2017/09/16 17:00:02
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.
The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post.
The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
Saker Webmaster
thoughts are drowned in a sea of information without end
rapping through the day
but in our little quiet Vineyard corner’s neighbourhood’s
is to be heared the ticking of the time in vulva valleys and mount penis
ridges for everyday far into the time of getting old and listening
inside and beginn planting the very little plants of human reflection and inflection
under the stars of eternity listing the lights and think like a child = love what is to love
when it’s time to do so
Thanks for the SitRep from the land of Eros.
sometimes, to be able to read, what I would like to read
I have to write it.
Waiter ! did you saw Kent somewhere here ? I have some music heard outside, made by the Empire, hope you folks enjoy that :
Music of Hell
Sir, I know you love the music as well
But there is something else…
There is a music which comes from Hell
Thrown upon us and has a bloody smell
Those who’re serving it with great pleasure
Are doing it as if this is the greatest treasure
Served on golden plates,
decorated with flowers…
Sir, forget the smell,
it’s parfumme for others…
Promising sweetest life beyond the wall
For all those who pick up on their call.
Then, then comes the fearing stuff
for those not weak enough
Scaring and cheating,
week after week
Preaching the war, naming it “Holly”
Upping the fear, making them worry
Strangling their pockets and their health
Then saying :
“Pick that plate and you’ll have good wealth.
Are you afraid ? not yet, here’s some polka
to be afraid from those who wear a burka
Are you regrouping and coming together ?
We’ll make you to confuse him with her,
Left’n right, right’n left, where’s the track ?
You’ll search for a needle in the haystack
Are you confused ? or some other music,
Maybe a tango, beating folks with a stick
Then have a good week.
Maybe a charming waltz,
on the street, kicking the bulls on their balls
Then spit their dolls…
Isn’t the life sweet and better beyond the walls ?
Pick that plate, eat that snack with us,
and accept, We’re you’re Big Boss”
That’s the music Sir,
Which plays today so well,
Music of Hell with a bloody smell.
And I didn’t tell ya all,
The list is way too long
Too strong, for a bloody short song.
Thank you.
Delusions about North Korea abound in America… some are saying war is already inevitable…
North Korea is not much of a threat, but America does not realize how they are getting played…
“America does not realize…”
well that’s quite solidly true…disinfodelusional and illiterate…the People know, but Murka does not – it realizes nothing.
a very sharp and accurate essay about the K-War chapter 5 of Bill’s book, in fact…
and it ought to be on the front page of every newspaper in the world, especially the papers they read (do they read?, can they?, would they?) down at the shop…
entire essay : http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/47825.htm
I might suggest that facts tend to reveal, ahem, “fissures” in a tapestry of bs…take a look…
fragment (this entire essay really ought to be spread about)
“…”The unadorned way that an apparently increasing number of them [American soldiers in Korea] see the situation right now is that the Communists have made important concessions, while the United Nations Command, as they view it, continues to make more and more demands … The United Nations truce team has created the impression that it switches its stand whenever the Communists indicate that they might go along with it.” {57}
At one point during this same period, when the Communists proposed chat a cease fire and a withdrawal of troops from the combat line should take place while negotiations were going on, the United Nations Command reacted almost as if this were a belligerent and devious act. “Today’s stand by the Communists”, said the UNC announcement, “was virtually a renunciation of their previously stated position that hostilities should continue during armistice talks”. {58}
Once upon a time, the United States fought a great civil war in which the North attempted to reunite the divided country through military force. Did Korea or China or any other foreign power send in an army to slaughter Americans, charging Lincoln with aggression? …”
descurainia sophia
a gold summer flower
deso cut down
deso late summer’s
descurainia desecration
sophia desolate
gold flower high upon
the ukrainian cross
descurainia sophia
To Drink from a Marble Fountain
There’s a feeling of power in reserve,
a power which drives right through the bone,
like the shiver you sense in the shaft of an ax
when you take it into your hand.
— You can strike or you can not strike,
if you choose to hold back the blow, you still
feel inside you the resonance of the thing.
September 2017, Buenos Aires
Anonymous and MaDarby, appreciate your poems, thanks.
Kinna fun ta watch fer us commies…..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7Av1Xv_4ko meantime in t world people r nuts….but maintain normal decent values, mostly….
3 good uns Bill Blum especially http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ today………his Korea history is worth keeping clear
More on what is happening in Myanmar–opinion piece.
I’ve been wondering why zionist rag Breitbart is so hostile to McMaster – he’s one of theirs, right?
Seems the reason is he’s not ‘strong on Iran’ :
Ukrainians attacking Ukrainians in Israel, mistaking one for a Russian, the hate is strong in this hero of the Ukraine:
Hi. Hi from O-High, Ojai, California. It’s 6:09. I just went out to view the dawn, and saw the crisp crescent moon with her attending planet glimmering in the east. My spontaneous response was: “Joy, joy, joy!”
I got up at 3:33. I went to bed last night at 10, and woke for good at 2:30 (not mentioning a couple of short pee breaks). I lay in bed for an hour, mainly thinking of you and love, according to the Love Army’s first division injunction to “think love.”
Why this obsession with time, says I to me? I think it has to do with synchronicity, the sister of serendipity, the time and space twins. I spontaneously think of Jung and mundanomaniac.
When I got up at 333, I did my usual routine of walking the counter clockwise path around my one acre portion of this three acre paradise, after the shock and awe of the starfield overhead with its milky way land of milk and honey. This time I also added the wonder of the micro, quantum stars beneath my feet, and in my body, commonly called quanta.
