by Paul Matthews, poet & writer

«1 Nobel peace prize, 8 economists, 24 physicists, 33 chemists, 41 doctors» – and a partridge in a pear tree …

Israel's true friend 2015The Right Honourable Theresa May learns her lines as “Israel’s true friend”…

Her Majesty’s Government has never been a fan of the Precautionary Principle. Ever since the 23 December 1913 Federal Reserve Act and the ensuing two world wars, the magnates of the central banking system have a long established tradition of investing the lifeblood of nations in their disastrous Ponzi schemes. This is more than apparent as we sleepwalk our way towards open conflict with Russia and China and as UK and Israeli Jews jubilate over the choice of their favourite as the next British Prime Minister : a former financial consultant who, on two occasions, following in Manuel Valls’ footsteps, has pledged her undying allegiance to Zionism.

The dismal spectacle of an obsequious, flowerpot hatted Theresa May revelling in Israel’s 67th Independence Day (יום העצמאות‎‎) celebration in the heart of London at Finchley Synagogue, in April 2015, is a sure sign that Whitehall and Westminster will be throwing caution to the wind and their combined weight behind ploys to wash away sins committed in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine etc. with more bloodletting as they devote their efforts to supporting NATO and the Jewish state’s daily ghoulish bloodfest in the Middle East.

Having read with interest the GMWatch reports on 107 Nobel laureates propagandising GM food, one could easily dwell on the moral turpitude of the snake oil salesmen and women who would have us leave our senses as they spin their treacherous web of deceit. But I will not waste too many words on the latest wheeze from the global PR Industry and the Monsanto-linked sponsorship of Golden Rice evangelists petitioning for the release to the environment of more hazardous recombinant DNA. One of them, pharmacologist and biochemist Alfred Goodman Gilman (1941-2015), would appear to have been on his deathbed when he put his signature to this underhand attack on our health, reason and dignity ! I also note that the only signatory who could be deemed an ‘authority on risk’ – namely Robert C. Merton – turns out to be co-director of American hedge fund management firm Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) which, following the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 1998 Russian financial crisis, lost all of its capital in less than four months ! We live in desperate times. I say this in the light of what we now know about horizontal gene transfer, dangerously compromised natural resources and what Edward Osborne Wilson, Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin write about the Holocene or Sixth Extinction.

It can be termed casuistry, deception, chicanery or dissembling. However shamelessly and deliberately lying – to protect ‘special interest groups’ – is established practice among all who would ascend the greasy pole of our politically corrupt civilisation to the summit of what someone more knowledgeable than myself in such matters – namely sociology professor James Petras – calls the Zionist Power Configuration. As we know to our cost, we can never say with any confidence that the facts will speak for themselves, given the rate at which steps are taken to suppress them as the war mongers and gossip merchants in a big business friendly mass media work flat out to dumb down and conceal the truth. But why is the general public so easily spooked by appearances ?

Possibly people are mesmerised by the spectre of the Dr Strangeloves with their paws on the tiller of Western diplomacy. Nothing beguiles ordinary mortals more than the accoutrements of power and the paraphernalia of worldly success. Hence the bogus moral standing of the Nobel dynasty’s arms manufacturing concerns and the meretricious professorial stature of many prize winners, glaringly obvious once the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize was vouchsafed the war criminal Henry Kissinger ; a nauseous precedent hammered home by what Barack Hussein Obama and his presidency was to accomplish after he had been bequeathed the coveted trophy in 2009.

Then there’s the case of the 1986 Peace Nobelist, arch-zionist and horror storyteller Elie Wiesel whose recent death unearths again the whole sorry saga. Here’s an extract from a memorable article by Gilad Atzmon about «the man who turned the Holocaust into a business career […] concerned only with the primacy of Jewish suffering and [who] has totally failed to transform the Holocaust into a universal message». He continues :

«Wiesel is critical of Germany, German people and their culture. “We must not forget what civilized people once did. People raised on Kant, Fichte and Hegel. People who listened to Beethoven and read Schiller in the morning, and in the afternoon killed children and parents”. But what about those people who don’t read Kant, Fichte and Hegel, but instead read the Old Testament and Wiesel’s Shoa literature ? Do they not kill children and parents ? Do they not engage in mass killings of innocent civilians pouring white phosphorous on UNRA shelters ? Yes, they do – and for more than six decades, slightly longer than Wiesel’s Shoa …». November 04, 2012 / Gilad Atzmon

Wiesel is German for weasel. Out of respect for the nimble witted, slender-bodied quadruped, the comparison should stop there. As for the ‘expertise’ of the world’s most famous ‘Holocaust survivor’, he is the acclaimed author of an alleged “autobiographical eye-witness report” of events in Auschwitz and Buchenwald circa 1944-1945, in a lurid text which continues to be marketed and widely interpreted as the gospel truth regarding the Nazi concentration camps. It first came to light in 1956 when an 862-page manuscript in Yiddish was brought out in Argentina as the 245-page work Un di velt hot geshvign (Translation : And the world remained silent).

French Académicien, novelist and poet François Mauriac (1952 Nobel literature prize) was instrumental in getting Les Éditions de Minuit to publish in Paris their 178 page version as La Nuit in 1958 and in 1960 Hill & Wang in New York put in print a 116-page translation as Night. It is appears in 30 languages and record sales of between six and ten million copies are chronicled. However eyebrows have been raised among thoughtful scholars as to the publisher and the author’s clearly elastic understanding of what notions like ‘autobiography’ and ‘veracity’ should or may signify, especially as unambiguous signs of ‘poetic licence’ in the work remain unacknowledged, primarily by the Romanian-born American Jewish professor and political activist, himself the writer of no less than 57 books, drafted mostly in French and English. As we shall soon see, for a number of observers, the epithet impostor would not be not too strong a term to characterise an internationally honoured dignitary who like, the Blairs and Clintons, was paid lavishly for his conferences and whose mortal remains are today pushing up daisies in Sharon Gardens cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York-cite_ref-43″> State.

