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Petty Apartheid – Israeli style

Its amazing how hard Israel is trying to copy Apartheid South Africa.  Now an Israeli court has basically enacted a Zionist version of what used to be known in Apartheid South Africa as “Petty Apartheid“.  Check out this amazing article in The Guardian “Arab guilty of rape after consensual sex with Jew“: A Palestinian man has been convicted of rape after having consensual sex with a woman who had believed

Obama’s War on the Internet

By Philip Giraldi for Campaign For Liberty The Ministry of Truth YES WE CAN! The Ministry of Truth was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel 1984. A recent trip to Europe has convinced me that the governments of the world have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they

46 Warships and 7,000 Troops Reported to Be Heading to Central American Country and Coast

By Jamie Way for The Narco News Bulletin In a controversial decision that is likely to fan the flames of regional tensions in Latin America, Costa Rica recently granted the US permission to move 7,000 troops and 46 warships (along with their accompanying planes and helicopters) into Costa Rican waters. Officially, the act is considered to be part of the “Drug War,” which appears to be increasingly more war-like in

Facts on the Obama Administration’s Actions to Secure Israel

courtesy of the National Jewish Democratic Council Since taking office in January 2009, the Obama Administration has taken a number of steps dedicated to enhancing Israel’s security. Below are some facts, figures, and statements about President Barack Obama’s commitment to Israel’s security. This fact sheet is available to download as a pdf here.   Summary of Major Actions:   President Obama requested and received $2.8 billion for directly assisting Israel’s security.

On The Israeli Right’s New ‘Peace’ Agenda

by Gilad Atzmon As the Israelis are becoming conscious of their inevitable tragic circumstances, a final desperate attempt to rescue the Zionist project has come to life. Astonishingly enough it is the Israeli right that is now pushing for ‘one binational State.’ It is pretty staggering to find out that while the Israeli so-called ‘left’ is locked within the 1967 territorial paradigm that is fueled by Judeo centric racial ideology,

Netanyahu Brags About How Easy It Is To Manipulate The United States

from the Poltical Theatrics website: The following is the English  transcript of the video alongside the Hebrew as translated by Dena Shunra starting at 3:15 – You can find her website here at Netanyahu is visiting the home of a woman who just lost her husband, and she is being cheered by five other widows. There’s a young  boy present, and Netanyahu asks (at about 3:00) that they turn

Full Speech of H. E. Sayyed Nasrallah on The Resistances Wounded Day

The following is the full speech of Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered during the ceremony marking the Resistance’s Wounded day and the Birth of Abi Fadl Al Abbas on the 4th of Sha’aban (Hijri), 16th of July: At the beginning, I renew my condolences on the passing of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah (May Allah be Pleased with Him), his passing was a

David Rovics releases 10 fantastic new songs

Email from David (with my own favorite songs in red):——- Hi folks, Here are ten new songs, most written while I was on tour in Europe over the spring. If you like them and feel compelled to do something to support my musical efforts here are 3 things you can do: 1) Share these songs with your friends. (Especially your friends who host radio shows and organize festivals.) 2) Volunteer

Darkness in America: Lynne Stewart’s Resentencing

by Stephen Lendman Describing Lynne, one of this writer’s previous articles said the following: She worked selfishly, tirelessly, and heroically for 30 years as a human rights champion, defending America’s poor, underprivileged, and unwanted – people never afforded due process and judicial fairness without an advocate like her. She knew the risks, yet took them courageously until bogusly indicted on April 9, 2002 for: –“conspiring to defraud the United States;

The ALBA countres in Latin American voice their support Iran’s rights

By Hamid Golpira fpr Mehr News The countries of the ALBA alliance have expressed their support for Iran’s right to use nuclear energy meant for peaceful purposes and have condemned the imposition of sanctions on the country. Ambassadors and heads of missions of five member states of the Bolivarian Alliance of the People of Our America (ALBA) signed a declaration in Tehran on Wednesday expressing support for Iran’s right to

Serbia’s sovereignty under attack: EU calls on recognition of Kosovo’s independence

by Anna Filimonova for the Strategic Culture Foundation The EU’s project on the Western Balkans, which implies the final settlement of the Kosovo problem (namely: the integration of Northern Kosovo where most of the population are Serbs, into “Prsitina government authorities”) is entering its final stage. On July 8, the European parliament adopted the resolution, which welcomes the recognition of Kosovo’s independence by the EU. The resolution, adopted by 455

US-S.Korean maritime war games needlessly provocative

By Shen Dingli for Global Times The US and South Korea are implementing joint military exercises this month in the Yellow Sea, with the possibility of deploying the US aircraft carrier George Washington. The running of such exercises so close to China’s waters has left China strongly, and rightfully, dissatisfied. The US and South Korea may argue that the exercise is not in China’s territorial waters, so China has no

My love-hate relationship with Marxists

Let me begin by clearly spelling out that I hate most of what is considered the “moderate” Left: the “NPR liberals” or the “Huffington Post progressives” who seem to be utterly oblivious to the self evident fact that Capitalism is based on growth and that infinite growth in a finite environment, something which inevitably leads to death (if you don’t understand that, please ask any oncologist to explain it to

The proof that the 11 Russian spies were not spies at all

Look what I just found in The Guardian: The youngest and most glamorous of Russia’s 10 self-confessed spies, Anna Chapman, triggered the FBI swoop when she made an anxious phone call to her father in Moscow saying she was worried that her cover had been blown. She did WHAT?!?!?!? An international phone call to *Moscow*?!?!?! That is really the ultimate proof not only that Anna Chapman was no spy, but

The Genocide Myth: Uses and Abuses of “Srebrenica”

By Srdja Trifkovic On July 11, the constituent nations of Bosnia-Herzegovina — no longer warring, but far from reconciled — will mark the 15th anniversary of “Srebrenica.” The name of the eastern Bosnian town will evoke different responses from different communities, however. The difference goes beyond semantics. The complexities of the issue remain reduced to a simple morality play devoid of nuance and context. That is exactly how the sponsors

The politically hypercorrect President’s crocodile tears

Today, President Obama described the “Srebrenica massacre as “a stain on our collective conscience”. Saying that “there can be no lasting peace without justice” Obama added that he urged “the prosecution and arrest of those that carried out the genocide”. Noble feelings, for sure. There is only one problem. There never was a genocide in Srebrenica. You can read all about it here, but I can’t re-print this article here

Using a news aggregator – conclusion: OPML file ready!

Dear friends, This is the promised follow-up to my recent piece “Surviving in a world of zombies: using news aggregators”. With the help of quite a few of you (thanks a lot to you all!!) and by continuing my never ending search for more alternative information sources I have compiled what I think is a decent list of alternative and/or quality information sources. As I mentioned it in my previous

Who’s The Boss?

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Katie Couric’s interview on CBS News on July 7 leaves little doubt that she considers Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel ‘s Prime Minister as the boss and that President Obama is irrelevant. Couric, descendant of Jewish immigrants from Germany, anchor and chief managing editor of CBS news, makes it clear that it is more important for Netanyahu to “trust” Obama and his decisions than for the the American people
