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The proof that Kramatorsk Tornado (Smerch) strike was a false flag by the Ukrainian side

Translated from Russian by Kristina Rus on February 11, 2015   Original translation here: The proof that Kramatorsk Tornado (Smerch) strike was a false flag by the Ukrainian side   Blogger Dragon First 11 Feb, 2015 at 5:54 WHO, FROM WHERE AND WITH WHAT FIRED AT KRAMATORSK ON FEBRUARY 10, 2015? Dear readers! Today, your faithful servant tried to deal with the issues in the title. Let’s start with the

11.02.2015 Military Report of Novorossia. War in Ukraine, DPR, LPR

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Blog news: podcasts and donations

Since there are no news from Minsk (yet), I have decided to update you on a couple of blog related issues.   Podcasts: I hope to record the 5th podcast this afternoon or tomorrow. In the meantime, and thanks to “A”, the full transcript of Podcast #4 is available here: Saker Podcasts at Google Sites or, directly from this link: file at   Donations: Good news! I can

False Flag in Kramatorsk

As always before any important negotiation, the US backed junta has executed yet another false flag, this time by firing at the city of Kramatorsk. For all the details, please click here for a full analysis in Russian and here for a machine translated version of the same article. The bottom line is this: the missile strike came from a location to the southwest of Kramatorsk, at least 35 miles

11.02.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Kramatorsk, Russia, USA, Minsk Talks

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

What is the Donbass fighting for?

by Edward Birov for Vzgliad Translated by Gideon   “It is abundantly clear that the crisis will continue until such times as the Ukrainians achieve harmony between themselves and society, instead of being submerged in the roar of radicalism and nationalism, will unite around more positive values and reflect the true interests of the Ukraine”, – from an interview with Vladimir Putin. “Novorussia, consisting of the pro-Russian Ukraine, Russia and

10.02.2015 Military Report of Novorossia. Latest news of Ukraine, DPR,LPR

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Morale and attitude – another video example

  You want to get a “feel” for the Novorussian mindset these days? Remember how the Ukies were jumping on the Maidan screaming “he who does not jump is a Moskal”? Well, the sure are jumping again, but to a different “verse” this time. See for yourself:   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here.

10.02.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, Donbass, Europe, Russia, USA

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Amazing! CNN actually says the truth :-)

Check out this screenshot of a CNN report:     I would have preferred “arming US controlled Nazis” but “pro-US troops” is a good first step.   The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to

Cyprus, Russia and a geopolitics chess amateur

by Kakaouskia   It was with interest that I saw the Saker mentioning today that the government cabinet in Cyprus is actually considering granting Russia’s “wish” for an air force base on the island. Being a Cypriot, I would like to take this opportunity to provide a – very brief – history lesson for the community as well as some thoughts on the matter.   Brief history Cyprus became “independent”

09.02.2015 Military Report of Novorossia. War in Ukraine, DPR, LPR

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

“Social warning” from Russia: we are ready for war; are you?

One of the most striking differences between the Russian and Western media is the fact that the topic of a possible war is constantly discussed in the former and almost never in the latter. In Russia, the main news shows discuss the risks of war, as do a lot of well-known personalities, and on talk-shows this is a recurrent topic. Even Putin recently had to declare that he did not

09.02.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, USA, Europe, Munich

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Ukraine intermediate SITREP

1) The explosion in Donetsk: Russian TV has just shown footage of the crater left by the explosion and it is absolutely huge. See for yourself: The crater is about 10m (30 ft) deep. It is located on the territory of a chemical factory, but it did not hit any of the main buildings. Whether there was any building at the actual location of the explosion is impossible to tell:

Explosion in Donetsk

I am getting lots of emails asking me about the explosion in Donetsk. All my sources agree that this is not nuclear. Possibly a Tochka-U missile hitting a chemical and ammunition plant. More details tomorrow. Good nite,   The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to

Can you help “Carpenter”?

Some of you have emailed me to ask about “Carpenter” and how he (yes, he is a “he”) can be helped (he has not found any worth in many months, is is risking losing his home and he has no savings at all). I emailed him and here is what I can share with you: “Carpenter” is actually both a framing carpenter and a mason. He has done stonework and

The way out

This was just sent to me by “pq” – who send me the “submarine in the desert” I posted earlier today. Great stuff, no? (thanks pq!!!!) The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete.

My reply to the deluge of letters from the “other West”

Oh boy, when I posted my recent exchange with “Carpenter” along with my thoughts about the “other West” and the danger of war I had no idea that I would trigger such a deluge of comments and private email. In less than 24 hours I got well over 100 emails, often long and heartfelt ones too. First, and this really saddens me a lot, believe me, but I have to

There is hope and there is “another West”

I have said that many times on this blog and I will say that today: there is “another West” which we, all those who oppose the Empire, should never forget. This is a West which you will never *ever* see in the corporate media and it is formed a innumerable individuals who don’t go into politics, don’t organize demonstrations and who simply live a life of spiritual freedom, away from