Alongside Steven Spielberg, Elie Wiesel was one of the ten or so, mostly Jewish, celebrities and socialites, who lost millions to the Jewish American fraudster Bernie Madoff, speculating with their life savings or money from one or other of their ‘foundations’. Late in life the person whom POTUS Obama termed ‘the conscience of the world’ was tackled over glaring discrepancies in his narrative and accused of being overly economical with the truth. He kept his counsel – to the end – apparently in denial, believing he could take his secret to the grave. However alongside the tributes and obituaries in the minutes, days and weeks following his death at his home in Manhattan, the internet has been alive with questions and remarks casting doubts on the official storyline.

The above suspicion ‘Shoah filmmaker’, Claude Lanzmann – quoted a reliable eye witness, Nobel Laureate in Literature in 2002, Hungarian Jew Imre Kertész – who survived deportation to Auschwitz and Buchenwald – to infer that Elie Weisel could not have spent more than four days and four nights in Auschwitz, before moving to Buchenwald. More compelling testimony comes from another Hungarian Jew deported to both aforementioned concentration camps. Nikolaus (Miklós) Grüner writes in his personal account ‘Stolen Identity’ that the universally famous would-be deportee born in 1928 in Sighet – a town in the Carpathian mountains of northern Transylvania – was unfamiliar with Hungarian and that, for the purposes of his ‘autobiography’, he usurped the number A-7713.

Moreover according to the Auschwitz archives themselves the number A-7713 was in fact allocated to an older man on 24 May 1944. His name : Hungarian-born Jew, Lázár Wisel (né at Marmaroasieget, Hungary, 1916). With his older brother, Abraham, he was to take the young Nikolaus (Miklós) Grüner (né 4 or 6 April 1928 at Nyiregihaza, Hungary) – then aged fifteen – under his wing. The existence, dates and places of birth of all three internees are attested by documents stored at the Polish State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau at Oświęcim.

Nikolaus (Miklós) Grüner had every reason to remember the number A-7713. In 1986, living in Australia, he was contacted by an employee of the Swedish magazine Sydsvenska Dagbladet in Malmö and invited to meet the latest nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize – someone named Elie Wiesel. He believed at the time that he was about to meet Lázár Wisel and rejoiced at the prospect of being reunited with his old friend. The encounter, as is customary for Nobels, took place at the grand Hôtel Savojen in Stockholm in December 1986. Miklos recalls :

«…I was very happy at the idea of meeting Lázár but when I confronted the so-called “Eli Wiesel”, I was stunned to see a man I did not recognize at all, who did not even speak Hungarian or Yiddish and instead he was speaking English in a strong French accent. Therefore our meeting was over in about ten minutes. As a goodbye gift, the man gave me his book entitled “Night” of which he claimed to be the author. I accepted the book I did not know at that time but told everyone there that this man was not the person he pretended to be !».

Elie Wiesel declined to show him the tattoo on his forearm. Yet Primo Levi writes, on page 27 of the US edition

of his indelible 1947 work, Se questo è un uomo ( ‘If this is a man’), that every prisoner had to have a tattoo :

«It seems that this is the real, true initiation : only by showing one’s number can one get bread and soup». Primo Levi If this is a man Abacus 2001

Available on Youtube in 2010, but no longer, video images of the bare armed Elie Wiesel filmed for a full-length documentary in 1996 in Romania appear to reveal no tattoo at all. So the question, never answered, remains : without a tattoo how did he survive in 1944-1945 ? It seems that the indefatigable public speaker once aired his ‘tattoo’ to an Israeli journalist, who subsequently met Nikolaus (Miklos) Grüner and who, when asked, replied that he had been unable to read the number and that he did not believe it really was a tattoo.

All of which is hotly contested by associates of Elie Wiesel, like Michaël de Saint-Cheron, who deem such testimony to amount to blasphemy, but offer no proof in support of their arguments. Instead one is regaled by displays of emotional blackmail or worse, as Italy joins the long list of NATO affiliated countries that punish ‘thought crime’ with prison sentences. Legitimate criticism of the homicidal Jewish state is thus muzzled by privately orchestrated smear campaigns, prohibitively costly SLAPP type legal actions, backstairs pressure to intimidate and stifle open public debate in favour of free speech and religious tolerance for every living soul and not just for that microscopically small minority opinion seeking to bring to heel every critic of Israel.

As the French epistemologist Lucien Cerise intimates in : Neuro-pirates – Réflexions sur l’ingénierie sociale (Kontre Kulture 2016 q.v.), evidence-based inquiry has moved on to the shifting sands of devotional faith and cultural dogma. It’s a question of who’s got the power and money to inflict the cognitive dissonance, captious reasoning, hairsplitting – the Hebrew term for which is pilpul (פלפול) from “pepper,” loosely meaning “sharp analysis” – ie what underpins the massive social-engineering daily assaulting our neuronal architecture.

