2017/06/11 07:00:01
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.
The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post.
The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
Saker Webmaster
Well, well, I don’t know if the following poem shall hurt someone’s taste, if so tell me :
Katze und Maus
“Hei, Du kleine Maus !”
Sagte Domina, die Katze
In der Rote Lampen Haus,
Mit großen Matratze.
“Oh du kleine Maus, komm schon
Komm doch raus !
Die Lücke, wartet in der Mitte
Riecht als Käse oder Fisch,
Also, komm schon, bitte !
Alles wird es spielerisch…”
Der Maus wird energisch,
Drang in die Lücke ein,
Dann wird er sehr allergisch…
“Es ist zu warm und groß,
Wird Feucht und Dunkel…”
Dann wird er schnell los
Nach spielerischen schunkeln.
Queen cat and Mouse
“Hey, you little mouse!”
Said Domina, the queen cat
In the red lamps house,
With large mattress for chat.
“Come on, come out
oh, little mouse !
Hole is waiting in the middle
Smells like cheese or fish,
Everything is playful and diddle
So, come on, please!”
The mouse becomes energic,
Emerge into the hole,
Then he becomes very allergic …
“It’s warm, big and thickly,
Getting wet and darker … ”
Then he will go quickly
After a playful shudder.
@ Ioan
It smells of an allegory about geopolitical games where the Malevolent Empire goads its victims into a trap followed by the gruesome ritual of swallowing it. It has been done many times and Ukraine comes to mind as the most recent attempt but the mouse (Putin) did not walk into the hole and, instead, took a morsel from the bad cat’s long paw. Then another hole was opened up in Syria and, lesson learned, the little mouse approached gingerly, smelled in the air a whiff of cat’s odour (and saw rats’ droppings on the sand) and took counsel with his troop and the Elders told him to send a R2D2 to reconnoitre instead.
Saddam Hussein was not a clever mouse when he was invited to tread into the hole of Kuwait and was devoured in the process. Perhaps he did not read the tale of die Katze und der Maus!
On another tack, the brave poet might revisit the previous café where the Elders in uniform made a brief, but boisterous, appearance and openly accused the bad cat of being the master of a particularly vicious breed of voracious rats. Someone else also made an appearance and dropped a key into secrets untold. And to deserve the accolade of perspicacity the daring bard will return here and explain his allegory.
You amazed me with your intuition, almost perfect. The poem comes after the recent meeting between Putin and Merkel, after which the NATO meeting took place…besides it is carefully covered with some erotic flavor.
@ Ioan
I don’t follow those international events, as they are meaningless propaganda sources for the mainstream media to bloviate their agenda. My intent with the allegorical guess was to suggest that you have another look at your comment about the Russian Ministry of Defence’s robust language to unmask the role of the US as the creator, trainer, funder, and enabler of the headchoppers. And leave your calling card when you exit. A bit looking like the quest for the ring if you forgive me for the cryptic innuendo. Cheers.
Thanks for your compliments, I have the same for you, I remember good people whom I liked in the past, sadly, some of them have not returned. Anyway, I’m not in a mood to exit, just sometimes there is a lack of time to hang on here. Have to keep up with some kind of balance, both here and in my home, I wish to have more time for political commentary. Cheers, my friend ! ( and keep on )
Perhaps not Shakespeare…however I thank you, Comrade, for the poem.
Literacy in German is a part of my personal agenda…and while book-German is useful, the casual idiomatic poetic or spoken language is best grasped as a child does – by steady repetitive real use – writing and reading – the “classical” (and practical!) way. My childhood German re-visits in memory and grows all inter-twined and raveled with the rest…until I read German in the newspapers almost as I read English when I was about 10 – something that pleases me greatly.
Accordingly the juxtaposition in a poem of the two brother tongues is most welcome!
And “Maus”, and Domina the kitty” Domina lost the election…some say….
Her owners will simply get another kitty, or maybe a duck…they like costumes…
Let us hope they get their rabies shot!
Glad you liked it. The translation of a poem to another language is not always easy, a couple of months ago I wrote about this, about the difficulties in maintaining the rhythm, rhyme and substance.
Great news (i have discoverd it bye chance, because it is not yet published on the main donation page) we can now support the Saker on Patron with monthly payment.
Very easy, i like it ! Much more better than Paypal !
Come on every body !!! :)
I know that The Saker realy don’t like to make any promotion and call for funds for the great job he is doing ! Well… it would be so nice if we could all bring our little “stone” or “ammunitions” in this information war..
Come on every body !!! :)
Would be nice to have a third very simple donation option, something like :
(any amout) $ – per mounth – I don’t ask for any exclusive content, i don’t want to make you waste your time with any request, just want to tell you THANK YOU !!! and carry on ;)
I accessed the Patreon homepage, looked for info about what, who, how, for, where, etc. and found nothing except corporate gobbledygook. Not very promising.
I don’t realy undersand what information you didn’t found.
The thing is to have a reliable and easy to use way to make donation.
And it is very easy. It can start at 1$ a mounth.
1 – You open an account
2 – You select the one you want to support => The Saker.
3 – You select your mounthly amount .
4 – You enter a card number.
And that’s it.
Every mounth your card will be credited. You don’t have anything else to do.
The interface is very nice and clear.
For me it is perfect.
Every time i had to make such move with Paypal, i had problem.. it was not easy, and well, above all, i realy didn’t like it AT ALL :)
I think that now, by adding Patreon, every one that want to support the Saker will find HIS best way to help.
Maybe it is not the way for you, so you can choose amoung the others options.
Thank you for this information.
I want to support Saker.
I cannot support PayPal…
Good morning, Vineyarders all. Hope you are doing well. At 4:30 am the moon is shining through the thin clouds. The sun is burning unseen and the moon is yearning with dreams.
I thought I would talk about religion and war. My life has been rooted in religion and I have come to this site which is dedicated to stopping the empire’s war on Russia which I broaden to stopping war itself. This vineyard is also built on Orthodox Christianity through Saker’s efforts. So there is a direct link between religion and war built into the program here.
My initial thought is that if religion is considered as a great good and war a great evil, why don’t religions thunder their doctrines in condemnation of war. Yes, some do on paper but it is obviously not effective since war has steadily become more pervasive and deadly, and now threatens our very existence.
The development of instruments of war has gone on unabated over the centuries, and the new secret weapons may beyond what we can imagine. Religion has also developed from a love culture to primitive forms of spirit and nature worship to shamanism, Godism of all kinds and various forms of humanism like Buddhism. We could argue that secularism is a type of religion; and even atheism is a reaction to religion.
Christianity has developed from the Old Testament to the New Testament. The Jewish nation had the Ten Commandments of Moses as its foundation. Jesus developed that into his New Commandment. “A new commandment I give unto you: love one another.” (John 13:34).
Unless we interpret war as love, the old and new commandments have not worked very well. War is getting worse. Perhaps that will change if Russia is successful in introducing a new balance of power with a “multi-polar” world. That arrangement is still based on power, so it remains to be seen if will work any better, assuming we can even develop to it.
This Vineyard seems to have the mission of defending Russia from being overrun by the Empire. It is supported by a wide variety of persons with various views. The unifying factors seem to be anti-war and orthodox perspectives.
We all have our gifts to contribute to the general cause. You have yours and I have mine. The fact that we have congregated here speaks to our own needs and motivations and a common framework for us to work within. A vineyard is a peaceful icon and a falcon saker is a strong symbol of our mission.
My own background is highly weighted in favor of religion. Yours may be business, family, politics, science, academia, military, entertainment, sports or love knows what. Each one of us have talents that range from material to spiritual, emotional to intellectual and particular to universal.
When I introduce my ideas into this volatile mix, they receive mixed reviews, from indifference to resistance and a guarded interest to subtle censorship. That is all to be expected in a process of development.
I speak of a Love Government, Army and Bower. Such unfamiliar talk is tolerated in this Cafe up to a certain point. It goes against the grain of an accepted politically correct narrative. Such strange ideas are moderated by triple screening: other commenters, moderators and an owner-operator in charge.
I have to walk a fine line with new ideas. I have to learn where the line is. Recently I apparently over-stepped a line, resulting in my comment being deleted through the mechanism of referral to the owner, who it seems has better things to do than being yet another moderator. That’s fine with me. This is the third time this has happened to a comment of mine.
I don’t know what the problem is because I’ve never been informed but I suspect it has to do with religion and sex. In my course of development, I may have pushed the boundaries beyond the limits they could bear. Lacking information from the parties involved, I can only speculate as to causes.
I must hold my tongue and watch my step. All fine and good. Fortunately, I have my own website where I have more freedom. It is a work in progress and has its own course of development. But even there I must be wary of the thought police, such as NSA and other agents of empire.
My security lies with Love, as mediated by the Love Government, Army and Bower. At sensitive points of contact, like religion and sex, they challenge accepted ideas of culture and religion, particularly with regard to sex and war.
Jesus found himself at such a juncture of cultures and ideas. He introduced his “New Commandment” that developed the “Old and Outworn Ten.” The political and religious powers of the time did not take kindly to being personally threatened; and had the offender assassinated. Such is the fate of going too far, too fast.
I am built for OLOL comfort, not OBOR speed, OLOL meaning One Love One Lover. I do not want to go the way of Jesus, even if I could. That being said, I have introduced Ten New Commandments. In some quarters of this gentle vineyard, these are unacceptable edicts. For most they are useless annoyances which are easily ignored and denied.
All well and good. I have no desire to be crucified. Jesus already did that; no need to do it again. I am content to scatter seeds, not start a bonfire like my Main Man who proclaimed: “I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and how restless I am until it be blazing.” He sure started a fire all right which was soon enough brought under control by Christian firefighters.
The result has been “watered down love,” in the words of Dylan. Jesus the Man of Love became the Christ of Power. I’m not saying that this is bad; only that this is a fact of history, as evidenced by war. As implied in the names, The Love Government, Army and Bower start with the idea of Love which was Jesus’s “New Commandment.”
