Michael Pogrebinskii about the likelihood of the Poroshenko Arrest: The brainless Kievan Authorities have given Poroshenko a nice PR stunt opportunity.

translated for the Saker Blog by O.

Earlier the ex-president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has posted on his facebook page that he is planning to return to Ukraine from abroad in order to stand before the court. Political Analyst Michael Pogrebinskii thinks that the authorities are driven by political motivations.

Also according to the state department decision, Poroshenko should be arrested the moment he crosses the border to Ukraine. But will this happen?

Regarding the situation, famous Ukrainian political analyst, Michael Pogrebinskii has expressed his opinion.

Michael Borisovich, it is reported that Poroshenko plans to return to Ukraine on January 17. What are his motives? What steps are to be expected from Ukrainian Government, in regards to Poroshenko’s return?

It is obvious that Poroshenko understands that if he does not return – he will be thrown out of politics and will be unable to protect himself. In addition, the charges brought against him are fake. In principle it is easy to win this process regarding the charges of treason. I think Poroshenko is counting on that. However, there are lots of different proceedings that he is unable to win. He is being accused with the same charges that Medvenchuk is being accused of. Right now some of Poroshenko’s activists are arrested, and he needs to find a way to protect himself.

Regardless the amount that Poroshenko stole and moved abroad is enough even for his grandchildren. However the main motive is that he does not want to be thrown out of politics. For this reason he is coming back, and not to Kiev, but to Lvov, where it is easier and cheaper to mobilize his support base.

As to how the government will react, it difficult to say, however I strongly believe that the authorities are unlikely to use force, and arrest him as promised. If lots of people are mobilized, for the government it will be very difficult to detain Poroshenko. If authorities are unable to arrest Poroshenko, then Proshenko will win this round.

Can one say that the Ukrainian government itself has provided him with Public Relations stunt?

Entirely possible, considering our government’s t lack of brains.

source: https://ukraina.ru/interview/20220112/1033054562.html