A day before the Victory Day over the Western fascism, an adviser to the Minister of internal Affairs of the Ukraine Zorian Shkiryak reminded everyone that the police will react harshly against individuals that would wear the St. George ribbons, prohibited on Ukraine’s territory .

According to Shkiryak, a refusal to remove the “provocative anti-state symbols” will be punishable by arrest and jail.

Wearing the St. George ribbon is a violation of  law, and an appropriate response to this by our law enforcement officers will be to push the violators face down on the pavement, to place them in handcuffs and to  locked them up in jail,” – said Advisor to the Minister.

For the past 23 years Ukraine, the West has been actively creating the “new” Ukrainians, who acts as “anti-Russian” factor.  “Ukrainian “national resilience is a mirror of hybrid warfare”, a tool against Russia,” said Mykhailo Samus, a Deputy Director for International Affairs, Centre of Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies in Ukraine at the recent the US National Defense Foundation conference.

Even Otto von Bismarck realized that the Russians couldn’t be defeated by force. That’s why he came up with an idea to weaken Russians in all possible ways. One, perhaps the most important, is the separation and opposition of the Ukraine and Russia. This is what happening now.


Also, today someone made public data of all employees of the SBU, the Security Service of Ukraine a.k.a. the Gestapo, for the “Luhansk oblast” (the part of it that is still under the military junta’s occupation.)



On the second video, the SBU senior officers portraits next to the quotations of  the Senior officers and ideologists of the Deutsches Reich, some of them are taken out of the Barbarossa Decree issued by Keitel on 13 May 1941 as “Decree on Exercising Military Jurisdiction in the Area of Barbarossa and Special Measures of the troops” based on the Himmler’s Memorandum on the Treatment of Alien Peoples in the East.


At 0:07 Ahtursky Igor Pavlovich, a manager of the Defense of the National Statehood department with a quotation: “Simple people on the street have respect only to the brute force and mercilessness. Especially women, women and children.”

at 0:27 Kiselev Roman Stanislavovich, a manager of the Department of Finance of the Lugansk Region SBU office. Quotation: “Russia people have to be exterminated, some on the battlefield, and others one by one. Russian nation must bleed to death.”

At 0:39, Bondarenko Vladimir Nikolaevich, a Deputy Manager of the Department of Investigations with a quotation: “I some kind of snow flake can’t stand the sight of human sufferings, he should sign up as a medical sister, but not into my party.”

At 0:55, Velichko Sergey Leonidovich, a deputy manager of the SBU 2nd Department for the Main Directorate of the Counterintelligence Defense of Economy, “There are many ways to achieve a systematic and comparatively easy dying out of any unwanted nation.”

At 1:12, Gluhovtsev Yuriy Leonidovich, a deputy manager of the Defense of the National Statehood department, with a quotation: “Union that doesn’t have a war as its aim is senseless and useless.”

At 1: 22, Golovnenko Konstantine Anatolievich, A deputy manager of the SBU of the Lugansk region Information and Analytics department with a quotation: “A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth.”

At 1:35, Efimenko Alexander Alexandrovich, a manager of the Radio Counterintelligence Sector of the SBU of the Lugansk region, with a quotation: “Locals have to know that everyone who doesn’t obey will be shot,  and that they will be punished for any violations.”

Kamensky Alexander Dmitrievich, a manager of the Methods of Operative  technologies for the SBU of the Luganst region, with a quotation, ” The SS must determine the enemies of the national-socialist ideas and take leadership in their liquidation, to be in charge for the counterintelligence of the state apparatus.”

At 2:04, Kovalchuk Evgeny Vitalievich, a manager of the SBU 2nd Department for the Main Directorate of the Counterintelligence Defense of Economy, with a quotation, “Take away a nation’s history, and only after one generation, it will turn into a crowd, and after another generation we will be able to rule it as a herd.”

At 2: 14, Mishkin Sergey Alexandrovich, a deputy manager of the SBU of the Department of the Counterintelligence Defense of Economy, with a quotation, “We are not going to consider value of the human material. It’s irrelevant for the future.”

At 2: 31, Lyahov Alexander Vladimirovich, the head of the Main Department of the Counterintelligence Defense of Economy, with a quotation, “We strive not for truth, but for affect.”


Scott Humor

Director of Research and Development

author of The enemy of the State

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