I have taken Jesus’s New Commandment of Love, and developed it into Ten Specifications, which if implemented too fast, would burn the world down. Therefore, they are introduced into a gentle vineyard, not unlike the Garden of Eden, where vines grow slowly and produce good fruit.
I try to couch such radical ideas in new wineskins that are pleasant and safe to drink from. If this comment gets deleted by sentencing to the Saker circular file, never to be heard from again, I think it will be a shame, since I have spent some time on it, and do not save it. It is given freely with no strings attached.
All things are under the aegis of love, so I let it be, in the words of Mother Mary. This has been a mere introduction to test the waters for safety and survivebility. It’s now 6:04 am, and time to shut this door and open another. The daylight has arrived. I guess I’ll go do a little outside work and then eat breakfast. I hope your day is a fine one and mine is too. I love you.
Love, Dennis
I love your earnestness, Dennis. It reminds me of First Love.
Unrequited Leo
I once was in love with a young lady.
But, alas! she was by no means ready…
Her kiss was too sweet,
(I just had to repeat
Not just above, but below…
But a lass, sad lack, no go…)
Oh how that Love Lioness played me!
We look back over our lives and see the tribulations of the self, its near desiccation, and barrenness and eternal drought………..and in the Vineyard pond of deleted comments and commandments drowned and spurned I see my youthful sorrows mixed with yours, I meditate upon the Lovebirds in the trees, the Lioness that played too long (and never had any cubs with anyone) and the old Lion non-King that finally found his pride and shared it with another lioness that was ready, when she was ready.
Which is sometimes half a lifetime, or more. Love is patient, both in the microcosm of individual lovers, as in the macrocosm of the stars.
Thanks, Bro. First Love: Revelation 2:4. Are you a Leo? Fire sign? Love Lioness play? Deleted comments and spurned commandments–had a bit of hurt feelings but over it. Glad you found one who was ready. Love is patient; agree. Thanks for your support but be true to you. Appreciate how you really think and feel. Don’t know if you’ll see this. I’ll check later.
No, she was/is. And a tawny one at that.
Remember, I split February in half……on my Birthday I give the presents to females: chocolates and flowers and short love poems on cards.
I guess you could call me “the water boy” of young love, ne’er the star.
Lionesses can swim when the have to. But they don’t really like to.
So I sailed off to Alaskan waters, not really believing there were “plenty of other fish in the sea”.
But there were!
Silly me.
Hi. Checking in at 33 comments. Good omen. Reviewed most of comments and replied to many. Theology on my mind; orthodox in particular. Attended meeting last night: got insight into theo-logy/God logic. God loves here; God lovers here. Goes back to lovers and sex [careful; danger of censorship]. Radha and Krishna. Yahweh contains two sexes/linguistics. Elohim+”let us…” Deep feeling…not sure anyone here understands? Ortho Christ-ianity. Chrestos and Christos; gentle and strong. Orthodox = right, correct doctrine. Vineyard as ortho door. God + linguistics. God/Gott–emotional resonance. Anyone out there picking up vibes??? Saint John and some Church Fathers did. Need to develop or die! Vineyard and Orthodox church > our joint mission. Solve war, how? By love and sex but have to deal with fear; hence with censorship/walk fine line. Benign and malignant patriarchy?? Where do I stand vis a vis Saker and Vineyard? I want to help but wonder how entrenched dogma can be moved despite Jesus’s teachings. “If you have faith enough, can move mountains…” Ortho-doctrine can be monolithic, like Catholic doctrine: stuck, stuck!? Jesus moved mountains; got unstuck. I’m loosening up, how? diet? energy? vineyard? cafe? community of peers a la Ken Wilbur. Windy outside; sun shining in; 6:44 am. Early still; got up at 4. This is different style: code, short, sweet, young, tweet–takes getting used to. Anyone listening??? Angels? Devils? Jesus spoke in parables for some and point-blank for others. Can be brilliant in one area and dull in another> diet? pets? monogamy? usury? drugs? How far to push it?…before push-back, deletion?? OK, said enough–testing new system/language/check back later. Love you all, invisible and visible lovers. Dennis. P.S., Bought two avocado trees yesterday, by semi-magic; love to plant one today. Get garden ready for filming. Eat breakfast later. Love again and always. *cheers* Posted at 7 am PT. Lucky number. 2 pm UTC, you to see.
The news that a new defence minister is being appointed by RK’s PM Moon may not please Pyongyang, as he is expected to continue with THAAD.
At least Han Min-Gu was a known if loathed foe:
(DPRK on the subject)
Pyongyang, June 11 (KCNA) — Shortly ago, south Korean puppet Defence Minister Han Min Gu begged for a close “cooperation in the issue of north’s nuclear and missiles,” talking about “threats” at the “Asia Security Conference”.
Traitor Han Min Gu is the top class servant of traitor Park Geun Hye, who ran amuck as a pro-U.S. lackey and in confrontation with the fellow countrymen and unpopular rule, Minju Joson Sunday says in a commentary. It goes on:
The history of hideous crimes against reunification committed by Park is also marked with dirty traces of Han, who is an accomplice of Park.
The top-class criminal Han who should deserve heavy punishment of public mindset, far from making apology for his crimes, are running wild in confrontation with the fellow countrymen. This once again proves that he is a confrontational maniac who should never be allowed to survive.
Evil deed brings inevitable retribution.
It is the unanimous demand and assertion of all compatriots to make a clean sweep of Han, dirty bete noire who should be not among the nation, in the name of all Koreans.
It is the firm will of south Koreans to eliminate every remnant conservative of Park.
The south Korean authorities should be also held accountable for making such trouble-makers and scum as Han appear in the international arena running contrary to the mindset of candlelight actions.
The south Korean people will throw the group of traitors including Han, who committed countless crimes, along with Park to the dumping ground of history. -0-
Antifa posters advocating violence against those they disagree with appear all over Toronto:
Teacher Mouse-Poet Cat
iaon is a teacher/poet with lessons for young and old.
Here I learn something new I ne’er before was told
In school. Every day the cat and mouse both must eat.
Presents a moral challenge: Cats likes cream, or meat,
But mice need never kill, content with Guoda cheese.
Siberian blue, tundra mouse, Thai rat or feline Siamese,
Throughout the world the deadly game is daily played,
Cats, mice, eaters, food, all are by their nature weighed!
Master of Chess
Teacher Mouse, poet Cat
Making judo with the rat,
Mouse is playing bridge,
While rat eats from garbage,
From rotten chick to cabbage.
Mouse is looking for a partner,
Got the Cat, trying to tease her.
Queen Cat is full of rafinesse
Mouse is smart and plays less,
Cause he’s the Master of Chess !
Bro and ioan, nice mice and fat rat teaching. For eons (ioans) cats and mice had their relations worked out. Homo saps screwed them up by making them pets. Screwed the world up too. One of the causes of war. This is one of those late replies that you may not see; train already left station. Love.
Ha, ha, whir idea of pets, an older film with Clint Eastwood comes in mind : The escape from Alcatraz.
If you remember, there was an older man who had a mouse in his pocket, in his cell, as a pet. The story was sad. You yourself were a “pet” of the system until you get retired, now it’s easier to bark from a safe station. The animals as pets, is another question and I reserve to have my own opinion which I spoken out here earlier.
Patreon account comments … I’ll implement the comments. Thank-you. TheSaker has not announced it because we’re bringing it in fairly ‘softly’ to check it out very thoroughly. Good comments and TheSaker will sure announce it when he is ready.
Your Patreon suggestion is now implemented. Thank.you!
Thanks Helper Mouse :)
I sincerely hope that a lots of Saker’s readers will join this financial support on Patreon…
@ above: I don’t like paytreeon. Just have a gut feeling. I prefer cash or check. Slower but safer. I send donations to Saker by snail mail. Slower but safer. Who needs NSA snooping on the pay-tree? Maybe I’m wrong. Prove it.
Interesting article on RT today. Unlike what we’d “like” to believe the phony Russiagate claims of the MSM is finding traction in the US. In a new poll of US adults,36% of Americans see ” the Trump administration’s relationship with Russia” as “a very serious problem.” Twenty-two percent regard it as “not a problem at all.” That would leave 48% in the “not sure” category. The US neo-con media’s ability to control the public is immense. For the few rational people in the US,we can’t see that. But we are a minority. And our views as much as we “wish” they did,do not represent most people.
I don’t know about this. I think this kind of data is impossibly difficult to obtain via a standard poll. If you listen to alt-right radio (on the AM dial), it would appear that most callers are aware that the Russia-gate story is b.s. A show like “Ground Zero”, which airs on ClearChannel stations weekday evenings, will have many callers from “flyover country” who are well aware what a mess the country is in. The divide in opinions is rather like last year, when many people of all political shades voted for Trump in spite of intense MSM bias against him (and them, as deplorables)… The deplorables base, along with many other Americans, may not answer unknown callers at all, much less use a landline, much less take minutes to answer a poll for God-knows-who. There are also regional differences that are continent-spanning huge. This country is probably going to break up as a result — simply no way that people in the SW, Center, or South are gonna be exactly the same as Seattle, LA or DC. I’d love to know the real numbers on how many dopes actually believe the incredibly bad nonsense from MSM lately, it’d probably be wise to regionally collate it.
The polls have been spectacularly wrong lately – Trump’s win, Labours success in Britain, Brexit.
The system is not reflecting what people are really thinking, not least because many of these polls are commissioned to ‘find’ a specific ‘result’, in order to claim a public consensus/support.
At most, this is a response to a ‘leading question’ following Comey’s testimony.
They are unlikely to have given a neutral option.
Then there is the fear that many people have of polling/questions from strangers claiming to represent only opinion researchers who may not be what they seem, and suspected of using the information for other reasons: mass surveillance is definitely having a dampening effect on free expression.
There is also the immediate effect of Comey’s ‘Mr Smith Goes To Washington’ shtick – and very-well done it was. Right down to his ‘Yessirs’ and ‘Nosirs’. I admired his acting myself. :-)
Throw in sympathetic noises from media presstitutes – some of whom likened his questioning to ‘domestic violence’! – at his admitting to various feelings of unease and you have quite a potent’ Comey Effect’.
