or in rubles (much better). This will force the likes of germans and polish to come to Central Bank of Russia to get rubles. That will cut a lot from their arrogance of threatening sanctions and will prevent Russia being cheating if EU prints too much euros. Not to mention that suddenly Russia becomes a very important financial player which can attract a lot of other countries around.
Well, today this was done. Gazprom is moving away from the dollar completely:
14 “…Right sector going door to door checking documents and confiscating computers and cell phones….”
They will be taking these to shut down youtube videos and twitter etc
Right sector going door to door checking documents and confiscating computers and cell phones.
They will be taking these so they can shutdown youtube videos and twitter etc.
It would be best not to have any user ids and passwords, history linking to youtube if there is any danger of the PC being taken.
The reports from Krasni Liman and Slavyansk are pretty dramatic. Is there any video proof of these killings on internet ?
I tried to find about those 25 or 37 wounded militia men killed in the hospital, but there are no photos anywhere.
If this are just propaganda, they will blow-back and make the rebels lose credibility, it’s better not to exagerate.
Information war at this moment is critical, I think.
Clicking on the above link results in the following message:
“This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account.
“Sorry about that.”
BBC ran an interview with 3 people from Kharkov – 2 women and a man – that pretty well sums up the divisions of opinion (and the intransigence and dislike for Russia amongst the Euromaidan crowd). The reporter was there in the city. Can’t find it on their website or I would post a link. They broke it up into pieces – maybe they will post it entire at some point. As another commenter said Russia has done little to help themselves over the years since independence – tended to look down on Ukrainians, perhaps with a kind of ambivalence: “So you want to be independent? Have at it” and then watched in bemusement at mess that was made but did little to foster reconciliation. Yes gas subsidies, but that is a bit abstract and did nothing to soften attitudes. Not that Europe did more, but like a family squabble bitterness tends to be harder to dispel among those who are closest. As a consequence the majority of Ukrainians are very divided in their opinions and don’t have a clear sense of where they want to go either.
the pessimist
“Krasni Liman. All males ages 18-40 being arrested by right sector. Those arrested are being taken out of town. Fates unknown.”
Have people already forgotten the lessons of the Great Purge (1937)? Why do they let anyone arrest them? Everyone who has not yet read the Gulag Archipelago should read it.
A number of things suggest to me that Juan is an American.
If so, he is a long way from home.
And if a single syllable of what he reports is false or misleading, he is an agent provocateur.
That said, Right Sector are Neo-Nazi criminals in the pay of, certainly indirectly, the United States, and people are being killed by them.
The US media could not care less.
…, yeah,.., but Putin’s the real evil one…
“But Putin has denied that Russian soldiers are in Ukraine. And it seems as if Russia has no interest in backing off of its aggressive stance towards its southern neighbor. Putin doesn’t want to publicly acknowledge his role in spreading chaos in Ukraine, any more than he wants to let up the pressure on Kiev.” – The truth, the whole truth,so help me… anyone?
I feel so sorry for all those caught in the middle of this lurid western game of horror, presented as a 2D hologram.
French version of sitrep done in haste
Krasni Liman looks like it will be the scene of Right Sector massacres.
DIana M. CNN had a camera crew and interviewed a woman. CNN reporter said only the hospital was hit by air attack. Showed the strafing, the blasts. Naively, she wondered why the hospital was the target.
All men taken out. No cell phones, no photos. But women reporting last twenty-four hours of dozens executed in homes and in the hospital.
This is the blood lust we all feared.
They are “cleaning” the evidence of their ethnic cleansing.
Pray for Krasni Liman men. Pray for all the embattled Russians of the East.
I pray for just enough brotherly help to come across the border to save the others.
Thanks for the sitrep.
From what is described here, it looks like the zionazi bum bandits are mainly terrorising civilians with shelling/bombing and conducting the usual and well known Israeli-American death squad repression, and mostly trying to avoid combat with self-defense forces. Unfortunate the crew of the An-30 was able to bale out over a zionazi held area.
“Some young women have been outraged.”-raped
When will any of the world press report this?
Juan’s report is remarkable for the breadth of bombardments on civilians and extremely upsetting.
the pessimist…06 June, 2014 17:16
You watch propaganda from the BBC and it makes you an expert? Very impressive. BTW, have you ever noticed how Israel’s web sayanim often resort to simple minded armchair psychological analysis to flog to give themselves an air of authority?
Link to youtube videos showing families leaving Slaviansk:
Славянск эвакуация детей
The above actions are from the US “Shock&Awe” playbook.
