2019/03/20 10:00:01
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.
The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post.
The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
Saker Webmaster
my contribution ??
To wrap oneself in a flag and don the uniform to enforce Constitutional obligations of “suppression of Insurrections and (to) Repel Invasions” is patriotism. To become aware the use of political discord, coups and the U.S. military are used for international oppression and carnage by Wall Street for their economic benefit is enlightenment.
It should be clear that “United States foreign policy” is, in reality, Wall Street’s foreign policy. And war and international government chaos is the foreign policy of Wall Street. Repeated initiatives by Trump for peace [ North Korea, Syria, ME] have been reversed by hidden, and not so hidden, neocon and cabinet pressure and have subdued impeachment hype by MSM and Deep State.
Wall Street (with Britain) deliberately set up the HMS Lusitania to be torpedoed in WW I to protect loans made to European nations. WW II was initiated to eliminate Japanese industrial competition with a false flag Pearl Harbor. Government documents obtained by Robert Stinnett [DAY OF DECEIT] using FOIA reveal the use of sanctions on Japan demanded by Wall Street were imposed as a long-term strategy with their crony Franklin D. Roosevelt to pressure Japan to attack the United States. In the same manner sanctions are currently being imposed on North Korea and Venezuela.
DEVILS CHESSBOARD (David Talbot) and THE BROTHERS (Stephen Kinzer) each confirm that Wall Street utilized their old crony Allen Dulles to create the CIA so the nefarious acts of Wall Street such as starting WW I and WW II could be concealed from the public under a cloak of national security. John Perkins (CONFESSIONS OF ECONOMIC HIT MAN) identifies how Wall Street uses the IMF, World Bank, CIA, the US military, State Department and others to gain domination over foreign nations. William Blum in KILLING HOPE; CIA AND US MILITARY INTERVENTIONS compiles a voluminous list of nations that have been the target of Wall Street oppression. Douglas Valentine in CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME concludes the Wall Street actions he has seen in foreign nations are now being seen in the United States. Cf. Michel Chossudovsky, GLOBALIZATION OF POVERTY AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER or GLOBALIZATION OF WAR.
Trump’s current threat of military aggression by a coup in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua recalls how the US made an example of Panama. After Torrijos stiffed Wall Street on Wall Street loans, his airplane strangely exploded in flight. Wall Street got congress to “pay Panama for the canal territory” (again) for the return of the canal (which was resinded) but the money (from the taxpayers) was seized by the bankers to bail them out.
Noriega, who had been the CIA’s man to facilitate shipments of drugs through Panama, was installed. Noriega’s organizing the OAS to resist domination by the CIA led to the bombing of Panama killing thousands and U.S. imprisonment of Noriega on bogus drug charges. The OAS was shown the price of resistance to the dictates of Wall Street. This analysis is not shared by MSM.
Ike sought peace in Paris. The CIA countermanded his grounding of the U-2 and sabotaged Francis Power’s flight to derail his efforts. Ref. Fletcher Prouty. When JFK’s back-channel for peace with Moscow was discovered, he was labeled a traitor and the CIA killed him. JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE by James Douglass, PLAUSIBLE DENIAL by Mark Lane; ACT OF TREASON by Robert Groden. Carter’s torpedoing of a nuclear aircraft carrier and firing of 600 CIA agents led to OCTOBER SURPRISE by Barbara Honegger. Nixon closed the CIA school at Leadville teaching Tibetans how to invade China and then he opened China (CIA’s would-be enemy) for trade. Nixon’s firing of 700 CIA agents was too much. Wall Street hounded RMN out of office with tainted CIA evidence.
Chaos in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, the 9/11 event can all be traced to the above actors. Mueller’s Russian-gate is only one of numerous ploys by Wall Street to disrupt the programs of Trump—which started even before his election—and political discord between two parties which are each controlled by Wall Street, are deliberate distractions to cloak the instigator.
The manner in which Wall Street has used the Federal Reserve to embezzle money from the US government to fund the above globalist oppression, among other nefarious acts, has been presented at https://thedailycoin.org/2018/08/16/a-look-at-the-federal-reserve-through-a-different-lens/ Inflation created by Wall Street/FRBNY is full-value embezzlement from the people which benefits WS. [One of the footnotes cites a Wall Street memo that identifies collection on the $21 trillion US debt as the “ultimate goal.”]
If the discontinuation of war-mongering, excessive taxation, and elimination of inflation is the objective, challenges should be directed toward something other than the president or the government.
thesaker.is is now developing a bookshelf feature … you have good reading recommendation here .. can you email saker-webmaster@yandex.com or vineyard.mod_hs.unseen.is with a full list of your recommendations … herb
Daniel Ellsberg’s recent book, The Doomsday Machine, was an interesting look at the inside of government in the late Eisenhower and early Kennedy years. Ellberg at that time was a former Marine officer with graduate work and connections at Harvard who got a job working for the Rand Corporation. His main task was analyse around the question of Global Nuclear War. As such, he had a front row seat to how the Pentagon operated with the civilians of the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations.
During the Eisenhower years, the Pentagon didn’t trust the Eisenhower White House to share with them the plans for Global Nuclear War. People often act like Eisenhower’s warning about the Military Industrial Complex in his farewell address came out of the blue. It apparently did not.
There is a fascinating bit where Ellsberg interviewed Gen. LeMay at that time. LeMay was sneering at the idea that Gen LeMay, who had served his country and made a career out of protecting this country, would be given orders by a young civilian President. Of course, LeMay’s recommendation during the Cuban Missile Crisis was to launch a first strike at the Soviet Union and China (the Pentagon’s only plan was to hit both no matter the circumstance). The only reason any of us are alive today is because that young civilian President stood up to him and gave him different orders.
The book doesn’t have much about relations between the elected civilian government and the CIA of that time, but its a fascinating front row seat on the relations between the military and the civilian government.
I expect that we better consider old Dan with some doubts about his mesage. He’s reasonably suspected of spookyness of major degree.
Better and perhaps more credible, see>
Corbett’s pretty solid…
I agree about coup-r-usa, generally, coup is basic to the entire design and structure.
Good posts in this Cafe.
I failed to mention this article, closely related to the views and reservations in re old Dan – who’s a fella I have always liked and also held doubts about…
The author, Mr West, is of course not related to the value of his statements – these stand or fall according to facts, and have zero to do with the author, or the publication wherein we may read and consider the statements.
West may be saint or sinner… This is always true. It’s Rhetoric 101…
Ellsberg’s escape from trial always seemed odd to me, as is the evident fact that he did not, as so many others have don, “commit suicide” or otherwise expire closely upon making big political revelation.
Geewhiz, the Cafe with Sellers’ picture in character as the Inspector does seem unfinished without the classical dog-bite routine.
The skit has a political aspect similar to another game> “let’s you and him fight”. This is one of the “divide to rule” action games…basic trans-national nazi method. Think Churchill…one of the front-men.
Azorka linked to a good article in the dregs of the last café, on Arendt’s concept and understanding of the ‘Banality of Evil’ worth re-posting here as its about how we think effectively or alternatively, don’t think at all but just follow blindly our own desires and immediate wishes for an easy life:
‘There is no way to understand Arendt’s term the “banality of evil” divorced from other key concepts of her thought: freedom of choice, judgment and personal and collective responsibility vis-à-vis the common world that we all share. Her very concept of thought is defined, in part, by means of including the world and including the Other. According to Arendt, it is impossible to think without relating to the reality of the world and without coping with the point of view of others, or without constantly summoning up all the devil’s advocates – not in order to accept their arguments automatically, but to enable free judgment and choice.’
This is a thought provoking article, thank you for reposting. The documentary made by the author is available on Vimeo to rent (https://vimeo.com/ondemand/vitaactiva) and I see it also on iTunes for rent and purchase. I am sure it also available elsewhere.
There is a book mentioned in the article as well by Dutch sociologist Abram de Swaan, “The Killing Compartments”. It is about genocide and the social conditions in which it occurs. Here from chapter 6 “Genocidal Regimes and the Compartmentalization of Society”, he summarizes the process of compartmentalisation occurring before a genocide – I would suggest that this is also the case prior to a war:
“Regimes that resort to mass annihilation do so mostly under conditions of advanced compartmentalization, a separation of the regime’s people from the target group in every sense and at every level. The targeted people must first be demarcated, they must be registered, and they must be isolated and made the object of a persistent campaign of vilification and dehumanization. The rest of the population is incited to hate and loathe them. This is the social work of “disidentification.” It proceeds by actualizing long-standing (and often long dormant) prejudices, by activating stereotypes—in sum, through disidentification as an active process. This entails explicit propaganda campaigns, provocations, shaming rituals, public humiliation, and allegations of villainous manipulation and conspiracy for which not only the supposed wrongdoers but the target group as a whole is held responsible.“
It sounds frighteningly like various campaigns and programmes abroad in the world today. It is helpful to have this succinct and clear articulation I think.
My worry: the antidote seems to be clear thinking about who we are and how we have been shaped by society and culture… are enough people doing this given how uncomfortable a process it is to lay bare one’s unconscious and shadow self?
From the article on Arendt:
”The individual’s collaboration with the world in which he grew up, and the way in which that world shapes and molds him by the force of ingrained conditioning, until he becomes flesh of its flesh, is morality’s most ancient arena of struggle. No person is entirely free from being conditioned by images, prejudices, concepts of beauty and ugliness, clichés or social norms that he grew up with and which abut exclusionism and racism.
“This is the reason, according to Arendt, that the battle against evil must be waged in the recesses of the individual’s morality and of thought, which by definition constantly challenges and questions consensual world orders. It’s a personal struggle of each person against social and historical fixations, patterns and legacies.”
Simone Weil also writes (On the Abolition of All Political Parties) on evil and advocates an individual path:
“Collective passion is an infinitely more powerful compulsion to crime and mendacity than any individual passion. In this case, evil impulses, far from cancelling one another out, multiply their force a thousandfold. Their pressure becomes overwhelming – no-one could withstand it, except perhaps a true saint.
“When a country is in the grip of a collective passion, it becomes unanimous in crime. If it becomes prey to two, or four, or five, or ten collective passions, it is divided among several criminal gangs. Divergent passions do not neutralise one another, as would be the case with a cluster of individual passions. There are too few of them, and each is too strong for any neutralisation to take place. Competition exasperates them; they clash with infernal noise, and amid such din the fragile voices of justice and truth are drowned.”
It certainly seems to me we are living in “infernal noise” and that some countries are gripped in “collective passion… unanimous in crime”.
SusieQ said:
“My worry: the antidote seems to be clear thinking about who we are and how we have been shaped by society and culture… are enough people doing this given how uncomfortable a process it is to lay bare one’s unconscious and shadow self?”
My short answer would be : no. Because it is such an uncomfortable process and one not generally encouraged and supported in the society we have now, there are never enough people engaged in it. It will remain a minority interest. I agree wholeheartedly with the only possible antidote but reject that ‘salvation’ as it is commonly understood is possible, individually or collectively. What is on offer is hard graft and an uncertain outcome (i.e. no guarantees in this life, and no infallible predictions of the future, the amount of what we cannot ever know is astounding) which makes this a hard if not impossible thing to proselytise or ‘sell’ to others in any form. It has to be freely chosen with great honesty, integrity and commitment by the individual themselves or it doesn’t happen. All this sounds grim in the extreme–and in one sense it is—but it also has some priceless compensations that make it a worthwhile undertaking, for me at least. Its not for everyone and I believe that there is no shame in recognising that for oneself and opting for another, different way. People do vary enormously, so there cannot be a one-size-fits-all solution.
I am not a Christian but some of the parables of Jesus illustrate this in a profoundly human way that gives the lie to any notion that humans can attain ‘salvation’ through doing things right, good works or intentions etc etc, all the rubbish we are constantly fed. I am thinking in particular of the story of the farmer sowing seed and the outcomes for the various seeds that fell on stony ground, got carried away by the wind, etc, etc. There is another old story, jewish I think, about there needing to be a minimum of 12 wise people in the world for it to continue and there is a metaphorical truth to that, I find. I have been lucky enough to come across people and things wiser than me (everything being relative) at times when I was in dire need and despair— that is no small thing– their hard-won wisdom can change everything and kick-start one’s own innate but forgotten capabilities for survival. For me that is salvation enough.