The wife and six kids certainly helped too, especially as she’s not number three and Comey is not a loud, brash, ostentatious vulgarian (though a multi -millionaire through dubious means.)
Whether the’ Comey Effect’ is transient or more long-lasting remains to be seen.
Yes, the question asked if it was “a problem.” How could you say the MSM haven’t made very much of a problem out of it.
Have to respectfully disagree with you about the quality of Comey’s acting. We’ve seen it all before, all the way back to Ollie North, this plain-old-joe b.s. that makes any American w/smidgen of honor furious. It’s insulting. Remember when the senators joked with North about how “hot” Fawn Hall (sic?) was? Oh, the 80’s… what a nightmare.
Fewer people have cable than in Ollie’s day, so I suspect a lot never watched it and only heard about it second hand.
@ all of the above from Uncle Bob on down: we are split on the basis of emotional intelligence, IMO. A lot of factors enter into that epistemology. Emotionally, I side with the fly-overs but with my mental IQ I sense that it’s not that simple. These things go deep and wide. This vineyard cafe offers multiple perspectives, which helps my EIQ + Emotional Intelligence Quotient, which sounds rather like ‘sentient.’
Rodent’s Alt-Narrative
The mouse was warned not to go
but thought it knew and had to show
that it could best the fierce beast
but when it became instead the feast
Its fellow mice voted the cat the one to blame
The bloody, thirsty monsters were put to shame
An edict in the land did fare and wide tell
that henceforth all cats must wear a bell!
Now the mice rule the all and distant lands
Pied Pipers are hired to keep things in hand
Says Ma Nature, bloody of tooth and claw,
there’s always a price for breaking my Law.
Nice. Ma Nature’s bloody of tooth and claw is our interpretation. When we break her law we are bloody of tooth and claw. That’s not an edict but part of love’s ethos. Nice reflection nevertheless. A light touch with a touch of awe-full truth. Best regards.
@ brother Sun/ sister moon Leary re your comment on “bloody of tooth and claw”
I respectfully disagree.
a silvery mouse by moons-shine
poetically inclined to grapes-vine
divinely inspired in deepest night
quill in tiny paw began to write:
“twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what you are…”
no answer came from afar
so she sang to the sun star
“you are my sunshine
my only sunshine”
I was geared for sound and song,
I clicked, and clicked, What? Wrong!
I make a habit of copying my posts into Word, then testing the audio/visual links for functionality and accuracy of intended selection.
The variety of flavors available is becoming enriched. Not wanting to miss any, I ‘ll check back later to see if your link is updated. Right now it does not open, for me. Cheers!
The same happened to me, the link doesn’t work. But the poetry of Ame is good, (as yours, with the Mouse well above and tera13 ) You, my friends, give me strength and confidence in the Cafe. I miss Kinterra !!! where is she ? Prometeus comes back for a bit, then he went, hopefully not for long. Mundo, where are your poems ? need some inspiration ? I’ll try to give you in the following days.
S’catter the cat
said s’cattercat
to nonny mouse
i have nine lives
you ‘ve only one
run fast as you can !
nonny mouse whispers
sweet nothings so softly,
scampers here scampers there
swiftly to and fro, fro and to
hypnotising sleepy s’cattercat
sweetest summer slumbers
softest reveries befall s’cattercat
sinking blissfully fast asleep
nonny mouse’s nose twitches
eating gouda for all her life is worth
the cat fall asleep ? gees
i really love that cheese
S’cattercat. Haven’t heard that name for 70+ years. Thanks. I’m 77 now–lucky me.
Hey, Vineyarders. I was on my way out when I checked my email at Yahoo. There was an awesome video there of a Great White Shark, taken from Huff Post. I had just read Bro’s take on Moby Dick and Donald Duck Trump. This is rare glimpse of the power of the Greats, whether whales or sharks. Just awesome power, and an awesome metaphor for the White Tiger analogue. Cheers, I have to go shopping.
Fyodor Mikailovich alert for all those who need to pass over this post.
This is an interesting story told by Grushenka who is a “bad” girl and a bit of a b-tch at times ( her term). This reminds me of a Buddhist teaching story about the mind set of one of the Buddha’s closest students while he was being beaten to death by students of a rival teacher…it is different of course. he offered up his suffering for the relief of all others facing a similar position…In this story, however, the woman does not want to share her merits with mankind…and so it goes.
An Onion
One upon a time there was a woman, and she was wicked as wicked could be, and she died. and not one good deed was left behind her. The devils took her and threw her into the lake of fire. And her guardian angel stood thinking: what good deed of hers can I remember to tell G-d?
Then he remembered and said to G-d: once she pulled up an onion and gave it to a beggar woman. And G-d answered: now take that same onion, hold it out to her in the lake, let her take hold of it, and pull, and if you pull her out of the lake, she can go to paradise, but if the onion breaks, she can stay where she is.
The angel ran to the woman and held out the onion to her: here, woman, he said take hold of it and I’ll pull. And he began pulling carefully, and had almost pulled her all the way out, when other sinners in the lake saw her being pulled out and all began holding on to her so as to be pulled out with her.
But the woman was wicked as wicked could be, and she began to kick them with her feet: ” It’s me who’s getting pulled out, not you; it’s my onion, not yours.” no sooner did she say it than the onion broke. And the woman fell back into the lake and is burning there to this day. And the angel wept and went away.
Good story and moral. Why spell God “G-d?”
This letter was written by someone claiming to have been a friend of Seth Rich, and to know why he was killed:
Sounds true. Did Seth have two girlfriends, or is one fake?
I don’t know.
She could have been an ex, or just a friend who is a girl.
She may not exist, the information could be simply circulated citing a ‘girlfriend’ to bolster the idea of confidante.
Your decision.
Seth rich
Video has emerged of him questioning the ballot system.
hT: You want to download videos from YouTube without downloading anything or going to a converter?
Replace “https://www.” with “ss”. For example in this case “ssyoutube.com/watch?v=2yOEwQ9ijQ8”
Just click “download video in browser”.
Seth Rich was scheduled to testify against Edison Media.
What a fun and insightful series of comments to start this café! Really pleased to see both regular and occasional posters returning to the café. I mean, who can resist the allure of a Parisian table with a packet of Gauloises and an espresso? It puts me directly into a super-sentimental French fantasy, complete with baguette on the grass in front of the Eiffel Tower, and so on. :-) Ah, joie de vivre. (And curses to Franco-neoliberals, wherever you may be.)
While ioan’s ‘eye of the tiger’ focuses steadily on Madame Merkel’s meeting with Monsieur Putin, mine glances curiously at her shaking hands in Mexico. No shortage of geopolitical action on the world stage right now.
Joy of life. Hold that thought. Associate it with this Cafe Vineyard. We’re half way home.
Were people alarmed (as I was) when I read Durante had invited US “special forces” into “assist” with “elimination” of ISIS.
Like – for a “smart” man, seeking to remove his country from vassalage – he turns to his “masters” to help him break his chains?
Well it seems he did NOT invite the US to come “help” fight ISIS. No, the first he knew of it was when the US arrived and began “operations”……..
Seems “someone” in the Philippines army “invited” the US…..
Oh dear….. Do we have another regime change underway, while everyone is “busy” with Qatar ?
And right when the Syria “adventure” enters a new and dynamic phase of FSA attacking SAA – and being “warned” by RF?
Try Duran, TASS zerohedge for backgrounds and analysis.
By the way, the Russian military has declared the Syrian “civil war” is finished. (TASS)
Wise words (again) from Maria Zakharova:
Every time there is a terrorist attack in Europe, in the West, or elsewhere in the world, unfortunately, we often see a ‘virtualised’ reaction from civil society, especially in the Western countries: people change avatars, paint buildings the colours of the corresponding flag, organise marches and demonstrations; major political leaders join some of the rallies.
All of this is important indeed because it sends the appropriate message and shows a sort of moral resistance to terrorism. Still, this is not enough.
If people rally on social networks and one photo can fly around the entire information space of a social network within an hour and become an avatar for millions, this, however trivial, is an example of how we could close ranks in other areas. But this does not happen. Why? Because of political ambitions.
There is something else I would like to draw attention to. Unfortunately, if you look at recent reports on US and European media (TV shows, articles, radio programmes), Russia is presented as a main enemy for many countries.
Unfortunately, this virtual fight with Russia is substituting for a real fight against terrorism. All the efforts of the mainstream media, online publications and other resources are aimed at trying to analyse the degree of threat from a potentially aggressive Russia.
Meanwhile, there is a real enemy out there.
There is no need to prove that this is an enemy because it is a universally recognised fact.
This enemy consumes dozens, hundreds of lives, and cripples even more every day. Among other things, this enemy is undermining moral foundations, specifically, people’s belief in justice, that evil can be punished.
The most recent attack in Manchester hit the most sensitive – children. Who better than Russians know this anguish?
We have suffered through horrendous terrorist attacks against children and perfectly understand what they are aimed at.
The effect of these attacks is much greater than that of aggression directed against adults.
Children are the most vulnerable people, and they are our future.
In other words, this aggression is targeting the future, it is aimed at or tuned to the future.
Unfortunately, once again, all efforts are concentrated on virtual reality – fighting the fictitious enemy represented by Russia.
Meanwhile the real enemy has already sprawled away. Indeed, until recently, five years ago, terrorist associations were called cells, units or organisations, that is, operated on a smaller scale, with only vague trends to unite.
Now we are dealing with an entire self-proclaimed terrorist quasi-state. The point is that in recent years, these groups have begun to merge at an incredible rate and are now actually claiming a place on the modern geographical map as an entity.
Of course, this entity is not recognized; it is being denied; it will never be legalised, but it is about mentality – they are trying to undermine the traditional concept of how the world works.
All this targets young people, who are being brainwashed under the guise of absolutely false values and ideas of justice. People are being recruited and primed to the idea that this is not about some rebel groups – their ultimate goal is to control at least one region, and ideally the world.
