By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog
1. The making of a demon
Remember the days of your childhood—especially if you are German. If you even dream of being naughty or disobeying your elders and betters, Krampus will put you in his basket and take you to some swampy Germanic hell. Nothing will be heard from you ever again.
Krampus is a leftover from ancient pre-Christian times when he (and he is a he) consorted with witches and indulged in unspeakable acts with them. The idea of a horned demigod taking away and destroying that which is most precious survived all attempts at Christianising and remains to this day a well-known and dreaded member of the pantheon of early childhood monsters. The pedagogic value of Krampus is that he is so horrible looking and mean that the very mention of his name (frightening in itself) is enough to pacify the most recalcitrant toddler. He is a demon born at the dawn of time in a dark and cold Alpine redoubt with a single purpose—to frighten and torture naughty children. Many of us non-Germans knew of Krampus as children and although we had our own non-Germanic demons to defend against, somewhere far at the back of our minds, the Supreme Fear in the form of Krampus was just a few steps away.
How does the story of a scary childhood character relate to the present day? Am I being flippant in comparing a mythical demonic creature to a highly successful trader and philanthropist? Well, no. George Soros’s history of dirty deeds spanning decades and continents has been so destructive that he has created his own demonic myth within his lifetime. A mysterious character who refuses to shuffle his mortal coil and is kept in a semi-mummified semi-stasis by some miracle of “medical science” or another, Gyorgyi Schwartz of Budapest and a billionaire has become Krampus of our time. He is a demon of extreme power, cunning and devilry (he was called something not very dissimilar by Mahathir Mohammed). He is the eternal wanderer ever ready to profit from others’ misery who has been funding his destructive vision ever since the fall of the Soviet Union. He has become the synonym for a disruptive, meddling anti-national, neoliberal, “cosmopolitan” conspiracy. The point of these, allegedly, has been to weaken any indigenous patriotic forces in order to a) protect a particular group of people from possible persecution by diluting any nationalist urges and b) allow those same people to set the tone of the political discourse and capture the levers of power.
At the time, people marvelled at how someone can emerge from such obscurity to become a global player overnight—but like always, such success was ascribed to Soros’s genius and hard work.[1] Our modern-day Krampus has been compared to Jakob Schiff, the famous/notorious Jewish-American financier and philanthropist (word that is rapidly losing its positive connotation), whose anti-Russian animus found a fruitful outlet in financing all enemies of imperial Russia—from Japan to various ethnic nationalists and finally—and most importantly—the Bolsheviks. Another Schiff, the senator Adam, is the current torch bearer of Russophobia in US Congress. The analogy is mostly apt. While the target of Schiff’s wrath was mainly the Russian Empire, Soros has targeted both the dying Soviet Union and its capitalist successor.[2] He named his nebulous pseudo-philosophy “Open Society” (probably plagiarising another Russophobe—Karl Popper) as a counter to the still weak attempts by Russia to escape the death sentence handed down to it by the triumphant West. This was a time when prominent Soixante-huitards such as Joschka Fischer, Bernard Henry-Levy, Andre Glucksmann, Bernard Kushner, Alain Finkelkraut and other future war criminals ruled the European roost. These third-rate activists and intellectuals excelled in one thing only—hatred of Russia and Orthodox Christianity.
Soros wormed his way into the newly “liberated” countries via a network of well-funded “foundations”, “institutes”, “universities” and “human rights organisations”. In other words, Soros used a strategy known to all predators that aim to overrun a country. By pretending to care about the plight of refugees, minorities, LGBT population and generally—human rights—Soros undermined the self-governance of newly independent countries leaving them vulnerable to depredations by the US and EU intelligence-organised disruption operations. That Soros’s demonic project had nothing to do with socialism and everything to do with harming Russian interests is confirmed by the fact that he has targeted both socialist Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, and a capitalist Russia, funded anti-Russian forces all over the world (in Chechenia, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, EU, Africa, Middle East and USA) and fought a continuous ideological and cultural war against what he perceived as the menace of the rebirth of the Russian Empire.
He honed his destructive apparatus with the help of corrupt local politicians and quasi intellectuals. Offering grants, studentships and targeted subsidies to the members of national “elites” ready to betray their nations’ interests in exchange for participation in one of Soros’s fake “young leader seminars” or “human rights conferences”.
Here is a personal anecdote which demonstrates my long-term interest in Soros’s. In the mid-1990s, my wife wanted to do a PhD on the post-Soviet theatre in Eastern Europe and as part of a multi-country schedule, we visited an eastern European capital in 1996 and arranged an interview with the well-known “alternative” theatre practitioner and the then-director of the Soros-funded anti-government hub camouflaged as a cultural centre. The interview went well until my wife asked a question that I had inserted earlier—it was about Soros’s funding and support for the Centre’s anti-government activity. This is when things became interesting. The interviewee became irritated and suspicious and defended Soros’s meddling in Yugoslavia’s internal affairs by claiming unconvincingly he wasn’t involved in setting the editorial policy etc. Needless to say, the interview was terminated on the spot.
A detailed account of George Soros’s destructive crusade must await another time. What needs to be said is that Soros and his humanitarian hydra were behind a number of so-called colour revolutions—ritualised coups d’etat that resulted in bringing to power swaths of anti-Russian politicians and surrounding Russia with a ring of NATO satrapies (most of whom had been Nazi satrapies during WWII). One interesting detail is that Soros removed mainly moderate or left-leaning politicians and replaced them with anti-Russian nationalists. After many years of unconstrained criminality, rapine and harmful meddling, president Vladimir Putin decided to put a stop to Soros’s harmful activity at the moment when Russia was again existentially threatened by the West in 2015. “It was found that the activity of the Open Society Foundations and the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation represents a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the security of the state,” a translated version of the press statement read. All Soros’s activities were banned in Russia and from that day on, Russia redoubled its efforts to become economically and politically independent of its enemies. The kicking out of Soros from Russia was seen in the West as another manifestation of Putin’s antisemitism when it was nothing of the sort.
President Putin correctly assessed the threat of Soros’s machinations and in one fell swoop rid his country of possibly the greatest threat to its security. After this epic defeat, Soros fought a rear-guard action by focussing on the emerging nationalist and populist governments such as that of Victor Orban in Hungary. Here also, Soros experienced a defeat—Orban proclaimed Soros a threat to national security and after an epic battle, closed down the so-called Central European University presided over by Michael Ignatieff, the notorious Russophobe. The two campuses in Budapest and Vienna were supposed to embody the discredited idea of Mittel Europa (Central Europe), that jewel in the Austro-Hungarian crown and motive power for any anti-Russian Drang. By closing down the Eastern lobe of the CEU, Orban has in a sense destroyed the Russophobic symbolism of Soros’s crowning achievement.[3]
As the power of the neocon/neolib forces in Europe weakened, Soros’s political projects lost more and more ground until they became largely irrelevant. Soros was so deeply compromised and so completely exposed as a predatory fraud and agent of dark powers that he ceased to be an important player in international affairs (despite his money and influence). Even the ever-vigilant “Nazi hunters” of ADL have found it difficult to defend him. His brand became toxic with the ascent of populist and alt-right politics in Europe and US. It could even be said that his own strategy (securing “cosmopolitan” interests by fighting nationalism) backfired—the alt-right rebellion was largely the reaction to the excesses of the Sorossian surge of the 1990s. So, what was the mummified billionaire to do now that the steppes of Russia were out of reach? He could have done “a Berezovsky” (I like where this is going) by writing a contrite letter to president Putin begging his forgiveness. Or he could have tried to repent for his evil deeds by pursuing real philanthropy. He chose neither but doubled down on political meddling under the guise of a (tainted) pseudo-humanist brand.
Thus, Soros’s name has (justifiably) become synonymous with evil liberal cosmopolitanism. This is definitively a positive development because it ensures that Soros (or his currently groomed descendants) can never cause as much damage as he did to Russia, Eastern Europe or Middle East. The other side of the medal is that any mention of a left-wing, progressive, social or racial justice cause, however valid, has been scarred by the mark of Sorro. And this I believe is Soros’s true legacy—providing the Empire with a permanent and unassailable excuse to discredit any genuine critique of and rebellion against the inhuman and inhumane neolib/neocon system.