It will not have escaped your attention that the gloves are off ever since Hillary Clinton declared the USA was losing the global information war in 2011. The academic climate today is replete with intellectual terrorism and diligently orchestrated psychological operations (psyops), as dissident Jews and non-Jews alike are plied with accusations of antisemitism and death threats. Having to sacrifice one’s means of livelihood, in defence of one’s views is another major risk. As evinced by the experience of Nikolaus (Miklós) Grüner himself and of Norman (Ich bin Der Stürmer ?) Finkelstein, the American Jewish political scientist, activist, professor and author whose primary fields of research are Israel’s occupation of Palestine and Holocaust politics, an interest motivated by filial intimacy with the deep moral convictions and the personal ordeals of his parents both of whom survived in the Warsaw Ghetto and periods in the Majdanek and Auschwitz concentration camps.

To get a measure of the man you can watch his contribution to Defamation (Hebrew: השמצה‎‎), a powerful 2009 documentary by award-winning Israeli cinéaste Yoav Shamir. The sequences were filmed in Chicago on the shores of Lake Michigan, before Norman Finkelstein was dislodged from his DePaul University tenure, following intense pressure from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith and Alan Dershowitz.

A member of the ‘Herem Club‘, whose membership includes Uriel_da_Costa, Baruch_Spinoza, Paul Eisen, Jacob Cohen, Gilad Atzmon, he authored The Holocaust Industry : Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (2000). In this he argues that Elie Wiesel et al. have patented ‘victimhood’ as an exclusively Jewish phenomenon, capitalising on the memory of what European Jewry went through in WWII as an ‘ideological weapon’. He calls the Holocaust a ‘shakedown’ and a ‘straight-out extortion racket’ – that has milked Germany and more recently France for all they are worth – enabling Israel, ‘one of the world’s most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [to] cast itself as a victim state’, thereby providing what is a suffocatingly self-righteous haven of National Zionism with ‘immunity to criticism’ … and a licence to kill.

Given the ‘nature of the beast’, the degree of ‘thought control’ and the vast corrupting power and influence of a tentacular Jewish lobby on US foreign and domestic policies – revealed by Norman Finkelstein himself and in a study by Professors John J Mearsheimer and Stephen M Walt (q.v. infra), self censorship – induced by an albeit genuine fear of judicial retribution – preclude a robust appraisal of the problems raised by these issues.

I argue that we need to think seriously about what many citizens – for both the best and worst possible reasons – consider a distinctly taboo subject : namely the way Jewish tribalism or identity politics and today’s obsession with pedigree and DNA are closely associated and how much cultural bias – that manacles genuine research – for example in epigenetics or environmental factors – is fostered by the élitism and funding from a minority whose religious traditions predispose them to think excessively in terms of blood ties, heredity and genetics.

People identified as Jewish Americans make up less than 2 % of the population, yet represent up to 48 % of US billionaires. It will therefore come as a surprise to nobody – as Meersheimer and Walt point out – that :

«Israel has been the largest annual recipient of direct US economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War II […] Israel is the only recipient that does not have to account for how the aid is spent, an exemption that makes it virtually impossible to prevent the money from being used for purposes the United States opposes, like building settlements in the West …». Mearsheimer and Walt pages 30-31.

While Britain’s many Labour, Conservative and LibDem Friends of Israel aren’t Jewish, Stuart Littlewood draws an alarming picture of this over-representation by the organised Jewish community in British politics :

«The Jewish Chronicle has published a list of Jewish MPs in Britain’s parliament. It names 24 – Conservatives 12, Labour 10 and Liberal Democrats two. I thought it was more. But let us for the sake of argument accept the Jewish Chronicle’s figures. The Jewish population in the UK is 280,000 or 0.46 per cent. There are 650 seats in the House of Commons so, as a proportion, Jewish entitlement is only three seats. The conclusion is pretty obvious. With 24 seats, Jews are eight times over-represented. Which means, of course, that other groups must be under-represented, including Muslims…If Muslims, for instance, were over-represented to the same extent as the Jews (i.e. eight times) they’d have 200 seats. All hell would break loose …». 21st May 2010 / Stuart Littlewood

Which brings us to the messianic supremacist agenda of GMOs and the Genetic Literacy Project of GLS team leader Jon Entine whose work in my view reflects an unhealthy interest in élitist, socially divisive, ‘high tech’ quick fixes, unsafe palliative solutions – synthetic biology, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, chemical and genetic engineering – sociocidal ventures comparable to the ethnic cleansing now balkanising the Holy Lands under the aegis of Bernard Lewis and his ‘clash of civilisations’. One recalls the bloodcurdling and vindictive purple prose of Deuteronomy and Joshua. I kid you not. Fanatical hatred of Gentiles in parts of the Hebrew Bible and some Talmudic Scriptures is well documented. The GLS philosophy is likewise transhumanist in its espousal of a misanthropic, quasi-religious creed, endorsing an eradicative use of ‘life sciences’ and a deadly capital intensive precision agriculture : both highly valued WMDs in the oligarchy’s divide and rule toolbox.

The photo taken in January 2015 on the premises of the British Board of Deputies – down the road from the Emirates Stadium and Holloway Prison – of an otherwise perfectly non-Jewish Right Honourable Madame Home Secretary proclaiming she is kosher sums up the pack of lies one is expected to swallow in a day’s perusal of the world news and current affairs. France is likewise held hostage by the pro-Israel Atlanticists.

Despite the UKUSA_Agreement‘s ECHELON /Five Eyes (FVEY) and the Frenchelon system, this banana republic’s intelligence services are unable to protect inhabitants and visitors from the carnage of Paris and Nice. Just as French farming is hijacked by the big business community, government and mass media outlets are the useful idiots of a PR machine abusing the population with torrents of disinformation, islamophobia and russophobia, the unquestioning allegiance to NATO in accordance with a praetorian Loi Fabius-Gayssot.