Neo NAZI-Neo Conservative….what’s the diff?
I´m confused.
In general, Putin said, he liked Poroshenko’s attitude and if he follows this course, the conditions will be created for the development “of our relations, in other fields too.” “I can’t tell exactly how this will be implemented, but, in general, I liked the attitude. It seemed right to me and if this is what really happens, there will be conditions created to develop our relations in other fields too,” Putin said. Vladimir Putin also touched upon economic relations between Moscow and Kiev, in particular, referring to Ukraine’s association with the EU.
As regards the Kharkov interviews,it’s hardly surprising that there exists petulance towards Russia there: it’s only 20 miles or so to the nearest Russian city, Belgorod, and the difference between the standards of living in Russia and the Ukraine are apparent. When you cross the frontier by train, at all the stops in the Ukraine the platforms swarm with folk trying to earn a crust selling home-made pies, bottles of beer, crayfish, smoked fish from local rivers, pastries, fruit etc., etc. Of course, this happens at Russian stops in the provinces, but in the Ukraine I reckon that the numbers hawking their wares at stations is at least five times larger than what one sees in Russia. I first noticed this in 2004 whilst travelling to the Crimea in order to spend our family summer holidays there. And the trains were also packed with money changers as well, desperate to buy rubles.
As regards the Kharkov interviews, it’s hardly surprising that there exists petulance towards Russia there: it’s only 20 miles or so to the nearest Russian city, Belgorod, and the difference between the standards of living in Russia and the Ukraine are apparent. When you cross the frontier by train, at all the stops in the Ukraine the platforms swarm with folk trying to earn a crust selling home-made pies, bottles of beer, crayfish, smoked fish from local rivers, pastries, fruit etc., etc. Of course, this happens at Russian stops in the provinces, but in the Ukraine I reckon that the numbers hawking their wares at stations is at least five times larger than what one sees in Russia. I first noticed this in 2004 whilst travelling to the Crimea in order to spend our family summer holidays there. And the trains were also packed with money changers as well, desperate to buy rubles.
I don’t know if anyone watched the UK Channel 4 news yesterday but they interviewed the Ukrainian FM (not sure who that is currently, but I don’t think it was Deshchytsia). Anyway, he described Russia as a “strategic partner who has stabbed us in the back”. Incredible, the nerve of this junta, although the “strategic partner” remark was a bit surprising. The interviewer didn’t ask him a single difficult question as per usual with the MSM. They also had a report from Donetsk where a DPR spokesman said they were getting “private” but not governmental aid from Russia which confirms what I’ve thought the past month or so. The few civilians interviewed said they did not want to be part of Ukraine anymore but weren’t too keen on joining Russia. An independent State in that region I think would suit Russia perfectly and provide some sort of buffer zone at least.
@Anonymous 18:33
A partitioned Ukraine where the EU gets to seize Western Ukraine as a consolation prize after their failed attempt to steal all of Ukraine is exactly what EU wants; they cant be allowed to get that. Putin was crystal clear on that in recent interviews on European TV.
As long as Ukrainian stays as one state (federalized/confederacy), the EU will be denied all of Ukraine. A partition will allow the EU to expand all the way to the Dnieper river. Putin made it clear that Russia will act against this. To Russia the only acceptable compromise is a neutral Ukraine with no possibility of membership to NATO nor any direct membership into the EU. That is one reason why RF has been silent in supporting annexation of Donbass or seperation from Ukraine. They want the Junta to implode and then reformat Ukraine back into a single state denying the criminals in Brussels any reward for their monomaniacal criminality.
‘Anonymous said…
The reports from Krasni Liman and Slavyansk are pretty dramatic. Is there any video proof of these killings on internet ?
I tried to find about those 25 or 37 wounded militia men killed in the hospital, but there are no photos anywhere.’
Considering right sector’s penchant for videoing their crimes (remember Odessa?) I’d bet vids will show up. I have sources too and all say it’s true. Some are so-so, some I’d trust with my life.
“Хитрый план” Путина
Hi Saker, any translation of what the guys are screaming at each other on the radio in the 1st video of the AN-30 shootdown?
the pessimist,
I would not surprised about the report. some of the comments about how some Russians thought about this whole episode give credit to those perspective.
Russian consider Kiev as birth place of its culture, yet it has been playing defense on what ever has been happening there this past decade. And surprisingly, some people in Russia still so short sighted, and worry about spending some a few extra billion, and worry about if they make a strong stand, it would harm their interest, or cost a few lives. This short sight will cost a lot more in blood and treasure in future.