2. Back in the USSA
After a brief phoney skirmish with the European alt-right, Soros shifted his attention to the United States where a new president was elected on a conservative, isolationist and anti-neocon agenda. Many people irrespective of persuasion, greeted Donald Trump’s election victory with relief if not elation. (it would be more correct to say that most right-thinking people hailed the defeat of the warmongering hag Hilary Clinton). The hope was that the United States would abandon its empire which has been destroying it and focus on recovering and rebuilding peacefully in co-operation with other great powers. Many well-meaning people from across the world sent their good wishes—after all, many of us carried a small piece of America in our heads and hearts.
Unfortunately, it transpired very soon that most of what Trump had promised his gullible voting base would never be carried out. Like ruthless Lucy van Pelt who fools Charlie Brown every time, the Deep State pulled the ball from a large basketful (or was it bucketful?) of deplorables and moved on with its plan to keep the dying Empire alive as long as possible (there is an analogy here with Soros, Rockefeller, Kissinger and Lord Rothschild who seem very reluctant to depart this world, haunting instead the corridors of power in the guise of liver-spotted spectral mummies and reminding the world that money can’t buy love but can certainly buy young bone marrow and stem cells). Instead of “draining the swamp”, Trump surrounded himself with right-wing neocons and Roman Catholic zealots and promptly set out to renege on all of his election promises.
Here, I shall only focus on Trump’s actions as they concern Russia and China. In an attempt to stem the accelerating exsanguination of the American empire, Trump declared a total war on Russia and China that has thus far involved: propaganda and psychological warfare, sanctions, threats, assassinations, mass arrests of Russian and Chinese citizens, sabotage, theft of diplomatic property, bombing Russia’s allies, commandeering of commercial assets and wealth, tariffs, support for coloured revolutions, McCarthyite witch hunts, an offensive against the Russian Orthodox Church and its allies, abrogation of all important international treaties regulating the deployment and monitoring of nuclear weapons, moving nuclear-capable missile bases close to Russian border, using India, Japan, Vietnam et al. as tools against China, weaponizing fascist fiefdoms in Eastern Europe and giving the Ukrainian zhidobandera (Judaeo-banderite) regime hundreds of millions of pounds of military aid, provoking China and Russia with large-scale military exercises and all kinds of military brinkmanship, trade war, weaponizing Hindu nationalism against China, approving extra funding for anti-Russian activities, expanding NATO, boosting Israel’s right-wing regime, strangling Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba and almost provoking a war with Iran. Oh, fresh off the press—moving 10000 soldiers and dozens of aircraft from Germany to Poland. Did I miss anything?
To summarise, Trump has done everything in his power to bring the world shockingly close to an all-out conflict. None of his moves so far have been peace oriented except as cheap political stunts or admissions of defeat. It is not even about Trump. America has entered its terminal decay stage and any president worth their salt would do anything to slow down this process. Once it becomes clear that this cannot be achieved by peaceful means (e.g. investment in vast infrastructure projects a la New Deal), all that is left is war. And yet a large portion of the deluded blogosphere looks up to Trump as some kind of a saint whose idealism is constantly being thwarted by evil Democrats. The latter bunch of misfits are labelled “communists”, Marxists” etc. confirming beyond any reasonable doubt that the crude and uneducated American right is as stupid and as pernicious as its post-Trotskyite, warmongering “left”. Note that the so-called Democrats do not oppose any of the above crimes/transgressions and are even more strident in their Russophobia—if that were at all possible.
An often-heard argument used in the defence of Trump is that at least he hasn’t started a hot war with Russia (something they say, Hilary would have done without a doubt). But this argument falls flat straight away. Please re-read the above: Do you really think that Hilary would have been able to do more harm than Trump? If so, what—given Russia’s exceptional nuclear and non-nuclear arsenal that could turn America into a giant glass ashtray without so much as breaking a sweat? Second, one of the most destructive presidents in the US history (both for his country and the world), was a gaudy entertainer and a populist who brought the world to the brink of nuclear war without ever starting one (Grenada excepted). For the most part, the opposition to Trump is manufactured for internal political consumption and does not reflect his actions. In a way, this fake opposition strengthens Trump’s hand because in front of Lavrov he can defend his aggressive moves as forced by his enemies and use these to silence the Russophobic opposition inside the country.
The quiet despair I felt for years started to dissipate as soon as racial protests erupted inside the US not because I hate America (on the contrary) but because I have been so disgusted with its international conduct since 1945, that I couldn’t supress my Schadenfreude. Knowing the benighted history of this country quite well (a huge amount of genocide, slavery and oppression has been packed into an extraordinarily short time period), I started to hope that the doddering behemoth would focus its Sauron-like gaze inward and give the world a chance to take a breather. Great, I thought. Perhaps, after years of false accusations, the Russians or the Chinese have acted—carefully organised a nationwide rebellion by leveraging one of the most emotional issues in the USA, namely, race. Finally, a well-calculated act of revenge for the dozens of destructive “revolutions” on Russian borders. Although it did achieve some popularity among Black Americans and especially their leaders, the mighty Soviet Union failed to capitalise on this despite America’s dismal record on race. Perhaps, in a fit of creativity, the Russians turned Soros’s tactics on his bosses putting into motion a masterful plot worthy of KGB’s top hits. Alas, I soon awakened from my reverie only to realise that Russia has neither the will, nor means to engineer such a vast conspiracy and save itself from a nuclear confrontation. The Chinese perhaps? No way.
In my view, the Russians are too conciliatory and lack the vast soft power apparatus necessary for the coordination and execution of such an ambitious project. Never mind, the most important point is that anybody who cares about world peace and Russia should cheer the protests as a severe setback for the global hegemon—a clear sign of its decline and an opportunity to profit from its weakness. One immediate benefit of the protests was a body blow (blubber blow) that felled warmongering troll Mike Pompeo. The moment protests started, any American foreign policy based on enforcing human rights and democracy became unsustainable—forever. The myth of a democratic paradise in which a common man/woman benefits from hard work and pioneer spirit fell apart in a couple of hours. The Chinese were laughing at Phat Po while hundreds of hitherto timid Twitterati gleefully pointed out the rank hypocrisy of America’s position and beheld with a mixture of fascination and horror the absence of the junior emperor’s clothes.
A more disturbing consequence of my awakening has been the realisation that most of the political commentators in the West who had previously maintained a pro-Russian front started defending Trump and his version of American supremacy. Many moons ago, I remember watching the remake of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers starring Donald Sutherland. At the very end of the movie, the heroine turns to the ever-dependable Donald, hoping for a salvation, when he turns on her and emits an unforgettable blood-curdling scream—the symbol of ultimate betrayal and final triumph of an alien evil. I felt like the woman in the film who realised in a second that she was completely alone in the universe facing a fate worse than death. OK, I’m exaggerating a bit but you know what I mean. Russia has receded into the background and saving Trump is all that matters.
All of a sudden, people forgot that as late as the end of 1960s, African Americans were barred from country clubs and other “respectable establishments” and started finding reasons to exonerate the murderous cop. But never mind that. Overnight, these tribunes of anti-imperial struggle morphed into the staunchest defenders of Emperor Trump and “traditional family values” espoused by a lecherous pervert linked to Jeffrey Epstein. When asked how they can maintain such an anatomically impossible yoga position, most of the time the answer is: because… Soros. I still haven’t come to terms with this and have tried to explain it to myself ever since. Here are some tentative explanations.