Enacted on 13 July 1990, when the nation was in holiday mode, this law makes it a criminal offence to query the existence, nature or size of the category of crimes against humanity as defined in the London Charter of 1945, on the basis of which Nazi leaders were executed in a frenzy of ‘victor’s justice’ (Siegerjustiz) a form of lex talionis (Cf. International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1945-46 art.9). What this signifies for serious students of history is that key aspects of WWII have been sealed in a judicial vault and the key thrown away.

East of Covent Garden, south of Clerkenwell, west of Whitechapel, north of the Thames, St Paul’s Cathedral no longer stands out on the summit of Ludgate Hill. The City of London’s once historic skyline features now a bewildering array of steel, glass and concrete. Gone are the traces of The Blitz and the massive Provisional IRA truck bombs of the 1990s. The hub of Britain’s international financial services industry accommodates a very small resident population of about 7,000 and a daily influx of over 300,000 commuters on weekdays.

Its pseudo medieval coat of arms evinces a puerile infatuation with The Crusades with sword, shield, crested helmet, a Cross of Saint George, silver dragons, underlined by a 17th century Latin motto Domine nos dirige (‘O Lord, guide us’). Despite the appeal to the deity, this onshore bailiwick’s core business activity resides in maintaining and developing a global network of tax havens that plunder vast amounts of public resources.

The City resembles no other statutory body except perhaps the dual legal entity of the Vatican and the Holy See. Derided as Britain’s ‘last rotten borough’, the falsely patriotic, deeply conservative, ‘local authority’, that runs the tiny municipal enclave peripheral to London’s metropolis, brooks no external oversight. The Post-Brexit talk is of the ‘Asian pivot’ as Mexican standoffs cascade from NATO’s witches brew of containment policies on the borders of Russia, in Sudan and the South China Sea and further moves are made in the geopolitical -firstHeading2″>sphere to uncouple the debt merchants and investment banks from the reality of ordinary people’s lives to forge a global 100% unaccountable offshore economy. Communities at the business end of the Square Mile’s unpleasantly sharp practices may indeed see their high brow tormentors as servants of the Antichrist. Maybe those seeking out the Synagogue of Satan twice voiced in the Book of the Apocalypse need look no further. Either way full spectrum dominance is required to protect this global empire from the infidels and unbelievers who challenge a world order of would be divine rights authorised to trade in murder and mayhem and govern by chaos. Ezra Pound was made a political prisoner for 13 years for daring to think and say such things. Writers, economists and historians like Carroll Quigley, Eustace Mullins, Antony C. Sutton and others who refuse to play the rôle of gatekeepers to the central banking system’s japes are likewise ostracised as extremists and conspiracy theorists.

City of London arton40282-d38e8——-


«War does not determine who is right – only who is left». Attributed to Bertrand Russell (1872-1970).

Un_Di_Velt_WieselUn di velt hot geshvign … (Cf. supra)

«To make the history of antisemitism complete, omitting none of the manifestations of this sentiment and following its divers phases and modifications, it is necessary to go into the history of Israel since its dispersion, or, more properly speaking, since the beginning of its expansion beyond the boundaries of Palestine. Wherever the Jews settled after ceasing to be a nation ready to defend its liberty and independence, one observes the development of antisemitism, or rather anti-Judaism; for antisemitism is an ill chosen word, which has its raison d’être only in our day, when it is sought to broaden this strife between the Jew and the Christians by supplying it with a philosophy and a metaphysical, rather than a material reason. If this hostility, this repugnance had been shown towards the Jews at one time or in one country only, it would be easy to account for the local causes of this sentiment. But this race has been the object of hatred with all the nations amidst whom it ever settled. Inasmuch as the enemies of the Jews belonged to divers races, as they dwelled far apart from one another, were ruled by different laws and governed by opposite principles; as they had not the same customs and differed in spirit from one another, so that they could not possibly judge alike of any subject, it must needs be that the general causes of antisemitism have always resided in Israel itself, and not in those who antagonized it. This does not mean that justice was always on the side of Israel’s persecutors, or that they did not indulge in all the extremes born of hatred; it is merely asserted that the Jews were themselves, in part, at least, the cause of their own ills …». Antisemitism: Its History and Causes. Bernard Lazare Editions Léon Chailley, 1894. -Chapter One”>Chapter One: General Causes of Antisemitism

(Top of page 5 in this translated edition

French Jewish literary critic, political journalist, polemicist, anarchist, who was among the first Dreyfusards, Bernard Lazare (1865-1903) wrote the most authorative account of the causes and history of antisemitism and for that reason is treated as a pariah by today’s Jewish community.

To avoid any possible misunderstanding here is the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary simple definition of Jew :

«Someone whose religion is Judaism, who is descended from Jewish people, or who participates in the culture surrounding Judaism».

The Merriam-Webster dictionary’s full definition of Jew qualifies this with a series of subsets :

«1a : a member of the tribe of Judah

b : israelite (person who was born in or who lived in the ancient kingdom of Israel : descendant of the Hebrew patriarch Jacob ;

specifically : a native or inhabitant of the ancient northern kingdom of Israel. As opposed to the kingdom of Judah).