‘There is no way to understand Arendt’s term the “banality of evil” divorced from other key concepts of her thought: ‘
my protest here, well, “the banality of evil”: we have learned each day since the ‘Maidan’ the banality of lie and hypocrisy, while there is no Reichspropaganda-Minister and no Gestapo, there is only volunteerly Gleichschaltung.
Her thinking changed the world ☆ Hannah Arendt
Theme of the film is the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem
The film was shot with a Red One camera in CinemaScope format, making it the first
film by Margarethe von Trotta, which was produced digitally.
Its world premiere on September 11, 2012 at the 37th Toronto International Film Festival,
the first performance in Germany on January 8, 2013 in Essen.
The actors:
Barbara Sukowa as Hannah Arendt
Janet McTeer as Mary McCarthy
Klaus Pohl as Martin Heidegger
Nicholas Woodeson as William Shawn
Axel Milberg as Heinrich Blücher
Julia Jentsch as Lotte Köhler
Ulrich Noethen as Hans Jonas
Michael Degen as Kurt Blumenfeld
Victoria Trauttsmansdorf as Charlotte Beradt
Freiderike Becht as Young Hannah Arendt
Harvey Friedman as Thomas Miller
Megan Gay as Francis Wells
Claire Johnson as Mrs. Serkin
Gilbert Johnston as Professor Kahn
Tom Leik as Jonathan Schell
Final Speech of Hannah Arendt
Yes, she says it all in that speech:
‘It is true; I have considered these questions in a philosophical way. The manifestation of the wind of
thought is not knowledge, but the ability to tell right or wrong, beautiful from ugly. And I hope that
thinking gives people the strength to prevent catastrophes in these rare moments, when the chips are
Inspector Closeau, the Pink Panther today, visiting the cafe. Welcome Sir !
My English
by ioan
Mastering your English language
I never will, of course
Using it like duck his sandwich
Is a skill, or maybe worse
I met a cowboy in my dreams
An old gun, sitting on his chair,
A Chinook man with hat and jeans
Scottish bottle, long white hair
From the land of dust and prairie
Through the land of uncle Leary,
Flying over hills and fields
I drink Celtic in my dreams
So, forgive me if I fail
To explain to you, so well,
In your manner, on your taste,
That’s my English, what a waste !
My Grade 11/12 english teacher, (Ex pat english) rode my green Irish ass through both those grades………..at times I hated her………..but one thing, the most important thing she taught me, was be concise. Always look for the one word that takes the place of ten, say it with less. For that I am grateful. So kibutzing online with so many different people, different nationalities, languages………I feel truley sorry for those poor anal retentive sobs who feel justified in pointing out every gramatical or spelling error……….their lives filled with such abismal attitudes to others……………where this a russian (true), french, or swaheli site for that matter…………how many would visit? Leave a reply? Could leave a reply? Babeling tower, no?
@ioan. As the self proclaimed king, president, premiere and over see’r of all things Irish (who needs Trump) I do hereby declare you an Esteemed Honoury Irish Citizen. You sir, get it.
And for those that see spelling or gramatical errors in the above……………………that sound you hear………..it’s your ass snappin’ shut
Thank you Sean, that’s a great privilege, I hope I shall visit one day my cats on those beaches with those cliffs…
“that’s a great privilege”
Far from it https://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/almost-139000-children-living-in-consistent-poverty-in-ireland-464706.html
One of the reasons I like art and artefacts is that sometimes such pieces bypass the limitations of language and provoke a visceral reaction that is unmistakeable, if impossible to communicate to others.
One such piece I was shown as a slide years ago on an Art History course with the Open University. I don’t think I would want it in my house but often reflect on the unforgettable reaction it produced when I saw it the first time as a slide. There are a number of copies in various galleries now that I have been to see but none has the same effect on me as that first sight of the slide. I don’t think it even a great painting, as masterpieces go, but it caused me to walk out of my course that day and sign up for a maths course instead. I wasn’t finished with Art which is still a great passion for me but I was finished with the formal study of Art, of being told what was to be considered good and valuable and meaningful.
It is a lovely painting and I think of it often when I need some uplift, and your English is way better than most of us could manage in any other language:
Your words remind me about those interesting conversations about Art with David Powell a few months ago.
Sad think, he hasn’t come back with new articles here at saker. For those interested, here is a link to his blog : https://insignificantattempt.blogspot.com
Guys, don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel being criticized in any form for my English language, we already concluded that some years ago when one of my good friends, Kim was still here and he was the one who showed me the poetry of Alexander Pope, influencing me on the way toward poetry (in English). The above poem is some kind of irony on myself, who is playing with English words, living in a city where you can’t find another person to speak with (in English), that’s funny.
Thanks for the link, I didn’t recognise the name at first but did recognise the lovely images he makes. He did promise a future article but that most likely takes time, just like the book of Malevich’s writings that I ordered on his recommendation, which is promised to finally arrive this month.
Dimiter: Think Jack London.
There are reports of fighting between Ukkop national guard and the regular Ukie army in Donbass, with shelling and casualties. Are the approaching elections causing tensions to rise within the Ukrop forces?
The Soul
the soul is not a tangible thing
it loves to play and dance and sing,
it leaves its trace upon the face
and fills the heart with endless grace
the soul is like the rarest of birds
one in whom the word has stirred,
each day it sheds its cloak at dawn
and flies to the source of that reed forlorn
the soul has no colour, no creed nor race
it’s older than time and deeper than space,
it dwells in an ocean where Gods convene
and spirit responds to all that it dreams
the soul it moves to its own silent beat
it follows its heart and trusts in its feet,
in concert with life and all that it meets
it knows when to push and when to retreat
the soul is not a tangible thing
it loves to play and laugh and sing,
it fills the heart with endless grace
and is the light in every face
Wonderful poem Dimitar ! my reply is a rhetorical question in poetical form :
When the soul is put in cage
and the mind is fading out,
people ask about one’s age,
fools are laughing harsh and loud
What can you tell them about soul,
about the body and the age,
where it comes from and its goal,
when they look at you so strange ?
And they have also soul and mind
they talk clearly, they’re not sad
comes the question in the hand,
who is normal, who is mad ?
Good rhetorical question, brother. And if I’m not mistaken, your English appears to be improving. The poem is an elaboration on the aspects of Soul, stanza 1 & 5; love, stanza 2, freedom, stanza 3, power and stanza 4, wisdom. Of these traits, man understands love the best. The soul has free will, intelligence, is able to postulate and create/imagine, is immortal and is able to have opinions. It abides by its own law, and that law must be in harmony with the universal law, love all life.
Where we get it wrong, is when we think, “my soul..” If we are saying “my soul” – who is doing the speaking?
It should be “my mind”, ie; soul is referring to its primary vehicle, the mind. Explaining the soul can be difficult, it is the life force behind every living form. It cannot be slain, or killed. Agents of the negative force aim to comatose soul, through trauma etc.
in my idiom: the passive soul is Leo, is Virgo, is Libra and Scorpio;
the dynamic one is Sun, is Mercury, is Venus and Pluto,
while in the personal horoscope the houses 5,6,7 and 8.
To each one twelve aspects of one’s soul.
Where else do you find such a fine web of recognition?
The soul cannot be ‘explained’ to another, because the individual must decide for himself what is truth and what is not. When people ask ‘proof’ of something like this, for example, they say – ‘prove to me that the soul exists’ – right away we should know that no proof will be ‘proof enough’ for the questioner. Since truth is not taught but caught, all that beyond the mental realm, such as the realm of soul and beyond, can only be experienced and known individually.
Nature is abundant and prolific in its natural state, and capitalism is the the usurping of this for personal gain. That is why we have to follow the money for the root of evil.
“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul?” Mark 8:36-38
Nature is wealth destroyed by greed, catch the truth if you can.
Man, as the ‘apex of nature’ has free will, which apparently means he can veer away from nature, exploit her, pretend ‘he is above’ nature etc. But its folly to think that he can escape the laws of nature which seek balance in all things.
Mulga Mumblebrain, some thoughts? I’ve become somewhat preoccupied lately with understanding the purpose of climate change “denialism”. Of course we know the general cause. That is, concerns about potential restrictions on profit growth. But profits from what exactly? and from where? From the viewpoint of the Capitalist, the current global economy would seem to present rather limited profit potential. Largely, this is
due to the fact that most countries and regions are not experiencing strong economic growth. This, in turn, is primarily due to the stabilization or even decline of their respective populations.
There is one exception to this, however. This region is expected to provide almost the entirety of population increase up to mid-century, growing, as I recall, from one billion to well over two billion people. That type of growth can excite and motivate potential international investors. Bankers will be inspired to advance loans to develop such a region. But where is this cornucopia of Capitalism? It’s not China.
Believe it or not, this region is sub-Saharan Africa. Ridiculous? How can one expect profits from such an
economically poor region? Are the Bankers and Capitalists simply stupid? Well, no.
The profits will come from a tried and true method. First huge increases in sovereign foreign debt due to loans from the World Bank and other international lenders. Much of this incoming funding will be siphoned off by the elite ruling groups of these countries and recycled into global financial markets and bank accounts. The remainder will go to Bechtel and Siemens and other multi-national corporations for mega-scale energy and electrification infrastructure projects which the countries in question will not be able to properly use, maintain or afford.
Ah ha! But what about all those loans? Won’t that ruin the bankers? Again, no. The bond-holder/creditors of lenders such as the World Bank are the international banking complex. They will be made whole through the actions of the central banks of member countries. Ultimately the burden will fall to the populations of the developed countries, resulting in more austerity and cuts to their respective social safety nets. This process can’t go on indefinitely, though. How it will end, and how soon we can only guess.
Too many mistakes there in your post, sir, to take the time to comment on all of them.
You sound like Obama….in regard to Africa. …..the planet would surely ‘boil over’ if they tried to improve their lot!
They wouldn’t be “able to handle electricity”???
Last summer in Orange County, California my air-conditioning unit needed about a thousand dollars of maintenance and parts replacement.
The technician that handled it??? A nice immigrant fellow……from Nigeria.
All “PROFIT” is not a sin.
A plant or tree that takes sunlight and carbon dioxide and uses photo-synthesis in combination with minerals and water from its root system gives you “profit” in the form of fruits nuts and other fiber and….including the oxygen you breath.
Profit is natural and explains why the universe is not just broken down entropically (Loss—the opposite of Profit” ) into a vast cloud of Undifferentiated Hydrogen
Your fundamental error is to be convinced that IN SUM total humanity, which, as a part of nature can accelerate the creative intelligence of nature consciously, vastly beyond the scope of a plant...is an aberration of nature which should be stopped.
This is a witches brew concept prepared and served by Oligarchy for thousands of years. Those behind The Empire of Human Slavery known as the New World “Order”.
Some human behavior should indeed be stopped: THEIR behavior!..THEIR lies!…Which seeks to restrict, control and strangle the human rights of other human beings…anywhere…. everywhere to develop to their full human and totally NATURAL potential as creative beings
I recommend a Russian scientist on this topic: Vladimir Vernadsky…the originator of the concept of the Noosphere.
And GW Leibniz of “This is the best of all possible worlds!” fame.
The outraged, impotent whiners and blamers complained bitterly and asked how Leibniz could possibly say such a thing, given the tragedies, crimes and other horrors that exist.
“Well”, he replied, “there IS error”.
What makes it so good, in fact “the best”…..is that Free Will ALSO exists…..and that will and consciousness can correct error and make “The Best”….even better……because you….I….we…they….actually have that wonderful opportunity.
You’d rather we were stripped of all challenges and opportunities and had no Great Work to do…..no evils or challenges???
Then this website wouldn’t even exist. LOL
Property is theft, and profit is definitely a sin.
IIRC, a fellow named Jesus once said that a rich man had about as much chance of getting into heaven as camel had in passing through the eye of a needle. Jesus understood, as a member of the working class, he worked as a carpenter and hung out with fishermen, that the rich get that way by profiting off the labor, sweat and suffering of those they oppress. Thus, heaven is a party where no rich people are allowed! According to the teacher of Christianity, those who profit will find themselves in the other place with the rest of the sinners.