3. Answers and questions
a) People have been so traumatised by Soros’s malfeasance (or is it maleficence) that they see him everywhere now—as a universal symbol of evil—a Krampus. As a consequence of a careful ploy by the Deep State, no criticism or protest is now allowed outside very clearly drawn boundaries—especially from the left. As soon as someone tries to protest various injustices, they are automatically labelled as agents of Soros intent on harming the HOMELAND. It is immaterial to the accusers that under most recent presidents America has become a cesspit of electronic surveillance and a home to a gargantuan military-intelligence-industrial-media complex which is swallowing everything in its path. America’s crumbling infrastructure, lack of common values and ghettoised cities are a testimony to its forthcoming demise. Here, Soros has become Krampus of the right, a monster evoked every time someone points out that America is mortally ill. In this, Soros has joined another Krampus of the RC and neocon right—Joseph Stalin. Although exact opposites in terms of ideology, both have been used in the West to suppress socially-conscious voices.
b) Many of the so-called “alternative” websites were never pro-Russian to start with (Saker has discussed this many times). Rather, they are US Deep State sleeper agents who were allowed, in exchange for their loyalty, to monetise their writings and expose dissidents by posing as critics of the US regime. Now that their true master is in danger, they feel obliged (or are gently reminded) to repay their debt. Although I dismissed this option initially, it has gained in credibility the more I sampled their wares. A less paranoid version of this explanation is fear—fear of the ubiquitous and Kafkaesque machine which can crush an individual without their knowledge leading to auto-censorship. Or the fear of the “barbarians”—those lower-caste humans who threaten further to disrupt our vicarious participation in the sense of exceptionality and achievement of our “race”. I am guilty of both.
c) The commentators are correct and I am deluded. Soros is so rich and powerful that he can confront and defeat the all-powerful system that created him. This is probably the worst nonsense of them all. Soros might be rich but he is a mere gnat in comparison with his supposed enemy. Second (and even more pertinent), why would the old CIA-spawned Hellboy bite the arm that feeds him? Because Soros, a billionaire several times over and notorious Russophobe hawk, is some kind of a communist and social justice warrior? If this is true, the implication is that all 17 powerful intelligence agencies that could swat Soros like a fly at a single wink of Trump’s rheumy eye are betraying “the constitution” and siding with the unruly anarchists. Balderdash.
The world is again separating into two broad and irreconcilable camps—imperialist and anti-imperialist. While the boundary is not completely clear, many conservatives will join fascists and racists in the defence of civilisation (Europäische Kultur), (Western) Christianity (Gott mit Uns), homeland (Vaterland), white race (arische Rasse), family values (Kinder, Küche, Kirche), unchallenged Western supremacy (Das tausend jährige Reich) and law and order (Ordnung muss sein). I am not interested in how these “ideals” are implemented as long as they are not used as an excuse to attack and enslave other countries—as they always are. A minority of conservatives will understand the danger of a revived fascism and side with Russia and its allies. The fascists will be joined in their struggle by right-wing Zionists and neocons who hate Russia more than they love peace and democracy. While agitating for human rights, they will be happy to see the destruction of Russia and China. As in WWII, most Central European Ruritanias will gladly join the imperialist side. Some large countries such as India might just remain neutral but the nationalist zeal of its current government (Aryanism and swastikas anyone?) is likely to push it into the imperialist camp. This would not be the first time. The great Indian politician and tribune Subhas Chandra Bose openly collaborated with Japan during WWII.[4]
I shall be joining the other side—the side that sides with the oppressed, dirty, helpless and weak. The anti-imperialist camp espouses a multi-polar world free from imperial diktat from the West (or elsewhere). It advocates peaceful coexistence and abolition of huge multinational corporations that have replaced states as agents of international politics.[5] This block is progressive in the sense in which the Trotskyite dogma isn’t. There is a lot of room for cultural differences and idiosyncrasies. The idea is that these differences enrich the world and allow individual nations to find their own way towards prosperity, without the constant sabotage by the US Empire and its pawns. Absence of interference into other nations’ affairs ensures a peaceful and sustainable growth. Crucially, there is no such thing as an exceptional or chosen nation or race. We are all equal in terms of God’s mercy and the world must be purged from the exceptionalist evil forever. If anybody is still confused about what’s going on, I’ll end with a few questions (some of which I’m trying to answer myself):
– If Trump is so good for Russia (an idiotic claim by the Democrats), why did Russia urgently rachet up its nuclear doctrine a few weeks ago?
– Do you really think that for this many decades Soros has acted independently of the US Deep state? Are you so naïve as to believe that a semi-anonymous trader with a dodgy past would be allowed to destroy British Pound and meddle in international politics, or god forbid, unseat Trump, without the blessing of the grey cardinals of Langley? Do you think that one of the ugliest swamp creatures known to man would risk upsetting his masters by launching crippling riots possibly leading to a civil war for no good reason? No, defeating Trump is definitely not a good enough reason. If Soros is indeed behind the turmoil (and this hasn’t been proved), he is either doing the humanity a favour for once—by crippling the Empire or (highly likely) is acting on behalf of the repressive apparatus set on discrediting and banning any and all protest.
– What does one need to do in order to defeat the CIA, FBI, NSA and the myriad of spying and political police agencies that underpin the Empire? Do you really think that you can get past the most monstrous, intrusive and comprehensive system of surveillance and oppression in history by being transparent and honest? If your aim is to drain the swamp, do you really believe that you can achieve this by laying all your cards on the table and asking the (metaphorically) black Jesuitical cabal to vacate its throne at the top of the world? If you understand that this is impossible, why expect the BLM movement and all the others to be transparent?
– Do you really believe that BLM and other similar movements (e.g. Occupy) have not been penetrated BEFORE THE PROTESTS and co-opted for FBIs purposes? If yes, you are completely naïve (not to use something nastier).
Wake up, Trump is not your friend and he is no friend of Russia. Soros is evil but he is just one of the many flavours of evil. Do not let your mental inertia render you blind to what is really going on.
If you prefer the global dictatorship of hyper-corporate capital protected by US weapons under the guise of “law and order” to peace and justice, why are you on this pro-Russian site?
Russia, whatever its political system, has and will always stand with the oppressed and in opposition to global bullies and criminals. YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND MAMMON BOTH. Choose wisely—I have.
- I had the displeasure of reading Soros’s scribblings a long time ago. I can assure the reader that he is no genius. ↑
- We cannot know what Jakob Schiff would have done to the USSR—he died in 1920. ↑
- A friend tells me that Orban used to receive large sums of money from Soros. I did not check this but it wouldn’t surprise me that the two were partners in the 1990s. ↑
- I am not criticising Bose who was a great leader in many respects but just pointing out that India has its own perspective which might not always agree with the Eurocentric or Anglocentric view of history. ↑
- It is amusing to watch fake nationalists and patriots get in a tizz when asked how they can support Amazon, Google and other corporate behemoths and how this takeover of a country by corporatist fascism can be compatible with “freem” and democracy. ↑
Damn! KL throws down the gauntlet to the whole left vs right crowd in the USA. I’m impressed!
Yes indeed, in a land chock full of boogeymen these days (by design), Soros is certainly one of the legends. The whole “righteous right” shtick – as well-meaning as I think it might be in some cases – is just as off-base and deluded as the “virtuous left” revival we seem top find ourselves in the midst of at the current moment. And Trump as a some sort of standard bearer for anything other than total chaos and malfeasance is just as ridiculous as many of us thought it would be back in Jan 2016 when the Idiot in Chief first got the news that his presidential PR campaign gone awry actually succeeded.
Many people irrespective of persuasion, greeted Donald Trump’s election victory with relief if not elation. (it would be more correct to say that most right-thinking people hailed the defeat of the warmongering hag Hilary Clinton).
Sums it up perfectly. I sat out 2016 in silent protest, like many I suspect (just as I plan to in 2020 and every election from here on out until I believe they’re legitimate again), in the sure knowledge that withholding a vote for The Hag would essentially be a vote for Mr. Bombast. I have no regrets about that decision to this day given the choice on offer, although it’s turned out just about as I expected. I’ve given Trump every benefit of the doubt in the interim, but as you’ve detailed extensively here KL, Trump has lived down below every possible minimal expectation in the interim. So much so that I now wonder the same thing about him as I did Obama before him: was he a mere puppet installed by the plutocrats in the first place, “elected” merely to play a part? I’m sure that sounds crazy to most people, but I think it describes the objective reality we’ve witnessed since his election better than any other explanation.
The USA is now, in my opinion, officially a failed state under hostile foreign occupation.
Well you can feel so proud for sitting it out in 2016 in “protest” and “disaffection” and join Ken, I’m sure, in ignoring the case of General Flynn who opposed the Obama/Clinton Arm Isis & Destroy Libya & Syria and more………. all that you want to….but what does that do…other than feed your smug cynicism?
IMHO, that Enormous Omission of Convenience coupled with the subsequent “anti-imperialist” posturing only fools people of the same historical impotence…..that don’t think THE greatest acts of Treason… American History counts for anything of a reason for not Delivering What You Want Served Up Yesterday…as in 2-3 years ago..
