Dear friends,

First, I want to thank you all for your comments and suggestion (well over 500 comments in between the two posts!).  I gave it all a lot of thought and I ended up doing something in between option A and option B.  No big “coming out” but, instead, a small “addendum” to what I consider my real curriculum vitae: the “Submarines in the Desert” article.  From now on, anybody clicking on the “About the Saker” link on the right column right under the beautiful Saker drawing will be referred to the “Submarines in the Desert” article, at the bottom of which I have now added a small “December 2015 addendum from the Saker” in which I share a few more details about my past life.  That is as far as I am willing to go and from now on I will not discuss me or my past on this blog any more (even if somebody else releases any other information or outright fabrications).  As far as I am concerned, this is it, and from now on it is “back to the issues”.

Second, here is what I have decided about the autographed copies.  Frankly, I don’t feel like charging anything specific for them, even a minimal amount.  So here is what I want to do:

First, those who are interested in getting a signed copy of the book will have to email me during the next 30 days (before January 7th 2016) and ask for a signed copy of the book.

Second, their email will have to have “autographed Saker book request” as the subject line of the email.  I will use a filter for these emails and any email which will not have such a filter will not be considered.

Third, I will then send an email back confirming that you have requested a signed copy.

Fourth, you will then order a copy directly by emailing Fred at and tell him that your order is for a signed copy to be shipped to me.  Unless you email Fred you will not get your signed book.

Fifth, Nimble will then ship the books to me along with our address.  I will sign the book and send it to you.

Does that work for you?

The problem here is that I will have to pay the shipping charges, so I would suggest that you try to donate at least enough to cover that.  But if not – no big deal, either others will or I will do it myself.  My goal is not to make a profit from these signed copies, but to get them to you and make you happy :-)

So, unless you come up with a reason not to do what I am suggesting above, the “launch” date for sending me an email requesting this will be this Monday, December 7th.

That’s it.  I think that I have covered it all.

Again, I thank you all for your emails and comments.  This has been a difficult month for me and your outpouring of kindness and support has been a great source of comfort and solace for me.

Hugs to all,

The Saker