I believe you’re reading content and moral judgement into my post that isn’t there. The point is basically John Perkin’s thesis in Confessions of an Economic Hitman. But since you respond, let me ask you a question. Your posts would seem to make you something of a ForeverTrumper. Are you a supporter of Trump’s Wall? If so, it would seem to conflict with your statements which appear to support limitless population growth. If you are ok, with say, a billion people living in California, why would it matter where they come from? Why not allow a billion Africans or Mexicans to move in?
In that line, are you in favor of Trump overthrowing the US Constitution and negating the very basic Power of the Purse that the writers of the constitution and the citizens who approved it, both declared, belongs properly to the legislature?
The constitution, in an attempt to protect the liberties just won in the nasty war against the imperialist English, gave two key powers to the legislature and denied them to the executive. The first of these was the power to declare war. This was stripped away from the legislature after WW2. The second was the power of the purse, to say that it is the legislature that must appropriate monies before they can be spent by the executive. That power was stripped from the legislature in 2019 when Trump declared his national emergency and said that he gets to spend money however he chooses.
Bro, to compare the growth and fruitfulness in nature, a function of the reproduction of their species and, incidentally or symbiotically, a source of sustenance for other creatures, to the destruction of ‘profit’ under capitalism, where greedy excess is the supreme operating principle, and where all that is living is turned into the sullage of ‘money’, ‘wealth’ and polluting excrement, is beyond bizarre. One is complex, mutually supportive and life-sustaining, and the other is utterly simple-minded and destructive. Other words for your ‘thesis’ come to mind, but I’ll spare you them.
It is apparent who has never run a business around here.
Imagine, save, borrow, risk, employ, rent, stock, work ass off.
Lawyers, accountants, regulations, taxes, competition, marketing, management, insurance etc etc.
Who cares about profit when your bank, landlord, employees have their pockets full and you get whats left?
I’ll make your observations more concise, LBD-how to run a business. G.R.E.E.D.
What I have noticed is that once the denialists are present in large numbers, the quality of the denialist agit-prop tends inexorably to fall to the level of the absurd, delirious, and outright demented. It seems to be a tactic, like the ‘don’t wrestle with pigs’ dictum, because you only end up getting covered in ordure, and the Gadarenes just love it.
Reality inversion. Daffy, certainly, but without the larrikin charm.
Greetings from the North Country Fair on this first day of spring. Much of the cranberry bog ground outside my north window is still covered in snow but the ducks and cranes are back, honking their arrival. I’m feeling insecure for some reason: should I or shouldn’t I?
Perhaps I’m blue because I anticipated the last item at the previous cafe by Paul which reads: “a US Air Force test of their High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System” (HELLADS) destroyed a German plane back in 1915 under Obama, by mistake of course. Bad news blues. What got my attention was the imperial hell-lads message which sounds like what Judy Wood called DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) used on 9/11, causing all that dust. No wonder Obama was mad about letting such a hellcat out of the bag.
Some good news is that Jiminy Cricket, the delightful Jimmy Moglio, is back, dispensing his usual wisdom and wit. I bought his book on Shakespeare quotes years back but it became obsolete with the internet. Whether what Jimmy says is true or not, I don’t know; I wasn’t there but it sounds plausible. Regardless, I am less inclined now to judge harshly. It’s a tall order, some say impossible, but I try to follow Jesus’ law of love; the toughest part being to love my enemies. That might not be precisely historical, or worse: written in by the Empire later to make us compliant toward it but does it matter?
Bro gave me a backhanded complement:
“SINO-Phobe like Dennis. But at least he [Bro’s partner] “gets” block-chain and isn’t a block-headed nominalist like Crypto-Leery Man.”
I return the compliment with a forehand ace serve at match point. I don’t phobe/fear China any more than all the other Empire fools caught in imperial headlights; I love China but think it and all countries are under a uni-polar spell of empire, to various degrees. I thought China was going multi-polar but the obor system sure looks like one super spider web to me. At least in the bi-polar system we had the US West and all the Rest. China’s not much different than other empire tools; just bigger and easier to hit.
A “nominalist” relies on naming rather than shaming; a crypto, block chained and block headed nominalist like your partner relies on name calling — I’d be leery of such if I were you. I like most of what you say but I hate to see you led astray by such partners to a dark crypt jail block in chains with Fiat 2.0 money backed by materialism and consumerism on steroids. Touche, Bro; thanks for the game. Why don’t you and I play doubles against Team Empire’s best two? Wouldn’t be as popular as the Billy Jean King and Bobby Riggs match in ’73 but come on, we’ve got to stop this in-house scwabbling and be a first place big league team to put Team Empire in second place.
Anonymous: “By the way, Dennis’ poems in plain prose are so far out and so good that one could also ask him or ourselves or Yandex whether they are really real.”
Yandex say:
Spandex stretches but does not break
Dennis expands but does not fake
Fedex does not a nation make
Tell truth for heaven’s sake
Anonymous: “If you had a conscience (instead of a self centered conservative soul) you would be truly personable.”
Thanks for the personal compliment. Conservatives have a conscience but they don’t always follow it. Your point is well taken: I have my work cut out for me — I guess that’s why I’m here, to get past my fear; not cry in my beer.
Dimitar re email, when I address Herb, the master of webbing, do I use prose or poetry?
Babuska: “Resist and Defend their Homeland.” Ed has nine rifles in his office downstairs; Grandpa’s five are in the kitchen; Bill, Eddie Jr. & Sons have God knows how many? A small town lies seven miles away; an army base twenty. I feel insecure nevertheless.
Uncle Bob, the realist, is an antidote to the dreamers here imo.
Sorry if I’m out of line, otherwise I’m feeling fine. I don’t mean no harm. You’re my lucky charm. If I were an Umpire, I’d call foul on Empire. I’m glad to be on the Cafe Team in this Vineyard League. Let’s knock empire out of the park. I need to take a seventh inning stretch and break for breakfast after parking this post at the new cafe rail. Blame Anonymous for my silliness; he encouraged me. Is that personal enough? Or feat all of you, the rarest courtiers of “lovers, poets and lunatics” I have yet encountered.
Well, I’ve already had two beers
I’m ready for the broom
Please, Missus Henry, won’t you
Take me to my room?
I’m a good ol’ boy
But I’ve been sniffin’ too many eggs
Talkin’ to too many people
Drinkin’ too many kegs
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, please
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, please
“When I address Herb, the master of webbing, do I use prose or poetry…?” Doesn’t matter, so long as you include your email address ( you can also remind him you’re after my email… )
Dennis and Dimitar please contact the webmaster to discuss and give permission to exchange addresses. I have informed him you will both be in contact. Mod.
Spring Equinox
In blustery winds
Dark flying clouds
Of cold blighty air
Buds are all there
Alone and unseen
In beautiful mass.
And millions pass
Unobservant lost
In screen screams.
Silent white petals
Opening together
On bare branches.
O nothing will stop
The unheard steps
of this advancing
Great Awakening
Very atmospheric and beautiful, thanks, Ras.
PCR, who can at times IMHO be a bit over the top, has a spot-on offering:
The Difficulty of Writing for Americans
“Writing for Americans, unless for their entertainment, is a challenging undertaking. One reason is that many, especially of the younger generations, no longer have a concept of objective truth.”
To a lesser extent this is true not just for Americans, many of whom at all levels of education are willfully ignorant, but also for many other countries.
To the elite a population that has the critical skill and objective thinking to see through their all-pervasive propaganda is a threat. To see everything through a good/bad black and white filter is excellent as is the dumbed down populace that will fall for it. Divide and conquer and root out any nuanced opinions. I see this occasionally even on here where an author is dismissed outright over some opinion they may have. They may be right 90% of the time but the 10% is enough for some to paint them 100% wrong permanently. This falls into the divide and conquer trap.
I’ll give a personal example. I have followed the scientific evidence of global warming since a few scientists were warning us in 1980. The warnings started long before this but that was when I first noticed them. Since then it has become a tsunami of evidence and scientists that agree.
I would dearly love them all to be wrong but that’s not my point here. The Aletho web site ridicules global warming with many opinions and articles but I am able to ignore most of those and concentrate on the many other articles they collect, e.g. Vanessa Beeley today, that do interest me -even if I might disagree with some. To lessen confirmation bias I don’t dismiss them outright but allow a nuanced approach to evaluate arguments. Is that so difficult?
here is my own assessment of the global warming/climate change boondoggle.
why……..if it is so obvious and dangerous…..do the ”alarmists” always have to
exaggerate their charts and data to such lengths as to be downright lies?
surely the data and charts etc would suffice to show the dangers without
exaggeration. the ”hockey stick” chart is a prime example of falsification
to comply with an agenda.
The ice caps are shrinking.
Antartica is melting from the inside out due to a huge vocano under it. Carbon heavy Solar power is being flogged of by enterprising capitalists that would have us believe that if the world was Solar,the problems would be solved. Far from it as, #1) C02 is the least of our worries and #2) Aether-tech will rule the energy theatre making all other forms of electrical generation redundant.
Greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere forcing rapid global climate destabilisation (if that’s what you mean by ‘CO2’)is almost certainly the worst of our worries. We also need to be concerned by the other manifestations of the ecological Holocaust, the massive and ubiquitous pollution of every type, the sixth mass extinction event with the biodiversity crash, the disappearance of insects, the crashing of oceanic food-chains, ocean acidification, warming (150 zettajoules of heat energy sequestered over the last 200 years)stratification and de-oxygenation, the deaths of shallow coral reefs worldwide, raging mega-fires, droughts, floods etc, etc, but the greatest danger of all is climate destabilisation caused by the use of fossilised carbon like coal, oil and gas. The ‘We have greater problems’ is Lomborgian garbage-we have to address them ALL, but the paramount cataclysm is unambiguously climate destabilisation.
In year 1980 the globo-homoes told us our “limited fossil” oil resources would end in year 2000 and billions would die of hunger.
When year 2000 arrived the globo-homoes told us the too much found oil now was dangerous why we needed millions of more globo-homoes in the public sector to controle all the surplus oil.
When we arrived at 2010 the globo-homoes banned all surplus oil and now wanted to change energy to triple expensive windmills erected off shore at the most aggressive corrosion places with sand and salt.
Camps with hard work is the medicine for dreamers and lunatics.
Oh, dear-now we’re digging BENEATH the bottom of the barrel. The arrival of Peak CHEAP Hydrocarbons was some years ago. Are you familiar with the concept of Energy Return on Energy Invested? Only joking! The EROEI on hydrocarbons like the tar sands and fracked shale gas is approaching 1 : 1, and then there’s the methane emissions. And fracking shale operations in the USA have never made a dime of profit, and never will, and are another ‘sub-prime’ bubble waiting to explode with their billions in worthless junk-bonds. Much of the rest is deliciously incoherent, but the assertion that offshore wind is ‘triply’ expensive, if that’s what you mean is absolutely and totally incorrect. It is, in fact, now cheaper than any fossil fuel and getting cheaper still.
Removed insults.Make your posts without insults.MOD
A bottom place you as liberal socialist feel most comfortable to be in.
I know you have never heard of Warren Buffet and his claim that federal policies has been the solely reason to build wind farms in the US.
Here is some other strange feature you never have heard about. Proof and evidence. http://theconversation.com/wind-costs-more-than-you-think-due-to-massive-federal-subsidies-38804
The IMF calculated the global annual subsidies to the fossil fuel Moloch as in the TRILLIONS. Plus you get Mass Extinction as well-what a bargain! The subsidies for renewables are environmental, life preservation, policies for ours and all other species. I really do not understand why anyone would oppose such measures, and with such fanaticism.
in my searches,I found the Scientists that don`t work for “the Man” all say the C02 is negligable for climate change. “it`s way bigger than that” says Bill Gosper (MIT). Methane maybe has much more effect than any amoount of C02 could possibly have. That`s the big hoax (IMHO) to sell people on the “carbon high” solar / battery industry. They have a lot invested in it and won`t like seeing the Aether-tech coming over the horizon. C02 settles ,it doesn`t go up,it goes down and settles on the Earth,gets used by the plants and makes more lush environments.