I mean….in terms of Mr Trump….being…..ahem just a wee bit tied up for several years, having to juggle and survive..espionage…Mad Cows and Mad Dogs and then fire the Priestaps and Gen Kellys and John Boltons and everything else blocking anything EVEN YOU (pl) might have conceivably dreamed of doing right by the world….including toiling endlessly to replace MANY Dozens of DS Federal Judges….before having ANY chance of having indictments STICK…and any chance whatsoever of seriously getting around to taking more than two steps in sequence toward ANY policy objective displeasing to the AZ Empire.
But I think we may finally be there!
Where? HERE:
(Frank’s words, “I hope he goes to war now.” is said of Flynn destroying the Deep State….not ANY war against ANY country.”)
But “NO!!!”
I pretty much know neither of you will have ANY of THAT.
So, I’m sorry, but I think Frank “gets it”....and you don’t.
And in terms of instituting an actual sovereign and non-interventionist real, actually effective, rather than an empty posturing Anti-imperialist American Policy……..Premised On Burning America First…….despite some minor disagreements ….I’d take Frank…… and five of his best subscribers over several hundred of you.
And get just as offended as you’d like….because this is for people that want to restore the American Republic….not bury it……or burn it to the ground……….while telling all of its immigrants they were idiots to leave the lands they willfully chose to leave.
@Bro 93
We get it. You support hegemony no matter what. US should never burn to the ground so that it can continue burning other countries to the ground? You say Flynn is not about attacking another country, what about Iran? And what about all that @Ken has listed above after Trump, is that also about fighting the swamp at home? The swamp can only be fought by destroying other nations? Wooooooooooow.
Ahhh! “The evil Dems have made his life impossible” shtick! Same song, different verse, as the Obama “The evil Republicans have made his life impossible” routine that played to such wonderful reviews just a short time before. Gotta love Americans. They’re forever little children naively believing in the same old boogeymen fairy tales. “It’s all the evil [fill in your favorite villain here]’s fault, but you just wait, we’ll elect [fill in your favorite savior here] next time and they’ll make everything alright again, you just wait and see! Americans are the eternal butt of a joke the whole world’s laughing at, but they simply refuse to see. The whole “left/right divide” is simply a ploy to keep the rube electorate divided while the theft and the curtailment of personal liberties by BOTH parties (who are actually one) continues.
Kept in the dark
Fed on bullshit and lies
The illusion of choice
Is something everybody buys
Cookie cutter candidates
Actors in a show
All of this is just a ploy
To maintain the status quo
They demonize a ghost
They fabricate a need
To strip you of your rights
So you’ll willingly concede
Open your eyes
Time you realize
You’ve become the instrument
To hasten the demise
They raise the flag
And wave the sword
Then they march you off to war
You think you’re free
Well it’s just a misconception
You live a lie
In this matrix of dreams
It’s a rich man’s trick
A monstrous deception
To keep you chained
To their killing machine
I think Ponder and Disaffected (same person ?) are dealing in cartoonish analysis, and here’s why:
1. A very careful reading of Trump’s *actions*, not words, gives an anodyne result. It’s a fact Trump has not started any new wars. It’s also a fact that Trump has not yet ended any of the Bush and Obama wars. Until the murder of Soleimani and al-Muhandis, Trump had neither escalated nor de-escalated. Those two murders ended my support for Trump, but this still does not shed much light on Trump’s goals.
2. Any focus on one man, even the US President, is an exercise in learned helplessness. The “Democrats” and the “Republicans” are both a bad joke and anyone with a triple digit IQ sees this by the time they are 30, if not sooner. What we the American people need is fresh parties, and that means not staring at the news, but rather talking with friends about working together. The rumor is that Jesse Ventura and Cynthia McKinney will run on the Green Party. The white guy as the presidential candidate, the very competent black woman as the veep candidate. Other than reversing the two roles, it’s impossible to find a better ticket in the US and we should support it. The US Greens are far more respectable than the German Greens, but have always been a sort of liberal boutique party that is addicted to working along restricted social networks and always with “consensus” which is a barrier to effectiveness. It would be very good for our country is a great mass of people would enter the Green Party and demand voting margins of 55% or even 50.1%. Also, the Greens have been sabotaged for yeas with Democrat Party activists pretending to be Green. Those saboteurs have to be recognized (an easy task) and then removed. If someone wants to start any Fourth Parties, that would not be bad – as long as these small parties are willing to work smoothly with the other pro-national and anti-globalist parties. Along these lines, I highly recommend the writings of Mathew Ehret, a Canadian who explains how FDR was trying to work towards national sovereignty for all nations, and was an anti-imperialist in his time. This is a part of American history that has been deliberately buried, including by the American Left. I wold also recommend, though it’s not exactly political, the books by Christopher Lasch, the American essayist, because Lasch is a bridge between American critical thinking from the time of FDR to today. America has much to offer to itself if we can get out from under the 0.1%, the “Rhodes scholars” like Bill Clinton, and of course, the Deep State. Good or bad, the Orange Jesus can’t get the job done, but then this was always the responsibility of us, the citizens and no one else. Let’s step up to the task.
Dear Cosimo,
That is an interesting proposition and I do believe that the US Greens are nothing like their European counterparts. Cynthia McKinney? Brave and intelligent and a true antidote to Condoleeza and Susan. If JV is who he says he is, it’s all good. However, I am very pessimistic when it comes to US politics and the possibility of change. You are also correct re Roosevelt.
@Ponder is not @Disaffected
Cartoonish you said —– I waited for the rebuttal and there was none. After 4 years of Trump, what do we have? Did you read @Ken’s list above? Abrogation of international security treaties, dangerous trade wars which always lead to hot wars, economic blockades which are acts of war —-just because the victims of said acts of war have responded rationally to the provocations doesn’t make it any less an act of war, continued destruction of other countries etc. What part of diabolical destruction of the above do you not understand?
And then without a rebuttal, you undermine your own argument by talking about the one party janus oligarchy of Demoncrats and Republirats as the problem?
Now, allow me to return the favour ; is not your answer clownish? The root cause of US evil is imperialism, exceptionalism, downright hatred and bigotry and of course murder for plunder.
@Ponder and possibly others
Part of a serious analysis is to realize how long a task might take, assuming the work is being done in a serious manner. Expecting instant gratification and making overly facile judgements are what I meant by cartoonish.
For one man to end 18 years of wars, in 3.5 years would be not just a great accomplishment, but a somewhat quick one. January 1999 (Yugoslavia) to January 2017, under Democrats and Republicans alike. If you think the man in the oval office could just “order it done”, you would have to be inside the American Dream that George Carlin laughed about. You’d have to be asleep to believe it.
Look at how hard the media pushes all the obviously nonsense slander against Trump and you can only conclude that the entire mainstream media is actively opposing him. Read the details of how General Flynn was set up by the top leaders of the FBI on entirely bogus charges – and very nearly made then stick – and the only possible conclusion is that some parts of the Deep State are completely outside the law and using the legal system for blackmail. Let’s cut this short: Could you possibly deny that Trump is afraid to even sit down with Putin in a public venue, lest the New York Times and CNN will claim it’s illegitimate ? So you are unreasonable, and yes, cartoonish, to expect Trump to make much progress – but that’s if he even has any real intention to do so. Don’t fade out on me; a serious analysis is neither short nor easy.
Truly, I do not know if Trump is trying to do a lot of good things and yet avoid the fate of JFK or RFK or MKL or Admiral Forrestal, etc. etc. Perhaps he is, and if he is then none of the news from Washington is a surprise.
But it’s possible that Trump is pretending to be an anti-war president fulfilling his 2016 campaign pledges, while also trying to keep the Empire happy or at least not trying to kill him, along with his good buddies Sheldon Adelson and B. Netanyahu. In other words, Trump may just be playing the American people for suckers. I doubt it precisely because the mainstream media seems to be very serious in trying to ruin Trump, but I’ve been known to be wrong before. If this is a charade, then the MSM is playing it to perfection. History shows the mass media will sell any lie, and the bigger the lie, the better they sell it. So we could be getting played.