I called on the lover shrine, and kissed the blarney stone, in shrine parlance the lover’s clitoris and source of pleasure’s reality, sacramentalized in an actual round stone.
I stretched out my arms in imitation of the peace sign circle pointing to the mountain range supine womam in the east. I just do these rituals now automatically, rather than dwelling on their how’s and why’s.
I passed the young avocado trees and the hobbit house my son built to sit in on the circle of tree stumps, standing for lovers who gather there from the eons of space and time. Again, now I just do these things, or is it that they do me?
From there I stood behind the triangle of wood beams on river stones, pointing to the north star, with the blarney stone clitoris and lipped vase for vagina, kissing the stone while thinking to add a cup for the urethra.
Then I passed the rebar configuration of the Star of David intertwining triangles of David and Bathsheba, thinking of Dylan’s Sweet Marie and her lover so entwined; to the Great Shiva projection over the greenhouse, lying down on the plank in the relative warmth of 60 degrees, compared to 57 without.
I then went out to lay on the altar of sacrifice, gazing up at the stars, and feeling relaxed and at home.
Next I came to where I am now, with the rooster crowing over my right shoulder; and with my son sleeping in my motor home to my left. Yesterday, we went to Santa Barbara for a workshop in 3D printing, an awesome experience of the future in real time.
Last night before retiring, I read Saker’s Letter to his Friends, another awesome piece in real time with real events. Never has evil been so exposed, including the banality of bummers like myself. If his friends, the Russian and Jew, remain friends after reading the letter, they are friends indeed. An example extraordinaire of love undergirding knowledge.
This morning I am playing catch-up or catch as catch can. Allow me to do a reprise of Leary’s spark notes, which spark inside of Dennis; very brief to be sure, lest he repeat everything said, all valuable, to be double-sure.
I took special note of the comment by Willem regarding chauvinism, and male chauvinism in patriarchal particular. This dovetails with the frontspiece of the male pyramid in the Louvre, Paris, where I walked with Apolonia many moons ago, when we were man and wife, then my sex and now my ex.
My reading of this three day cafe picture is an apt symbol of patriarchy, ruling us with its foursquare base of:
1. gullibility
2. lack of interest
3. chauvinism
4. fear
Nice call, Willem. I interpret chauvinism as male patriarchy, which rules by 4. for fear. It certainly is true in my case, patriarch that I am, although recovering in my mind at least. I agree that the Truman Show is a better analogy than the matrix, since I can never quite remember the difference between the red and blue pills.
A pop-up in my mind is the Eagles’ song Hotel California, where you can always check in and out, but never leave. Well, I have found a way to leave, with the Love Army, but that’s another story.
Continuing my musical reprise, there’s the repeating chorus of 6,000,000 Jews, linked to by Anonymous. Oi vey, oh woe! Pass the dough.
twilight took the cake and cake walk too with his “Blair’s Orwellian methods have spiraled to every corner of the globe, especially China and Russia–who both claim a desperate need to control the lives of their populations.” [that’s debatable]. What’s not debatable are the war factories on Russia’s borders, preparing the hordes for overwhelming the small Russian population by human numbers, per war economics.
twilight quotes Tony Blair: “So, thank god and the pope and me, the people of the West now understand that the ‘right’ wars are a good thing…” Just wars [an oxymoron] were implanted in my brain by Catholic education. Serial killers can walk the streets or the highways of high finance.
I liked the comment by Zena that linked to The Paradoxical Commandments by Kent Keith, with the motif of “love them anyway,” in varying applications. Put’s me in the mind of the Ten Commandments of Love, playing off of Jesus’ one new commandment of love.
I also liked Devil’s Advocate’s “better of two evils argument (relativism) and necessary evil (absolutism) equivocation; along with whitewashing evil as mistakes. Thus, we avoid facing evil head-on, or dispensing with it altogether.
I’m following my Learyism spark notes. Eric Zuesse is my next spark in the dark. I read his “Christ’s Ventriloquists,” and being an ex-priest, think I know something of the subject; and I got the feeling that Eric did not know what he was talking about. Again here, I get the sneaky suspicion that he is covering for the Jews, in his 1% Jewish article.
I think the Jews are one half of the geo-political coin, the other side being the rich Anglos, headed by the Roman Pope, as a symbol to simplify the babble-on babel tower of towering lies that smother us with information as disinformation. I conceptualize this as Count Khazar and Pope Unorthodox, to personalize the impersonal perplexity of propaganda overload by overlords. Eric go back; Erin go bragh.
Scott Humor humors us with Eric Schultz’s copying of Russian pilots, to his grave conclusion, with Russia handshaking ET’s hand. My ET is the Love Army, the only ET I would trust.
Talking trust, there’s the thrust of bitcoins, detailed by Ramin Mazaheri. The devil’s in the details, like the details of that smily, wily smile–beguiling as socialism. I don’t trust such bits a bit; they always come back to bite their victims to bits. In plain, unsmilely terms, I dislike usury in all its use-you bits, bites or bytes–according to the Love Army’s fifth division.
I continue with a reprise of Cafe 9/13. Dennis is attempting a grand narrative, spearheaded by the Love Army’s first commandment to “think love.” Some prefer to “feel love,” which is fine, but I prefer to start where we’re at, as “homo sapiens,” or rational beings, half-truths to begin with, and hence “benign lies,” which belie the truth, etc.
ioan gets on my case regarding Jesus’ diet. I’m developing Jesus into She’sus, so in my projection, Jesus would be a raw vegan like me, who at a Moveable Feast would thus defeat the beast of war, and save the day with this saker cafe.
