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Rafsanjani gets the boot (finally!)

The BBC reports: Iran’s former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has lost his position as head of the Assembly of Experts, which selects the supreme leader and supervises his activities. Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi Kani was selected to replace him.

Surviving in a world of zombies – using ebook readers, PART 2

This is the fifth installment of my series “Surviving in a world of zombies” (for the previous parts, see here, here , here and here).   Today, I am going to discuss “ebook readers”, again.  Indeed, in my initial post about ebook readers, I wrote the following: One more thing: there are plenty of dedicated book readers out there, including Amazon’s “Kindle”, Barnes and Noble’s “Nook” and others.  My advice is

Short news update about Libya

Al Jazeeraq just provided some juicy details about what happened to the British SAS in Libya: they landed in a miltiary helicopter in the middle of the night, but they were heard and rapidly surrounded. After a 10-15 minutes firefight they surrendered to the Libyans. Frankly, I had a better opinion of the SAS. For the US Special Forces, such a SNAFU would be standard procedure, but for the Brits?

Report: SAS troops seized

According to Reuters, an 8 men SAS team has been taken prisoner by pro-Gaddafi forces near Bengazi (thanks to Palestinian for this info! The Saker). So the SAS is already on the ground. (The parallels with Bosnia become stronger and stronger with each passing day…)

Can you translate that from “Journalise” into English

Journalise: “The Libyan regime has used tear gas in Tripoli to disperse protesters.  There is a heavy presence of security forces in the city.  An eerie calm is now all over the city” English: “There is nothing to report” [And this is after Friday prayers (when presumably the cops cannot prevent people from gathering or storm mosques…)]

Coexistence- An absolutely beautiful photo!

A member of Neturei Karta (Torah Jews), a fringe of ultra-Orthodox movement within the anti-Zionist bloc in Israel, talks with a masked Palestinian youth as he shows his support during clashes with Israeli police in the Arab east Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan on April 25, 2010. Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli police as dozens of ultra-nationalist Jews carried Israeli flags through Silwan to assert Jewish sovereignty of all of Jerusalem,

Exactly what I feared

The BBC reports: Rebels in eastern Libya have said they will not negotiate unless Col Muammar Gaddafi quits and goes into exile. The National Libyan Council in the city of Benghazi also called for foreign intervention to stop government air strikes on the rebels. The council is led by former Libyan Interior Minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, who defected last month. Oh, and guess what?  Mr. Mustafa Abdel-Jalil also declares that he

Interesting news out of Libya

The Libyan regime has made an interesting offer to al-Jazeera: they allowed an al-Jazeera TV crew to use a government owned helicopter to fly anywhere over Tripoli unimpeded to see for themselves whether there were riots or not.  The al-Jazeera reporter had to admit that she saw for herself that all of Tripoli was quiet.  She showed footed of regular car traffic everywhere, including the Green Square.  All she could

This is too hilarious to miss (must read!)

My friend Shashank just send me this: I just learnt today that all the revolutions are happening because of Obama factor and Bejing olympics. Hard to believe? and the rejoinder: LOL! Even my corporate Zionews standards, this is a masterpiece!! Thanks Shashank!! The Saker

‘Iran, Bolivia in unison over revolutions’

Press TV reports: Iranian Parliament (Majlis) Speaker Ali Larijani and his Bolivian counterpart have voiced support for the popular revolutions in North Africa and the uprisings in the Middle East. “Talks and negotiations between Iranian and Bolivian officials are an indication of the two countries’ support for the popular revolutions in the region and the nations’ resolve to free themselves from under the yoke of the US imperialism,” said Larijani

Saudi Arabia Deploys 30 Tanks To Bahrain

Russian Information Agency Novosti Saudi Arabia sends tanks to riot-hit Bahrain – paper Moscow: Saudi Arabia has sent dozens of tanks to Bahrain, where anti-government protests continue for about two weeks, Egypt’s Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper said on Tuesday. Eyewitnesses reported seeing “15 tank carriers carrying two tanks each heading towards Bahrain” along the 25-km King Fahd causeway, which links the small island nation of Bahrain to Saudi Arabia. Protestors are