  1. 2 : a member of a nation existing in Palestine from the sixth century B.C. to the first century A.D.
  2. 3: a person belonging to a continuation through descent or conversion of the ancient Jewish people
  3. 4: one whose religion is Judaism …». Source : Simple and Full Definitions of Jew

NB The Jewish calendar is lunar and Judaism should not be conflated with Talmudism. Jewish identity is awarded to anybody who converts to Judaism or whose mother is Jewish and who, as such, participates in the secular or religious culture arising from Jewish history and Judaism. Matrilineal descent still is the rule within Orthodox Judaism, which believes that anyone with a Jewish mother is endowed with an irrevocable Jewish status. Note that ‘born-again Londoner’ Gilad Atzon has renounced both his Israeli citizenship and his Jewishness. He has also abandoned all hope of ever being reunited with his foreskin ! Wth the emergence of Jewish denominations, opinion within the wider Jewish community is divided over the question of matrilineal and patrilineal descent, with Reform Judaism in the USA officially adopting a bilineal policy since 1983.


Les causes cachées de la guerre du Donbass (Ukraine) Allbright et Soros contre la Russie : 5 milliards de dollars investis depuis 1991. Emmanuel Leroy qui est le président de l’association humanitaire Urgence Enfants du Donbass,analyse ici les causes profondes de la guerre du Donbass et de la déstabilisation de l’Ukraine, prélude à la déstabilisation de la Russie, que l’oligarchie anglo-américaine prépare depuis des décennies, voire des siècles. 125 juillet 2016

May vows to stop tax avoidance … while her husband profits from Amazon & Starbucks

13 July 2016

The Rt. Hon Theresa May Home Secretary – 22nd April 2015 – Yom Ha’atzmaut 5775, London. Filmed by Torah Digital Bnei Akiva UK

Theresa May Performs The Pre Traumatic Stress January 19, 2015 / Gilad Atzmon

At Last, a Jewish Prime Minister July 11, 2016 / Gilad Atzmon

«רה”מ הבריטית הבאה: “תמיד אתמוך בישראל»,7340,L-4826908,00.html 11July 2016

Le serment d’allégeance de Theresa May à Israël Le futur Premier ministre britannique a appliqué la “méthode Valls” 11 juillet 2015

Times of Israel May versus Leadsom : Who gets the community’s vote ? July 5, 2016 Rebecca Pinnington.

Pro-GMO campaign exploits Nobel laureates to attack Greenpeace and fool the people Claire Robinson 30 June 2016

107 Nobel Laureate Attack on Greenpeace Traced Back to Biotech PR Operators by Jonathan Latham PhD July 1, 2016

Don’t Eat the Yellow Rice : The Danger of Deploying Vitamin A Golden Rice by Ted Greiner, PhD July 11, 2016

Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin, The Sixth Extinction : Patterns of Life and the Future of Humankind, (Anchor, 1996). In The Future of Life (Vintage, 2002), Harvard biologist, Edward Osborne Wilson, who founded the discipline of sociobiology and first coined the term biodiversity, argues tha,t at the current rate of human interference in the biosphère, half the planet’s remaining species will be gone by mid-century.


Lanzmann, Finkielkraut et Lévy réagissent à la mort du menteur Elie Wiesel L’escroc à la Shoah, pavé dans la marre du communautarisme juif

4 July 2016

Grüner Nikolaus ©2005-2006 Stolen Identity printed in Sweden

3 July 2016 -63943650956674880251″>Elie Wiesel est mort

17 October 1986 -10108616216624575051″>A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel

17 octobre 1986 Un grand faux témoin : Elie Wiesel

29 juin 1993 -68180305653085006371″>Un grand faux témoin : Élie Wiesel (Suite)

Blanrue : « Je n’ai jamais surpris Faurisson en flagrant délit de fraude ou de mensonge ! -yiv8608005257yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467895974766_54221″>Questions à Paul-Éric Blanrue, réalisateur du documentaire «-yiv8608005257yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467895974766_54231″>Un Homme» (Par Rachid Guedjal pour Algérienetwork)-yiv8608005257yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467895974766_55431″> octobre 2011 Blanrue poursuivi par la LICRA pour “contestation de crimes contre l’humanité” 2 mars 2012

Paul Rassinier

Faussaires du sport Par E&R Midi-Pyrénées 29 décembre 2012

Chabanais – 1944: la part d’ombre des maquisards Par Jean-François BARRÉ 08 août 2014,1908180.php,

20 April 1987-41442593216257948251″> Pierre Vidal-Naquet juge Elie Wiesel

Les fabuleuses aventures d’Elie Wiesel 3 juillet 2016

-post-19581″> Elie Wiesel Knows Soviet “Liberators” Destroyed the Birkenau Crematoriums, Carolyn Yeager

May 10, 2012,

Quel procès pour ceux qui mettent Elie Wiesel en procès ? Michaël de Saint-Cheron 11 mars 2013

Elie Wiesel n’a pas le tatouage d’Auschwitz qu’il prétend avoir-yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467642178580_121691″> 24 décembre 2012, -yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467642178580_121701″> Auteur : -yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467642178580_121711″>-yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467642178580_121721″>Jean-yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467642178580_121731″>-yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467642178580_121741″> Robin 237 commentaires


2010 Elie Wiesel’s House of Lies Is Crashing – Truth no defence – Is Elie Wiesel “The Most Credible Living Witness
to Holocaust?” By Carlo Mattogno

Octobre 30, 2012 Alain Soral clash Jean Robin

Novembre 8 2012 -eow-title”>sur la pensée “pilpoul” Jean Robin, journaliste écolo

-eow-title1″> Septembre 14, 2013 Alain Soral interrogé par Jean Robin PART 1

Septembre 14, 2013 Alain Soral interrogé par Jean Robin PART 2

Elie Wiesel, escroc à la Shoah Un cas isolé ? 4 jillet 2016

Palestine occupée : -yiv0574589189yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467749919029_3717″>-yiv0574589189yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467749919029_3713″>La zone grise : Israël et la Palestine sous le regard de Primo Levi et de Kafka 3 juin 2007