However, as I’ve said dozens, if not hundreds of times, I could be wrong, but I’m right to sing my song.
mundanomaniac says: “Denis’ ignorance of the apocalypse allows him his paradise garden.” Yes and no. Reversed jungly, paradise allows apocalypse. Dennis knows what the shadow knows Behind the Green Door, and he also know the green garden of Eden, destroyed by the “green eyed monster of jealousy,” called patriarchy or evilarchy.
Eimear reminds me that “karma is a bitch.” Like those Russian jet pilots, Dennis has an Inner She reminiscent of Dylan’s Jet Pilot:
“Well, she’s got jet pilot eyes from her hips on down
All the bombardiers are trying to force her out of town
She’s five foot nine and she carries a monkey wrench
She weighs more by the foot than she does by the inch
She’s got all the downtown boys, all at her command
But you got to watch her closely ’cause she ain’t no woman
She’s a man”
I’d amend that to: she’s a woman and a man, like She’sus. I’m acting in mundanomaniac Jung’s spirit of the times, according to the Red Book.
ioan would be the first to notice teranam’s switch from Dostoevsky to Shakespeare, but Dennis is the first to publicly note it, with glee, I might add. ioan’s moans embody both but lean toward Dos in quantity. I don’t mind since his gems so sparkle with shakespearean sparklers…and herein end my spark notes.
Whew! I feel like I finally caught up with you gals and guys. But not so. My mind tells me I lag far behind. Oh, well, I shoot from the hip, unlike Bro who lines up those bottle and cans in the tunnel of love, and aims his sharp-shooting eyes at the top can. No can-can dance in this love cafe to make my day, and blow my blues away. Ole, what can I say?
OK, OK, I’ll do what you say, and shut the love up. Anonymous shall be my curtain call with her or his Black Panther meme, of which I have some personal hear-say knowledge. It’s serious business, this war business; and as I look in the mirror I’m not smiling, Ramin style, although my words belie it.
Let the words be the foil for the horrors of terrorized humanity, comedy to comfort the tragedy of empire. I am creating a paradise here where I live, just to show it can be done, at least as a spark of time. The Love Government is designed to fall, like a house of cards, for the fun of it.
The Love Army and the Evil Empire will both fall, and what remains is just us in all our naked truth.
“You got some big dreams, baby, but in order to dream you gotta still be asleep. When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?”
Well, I hear my son stirring in the motor home nearby. So I’ll say goodbye with love, and post this at 9:09 in memory of Den 39 and Bro 93.
Love, Dennis
” I am creating a paradise here where I live, just to show it can be done, at least as a spark of time.”
The one and only Nr. 1 of the eternal to-do list.
Teacher Leary
I’m staying still,
against my will
willing to fly
willing to cry
in my motor house
with no cat, no mouse,
sometimes is scary,
lonely and hairy,
my name is Leary
commander in chief
of an army against thief,
fighting against evil
with tarots of devil
with fluids of sex
pouring on beds
from those communal
encounters as usual.
I may be stubborn
but you’ll have to learn
till your mind will burn,
cause this is my way
I’m not gonna sway.
laudly and quiet
I keep my diet
I’m a half horse,
you’ll keep yours.
Now, before I fall
I’ll go back to stall
Eat some seeds and hay
And teach you, if I may.
Gotta Run
I wanted to join the fun
But too soon it’ll be one
In the morning. Oh dear!
I’m sorry! I’m outta here!
Not yet. I lied…….
Best Shot
Keep your powder dry!
The Cafe Shooting Range
Will need sharpest eye
And wit, capacity to change
From shooter to next target.
No ducking! Take your turn!
Shoot straight to the heart!
Accurate aim is our concern.
Cafe of Dread
Although this joint’s a closed up clam,
Ioan keeps the spirit of Parody alive!
Dennis provides the sacrificial lamb,
I hear the bleating! Can he survive
A Cafe so empty…..Oh, a Cafe Cruel
So few stopping in to hear his sermons
On the Count, the Lover and the Fool?
Half the clients are relentless Germans
That want to take the joy right out of sex!
Zeusse extracts the juice from anti-Jews
What are we agin’ or for? It’s so complex,
Paris, Zola, Dreyfuss,Treason! J’accuse!
Written in the reverse order of historical time and rhyme, sense and nonsense like practicing your aim backwards in a mirror. But now I HAVE come full circle and I am yours, truly, this time, OUT of here!
Kudos to 93
Oh 93, you sure know to shoot the breeze
shaking, rattling and rolling in the hay
a tussle with Dennis most every day
but never in cavorting resorting to sleeze
So you stay high, and have the last say.
Who stole our culture?
The history of political correctness
Hungary is removing statue of György (George) Lukàcs (Lukach)
Gyorgy Lukacs, born Löwinger (Jewish), son of a high-level investment banker, was a leading figure of Marxism and might be called the godfather of the Frankfurt School. No compendium of 20th century’s most influential psychopaths would be complete without a lengthy entry on Lukacs.
Just to give an example, discussing Dostoevsky’s famous ‘The Grand Inquisitor’ tale in ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ Lukacs notes in a preface, written in 1962, to his ’The Theory of the Novel’:
“ The Grand Inquisitor is right, and Jesus is wrong. The Inquisitor represents man in the real world, who must commit any act for the good of the community; and in those acts, he knows “neither crime nor madness [..]
