• Heavy bombardment at night and early morning in Rubezhnoye in Lugansk Oblast. Civilian casualties unknown.
  • More scattered fighting and probes around Slavyansk last night and this morning.
  • Donetsk residents are actively assisting the Fed units in building barricades on city streets and setting up fighting positions.
  • Reports of more fighting in the Donetsk Airport area last night and dawn this morning.
  • Terminal at Donetsk Airport heavily damaged in the fighting Monday.
  • Probes in scattered areas around Lugansk City. No reports of results or casualties, civilian or military.
  • Situation in Mariupol is unknown.
  • Email yesterday 23:07 local time from Donetsk Oblast, simple and terse: ‘We are at war. Pray for us.’ No word since as of 09:12 local time.