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What is that crazy bitch smoking?

Listen to these words of wisdom about the situation in Afghanistan: “They face a stark choice between war and peace, as (…) military pressure on them mounts.  They cannot defeat us. And they cannot escape this choice” Who do you think said that? Mullah Omar? Hakimullah Mehsud? Maybe Osama himself (from the word beyond, IMHO)? Nope. Its that crazy bitch Hillary! She is one hell of a joker, is she

US-Egypt: ‘Why?’

Eric Walberg reflects on the reasons for the very different reactions to Egypt’s revolution among North Americans Western media always welcomes the overthrow of a dictator — great headline news — but this instance was greeted with less than euphoria by Western — especially American — leaders, who tried to soft-peddle it much as did official Egyptian media till the leader fled the palace. Egypt’s president Hosni Mubarak was a

U.S. desperate for Iran protests after loss of Mubarak

Red Ant Liberation Army News reports: Just when one might have thought that reality was slowly sinking in regarding the Green movement’s lack of political traction in Iran, political and media elites in the United States have decided, in the wake of recent developments in Egypt, to dust off all of their factually ungrounded and intellectually irresponsible narratives. Still reeling from the loss of a longstanding U.S. ally to the

Suspects of Attacks Arrested in Moscow

Prensa Latina reports: The Russian police arrested a woman and three men from Chechnya suspected of being involved in preparing an attack in this capital, Federal Security Service sources reported. According to Life News, those involved are Hassan Nazhaev, 26, Ramzan Jaliev, 28, Ruslan Yusupov, 30, and Angela Batalova, 39, who allegedly is the widower of a member of an armed group. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation considered

The Egyptian Blockade of Gaza – February 26, 2011 March to Gaza

by Ken O’KeefeTo join the March to Gaza click here There is much talk about who and what is behind the popular revolts in the Arab world and I find such talk as interesting as anyone. But more than talk I am interested in action. Indeed that is why tears of joy streamed down my face as I watched the Egyptian people cleansing themselves of the shame brought upon them

Iranian “democrats” lynch a Basij

Iranian democracy in action: watch this video of a presumed Basij getting lynched by a “freedom-loving” mob: There is a reason for the hate that this crowed feels for the putative Basij. The Basij are a voluntary force, nominally subordinated to the Pasdaran, but in reality pretty much autonomous. It is a paramilitary force really composed of low-level supporters of the regime. The Basij did play a key role in

US steps up its strategic psyop camaign against Iran

The AFP reports: WASHINGTON — The US State Department has begun sending Twitter messages to Iranians in Farsi, alluding to the “historic role” social media have played in mass protests against Iran’s 2009 disputed presidential polls. The Twitter feeds in the Iranian language began Sunday as US officials accused Iran of hypocrisy by supporting the anti-government revolt in Egypt but seeking to prevent anti-government demonstrations in Iran. On the Twitter

Interesting news about Mubarak and Mousavi

Russian TV is reporting that according to unnamed sources Mubarak is now in a coma.  As soon as I heard that, I began suspecting that he was killed by somebody in the security or military.  Indeed, on Thursday evening he categorically refused to leave power, and yet he stepped down the very next day, though unlike all the other announcement which he delivered personally, this one was delivered by Suleiman. 

President Mubarakobama – The Emperor of Hypocrisy

THE PRESIDENT:   Good afternoon, everybody.  There are very few moments in our lives where we have the privilege to witness history taking place.  This is one of those moments.  This is one of those times.  The people of Egypt have spoken, their voices have been heard, and Egypt will never be the same.      By stepping down, President Mubarak responded to the Egyptian people’s hunger for change.  But this is

Israel and Egypt – some headlines

Admiral Mike Mullen is due to meet President Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres and outgoing IDF chief Gabi Ashkenazi on Sunday. Israel needs to help the U.S. to stabilize the region Egypt unrest could improve Israel ties Israel fears loss of a crucial ally with Mubarak’s fall US to ensure Israel security amid Egypt unrest Israel holds drill amid Egypt protests Egypt rapidly repairing pipeline to Israel, Jordan. Egypt plans

A very interesing analysis from a Zionist point of view

Ynetnews reports: Israel’s former ambassador to Egypt was particularly pessimistic Friday after hearing of President Hosni Mubarak’s dramatic resignation. “It’s over, Egypt is no longer a superpower,” former Israeli Ambassador to Cairo Zvi Mazel told Ynet. “Egypt has completely lost its status in the area, while Turkey and Iran are on the way up. It’s a different world.” “As long as we had Mubarak, there was no void in our

El Baradei shows his true intentions (again!)

The Jerusalem Post reports: Leading Egyptian opposition figure Mohammed ElBaradei on Friday said that he did not believe that newly resigned Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should be tried for crimes he committed against the Egyptian people during his 30 year dictatorship. “We don’t need to worry about retribution at this stage. Mubarak needs to go with dignity. Let’s focus on the future. We need a country at peace with itself,”

Radical Islam will be result of U.S. push for democracy, Mubarak told Israel’s Ben-Eliezer during a phone call on Thursday

Haaretz reports: Hosni Mubarak had harsh words for the United States and what he described as its misguided quest for democracy in the Middle East in a telephone call with an Israeli lawmaker a day before he quit as Egypt’s president.  The legislator, former cabinet minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, said on TV Friday that he came away from the 20-minute conversation on Thursday with the feeling the 82-year-old leader realized “it