The Inquisitor is the model for the revolutionary cadre; he understands that the world “has been abandoned by God,” and acts accordingly. Jesus is a hopeless abstraction; a goal which gullible people emulate, but which can never exist in the real world. The true “saint” is the Inquisitor, and Dostoevsky has him conclude: “And we who, for their happiness, have taken their sins upon ourselves, we stand before you and say, ‘Judge us if you can and if you dare.’ “
sigh well Doestoyevsky was prescient or merely followed the thesis of a certain type of rationalism to its logical conclusion….What the Inquisitors of the USA today are saying is rather
Judge us if you dare and if you can . And with their usual cant the underlying whisper of contempt and rage is thus: And ” we, will make it so you can’t ”
As for Doestoyevsky being a universalist—well, he was an unabashed Rusophile and was quite harsh in his generalized criticism of Germans, French and the English. In Bro. Karamazov he actually has the family hatch the scheme of the older brother being sprinted off to American to gain American citizenship and under the guise of that and a new name gradually make it back to Russia–the only place for a true son of Rus to live.
History Chapter of Marxist Correctness
Thanks, mods, for clearing my confusion regarding posting. Also thanks to the community for your feedback. I take it into consideration as vital components in the constitution of my consciousness; all under the central command of love.
I like this ioan koan: “mundo, your astro-diary is better than Leary’s diarrhea, with so much fruit and oiled salads, with no bread and no cheese.” Nicely put from that point of view.
Continuing the food and drink thread, teranam 13 remarks: “RE Leary feast: for someone who speaks so much of the waters of life, there is no wine to share?” Well, yes, I do sip wine at ritual feasts, but otherwise not.
J. L. Seagull is a big fan of Orthodox Patriarchs. I am, too, with the proviso that they be developed along with life.
mundanomaniac offers these gems in the rough: “others study political economy instead of Denis’ ‘mere projections’ ” and “your poetic talent and religious rigorosity is like roses and thorns.” I take it to heart as part of the Love Army’s commandments.
Thanks, Paul, for Hitler’s Rants, regarding Trump. Very funny and on the money. I have a soft spot in my head for the Donald. I think he is being used by the Love Army as ground zero rather than a new-found hero; sort of like the Love Army uses me as a fool and useful tool. Donald and Dennis hold up mirrors in this house of mirrors.
Sharp-eyed ioan caught mundanomaniac’s astromundane diary’s 10th anniversary. Nice catch, and congratulations.
vot tak, the realist statistician statesman, links to hacked sex robots that can kill. They already do by reason of their tech pets a la Elon Musk’s warning re AI.
Bro 93 linked to Tammy Wynette’s Divorce in Caps, and Arnold’s how to divorce your wife third eye shot. All zooms in to that first shot by patriarchs upon womem. Miss that and miss all. It was the fall of all. The Love Army shows how to get up after such a fall, and thanks to its ten commandments, we have not yet fallen into world war 3 free fall.
Why do I get so putting-off personal? Because the political is profoundly personal, including warts and all. We don’t like it, and so we project it onto the political. We are trapped in the net of being and causality, a metaphysics of patriarchy. I prefer to swim where I can win: in the waters of love, which Jesus changed into wine, and She’sus changed into theirs from his and hers. That’s not heresy or hear-say, nor is it sacrilegious; it’s sacramental, where the lower orders break borders into vineyards of vision behind the shades and mirrors.
Don’t sweat the relativity; its healed and held together by love’s centrality, but that is discovered by personal existential authenticity, using the scientific magic of serendipity and synchronicity.
I tire of my vineyard drum beating, as Eimear puts it. I need a nap, for getting up at 333. I will need to process the karma running riot over my love dogma. Anxiety and depression, come pullin’ on down, like Dylan’s slow unobor train of hard rain. With the Love Bower inside and the Love Army outside, I can take the pain for the gain of you. With Lady Love at my side, I can feather-bed the ride among the steely eyed analysts and no nonsense realists.
Love from Ojai,
A few interesting articles:
NATO ex-Secretary General: “Russia is trembling, let’s finish it off with force”
(I think it is clear that Rasmussen is not entirely compos mentis)
Haley Warns World: Mattis Will “Take Care” Of North Korea If Diplomacy Fails
(Haley is, of course, pathetic, as is US foreign “policy”)
Inside N. Korea – How the US Under-Estimates Them – Excellent Russian TV Report
“Those who consider North Korea a backward state somewhere far away in the middle of nowhere, make a big mistake.”
6 MAJOR US foreign policy failures of the post-Cold War era
The Wolfowitz Doctrine and the document A Clean Break, set out contemporary US policy against Russia, China and the Middle East dating back to the 1990s. These documents, while still influential in Washington, have been abject failures on many fronts.
I forgot this one:
Jimmy Carter and Putin Agree on N. Korea: US ‘Oligarchy’ is the Problem
It seems evident that the “symposium” here, the drinking together of…well, many things, might elevate to greater heights under the influence of some solid book reviews…reading in History of genuine events, not from the canonical myths.
The idea here is a classical one of reading in depth and sharing… Benjamin Franklin wrote about his “junto” of pals and comrades in his youth… just a recent example. Too poor in money and too poor in hours, they divided the study and shared their gleaning, thus making an efficient usage of limited resources in a collective…
Some may decide to read in depth and report…share. I myself may write a review/summary/precis from time to time…and send this along.
This is a suggestion… It seems to me that we ourselves are not entirely aware of the histories which brought us here…errors in our mythological a-priori assumptions…but we may improve the situation. Let us read in depth and harvest…eh?
American interference in Moscow elections:
Well, thanks, but I fail to see the connections
I think it is a good idea, waiting for your post.