Bottom line is that we can’t know what’s going on. That’s a very sad state of affairs for a supposed Republic, a so-called democracy. Outside of Trump, Washington is run by a Duopoly, no real difference between the two parties. Trump can’t do much, but it’s possible that four more years of Trump would make it easier to get real change as the Empire fades away, and that the Empire would not go out with a world-ending bang. At the federal level, perhaps 35 Republicans in the House and 5 or 10 Democrats have any patriotism along with the cojones to act on it. Not one Senator is a patriot, or believes they can afford to be one. The bottom line is that the citizens have to wrest control away from the SOB’s who are in control. We have a long difficult and dangerous road to travel, and real progress will take 8 to 24 years at best.
I will end with a short quote from Annie LaCroix-Riz, “Everyone has the culture they deserve ” Yeah, she’s a Frenchie, and a Commie, and an heiress to the cigarette paper fortune. Too bad it wasn’t some American who said it in English, but it stands as an obvious fact. Notice: She said culture, since politics is too often imposed from on high, as the Europeans are realizing. But culture is owned by the people, apart from what Hollywood tries to impose. The American people are strong enough to not accept submission to overlords. Do we have the culture to resist ? Not yet, obviously. Are we going to create a culture of resistance ? I sure hope so, for everyone’s sake. And that means thinking and acting outside the prescribed “box.”
Ponder raised 3 more-detailed items against Trump, and I suppose I owe a response.
“Abrogated international arms limitation treaties.”
China’s nuclear weapons are not limited and Trump wants to get a limit on China’s weapons. However the US and Russians have about 10 times more warheads, so China is a distraction. The real problem is the
Aegis Ashore weapons in Romania and soon, in Poland. Like any short-range nuclear weapon, it means leaders might have to launch on warning or with only a few minutes to rule out a false alarm. If Tomahawk missiles were on-site in Romania, it would only take a few minutes to replace the Aegis missiles and update the software. Russia needs a very strong assurance that will never happen, and it would mean having Russian
officers and a bulletproof communications system, paid for by the US, because it was Trump who tore up the INF treaty. But other US presidents violated the “not one inch more” promise and extended NATO into former Warsaw Pact nations. So the baseline for Imperial presidents is constant aggression, and Trump looks little different from his predecessors.
Trade wars
This is the one item where it’s easy to defend Trump. Nixon and Kissinger offered China a very favorable – and fair – package which helped China to grow quickly. Under the old deal, China was allowed to appropriate modern technology as a gratuity for US and European companies gaining access to China’s factories. American corporate “suits” didn’t give a s**t about giving away the technology because the profits were staggering. All the low-hanging and mid-level fruit is long gone. China 2020 is a full competitor and w need to treat it differently. Now, for both China and the US, high technology is an arena of competition, unlike the 1990’s where China was getting technology that was already 100 to 20 years old. That was an entirely fair deal, but now it’s irrelevant. The US needs jobs and technologies, and so does China, but now all the new technologies have to be paid for and technological advances gie advantages in the market.
It’s important to note that China did nothing unethical here. That “theft of technology” was no such thing. It was Wall Street that chose to sell off Main Street to China, and now it’s Main Street that wants a new deal. The blame goes to Wall Street, to the American high tech companies who are disloyal, exemplified by Carly Fiorina, former HP CEO and failed candidate for the Senate and Presidency, who said exactly, “American workers do not have a right to a job.” The blame also goes to venture capitalists on Sand Hill Road who demanded that every new business include offshoring large parts of the new companies they helped launch and who had no concern for helping the great nation that created their wealth. And we have to look at ourselves for allowing this theft in plain sight. My reading of Trump is that he wants a re-balancing, but not a trade war. Re-balancing is required for the welfare of the US. Re-balancing can allow the US to participate in the prosperous future that China is painting for the world. On the trade issues, Trump is practicing hard negotiation, and I think the Chinese understand and are ready for that. The far more serious problem is that the Pentagon wants China as the new enemy to justify untold trillions of dollars of corrupt systems, and might also be thinking about tying down China by forcing them to waste money on useless weapons, just like the US had done since WW2. That is a very dystopic path and I don’t think Trump’s instincts go that way.
Huawei is a good illustration of this history. By the 1990’s, Huawei was making internet hardware, basically just copying many of Cisco Systems most successful products and selling them for far less. But Cisco Systems ignored this because there was plenty of business for both companies. I had discussions with Cisco officials at the time. In this century, Huawei has continued to grow and it has been a long time since their business was simply to copy other companies’ products. Huawei has become a giant and dominates 5G technology; in a normal world, Huawei would sell half the equipment in what’s expected to be a huge market. American companies off-shored much of their 3G and 4G telecom hardware. There hasn’t been a full handset designed in the US since about 1992, although some chip sets (e.g. Qualcomm) are still designed here. To finish my historical illustration, 5G technology is almost entirely “dual use”, meaning the same technology has military applications. Beam-forming antennas for consumers (MIMO) is also phased-array antennas for radar, and Gallium Nitride transistors go in everything from cars to satellites. So it’s fair to say Huawei and almost any other high technology company is potentially an “issue” for the US military.
It’s an understatement to say the Pentagon is not used to peer-level competition. The sensible thing would be to work towards a nearly military-free world, especially because we are at a point where Chinese and Russian technology has equaled and will soon surpass America’s potential. Better to sit down together, drink some tea and see about changing the game. Trump might do that, or he might not. But there is not one Democrat that anyone could even imagine doing that. It’s awful when all we can do is imagine. So instead, let’s imagine a popular movement in the US that could get around to creating a people-powered politics, to replace the money-powered establishment.
Ponder is flat wrong to say that trade wars always lead to hot wars. History records many times more trade wars than shooting wars. The real danger is when trade war is conducted for non-economic reasons.
Economic blockades
A blockade is a flat-out act of war under international law. For a very long time and under many presidents, the act of war has been side-stepped by the US Treasury Department, using the awful hybrid warfare of economic sanctions which kill many civilians. Technically, sanctions are not a blockade, not an act of war – but only technically. Not for one second would I defend any of the US sanctions, including the additional Trump-era sanctions on Syria and Venezuela. But you need to keep this in perspective. Sanctions have been Washington’s preferred way to destroy nations for a very long time. Right now, by the end of 2020, some 2.4 million people in Yemen are in danger of starving to death under a blockade enforced by many nations, and where the UN sanctimoniously and falsely claims to be doing something to alleviate the crisis. This orchestrated mass murder has bipartisan support in the US, and the silence is deafening. No US politician has railed against it, and the largely Zionist-controlled mass media is careful to avoid mentioning it at all. Trump deserves to be singled out as the single worst offender at the moment, but all the US politicians are on the Israeli bandwagon to destroy Yemen and Syria, among other nations.
Thank you, Disaffected,
I think that is probably the most likely outcome. Here, Jeremy Corbyn, who 30 years ago would have been considered a mild social democrat was demonised as a bolshevist from Hell by the right wing and the allied blairite scum. The moment you as much as sneeze in the direction of the money printers/changers/lenders – you are toast.
I haven’t understood a single sentence of this Kauderwelsch
Good luck with that one but you forgot to mention what you were going to do with the 1%,I too sit out the 2016 election and will sit out the 2020 election,seeing as neither candidate is fit to occupy the oval office and will continue to sit them out until they put forth a valid candidate or the lazy people get off their ass and put forth one of their own.For the last forty years I have listened to everyone and their plan’s to restore the republic/empire and it always turned out that their dreams were nothing but nightmares for the rest, and I don’t expect that’s going to change in the future.This country is going down and there isn’t a blessed thing you can do about it (which is a good thing) we are bankrupt both money wise and soul wise with the morals of an ally cat (sorry cat)
with a government that is corrupted in all aspects of a government that can even barely function,and that’s not going to change as you run down to pull the level to send back your congress critter for yet another term,just as you did before……
Hi, bluedogg,
We all remember the disaster called Tulsi Gabbard. It is Lucy van Pelt and her ball all over again.
Thank you
Oh, yes the 2020 elections. The choices we have. We can vote for one who can’t keep a simple virus under control, killing a population and trashing an economy in the process, or we can vote for one who is about to take up the old Hag’s quest of starting a thermo-nuclear war with Russia, thus killing a population and trashing an economy in the process. I think I’ll just crawl under a rock come November.
