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Does NATO even exist? by Scott Humor

In 2015 NATO contemplated a bit and asked itself: Hybrid war – does it even exist? – Nato  “In the last decade, some of the most important military forces and coalitions in the world, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), have attempted to address and counter so-called hybrid threats. Rather than develop strategies based on ‘hybrid’ challenges (an elusive and catch-all term), I believe decision-makers should stay away from

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/06/21 … Open Thread

2016/06/21 10:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Kazakhstan SITREP June 20, 2016 by Scott Humor

Kazakhstan’s President Nazarbayev and Putin say “we” at SPIEF 2016 On June 16-18 the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum took place in the Northern capital of Russia St. Petersburg Om June 17, 2016 President Putin met with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The presidents’ conversation took place at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum before the plenary session, in which they will take part. On Friday Russian President Vladimir Putin,

CrossTalk: Bullhorns Uncensored June 20, 2016

CrossTalk: Bullhorns Uncensored Jun 20, 2016 Know-nothing American diplomats demand regime change in Syria. Encircling Russia, NATO continues to break its word and international agreements. And how US foreign policy is now a political football. CrossTalking with Andrei Bystritsky, Stephen Ebert and Alexander Mercouris.

The #StolenReferendum. How Cameron & Co have ruthlessly exploited the murder of MP Jo Cox to save their skins and the EU ‘Project’

by Nick Griffin Britain’s vote on Europe looks set to go down in history as the ‘Stolen Referendum’. As the Remain campaign’s ruthless exploitation of the appalling murder of MP Jo Cox continues, big business, banks and other Remain enthusiasts are increasingly confident of coming out on top in Thursday’s historic poll. Yet such a victory will have been bought at a terrible price – a blatant triple fraud against


Summer 2016 fundraiser: I really hate doing this, but since so many of you have suggested it, and since, frankly, my “informational ammo stores”, in the sense of Cicero’s “Pecunia est nervus belli” (“money is the sinews of war” – that very much also applies to the informational war), are empty, I want to appeal to the Saker Community once again to provide me with the means to continue the struggle.

World SITREP June 18th, 2016 by Baaz

RUSSIA Chechnya: Republic Of Contrasts (RT Documentary) Russia’s Republic of Chechnya has undergone a revival after two military operations in its recent post-Soviet history. Today, the region is home one of the largest mosques in Europe, hosts international celebrities and even is trying its hand at high fashion. We explore this republic of contrasts to look at how the Chechen people have struck a balance between tradition and modernity. More

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/06/17 … Open Thread

2016/06/17 22:30:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Beijing goes mobile in the South China Sea

by Pepe Escobar for RT Not a day goes by without some sort of turmoil in the South China Sea. Let’s cut to the chase: war is not about to break out. In a nutshell, the non-stop drama, as ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) diplomats told me, is all about “escalation-management protocols.” Translation: how to prevent any unilateral outburst that could be interpreted as warlike. Compounding the problem is

Grandmaster Putin (Grandiose multi-step operation lasting 16 years)

by RoSsiBaRBeRa Translated by Eugenia (a huge THANK YOU to Eugenia for this huge and complex translation! The Saker) Source: The 1990s are behind us, as is the breakup of the Soviet Union. The 2000s balancing over the cliff, the years of the debt slavery to IMF, unlimited rule of the oligarchs, the status of the regional power, gangs of non-systemic opposition by the American embassy, isolation and haughty

Uman Ukraine Israeli Hasids attacked journalists, Police, fires shots, threw stones glass bottles Updated

Little Israel in Uman Ukraine. A mob of Israeli Hasids attacked journalists, Police officers, fires shots at people, threw stones and glass bottles at locals and tries to incinerate 9 storey apartment building with people in it A Ukrainian title under the video: Hasids [pilgrims from Israel] like wild animals attacked journalists of the Latest News Як озвірілі хасиди напали на журналістів Надзвичайних новин   Uman is a pilgrimage site for Breslov

Please help our friends at SouthFront!

Note from the Saker: our brother in arms at SouthFront are going through difficult times and they have posted an appeal for help which I am fully reproducing below.  I am asking you to help them if you can: they are an extremely valued member of our community of resistance and we owe them many top quality reports.  So if you can, please help them.  You can do so by