What I have in mind is going to take a bit of time, reading for understanding is faster than reading with precision for a paper that may be examined carefully by critics who actually analyze and test.
in the Rhetoric tiny errors (and big ones too) can be fatal, as people cling to their gods, their canon…
Humor, as I have pointed out, is the Rhetorical vehicle to form the thin end of the wedge… People will believe what they will…and reject everything else, except if you seal truth into the envelope of laughter. George Carlin spoke of this…not my creative idea.
That makes things harder. I am going to try.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Laughter of the political kind can seal things into a bubble of conformity as much as any other kind of emotional manipulation. example: The Late Night Show, The Daily Show etc. etc.
One man’s canon is another man’s anathema….. unless some common ground is found ( that of the universal human experience?)
Good luck, though, I look forward to everyone’s contribution here and think over many of them. I find myself changing slowly over the last 3 years and certain aspects of social reality present more crisply than before. My own dogmas and habitual way of coming off the block have been sometimes painfully highlighted as I take ideas and information out of the forum and in reverse bring data in. Grinding of the mill and food for thought
Thanks for Encouragement…the thing is mostly internal
Not intended to be obscure, but the mental images of the operation of vacuum tube circuit in oscillator and in amplifiers (these are essentially very similar machines) includes aspects on the molecular level that suggest analogies to the macroeconomic flows I see over the Histories. All of the Histories that the boffins find. These are both visual for me. Others? I do not know.
In unstable amplifier the cathodes (or other elements) sometimes get hot enough to permit arcing… “Arcing” being the process of self-destruction we call “war”. The word “cathode” is worth exploration, by the way…it’s key to understand Ru Policies… Other conditions also include “saturation”…another feature that operates analogously at macro level…and another line too, for later. Then there’s trace gasses, unstable (radioactive) elements to make cold emissions, and “getters” and on and on…you get the idea. Tubes are wild!
On the level of the ‘electron”, however…my intuition is that “arc” and “laugh” are identical…as both leave permanent effect on structure of operating elements – either a thin strip of coated metal, or on a brain…same-same. Are brains vacuum tubes? Another joke…some are!
Because we have zero political power, I would moot that we cannot engage in ‘political humor” because we have zero political realm – no politics is possible just now. There is no arena.
Consequentially, attempts at this non-existent illusion are expected to produce other than desirable effect, if any.
The conclusion I hold at this preliminary moment is that analog model in space “other”, ie outside of Dasein and outside Community…floating in space…so to say – Is that analogs that illustrate “arcing”, (essentially unnatural singularities ) may be observed as at a Chautauqua, thus modulating the “kinetics” to which each “electron” is subject, ie avoid cognitive dissonance by placing things on or in another “universe”…to look from Mars (that’s a pun!)
Do people here know of Steve Allen’s TV series “Meeting of Minds”? That ran similarly, and Steve was funny…made ’em laugh…by looking at matters in space “other”. But it was another time and only similar. Ethics is situational…as Steve knew.
(As aside, this micro-meta model which includes the VT and the Histories as images running, has been strongly rejected by one well-known Russian expat who ought to have understood it – a cautionary cognitive failure that astonished me. Other writers, also well-known, have embraced it. These men are quite a bit older than my Russian brother (all names avoided).)
The operative mechanism is that since men believe what they will communication of non sympathetic data is rejected as simultaneously a “clumping” of a sympathetic group forms to re-enforce whatever willful delusions they may align together.
Later. Chores at dawn
Speaking of minds…
This is worth bookmarking :
128 Nations Sign US Declaration on Reform of United Nations
This can’t be good news.
No, it isn’t good news.
“Following the meeting, the sides may adopt a declaration on broad reforms, proposed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
“In recent years the United Nations has not reached its full potential because of bureaucracy and mismanagement,” Trump said at the meeting, which was held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.
In the run up to the meeting, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzia said he was unsure if Moscow would sign the declaration. He noted that none of the ideas proposed by Washington complied with what had been suggested by the secretary-general, adding that one could not “undertake the UN reform and change the UN through a declaration” and insisting that such a reform should be carried out through an inter-governmental process.
“Neither they [the US] nor any group of like-minded countries can carry out a UN reform without the consent of all member countries,” he pointed out.”
Obviously, the israeloamericans are attempting to make the UN even more a puppet to their interests than it is now and make it more if a tool for their overall goal of subduing the multipolar countries into colonies of an israeloamerican dominated world regime.
See this article for more detailed analysis:
Here’s what to expect at this week’s UN General Assembly opening – Trump’s debut
Thanks for the posts, vot tak. I was perplexed by this UN reform initiative — I found a link to the 10-point declaration. It all seemed entirely vague, like “Mission Statement”-speak, until the last point.
“Tenth, we recognize that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development, and we further recognize the role of the United Nations in providing a platform for partnership to enable global sustainable development.”
That sounds like a defense of Israel’s right to non-compliance with all the U.N. resolutions about the Palestinians. (Social development??)
“That sounds like a defense of Israel’s right to non-compliance with all the U.N. resolutions about the Palestinians. (Social development??)”
Exactly. The trump proposals for un changes revolve around neutralising the UN with regard to zionazi war crimes. The UN were “bad boys” for criticising sacred israel, and its puppets, we gotta stop that, is essentially what the trump regime, is working on here.
