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New Russian government: boring, disappointing and uninspiring

The suspense, to the extend that there was any, is over.  Medvedev has presented a list of candidates for the next Russian government and Putin has approved it, and the result is, frankly, rather unimpressive. First, for all the talk of a “new team”, this is a team of hyper-continuity.  The only big change was the replacement of Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliev by Vladimir Kolokoltsev.  The good news is that

Anti-Shia plans finalized by NWO elites?

The leaders of the New World Order are clearly engaged in major and intense consultations of how to deal with the “Shia problem”.  Check out this agenda: May 18th – May 19th: G8 Summit in Camp David, MD. May 20th – May 21st: NATO summit in Chicago, Il. May 31st – June 1st: Bilderberg Conference in Chantilly, VA. On the agenda?  Syria and Iran, of course, at least according to

The truth about Srebrenica finally?

With the recent postponement of the trial of Ratko Mladic in the Hague I have been looking around the Internet to see if any new interesting documents about the so-called “Srebrenica genocide” had come out and I came across a most remarkable documentary which has been online since 2011 but which I only noticed today.  It is a truly remarkable piece of investigation which I urge everybody to watch and


We are thrilled to announce the Gaza’s Ark project and the participation of those in the United States who support the people of Gaza and the West Bank.   If you would like to know more about Gaza’s Ark and how you can support the project, join us on a conference call,   Tuesday, May 22 at 11pm Eastern.  Please call 712-432-3900, access code 481417#. Ann Wright and Jane Hirschmann

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the “More beautiful Promise” Ceremony

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you and Allah’s Mercy and blessings. I am glad to welcome you all in this blessed ceremony that marks this great

More good news, this time from Greece, Germany and Spain

Very good developments in Europe as shown by these three BBC headlines: Greece crisis: Far left Syriza pulls out of talks: Alexis Tsipras: “As long as they insist on the bailout, to a policy that the people have rejected, they cannot ensure social stability”. The leader of far-left party Syriza will not attend coalition talks on Monday, reports say, plunging Greece into further political disarray. State election deals blow to

Clueless Arab and Palestinian leaders and pundits: “¡Que se vayan todos!”

Two huge explosions killed and wounded scores of people in Damascus.  The government accused the opposition, which, in turn, accused the government.  And then this, today: in a video posted online the Islamist group al-Nusra Front says it carried out two bomb attacks in the Syrian capital Damascus on Thursday (the original quote in BBC’s newspeak was: “A video posted online in the name of Islamist group, al-Nusra Front, says

Does The West Have A Future?

By Paul Craig Roberts for the Information Clearing House Living in America is becoming very difficult for anyone with a moral conscience, a sense of justice, or a lick of intelligence. Consider: We have had a second fake underwear bomb plot, a much more fantastic one than the first hoax. The second underwear bomber was a CIA operative or informant allegedly recruited by al-Qaeda, an organization that US authorities have

The BBC seems to make Putin-bashing a daily exercise

Latest BBC propaganda piece: Putin’s palace? A mystery Black Sea mansion fit for a TsarOn a thickly wooded mountainside overlooking Russia’s Black Sea coast, an extraordinary building has gradually taken shape. It is alleged to be a palace built for the personal use of Vladimir Putin, with massive and illegal use of state funds. You can read the rest for yourself.  Needless to say, the BBC only reports about Putin’s

What is wrong with the Brits as soon as they look at Russia?!

The Brits are going totally overboard with Russophobia.  Check out the intro to this Guardian article: A brutal crackdown may be coming for Russia’s renewed opposition. The growing sense of unrest in Russia may lead Vladimir Putin to take drastic and possibly violent action. While they are at it, why don’t they add that Putin may eat babies of breakfast, the Russian military may be about to nuke Monaco and

Western (pseudo-) “democracy” at its best

Great article by the BBC online today: Greek conservative Antonis Samaras has three days to form a coalition, faced with EU warnings to keep to the tough terms of international bailouts.Two-thirds of Greek voters backed parties opposed to the EU/IMF deal, renewing fears that Athens may default on its debts and leave the eurozone.Germany’s Angela Merkel has made clear that Greece’s reforms must go on.  Is that only me, or

Patriots “cleaning up” YouTube?

Check out the post below about Drunk Marines.  Notice the top video is missing?  Check out the message on YouTube: “Wasted Drunk Mari…”This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:HOME BOX OFFICE, INC.Sorry about that. How about that? HBO claims copyrights over a poor-quality home made video?  I don’t think

Good news from France, Russia and Greece

Bad day for the Empire, good day for the rest of us. First, Hollande won the Presidency in France.  Or, to put it in a more realistic way, Sarko lost.  Which is good, even if Hollande is likely to be as “Sarko light”.  Sarko was all about rabid  turbocapitalism and Zionism, whereas Hollande at least pretends to care about social issues and has declared that he would recognize a Palestinian

Privacy in the time of Google

The recent and controversial changes to Google’s privacy policy have reignited many of the old disputes about Google’s privacy policies.  Even beyond the issue of Google itself, more and more people are sounding the alarm that our rights are being put gravely at risk by the new technologies.  And they sure have a point: threats are emerging on all levels.  More often then not, those who warn of the threats