The bell has long tolled. The evil grows stronger every day, while people are not joining their efforts, unfortunately. Still, this does not mean that we will stop trying to convey this idea. We will go on doing it the same way as we always did.
and I would think Russian intelligence some of the best in the world: by other countries “intelligence agencies ” focusing on political objectives, regime change whatever etc they do eg investigating russian threats and hacking, they and their bosses have deliberately chosen not to protect us the peoples…and refusing Rssias offers of collaboration made the situation much worse…hence so many terrorists were known to the authorities, left to travel between countries.Failures have been sanitised by oh, so many we cannot possibly monitor them all, live with it, it is a fact of life now.
I like White Whale comments generally. Also JJ’s
I’m not so sure Moby Dick is the “wicked book” Melville wrote his friend Hawthorne that he had written. I rather tend to think it is a wickedly well-written book about wickedness. Which resides more in us Ahabs contemptuous of Natural Law and the right of Moby and his kin to swim in peace, than it does in the power of Nature and parts of Nature (including ourselves) to defend their (animal kingdom)/our (human) rights.
But I will quibble about this sentence in the whale of a comment, above:
“Meanwhile, there is a real enemy out there.”
Indicating of course, terrorizing groups of humans. I think this is mistaken in direction.
Instead, I’d say, “Meanwhile there is a real enemy IN HERE.”
I’ll expand later, time permitting. But I have to be at Home Depot when it opens at 7 am.
Fully agree, and he is tricky like mad.
I urge everyone to read “The Confidence Man” – vastly superior to Moby Dick in that it resides inside the beast, whilst MD deals with pursuit at sea – this is to say that TCM addresses the internal “fissures” visible at the onset of the diaspora of white tigers at the heart of the corrupt aspect of murka – taken together they are superb. Drink deeply…
Here’s Maria talking Jan 2016 _
Suffice it to recall the tragic events during the Boston marathon on April 15, 2013.
You know well that the perpetrators of that terrorist attack were the Tsarnayev brothers.
Let me remind you that in 2011 Russia informed Washington through its secret services of suspicions that Tamerlan Tsarnayev was a supporter of radical Islam which has nothing in common with the true values of this religion, and that he was an extremist-minded person who was plotting a number of terrorist attacks.
Back then, our signals were not properly heeded. We were assured that everything was normal and that everything was under control. We all remember what that “under-control” situation led to.
Still more surprising is a statement by US congressman William Keating, a member of the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, who said: “The US should not be reliant on Russia to provide domestic security. We should not depend on Russia for the information to make the US safe.” Unfortunately, this logic repeats itself time and again.
This morning, when my colleagues sent me an overview of major events, they added a note, saying: “Many explosions have occurred in the world today.” Regrettably, these are 21st-century realities.
International terrorism has no borders and, unfortunately, we see its manifestations at home, in Europe, across the ocean, in the Middle East and in Asian countries. Is it not clear that only through cooperation and joint efforts can we achieve concrete results and defeat this evil? If we go on acting unilaterally and let the current political climate hamper counterterrorist cooperation, we won’t achieve the desired goal. Those guided by this logic are making innocent people hostage to it.
It seems to me that it’s time to stop thinking self-reliantly that we can do without each other’s help and to stop being driven by the logic of momentary political considerations.
Go Maria. Who is the real enemy? Know that and know all. For me, it’s “anti-love.”
I learned to know them even in school:, brutality, envy, greed, vanity.
Recently a comment called it the “evil, sleeping in our heart”,
which the propagandists of evil constantly labour to wake it up,
making a life by the “banality of evil”
Beautiful animation movie. Enjoy!
Hi. Thanks. You’re link to this beautiful site is an example of why I like this vineyard; because of folks like yourself.
Memory hole:
Remember when Julian Assange linked the Clinton Foundation to ~ Qatar ~ and to ISIS ?
“I think this is the most significant email in the whole collection,”said Assange, whose whistleblowing site released three tranches of Clinton-related emails over the past year. Interviewed by John Pilger, in an exclusive interview, courtesy of Dartmouth Films.
“All serious analysts know, and even the US government has agreed, that some Saudi figures have been supporting ISIS and funding ISIS, but the dodge has always been that it is some “rogue” princes using their oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves.
“But that email says that it is the government of Saudi Arabia, and the government of Qatar that have been funding ISIS.”
Assange and Pilger, who sat down for their 25-minute interview at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where the whistleblower has been a refugee since 2012, then talk about the conflict of interest between Clinton’s official post, (Secretary of State) which she held throughout Obama’s first term; her husband’s nonprofit; and the Middle East officials, whose stated desire to fight terrorism may not have been sincere.
John Pilger: “The Saudis, the Qataris, the Moroccans, the Bahrainis, particularly the first two, are giving all this money to the Clinton Foundation, while Hillary Clinton is secretary of state, and the State Department is approving massive arms sales, particularly Saudi Arabia.
JA: Yes.
Pilger also questioned Assange over increasingly frequent accusations from the Clinton camp, and Western media, that WikiLeaks is looking to swing next week’s US presidential election in favor of Donald Trump – perhaps at Russia’s behest.
But Assange dismissed the prospect of Trump, who is behind in the polls, winning as unlikely – and not necessarily due to his standing with the electorate.
“My analysis is that Trump would not be permitted to win.
Why do I say that? Because he has had every establishment off his side.
Trump does not have one establishment, maybe with the exception of the Evangelicals, if you can call them an establishment,” said Assange.
“Banks, intelligence, arms companies, foreign money, etc. are all united behind Hillary Clinton.
And the media as well. Media owners, and the journalists themselves.”
Source: RT.com.
A few comments on the Patreon account.
The Cafe is the right place to discuss this. Its a long time since I smoked, but that reference to a ‘Gauloises and an espresso’ in the Cafe got to me. ;)
We are working on our Patreon account for a few reasons.
– It makes life very easy,
– Many of our friends are there, Charles Hugh Smith for example, Dmitry Orlov, our own Scott and many more. This morning I will go and make connections with all of our friends there.
– Many of the community asked for it.
– Nothing is being taken away.
Dennis Leary on June 12, 2017 · at 12:59 pm UTC
@ above: I don’t like paytreeon. Just have a gut feeling. I prefer cash or check. Slower but safer. I send donations to Saker by snail mail. Slower but safer. Who needs NSA snooping on the pay-tree? Maybe I’m wrong. Prove it.
Of course you are not wrong. But everything gets sucked out the back end anyway. Especially with those checks. We cannot get away from it .. all financial dealings are wide open.
Anonymous on June 12, 2017 · at 6:37 am UTC
I accessed the Patreon homepage, looked for info about what, who, how, for, where, etc. and found nothing except corporate gobbledygook. Not very promising.
Of course they are a business and will put forward a business approach. Paypal is a little worse than this.
In general, our friends are on Patreon and with them, we can create a space of sanity.
As always TheSaker can overrule, override and trash my comments as he pleases.
(Now for that espresso sans Gauloises)
This comment is from our latest volunteer Amarynth who has put together our Patreon account for thesaker.is site. mod-hs
When I checked Patreon out after Saker’s last fundraiser, I couldn’t see how it operated without PayPal.
I cannot use PayPal.
So if Patreon depends on PayPal that’s it for me.
Does Western Union work for Saker? From Europe?
re: seizing of Russian government property in the USA. Well, Americans even when they are acting like bullies do have a sense of fair play which sits on the shoulder with the good angel but they also love to win which sits on the shoulder mostly of the bad angel so if Russia lets them get away with it—there will be loss of respect all around. Take them to court…preferably one which does not wish to make a ruling just to embarrass Trump.
Patreon works with a credit card and with Paypal as well.
Western Union seems like such an expensive option. Do you have Moneygram? If so, I will check with TheSaker if that is an option for him, and will update this page here in the next day or so if you let me know if it is an option.
Thanks Patreon Worker Mouse.
I plan to pay my dues this autumn when I will be in a position to.
Electronic transfer over the net is problematic for me, and I am outside the US (Europe.)
Any reliable alternatives you know of would be a help.
Larchmonter445 raised the question of an upcoming false flag in a comment on The Saker’s article about Qatar.
False flag Alert —
Canadian MSM TV network, CTV, has reporters in Latvia, providing coverage of NATO’s Operation Reassurance. Canada is deploying 450 troops and is leading a multinational contingent with soldiers from Italy, Spain, Poland, Slovenia and Albania.
Why the on-site TV coverage??
Not to be paranoid, but….
“They” may have Five Eyes.
We now have 10,000.
Vigilent. And watching them.
Great comment, White Whale! Here’s an interesting additional bit of info:
Canada’s richest people are the Thomson family (net worth: 39.13 billion). They own Thomson Reuters, The Globe and Mail national newspaper, and formerly owned 40 percent, I think, of the CTV network until a few years ago.
According to a profile in Canadian Business magazine:
“Over the past few years, the chairman of Thomson Reuters has forged a friendship with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the prime minister and ruler of Dubai, and one of the most influential leaders in the Middle East. It could be a lucrative relationship that will open the door for Thomson Reuters to expand in the region.”
So 2 “interesting” things to note
1/ their control of media…
2/ is this the same Thomson that supplies/manufacture internet routers? ( I could search, but I’m lazy) …. and it’s more along the line of – owning Reuters they control a gateway at the middle of the “news/information” highway.
Owning routers would be the same – they interpose themselves at the critical gateway where we connect to everything online.
Good question, White Whale, about the routers. Will have to take a look and see about that…
So, Canada’s public broadcaster, CBC, is also in Latvia. It appears they are trying to proactively counter a false flag scenario. At least, that’s the conclusion I draw from this article:
It shows the actual forested area where the border fence runs between Latvia and Russia, it interviews a couple people from the border town of Vilaka, and (my favorite part) the article includes a map of Latvia with a huge red dot where Vilaka is, on the border with Russia, and another equally huge red dot to show where Riga is, 250 kms away, where the Canadian troops are stationed.
Just so everyone is clear about those details. :-)
Looping back to this old cafe to leave this here for continuity and posterity.
