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Just in case anybody had any doubts – part II (Moscow and California)

For most of its history, Hanukkah has been a rather minor holiday. But in the late 19th century it began to gain popularity and today it is one of the most celebrated Jewish holidays (neck-and-neck with Passover, according to one source). This change seems to be due in part to the increasing popularity of Christmas gift-giving in the late 19th century, and the corresponding wish to offer an alternative, especially

Some random thoughts on Wikileaks, Julian Assange and the American Right

I just finished reading Wikipedia’s entry about Julian Assange and I was quite surprised by its length.  For somebody which the corporate media describes as “mysterious” or a person “about which very little is known”, Assange’s entry in Wikipedia has a lot of information indeed.  The second thing which surprised me that it turns out that Assange has for many years been a developer of free software with a clear

How Lieberman Got Amazon To Drop Wikileaks

by Rachel Slajda for Business Insider Early this week, after hacker attacks on its site, Wikileaks moved its operation, including all those diplomatic cables, to the greener pastures of’s cloud servers. But today, it was down again and mid-afternoon we found out the reason: Amazon had axed Wikileaks from its servers. The announcement came from Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Lieberman said

Looks like the Empire is going after Wikileaks after all (UPDATED)

Stuff is happening fast.  First, Interpol has now issued a “red notice” to have Julian Assange arrested, and now Wikileaks is loosing its main website and mirrors.  I still have no opinion about whether Wikileaks and Assange are for real or not, but if they are, the White House is being very very dumb about how it deals with this issue.  If Assange and his friends thought this thing through,

Surviving in a world of zombies – using ebook readers

Dear friends, This is the fourth installment of my series “Surviving in a world of zombies” (for the previous parts, see here, here and here).   Today, I am going to discuss “ebook readers”. Over the past years several of you have commented that the speech transcripts of Hassan Nasrallah I post here are very long.  Well, compared to a typical article or blog post, they are indeed.  Compared to listening

Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the 22nd University Graduation ceremony at Sayyed Ashuhada (pbuh) Compound

I Take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the World. Peace be on our Master and Prophet – The Seal of Prophets – Mohammad and on his Chaste Household, chosen companions and all prophets and messengers. Brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessing. First, I would like

Interesting exchange about Iran between Amy Goodman and Noam Chomsky

Except from today’s Democracy Now show: AMY GOODMAN: The documents’ revelations about Iran come just as the Iranian government has agreed to a new round of nuclear talks beginning next month. On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the cables vindicate the Israeli position that Iran poses a nuclear threat. Netanyahu said, “Our region has been hostage to a narrative that is the result of sixty years of propaganda,

“Foot in the door” by American Goy

by American Goy for his “World” Skurwienie in polish, ssucziwijenie(as close a phonetic spelling as I can manage in russian) – loose translation “to make someone else your bitch bitch; verb”. Driving to work the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I overheard on NPR this story: there is a protest planned today against the TSA advanced scanning whatever you want to call it. The gist of the piece on my radio was

Road to Hope (R2H) Convoy Reaches Gaza

Road to Hope (R2H) Convoy Reaches Gaza Despite kidnapping, government obstacles and financial challenges The Road to Hope Convoy reunited in Egypt after having been split by the Egyptian requirement to charter a ship from Libya to El Arish and the kidnapping of 10 convoy members from Libya to Greece.  3 members of the convoy travelled to Egypt by sea with 30 vehicles and £500,000 of humanitarian aid, 29 convoy

US Jarheads “Winning the hearts and minds” in Iraq

——- Commentary: What this testosterone-poisoned moron clearly does not realize is that these “fucking pussy cowards with their thumbs up their ass” (as he so delicately puts it when talking about, and to, the Iraqi Shia) have comprehensively defeated every single US tactic and strategy in Iraq and have won both the civil war and the war against the occupation.   It is rather pitiful to listen to this idiot calling

Deconstructing the Myths of “The First Thanksgiving”

by Judy Dow (Abenaki) and Beverly Slapin for Oyate What is it about the story of “The First Thanksgiving” that makes it essential to be taught in virtually every grade from preschool through high school? What is it about the story that is so seductive? Why has it become an annual elementary school tradition to hold Thanksgiving pageants, with young children dressing up in paper-bag costumes and feather-duster headdresses and

U.S. Recruits Russia As Junior Partner To Maintain Global Dominance

by Rick Rozoff for STOPNATO This past weekend the world witnessed an event that until recently would have seemed inconceivable: A Russian head of state attended a summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. President Dmitry Medvedev participated in the NATO-Russia Council meeting during the second day of the summit in Lisbon, Portugal on November 20 with the heads of state of NATO’s 28 member states. The national leaders signed

Russia and NATO: ‘Not a piece of furniture’

Medvedev’s presence in Lisbon was more a show of Russia’s importance than of subservience to the Euro-Atlantic alliance, says Eric Walberg The results of the NATO summit were as predictable as a Soviet Communist Party congress, with the word “peace” replaced by “war”. NATO’s embrace of the US agenda of missile defence, nuclear arms, and its new role as global policeman surprised no one. No word about the United Nations

Don’t taser me bro! Don’t touch my junk! Daily life in the Imperial Homeland

Don’t taser me bro! Don’t touch my junk!  These pleas have become the emblematic slogans of life in the US Imperial “Homeland” and they are just the most publicized examples of a far bigger trend: the US is slowly turning into one giant prison. I am not referring here to the fact that the USA has the highest per capita incarceration rate on the planet or to the fact that

First it was Der Speigel, now it’s the Canadian CBC

It appears that the Zionists have decided to initiate their next round their anti-Hezbollah campaign by using the Canadian CBC to, yet again, accuse Hezbollah of the murder of Rafik Hariri.  That’s a way to give at least some cover to the now thoroughly discredited UN investigation.  Remember how the Zionists used the German magazine Der Spiegel to “leak” their accusations? Now they do the same with the CBC.  This