Your assertion that CO2 ‘settles’ and is only found in the lower atmosphere, is pretty weird, even by denialist standards. And, of course, the assertion that the 99% of climate scientists, and ALL the Academies of Science and scientific societies on Earth only support the global warming caused by the accumulation of anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere theory because they are paid by ‘the Man’, is the usual denialist inversion of reality. The tiny coterie of active denialists with any scientific credibility, at all, are all on the denialist industry pay-roll, which has made them rich. In fact some are graduates of the tobacco harm denial industry, or the agro-chemical harm denial industries, giving you some idea of their moral credibility.
Typical comment. Groundless assertion (volcano), followed by disconnected non-seqitur conclusion. The antarctic iceshelf is melting due to warming – warm seawater gets pushed under the shelf by cold meltwater.
dark, attempting to argue with the denialist omnicide cultists is futile, but rewarding psychologically. Their recent uptick in fanaticism when the truth has become UTTERLY unarguable thanks to events, is driven by the rise of the lunatic in the Offal Orifice, and by a, probably sub-conscious, fear that being a known denialist, particularly this late in the day, will soon not be a recommendation to friendly relations with those seeing their life prospects and the very lives of their children and grand-children, going up in smoke, thanks not a little to the activities of the climate destabilisation Holocaust deniers. It must keep them awake at night, poor dears.
Nice exposition of the denialists’ favourite tactic-outright inversion of reality, 007. The evidence, for which there is NO proof of ‘exaggeration’ (indeed the precise opposite with the dumbed down IPCC Reports)is gargantuan, precisely as science predicted, and irrefutable. Just why some still seek to deny the undeniable in a catastrophe that threatens all humanity, is one for the psychologists and moral ponerologists to ponder.
Humans can usually not deal with longterm consequences. If the reaction is too far removed from the action, it takes knowledge and common sense to connect the issue.
If people would understand what an equilibrium, a complex cybernetic system, feedback loops etc are, we would not need to have this discussion at every point in time. But sadly reality is a rather intricate instance, thus mankind has been compelled to take all kind of shortcuts. Religion included.
I seriously have no hope at all. Intelligent and self-conscious life on the base of chimpanzees was probably an direction of life gone wrong. Even if there was/is potential for greatness.
Caugh, caugh. Hmm. Actually humans to this date have quite a lot of experience in the matter.
International Finance plan 50-100 years ahead and you can see in this strategy plan the clima hoax and bad education in especially math all were detailed planned 50-70 years ago.
It just tell you another reality that you want and illude. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_38tsQ4p0I
The ‘hockey-stick’ representation of global average temperatures has been replicated scores of times, all peer-reviewed by climate scientists, not Rightwing ideologues or fossil fuel industry denialist disinformers. Moreover such a pattern, that simply illustrates the exponential growth of destructive practises and the consequences of such under End Stage capitalism, is also seen in countless other parameters. To say that the hockey-stick is ‘faked’, is itself the very quintessence of fake news.
A snip from coverage on the Brexit debate, or which could be titled as “Watching the English accelerate towards the CliffEdge and Wondering if its Wrong to Laugh”
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, has a good Twitter thread on the significance of Tusk’s statement. It starts here.
Charles Grant (@CER_Grant)
A few instant thoughts on @eucopresidents’s statement. It reflects growing frustration on EU side with UK’s incompetent political class and untrustworthy govt. A growing feeling among 27 that UK should just get out asap, lest it pollute the EU system with its weird politics. 1
if you want a source, that’s from the Guardians Live Politics running coverage.
Of course, now its interesting that not that long ago it was only “Putin’s Agents” who called the UK government “untrustworthy” when they were making weird claims about Salisbury and the Skirpals! Now apparently the rest of Europe is figuring it out. Apparently the world is now coming around to the notion that the UK’s political class is “incompetent”, and noticed that the UK’s politics is just plain “weird”. Although, considering that Europe has had to live next door to the English all this time, I suspect that its more of a case of Europe “remembering” that the English political class is incompetent and that English politics are weird and that the English government is untrustworthy.
I think that far from being wrong, laughter is the only sane response left at this point as we seem to have exhausted everything else:
Anon- May to her followers: ‘We stand on the brink of the abyss. We must take the next step forwards!’
Yet another fail for the socialist authoritarian left movement and their Mass Migration Theology.
Senegalese Migrant Tries to Burn 50 Italian Children to Death
Fortunately, he was incompetent and failed to inflict any life threatening injuries. Twelve children were taken to hospital for smoke inhalation and minor cuts. The bus itself was completely destroyed.
When will the insanity of the left-wing Globalist Elites be brought down by the Christian Citizens of European nations?
(1) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6830639/Twelve-students-rushed-hospital-Italy-Senegalese-man-hijacked-school-bus.html
A123, ONE African goes mad, and does a dreadful thing, and you start raving about ‘Christians’. What’s the bet that this Senegalese chap is ‘Christian’ himself. You seem to have forgotten ‘Forgive seventy times seven’, and ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’.
QED-Day + 1
No RBG Coming Off Ice news, that I’ve seen, To Change The Narrative.
Just lingering clues from Christchurch. Otherwise pretty quiet on the Deep State vs Q vs The Majority of the Human Race Front.
I don’t intensely dislike Nathan Stolpman of the Lift the Veil. you tube channel…but even though my impression of him before was of a “kind of dumb on many things” researcher………..the “Christchurch Shooter Is A Shit-poster Memer” title of his latest piece of work…..worked!
I clicked.
Guess what? It turns out that ….right out of the gate…..it just might be highly relevant to people that lament the fact that Russia was too weak to do a damned thing about the NATO attack on Serbia, “back in the day”…..other than the act of Evgeny Primakov turning around his Russian Federation Government flight to DC around….. over the Atlantic Ocean….after Al Gore phoned him and announced the Bombing of Belgrade would start within minutes….and the then Russian Foreign Minister…..then went back home to Moscow, refusing to meet, as it would have amounted to an act of subservient acquiescence….to Hegemon War Crimes.
It IS about the memes of the shooter.
AND…. the very first meme presented in the video “manifesto”….is Anti-Serb.
Over-all it is such a ridiculous mish mash of everything….inconsistent in ideology, argument or Anything of Any Consistent theme….that the correct conclusion, I am fairly certain…… regardless of many, many unknowns…. is that it is……The Biggest Expression Yet….of The Anti-Internet Meme…..MEME!
The Meme to Destroy All Memes
Not the Mother of All Memes…..But The Attempted Abortion Of All Memes!
And as such, though I am pissed off at Q for yet another “Countdown”…..and then a Big Yawn….weird….it seems to fit the “make them use up all their ammunition” meme.
And everyone is pissed off at this guy, for pissing on memes. Their memes. LOL
One of those memes is Navy Seal Copy Pasta. I saw this part, where Nathan breaks down a threatening, bullying homicidal rant by “The Shooter” and informs us that it ALL comes…WORD for EVERY word from a song …which he plays…right here:
..that states in laid back torpor …how the threatener knows “700 ways of killing you…and that’s just with my bare hands”.
“Cool!” I thought, the shooter guy is a complete patched together fake, a plagiarizing psycho deployed by the Deep State, and even Sorta Dumb Nathan nails him and Copy Pasta for plagiarism!
I had to pick up my 17 year old from school and decided to brief him on Christchurch, John Podesta being there 5 days before saying New Zealand was ” a big juicy target” (for Russia of course, while pronouncing Trump “unfit”) …the anti-Serb Meme and the two video games the shooter cites for blame or inspiration (I can’t remember which).
RIGHT THERE, at mere mention of the two games, I lost the effort to Bridge the Generation Gap!
He was furious. I tried to calm him down and said “Watch this….Nathan is kind of dumb, but he is in the whole Youth Culture 100 times more than I and he caught “the shooter” plagiarizing a Navy Seal Threatening Death song! Listen:”
I played about 5 seconds and the youngster only got more angry….. more irritated.
He knew the lyrics.
Voice dripping with contempt, he said, “You BOOMERS don’t understand anything about this. It’s not a song, It’s Copy Pasta. Like if someone at school says they don’t like the shoes you’re wearing or something, you copy this message and email or text it to them. Nathan is just One Step Ahead of YOU, Dad!”
And he wouldn’t take any more of a strategic briefing…..
SEE??? QED. Divide and Conquer.
And kill all internet memes that threaten their mind control, while pitting Mother against Daughter and Son against Father.
“They want you divided.
Bro, by the hard numbers – the Qniverse is gasping for relevance. All that is remaining is the long tail as I explained before – and many of the long tile are the regular youtubers that you so regularly link, and a bunch of those calling themselves Christian and believe that Trump either is god, or was appointed by god. The various boards are low in numbers and the Soapbox is only there to gather a little more youtube revenue. It only comes to life when there is something, and then it is a flicker.
Oooh, they want you divided – sure, it is so, but the converse of this meme is that you should gather round the phenomeon called Q. Nice and subtle meme pushing there. Oh yes, the Jake fellow over at Blackstone Intelligence had some fun – its subtle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GemLKuRLYrk
Blackstone is usually kind of sour.
Not exactly a funny guy.
Surely Trump is not a God….but have you done more to stop Hillary??
I may be tired today. These things are highly subjective, however. It doesn’t mean nothing is happening.
Similarly your feelings and a video or two hardly determine reality either.
What is happening??
Well you asked for it and Red-Pilled Sister is on a roll so sic Jake on her and Q. and maybe roll up your sleeves and help Jake out to prove it is nothing!
The email I just got from my eldest sibling:
more on the Milan bus incident with post rescue video..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bac094 No.5793286
Mar 20 2019 14:11:45 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bac094 No.5793235
Mar 20 2019 14:09:57 (EST)
(51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)?
This is NOT a game.
These people are sick.
and then.. was he Arkancided..?? or ‘suicided’..?? from other sources, apparently he has a new book being released..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d721bc No.5794717
Mar 20 2019 15:22:39 (EST)
“It is with tremendous sadness we share that Professor Alan B. Krueger, beloved husband, father, son, brother, and Princeton professor of economics took his own life over the weekend,’ a statement from his family reads.”
Start a list.
She says::
“This member of parliament even attached the audio tape where several men, one of which had a voice similar to the voice of Mr. Sytnyk, discussed the matter.”
seems the origins of the dossier are expanding.. and the Mueller probe is moving into Democrat territory…
then the question of decoding numbers… which Q can’t really correct in real time without tipping off the cabal at the same time… I’ll leave the words in bold for the eventual decode by SB2.. he seems to be the only one on top of that sort of decoding..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7e2ece No.5791208
Mar 20 2019 12:39:48 (EST)
Number(s) do not always equate to days.
The face of a watch/clock has multiple versions.
Incorrect interpretations pushed as statements of fact often lead to pitfalls [stranglehold ‘choke’ tactic used by attackers].
Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].
excellent summation … all from the tweet: https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-the-dc-leak-culture-was-made-powerless-to-thwart-spygate-investigations_2834666.html
and the white attack continues…. https://republicans-oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/2019-03-20-JDJ-and-MM-to-AG-Barr-re-McCabe-Criminal-Referral.pdf
and back to leaks… https://www.theepochtimes.com/trump-administrations-silent-professionals-are-investigating-spygate_2660858.html
but don’t neglect the tweet.. Brian Cates draws it together with his thread…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0ad5ef No.5791828
Mar 20 2019 13:11:41 (EST)
The attempted ‘COUP’ [TREASON] opens the ‘public’ door to more serious……
The PILL must be easy to swallow.
The ‘LEAD-IN’.
The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.
“THE CLINTON FOUNDATION” +++++++++++++++++++++++++
uhoh… this opens up a new barrel ..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No.5792112
Mar 20 2019 13:24:35 (EST)
Did both of HUSSEIN’s parents learn ‘RUSSIAN’?
Is ‘RUSSIAN’ a common language to learn?
Think then.
Think now.