Julian Assange @JulianAssange
CIA has been backdooring all major WiFi routers for last decade with custom OS including via hacks & supply chain (link: https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Cherry%20Blossom) wikileaks.org/vault7/#Cherry…
4:51 PM · Jun 16, 2017
(A few) Thread Comments
Ezra Lavant @Ezralavant
Replying to @JulianAssange
…… I’d say it was rather all major WiFi router MANUFACTURERS were deliberately creating back doors in firmware to accommodate the CIA & NSA…
Evan Lee Branson @Evan_Branson
…. In other words, what he said, plus corp collusion
Kadse @1kaesekuchen
Replying to @JulianAssange and @MisterCh0c
Why hasn’t anyone found this Malware before? They didn’t use it often, did they?
Kyle Olbert @realKyleOlbert
A few reasons. Most folks don’t think of modems/routers as attack vectors, even though they’re very, very susceptible & very, very targeted…
… most #DFIR (Digital Forensics Incident Response) folks don’t think to inspect routers/modems, & even fewer would actually know how to
… lastly, targets are typically surveilled w/ other means as well. If they contact #DFIR folks, #CIA’d immediately wipe their prints & bail.
Replying to @JulianAssange
And so? What have we got to hide? And we start blaming them for not discovering how Isis planned and carry out operations
@Jaycee …. Joe, ISIS is supported by the US. They don’t want to eliminate them. They want to destabilize the entire Middle East and Russia.
Replying to @JulianAssange
With all of this capability, one would think they would do a better job of protecting us from terrorism. What’s up with that?
I toss this out there for consideration — looking at this list of countries whose soldiers are part of the Canadian contingent in Latvia, I am stuck on Albania. Because if a false flag is a possibility, then I wonder if the Empire is trying to make it look like Canada is allied with Albania. And the Empire would only do that if the truth is that Canada is somehow supporting Serbia.
On to the Internet for some searching! :-) But I come up empty. Trade? Canada has trade agreements with both Albania and Serbia, and is primarily involved in mining and oil & gas exploration. No surprise there.
I did notice on the CANSEE website (Canadian-Serbian Business Association) that Canada is involved in providing some business training through the University of Western Ontario business school. And it seems Israel is also interested in providing training and development opportunities to Serbs through a competition based in Tel Aviv. (And remember how Ivanka and Wendy Deng Murdoch vacationed in Croatia in 2016?)
So… are the Canadians competing with the Israelis over something in Serbia? The Conservative government, led by PM Harper, was proudly “Israel first”. Then the Liberal government came into power in Nov. 2015. Was some arrangement in place prior to Nov. 2015 which is now in jeopardy?
Or is this whole discussion a big false flag of sorts, a gigantic red herring atop a nothing burger. It might be. But I thought I’d mention it.
(where there’s smoke…)
Here’s something – from Nov. 2016
“Serbia backs Canada’s UN Security Council bid despite Kosovo war 17 years ago.”
Trump reportedly considering firing special counsel Mueller, former Comey mentor:
Here is a nice interview with a man called Peter Russell, a scientist, atheist, who is sharing his path of awakening. I think for readers here who are not familiar whith what meditation does for you, how you can explore your mind, your thoughts and just being aware, his explanation is very clear and nice to listen to. Spirituality which lies beneath all religions, is the awareness that you are awareness and it brings you a very peaceful mind.
I hope you enjoy this conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irFpxlXNSYI
We need MORE _ more, dammit, more
Can’t afford clean water in Flint, Michigan.
Can’t afford …… So many, many things _ across the USA and the planet.
But. This insane and immoral military spending.
It is just not enough, says John “ISIS” McCain’s Armed Services Committee.
“Members of the House Armed Services Committee questioned Defense Secretary Jim Mattis over why the Defense Department’s proposed 2018 budget, unveiled in May, does not include the big increases in troops, ships and aircraft touted by the president.
“Mattis tried to reassure House defense hawks Monday, testifying that the “real” Trump administration military buildup will happen from 2019 to 2023.
“Members of the committee have criticized President Trump’s 2018 defense budget as too small since it was unveiled last month, laying the groundwork for a possible hike in the House version of the budget that will be crafted over the coming weeks.
The Navy plan to add nine new ships is “counterintuitive” considering a “near universal agreement” that the service needs to build toward 350 ships, said Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., also a subcommittee chairman on the Armed Services Committee.
Breakdown of Trump’s FY 18 defense budget request
$574.5 billion: Baseline budget for the Defense Department
$29 billion: Other baseline national defense spending (Energy Department nuclear activities, etc.)
$603 billion: Total baseline national defense spending
$64.6 billion: Overseas contingency operations (not subject to spending caps)
$54 billion: The amount Trump’s total national defense baseline spending ($603 billion) exceeds spending caps
$18.5 billion: The amount Trump’s total national defense baseline spending ($603 billion) exceeds the projection set by the Obama administration
There’s Ebola, there’s Syphilis, there’s smallpox. All highly contagious.
And then there are Russians…..
According to the US mouthpiece controlled media, just being in the same room as a Russian is….. Is….. Is …. evidence! And this “evidence” is ….. Toxic to your career, if you are in the Trump administration.
Mike Flynn discovered _ go to Moscow, sit at a table, mind your own business. Without warning, that Devil of all Demons, Vladimir Putin, will dastardly swing by and sit next to you. The interaction takes less than 10 minutes …. Someone takes a photo, and years later it is incriminating evidence of…… Of…. Well “evidence” of having sat at a table at the same time as Putin _ at a major public event…… Dangerous! *
If you’re Jeff Sessions, well merely being in the same room at the same time as a Russian is……… We’ll you can be accused of “meeting” a Russian.
If these accusations can be made by the media in a really accusatory way, well you will be forced to recuse yourself from any investigations into anything to do with ……Russians.
Tucker Carlson reviews the red scare gripping Washington, offering insight into the much talked about meeting between AG Sessions and a certain Russian diplomat that has democrats going bat-splat crazy — calling for his resignation.
“Over the weekend, we tracked down an eyewitness to one of those meetings. It took place at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, the first week of July last summer. It was an event called ‘global partners in democracy.’
“It turned out not to be a very scintillating gathering, staged every four years _ and has been for decades _ on behalf of scores of foreign diplomats who want to see how American politics works.
So Sessions gave a speech and as he left the stage, about 15 ambassadors walked up to say hi to him.
Kislyak was among them.
That was the total extent of the meeting right there.
Sessions and Kislyak never broke away to talk privately.
They never exchanged cash or micro film, or secret messages.”
* | In an interview with NBC News anchor Megyn Kelly, Putin said how he once met former US security adviser Michael Flynn at an event in Moscow.
“When I came to the event at our company, Russia Today, and sat down at the table, next to me there was a gentleman, and someone else was sitting down on my other side,” Putin said.
“I made a speech, then we talked about something else, then I got up and left.”
“That sums up my entire acquaintance with Mr. Flynn.”
See now how “contagious” those Russians can be?
You just can’t risk being anywhere near one, or you’ll be “accused” of……… Meeting a Russian.
Here is a feel-good story…Burt Sacks, an older American from Seattle, defied his government and brought $40,000 worth of medicine to Iraq to save kids there from dying of dysentry.
The US government then persecuted him as a criminal for doing so, but Burt refused to pay the punishing fine they imposed on him. Now here is someone who who deserves a medal!
Well this does get to the root of my friendly directional difference of perspective with the deep sounding light-skinned Leviathan, whose voluminous and very valuable and invariably valid spoutings, after deep diving, can suddenly appear anywhere, from aft to port, from starboard, to just off the bow, to the far horizon……………..
Or………. is he………… the far-sighted the whale watcher, high above deck, in the topgallant mast crows nest?
Peering through the squinting, focussing, retinal glass of his long distance look out lenses, the eagle eyed whaler says terror “out there” :
“Thar she blows!” reaches our ears, far below, even penetrating the thick beams of the crewman’s foc’sle.
I catch a glimpse of one sailor’s face, reflecting a strange mixture of excitement and dread, as he pulls his footwear over his woolen socks, and I scramble after him and several others, up the aft facing stairs and into the light of day, and fleetingly quick-read other faces scurrying about to prepare this and that for the Hunt for Truth, the Blinding White Light!
On deck I peer quickly into the eyes of several hurrying shipmates and I hold a mirror up to my own excited orbs, still smarting from the intensity of the sun. He above looks out, and I look in:
And I see a fear and wonder of the Unknown, that some whale ship owner oceans away has mastered and manipulated into a fearful, murderously prosperous business, capturing our hopes, energies, passions and bodies for years at a time, while we are bound to his material enticements, praying for so rich a man share of the voyage’s catch that we may enjoy years (or at least some blissful months!) of gentle life and love with our actual beloved mate, or one we must believe exists for us…..somewhere, some day!
Terror? Meeting a Russian?
I met one, then married herI
And yesterday she shared this poem by Pushkin with me, so I’ll do the same with you:
What Do You Raise An Outcry Over??
What do you raise an outcry over, national bards?
Why do you threaten Russia with Anathema?
What stirred you up? The throes of Lithuania?
Desist: this is a strife of Slavs among themselves,
An old domestic strife, already weighed by fate,
An issue not to be resolved by you.
Long since among themselves
These tribes have been at war
More than once has bent beneath the storm
Now their, now our side.
Who will prevail in the unequal strife:
The boastful Lekh, or the faithful Ross?
Will the Slavonic streams converge in the Russian sea?
Will it dry up? Here is the question.
Leave us alone: you have not read
Those bloody tablets;
To you is unintelligible, you is alien
This family feud;
Mute to you are the Kremlin and Praga;
Unthinkingly you are beguiled By the valor of a desperate struggle –
And you hate us . . .
And for what? Reply: is it because
On the ruins of blazing Moscow
We did not acknowledge the insolent will
Of him under whom you quaked?
Because we hurled into the abyss
The idol heavy-looming over kingdoms,
And with our blood redeemed
Europe’s freedom, honour, and peace?
You are menacing in words – just try to be in action!
Is then the old thane, resting on his bed,
Unfit to mount his bayonet is Ismail?
Or is the Russian Tsar’s word powerless by now?
Or is it new to us to be at odds with Europe?
