I love Soviet art, or what’s now called Soviet neo-realism. Graphic, mosaics, sculptures and paintings of the Soviet artists are superb. Paintings are so touching, thoughtful and soulful, full of light, deeply rooted in the best traditions of the classic Russian fine art.

It’s a well known fact now that CIA used the modern art as one of the tools to destroy the Soviet Union (which is just another name for Russia in the twentieth century)

The Soviet Realism and its artists have been vilified, literally leveled with dirt by the liberal terror. The paintings were habitually destroyed, neglected, or hidden in museum storages away from researches, artists and viewers.

Fortunately, true art never dies.

Soviet realist painting makes international auction debut – Aleksandr Deineka sets full-frontal record, as foreigners sell out, Russians take home

Masterpieces of the Soviet Neo-Realism 1953-1968

More about the Russian Academy of Fine Arts in Saint Petersburg

Semyon Mikhailovsky, Rector of Repin St. Petersburg State Academy: “Why have we decided to do this project? We have an Academy. We have studied 18th and 19th centuries very well. As for the 20th century…. It’s not that known. And, if it’s known, it’s not represented well as a school. And we had an idea for this epic project that would tell the story of our Academy of Art by its periods. We wanted to start with Repin and his pupils. But it’s too complicated, because most of their works are either in the Russian Museum in Moscow, or scattered in provincial museums all over the country.

Then I came to the Academy museum storage, and was shocked by the sheer number of works there. And they were so dusty and neglected. Just thrown on the back and forgotten. They were paintings of beautiful people, paintings with so much light, just discarded and not needed.

I started taking them out one by one and into my office. And we decided to start with the year of 1953, the year when Stalin died. Because this political event was important for this school. This is when the “European spirit” appeared. The period from 1953 to 1968 was a period when we tried to become a European country.”

[I shall correct Mr. Mikhailovsky that it wasn’t “European” spirit that depicts beautiful full of light people. It’s the Russian realism spirit. As a liberal, he obviously rejects everything Russian, and dubs “European” everything so genuinely Russian.]

This is a great illustration of how much Mr. Mikhailovsky is mistaken and woefully uniformed when it comes to post-war European art. Please, look through this short presentation, before you watch the video.

Survey of Europe’s most prominent post-WWII artists. Movements include Pure Creation, L’Art Informel, L’Art Brut, CoBrA, and British figuration artists.

[20:30] Mr. Mikhailovsky has finally done talking and you can enjoy the art.

More images from the exhibition Soviet Neorealism 1953-1968

Soviet realism paintings

Images of artists in Soviet art

First dates as seen by Soviet artists