Is it time to call Ken Waltzer a fraud ? By Carolyn Yeager copyright 2013 Carolyn Yeager Updated April 7th 2013 Posted on June 11, 2013 Elie Wiesel Was Not in Buchenwald” Made Simple

Une lettre inédite de Primo Levi sur la Shoah dévoilée Par Sandrine Szwarc Le 27/01/2015 Rubrique Monde juif In Previously Unknown Letter, Primo Levi Explains the Holocaust to a Young Girl ‘Rather than accusing them of cruelty, I would accuse the Germans of these days of selfishness, of being indifferent and intentionally ignorant’. Anna Momigliano Jan 27, 2015

Newly Unearthed Version of Elie Wiesel’s Seminal Work Is a Scathing Indictment of God, Jewish World In Wiesel’s uncensored Hebrew ‘Night’ manuscript, unveiled here for the first time, the author expresses desire to take revenge on the Hungarians, lashes out at fellow Jews and describes sexual scenes from the train to Auschwitz. Ofer Aderet May 01, 2016

Haaretz Obituary for Elie Wiesel : Author and human rights activist made perpetuating the memory of the Shoah his life’s work By Ronen Shnidman Jul 02, 2016

-eow-title2″> [Extrait] Alain Soral sur Elie Wiesel, escroc à la Shoah – Entretien de janvier 2013

ERTV Officiel

-eow-title3″> Nikolaus Grüner reveals his tattoo on American TV in 2008 !

-eow-title4″> Elie Wiesel, the fake survivor of Auschwitz Nikolaus Miklos Gruner 9 March 2016

-eow-title5″> Elie Wiesel & the Holocaust Fraud Carolyn Yeager Jan 12 2016

Elie Wiesel, “conscience du monde” ? Spéculer avec l’argent d’une œuvre caritative, de la “grandeur d’âme” ? 6 juillet 2016 Elie Wiesel, plus que l’ombre d’un doute Elie Wiesel

était-il désintéressé ? Christophe Servan,269124.

Auschwitz Survivor Claims Elie Wiesel Was an Impostor

July 2, 2016

Scoop : Elie Wiesel serait un imposteur sur son passé d’holocauste 1 décembre 2011

Elie Wiesel Levels Scorn at Madoff By Stephanie Strom February 26, 2009

Elie Wiesel on Losing His Life Savings in Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme .

10 Celebrities who were Victims of Bernie Madoff’s $50B Ponzi Scheme Posted by Staff Reporter ( on Sep 21, 2015

Grüner False Identity Lawsuit Against Elie Wiesel Set For January 24 in Budapest by Carolyn Yeager Myklos Grüner will finally get his day in court ! 18 November 2011

Proof that the man in the famous Buchenwald photograph is NOT Elie Wiesel. Four men in bunk by Carolyn Yeager September 12, 2011 Gigantic Fraud Carried Out for Wiesel Nobel Prize

by Carolyn Yeager September 12, 2011

Elie Wiesel has said under oath that he has one, and that it is number A7713.,

New (old) pictures come to light in wake of Elie Wiesel’s death by Carolyn Yeager 2016

9 nov. 2015 – Show us a tattoo darn it ! Carolyn Yeager

Comment le protégé de Hitler a commencé à travailler pour le Mossad 21/06/2016 La revue “Sang-froid” raconte l’incroyable histoire d’Otto Skorzeny, ancien militaire SS devenu agent des services de renseignements israéliens… (Cf.


«The Hebrew term pilpul (Hebrew: פלפול, from “pepper,” loosely meaning “sharp analysis”) refers to a method of studying the Talmud through intense textual analysis in attempts to either explain conceptual differences between various halakhic rulings or to reconcile any apparent contradictions presented from various readings of different texts.-cite_ref-11″>[1] Pilpul has entered English as a colloquialism used by some to indicate extreme disputation or casuistichairsplitting …».

Italie : le révisionnisme devient un délit Jusqu’à six ans de prison, au nom de la liberté d’opinion …

9 juillet 2016

Neuro-pirates : réflexions sur l’ingénierie sociale (Lucien Cerise) in culture by ex-libris 14 avril 2016,,

Compte-rendu de la conférence-débat de Lucien Cerise au Forum du FNJ Paris … Lucien Cerise, penseur de la dissidence, auteur de l’essai Gouverner par le chaos … Janvier 2014

Argumenter contre le transhumanisme – Conférence de Lucien Cerise en Normandie 7 juillet 2016 vidéos en deux parties

Hillary Clinton declares international information war 2 March, 2011

Gilad Atzmon: The Herem Law in the context of Jewish Past and Present -yui_3_17_2_1_1468155356174_3551″>July 16, 2011-yui_3_17_2_1_1468155356174_3541″> / -yui_3_17_2_1_1468155356174_3531″>Gilad Atzmon,

Herem :

Judith Butler : «Malgré mon désaccord avec Israël, je ne peux renoncer à mon identité juive» Par Sylvain Bourmeau — 6 décembre 2013

The Holocaust Industry

Norman Finkelstein ///

Book Calling Holocaust a Shakedown Starts a German Storm Roger Cohen February 8, 2001

-eow-title6″> Norman Finkelstein in “Defamation” April 12, 2010

Defamation (2009)