In 1950, Chinese Army crossed into Korea. The war cost a lot of blood and treasure, but it had not gone in then, just imaging the chaos, and wars west could have inflicted right at China’s door step. The war brought 60 years of peace. We are at different era, but the lesson still same.
It look good on paper. But it has been done once, it fail miserably. Now SE want to be out of Ukraine, you think there is big chance for Putin to pull it off again? If so, how many year it will last?
Sorry to respectfully disagree with you, but this has not been tried before:
A federation or confedracy traps those scumbag morons in Western Ukraine from carrying out any further Foreign Policy decisions while cutting them off from any subsidies from Eastern Ukraine: putting those deluded lazy 3rd worlders in their rightful place forever.
If the EU gets Western Ukraine, they will not stop destabilizing Eastern Ukraine at a later date; you cannot compromise with NAZIs only crush them.
Dear God.
We are so incredibly evil. Mr. Nora’s a really laid-back kind of guy and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this mad about anything. I went out to the gardens to give him this SITREP and he just stopped and glared, said he could scream, swore a bit and then spat out, “This is no different from rounding up Jews and Gypsies — and we’re doing it!” How very convenient of us to call Putin Hitler.
But another thing we’re doing — and this time I mean *us* here on this blog: we’re waiting for Putin too, right, or the Novorossiyans to really give ’em hell. WE’RE waiting, just like we’re accusing THEM of doing, and really of course we all know it’s the Empire’s aggression and the EU’s spinelessness that’s MAKING this happen.
So let’s US do something: how about writing a letter to your local newspaper with a little background information and, say, 3-5 recent Donbass atrocities of your choice. Our leaders are hopeless, but that’s not to say that everyone who reads a newspaper is. If you can just get a couple people to start thinking, and digging around for real (non-MSM) data, they’ll talk to others. It may not be enough to stop things but at least you’ll have done *something* rather than merely bemoaning the hellishness of what is being done in your name and with your tax dollars.
Anonymous 17:26
“And if a single syllable of what he reports is false or misleading, he is an agent provocateur.”
Huh? Why? It’s a bit of a truism, that “fog of war”… Could lead to many honest mistakes, don’t you think? But for some reason you’re already spreading slurs on this particular person. I find that rather curious, to say the least. (There’s another truism that comes to mind, perhaps: if it doesn’t fit, turn it around…)
Bot Tak, I state my impressions based on my experience and what I hear from both people in Kiev and the diaspora here. I claim no other authority. The Interview was from BBC online radio and featured mostly the two women – one a Euromaidan advocate and one very articulate Russophile. The man was less clear about his position but not a junta supporter. The two women had a verbal battle the whole time, trying to stay polite, but quite emotional. I found it unusual given the crap the BBC has been running about the conflict.
It confirms to me the depth of the tragedy taking place in Ukraine as the country is being torn apart and bitterness and anger are becoming more entrenched as people chose sides. Russian intervention will cement this division and its consequences – it should not have been (this tragedy), but it is… I am thinking Yugoslavia…
the pessimist
“And if a single syllable of what he reports is false or misleading, he is an agent provocateur.”
Huh? Why? It’s a bit of a truism, that “fog of war”… Could lead to many honest mistakes, don’t you think?
I agree. ‘Juan’ s English does not look like a native speaker’s at all, even allowing for some Saker editing.
Per yesterday’s monetary discussion, thanks to Anonymous at 06 June, 2014 16:45 for pointing to Gazpromneft — and hopefully soon the Gazprom mothership — dumping the dollar ASAP. If Andrew and ee are correct and D.C. doesn’t care about that, particularly for the contracts with Europe, because the Treasury and Fed can always keystroke up some more Yellen bucks, well we’ll see won’t we?
American Kulak
Svobodaland (Galacia, Volyn, Kiev City) clearly wants to go EU/NATO/Austerity, with big majorities supporting this path. Its not possible for this to be reconcile with what the rest of Ukraine wants, which is why Ukraine is being torn apart.
The best thing for everyone would be to saw off the west half of the country at the border of Vinnitsia and Zhitomir and let Ultima Banderastan try to go and become part of the EU. Its not a reward for the EU to take these people in, its really a punishment, and it would be a blessing for all the rest of Ukraine to wave goodbye to them.
I disagree totally. You can achieve the same thing (i.e gettting rid of these lazy, resentful, racist morons) without letting them take the land and Ukraine’s strategic depth with them.
