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Breaking News: Tbilissi airport bombed, Georgia pulls out of South Ossetia

Press TV: Russian bombers target Tbilisi airport Sun, 10 Aug 2008 02:08:10 GMT Loud explosions rocked Georgia’s capital early on Sunday, and a senior official said Russia had bombed Tbilisi’s international airport. “Russian jet fighters have dropped three bombs on Tbilisi’s airport,” Shota Utiashvili, the head of the Georgian Interior Ministry’s information department, told Reuters. Reuter’s correspondents working in Tbilisi heard the three loud bangs shortly after 0530 (0130 GMT).

US and Georgia refuse to call for a renunciation of force

Xinhuanet reports: The UN Security Council failed again Saturday in its attempt to agree on a truce call for the parties involved in the bitter fighting in Georgia’s breakaway region of South Ossetia. On Saturday afternoon, the 15-member body concluded its third round of an emergency session in the past 48 hours without adopting a statement that would have called for a cease-fire. In a briefing to the council at

Details about the Ossetian war from the “Aviapedia” blog

The Georgian army structure (in Russian, but don’t think it will harm): T-72-SIM-1 — 210 (T-72-SIM-1 является модернизированной версией танков Т-72 различных модификаций, состоявших на вооружение Грузинских вооружених сил. Модернизация включает в себя: замену средств связи, установки датчика “свой-чужой”, навигационной системы основанной на использование GPS, установки двух (для механика водителя и наводчика) тепловизоров, установка комплекса для применения управляемого вооружения а также установки новой брони.)Т-55АМ − 35 (по планам Мин. Обороны

South Ossetia war update

17:05 – Abkhazian official have announced that the republic’s troops have entered the Gail district bordering Georgia. 15:45 GMT – 76 Airborne Brigade of the Russian Army arrives in the conflict region – Russian military officials. 15:20 GMT – Prime Minister Putin arrives in Russia’s republic of North Ossetia to discuss aid for the refugees arriving from South Ossetia. 14:19 GMT – Russia’s Interfax news agency quotes locals in Georgia

Two U.S. Aircraft Carriers Head For The Gulf; Kuwait Prepares “Emergency War Plan”

Dave Kaiser AHN Two additional U.S. Navy aircraft carriers are on their way to the Gulf and the Red Sea, according to Kuwait Times. Kuwait began finalizing its “emergency war plan” on being told the vessels were bound for the region. The U.S. Navy will neither confirm nor deny that carriers are currently en route. U.S. Fifth Fleet Combined Maritime Command located in Bahrain said it could not comment because

Interesting Reuters report

Reuters reports: Fighting gripped Georgia’s breakaway region of South Ossetia for a third day on Saturday, but it remained unclear just who was in control of the rebel capital Tskhinvali. Russia announced it had seized control of the city, but Georgia denied that, saying Tskhinvali was in its hands. Separatist officials, who are supported by Russia, appeared to contradict each other. Eduard Kokoity, self-styled president of the separatist region, said


Dear friends, As per Murphy’s law my Internet connection is mostly down. Brighthouse will send a tech on Monday. I will try to post here in the short moments when it is back up but I cannot promise to maintain coverage of the war in Ossetia for the next three days. Ditto for answering emails. I apologize for this. Kind regards, The Saker

Details about how the US prepared the Georgian military for this war

Georgian army may be tough nut for Russia to crack By Stefan Korshak for Deutsche Presse-Agentur via Monsters and Critics The war in the Caucasian province Ossetia may seem like an uneven contest between giant Russia and tiny Georgia – but on the battlefront things are a bit different. Georgia’s President President Mikheil Saakashvili, coming to office in the 2003 pro-democracy Rose Revolution, has with some help from the United

Georgian TV shows downed Russian pilots

Georgian TV has just shown footage of one dead Russian pilot and one wounded one. Georgian journalists were allowed inside the hospital where there Russian POW was treated and asked him what his mission had been. The Russian could barely speak, but he repeated twice “reconnaissance”. Some Georgian sources claim that not two, but five Russian aircraft were shot down. It could well be that the pilot was saying the

Overnight developments according to the TV channel Russia Today

The Georgian war – minute by minute 13:16 GMT – Russia considers bringing the killing of peacekeepers to the international court – Foreign Ministry. 13:03 GMT – Tbilisi may ask the West for military aid – head of Georgia’s national security council. 12:53 GMT – Bush assures Medvedev he will help return the situation in South Ossetia to the sphere of diplomacy. 12:53 GMT – Georgian troops block 2,000 refugees

War in South Ossetia – summary of developments

Here are some of the developments which I have learned so far: 1) Russia did admit that two of its military aircraft had been lost yesterday. This is rather baffling since the Georgian air defense capabilities are, according to Wikipedia, officially rather minimal: * 15 SA-11 * 38 SA-3 * 18 SA-8 * 35 ZSU-23-4 * 15 S-60 * 40 MT-LB with towed ZU-23-2 2) Abkhazian authorities have declared that

Russian Air Force strikes military bases and airfields across Georgia (UPDATED)

Russian and Georgian sources are reporting Russian Air Force strikes on Georgian military facilities throughout Georgia. The port of Poti has also reportedly been bombed. Several Georgian aircraft were destroyed on the Marneuli air base near the Georgian capital Tbilissi. The Vaziani military base (25 km from the capital) was also bombed. The airport of Bolnisi is reported “destroyed” by Georgian sources. In the meantime, Russian sources are reporting that

NATO encouraged Georgia – Russian envoy

Russia Today reports: NATO encouraged Georgia Russia’s envoy to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, has sent an official note to representatives of all member countries in Brussels in connection with Georgia’s military actions against South Ossetia. He’s calling on them not to support Mikhail Saakashvili. “Russia has already begun consultations with the ambassadors of the NATO countries and consultations with NATO military representatives will be held tomorrow,” Rogozin said. “We will caution