Or has the Russian grown unused to victories?
Are there too few of us? Or will, from Perm to Tauris,
From frigid crags of Finland to the flaming Colchis,
From the shaken Kremlin
To stagnant China’s walls,
Flashing with steely bristle,
Not rise the Russian land? Send then to us, oh, bards,
Your sons enraged:
There’s room for them in Russia’s fields,
‘Mid graves that are not strange to them.
“Pushkin wrote this poems after having found out about the (generally negative) European reaction to Russia’s suppression of the Polish revolution in 1830. I thought it was rather striking to see that he could have written this poem today and it would still be relevant to the current situation.”, she commented, to end her email, sent within the same house I received it in.
I know not the details of 1830 or the Slavic squabbles and western meddling Pushkin writes of. I leave that to any historians that can enrich our understanding of Pushkin’s words.
All I know is that I love the way she writes, without fear, and if our worried countrymen would replace their dread of the unknown fostered by those they believe they are materially dependent upon, exterior terror can be starved and constrained if they be freed of their interior terror.
My sense is that Kinterra, teranam13 and Pushkin are not female writers, but they do write amazing poetry, without fear while having a whale of a time.
Clarification Needed in These Gender-Confusing Times:
1. Not sure about kinterra, but I thought teranam 13 was self -identified as being female?
2. Alexander Pushkin was male. I was referring to the way my wife writes: concise, poetic, in a “less is more” Russian way.
3. I am male.
hey you male, watch your e-mail…
I did not think you were referring to your wife, she sounds wonderful. How lucky you are, though it must get a bit heated at times with two writers under one roof…
I once knew a lady from Five Eye Land
Who suddenly from her life had me banned
What I did not know
She explained: „You are so – – !”
How shockingly damning! And this was the end.
A mouse by any other name
Would surely squeak just the same
But mark you well she’ll be back
Just after you’ve hit the sack
Finally peace of mind to find
Squeak squeak snuggle snuggle
She’s dined, cuddle cuddle
Five eyes night night sleep tight
Russia contagious? Well, maybe she is, in a sense…after all, here we are under Ruski “shade” – and the anti-globalist, anti-4th Reich and the anti-fascist crowd, where else have they to gather?
Some may want to re-visit Escape From Sobibor… The nazis made a foolish error and put Red Army men in the same camp with the less disciplined “untermenschlichvolk aus der Ost”, so to speak.
It went badly for the nazis – the Russian “contagion” spread and killed the nazis…
History rhymes, and the White Tigers cry to the heavens for “release”…
The release the Ruski Contagion can bring to them, and Peace, too.
Disarray in the UK is of limited interest here but could prove educational for change-seekers elsewhere. Paul Mason cites Gramsci on taking the first trench in the battle against neoliberalism/austerity:
‘To stop Jeremy Corbyn, the British elite is prepared to abandon Brexit – first in its hard form and, if necessary, in its entirety. That is the logic behind all the manoeuvres, all the cant and all the mea culpas you will see mainstream politicians and journalists perform this week.’
And the Irish are gearing up for battle again, who would have guessed with the 10 DUP MPs now holding all May’s winning cards? That 400 year resentiment was bound to kick off again–here’s hoping it confines itself to metaphorical blood-letting in Westminster this time.
(As a staunch Republican myself,) I had a little cheer on reading this next one from Gerry Adams who is breaking with tradition and longstanding practice to send his 7 Sinn Fein MPs to Westminster for the very first time to counter King Billy’s Orangemen. He predicts a future referendum on a United Ireland!
Mr Adams said: “One thing we can say for certainty, there is going to be a referendum on Irish unity. I can’t say when it’s going to be, but there is going to be such a referendum.”
Jimmie Davis ~ You Are My Sunshine
It’s what the mouse sang, and sunshine on the Vineyard bears fruit !
I try to follow the 5 Saker commentators commandments :
Name of your link results in Name of your link
Soros really does control the world
There’s a White House petition calling for an investigation into the murder of Seth Rich
100,000 signatures are needed by June 18.
At Reddit the_donald, posters have been curious to observe over the past few days, (but especially today), the strange “fluctuating” tally for registered signatures.
They began to suspect the integrity of the online registering.
Someone did what redditors do best, and discovered:
The software/website is owned/operated by a private company…..
A: The site has been created and is presumably maintained by a private company called ‘Blue State Digital’.
Financier-philanthropist George Soros hired Blue State in the fall of 2006 to work on two projects.
The firm created a Web site for a fellowship-like program that sends journalists to New Orleans to document the city’s rebirth.
Blue State also has made Soros’ European Council on Foreign Relations think tank more web-friendly, and has taught academics how to blog effectively about business and economics.
The guy behind it is Macon Phillips https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macon_Phillips
Phillips is a former director of strategy and communications for Washington, D.C.-based Blue State Digital, a private web design firm that eventually became closely tied to the 2008 Barack Obama presidential campaignfor whom he worked for as an internet strategist.
Some comments:
FrankBlack2000GA • 3h
Holy shit! I’m watching it go up and then lose votes in real time!?
HyperbolicHuskey • 21m
Signed this morning at 68k.
_illumination_USA • 0m
Just signed it a few minutes ago and it was back down to 62K. Am I going to be on a Soros hit list now?
When I checked it was 62,710 SIGNED (4:32 UTC)
I signed, and it was confirmed. Total remained unchanged. 63060. Same for past 10 min.
Hmmmm, How about having a novena in Mecca?
Some may find pregnant with political implications that, (one cannot see how it would not be political) suggest that the “alignment changes” we see in response to the 4th Reich are going to rather suddenly pick up speed… (this might be dangerous?)
To wit:http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/47229.htm
The always sober-minded and thoughtful Kunstler writes: ” As our politicos creep deeper into a legalistic wilderness hunting for phantoms of Russian collusion, nobody pays attention to the most dangerous force in American life: the unraveling financialization of the economy….”
The idea is that the country is about to go “poof! in some yet-to-be-seen but unpleasant way – and, one naturally supposes, such a cancer in such a scale would weaken the State and, one imagines, have therefore some dramatic effect on foreign policy in the scope of realpolitik.
Pax 99
So the congressional circus continues _ Comey”comedy-central” has appeared, followed by Jeff-“let’s-get-this-straight”- Sessions, and even a couple of cameos from bat-scat crazy John”ISIS” McCain …..
Over at Scott “dilbert” Adams blog, commentators are raising the screeching decibels of hysteria to even higher ear-splitting hertz _ now the accusation is:
The Russians hacked our election because they knew we’d go ape-faeces-flinging crazy and THAT was their plan all along……
From the interviews and comments I have seen reported from Putin, Lavrov, Russian Senators, Peskov, and sundry others _ they have all been counselling, encouraging, begging the Americans to “stop this nonsense”.
Putin has even tried the psychology of praise-shame, saying (paraphrased), you’re better than this! You’re the biggest, most powerful country the world has ever seen, no-one can do this to you, you are doing it to yourselves…..
At SPIEF2017 in front of Megan Kelly and auditorium of 5000, he’s even offered them medication……. (because mental illness is treatable)
He’s mocked the hackers* conspiracy, he’s tried being rational, he’s used deductive logic, he’s still exercising patience, even while stating Russian patience is running thin…..
Myself, I actually now see this kabuki at the congressional hearings as terrifying.
The Demons have been all but fully unmasked now; their players, tactics and control are fully visible…. And still so many are asleep to the narrative, or even co-opted into the vortex to destroy not just the US, but all countries, and liberty everywhere.
* the DNC. Was. Not. Hacked.
the emails were LEAKED. There is a HUGE difference
Seth Rich
The Whale Reports are such a service.
Vot Tak’s Zio-gay watch is missed…hope it’s just a well deserved vacation/rest.
Primate faeces flinging fits……or one UUUGE Jerry Springer episode, one can see how responsible adults like Putin may be disconcerted by our displays of infantile rage and irrationalism.
There are some adults in the house here, and we do hope the children will settle down soon, and go to bed.
But please understand, Vladimir and Xi: We are a young nation! Very young!
Mundo: Wouldn’t Jung agree? I haven’t got far into your recommended readings yet, but I am curious: What’s the Jungian take from high in the Bavarian Alps on our infantile shit fits, way below (in consciousness terms) ???
Thanks Bro.
I feel very verbose in this cafe….. And I hope my “finds” are useful.
I don’t have a TV and no longer consume toxic controlled legacy media, so I collect sites and pieces that offer a different perspective – I glean what CIA_NN and the rest are reporting from sites such as Breitbart and The Duran.
Hi White Whale … can you email me at saker-webmaster@yandex.com .. want to discuss thesaker.is news features. …. herb (webmaster)
Bro, Jung wasn’t in the heights, he was low in Zürich.
But sure he was conscious of America as a young entity.
As he shared the old insight, that an occupier is unconsciously seized
by the soul and the spirit of the conquered culture and accordingly experienced the American unconsciousness as filled with a black psyche and a native spirit.
Fine stuff are his letters to his wive from America in:
Seth Rich
WATCH: Attorneys In DNC Fraud Lawsuit Seek Court’s Protection, Cite Seth Rich
Attorneys Jared and Elizabeth Beck of the DNC Fraud lawsuit publicly announced today via Facebook live stream that they had filed a motion to the court seeking an order of protection.
Jared Beck spoke, explaining that the decision was based in part on the unusual deaths of Shawn Lucas, Beranton Whisenant, and Seth Rich, as well as threats and bizarre phone calls the plaintiffs and counsel had received.
Beck said in the video which can be viewed below: “After much consideration and deliberation, we have concluded that it is time to bring these concerns to the court’s attention.
Today we filed a motion asking judge William Zloch to provide protection of the plaintiffs, their counsel and their families, as well as all of the witnesses in the DNC Fraud lawsuit.
In support of this motion, we have cited the following events: the untimely death of our process server Shawn Lucas, the unsolved murder of DNC employee Seth Rich.”
Disobedient Media also noted questions raised by the suit in relation to the death of process server Shawn Lucas, who would have served as a federal witness for the Becks in the litigation process, as well as that of Seth Rich. Many believe that Rich is the individual who passed the DNC Leaks to Wikilkeaks before he was murdered in July last year.