[Think Nellie Ohr]
The Cold War.
again.. anticipating what SB2 will do with the bolds..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No.5792657
Mar 20 2019 13:45:07 (EST)
Ask yourself a very simple Q.
Would the FAKE NEWS media (& other controlled assets) expend this amount of time and resource attacking [attempt to discredit – cast as conspiracy – LARP] this movement IF IT DID NOT POSE A SIGNIFICANT THREAT [DANGER]?
Logical thinking.
thwarted tweet below: 51 children locked in bus, set afire.. rescued Milan, Italy…. remember that Italy is ‘acting up’ wanting to exit the EU after England…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bac094 No.5793235
Mar 20 2019 14:09:57 (EST)
(51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)?
This is NOT a game.
These people are sick.
more later…
End of email.
I didn’t say it (Q) was great or terrible. I said it was increasing in magnitude, not decreasing. And I have exposed persons to a little of it so that they can see that that’s the case and that Neon Revolt (for example…just one!) is 10,000 more effective against the darkness that is Hollywood….than your Jake could ever imagine being in a thousand years.
THAT is an objective observation, not a favored, pet, comfortable emotion which cannot abide by any clear evidence to the contrary. I’ll check out Sourpuss Jake later, as time permits.
Hardly done with Christchurch yet.
Way, way behind on Milan.
The Fukushima fubar has perhaps fallen away from the general public’s attention – but the ruination and damage did not stop and continues – with unspeakable effects. Below url for a article/discussion in re Fukushima fubar.
https://www.globalresearch.ca/fukushima-at-eight-ongoing-cover-up-of-the-nuclear-hazards-in-japan-and-abroad/5671690 Written with audio…
Both speakers are reliable. Gundersen’s especially solid. The destruction of the reactors, according to Gundersen (and I myself agree completely with him) was built in to the design/build on the day the machines were brought to criticality (k>1 in nukejargon). I worked with GE engineers in the 1980’s who were themselves aware of the intrinsic faults of the GE BWR – and tight-lipped about it…their pensions and the blacklist, and all that stuff. And I have, somewhere, the engineering manual for the Fukushima BWR, and I have read it.
The damage is only beginning. I do not eat anything from the North Pacific Ocean, and stay away from the beach too. All it takes is one nice hot particle in the kidney, the lung, the liver, etc…and you have caught the brass ring, Amigo… Of course it’s the kids in Japan that are really being screwed.
Fukushima was a cheap-o design, and built on the cheap as well…political goals “trump” (!) physics and engineering only in the magical world.
Sun in Aries, Mars square with Venus – attack and defense, the center raging blind
Three Day Lasting-Vernal Fasting
Venus craves sweet and likes it easy
Mars demands meat, red and greasy
Spring time design:
Body cleansing
by eating greens
fog-mind mending
as Warrior cleans
Rituals thus realign:
What Venus now abhors
the results she will adore
What Ails the Dog?
what ails the dog chasing its tail
down by the briny old sea?
its master is gone, the day is not long
and the tide it rises mercilessly!
held fast to a rock, it sends out a howl
its heart most deeply aggrieved,
the gulls are no help as they play in the kelp
and that itch just won’t be relieved
where is that master, that master so fine
just when you need him the most?
he’s just left the pub, but wound up in a shrub
and is sleeping it off by the coast
well, the waves went from toes to knees to nose
before reaching their apogee,
with one last nip, those flees jumped ship
and that dog had been cured for free
…those fleas jumped ship
… looking back with nostalgia … nóstos + álgos …
In The Rover Tradition Reel One (1950-1959)
In The Rover Tradition Reel Two (1950-1959)
In The Rover Tradition Reel Three (1950-1959)
The word nostalgia is a compound of two Greek words,
νόστος (nóstos), meaning “homecoming”, a Homeric word, and
ἄλγος (álgos), meaning “pain” or “ache”.
Nostalgia is associated with a yearning for the past, its personalities, and events, especially the “good old days” or a “warm childhood”.[
In the Midlands (England) our railway station became disused, but trains bypassed.
The grand old station had a very distinctive sooty smell of steam locomotives long after their general use had ceased.
This intoxicating perfume, for me, still induces nostalgia as I visit old railway stations in Australia.
Having owned an old 2A Land-Rover throughout my motor-mechanics apprenticeship and having acquired (given) several Series 1 Land-Rovers “to play with”, plus having a Viking bicycle in the UK, the Rover motor company is fondly remembered. The pedal crank cogwheel had a Viking with helmet image.
Today I’m firmly with Toyota and really appreciate my basic air-conditioned Workmate-Hilux tray-back light-truck, because it is useful, reliable and comfortable, but the old days with no air-con and rattling along at a max speed of 60 MPH do linger in aging memory.
A quick true story from the Australian outback 1970s.
Conny bought a new Land-Rover and took Bill along on the long way home. It was a sweltering hot day and Bill asked about air-conditioning and complained when told it had none, so Conny stopped and kicked out the windscreen, saying “its got air-conditioning now.”
Conny was a callous man who would leave several dogs tied up, leave for town for days and return to find the dogs dead. Conny was a hermit who lived on an isolated run down property fifty miles from the nearest town.
I don’t know, amarynth.
I was expecting a good wrestling workout with what Jake was gonna come up with…..and all it was…… was a stale fart from an old Star Trek. rerun..and some Q graphics work.
I was like, “Why’d I even do my warmups?”
One thing I gotta say for my sister, by contrast:
Days ago….days ago! in a text or short call she let me know that the scene of Q intrigue ..was shifting …to Ukraine!
SO THEN am I stupid for thinking, “OK, she’s got more time than I have to go further upstream to source materials and clues of what to be on the alert for…..so I am ready for whatever it is about Ukraine is said to be coming out soon.”
Or is Jake perhaps a bit foolish….. for making up his mind, way, way too early???
And publicly advertising that fact on his site??
Scroll up to my response to you and the links provided therein by my sister, looking for the word “Ukraine”.
I think the revelations about Ukrainian Officials meddling on behalf of Hillary in the US Election in 2016 might just be of…let’s say “middling interest” to about 100% of the readers on this site, conservatively estimating, mind you, given the startling fact that the revelations are from a current official of the Ukrainian Government.
Some not so stupid Ukrainians sensing a little “shifting of the winds” in Washington DC in the very, very recent past????
Cutting loose some of the Deep State and some of their pro-Hillary baggage???
But forget about Q…if, like Jake, you can’t hold The Question in Suspense for a year or two and be neither Pro nor Contra….until a LOT more data rolls in…..on Trump….on the Q Phenomenon….on what sort of work and contributions of their own the Neon Revolts, the Bill Smiths, the Jordan Sathers, the Red Pill 78s,etc,etc have been accomplishing….that is helpful to a goal of a multi-polar world of independent, sovereign republics.
Because: Others choose not to mention Q at all…..I hypothesize because …of several fairly good reasons to neither cheerlead nor emit Bronx Cheers….like Jake.
Are they aware of the phenomenon?? Of course!
If its harmful to the world or the USA even…why don’t they attack the phenomenon? Maybe they are a little smarter than Jake and your other Q farter….. Dark Journalist.
I’d like to see their response…..and ALL of your responses...………. to THIS short 15 minute video by this American Surgeon, who has no need to mention Q even once, as there is always a division of labor in any real, Broad, Anti-Empire, growing, mass-based International Popular Front:
I think this may explain the sensing of the shifting of the strategic winds in some brighter heads in Ukraine.
Who knows, surprises in Poland may be next!
You don’t want to catch on AFTER the Poles, and some Ukrainians, do you???
(I like Poles! They provide Leverage…you know? They really do! Redemption should also be made available to many Ukrainian victims of Vicky Nuland and her ilk in Europe and the US.)
You missed the joke Bro . and I don’t know how to explain it. Color me stupid this morning but actually there is a full day of work ahead and have to keep my head together.
He did. Serious joke though. Very!
Shit happens in the best of families, all the time.
Cul de sac’s are abundant, and increasing in numbers, impacts/influences at an ever increasing speed atm.
Difficult to keep up with. Even here (or especially here). Soon, imho intellectual “deep” analysis with an in build delay button (Moderation) will loose it’s value in terms of relaying real, needed info to people.
Tempted on many occasions to comment on “Q”, “Q”ul de sac is the short version, and I will leave it at that for now. Sorry. Time is running out.
Top of the morning to all. At dawn I saw through my window a beautiful full orange moon setting at 30 degrees west; in the morning light she was setting in white behind the pines, her night journey finished here. Such a striking contrast with the TV world I endured for a disgusting hour last eve for society’s sake. I’d call it the idiot box if it were not an insult to idiots. This is a silent, subtle black plague with similar deathly consequences: pharmaceutical ads that make for sickness, doctor gods, drugs for money, machines for money, junk food in pretty dress for body and soul. I don’t see how the world can survive such surreptitious Empire propaganda for much longer. Still, the beauty of sun, moon, stars, trees and beautiful people augurs eternal hope.
olde reb kicked off a good discussion about Wall Street as the main troublemaker today with Kennedy and Trump as resistors. It’s a piece of the puzzle but too rosy in my view. I am persuaded that everyone of any stature is an actor in the theater story we are being sold, with enough truth mixed in to fool the gullible. I walk the fine line of being a pessimist and a pollyanna.
Why would I believe anything governments say? It’s all a lie of some degree, from nuclear bombs to faked deaths. Truth nowadays is a lesser version of the Big Lie. I’m not saying virtue does not exist; it does but hardly ever in the palaces of the rich. People like Corbett and Chomsky are controlled opposition imo.
one minion commented on Arendt’s “banality of evil.” That phrase is catchy but it comes nowhere near touching evil’s source of power.
From the land of dust and prairie
Through the land of uncle Leary,
Flying over hills and fields
I drink Celtic in my dreams
Yeats could not have said it better. Your English is an eagle to my German crow. Although foreign language skills are mostly Greek to me, I love to hear the sound of them; does something to better my brain. I wonder what it what have been like to have been raised a polygot like yourself. Raised Dutch, my wife knew four languages, all taught in their school system. In seminary I learned Latin and a smattering of Greek but my brain was not suited for retention. You are an asset in my remedial education here.
sean the leprechaun and Anonymous enlighten my picture of the light and dark side of the ol’ sod. When I lived in dear ol’ Erie twenty years ago the youth looked troubled and disoriented; probably worse now.
one minion and ioan’s reflections on Art reminded me of a black and white photo in a long forgotten book of a baby who was nursing and turned her/his head for an instant to gaze into the camera. I will never forget the radiant joy that streamed that from those sparkling eyes and and ecstatic smile as the milk dribbled from her lips. That picture from some forty years past is etched in my memory.
As if right on cue from what I just wrote, Dimitar gives us this gem. I now see it was the baby’s soul shining out from paradise:
the soul is not a tangible thing
it loves to play and dance and sing,
it leaves its trace upon the face
and fills the heart with endless grace
ioan presents a nice counterpoint to the previous; which is more real or ideal?, I cannot say. I shortened it a bit:
What can you tell them about soul,
about the body and the age,
where it comes from and its goal,
when they look at you so strange ?
And they have also soul and mind
they talk clearly, they’re not sad
comes the question in the hand,
who is normal, who is mad ?
I like to reprise comments as I go, an archival diary I can open later to check my progress or regress. Reminds me of milestones along life’s path. When I was younger and stronger I used to bicycle from Ojai down a river path 750 feet and a dozen miles to the sea. There were milestones with pity sayings on the lower portion. I had to forsake cycling due to broken bones, chipped teeth and faltering age; cycling is gone but recycling has taken its place.
Before I continue my daily toil in trekking through “woods that are lovely, dark and deep, I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.” Here’s a poem to the Universal You about life when I was more sanguine and less weather beaten:
Noble guide for my sojourn here
Faithful guardian, I feel you near
As a loving parent you can see
The things that are best for me
You know the plan that’s been prepared
The one in which we have shared
You’ll be with me down the road
Til the story of my life’s been told
You brought me through the major changes
Saw me past the minor ranges
Now I’m poised for another shift
Keep my heading true, not adrift
Although mostly hidden from my view
I feel your touch in what is new
In all the ways in which I grew
You helped me handle all my tasks
Relaxed the tension of my masks
I know I have a long way to go
There’s one thing I’ve come to know
Keep taking clues from up above
And walk with you in living love
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back.
