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Connecticut abolishes the death penalty

The BBC reports that Connecticut is now the 17th US State to have abolished the death penalty.  One could say that 17 out of 50 is a rather depressing score, and it is, but it is the trend which I find immensely encouraging.  For all of its faults, the US society is nevertheless slowly civilizing itself and that is remarkable considering the type of corporate Fascism which the US population

Ron Paul sells out to the Zionist Lobby

Business insider reports: Ron Paul Shocks Campaign Staff With New Position On Israel Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul revealed this week that he would support moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a surprising position that contradicts conventional wisdom about Paul’s stance toward the Jewish state. Paul first made this position known Wednesday night, during a private meeting with evangelical leaders interested in helping the Texas Congressman reach out

911 and the cover up (a MUST WATCH movie!)

Big thanks to Jack who recommended this movie by Ryan Dawson to me! Commentary: this is really a very well-done piece of investigation. The kind of research which even if it is 20,30 or 60 percent mistaken is still mind-blowing.  And as far as I can tell, Dawson is 100% correct in everything he shows. In this movie Ryan Dawson did not uncover any new facts, but the way he

Personal announcement – I am taking 10 days off

Dear friends, Just wanted to let you know that I will be hitting the road from April 12th to April 22nd.  I will be driving up and down the USA, something like 2’500 miles in 10 days, so while I will have an Android smartphone with me and while I will have access to a computer on a regular basis, I might take me longer than usual to reply to

Wonderful reaction of Greek anarchists against the corporate media

Egg and yogurt tossing at a reporter on Greek TV: If the talking heads of ABCBSNBCFOX were treated like that by the general public in the USA the Zioempire would collapse rather fast. But, of course, in the USA such protests would be met with tasers, pepper spray and live fire. Anyway, kudos to the Greek anarchists – thanks guys for making us laugh and dream!  May your example inspire

Three articles about the US war on Iran

I found these three on Informationclearinghouse We Want War, And We Want It Now By Pepe Escobar Our Men in Iran? By Seymour M. Hersh Report: U.S. Trained Terror Group By Glenn Greenwald Informationclearinghouse is really doing a good job at covering topics like Syria and Iran and it would be a good idea to help him by visiting his “support” page here: . Cheers!

I first ray of hope? One Dem candidate calls another a ‘whore’ for AIPAC during live debate

The Raw Story reports: Things got heated during a Democratic primary debate for the U.S. Senate in Connecticut on Thursday when one candidate told another that he was “whore” over his support of a pro-Israel lobbying group. “I’m appalled that when I talk about the neoconservatives somehow it’s twisted to be some sort of a racist comment,” long-shot candidate Lee Whitnum said in response to U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy. “This

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on March 30th, 2012

I welcome you all in this blessed ceremony. In your name, I address you with felicitations on this great anniversary – the anniversary of the birthday of this solemn woman from the offspring of the Prophet of Allah (Peace be upon him and his household). She is the granddaughter of the Master of Prophets and the daughter of the Prince of believers and the Lady of all the women in

The New Mandela

by Uri Avnery MARWAN BARGHOUTI has spoken up. After a long silence, he has sent a message from prison. In Israeli ears, this message does not sound pleasant. But for Palestinians, and for Arabs in general, it makes sense. His message may well become the new program of the Palestinian liberation movement. I FIRST met Marwan in the heyday of post-Oslo optimism. He was emerging as a leader of the

“We stand with you”: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters announces Palestine solidarity forum in Brazil

The Electronic Intifada reports: Roger Waters, British rock legend and co founder of the group Pink Floyd, visiting Israel’s separation wall surrounding the West Bank town of Bethlehem on June 21, 2006. Waters wrote slogans as “Tear down the wall” in a protest against it and the affect it has on the Palestinian population. Legendary UK musician, Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, has reiterated his strong support for the Palestinian campaign

Israeli regime goes totally apeshit over human rights issue

Israel cuts contact with UN rights council, to protest settlements probe By Barak Ravid for Haaretz: Israel decided Monday to sever all contact with the United Nations human rights council and with its chief commissioner Navi Pillay, after the international body decided to establish an international investigative committee on the West Bank settlements.  The Foreign Ministry ordered Israel’s ambassador to Geneva to cut off contact immediately, instructing him to ignore

Ali Abunimah and Gilad Atzmon at the OK Corral

by Roger Tucker for One Democratic State The recent open letter Granting No Quarter: A Call for the Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad Atzmon, apparently written by Ali Abunimah, has come as a shock to many people, including yours truly. Not only have the Zionists colonized Palestine and subjected them to a permanent campaign of genocide, but as anyone who has been paying attention knows, they have

The French newspapers are really ridiculous…

This is the front page of the French magazine Le Figaro: That’s right – a Dubya-style “mission accomplished”.  It took these folks 32 hours to get a single guy.  And they got at least three colleagues shot in the process… Even the excuse “we were told to get him alive” is not credible.  There are plenty of “special technology weapons” which can be used to catch an armed terrorist which,