Jared Beck described what he termed “threats” that the attorneys, plaintiffs and their employees had received, before mentioning an offer of protection that had been recently extended by the right-wing group The Oathkeepers.
“The Russians” as a (false) narrative started in July 2016
And since then there have been so many, many accusations, counter-accusations, reversals, extrapolations, and plain delusional inventions _ its hard to keep track.
This site might help
By Paul Thompson:
Since April 2016, I’ve worked with a team of people to put together the most detailed timeline on the Clinton email controversy.
With this in-depth knowledge of the issue, one recently revealed event stands out as the most important “smoking gun” so far that isn’t getting nearly the attention it deserves: the deletion and wiping of Clinton’s emails in March 2015.
This essay draws on the timeline to put together what is publicly known, revealing aspects that have been completely overlooked. The evidence points to destruction of evidence by people working for Hillary Clinton.
Platte River Logo (Credit: public domain)
To understand the 2015 deletions, we have to start further back in time, in June 2013.
Clinton had ended her four-year tenure as secretary of state earlier in 2013, and she hired the Platte River Networks (PRN) computer company to manage her private email server.
This was a puzzling hire, to say the least, because PRN was based in Denver, Colorado, far from Clinton’s homes in New York and Washington, DC, and the company was so small that their office was actually an apartment in an ordinary apartment building with no security alarm system.
The company wasn’t cleared to handle classified information, nobody in it had a security clearance, and it hadn’t even handled an important out of state contract before.
……… Go to site for more ….
Light by Capricorn (deutsch Steinbock = “stone-ram”) – Ruler in Sagittarius.
Great week
May 12 th is Trump’s Birthday. One can believe in coincidence or not re the massacre of Republicans and Policemen near Washington D.C. Mentally ill people can be manipulated into violence especially male paranoid schizophrenics.
…and so it begins. sigh.
Sorry terra, the Donald’s birthday is today June 14
Sun met him about midnight
don’t loose confidence
he is a rare specious
I did some research on this matter, and I have come to the opinion that Guccifer 2 is probably a DNC Computer Expert who wants to try to spread disinformation and who wants to try to discredit that Seth Rich Leaked DNC Emails to WikiLeaks.
There had already been Clinton and DNC Leaks to WikiLeaks during 2016, and of which Hillary Clinton and the DNC were Aware of at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/05/flashbackjohn-podesta-im-definitely-making-example-suspected-leaker/ , and on 12 June 2017, Julian Assange said that there would be further Hillary Clinton and DNC material that would be Published on WikiLeaks and Hillary Clinton and DNC were Aware of that at https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/jun/12/wikileaks-to-publish-more-hillary-clinton-emails-julian-assange , and Kim Dotcom had mentioned that this would occur in his Interview of May of 2015, and so there would have been Discussions of how to deal with this, and that Most Certainly Include what Lies to speak.
I am Not an expert on Computers, and I will offer some opinions of what may have happened, and if there are Archived statements either correct or disinformation or opinions of others, then those things Need to be considered and adjustments to some of my opinions would have to be made where appropriate, to fit the Known Facts of this matter.
I will assume that much or all of the material mentioned in those links that I provide in this comment is accurate.
Hillary Clinton and the DNC had been Inventing their Lies with regards to this matter since July of 2015, because that was when Hillary Clinton’s Unauthorized Clandestine Secret Email Server and her Espionage because of those Classified State Department Emails, was referred to the FBI for Criminal Investigation, and the did Not want to say that the DNC Leaks done by another Democrat, because they thought that there were Votes for the Democrats if they said that a foreign Country had hacked their Computers.
The Shadow Regime had Already Selected Hillary Clinton long ago to be their Corrupt Puppet.
The Clinton Campaign assumed during the Primaries that Hillary Clinton would receive more votes that what Senator Sanders would, but Hillary Clinton could Only Usurp the Democratic Party nomination with Widespread and Systematic Vote Rigging, Election Fraud, and Many Dirty Tricks and Lies and Slander against Senator Sanders which was Undemocratic and Unamerican at https://electionfraud2016.wordpress.com/ , and Most Americans want Electoral Reform, and Most American Voters and Taxpayers do Not the Establishment Democrats and Establishment Republican on this.
These are Facts that are Known to the Puppet Mainstream Media, along with the Establishment Democrats and the Establishment Republicans, and yet they do Not mention this.
This is because these People are the Puppets of the Shadow Regime.
These Puppets of the Shadow Regime Know the Vote is Rigged for them to be Illegitimately in the Congress, the Senate, and even in the White House, but they do Not like that a Less Establishment Candidate like President Donald Trump was Elected, and they have been Scheming a Coup since Election Day.
The Shadow Regime has Selected them to be their Puppets, and they Willingly go along with that, and this is Why they do Not want Electoral Fraud, but Will Lie and they have Wrongly blamed a foreign Country, because they think that their Puppet Hillary Clinton Should have been President.
This is Why there are Corrupt Establishment Senators who want to Continue with this Lie and they are talking of sanctions on Russia for Influencing the Election, because the American Shadow Regime does Not want Electoral Reform so that Americans can Elect Representatives who will look after the Legitimate Interests of the American People.
There are People who have their opinions on what is Needed, but Voter Identification Cards, and Only Paper Ballots to be Used, because the Shadow Regime and their Puppets Do and Always Will Rig Electronic Voting, and there should be 100 % Public Funding for Elections, and there is a former CIA Analyst who Knows that the System is Corrupt and Rigged, and he has an opinion on Electoral Reform at https://phibetaiota.net/2017/01/graphic-electoral-reform-act-of-2017/ .
I think that Julian Assange Knew that it was Seth Rich who Leaked those Emails to WikiLeaks, and we Know that Julian Assange said that more Leaks would be Published, and so on 14 June 2016, the DNC release their Lies Alleging that they have discovered their servers were hacked, but I think that this was Leaked by the Democrat who would have the Moniker of Guccifer 2.
The DNC release a statement on 14 June 2016 and make mention of the Trump Opposition Research that was part of that Alleged hack, but Really was a Leak, and something of ‘substance’ had to be given in order to help the temporary Deception at least until Election Day as far as Hillary Clinton and the DNC were concerned, and it would benefit them with regards to those who Voted for Senator Sanders, and on 15 June 2016, the Private for Profit company Crowd Strike Allegedly gave an Alleged update on an Alleged report of Alleged malware that they Allegedly found on the DNC’s server during an Alleged investigation in May of 2016, and they Allege that ‘evidence’ suggests the malware was Allegedly done by Russians, but the Vault 7 Umbrage program that everyone has because the Clinton probably sold it to other Countries, means that it can Never be proven who hacked a Computer, but one thing is Obvious, and that whoever it looks like hacked a Computer, then it is Not them, and I think that Guccifer 2, who is a Democratic Party Member and an American Citizen was Allowed to hack the DNC Computers to Wrongly blame it on Russians, and it Could Easily have been done by that for Profit Company working for the DNC and for Hillary Clinton who they thought would be the future President to Make Them Rich, and that is what I think Really Happened at https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/ .
I think that it was because of the Lies that Guccifer 2 was saying to People that he is a Russian hacker and that Seth Rich Leaked to him and then Gudccifer 2 passed that onto WikiLeaks, and Kim Dotcom said that Seth Rich Leaked to WikiLeaks, and I think that it was this reason that Julian Assange ‘admitted’ without actually admitting that it was Seth Rich who Leaked those Emails, because WikiLeaks does Not reveal its sources, and Julian Assange said one month after the murder of Seth Rich on Dutch Television, and it is Highly Suspicion how a Dutch interviewer was familiar with the Seth Rich one month after his murder, in a far away Country, and saying that it was an attempted robbery, and so it appears that the Dutch Interviewer was Coached as to what to say regarding Seth Rich at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/wow-breaking-video-julian-assange-suggests-seth-rich-wikileaks-dnc-source-shot-dead-dc/ .
We know that Seth Rich Knew that the Best way that the material would be Certain of reaching WikiLeaks was to Leak it directly to WikiLeaks, or and to use either a Stranger who claims to be Russian and who Could and Was a Democrat and American Citizen working at the DNC would Not guarantee that the Emails that he placed on his flash drive would reach WikiLeaks, and it would be an Extra Unnecessary Risk for Seth Rich to tell a Stranger that he was the Leaker or to ‘entrust’ that DNC material with a Stranger, but Seth Rich Trusted Julian Assange and Kim Dotcom, but the DNC used their Computer Experts and possibly some People in the FBI or some Private Detectives, and they found that Seth Rich was the Person who Leaked the DNC Emails to WikiLeaks, I will essentially Ignore what Guccifer 2 has to say, and any Tricks and Deceptions from that source along with much of the Lying Mainstream Media.
I Will pay more Attention to Julian Assange and Kim Dotcom, and it would be interesting to Know what their Research is on Guccifer 2 or anyone else who claims to be the Leaker, and perhaps Julian Assange and WikiLeaks may not comment on that.
There are Many Americans who think that an Investigation that does Not involve an Honest Investigation by Robert Mueller on Seth Rich is a cover up, and so we can see Why the Shadow Regime wants a witch hunt on President Donald Trump, because they want to cover up this up, and we have seen how the Puppetized Establishment Democrats and the Puppetized Republicans how they praised the former Director of the FBI, and how the Deputy Attorney General allowed Mueller to be special prosecutor even though it is Illegal, because Mueller have Masive Conflicts of Interest in this matter, and Puppets Know that former FBI Directors have the Dirt on them.
This is Why there are People who think that Robert Mueller Should be replaced with someone Honest, or that a parallel Special Prosecutor be Appointed, to Scrutinise the Secretive and Dishonest work of Mueller as he is doing it, and if warranted, to replace him along with Criminal Charges of Perverting the Course of Justice against Innocent Americans, and any other Crimes that he may commit against American Law.