Your idea of working together – in reply to Bro 93 – is the same idea which brought us together here in this Vineyard some years ago, the Cafe Club (praise God for giving Herb this “innovation” and Herb be praised for bringing it into reality) is but another special place beside the war-rooms, where such “lunatics” can share, contribute to this idea of working together. Of course, there are always ups and downs but which ocean is quiet all the time ? we bark and bark, each one of us in his/her own style in this great, global battlefield, not forgetting our own home front. The hand of the Darkness has visible and invisible hands, reaching out to us in different ways, in different shapes and forms, always changing its methods accordingly. I’m trying to withstand, as you do, as all of us are trying to do, that’s a difficult journey, full of obstacles and learning.
What is the difference between the poet and the madman? They both go to the same place, only the poet returns.
Now this can be interpreted as the actual poet who writes poetry, but also as the individual Soul, who indeed, is the one and only True Poet. We are all poets, poets in the making, or poets to be. Many of us are ‘on leave’ indefinitely.
“What ails the Dog?” tells of life in the dual world without the engagement of the True Poet within, and therefore the Spirit of Life. Its a haphazard affair at best. We put our trust in another, through sheer laziness, who more often than not, takes us for a ride. When the ‘Hand of God’ finally comes to our rescue in the eleventh hour, we ‘thanks our lucky stars’ and off we go again.
OK ! to be understood : the Main Hands of The Darkness has (uses) other “helping” hands who are doing their works, acting in visible and less visible ways.
“Faithful guardian, I feel you near…”
This poem touches upon the Divine Presence that is with/within every individual, offering understanding, direction, solace and so on. However we “frame that presence’, ie; however we identify it – for example it may be Christ to a Christian or Muhammed to a Muslim, etc. is not so important ( though men go to war over such matters ), what’s important is to have this relationship alive and living and an active part of one’s life. Should we engage this presence – Rumi spoke of it as “the Friend, the Guest etc.” we sense our connectedness to all of life. Its working with us constantly as it is, but our awareness and conscious engagement of it has wide-rangng benefits, in all aspects of our lives, which youve made a nice list of pertaining to your own experience, Dennis, so thanks. PS This is “the one who makes my heart sing”, “The Kabuki Master” etc. a few references from my own poetry…
… electric cars …
a 1906 Pope Waverley Victoria Phaeton and a 1907 Victor High Wheel Runabout
… and …
Full Steam Ahead – 1908 Stanley Model K Steam Car
… and there’s more … a good version of …
Bizet – Carmen Suite (Habanera) – Hyup strings
Perhaps the alleged attempt to burn up 51 Italian school children in Milan had something to do with this???::
“The anti-China and anti-Italy tirades have repeatedly portrayed Italy as going against the wishes of President Trump. But this is simply more “fake news,” as Trump would say. While several of Trump’s cabinet secretaries, as well as his Vice President, regularly rant against the Belt and Road as an imperial plot to take the world away from the “only superpower,” the only time the press reported an anti-Belt and Road comment from Trump himself was a third hand report from a private meeting, which was subsequently shown to be a lie. Next week, Trump is sending his negotiators to China to proceed with plans for a US-China trade agreement, which could, and should, create the conditions for the US to join with Italy in embracing cooperation in the Belt and Road, a policy which LaRouche had long insisted was a necessary step towards ending the Anglo-American war party’s drive for confrontation and war with Russia and China, and bringing about a new paradigm based on the common aims of mankind.”
Xi Arrives in Italy today.
Trump’s style of negotiation is to retreat and declare victory.
If there is an agreement of some sort between USA and China, it will only consist of China agreeing to buy a bit more stuff than before to help ease the trade deficit numbers. In return, Trump’s tariffs will be cancelled completely, and the kidnapped Chinese executive will be released. There might be some fig-leaf statements on other areas, but no way does Xi give the US control over Chinese technology nor over the Chinese ability to implement tariffs the way the neocons have been demanding. There might be a few ‘opening up’ steps that continue a course that China has already been following for nearly a decade. In all, the deal will follow the typical Trump pattern of retreating on what were said to be key negotiating points so he can celebrate a completed deal even though he’s basically surrendered in reaching the agreement. But the Trumpettes will cheer and dance as if Trumpie has brought them the slabs of the ten commandments
And you know what?
If it truly is a retreat from Empire and a return to sovereign republic, that IS a victory for me and you, Anonymous.
As well as POTUS. If he really is an enemy of the globalists and their Clinton crony losers and traitors.
Try that one on for size, Anonymous. Just in case you might have to wear it, later.
Did you ever consider that possibility, Anonymous??
In this environment you’d better cover all the bases.
Deception all over the place, almost all the time.
On the other hand if “Israel is last.” is a false clue and all this Golan and Jerusalem stuff is not…….there is no rest, not for a generation or two or three more.
“It is what it is.”
But we haven’t defined what “IS” means yet…..because that’s always in doubt, when it comes to the Clinton Foundation.
… request granted … everybody happy …
ドラムを演奏するおばあちゃん A列車で行こう
… Wagakki (和楽器) Band …
和楽器バンド / 吉原ラメント(2018.1.27横浜アリーナ)
和楽器バンド / 「オキノタユウ」Full size music video
(combining traditional with modern)
Happy Birthday to Mr. Lavrov, the world’s most distinguished diplomat!
Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, outstanding Russian diplomat Sergey Lavrov turns 69 today! Born on 21 March 1950, he began his diplomatic career in 1972, in 2004 became head of @mfa_russia. Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day Sergey Viktorovich!
69 and still firing multiple broadsides of astute diplomacy
… time marches on … here’s a Russian marching song …
Гвардейский ракетный крейсер “Москва”
He ‘told’ me 2013, by his telephone with Dr. Assad, that a face cannot lie: my very first ‘ encounter’ with new Russia. It’s a ‘deep breath’ metaphorically
to share one’s time with characters like him and his friends.
New Zealand Massacre
Sudan Sermon by Sheikh Abd Al-Jalil Al-Karouri: The Jews are behind
NZ massacre; they are the enemies of Christians and Muslims
Christchurch shootings: Erdogan criticised for showing NZ video
Turkey’s Erdogan sparks diplomatic row by invoking Gallipoli in aftermath of Christchurch terror attack
Christchurch shootings: New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern bans assault, semi-automatic rifles
The Band Played Waltzing Matilda – John McDermott
[Song about the WW1 – Landing of Britain’s, Australia’s and New Zealand’s troups at the
Suvla Bay on the Gallipoli peninsula – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landing_at_Suvla_Bay ]
Turns out the shooter was recorded been on a train trip from Romania to Hungary. Who would like to bet this was on his way back from the Ukraine. I think the chickens have come home to roost. My bet is he was trained by one of the Ukrainian neo-nazi battaltions. Plenty of others far right westerners have been sighted training and fighting for Azov. Anon Thinker.
Masthead photo for 3/20/19
Inspector Clouseau’s tea time
Little grey cells
Sip and Stir…
Eh, Voila!
rings a bell
Forsooth, this sleuth
has got his proof!
Presidents Kushner/bolton/pompeo, um trump, says us recognition of golan to Israel overdue:
This is absolutely criminal but trump has absolutely no relevance in any decisions or worse, he simply is reflecting his true zionist tendencies-in the end, it does not matter.
Here we go again – Trump Tweet.
After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 21, 2019
And the Christian Zionists break out in cheers. They dance like the 3 Israeli’s danced after 9/11, with open glee.
So, we have a Hands-off-Venezuela campaign.
A second campaign is necessary: Hands-off-Golan Heights but this time it needs to be longer.
Hands-off-Golan-Heights You Stinky Thieves!
Commander in Thief is what I say. Here we go, another Syrian war on the cards. The war mongers are short of war – they need some more. If they cannot get it in Venezuela, they’ll try Syria again.
On Q …. from watching old Star Trek ….
Data: “How is it that Q can handle time and space so well, but us so badly?”
Picard: “Perhaps some day we will discover that space and time are simpler than the human equation?”
Mind your P’s and Q-anon
Beware, beware of confidential sources
in that double game lie hidden forces
Hold your horses, check your sources
Put two and two together ,
reasons use,
and fancy tether.
That, my friend was to the core. Direct hit if I ever saw one.
Thank you
“Hold your horses, mind their courses”
This May be a better line because courses can mean pathways .
A seemingly innocent news item that will not have drawn too much attention, just another quote of a politician as it seems, but still.
Ok, Fox. But the quotes and descriptions are accurate. A high-ranking German parliament official asks for the expulsion of the US ambassador.
“”Any U.S. diplomat who acts like a high commissioner of an occupying power must learn that our tolerance also knows its limits,” Kubicki said, according to Deutsche Welle.
(Of course they are an occupying power. But as vassal you are not supposed to speak that out loudly in public.)
Now, it starts with the threats of the USA to firms cooperating with Nord Stream 2. “Russia would take Germany hostage”, according to ‘die Trumpete’. Now, Russian gas is delivered flawlessly since the eighties, without any discrepancies save for incidents when the Uki’s stole it. And that was during the cold war from the USSR. And why was that then no problem, and now the world is going down?
Add to that, the actual gas consumption compared to total energy in Germany is 15%, and that is not only Russian gas, also gas from Norway is imported. 90% of gas import is used by industry, and some 10% by households. So were are talking about the single digit range.
And now ambassador Grenell is also fuming about the defense budget, not reaching the magical 2%. Well, we could do the French trick. In France a significant part of the police force (le gendarme) falls under the ministry of defense, and as such counts to the defense budget. In Germany it is not.
Ok, the German army is slightly in tatters, due to high maintenance costs. A short time ago Merkel said ‘nein’ to the request to sail two German vessels under to Kerch bridge to provoke. Cynical reactions here were that it was already a challenge to get 2 vessels operational for such a journey.
The interesting point is this: mr. Kubicki is the vice-president of a small party in the German parliament, though they have participated for years in the government. Hans-Dietrich Genscher, FM for years and an architect of the German unification, was from the FDP.
Maybe less known, the Bundestag (German parliament) is a place where discussions go in a factual and very, very polite way (if not to say boring). If these harsh words are spoken, then really something is brewing underneath. Germans take some time before they leave their politeness and really say what they think.
German is slowly but steady growing to get quite fed up with that shrieking bully in the school yard.
Zbigniev Brzezinski wrote in his ‘Grand Chessboard’ 2 warnings: not to get Russia and China cooperating (gee, now what happened), and not to get Germany and Russia cooperating (gee, now what is starting to happen more and more).
Interesting times.
Cheers, Rob
These news are not even Fake News. Kubicki is not high ranking, but a province politician in sleepy Schleswig-Holstein, and has enough voters to elect him again and again there although he is hated officially in the circles of the “high-ranking” as nobody else. The problem is, Kubicki was a good friend with Moellemann, and both shared two traits which are absolute no-nos in germ politix: both were intelligent and both had a sense of humour. Juergen Moellemann also had the fatal flaw of understanding something of the Near East, having connections there, and so one day he was murdered by the Mossad, while practising his sport of parachuting. Around that time I was working at an advertising agency in Berlin with a “green” – how incredibly progressive! – boss. His deputy was a “Herr Schmidt” from the BND land Bavaria who at times got telephone calls from his mother, a “von”, but definitively not “von Schmidt” – so I was working in a place steered from the nazi scum of Bavaria (BND = Bairischer Nazifizierungs Dreck), and where “green” was just a shade of self-deception … as the whole “green” movement is at least since they let Kelly and Bastian be murdered and accepted nazi crap Fischer instead as their fuehrer so that the nazi war against Yugoslavia could be proclaimed by germ chancellor Schroeder with “green” “peacenik” support. My “progressive” boss under his nazi handler had the habit of spitting out nonsense from time to time against “this Kubicki”, who, seemingly, for him, was the culprit for anything not going as he (or his handlers) wanted. This was how I took notice of Kubicki: if such a clueless idiot got hooked so senselessly on one single of 80 million germs, Kubicki must really be noteworthy. I did not investigate Kubicki in any way, just took notice when he appeared at one of my rare occasions in front of a TV set. Thus I came to understand why he was/is hated by our ruling dumbasses and a friend of JM: both were/are similar – intelligent and with a sense of humour, which in Germland is verboten, and in germ politix is totally verboten. I did not check the news about his idea to throw Grenell out, but am confident that he knows that ambassadors are never “expelled”, no matter how much they deserve it, and least of all the representative of the mightiest and most brutal regime in the world. Thus, his idea (in case he ever forwarded it) to expell Grenell might just be another proof of his sense of humour… which makes things only worse, but surely not for Grenell. On the contrary, if “so einer” (such one as Kubicki) says “sowas”, then this may be a signal for the others to defend poor Grenell against this notorious “Stoerenfried” (disturber of peace).
