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US-NATO options in Libya

There is a lot of nonsense in the media about what is going on in Libya and what the so-called “no-fly zone” is achieving.  I would like to make a few short comments to clarify some of the misconceptions about what is taking place. The ‘no-fly’ zone is, of course, not a no-fly zone.  At least not primarily.  We have all seen how lame and inept Gaddafi’s air force is

Copyright or Censorship?

It is my contention that spurious accusations of copyright infringement can be used to suppress videos that are not liked, in certain circles, and that YouTube’s reporting procedure favours the accuser over the accused, who is not even given the minimum amount of information necessary to be able to challenge any claim, let alone a false one. Anthony Lawson

Fukushima nuclear disaster – getting worse and worse? (UPDATED)

Commentary: listening to these experts on Russia Today makes me wonder whether the western corporate media is, yet again, engaging in another cover-up to protect its corporate and political bosses. UPDATE: To get a good idea of the real extend of the damage suffered by the Fukushima nuclear plant please click here for some high resolution overhead pictures.

Predictably, YouTube censors Alan Lawson’s video on the ‘Holocaust’, hate speech and ‘stupid’ Germans

Dear Sirs, Re:  Spurious Copyright Claim YouTube Account: I have just received the following notice: We have disabled the following material as a result of a third-party notification from James Allan Khan claiming that this material is infringing: Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid? I think that this is a spurious action; an attempt to infringe my right to freedom of speech and expression under

Libya rebels: Gaddafi could be right about al-Qaeda

Two documents suggest northeast Libya, centre of rebellion, is an al-Qaeda hotspot By Alexander Cockburn for The First Post reports: The war on Libya now being waged by the US, Britain and France must surely rank as one of the stupidest martial enterprises, smaller in scale to be sure, since Napoleon took it into his head to invade Russia in 1812. Let’s start with the fierce hand-to-hand combat between members

Libya : popular uprising, civilian war or military attack?

Note: I am publishing this interview “for your information”, as an interesting discussion. I am neither endorsing nor denouncing the views of Mohammed Hassan. I will say that Michel Collon is one of the very best reporters in Europe for whom I have a great deal of respect. The Saker Investig’Action reports: Over the last three weeks there have been confrontations between troops loyal to Colonel Gaddafi and opposition forces based

Mossad Snatched Me, Handcuffed Me, Hooded Me

al-Manar reports: Dirar Abu Sisi, the Palestinian engineer abducted from the Ukraine by Israeli Mossad agents last month gave an account of the incident in which he was arrested to a lawyer from the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) earlier this week, the NGO reported on Monday. On Sunday, Petah Tikva Magistrate’s Court partially removed a publication ban and confirmed that Abu Sisi was being held at the Shikma

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General of Hassan Nasrallah’s on March 19 2011 reports: I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the world. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household, chosen companions and all prophets and messengers. The gentle religionists, the gentle MPs, brothers, and sisters, God’s peace,

President Medvedev makes a VERY defensive statement about Libya (UPDATED!)

Absolutely amazing stuff.  Russian President Medvedev has just make an extremely defensive declaration about Russia’s decision not to veto the UNSC resolution on Libya.  Here it is in Russian (sorry for those who do not speak the language – its the only version I have found so far): As soon as I get a transcript or a subtitled version I will post it here. My own personal feeling that the

Russia’s stance on Libya – a hypothesis

Ever since Russia’s mind-boggling abstention at the UNSC on a resolution which effectively allows for a US/NATO war on Libya I have been trying to make sense of what the hell had happened.  First, I was so mad at Russia that I did not bother looking a little deeper into possible Russian motives.  Then, when Russia joined China and the Arab League in criticizing the resolution they had just authorized,

Medvedev rebuts Putin over Libya

(many thanks to C for keeping an eye on this fascinating development!) RIA-Novosti reports: In a rare faceoff with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday he stood by Moscow’s decision not to veto the UN Security Council resolution on Libya. “Russia did not exercise [the veto power] for one reason: I do not consider this resolution to be wrong. Moreover, I believe that this resolution

The “coalition” has no clothes

By Justin Elliott for An emphatic part of the White House messaging about the bombing in Libya is that the operation is truly international in character. But it’s quickly becoming clear that the bombing campaign — at least so far — is almost entirely an American operation, albeit one that has been packaged to give it an international look. It’s a dissonance that brings back memories of George W.

Putin likens UN Libya resolution to crusade call

RIA Novosti reports: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday likened the UN Security Council resolution on Libya to a Medieval crusade call. Russia abstained from a UN Security Council resolution adopted on Thursday imposing a no-fly zone over Libya and measures to protect civilians from leader Muammar Gaddafi’s forces. “The Security Council resolution is deficient and flawed; it allows everything and is reminiscent of a medieval call for a

… Zag!

Turns out that today the Arab League likes the UN resolution on Libya after all, or so says its chief Amr Moussa. Good thing that ridicule does not kill (or maybe it would be better if it did?) The Saker
