Russia is saving the world, once again


TIME , FORWARD 247 in English


About the project.

The project was started five years ago by a journalist Evgeny Super, who has been making these videos on his own dime and by himself, until recently.

 The project’s pages in VKontakte and Cont

Evgeny had made his project, Time, Forward! or  Время-вперёд! to be the best independent video project dedicated to the news about economic and technological development of Russia.

Thanks, Evgeny, for your dedication, optimism and professionalism.

Those who would be able to help with translation and with making studio quality audio recordings into any language, please, contact Evgeny

The episode posted here was translated by a viewer, Aleksey Volkov.

For his videos soundtrack, Evgeny uses famous suite of Georgy Sviridov,  Time, Forward!

Awesome music that gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it.


Russia’s economy now the most diversified in the world

This report is based on Awara Accounting’s research on how the Russian economy managed in 2014 – 2016 to cope with the dual shocks of Western sanctions and the accompanying precipitous fall of the oil price.



  • Russia’s economy has successfully adjusted to dual shock of sanctions and oil price plunge
  • Minor GDP loss of -2.3% for 3 years of sanctions will be completely recovered in 2017 with expected 2-3% growth
  • Oil & gas share of GDP drops to below 10%
  • Industrial production stable 2014-2016, soars in May by +5.3%
  • Russia’s economy now the most diversified in the world. Exports remain relatively undiversified, but domestic production highly diversified and self-sufficient
  • Debt Crisis predicted by Western pundits failed to materialize
  • CB reserves intact and sovereign wealth funds solid
  • Budget deficit never went below -3.9%. Tax collection soars in 2017, budget now balanced
  • Oil & gas only 17% of budget revenue (2016)
  • Inflation falls to near 4%
  • Unemployment remains low at 5% level
  • Demographic indicators reach all-time best
  • Population at 146.8 million – all-time high
  • Only clearly negative data: Salaries, disposable income and consumption. Retail sales down more than 10%


2014 – 2016, It wasn’t business as usual, it was war

“Yes, we must admit that the sanctions imposed on Russia by the Western powers in effect represent economic warfare. They aimed at nothing less than destroying the Russian economy with a hope of engineering mass unemployment and social chaos which would eventually lead to regime change and a new government that would succumb to Western hegemony. IMF, the Queen of Western financial institutions, boldly promised that Russia would be clobbered with a 9 % cut off its GDP[3]. There is no doubt that this IMF prediction reflected a modest assessment of what the perpetrators had been hoping to achieve.

The events in the Ukraine were merely a sought after pretext for launching the economic assault. Everything had been built up for this with increasing ferocity for at least a decade. In fact, the aforementioned fake news business media’s reporting on Russia has served this same purpose by denigrating Russia’s role in the world and the achievements of its president and people. All this as a part of a massive decade long propaganda campaign (“Russia does not produce anything” and bla bla bla).

We want to stress that there are sanctions of two types, officially enacted sanctions and unofficial sanctions. The latter have not been officially announced by any Western government but are deliberately pursued under the agenda of economic containment, itself part of the grand geopolitical strategy of Russia containment. By these measures Russian investors and exporters are actively by way of unannounced (i.e. illegal) rules hindered from entering Western markets and other global markets were those powers hold sway, and conversely Western (and other) investors are being discouraged (coerced) from certain investments into Russia. The economic containment takes many other form, too, for example, it affects Russia’s participation in global financial operations and the rubles role among global currencies. We assess that the unofficial sanctions are even more cumbersome and harmful than the official ones.

The sanctions coincided with the dramatic decline of the oil price. Hereby, it is not clear to which extent that was deliberately caused in order to augment Russia’s economic woes. Taken together the sanctions and the collapse of the oil price created a scenario which should have broken Russia’s economy. According to the narrative of the pundits, the Russian economy was set to perish under such conditions.

Considering this backdrop, the major strategic goals of Russia’s geopolitical competitors and the intended effects, this is not the time to speak about anemic nonsense. We think the occasion is rather more suitable for declaring victory. Apart for some belt-tightening on the part of the consumers nothing was achieved, there was no major dent in Russia’s economic armor. Not only was nothing achieved, but rather Russia proved right Nietzsche’s maxim: That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Yes, Russia has emerged stronger than ever after these three years of economic defense. It has now achieved the unprecedented role of a quadruple superpower: industrial superpower, agricultural superpower, military superpower and geopolitical superpower. Russia now has the world’s most self-sufficient and diversified economy capable of producing anything possibly made in the world. Russia is now for the first time in its history food self-sufficient while simultaneously exporting more food than ever.”


News In Brief



Russia: Next-gen combat suit unveiled at opening of Moscow prototyping centre

A prototype for what’s being slated as the next generation combat suit was unveiled at the opening of Russia’s biggest high-tech prototyping centre at the National University of Science and Technology (MISIS) in Moscow.



  • Russian medics implanted a first bionic eye to an absolutely blind patient. He s expected to regain vision in a month.


  • Russia has finished rebuilding the famous Soviet shipbuilder “More” (Sea) that was looted and abandoned during the years of Ukrainian occupation.

Before and after pictures.


  • Russian company Aeroflot has purchased 50 MC-21s.

The Irkut MC-21 is a Russian single-aisle twinjet airliner, developed by the Yakovlev Design Bureau and produced by Irkut, both United Aircraft Corporation subsidiaries. It’s a new generation aircraft with unique features.

The New Generation Aircraft MC-21

Solvav: The MC-21 is the only single-aisle passenger plane with composite wing structures manufactured by AeroComposit with out-of-autoclave resin infusion technology.


What is the Irkut MC-21 commercial airliner, and why is the new aircraft unique?

The MC-21 incorporates electronics systems and components from various aerospace firms, including: Rockwell Collins, Honeywell, Thales, Elbit Systems, UTC Aerospace Systems (Goodrich Corp. and Hamilton Sundstrand), Zodiac Aerospace, Eaton, and Meggitt.


Modern 3-km runway built for the Krasnodar airport




TVEL has started manufacturing of strategic metal hafnium on the basis of the “Chepetsky Mechanical Plant


New tractor Valtra T4 manufactured  by  – AGCO RM, a joint venture of AGRO and the Russian Machines Corpoation



Scott Humor

Director of Research and Development

author of The enemy of the State

Follow me on twitter

In case you have forgotten what happened in Ukraine, this book should refresh your memory with the incredibly precise and humorous chronicles: ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN HUMOR: FROM MAIDAN TO TRUMP