Today I caught the afternoon broadcast of the zionazi quisling network (clear channel “conservative” radio in pindoland). The sods led off on trump’s un “reform” corruption. First off, the sod claimed the UN did only two good things: recognize israel and start the Korean war. The sod had on a guest from the american enterprise institute (neocon central), some zionazi homosexual named rueben, i believe, who ranted and raved about the UN failed israeli interests, was a leftist outfit which also failed to rein in Russian, Iranian and Syrian vilany. The sods also lavished dripping praise on nikki This Haley for her UN work and as govenor of n. Carolina. This radio network dominates ratings in the usa and is 100% a zionazi/trump regime cheerleader.
Baghdad says it won’t tolerate ‘2nd Israel’ as 1,000s of Iraqi Kurds hold independence rally
“On Saturday, the city of Erbil saw thousands of protesters turning up at a pro-independence rally, ahead of the scheduled September 25 vote. Colorful Kurdish flags hovered over the crowd as participants danced and cheered at a concert in Shanidar Park, with firecrackers briskly lighting up the sky.
Alongside the Kurdish colors of red, white, yellow, and green, Israeli flags could be seen flying in the crowd.
An epic photo from Erbil, capital of the #Kurdistan Region of Iraq, taken today. #Israelpic.twitter.com/z8heLFKoXK
— Ceng Sagnic (@cngsgnc) 16 сентября 2017 г.
On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu buoyed the vote, saying Israel supports the “legitimate efforts of the Kurdish people to achieve their own state.”
However, Netanyahu’s remarks didn’t appeal to Baghdad, which opposes the Kurdish resolve to establish an independent state.
“We will not allow the creation of a second Israel in the north of Iraq,” Vice President Nouri al-Maliki said Sunday, as cited by AFP.
The Kurdistan regional government must “call off the referendum that is contrary to the constitution and does not serve the general interests of the Iraqi people, not even the particular interests of the Kurds,” al-Maliki said.
Earlier, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi also warned of a “dangerous” decision on secession, calling it “playing with fire.”
The PM went as far as to say that Baghdad “will intervene militarily” if the Iraqi population is “threatened by the use of force outside the law.”
any connection between this
“The moon will perform a spectacular astronomical ‘dance’ past three planets and a Leo constellation star as part of a rare lunar ‘occultation’ on Monday.
Depending on your location, you may get the opportunity to see Earth’s natural satellite ‘cover’ Venus, Mars, Mercury or even one of the brightest stars in the sky, Regulus.”
and just announced UN 130 countries signing up to usa proposals to change it?(not checked yet if included Russia-China etc)
Auspicious, or suspicious?
In my reading Cancer til Virgo = family sphere aka family-egoism, the dynamic of the rich
leading families. With Moon in Virgo Mercury directs even that sector in whole: Moon, Sun, Mercury self, Mars.
But it’s all talk, no policy, signing a proposal. Policy is SCO, BRICS aso.
to this weeks image of cristalline rectanglesness, not bare of any feeling, cause the fountain is life, aptly fitting to the waning ‘rectanglesness’ (perpendicularity) between Sun and Saturn this week.
Saturn’s Number is 4 = ‘complete’ (east-west-north-south, and so on)
now I finished my Monday-Blog, and, as German and English language=spirit cover different spiritual ‘masses’ I might post here the link for my “German readers” (Bro)
My non-German reader: see you later … on Wednesday in the English/American world
Kinterra’s way
kinterra has come,
kinterra has gone
she’s on the track,
she would be back
sooner or later,
will tell us the waiter.
oh, sweet happy hours
where are your flowers
where is your charm
which no one can harm
where is your voice,
so warm, without noise
bursting the power
in the needed hour.
But it’s more than I could say
today, about kinterra’s way.
A very detailed analysis and an interesting twist. A ‘crudely staged deception’ :
“Have We Been Deceived Over Syrian Sarin Attack? Scrutinizing the Evidence in an Incident Trump Used to Justify Bombing Syria”
I stopped in late and gratefully took in good cheer from Teranam 13 for my last night late night trio.
See you at the Shooting Range where girls like you and Annie Oakley shine!
Dennis is invited too!
(The bottles are not him, and he will not be killed….they are just things he said…… that cannot survive rigorous examination, but their demise may yet open others’ eye’s…..it’s so much easier to get the point, if the target bears a certain resemblance, but is not you.)
In fact, though he owns no firearms, and never will, he’s a shooter too, a Cupid Archer of the Piercing Arrow,his get away his Dodgey Art (Dodge Dart??) , just when you think you’ve hemmed him in…..
Will the Lamb of Love Go on the Lam?
And while we blow most of his absurdities apart with our lead
Shattering nonsense that dribbles out his keyboard from his head,
Here’s the ironic, paradoxical, frustrating and most annoying part:
We shooters become The Self Shot At by Narcissus’ poison dart!
For in refuting him we risk resembling that which we disassemble,
So practice breathing and holding steady aim…and do not tremble.
All foibles, bottles, sins and tin cans of all us shooters are fair game,
The end is not destruction of any, but rather, fair fun and better aim!
I apologize for the delay in the Grand Opening. It couldn’t be helped……Busy week!
Also: The Cafe Shooting Range is still under conceptual construction. What can I say?: “Build It and they Will Come!”
Not Yet Done
Delay and cost overrun
Delay and cost overrun.
Nothing new under the sun!