There is nothing brilliant about Soros. He is just a front man for the bankers, a globalist tool protected by intelligence agencies. How many color revolutions did he organize and finance ? And the intelligence agencies ? They, of course, gave him backing. Somebody like Soros was need, as ostensibly he was a ‘private”‘ citizen, fighting for ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’. His banker pals and intel agencies protected him. On the contrary, he would have faced numerous, world wide charges for subversion and terrorism, and for overthrowing legitimate governments. Even though his usefulness is now limited, he is still dangerous, as the latest events in the US prove. However, since he was not born in the US, someone needs to remind him of Kissinger’s famous statement:” Being a friend of the US is dangerous, being it’s enemy is fatal”. Since his usefulness is falling, I wonder what his future is going to be.
the essence: “…and the world must be purged from the exceptionalist EVIL forever.”
The essential driving objective. The essential focus of our energy, period.
@ Ken Leslie and @Jean-Marie
Exceptionalism—- the source of all evil today ‐– the claimed right to conduct evil in the guise of good, humane, righteous and just ; in God’s Name no less.
@Ken Leslie — I see you and acknowledge your steadfastness in highlighting evil. If we are truly after human justice, how could anyone not support decline of empire, no matter the chaos being unleashed there —– even though I am inclined to wonder at what chaos is unleashed in the US, compared to the hundreds of thousands of lives destroyed around the world by them? It’s a mere scratch to me. Scratch away I say.
I personally have despaired at humanity ever having anything better. Too much hypocrisy, bigotry, hate, oppression ……………… etc. I am resigned to the fact that there will be a 3rd world very nuclear war. It does not help to see Revelation point exactly to said world war; “and the 3rd woe cometh quickly”. I am utterly convinced, this is my personal opinion, not advocating nor pushing any narrative — my personal opinion that US will not go quietly into the night but rather Russia will preemptively bomb it in self preservation as was briefly postponed by Putin’s warning of “what good is a world without Russia” —– that warning was not out of the blues but a response to specific threats that were about to attack believing Russia to be weak, hence why Putin had to reveal the deadly weapons in development and serial production. It stopped US for a while, but I see they have regained their mental insane stability and are back to that very moment again. So, to me, the chaos in the US, may very well avert the unavoidable—- one can only wish.
Do not despair my friend. Bigotry, hatred, oppression is not the only side of humanity. With the exception of delusional Anglo-Zionist elites, vast majority of humanity want peace and cooperation. Let us not forget that Russia and China are cooperating, Venezuela is still standing in spite of big odds against it. Cuba has managed to hold on its own for over 60 years, and Iran has also demonstrated that it can stand up bravely to Hegemon.
As concerning the book of Revelation, there has been a lot of different interpretations and there is no consensus.
I believe in humanity. While there has been periods of war, there also has been periods of cooperation and peace. Let us not forget this. Have an awesome day!
Really Ken?
Your contortionism of coming around to admitting glee at the Antifa goons hijacking the legitimate protests of peaceful people and setting fire to many BLACK businesses….is physically amazing……and your assertion that ANY statistically significant portion of Trump’s base (including probably more blacks, percentagewise…than any Republican president in the last 90 years….but especially the non blacks) agitate for the “kneeling” policeman’s exoneration….(they DO NOT, Sir!) . are simply ….beyond the pale.
Pun intended.
You talk a good anti-imperialist talk…for part of your article …but I don’t see it in your “walk”……right into conformity with CNN and MSNBC.and the BBC.
I’m not sure about everything about Trump. But I am sure those A-holes are the Enemy of Humanity.who play on the emotions of “leftists” like it was putty in their hands….and get THEM into the darndest contortions.
Simple explanation, we have been programmed; Soros is Ernst Stavro Blofeld:
There is a book on Soros by Wayne Madsen whose title alludes to the Bond villain archetype called a Quantum of Soros. Not a bad read, I think it must’ve been ten years ago. I either resold it, or donated to a charity bookstore.
I admit that once when my sister-of-differing-ideology went into Trump-is-the-locus-of-evil-mode, I countered: Soros.
We are all sinners.
Both Soros and Trump are necessary “evils” –with quotation marks– and evils–without quotation marks. If Satan casts out Satan how can his kingdom stand? (hope I am not misusing scripture)
Yes, the regime of the AngloZionist Empire is Janus-faced. It is both Trotskyite and Nazi-like (both fake-Left and fake-Right). Trump and Soros are two sides of the same (Ashkenazi mafia) coin. They’re collaborating colleagues, only pretending to fight each other, in order to keep up the appearance of democracy, the masquerade with which they have been able to divide and control the West until now.
Half-baked Trotsky Soros and half-baked Hitler Trump are not unlike the collaborating NWO agents Trotsky and Hitler trying to conquer Russia at the time (see Grover Furr).
“And yet a large portion of the deluded blogosphere looks up to Trump as some kind of saint…” Yes, I noticed that too.
Another very agreeable, informative, high quality article by Ken Leslie. He puts it into words very well. Thanks.
I recently read an informative article about the evil, pro-Nazi, Janus-faced, nowadays more Trotskyite, “Roman Catholic” Church at , by the way.
Dear Laika,
Thank you. Indeed they are half-baked and pale inheritors of the mantle of a red-hot hatred. Hitler and Trotsky were passionate about their demented plans. Perhaps we are better off this time? Keep contributing.
Jabba is the front man for the Redshield central banks of the world.
The story that he defeated the UK central bank – the Bank of England – is ridiculous.
Let us take the perspective of the very richest people of the world (Not these ‘richest’ ones out of ‘Forbes’ lists)
A couple of centuries already they own more money than several big states put together. Now, they are used to promoting their interests of earning more and getting more powerful by financing and supporting both sides in any conflict. First, why should they limit their credit market, second, the longer the conflict with their support lasts, more money would be loaned, and weaker the conflicting sides at the end in front of the money masters. Where need be, they finance subversion and revolution in states, as well.
Now they go step by step, war by war, one board of directors after the other until they control the economy of the world. But their plans do not end there. Such appetites always cause many envies, both from the haves and from the havenots. They have to secure themselves with a world governance.
To reach this, what can be better than their usual method of playing one against the other? Supporting them both and making them each believe, they are the only side supported?
These to be united have to be weakened and defeated first in order to take them their independence away.
So all kind of conflicts are caused inside a society, migrants imported, LBGT supported, racial feelings excited.
And it is not only societies and states that are to be defeated. Some of their long serving assets have become too powerful. They have to be thrown against their other, newly created assets, to defeat both at the end.
Now, in the beginning of the final act, to defend against the common enemy named corona (that the bats authored), the summit of the most powerful states, members of the UN security council is being called for. To deal with corona, and with the renowned (regretfully, not for it’s falsehood) global warming, and, and.. This should obviously be the seed of the future world government. The three biggest among SC members could then be nicely played against each other, two turning against the third if this one gets too powerful, etcetera. See the recipe from the beginning. That seems to be all.
Here is a snippet I do not understand:
“The Chinese were laughing at Phat Po (…) ”
Who (or what) is Pat Po?
(I know about the Vietnmese soup-like street food and restaurants bearing this name around the World — but is this also some Vietnamese personage? — please expond!)
Dear Ou Si,
It’s a play on words. The Chinese alliterated Chris Patten’s name and called him Fat Pang.
I am applying the same trick (unsuccessfully) to Pompeo.
No translitteration ever of any form of Chinese that I know of started any word with the spelling “Ch…”.
Please correct me it I’m wrong.
Vietnamese — on the other hand — does.
Sorry, it should have been:
“No translitteration ever of any form of Chinese that I know of started any word with the spelling “Ph…”.
Syllables starting with “ch…” are legio in Chinese, for they are indeed many.
IIRC “phat” is a slang word used for “fat”. And Po is short for Pompeo. Mike Pompeo is often referred to as Fat Mike in the blogosphere, besides his many other derogatory nicknames.
I don’t know what it means and I feel u. I think phat po is Pompeo.
in hippster, Phat is ‘kool’, Pompass is not, waste of a ‘good’ word, like screwing over ‘swastika,’ for eternity.
Cheers, M
Jacob Schiff financed Kerensky, not the Bolsheviks!
I don’t reply to Anonymous comments but yours is relevant. I was rushing and you are correct.
Thank you
There is one thing HC would have done that Trump has not, and that is militarily attack Iran. That is Israel’s final requirement from the US before they pull the economy and leave the US to blow away as dust in the wind (paraphrase of Boobie Nuttyahoo statement).