Discussion on the Palestine-Israel conflict at the ARD on Juni 1, 2003
You can change the subtitles to English
Moderator: Sabine Christiansen
Participants: Jürgen Möllemann, Daniel Barenboim,
Salman Rushdi, Israel’s ambassador Shimon Steiner,
Hans-Ulrich Klose, Jeff Gedman director of Aspen-Institute Berlin.
Jürgen Möllemann was not a typical German politician, he was much more,
he was a man who aspired to politics out of conviction and not power. He was
in the German media, because of his criticism of Israel, insulted as anti-Semitic
and Volksverhetzer (rabble-rouser)
This was his last TV appearance. Four days later he was dead.
It looks like Molleman was ‘suicided’ by parachute. I suppose it saves on the Polonium.
This is one for Saker
The falcons perched on the Moscow Foreign Ministry building had to move during renovations… but have returned and are nesting.
“we live in an age where political leadership is crumbling in the lands which once fought world wars for their freedom. ”
– Robert Fisk, writing in The Independent, https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/jacinda-ardern-new-zealand-shooting-christchurch-donald-trump-erdogan-turkey-a8833156.html
Its interesting to notice the other voices that observe the point I’ve heard the Saker make on a few occasions. That “the west” is lacking leadership across the board. My own opinion is that its because the systems are corrupt and don’t allow true leaders to arise. Early on they are viewed as a threat by the corrupt sycophants and pushed aside.
… peacefully progressive … industry and trade …
Mercedes is Building 3 New Russian Plants, and They’re Not the Only Ones
… blown it all sky high …
Intimidation and Scare Tactics:
US Ambassador Richard Grenell’s Letters Published in German Bild!
Jigsaw – Sky High [HQ]
The big question is, how does something like this, get to this stage …
Is Italy so broke ? or is it yet another attempt at dilution of cultural identity …
Italian identity and European identity.
… headlined …
Italy’s opera house snubs Saudi cash amid human rights concerns
(what a strange headline … amid “human rights concerns”)
Group portrait of the Tavistock products “Merkel”, May, Grybauskaite:
Who IS Ray Chandler???
Politics is downstream of Culture.
And a growing portion of Western “Culture” has become a cesspool that some visitors to the Saker site besides myself have actually named the filthiest parts of:
Child Rape and Ritual Sacrifice. Adrenochrome…adrenaline enriched blood from young ones frightened to death before their rape, murder, and partial consumption as food. If this dries up a lot of these old monsters wil croak in a week. Evidently it’s why most of them live so long.
Yet, despite my referencing Putin’s quite telling fairly recently uttered 4 little words….”(1) Those 2) Who 3) Eat 4) Babies” Oh, 3-4 times here (this is # 4, I am fairly certain ….) there does not seem to be any serious effort to confront the possibility ……..that he might not have been joking….
ESPECIALLY reluctant to look at any evidence are those that will automatically reject ALL such evidence turned up by any of those horrible deplorable Americans,,,,who kind of think that it’s OK for Americans (even elected ones!) to talk to Russians……and who think that there are JUST two genders, not a half dozen or more, and who think America was never meant to be an Empire and want globalist bankers’ wars to stop etc,etc.
Oh, no! They couldn’t have anything of any value to say in many hours of video documentation and detailed articles about what Vladimir Putin himself devoted those 4 little words to.
Well, that’s a bunch of Boomers for you. My generation of westerners (not just Americans!) is known for not wanting to “Go There”…if “There” is not a very comfortable place for them……and Putin’s Four Little Words Be Damned.
They are not going to follow up on the hint, no matter WHO it comes from……if that might make them even SLIGHTLY uncomfortable.
Before I post my eldest sister’s message of this morning I will give you two videos that cover a great deal of the links in her last email…(she has a lot more time to “dig” than I do….) but you get two entirely different styles to choose from, in case you are more comfortable with one of them over the other one:
Both are on the Theme of Putin’s Four Little Words and heavily reference one Rachel….or Ray….Which IS IT??? You decide!! “Chandler” (hint C(hild) Handler ) whose “studio” seems to have something to do with procuring young blood for the globalist Elites of “Culture” and Politics from eminem to Richard Gere, to Bill Clinton, and Tony Podesta ….to Prince Andrew……..and there are plenty of pictures to prove it….guys and girls.
First, shortest video Truth And Art TV….Bernie What’s His Name (Not Sanders…….LOL) does not flinch and…..this guy IS getting a lot better…What More Can You Ask For???
and the second one is a longer tour de force of fierce womanhood (“I spent 20 years among these creeps in Hollywood”) who just may go too deep for you in this video:
But I realize the new superstitious number to avoid among 97%+ of you is now 17 in place of the old 13…so if you bail after 2-3 seconds on both videos you might be more comfortable just quickly scanning over this morning’s Elder Sister email…… to get the quick, painless, superficial gist of the matter:
My Red Pilled Sister has some explanatory comments along the way. Sorry! I am too computer illiterate and too tired to give you all the pictures and graphics……but they ALL are in the videos above
START of email:
(Just-de-platformed from you tube) Jordan Sather:
I had to get offline for a few hours and I come back to Q exploding the place.
Child sex trafficking and human sacrifice taking place in the upper echelons of society is one of THE BIGGEST aspects of “Disclosure” and “The Great Awakening”.
141 replies632 retweets1,315 likes
Reply 141 Retweet 632
Liked 1.3K
so Q has brought this morass up a couple of times.. you should probably be aware… and with the reopening of the Jeffrey Epstein case, it will be hovering in the periphery if not the open… I would be interested in knowing if you do see ANY allusion or aspect of this in msm… the main focus through the bulk of the drops is ‘Ray Chandler’… Q is really pushing the anons to dig, dig, dig.. some of the photos here have been posted multiple times, but a majority are ‘new’..
the guy to BC’s left who he has his arm around testified against Trump supposedly to Mueller..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20edf2 No.5795457
Mar 20 2019 15:55:42 (EST)
Drop #3050
[Will the rich & powerful influence the court to prevent the unsealing?]
Follow the ATTORNEY.
Who took the pic?
Who was located behind the camera?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d72635 No.5796335
Mar 20 2019 16:39:52 (EST)
[Nick Lewin]
>Mueller connection?
>Comey connection?
so Q uses this one to transition to the RC/Ray Chandler/Rachel Chandler focus.. the darker background sections are anons, the no background ones are Q..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5800988
Mar 20 2019 21:30:24 (EST)
Anonymous ID: dad469 No.5800566
Mar 20 2019 21:02:59 (EST)
Started digging on the pic Q posted, trying to figure out who took the pic.
Doing a search of it on Tineye, the first article that pops up is from True Pundit, last March.
One thing that popped out, going to dig further in a bit, was the location the pic was taken:
“Clinton is seen here kicking back at a beach day in Jan. 2017 in Palmilla, Bayahibe, an exclusive haven of warm waters and refuge, near the so-called Paso de Catuano, very close to Isla Saona. This resort is only in accessible by private boat.”
No idea who took the pic yet, still digging, but thought I’d share the location in case it helps one of you.
Anybody know anything about this “resort” ?? Is it a “Last Resort” ?
Sauce: https://truepundit.com/busted-muellers-new-star-witness-trump-caught-partying-exclusive-island-resort-bill-clinton/
Q replies:
How many ‘girls’ were waiting for their return to the boat?
Who owned the boat?
What does a ‘handler’ procure?
Is the ‘handler’ [one of many] connected to Epstein?
Flight logs reveal many hidden artifacts.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801012
Mar 20 2019 21:31:52 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5800988
Mar 20 2019 21:30:24 (EST)
How many ‘girls’ were waiting for their return to the boat?
Who owned the boat?
What does a ‘handler’ procure?
Is the ‘handler’ [one of many] connected to Epstein?
Flight logs reveal many hidden artifacts.
Q replies
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801092
Mar 20 2019 21:35:20 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801012
Mar 20 2019 21:31:52 (EST)
Q replies
this is a gal who gets around..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801158
Mar 20 2019 21:38:07 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 6fdec1 No.5801100
Mar 20 2019 21:35:50 (EST)
Chandler =
these people are sick!
Q replies:
If the records become unsealed much will be revealed.
Watch the news for Rachel Chandler.
at age 16 or 17..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801230
Mar 20 2019 21:40:46 (EST)
Anonymous ID: fcf434 No.5801159
Mar 20 2019 21:38:08 (EST)
This one case has the ability to bring down the (many) rich & powerful people.
Those who scream the loudest….
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801280
Mar 20 2019 21:42:44 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 0c5d78 No.5801165
Mar 20 2019 21:38:17 (EST)
I don’t know that many ‘celebrities’.. unless anons or Q spells them out…
she’s 14 here…
Bill does like them young…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801306
Mar 20 2019 21:43:24 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ccf5ca No.5801142
Mar 20 2019 21:37:35 (EST)
Q is egging on the anons.. where he wants them to dig…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801380
Mar 20 2019 21:48:08 (EST)
Epstein island dungeon (beneath the temple).
Sex & torture rooms.
Openly flaunt across social media?
a larger, readable version: https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/data/media/661cf85d72d3bb362772193ab18a9b22260c4ff6ac2a7280de1ff57d45b74e8f.png
it’s a ‘confirm’ that Q and POTUS are in sync, posting their separate posts within a minute of each other…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801421
Mar 20 2019 21:49:32 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 6c629a No.5801384
Mar 20 2019 21:48:16 (EST)
Q inb4 POTUS
Thank you, Anon.
ok… one of Rachel Chandler’s ‘covers’ is a photography studio/modeling agency… so what kind of ‘models’ do these look like? ‘Models to Watch in 2017’..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801455
Mar 20 2019 21:50:37 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 59cfcf No.5801432
Mar 20 2019 21:49:56 (EST)
so here’s that guy again… the center photo in the collage is with Marina Abramovic who is the high priestess of ‘spirit cooking’ and sacrifices et al with lots of blood… a larger version: https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/data/media/5bc9a76ce77babaea5677066b191c33c82bab91fbce46b565a04b7efd4c23042.jpeg
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801505
Mar 20 2019 21:52:09 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 75e818 No.5801399
Mar 20 2019 21:48:46 (EST)
some of the photos on Rachel’s Tumblr site: the baby in the top one does not look right.. dead?? doll??
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801537
Mar 20 2019 21:53:04 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8ea084 No.5801385
Mar 20 2019 21:48:19 (EST)
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 9.45.55 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 9.47.21 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 9.47.08 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 9.46.44 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 9.46.04 PM.png
Rachel Chandler’s Tumblr is just on the edge of gross…
hanging out with Prince Edward who has spent his share of time on Epstein’s island..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801599
Mar 20 2019 21:55:12 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 4d4659 No.5801371
Mar 20 2019 21:47:40 (EST)
The royals are in there somewhere as well
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801608
Mar 20 2019 21:55:30 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 7d8ad2 No.5801368
Mar 20 2019 21:47:32 (EST)
w Peter Beard.
these have been posted before as photos from security cameras underground on Epstein’s island.. they were on Chandler’s Instagram.. I can send you a larger version but they are gross… naked people.. and the lower left seems to be naked people having a lovely cannibal feast with a carved up body laid out at the head of the table.. a piece of their satanic rituals.. ‘someone’ blew up the island last year including all these tunnels under the Temple on the highest spot on the island..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801630
Mar 20 2019 21:56:25 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 97e0cb No.5801355
Mar 20 2019 21:46:42 (EST)
Rachel Chandler had the possible Epstein Island security cam pic on her instagram
I think this guy is in the water with BC in the first and third photos above? a Harley Newton??
