One of his most beautiful songs, and since I am currently working on a version for 2 guitars (and enjoying every second of it), I wanted to also share this with you.

The Saker

Original French language version:

Alternative Italian language version:

Thanks to this website: I found the chords:

though I personally prefer to harmonize it as so:

Bm7, %, Bbm6(#5), %,  Am6, B7, E/Ab, %, Em/G, C#dim7, Bm7, Bm7/A, C#dim7, F#7(#5), Bm9, %

and the lyrics:

Non, je n´oublierai jamais la baie de Rio
La couleur du ciel, le long du Corcovado
La Rua Madureira, la rue que tu habitais
Je n´oublierai pas, pourtant je n´y suis jamais allé

Non, je n´oublierai jamais ce jour de juillet
Où je t´ai connue, où nous avons dû nous séparer
Pour si peu de temps, et nous avons marché sous la pluie
Je parlais d´amour, et toi, tu parlais de ton pays

Non, je n´oublierai pas la douceur de ton corps
Dans le taxi qui nous conduisait à l´aéroport
Tu t´es retournée pour me sourire, avant de monter
Dans une Caravelle qui n´est jamais arrivée

Non, je n´oublierai jamais le jour où j´ai lu
Ton nom, mal écrit, parmi tant d´autres noms inconnus
Sur la première page d´un journal brésilien
J´essayais de lire, et je n´y comprenais rien

Non, je n´oublierai jamais la baie de Rio
La couleur du ciel, le long du Corcovado
La Rua Madureira, la rue que tu habitais
Je n´oublierai pas, pourtant je n´y suis jamais allé

as for this helpful website it even offered an English language translation:

No, I will never forget the bay of Rio
The colour of the sky, the name of Corcovado
La Rua Madureira, the street where you lived
I will not forget yet I have never been there
No, I will never forget this day of July
Where I got to know you, where we had to part
So little time, and we were walking through the rain
I was talking about love and you were talking about your country
No, I will never forget the softness of your body
In the taxi which drove us to the airport
You had returned to smile to me, before getting on
a caravelle which never arrived
No I will never forget that day when I read
Your surname, poorly written among many other unknown surnames
on the first page of a Brasilian newspaper
I tried to read and I could not understand anything
No, I will never forget the softness of your body
In the taxi which drove us to the airport
You had returned to smile to me, before getting on
a caravelle which never arrived
No, I will never forget the bay of Rio
The colour of the sky, the name of Corcovado
La Rua Madureira, the street where you lived
I will not forget yet I have never been there