Yoav Shamir

19 January 2015 Norman Finkelstein: Charlie Hebdo is sadism, not satire World renowned political science professor says he has ‘no sympathy’ for staff at Charlie Hebdo By Mustafa Caglayan

Pour le rôle de la SNCF dans la Shoah, Paris va verser 100 000 euros à chaque déporté américain -publisher”>Le avec AFP | 05.12.2014

La SNCF versera 60 millions de dollars pour indemniser les victimes de la Shoah

Left Forum 2016 – A Dialogue on Israel and Palestine with Tariq Ali and Norman Finkelstein On Tuesday, May 24th, 2016


48 Percent Of U.S. Billionaires Are Jewish 29 July 2013

The Israel Lobby and US foreign policy (2000) John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt

-eow-title9″> What Does it Mean to be a Friend of Israel ? Anthony Lawson Published May 11, 2014

Conservative Friends of Israel

Labour Friends of Israel

LibDem Friends of Israel

U.S. Policy in Syria : An Interview with VA Senator Richard Black Published on May 6, 2016 -eow-description1″>EIR’s Jeff Steinberg interviews Virginia State Senator Richard Black on his recent trip to Syria and Lebanon. The two discuss the resilience of the Syrian people, the impact of U.S. sanctions on Syria, and the overall U.S. and Western strategy of “regime change”.

Robert Fisk – Life after ISIS (2016) UCD – University College Dublin May 6, 2016.

Collaboration : L’Autorité palestinienne arrête des militants du mouvement BDS

10 juin 2014

The Extraordinary Trial of Arthur Topham November 08, 2015 / Gilad Atzmon

The Expert Witness – Part 1 November 09, 2015 / Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon’s Index and topics November 10, 2015 / Gilad Atzmon


The Jewish Religion : Its Influence Today Formerly titled The Plot Against Christianity

Fourth edition 1983 revised with index

From The Jewish Religion : Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling

III. The Talmud and Bible Believers

Babylonian Talmud : Tractate Gittin -57a1″>Folio 57a

Elizabeth Dilling

ERTV s’est entretenu avec Gilad Atzmon chez lui à Londres sur l’attitude des premiers sionistes vis-à-vis du Judaïsme et des Juifs (10 mars 2016) Gilad Atzmon : “Le sionisme fut d’abord conduit par un esprit athénien” (French subtitles) Dans la première partie de cet entretien réalisé pour ERTV par l’association «Les Amis d’Alain Soral à Londres», le jazzman britannique d’origine israélienne Gilad Atzmon revient sur la tentative des premiers sionistes de «réinventer le judaïsme». 12 juillet 2016


«Jon Entine is a corporate propagandist and pseudo-journalist who utilizes his media savvy to promote the opinions and positions of chemical corporations, by posing as an independent journalist. Entine has multiple, documented ties to biotech companies Monsanto and Syngenta, and plays a key propaganda role via another industry front group known as the American Council on Science and Health, a thinly-veiled corporate front group that Sourcewatch describes as holding “a generally apologetic stance regarding virtually every other health and environmental hazard produced by modern industry, accepting corporate funding from Coca-Cola, Kellogg, General Mills, Pepsico, and the American Beverage Association, among others». Source : who sourced their info here : who reproduced this :

Meet Jon Entine: Pro-Monsanto GMO activist and pro-Bill Gates activist Posted on July 14, 2013 by The Refusers

The Making of an Agribusiness Apologist Tom Philpott-dateline1″> February 24, 2012

Jon Entine: The Chemical Industry’s Master Messenger February 16, 2016 by Gary Ruskin

Genetic Literacy Project A sample of Jon Entine’s anthropologically disruptive output :

Taboo : Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We’re Afraid to Talk About It, 2000,ISBN 1-58648-026-X

Let Them Eat Precaution : How Politics is Undermining the Genetic Revolution, 2006, ISBN 0-8447-4200-7

Abraham’s Children: Race, Identity and the DNA of the Chosen People, 2008, ISBN 0-446-58063-5

Scared to Death: How Chemophobia Threatens Public Health, 2011, ISBN 978-0-578-07561-7

Crop Chemophobia: Will Precaution Kill the Green Revolution? 2011, ISBN 978-0-8447-4361-5

La stratégie du choc des civilisations (Youssef Hindi et Jean-Michel Vernochet) 14 juillet 2016


Deconstructing Russophobia June 10, 2016 Caroline Brown

36 Comments, Also published here June 17, 2016 :

Unworthy victims: Western wars have killed four million Muslims since 1990 Nafeez Ahmed Wednesday 8 April 2015

Bank for International Settlements

Special Drawing Rights (Currency code XDR, also abbreviated SDR) are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the IMF. From November 2015 onwards, the SDR/XDR basket has consisted of the following five currencies : US Dollar 41.73% ; Euro 30.93% ; Chinese Yuan 10.92% ; Japanese Yen 8.33% ; British Pound 8.09%.

24 May 2016 City firms switching from Tories to UKIP says Nigel Farage Companies are sick of the ‘unending blizzard’ of regulation coming out of Brussels, says Nigel Farage 24 June 2016 Brexit : What the world’s papers say,

8 juillet 2016 Les USA arborent leurs forces en mer de Chine méridionale avec des bâtiments de guerre et des avions militaires

L’arbitrage sur la mer de Chine méridionale par Zheng Ruolin

31 October 2011 George Monbiot The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest

Working beyond the authority of parliament, the Corporation of London undermines all attempts to curb the excesses of finance

‘NOT for the immature ! Zionist Antichrist will rule the NWO’ Aug 1, 2011 ‘Eustace Mullins was the most dangerous man in the world’ according to FBI director Hoover. He found out too much that people in power would prefer to remain hidden so they could continue their dirty work unhindered. Author of The Secrets of The Federal Reserve (1953) he speaks of Ezra Pound’s four protégés, three of them becoming Nobel Literature Prize winners : WB Yeats (1923), Ernest Hemingway (1954). TS Eliot (1948) James Joyce. Predictably, because of what he revealed about ‘centralised banking’, he is pigeonholed as an ‘American antisemitic writer and Holocaust denier’.

