The following message was left on Rafiq Nasurallahs (Lebanese Politicians) Facebook page (original translation)

From: the Christian brothers who want to assist the Resistance movement of Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Army who both everyday are sacriicing our brothers and sisters in this war against the Takfiri/Dajjalists
Message from Christians youth to his Eminence Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah

His Eminence Sayyed, we are a group of Christians youth we are fed up seeing our people, our religion are being killed, our archbishops being kidnapped, our girls being raped and the Cross instilled in their mouths by the hands of these barbarians, the Salafis and Takfiris who are not related to Islam in anything. the smell of death is smelting from everywhere. They are bringing destruction to our Middle East and all this is happening under the eyes of United Nations and the Christian of Europe.

Sayyid Nasrallah – each day Maloula and Sidnaya are bombed. Churches are destroyed here and Monastery are burned there and our Christian Leaders no longer care about anything except their political positions.

This forthcoming death (Takfiris) will not leave any form of Christianity, neither chair (politician) nor person nor stone.  For that we are asking you, his Eminence to open for us the door to join the heroes who are defending us while we are sleeping.  The co-existence will not be preserved till you allow us to join your brigades and form a Jesus son of Mary brigade to be a sword in the face of the killers who permiss exposures and defiled the sanctity of the church.  It would be of honour to have our martyrs (die) beside your martyrs, who returned the honour and dignity to the homes of the Christian of Qusaiyr.

We hope you will hear our voice his Eminence Sayyid Hassan Nasrullah.

We hope everyone who sees this massage to spread it.