Yikes! Again it’s almost One…
Shooting Range– ( tongue in cheek, folks)
The Falcon poises hungry for trolls
duck and cover! shelter in place
93 posits a shooting lambaste
no time to be silly, cute or droll
let’s ban the bullets: just use mace
Bro dear, Dennis is 77, I am 75, would you, just for weighing
time/life-curve as a truth of each one of us commenting here
would you like to tell your year of birth (mine is 1942) or even
more if you dare, oce you confirmed you Aquarian birthday,
Denis gave his complete dates one day … it’s just only
“one moment in the conversation of the gods” (Jung)
so it enhances, at least to me, the range of colours to appreciate,
another one of us precious human ‘unica’ – to look and appreciate,
for this we a here in this human oneness of eternity methinks
and each one at his place
to be there a good Vladimi,
a good Saker and a good Baba Bejing
adults at their places
Head in the Stars
Mundano minds his Space and Time
But forgot that I’m a Baby Valentine.
Correspondence of a mood with Mars,
Jealousies, hopes and dreams of ours
Emotions synced with motions in heaven
Oblivious that I stated I’m sixty-seven!
Far out Pluto can’t evade the Murnau Kid
Nor Nasty Neptune or what Uranus did.
Good heavens! He’s got all that stacked
Up in his brain,all in fine order, all exact
How well he masters each wanderer’s path!
But here on Earth? Oh,help him do the math!
He’s too high up in the Alps of Bavaria
To find a square pasture’s surface area,
Yet, what we can hardly comprehend
Or see is naturally in his zodiacal ken!
(Due south of Samara I saw first light,
Two fourteen, nineteen fifty. Good night.
OK, I remember slightly: Valentine. When I grew up in the fiftieth,
there was no Valentine in Germany, it entered later via the flowershop’s
ads as an American thing like Halloween, never sunk into my heed
hence soon into oblivion.
Thanks for your ‘secret of Samara'(later home of the Abbsides caliphs),
your nice poem and reminder of my true math-weakness.
But my “square pasture’s surface area” finally had been found
(see my https://twitter.com/mundanomaniac template). The time high
up in the Alps has gone due to my old hips to be stressed for no more
than two hours- walk only.
Enough with this personal bits.
Dawn Yawn
You’re so right!
Basta! Basta!
And hold the pasta.
It appears this closed joint
Is now besides the point.
Another toke on a stogie
Another poke at Astrologie
Becomes an overkill overdose!
And sickend patrons all morose
From excess late lampooning
Are leaving, cursing, swooning.
But what IS the point?
The Point of Freedom
The “Free” Man isn’t Free!
What? Hell! How can that be?
Waiter, you’re well tipped:
A Fool just read the script!
And sent his slavish soul
Into some Dark Black Hole
In farthest out..outer space,
A traitor to the human race!
Reading what Massa writ
Like some Fool, talkin’ shit.
The Pointed End? I won’t spoil it
Slavery must go down the toilet!
His stock and worth just went south,
Put a diaper on Morgan’s mouth.
China Claims to Have Arrested Japanese Spy
“Ken Higuchi was arrested in the port city of Dalian, Liaoning province, less than 200 miles from the China-North Korea border. The Dalian City National Security Bureau is probing Higuchi to determine if he is a spy against China or not.
In March, China detained six Japanese nationals under suspicions of espionage. Like Higuchi, the men were arrested in port cities. Three of the detainees claimed that they were doing geological research into Chinese hot springs, and they along with a fourth man were released in July. The other two remain in custody.
In September 2015, China also detained two Japanese men and accused them of spying.”
But who are the japanese working under?
Central Banks fire warning shot over cryptos:
Bonus: Cryptocurrency scene from the series Mr. Robot :
Paging Amarynth… what say you? :)
I”m on vacation with self-imposed reduced computer hours. Will tell you next week :-)
T M has new essay ….what’s next…(fragment) “According to US grand strategy, as defined by Admiral Cebrowski in 2001, and published in 2004 by his assistant Thomas Barnett, all of the Greater Middle East must be destroyed except for Israël, Jordan and Lebanon.
Consequently, the imminent victory against Daesh will change nothing of the Pentagon’s intentions.”
“…Alors que l’Armée arabe syrienne, l’aviation russe et le Hezbollah s’apprêtent à en finir avec Daesh, le Pentagone planifie une nouvelle guerre contre la Syrie, cette fois avec des troupes kurdes….”
fr > http://www.voltairenet.org/article197914.html
en> http://www.voltairenet.org/article197938.html
Would you like a wave of nausea with your coffee?? Read on…
Ever-flowing fount of mercy and benevolence, Google, will grace Canadian students with sanctified education about fake news. (Oh how I wish this announcement was fake news!!)
While all that is needed is a trip to the local library and a free read of a basic critical thinking book. That plus turnng off the poison faucet of MSM which the former will happily assist.
But that is the last thing the ‘Ministry of Truth’ would encourage and instead will spread this cosmetic layer of a shaped obfuscation crust to seal their reeking propaganda manure.
:-) Great reply. And I suppose in a few years, when these befuddled ANTIFA members need to be reintegrated into society, the taxpayer will have to pick up the tab for deprogramming.
Hip, hip hooray for progressive education!
Putin orders to end trade in US dollars at Russian seaports
“Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the government to approve legislation making the ruble the main currency of exchange at all Russian seaports by next year, according to the Kremlin website.
To protect the interests of stevedoring companies with foreign currency obligations, the government was instructed to set a transition period before switching to ruble settlements.
According to the head of Russian antitrust watchdog FAS Igor Artemyev, many services in Russian seaports are still priced in US dollars, even though such ports are state-owned.
Artemyev said the decision will force foreigners to buy Russian currency, which is good for the ruble.”
Next, mark all parking places in front of US embassies and consulates as “Handicapped” with triple fines for violation–payable in Rubles.