George Soros makes money by selling discounted US Treasury bonds at an uptick. In other words he is a favored Treasury Bond retailer for the US Federal Reserve Bank and is, presumably, implementing policies determined by Davos denizens.
A quibble — Adam Schiff is a congressman from California, not a Senator.
Soros and his like are a result of Americas failure to execute more Nazis at the end of WW11. As we well know, America in collabaration with the Catholic church, facilitated the escapes of many Nazis to the west. Now we are plagued by an irrational hatred of all things Russia. It is very ironic that America hates our allie from WW11, Russia, and America has done everything in its power to build up and protect Germany and Japan. Think about it, Russia has not killed 100,000’s of US soldiers. That was Germany and Japan the countries that we now call our allies. The American image of Russia has be shaped by an irrational hatred that works to cripple all things that are of mutual benefit to America and Russian. As the old saying goes, don’t cut your nose off to spit your face.
Bravo, Marcus,
You see through the fog of hatred. Have you noticed that nobody is disputing the facts–especially what Trump has done to Russia and China (and a number of other innocent countries)? Brave warriors have gone quiet all of a sudden.
I’ve just watched a video about how Goebbels demonised the USSR only for the German Kulturtraeger to be shocked by the Soviet levels of culture and education. The RC hatred of Russia is central here.
What a a fine sculpture of words, very ingeniously and cleverly created, and reaching quite high up !
Somewhat heavy on the black and white scale of definitions, Trump black, Russia white, and paralyzed soy sorry Soros. But now, I must hie away to St Trinian’s Kaffee Kosmos, and catch the latest.
Dear Birkenstock,
That is high praise – even if somewhat faint. Just to make it clear to you: Trump = bad, Biden = bad, Soros = bad, Bannon = bad. Since I am not a US citizen I am only interested in politicians willing to embrace peace. None exists in the US mainstream at the moment.
And come on, the article is nuanced yet passionate, erudite, yet accessible, no?
Note to editor, If the only people reading your blog are your true believers, you will never make an impact. You should be proud when more none believers read your blog. Means your are having an impact. Do not get discouraged, for the struggle against evil is timeless and their are good people on both sides.
Thanks Ken for a great article.
Let me highlight what is imho an important sentence. “We are all equal in terms of God’s mercy and the world must be purged from the exceptionalist evil forever.”
So true. However, there are a lot of people on this battered earth that -at least in mind- would not agree. If it’s not ‘exceptionalism’ it will be called ‘chosen’, or any other shizzle that reminds of ‘some animals are more equal than others’.
Let me give just one recent example. BLM. What’s wrong with ‘all lives matter’? Where are their protests while many thousands of unarmed Yemeni citizens are genocided to steal their oil, or are they not ‘black’ enough?
Granting or not ‘privileges’ based on the colour of your skin, that’s racism. The mechanism is what counts, not the RAL-number.
Churchill once famously wrote, that the fascist in the future would be anti-fascists. Then I didn’t understood, now I do.
Let me highlight another interesting thing: “Oh, fresh off the press—moving 10000 soldiers and dozens of aircraft from Germany to Poland. ”
Now, let me be clear on this: I’m not a military man. I’ve done military duty, come from a family with a military tradition (one of my ancestors even was an admiral), but I became an engineer because I like making stuff better than destroying it.
I live in Germany, therefore I know that deep in their heart Germans don’t like the presence of USA troops here. Behind closed doors they would even say ‘and take your damn nukes with you too’.
Add to that, I’ve met quite some Polish people as well, quite sympathic people I must say, and in a harsh contrary to their government they are not so much russophobic.
It is brought as ‘sending a signal’ against ‘russian agression’. Yeah right. Facts, please?
Thereby, what is the use of this? In these times, when I want to send a message, I grab the phone, my cell phone or my laptop. Sending signals by walking around with a flag is from the time before Benjamin Franklin.
(The same counts for sailing a USN ship through the Chinese sea, and it is then followed within a few miles by a Chinese navy ship. What’s the use of that, don’t they have satellites and radar anymore? Fun fact is that the crews of both ship are frequently in contact with another, discussing the dinner and movie of that evening, family stuff, sport interests and whatever, and said merrily ‘Till the next time’ to each other eventually ;-))
The military value of this is zilch. 10000 soldiers have no significant combat power at all against Russia. When push comes to shove, a few Kalibrs will land on their barracks and it’s ‘Sendeschluß’. Didn’t some colleagues in Iraq experience some Iranian rockets, causing ‘headaches’?
Those so-called anti-Iranian missiles units in Eastern Europe, do we really think that Russia is not closely monitoring them, and when they even have the impression that offensive missiles are loaded, some two hour later these units are gone?
Do we really think that when push comes to shove, that the Russian military would not dirigate a few ballistic subs under the North Pole ice, with enough firepower to change the USA in a glass ashtray?
(According to Al Gore, there is no North Pole ice anymore. Unfortunately the water there identifies itself as ice).
USA military servicemen, I want to say something to you. I’m pretty sure that in these hilarious ‘identity politics’ times, troops like Delta Forces, Seals, and US Marines are untouched by that. For the rest, I’m not so sure.
You people are not, I repeat *not*, indispensable or exceptional. The only thing you are is *expendable*. What they will tell you is that you have a ‘mission’, but in reality they want you to commit mass murder in order to make very fat cats steal resources to become even more very fat cats, and your well-being is irrelevant. You are just assets, and you are strategically led by idiots. Your 800+ bases around the world, your hohoho sailing around with big ships – you. are. sitting. ducks.
And then Soros. Cockroaches hide in the dark. A shady type indeed, and he reminds me of Darth Sidious from Star Wars:
What kind of stuff is he using to stay alive and fit, what we simple peons don’t know, the same as Henry Kissinger who as I feel it must be somewhere around 130 by now?
Well, there will be always new creeps. Jared Kuchner is already waiting.
Cheers, Rob
Dear Rob,
Thank you. As I often say, it is not about any particular move. The constant pressure exerted on a hundred different fronts is what counts. It costs the hegemon very little and is very taxing for the defender. It also denies them the opportunity of drawing a line. Can’t you see that? I am not saying that Russia is helpless but when has the West EVER been united like this in its hatred for Russia? Name one Western country that is openly opposing the Drang.
This is why the situation is particularly dangerous and does not allow complacency.
well written and interesting, i personally think you hit the bullseye here.
Hi, Per,
Thank you – I appreciate it. Always had a soft spot for Norway and its dogged fight in WWII but can see that you are being co-opted into an anti-Russian Reich again. Has any of that old spirit survived?
The spirit survives, but it feels very lonely. One of the gifts from Norway to the world after WWII was the word ‘Quisling’. Again we see such people today.
Thank you for the interesting and thought provoking article.
Dear Norwegian,
Glad to hear it – we all have our quislings but also heroes. Don’t despair, you are not alone.
Thank you
I wish someone in this commentator community would delineate all the times the Soviet Union and later on Russia have retreated from taking strategic advantage of areas temporarily occupied:
— 1/3 of Ausria after 1945
— Manchuria after 1945
— Northern Norway after 1945
— Staying out of Greece and Yugoslavia
— Retreating from North-West Iran after the WWII
Please, Saker community: Comment and tell about this!
Also: Tell the Nordamericano readers how different the Soviet masters arranged things in thair occupied various states in Central Europe. For instance installing Nationalists in Polen while employing returnee jes´ws to take over Hungary (the hungarian revolt in 1956-57 was to a large extent “anti-semitic (i.e: anti-Ashkenazi), consisting of returnees from as earley as the times of Bela Kuhn (B. Kohen).
Here is the first part of the Wikipedia entry:
“In Central European folklore, Krampus is a horned, anthropomorphic figure described as “half-goat, half-demon”, who, during the Christmas season, punishes children who have misbehaved. This contrasts with Saint Nicholas, who rewards the well-behaved with gifts.”
It could vary from region to region (Mod)
KL’s musing are interesting, but still end up confusing me. As with his earlier contribution, I was not sure where he stood on naything and who was really at fauilt for the mess. I guess we now know that Trump really IS the problem, after all. And people who apologize for him.