Keeping these brainwashed miscreants within a federalized Ukraine achieves this. They lose the ability to join NATO and the EU, yet they’ll be free to work as serfs for their much vaunted EU master race to their hearts content. After spending a generation being the EU’s, garbage pickers, farm hands, street sweepers, fruit pickers and massage parlour workers (prestigious work for the ‘superior’ and ‘pure’ “daughters of Bandera”) they may learn just what the Elites in Europe really think of them.
As i wrote earlier under the moniker Anonymous @22:36 (accidentally chose the wrong ID), those Nazis in Brussels will not stop destabilizing Eastern Ukraine if Western Ukraine becomes part of the EU. As well, the EU getting possesion of Western Ukraine will bring NATO within 450 miles of Moscow and right under the flank of Belorus; this is an unthinkable scenario for Russian security, Putin has already said he won’t allow it.
Thirdly, and this is important, the EU must not be rewarded for their criminal acts (it will only encourage more criminal acts), on the contrary they need to be punished by being stuck with the debt default of Ukraine as well the loss of all the capital they spent in destroying Ukraine. This will act as a deterrent to further EU expansion and misadventures. The EU was not an innocent player in this crime agsinst humanity, they were very much the instigators.
In the local MSM sewer, not a word is allowed to be uttered concerning the growing Banderist atrocities in Novorossya, and they are actively denied as ‘fabrications’.One particularly odious voice is the sham ‘Human Rights Watch, a New York Jewish front group, dedicated to Imperial agit-prop, and another the hideous Navi Pillay, the US stooge at the UN human rights organisation. The sheer extremity of the lying is quite unprecedented, because the situation, the terminal decline of Europe’s 500 year reign of terror over humanity, is unprecedented. This will end in war or Putin’s overthrow then the dismemberment of Russia. The Real Evil Empire is allowing no other outcome.
If the frontier between Donetsk/RF and Lugansk/RF becomes more porous, I suspect the porosity will be rather more E-W than W-E. Roll on the colder weather…
Russian military needs to take over and take out Ukraine’s means to engage in war. Send missiles to destroy any weapons plants in western and central Ukraine. Send anti-aircraft to eastern Ukraine. Send it Russian army to take over pro-Russian areas of Ukraine if Ukraine doesn’t stop in response to threats.
Fact is NATO won’t stop if they get Ukraine. Russia will be more hemmed in and in no greater position to fight than it is today. Russia doesn’t seem to be gaining strength relative to NATO so today is a good as a few years from now.
” Personal conversation by phone mid day today with person living near Krasni Liman. Person states right sector is looting shops, confiscating cars, trucks and buses. A few civilian men shot down in local streets. Some young women have been outraged. Person says no food allowed in to their living area location. Person states person and children eating porridge made from stored cattle food using water from local stream. Porridge is not cooked, barley soaked in water until soft, eaten cold. Water and electric cut off. Right sector going door to door checking documents and confiscating computers and cell phones. If no one answers door right sector breaks door down. If anyone in house or flat they are beaten and sometimes shot. Citizens with Russian passports are arrested and taken away. Fate unknown. Could hear screams and shouts at not great distance from cell phone, person stopped phone in mid sentence. I did not call back for fear of endangering person.”
This is a lie. Situation in Krasnyi Liman is tense and many male residents have been detained and interrogated. Some taken somewhere. However, none of the above is true. I am originally from that town and maintain links to local residents. I also follow local events closely using local sources and note that quite often “Juan” reports events which are either inaccurate or false.
Instead I offer you the following real report from a local resident:
“Two ukrainian soldiers walked into a store in Krasnyi Liman today. The women tending the store were scared, but soldiers told them not to worry and just bought some food and paid for them. After one soldier header for the door, the second sneaked to one of the women and pushed a piece of paper into her hand secretly. When he left the woman looked at the paper and read “Please call my mom! And phone number” The woman called the number and after she said that a soldier gave her the number and asked to call, the woman on the other end screamed and almost fainted. They were told that her conscripted son is at a training site somewhere in the western Ukraine and she did not hear from him in a while.
This is just one of multiple reports indicating that ukrainian army is hiding that soldiers are used to fight in the Donbass region and that the army is hiding its casualties.
I am becoming very tired to hear only of “military like” options to oppose the nazification of lands in the hearth of east Europe fueled by the “1%” world bosses radicated in the Anglo-Zionis Empire.
There are also other, powerful, means.
Take the example of RT: it is worth regiments if not Army divisions (look at “their” rage against it).
There have been two complaints made by the Kiev junta to the
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR): risible, but they have done (of course assisted by…). Why there are not hundreds of complaints from people from Odessa, Donetsk, Slavyansk, Lugansk, Mariupol and so on?