Or Venezuelan currency. That would be hilarious.
Hitler tries to ask Donald Trump a question.
Very clever editing in this one … will make you laugh !
Hitler’s firmware update disaster
Warning: Watching this Hitler Rant could upset ones normal composure.
Be ready to pause and recover.
In honor of Poroshenko’s upcoming visit to Canada, here’s a quick review of the Canadian government’s ties to Ukraine: in 2014, the Conservative government at that time followed an ‘Israel-first’ policy, which in practice, translated to unequivocal support for the foreign policies of Netanyahu and his Likud party. I’ve seen several references to PM Harper as Netanyahu’s best friend. In late 2015, the Liberal government wins the election. And continues supporting Ukraine (with a few noteworthy changes), even though the Liberal party doesn’t draw much support from Ukrainian-Canadians, isn’t very close to Netanyahu, and campaigned on improving ties with Russia. ???
The Liberal Party’s key fundraiser is Stephen Bronfman, Montreal-based Jewish-Canadian billionaire (the Bronfmans made their billions from their Seagrams business.) It appears Bronfman, whose family is one of the world’s most generous Jewish philanthropists, is considerably left of the Likud party.
It looks to me as if Trudeau was elected with the unofficial mandate of passing the Ukraine-Canada Free Trade Act and shifting Canada’s involvement in Ukraine to a Pro-Jewish, Pro-Israel, but not Likud position.
It is extraordinary that no one in the Canadian media is discussing the Hasidic Jewish, Dnepropetrovsk connection between Canada and Ukraine. No one will touch this. The Tyee, the left-wing online news site in BC, attacked Trudeau for allowing special access to him by Chinese businessmen (kind of like a very tame ‘pay to play’ situation). The right-wing publications attack him repeatedly for lack of support for neocon policies (that whole fighter jet fiasco, pulling Canada’s Air Force out of Syria, not supporting oil & gas projects enough) and for proposing tax increases.
Nobody touches the Ukraine issue, as it pertains to the Canadian Jewish community. Trudeau seems content to let Canadians believe he supports Ukraine in defense of the 1.3 million Ukrainian-Canadians – who largely don’t vote Liberal. While inexperienced as a prime minister, he is a skilled politician.
Canada is having a NDE (near death experience). There is a TOTAL news blackout in Canada. The only person talking about it is ex-Canadian John Helmer
Trudeau’s father is not Pierre Trudeau. It could be anyone. But it could also therefore be Leonard Cohen or Henry Kissinger.
It’s true, Helmer has investigated this a little – although personally I think Freeland is used as a head-fake, and extremely effective one, to distract from who’s really pulling the strings on this administration’s involvement in Ukraine.
And I’m ticked off. It looks like the government of Israel, a bunch of very wealthy oligarchs (Bronfman family, Kolomoyski, Pinchuk, Rebbe Kamenetsky and so on) owe the Canadian taxpayer some significant reparations. For drawing from the Canadian public purse for their personal causes, bringing considerable disgrace to the Canadian Armed Forces and Canada’s international reputation — while presenting a false premise for Canada’s involvement (I.e. Russian invasion) with absolutely no consultation with the Canadian people before handing over taxpayer funds.
And every Canadian business who uses that Canada-Ukraine free trade agreement owes war reparations to the people of Ukraine. Ditto for the Honduras free trade agreement.
One more comment on this: if the Harper/Netanyahu access has been replaced by the Trudeau/Bronfman one, and is now anti-Likud, then just say that.
(Is there some secret cave in Ottawa with hieroglyphics which citizens can decipher to learn the government of Canada’s *actual* policies??)
Let’s be brave and openly state that the Trudeau government will maintain a minimal contact with the Netanyahu administration — until there is a regime change in Israel — if that is the actual policy. With Ukraine alone, there is evidence of dealing in bad faith by Netanyahu’s government, so I’m sure the average Canadian citizen will understand.
I would like to read a book on the history of Korea since the creation of the current North Korea.
Any recommendations?
Take a look at the historian Bruce Cumings, a specialist on modern Korean history.
Former Finnish Defense Commander General Gustav Hägglund considers NATO enlargement to Eastern Europe as an error without which many of the current crisis would have been avoided. With the expansion of NATO, Russia has become more and more cornered, he suggested.
According to Hägglund the border came when NATO announced that it would prefer to join Ukraine and Georgia.
– It’s been like a dog that’s driven into a corner. It barks its time, then it bites. If instead of starting to expand would have NATO settled into partnership, the world would be very different at this time. There would not be these crises. Not in the Baltic Sea, and in many other places, Hägglund said on Wednesday at the inauguration of the (Into) book of “Stability in Inheritance”.
Finland, the General viewed, should not join Nato because membership in the defence alliance would ultimately result in the wind-down of the Finnish Defence Forces.
According to Hägglund, the world is shifting toward tri-polarity with Russia, China and the United States holding the reins. “The EU is a light-weight and a runt in terms of military capacity,” he slammed.
Hägglund is not the only experienced Finnish military commanders with critical opinion of Nato expansion. Colonel Ahto had blamed without mercy America as the true aggressor behind the war in Ukraine. Younger military expert lieutenant colonel Jyri Raitasalo has written 2 years ago in his blog: “Nato is not a real military actor”.
“As an example, most European NATO member-states spend between 50 and 80 percent of their military expenditure on personnel and only 10–20 percent on equipment. Thus, many — if not most — European states have an unhealthy military spending ratio between personnel, operations, and procurement. And after several years, this means lower capabilities and too few major military systems.”