Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov



As a consequence of the failure by the command of the [Ukrainian] punitive forces to enter into any negotiations with the command of the DPR [Donetsk People’s Republic] militia, militia will not be abiding by the Poroshenko’s unilaterally declared ceasefire.

Combat activities against the [Ukrainian] punitive forces will continue until their complete expulsion from the territory of Novorossiya.

In the course of the night from June 21-22, relative calm was observed in the vicinity of the cities of Slavyansk, Lisichansk, Seversk, Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka, and Konstantinovka.

At approximately 23:00 on June 21, 2013, a skirmish that involved the use of a large-calibre machine gun took place in the area of the fishing farm, on the western outskirts of Slavyansk.

At dawn on June 22, detachment of the DPR militia conducted a strike against the advance positions of the enemy on the Karachun Mount, from which positions [the enemy] engaged in mortar strikes against the city. As a result, one machine gun nest and one mortar position were destroyed.

Also, during the night, a detachment of the Konstantinovka company of the Kramatorsk battalion attacked an intelligence group of the 24th mechanized brigade of the enemy in the area of the checkpoint near the settlement of Oktyabrskoye. In the course of the battle, 3 servicemen of the Ukrainian army were killed and not fewer than 15 were wounded, 1 truck was hit. On our side, 1 milita fighter was lightly wounded.

In the remaining sectors, the units of the DPR militia continued to conduct intelligence-gathering exercises and to reinforce positions. Also, our units continued to replenish their ranks with constantly arriving volunteers.



The night was relatively calm. An insignificant skirmish took place in the area of the fish farm on the western outskirts of Slavyansk.

Exactly at 4:00 in the morning, our anti-aircraft [detachments] fired on the advance mortar position of the enemy on the northern slope of the Karachun Mount, using ZU-23-2 [23 mm anti-aircraft twin-barreled autocannon]. One mortar position and one machine gun nest were destroyed. The enemy did not return fire.

The DPR militia does not recognize the ceasefire, which was unilaterally declared by the Ukrainian military without any consultation with us.

At night, the saboteur-intelligence group of the Konstantinovka company of the Kramatorsk battalion attacked its equivalent from the 24th mechanized brigade of the enemy in the area of the Oktyabrskoye settlement (to the west of Konstantinovka). As a result of the battle, the enemy lost 3 men killed and no fewer than 15 wounded. As well, a “Ural” truck of the enemy was destroyed. On our side, one fighter received a gunshot wound to the arm.

Yesterday, a number of militia fighters that have distinguished themselves were awarded Crosses of St. George of the 4th class, as well as personalized firearms (Stechkin pistols) and personalized knives (battle knives – [in this regard,] I take the occasion to once again extend our gratitude to the guys from the “Strelkov Spetsnaz” organization and, personally, to comrade Zmeya, who delivered them to us). Of the fighters known to you, those who received the Crosses and personalized firearms include [militia fighters] Prapor and Motorola – [they received the honours] for past and recent battle engagements and meritorious service. Altogether, as of this time, 6 firearms, 5 knives and 10 crosses have been issued (two of them were awarded posthumously). Orders are being prepared for 10 more Crosses and several [personalized] weapon units – as recognition for service in the latest engagements.

The awarded Crosses were provided gratis by the store “Leib-Shtandard.” Separate thanks for this donation go to Messr. Bushmakov. To distinguish them from the state awards of the Russian Federation, we have engraved on the back of the top beam of the cross “DPR 0.” The awards are preceded by a corresponding presentation and are executed in accordance with a [corollary] order. Those receiving the award are granted a an extract from the issued order and a document corroborating the award.



At approximately 15:00, we conducted a mortar strike against elevation 190 in the vicinity of Piskunovka, where the enemy had gathered its strike force. The return fire by a mortar batter was suppressed immediately; a number of fires and a significant detonation could be observed at the enemy’s dispositions. Because the enemy had not managed to entrench itself at that location (nor was it going to – the group was intended for an assault), we anticipate [enemy] losses.

Already after the shelling, an enemy group consisting of 1 tank, 5 “BTR” APCs and 5 trucks with infantry urgently advanced to the north and engaged in a battle in the vicinity of Yampol, again attacking our former checkpoint. Looks like the road has been cut off by our guerillas.



At approximately 15:00, the enemy again attacked the reconstituted checkpoint of the militia near Yampol, [advancing] with forces consisting of 1 tank, 5 “BTR” APCs and 5 “Ural” trucks with infantry. In the course of the battle, the militia [fighters] were pushed to the forested area to the north of the settlement.

On our part, in order to assist the Yampol unit, detachments of the Slavyansk garrison attacked [the enemy] in the vicinity of the Peskunovka settlement, where the enemy had concentrated a strike force intended for [an assault on] Slavyansk.

The fact that the enemy continues to contemplate plans of assault against the city is corroborated by the transfer of over 20 tanks, as uncovered by our intelligence, from the northern to the southern shores of the Severskiy Donetsk river. [The transfer was performed] over a pontoon bridge, newly erected in the vicinity of the settlement indicated above.

Drones of the enemy are actively [conducting surveillance] over the city of Slavyansk.
Deliveries of ammunitions to the [enemy] artillery batteries continue.

The enemy has commenced the installation of combination minefields on the northern outskirts of Slavyansk. Landmines have been [buried] in the city graveyard, between the settlements of Severniy and Tselinniy. There are already victims among civilians.

The use of uncontrolled [Note: autonomous] landmines in direct proximity with a densely populated city is a warcrime. The militia, for their part, do not employ this method of conducting war.

Thus, there have been no signs of a real ceasefire on the part of the Ukrainian [military]. Under the guise of a unilateral truce, the enemy is preparing positions for assaults on Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, as well as Donetsk and Lugansk, where the enemy is concentrating armoured vehicles and equipment.