If it is true what was told (I have no doubts), where is a team of attorneys, working also in some EU contries (for instance Paris), that are assisting to fill such complaints? The expenses are worth those for one or two bombers in less. Where is an office in EU (let us suppose in Paris or even in Bruxells) in which western attorneys are payed by the Russian Federation to monitor, defend, cite in tribunals any expression of racist hate having for target russians? Any attacks to heir human rights? To defend the rights of people of russian language and culture?
Another point: how much have we to wait to have screened a movie, scenic, spectacular, with fantastic special effects, showing the carnage that the Ukies are doing in south-east Ucraine? The suffering of ordinary people there? The “masters” behind?
Have we to wait Holliwood, as for the infamous “5 days of war” (refferred to 8.8.8)?
So, stop to complains! Move on!
Il Discobolo
American Kulak said: “Per yesterday’s monetary discussion, thanks to Anonymous at 06 June, 2014 16:45 for pointing to Gazpromneft — and hopefully soon the Gazprom mothership — dumping the dollar ASAP. If Andrew and ee are correct and D.C. doesn’t care about that, particularly for the contracts with Europe, because the Treasury and Fed can always keystroke up some more Yellen bucks, well we’ll see won’t we?”
My position is not that the US does not care about that. Having international demand for currency does give the US even more flexibile policy options. However, reducing the strength of or even outright losing that primacy in demand will not destroy the US empire. That might primarily comes from its very real, non-fiat military in conjunction with the size of its economy.
Ukraine is a bankrupt, corrupt and deeply divided country. Putin is sitting back and letting US/EU be responsible for the crisis, which will get MUCH worse, particularly debt/austerity. He’s got Crimea.
Kiev is only making things worse at the moment. Will Donetsk-Lugansk ever forgive Kiev after this?
7 out of 30 attack helicopters already lost. In time, Kiev will find it easier to do without them.
Man, you are an optimist. Are you suggesting the Russians occupy all of the Ukraine? If not, how on Earth would that be possible? Why would the US agree?
I am becoming very tired to hear only of “military like” options to oppose the nazification of lands in the hearth of east Europe fueled by the “1%” world bosses radicated in the Anglo-Zionis Empire.
There are also other, powerful, means.
Take the example of RT: it is worth regiments if not Army divisions (look at “their” rage against it).
There have been two complaints made by the Kiev junta to the
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR): risible, but they have done (of course assisted by…). Why there are not hundreds of complaints from people from Odessa, Donetsk, Slavyansk, Lugansk, Mariupol and so on?
If it is true what was told (I have no doubts), where is a team of attorneys, working also in some EU contries (for instance Paris), that are assisting to fill such complaints? The expenses are worth those for one or two bombers in less. Where is an office in EU (let us suppose in Paris or even in Bruxells) in which western attorneys are payed by the Russian Federation to monitor, defend, cite in tribunals any expression of racist hate having for target russians? Any attacks to heir human rights? To defend the rights of people of russian language and culture?
Another point: how much have we to wait to have screened a movie, scenic, spectacular, with fantastic special effects, showing the carnage that the Ukies are doing in south-east Ucraine? The suffering of ordinary people there? The “masters” behind?
And then floud with CD (multilingual, free download, etc.)
Have we to wait Holliwood to diffuse “their point of view”, as for the infamous movie “5 days of war” (referred to 080808)?
So, stop to complains! Move on!
Il Discobolo
“Are you suggesting the Russians occupy all of the Ukraine?”
No I’m not. A political solution can be implemented after the dust clears.
“Anonymous 05:59 said
This is a lie.”
I think you are a little strong on your condemnation of Juan. If you will notice, he did not say ‘in Krasni Liman’, he said ‘near Krasni Liman’. I can’t ask Juan if he meant within pistol range, rifle range, Msta range or Topol range when he said ‘near’. I would say that he is protecting his source by not giving a clear location. I would do the same and I do the same when reporting what I know of the situation up north.
I am getting too many confirmed reports of similar conditions as Juan reported to not believe him. I vet everything I post by either seeing it live or on live streaming video. If I don’t have live stream I find someone who does to verify exactly what is reported. If I find no one I trust with either live stream or actual eyeball witnessing then the event didn’t happen as far as I’m concerned. Too many ARE happening.
If you have live local sources then by all means post them. With confirmation. The Saker verifies what Juan says with his own sources which are far better than mine and besides, my job is not to vet Juan, I have other tasks. I would think you are more than welcome to do the same. Do you have propeeska for Krasni Liman?