Not sure what Krampus—one of a pretty big genus of pagan Alpine monsters later associated with *Christmas* but whose original job description actually was sweeping away the old year after the winter solstice—has to do with Soros, and adds little to the essay. In particular because (I think) KL ends up more or less belittling Soros and degrading his status as a genuine bogeyman anyhow.
Color me confused.
Servus, Mod!
Als Deutsche weiss ich schon, wer/was der Krampus ist!
“Der Krampus, auch Kramperl oder Bartl, im Brauchtum eine Schreckgestalt ***in Begleitung des heiligen Nikolaus,*** ist eine Gestalt des ***Adventsbrauchtums*** im Ostalpenraum, im südlichen Bayern und der Oberpfalz, in Österreich, im Fürstentum Liechtenstein, in Ungarn, Slowenien, der Slowakei, in Tschechien, Südtirol, Welschtirol (Trentino), Teilen des außeralpinen Norditaliens und Teilen Kroatiens. Während der Nikolaus die braven Kinder beschenkt, werden die unartigen vom Krampus bestraft.”
Und, was ist eigentlich mit dem Fettdruck?
Google translation,MOD:
Hello, Mod!
As a German, I already know who / what the Krampus is!
“The Krampus, also Kramperl or Bartl, in customs a frightful figure *** accompanied by St. Nicholas, *** is a figure of *** Advent customs *** in the Eastern Alps, in southern Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate, in Austria, in Principality of Liechtenstein, in Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, in the Czech Republic, South Tyrol, Welschtirol (Trentino), parts of the non-Alpine northern Italy and parts of Croatia. While Santa Claus presents the good children, the naughty ones are punished by the Krampus. ”
And what about bold?
Why do you “correct” me?
My info is already correct.
And, what’s with the boldface?
As I stated, Krampus is just one of many demonic monsters.
” wie auch viele andere dämonische Gestalten des Alpenraumes” (“like many other demonic creations of the Alpine area”).
My point is and was that I don’t see what KL is trying to say about Soros via Krampus.
That Soros is brought out to scare the citizens? Or that Soros lurks to scare citizens?
Or that Soros is as scary to a grown-up as KL avers that Krampus is to European children?
He also seems to somewhat distort the function /character of demonic Alpine creations such as Krampus in both their pagan and Christian forms, in order to portray Soros as Krampus.
Actually, St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, has a companion analogous to Krampus in much of Christian Europe. St. Nick’s Day is Dec. 6; the St. Nicholas Day party for children is on Dec. 5. It’s all theater. Most children love to be a little bit scared!
This also, actually, occurred to me.
When does the Statue of Liberty get spray-painted with BLM slogans?
The Statue of Liberty, which was a gift to the US from France and which has graced the New York Harbor since 1886, is clearly no longer consistent with the values currently espoused by the United States and should therefore be dismantled and shipped back to France.
You mean like we should take down the Statue of Liberty just like all those other statues are being taken down because it hints at being racist because it suggests a sterotype of foreigners being poor, tired and hungy, due to all regimes beyond our borders are evil, and hence them “deplorable foreigers” want to get into our safe and secure U.S.A.? Ok, then how long will it be before somebody throws that mass of copper into the Hudson?
“Soros” is a stak reaction against the supression of the Ashkenasi USSR-installed regime in Hungary until 1956.
“America has entered its terminal decay stage and any president worth their salt would do anything to slow down this process.”
Even if Trump sincerely wanted to do that — actually, I don’t think he is the least concerned; if anything he is a narcissist and a simple slob — his power to accomplish that is exactly zero. And our dear beloved philanthropist George Soros is a crucial part in understanding this. Could have worked had the Chinese given consent to be fleeced by obscene lawsuits, but that wasn’t to be. So the Exceptional and Indispensable folks are facing irreversible, exploding squalor and lots of Schadenfreude from the rest of the planet. Reactionaries without friends and future; similar to the Ukronazis.
“In my view, the Russians are too conciliatory and lack the vast soft power apparatus necessary for the coordination and execution of such an ambitious project.”
If Russians did try to execute disruption inside the belly of Hegemon, the Hegemon would declare war. You cannot do to Hegemon, what Hegemon does to others. Something like this happened back in 1962, during Cuban Missile Crisis. US stationed missiles in Turkey, and USSR stationed in response missiles in Cuba. Well Hegemon freaked out and the world came dangerously close to ending. And given already Sinophobia and Russiophobia present, this will give even more fuel to hate Russia and China, therefore making cureent geopolitical situation even worse. We live in the world where there are no easy answers.
I think the nest course of action is to wait for Hegemon to self destruct. It is already happening. There is a big war among the elites right now. Even if it is not fully visible.
Dear Marcus Aurelius,
You are correct – that’s why it was only a dream.
What exactly do you mean it was only a dream?
I said in the text I’d awoken from my reverie. You know – when you’re bullied every day by a stupid, moronic, uncouth, corrupt and nasty bully? And you start daydreaming about kicking their posterior? Don’t tell me you have never experienced this.
I experienced some bullies. I know the feeling. I apologize. I initially misunderstood.
“You cannot do to Hegemon, what Hegemon does to others.”
If anyone misunderstands, what I meant to say is this: There is a world of double standards. Empire can do whatever it wants. This what elites believe, impunity. If you try to do tit for tat, then the empire will lash out in unpredictable and suicidal manner, possibly dragging the world down with it. In other words, as long as the empire does things, it is on. However if others start to do what the Empire does to others, then the elites will scream bloody murder.
As Saker pointed out in one of his articles the challenge is to bring down the empire without bringing down the planet. It may seem impossible, however for the sake of the future let us try the impossible. As the character in one of my favorite novels, STAR WARS: The Death Star remarked: “Sometimes the long shots are ones worth paying”
Hi, MAM,
On the other hand, why not start a war straight away? They’ve threatened Russia on all kinds of fake pretexts and this is real.
They have enough evidence that someone from abroad is funding this. It seems either that they are not as “brave” as they claim or perhaps whoever is providing the money is not a novice.
Or it is all just a Hoover-like scheme to cripple justified protests.
The reason why the war has not started (yet) is because Anglo-Zionist are not certain that they will win. Also the generals and military know that Russia and China can and will strike back hard if attacked. Russia has clearly stated that any attack will be met with a strong response and that the war will be taken to the aggressor. Putin is not he one to bluff. He is serious. And also generals in Pentagon know full well the consequences of attacking Russia and China. Another factor is the Empire cannot afford to appear weak. If the world sees weakness, then the Empires control of the world will be over (at least this is how ruling class sees this). So they pound their chest so to speak in order to appear strong and relevant.
As for the protests, they are based on legitimate causes. George Floyd was not the first one to be killed. There was Michael Brown in 2014, and Trevor Martin in 2012. The police killings and state oppression has been going on since the US Founding in 1776. However it seems to me that the protests are being manipulated by the faction of the establishment in order to oust Trump. Not because he is not loyal. The primary reason is because he is PR disaster for the empire. And because the elites have to divert the blame for Trump to someone else. I have listened to one of the podcast of Chris Hedges, American journalist and author for whom I have great respect. Unfortunately I cannot remember what the podcast is called. In the podcast, Mr. Hedges have stated that if one looks at the leaked Podesta E-mails, one can see that the Dumbocats (aka. Democrats) have stolen nomination from Bernie Sanders, and put Hillary as Nominee. This was a blatant violation of American People’s will. If United States was a genuine democracy, then Bernie Sanders would have been most likely President. And then Dumbocrats have influenced the choice of Repukigan (aka. Republican Party) in order to install as Trump as nominee. The Democratic party bosses along with Hillary wanted Trump as the candidate, because it was believed he would be easy to defeat. It sure backfired spectacularly. It is Democrats and Hillary Clinton who are responsible for Trump. They do not want to admit this.
Russia is not funding the protests. Because Russia has respect for the law, has no intention in sticking their nose into American Domestic affairs, and if Russia attempted this, the blow back from US would be very serious. The tensions will be made even worse, and could really trigger a war no one wants. Russia wants to deescalate tension. As stated before, double standards. Empire can do whatever it wants and how dare those savages defend themselves against us mentality. If anyone is funding the protests and manipulating them, it is most likely George Soros in collusion with US ruling class to create chaos under Trumps watch and goad him into doing something terrible in order to cripple his presidency and chances for reelection.
Excellent name for the creep. I wonder how many hearts has he “consumed” till now.