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve – the London Connection, First published as Mullins on the Federal Reserve (1952-1953)

Reprinted, 1983. (326 pages) .

Les Secrets de la Réserve Fédérale par Eustace Mullins Préface de Michel Drac Traduction : Jean-François Goulon
Editeur : le retour aux sources (436 pages)

Eustace Mullins : The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History Revelation Books, Staunton, Virginia, 1987, 242 pages,

Anthony C Sutton : The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (1986)

Anthony C Sutton : Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development (in three volumes : 1968 , 1971, 1973).

-eow-title10″>Wall Street et l’ascension d’Hitler – Antony C. Sutton STFR

-eow-title11″> Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the rise of Hitler 1

Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the rise of Hitler 2

Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the rise of Hitler 3

Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the rise of Hitler 4

Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the rise of Hitler 5

AC Sutton The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, Common Sense, Union, New Jersey, 1954, 144 pages (115 pages).

Carroll Quigley : The Anglo-American Establishment : From Rhodes to Cliveden (Books in Focus 1981) (354 pages).


«To come into the world is not a great deal for most of us. No questions asked and no entry permit to be agreed, but the actual ceremony that is waiting for one, can make one or do one in. But sometimes the delivery gets out of balance and then one can get the shortest straw and be sentenced to bear the Jewish faith. That is when the trouble starts. Unfortunately one can’t turn back, one can only proceed to bear the sentence that is one for all and all for one, which makes one to be a bloody Jew». The Papercut Silhouette of my Life Nikolaus Grüner A-11104 (Auschwitz) 120762 (Buchenwald) Stolen Identity ©2005-2006 Stockholm printed in Sweden*

To put things into perspective you really need to see how Jews at the legislative branch of the Israeli government are unable to control themselves when confronted by a feisty Palestinian Arab Israeli Knesset Member -firstHeading”>Haneen Zoabi (حنين زعبي) who was on board the MV Mavi Marmara in May 2010 where she says she witnessed two wounded passengers bleed to death after the Israelis refused to provide requested medical aid.

The One and Only Haneen Zoabi (May god bless her) -more-174881″>Israeli MPs try to assault Haneen Zoabi :

June 30th, 2016 ttp://

Knesset Members Attack Haneen Zoabi After Gaza Flotilla Jun 7, 2010

July 29th 2014 Hanin Zoabi suspended from Knesset for six months Balad MK who is under investigation for incitement is banned by ethics committee from participating in debates

Nationalist MK Hotovely VS. Arab MK Zoabi Arutz Sheva TV Jun 28, 2011

*Traduction : «Venir au monde n’est pas une affaire compliquée pour la plupart d’entre nous. Pas de questions posées et aucune autorisation d’entrée à convenir, mais la cérémonie réelle qui nous attend, peut nous faire ou defaire. Mais parfois, la livraison peut créer un déséquilibre, puis on peut obtenir la plus courte paille et être condamnés à supporter la foi juive. C’est alors que les ennuis commencent. Malheureusement, on ne peut pas revenir en arrière, on ne peut que procéder à supporter la peine qui est un pour tous et tous pour un, ce qui nous rend le statut d’un foutu Juif».

La silhouette de ma vie découpée dans du papier. Nikolaus ou Miklos Grüner A-11104 (Auschwitz) 120762 (Buchenwald) Stolen Identity ©2005-2006 Stockholm L’identité volée imprimée et publiée en Suède

«Miko Peled is from a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family and was born in Jerusalem. Miko’s father was a famous general in the Israeli army. Miko too has served his time there. When his niece was killed in a Palestinian suicide bomb attack, his family surprisingly placed the blame squarely on the state of Israel. They believed it was the torture, violence and forced eviction from their homes that was driving Palestinians to commit suicide to fight back. In this honest, ground breaking talk Peled reveals the truth about the terror state of Israel. His talk is based on his father’s insider knowledge on the Israeli war of terror, coupled with his own research. Many Jews and Israel supporters will be deeply shaken by this expose. Some facts from his talk are that the returning Jews are not the original expelled Jews, nor their descendants. He also reveals that until 1947 when Israel launched their illegal terrorist attacks on the people of Palestine, there was no conflict. Miko Peled is one of many modern day Jews who are standing up to the Zionist state of Israel. This talk is a must watch for everybody, to clear their minds of the lies spread and supported by the Zionist owned mainstream media. -eow-title8″>An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel December 2, 2012

Brexit, Russia & Proxy Wars Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview 5323 Views July 03, 2016 – 21 Comments

Putin – Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man By Finian Cunningham November 18, 2015-yiv6553610906yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1467313894673_101241″>

Brexit : et si la City était pour ? 5 juillet 2016 Valérie Bugault est avocate spécialisée en fiscalité internationale

Interrogée par Jean-Michel Vernochet, Valérie Bugault analyse les suites du référendum pour la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne. Les élites financières ont-elles anticipé le Brexit ?

24 September 2015 Britain bets the bank on a pivot to China UK assumes an economic relationship requires submission on everything else We can pivot too 24 October 2015 – The government makes a big bet on …