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IDF order will enable mass deportation from West Bank

Haaretz reports: A new military order aimed at preventing infiltration will come into force this week, enabling the deportation of tens of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank, or their indictment on charges carrying prison terms of up to seven years. When the order comes into effect, tens of thousands of Palestinians will automatically become criminal offenders liable to be severely punished. Given the security authorities’ actions over the

Email – Was 9/11 a Mossad Operation?

I just came across an email published on the site Citizens America Party ( which also sums up my own position at this point and I have therefore decided to publish here. I would only add that I have personally attempted to get in touch with Dr Sabrosky but that he never replied to my emails. The Saker PS: I would note that *indirect* evidence of an Israeli role in

The boundless arrogance of AIPAC’s leaders

How are we going to beat back the anti-Israel divestment resolution at Berkeley? We’re going to make certain that pro-Israel students take over the student government and reverse the vote. That is how AIPAC operates in our nation’s capitol. This is how AIPAC must operate on our nation’s campuses. Jonathan Kessler, AIPAC Check out this video (kindly sent to me by T. – thanks T!!) which shows how AIPAC is

Political Prisoners in Venezuela?

by Eva Gollinger for the Correo del Orinoco via Venezuela Analysis When politicians and political actors commit crimes, can they hide behind cries of persecution? As international organizations backed by Washington condemn the Chavez administration for alleged political persecution, the facts shed light on the difference between activism and crime. Amnesty International sent out an urgent action appeal last week, claiming five individuals were under intense political persecution by the

Growing Hunger in America

by Stephen Lendman for The People’s Voice In January 2010, Feeding America (FA, formerly America’s Second Harvest) released its disturbing new report on growing hunger titled, “Hunger in America 2010.” The Chicago-based organization is the nation’s “leading domestic hunger-relief charity,” serving the needy “through a nationwide network of member food banks, over 200 in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.” Its study is based on interviews

Bosnia Redux – George Kenny inteviews Dr. Steven E. Meyer

George Kenny has interviewed Dr. Steven E. Meyer, formerly at the CIA and during the 1990s Deputy Director of the Interagency Balkan Task Force – he’s now at the National Defense University, for his website Electric Politics. You can listen to this very interesting interview here (streaming and download on this page). I HIGHLY recommend this conversation to you all. The Saker

The Major Jewish American Organizations Defend Israel’s Humiliation of America

by James Petras for Atlantic Free Press “The Government of Israel has insulted the Vice President of the United States, and spat in the face of the President … they wiped the spit off their faces and smiled politely … as the saying goes: when you spit in the face of a weakling, he pretends that it is raining” – Uri Avnery Israeli Jewish journalist 13/3/2010. “We (Israel) possess several

Kyrgyzstan And The Battle For Central Asia

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev was deposed five years after and in the same manner as he came to power, in a bloody uprising. Elected president two months after the so-called Tulip Revolution of 2005 he helped engineer, he was since then head of state of the main transit nation for the U.S. and NATO war in Afghanistan. The Pentagon secured the Manas Air Base

The latest bombing and a personal note

Dear friends, The putatively ‘Chechen’ terrorists have detonated two more bombs in Russia, this time in Dagestan. In think that the trend here is clear – ‘Chechen’ terrorism is on the rise again, striking at strategic Russian targets (such as the Moscow-Petersburg train or the Moscow subway). The curious thing is that this is all happening while in Chechnia proper there is comparatively very little insurgent activity. I would like

It is sometimes hard to tell Russia and the USA apart

I have been watching the news out of Moscow over the past 24 hours and they make for a rather depressing viewing indeed. No, I am not referring to the two blasts in the Moscow subway system which, of course, are tragic events, but to the rhetoric of the Russian authorities. Listening to the Russian news, I was wondering if the script had been written in Washington, DC. President Medvedev

Is America ‘Yearning For Fascism?’

By Chris Hedges for TruthDig The language of violence always presages violence. I watched it in war after war from Latin America to the Balkans. The impoverishment of a working class and the snuffing out of hope and opportunity always produce angry mobs ready to kill and be killed. A bankrupt, liberal elite, which proves ineffectual against the rich and the criminal, always gets swept aside, in times of economic

Israel Condemned by Human Rights Council in Goldstone Vote

UN Watch, 25 March 2010 The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva adopted the Goldstone resolution this morning, with 29 in favor, 6 against and 11 abstentions. The resolution, “Follow-up to the report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict,” was submitted by Sudan on behalf of the Arab Group, Pakistan on behalf of the OIC and Palestine. The countries voting against the resolution were: the Netherlands,

US stands alone in Human Rights Council votes on Israel

UN Watch, 24 March 2010 The UN Human Rights Council has roundly condemned the State of Israel in resolutions tabled under the highly controversial agenda item 7, “Human Rights Situation in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories.” Five resolutions have been tabled against Israel, amounting to the greatest number of condemnatory resolutions on a single country. The first resolution, “Human Rights in the Occupied Syrian Golan,” was adopted by a

NATO’s Kosovo War, 11 Years Later

By Ambassador James Bissett for Balkan Studies Eleven years ago NATO opened its bombing campaign against Serbia, illegally and without provocation. It started on March 24, 1999, and continued for 78 days and nights. It was the most intensive air offensive suffered by any country since the end of the Second World War. Over a thousand people were killed and the civilian infrastructure of Serbia was destroyed, but it proved

Full Circle: NATO Completes Takeover Of Former Yugoslavia

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO In 1991 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a nominally defensive military bloc with sixteen members that, as the cliche ran, had never fired a shot. In 1991 the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was the only simultaneously multiethnic and multiconfessional nation (entirely) in Europe, consisting of six federated republics with diverse constituencies. By 2009 NATO had grown to 28 full members and at

The Afghan ant hole

NATO plans for Afghanistan this year are shaping up nicely: negotiate with the Taliban, but at the same time kill them in Kandahar and Kunduz, observes Eric Walberg A joint operation involving several thousand troops was launched in Kandahar last week, the second one this year after Operation Mushtarak in Helmand province. Kandahar has been the bailiwick of 2,500 contingent of Canadian troops who have suffered heavy losses in this

Dr. Michael Parenti: “Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy”

(My deepest gratitude to C for making me discover Parenti! VS) Michael Parenti has won awards from Project Censored, the Caucus for a New Political Science, the city of Santa Cruz, New Jersey Peace Action, the Social Science Research Council, the Society for Religion in Higher Education, and other organizations. In 2007 he was awarded a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from U.S. Representative Barbara Lee. During his earlier teaching

Ralph Schoenman: The Underlying Politics of 9/11

(My deepest gratitude to C for making me discover Schoenman! VS) Ralph Schoenman is a political activist and head of Socialist Organizer, a Marxist group in San Francisco. He also hosts a weekly radio program with Mya Shone, Taking Aim on the Pacifica Radio station WBAI 99.5 FM. Schoenman was an associate of the philosopher Bertrand Russell and was the executive director of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. He was