There are People who think that a Presidential Pardon is an Obstruction of Justice and that it Perverts the Course of Justice, and the way Bill Clinton used it to Reward those who gave the Clintons Money like Marc Rich, but the Founding Fathers Knew that the President had to be able to Pardon People, and there are Many Americans who think that President Donald Trump Should have already Pardoned Several Americans or even Many Americans, who are worthy of being pardoned.
This is because the Founding Fathers Knew how Devious and Subtle some Corrupt Influential People and Journalists could be, and how Easily some or Many Americans could be Deceived at times, and so this is one Reason Why an Honest President will Pardon some Americans, because of Considerations for the Benefit of the Country.
We have seen how the American Shadow Regime has been able to Corruptly install Robert Mueller as special investigator against the President.
This is because Muellerism, which includes the Mueller Team is Not an investigation, but it is Modern Day McCarthyism, because they are the Corrupt Puppets of the Shadow Regime.
There are Many Americans who think that America Should be a Nation of Proper Laws, but they have seen Evidence of Criminality by the Unelected and Unconstitutional Shadow Regime and their Puppets.
The Establishment Democrats and the Establishment Republicans, along with much of the Mainstream Media are the Puppets of the Unelected and Unconstitutional Shadow Regime.
It is Illegal under American Law for Robert Mueller and his Team to be conducting this Sham McCarthy era ‘investigation’, because they have Definite Conflicts of Interests, and the Law says that, and the Attorney General Knows the Law, and he also Knows the Shadow Regime.
Robert Mueller Conveniently was made the FBI Director by the Shadow Regime one week before the 11 September 2001 incident, and I use the word incident.
This is because to use the word 11 September 2001 attack would overly suggest that foreigners where responsible for that, and there is No evidence that Osama bin Laden was responsible for that.
There are some Americans who have a Theory that Osama bin Laden was responsible for that.
We Know that Osama bin Laden could Not have done it on his own, if he did it.
This Would then mean that there Would have to be more than one Person involved in that Crime, and that is the Legal Definition of a Conspiracy.
This means that those who think that Osama bin Laden along and others were responsible for that are Conspiracy Theorists, but Real Evidence has Never been provided for that Conspiracy Theory at http://www.ae911truth.org/38-home-posts/78-education.html .
There are other Americans who have another Conspiracy Theory that does Not contradict the Laws the Physics as Robert Mueller did with covering up with the Building 7 collapse, and they think that more than one Person was responsible for that, and so their Theory, is a Theory regarding that Conspiracy to commit a Crime at http://www2.ae911truth.org/11rfa911.php , and Danny Jowenko, who was a World Expert on Controlled Demotions died in a car accident 3 days after he said in an Interview that the Building 7 collapse was Definitely because of a Controlled Demolition, and there have been claims that modern cars can be hacked and remotely controlled, and this is Why there are People who do Not want so called ‘smart’ cars, and so there Could be People who think that People will say what Mueller and his Team want them to say, even if they are Innocent or have to Lie, because of Knowing the leverage of the Shadow Regime, and possibly the Attorney General may have heard of the leverage that can be used by Criminals in Court Trials.
It has been claimed that the Records of Pentagon Spending were kept at Building 7 and at the Pentagon, along with Evidence and Papers for Court Trials for what happened to the Trillion of Dollars of Unaccounted for Pentagon Spending and where it went, and those who are Guilty did Not want to be Questioned under Oath in a Court.
Robert Mueller and his Puppet Masters, along with the Establishment Democrats and the Establishment Republicans, have Bankrupted America with Illegal and Immoral Wars in the Middle East and Mueller spread Lies regarding Iraq to help enable that Act of Terrorism by America against the Iraqi People, and they are Involved in a Real Conspiracy to try to commit a Coup on President Donald Trump.
There are People who think that Robert Mueller Should recuse himself from this matter, but the Shadow Regime may not let him, and those extra Unaccounted for Trillions of Printed Pentagon Dollars Should be added to the Debt and it Will be Paid by Americans by means of Inflation, because that is what happens with Money Printing, and the Bribed and Corrupt Puppet Media and the Attorney General Jeff Sessions are Aware of these things at http://www.usdebtclock.org/ .
We Know that Senator Sanders said during the Primaries that he was Not in favor America’s involvement in Middle Eastern Quagmires, and we can see that because of Mueller and the Shadow Regime and their Puppets that every American has a Debt of $ 61,000, and every American Taxpayer has a Debt of $ 165,000 and Mueller Participated in Covering Up for the American Intelligence Agencies for the President George Bush the second Administration, and Mueller helped create the post 9/11 Surveillance State or SS, and that Mueller helped facilitate the Iraq War Propaganda Machine, and Osama bin Laden categorically Denied any involvement with 11 September 2001.
We have seen America once again creating Divisions between Ethnic Groups of a Country, and it is Syria this this time, and this is a War Crime, it is a Crime Against Humanity, and it is Genocide.
We Know that America’s Shadow Regime has a History of things like that with the Genocide of the Native American Indians.
Britain and America did this in the Balkans with what is now Known as the Balkanization of the former Yugoslavia.
America has Not as yet Confessed to their War Crimes against Slandered Innocent Serbia, and against the Slandered former Innocent President of Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic, or for Slandering of the Innocent Serbian People.
There are Many Americans who think that America Should give Monetary Compensation to Serbia for the American Crimes of 1999, and Serbia is Filing Charges of War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide against America and other Countries at http://www.b92.net/eng/news/society.php?yyyy=2017&mm=06&dd=08&nav_id=101494 .
There are People who think that America should not confess to this Evil Deed of 1999 or pay compensation.
If this Evil Deed had been Confessed to by America, and if Compensation had been Paid, then America would have avoided their next War Crime of Iraq War, which will cost over 7,500 Billion Dollars.
There are Americans who think that the Money wasted on the Iraq War and other Countries Should have been Spent in America, with some of it having being used for Lower Taxes.
Then there is the other Trillions of Dollars that was Wasted on Illegal and Immoral Wars against other Middle Eastern Countries after the Illegal and Immoral Iraqi War.
This is why there are Americans who think that paying Compensation to Serbia in 1999 along with a Confession of America’s Evil Deeds would have been a Good Investment for the American Taxpayers who have Paid Trillions of Dollars for Illegal and Immoral Wars, and they could have had better Infrastructure, and Lower Taxes, and either Free or Very Affordable Tertiary Education, and a Cleaner Environment.
A News Article of by an Honest British Journalist written in 2006 says: “How much do you know about Slobodan Milosevic, the deceased former president of Yugoslavia? Here’s 10 statements that we’ve all heard many times in the western media these last seven days. But which of them are true and which are false? 1) Milosevic was a dictator. 2) He was a Serb nationalist. 3) He was responsible for the break-up of Yugoslavia. 4) His 1989 speech at Kosovo Polje was a nationalist rant that inflamed ancient ethnic hatreds. 5) He started four wars. 6) He was responsible for the massacre at Srebrenica 7) He ordered a systematic programme of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. 8) He was toppled by a “democratic revolution” in 2000. 9) The trial at The Hague had produced evidence of his guilt. 10) He will be mourned by “only a few”. How many do you think are true? Seven, eight- all of them? The answer is zero. Every single statement is untrue” at https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2006/mar/21/tenquestionsonslobodanmilo , and there is the News Article Titled: The Demonization of Slobodan Milosevic at http://www.michaelparenti.org/Milosevic.html , and it says: “There is no better example of the tireless demonization of the Democratically Elected President Slobodan Milosevic, and of the American supported wars against Yugoslavia”, and the Bribed and Corrupt Media continue to Lie to this day, even though they Knew that it was a Lie way back in 1999, and America created and Funded the Sham court known as the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia or ICTY, and this Sham court Whitewashes America’s Crimes and Acquits America’s Guilty Accomplices and Wrong Convicts Innocent Serbs, and it is merely another manifestation of the Criminal American Establishment and its Puppets.
America is doing the same thing to the Democratically Elected Legitimate President of Syria, and America and its Allies like Israel want the continued Balkanization of Syria, where the initial Balkanization of Syria began with Israel Illegally Occupying the Golan Heights, which Belongs to the United Nations Recognized Country of Syria.
There are Countries near Syria who have Kurdish minorities that have Concerns that the American led attempt to Balkanize Syria may spread to the surrounding Countries, and Turkey has mentioned Concerns regarding that, because America wants to create a Country of Kurdistan on Syrian Territory, and there are thousands of Ethnic Groups, and Only appropriately 200 Countries in the World.
We Know that the European Union was created to Prevent Balkanization, but the European Union became a Puppet of America who has a Policy of Balkanization of Countries, and that explains the European Union and the former Yugoslavia, and the European Union was created for the Advancement of Peace and Reconciliation, Democracy, and Human Rights in Europe.
America has No legal or legitimate right to be in Syria, and America has Illegally attacked the Syrian Army who are Mandated to Defend Syrians against Enemies of the Syrian State and against Terrorists, and All People have the Human Right to Self Defense under International Law, and America is promoting Divisions between the Kurdish People of Syria and the Syrian Arabs, and America is doing this with promises of creating a Country of Kurdistan on Syrian Territory, whereas the Kurds are Syrian Citizens, and as such they should Not act as proxy for a Foreign Aggressor, and these Countries are mainly Britain and America, and America created their Secret Ally of ISIS as an Excuse to be in Syria, and ISIS along with the Kurds who want to create their own Country to be built on Syria’s Territory along with other Terrorists are America’s coalition partners in Syria, and this action of promoting Divisions among the different Ethnic Groups in Syria by America also Constitutes War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide, and People can follow the Syrian War and how the Syrian People are Defending themselves at the South Front Website at https://southfront.org/ , and the Establishment Democrats and the Establishment Republicans would Never want to Impeach any President for committing Genocide, because that goes against Every Fiber of their Evil Bodies.
America’s Illegal and Immoral War in Syria has caused Many Syrian People to become Refugees from Syria, and they had to seek Temporary Asylum in Europe, and there could be Terrorists claiming to be Refugees, and the Syrian Government has asked European Countries for some assistance to Resettle Syrian Refugees back to Syria so that they can Rebuild their Country.
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