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801639
Mar 20 2019 21:56:46 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 75e818 No.5801344
Mar 20 2019 21:46:16 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801813
Mar 20 2019 22:02:59 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 2cde94 No.5801561
Mar 20 2019 21:53:50 (EST)
here RChandler is with Matt Rothschild..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801837
Mar 20 2019 22:03:27 (EST)
Anonymous ID: c1bcc3 No.5801566
Mar 20 2019 21:53:57 (EST)
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 10.50.26 PM.png
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801868
Mar 20 2019 22:04:25 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 69d95e No.5801615
Mar 20 2019 21:55:45 (EST)
well, even I know Richard Gere…
this one is pretty sick.. ‘addiction’ in the shoe tongue.. shoe mutilation..
speaks for itself..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801902
Mar 20 2019 22:05:27 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8f2ae5 No.5801617
Mar 20 2019 21:55:49 (EST)
Prince Andrew is deeply connected.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5802012
Mar 20 2019 22:09:15 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 651616 No.5801778
Mar 20 2019 22:01:40 (EST)
Q pointing to a discussion on 8chan that I find difficult to decipher..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cffc9e No.5802122
Mar 20 2019 22:13:40 (EST)
>>5801797 (/pb)
?? babies are highly suspect. yeah, right…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cffc9e No.5802177
Mar 20 2019 22:15:06 (EST)
Anonymous ID: f6cc9f No.5802087
Mar 20 2019 22:12:24 (EST)
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler9.png
the Pope’s shoes.. ‘traditional’.. yet ‘red shoes’ are flaunted by many as a symbol.. they are supposedly made of human skin.. McCaulley, the Home Alone kid actor has a horror story of a threat he got when he wouldn’t get with the program his producer wanted…
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler5.png
satiated adult sleeping, one kid sucking it’s thumb comforting the younger kid..??
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler8.png
‘too young’ for the commenter..
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler14.png
oh, let’s play human sacrifice…?? several of those who have ‘escaped’ when they attained adulthood have testified that they were lead through actually performing real sacrifices with multiple adults attending..
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler15.jpg
and Q says…
Keep digging, Anons.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cffc9e No.5802556
Mar 20 2019 22:27:03 (EST)
Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cffc9e No.5802783
Mar 20 2019 22:32:53 (EST)
Connection to Ray Chandler?
Are you awake?
Standard Hotel: Adam Schiff territory.. all kinds of weird things going on, overdose deaths of young male prostitutes, the manager died in a small plane crash last year.. so Chandler apparently has a connection with this, too..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9e3ce8 No.5803214
Mar 20 2019 22:48:16 (EST)
speaks for itself…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9e3ce8 No.5803488
Mar 20 2019 22:55:40 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ace215 No.5803267
Mar 20 2019 22:49:40 (EST)
Who did Nicky Hilton (sister of Paris) marry?
James Rothschild.
and Q… see anything.. hear anything… numbers to call…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9e3ce8 No.5803571
Mar 20 2019 22:57:51 (EST)
there’s lots more… but I think that’s enough for now and these are the ones dropped Wed…
End of her mail. G’night.
Richard III (2 October 1452 – 22 August 1485) was King of England and Lord of Ireland from 1483 until his death at the Battle of Bosworth Field.
He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty.
His defeat at Bosworth Field, the last decisive battle of the Wars of the Roses, marks the end of the Middle Ages in England.
King Richard Plantagenet … a very detailed documentary using his remains.
With all the fake news in the western world I was very skeptical about this discovery and this is the problem today … what do we believe nowadays ? … about anything !
If this is fabrication, then it is certainly multi-stranded and complex.
Whatever you decide to believe, there are some interesting topics discussed.
There are many natural occurrences that might puzzle a traveler. One of them is Al Naslaa Rock
Formation, located in Tayma oasis, Saudi Arabia. Recent archaeological discoveries show that
Tayma has been inhabited since the ancient times.
Tayma /ˈtaɪmə/ (Arabic: تيماء) is a large oasis with a long history of settlement, located in northwestern
Saudi Arabia at the point where the trade route between Yathrib (Medina) and Dumah (al-Jawf) begins
to cross the Nefud desert. Tayma is located 264 km southeast of the city of Tabouk, and about 400 km
north of Medina. It locates in the western part of An Nafud desert.
Our world is full of mysterious megalithic structures that today still create an unbelievable desire
in the heart of old-world enthusiasts, to learn and decipher the meanings and the ways of our
hidden ancestors.
The story goes in the late 1800’s a man of Japanese decent was a great traveler and Samurai. He
wound up in the Middle East. He met and befriended a very wealthy Prince. ….
… now meet some two-faced lying Swedes …
Samnytt TV – Vem vill egentligen ta emot en invandrare? [eng subs!]
(what’s wrong with these idiots … all saying yes, then no … is this how they vote)
A living megalitic structure which will enrich everyone’s life, please take a well deserved break and watch ‘Jesse Cook’ Live at the Bathurst Theater, it’s from 2013. The drummer, a Cuban, virtuoso, out of this world. The bass player, of Trinidadian lineage unbelievable. The muti instramentalist fiddle/accordian player from Halifax, yikes………and of course Jesse himself. You will not be disappointed. World beat, jazz, funk, flamingo, fussion, something for everyone. The acapella singing in the middle of the audience……………goosebumps down the spine.
… have not found anything labelled Jesse Cook Bathurst 2013 so far …
Jesse Cook – One Night at the Metropolis – 2007 – integral
(1hour 45minutes)
Jesse Cook Rumba Foundation 2009 Full Video
(1 hour … along with music education)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UWZkMLrmt8. Hope this works.
To state the obvious, zionist trump’s announcement on the golan was clearly designed to push nitenyaahoo’s re-election bid. The kushner family, no doubt, had their fingers in this: jarad, ivanka, kusher senior.
However, this article lays out more detail as to the timing, perhaps a premature ejaculation from bolton, because more evidence on the corruption on nitenyaa has come to light.
250,000 Dominoes – The Incredible Science Machine: GAME ON!
Russian Olympic Champ Zagitova Wins Gold at World Championship in Japan
During the competition, 16-year-old Russian athlete Alina Zagitova displayed her mastery,
performing a complicated free routine to the Carmen opera by Georges Bizet.
… thunderstorm asthma …
60 Minutes Australia: The killer storm, part one (2017)
60 Minutes Australia: The killer storm, part two (2017)
The ‘unknown unknowns’ are beginning to arrive with increasing virulence and frequency.
ChristChurch – the happening from another point of view
Very interesting thoughts – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E25PIGxu4ds
You can change the subtitles to English
Azorka … the auto translator for English is producing rubbish.
Can you briefly state the main points in English.
A very interesting two cylinder French car … The Citroen 2CV
Yes, I am impressed and studying …
Vintage: Citroen 2CV | Drive it!
… we learn this car idealises “The French way of Life”.
“From National Front to European Civilization,An Interview with Jean-Yves Le Gallou”
Include gems such as> “…In fact, any person who criticizes immigration – at least in France, Germany, or Great Britain – will be demonized. The first man to be demonized in postwar Europe was Enoch Powell – a leading figure of Britain’s Conservative Party, a classics scholar, a brilliant man – who gave a speech opposing immigration and was politically destroyed as a result. There was no trace of anti-Semitism there….”
see> http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/from-national-front-to-european-civilization/
Its Saturday, so it is Yellow Vest day. The first day where military troops may open fire on the people. It is staggering just to think about it.
I don’t know what difference this will make at the end of the day, but Italy and China put their signatures to paper and Italy is now part of the Belt and Road initiative. Big news? Little news? or of no account? I cannot make up my mind.
But generally it may be a peaceful weekend, I hope. Its been quite a crazy first part of the year and I don’t even think we’ve had one quiet and peaceful weekend with the continual major events accelerating.
Despite the emotional disapproval of Dennis Leary, Anonymouse. and the cynical fellow that proclaimed that the Illuminatti have all of us, including 1.3 billion Chinese under their thrall in perpetuity (therefore, “Resistance is Futile!” and OBOR in that sense is a waste of time…..) the developments in Italy……….. and Xi’s trip there are very positive steps towards a more prosperous and peaceful world…..and (holding back from so proclaiming these developments as such, clearly and unequivocally is too much of an “uncertain trumpet’ for me to bear!) a very, very BIG deal!
However, widen your peripheral vision. There was another development, just yesterday, that may turn out to be just as big, if not bigger:
Qanon 322 19 “Unravelling the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. history”
I think you are a well meaning lady, but because of similar emotional prejudices to those that the three Vineyard Visiting Gentlemen referenced above are afflicted with….this other BIG development from less than 24 hours ago is, I am quite certain, not fully yet on your political radar to also be fully appreciated as a major step towards a more peaceful and sane world.
In fact, you may even see it as just as horribly frightening and incomprehensible as the confused souls in our BLUE cities and Sates are probably sadly, dejectedly feeling it to be, this Saturday morning, March 23, 2019!
That would be a BIG, BIG error of political judgment, IMHO. “Yuge” mistake, in fact
I will address the reasons why more fully, over in Saker’s article The Great Fraud of National Zionism.
Your comment there, in that thread, is a perfect entry point to what I would like to say on this score and the wider score that Saker covers over there.
Cops are supposed to protect the public as a first priority. The first priority for soldiers is “force-protection”.
(US cops are trained as soldiers to place so-called force protection (meaning their personal safety as they imagine it) first)
Putting soldiers with live ammo into a cop’s job is liable to result in….
Orders to fire…
If a man makes a bomb, and if the bomb goes off, whose fault is that? Macron’s made a “bomb” and it will probably go off.
He probably ought to have considered what happens after that… Secondary after-effects tend to outweigh any temporary advantage that violence may create, especially when the violence is directed against unarmed and increasingly desperate general population.
Tar an’ Feather…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypW9ptwviRU (run outta town on a rail?)
or worse?
Go ahead Mackie boy, and discover the pitchforks points?
Does the child-kingish person have a choice? Do the people?
Max and Stacy discuss hegemon going kaputski…with Michael Hudson and the Boeing fubar with FAA rigging “certifications” . ..resulting in deliberate negligence and, well, homicide…
Add to that, “Corbett Report # 354 in re open public science/fake science (about 1/2 is TBS or fake)
see https://www.corbettreport.com/openscience/
He deals quite a bit with Fukushima fubar and the fake data…but it’s more general.
This is important, because they’re using faked data to create consent to do harm and loot the people.
40 minutes audio/video with endnotes.
In the next cafe I will try to wrote something about free will.
“In the next cafe I will try to wrote something about free will.” – are you testing my nerves, you…words butcher…of course, in the past…at the next corner…tomorrow…where I laugh already on my free will. Now I bet that everyone will take you seriously…the pencil and the brush looks better in your hands !
Your shadow…from “That’s my English”
Better not to listen to your shadow…
I had high hopes for the Yellow Vests at the start.I thought maybe at last the French would do what no other Western populace has had the guts to do.To “actually” throw out their 1% elite regime.But with the police violence,and the YV’s not fighting back against that.And now with the numbers of protesters dropping,and the regime imposing fine’s on anyone protesting in areas that the regime bans them from. The movement looks to be dying. OMG “who knew” that all Louis XVI and Nichols II had to do was have the police break heads, impose fine’s on protesters,and there would have been no French and Russian Revolutions. Oh,wait a minute.Could it be that the French and Russians in those days weren’t as “weak kneed” as Western people today are. Yet if we look at today’s world we need look no further than Donbass to see brave people standing against the tyranny of an elitist (and even nazi) regime. And next door to France in Catalonia protesters are able to field a million protesters in the streets. So no,maybe its not “the times”,maybe its that Westerners have been brainwashed so badly that they will meekly accept tyranny.Until an outside event forces them to strike back against it.