2020/04/06 03:00:02
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.
The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post.
The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
Saker Webmaster
I find these interviews on the Corona-Virus problem very interesting and insightful:
Perspectives on the Pandemic
Episode 1 –
Dr John Ioannidis – of Stanford University –
Episode 2 –
Professor Knut Wittkowski – for twenty years head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design –
Here is also a good one from Catherine Austin Fitts
She points out some things most others have not spoken of yet
Just me, but I would trust Wittkowski about as much as I would trust the people like Gates, the Rockefellers and Epstein!
Frankly Wittowski is a dope. he is like an old fashioned general fighting the last war. His reasoning is that this is “just another”respiratory virus and he has zero evidence for it. He is blatant about favouring the herd immunity idea which basically says that everyone over 70 and many over 50 are expendable.
the problem with his callous and rather politically blind approach is
1. respiratory viruses are severe when there is no herd immunity – many, many people will get it
2. although a small % some children will get it and die which is a political nightmare
3. He is just plain wrong about the mortality factor, which makes him either a fool or a liar. it Italy the mortality is running at 12.7% and it is above 10% in many countries – UK, Netherlands for example. It will in fact go much higher because the recovery rate is still low. Even if 90% are not symptomatic or not tested this STILL gives mortality of 1%. This is way, way higher than the seasonal flu.
4. He is totally wrong about the time factor for the epidemic being over – very, very wrong which makes his stuff nonsense. We know this particular virus has an incubation period of 5-14 days so if you did want herd immunity then you would need at least five cycles to spread between the young and healthy. so with an average transmission time of 7 days you need at least 7 weeks plus recovery time so 8 weeks minimum
5. isolating the elderly is frankly almost impossible, since so many need support care. unless you somehow manage to insist all care workers in nursing homes or providing home care actually are “live in” the idea is stupid.
essentially this guy is a cold hearted Malthusian who accepts the reality (perhaps applauds it) that the old and frail in nursing homes or needing care should die off as soon as possible.
But, but, but… the supercilious ‘its all just big fat hoax brigade’ think Wittkowski is absolutely marvelous…positively exuding truth and wisdom… apparently the sooner we all listen to him the better. I suppose this then begs the question…better for whom?
Best regards
Also, any theories out there as to what the hell is this dominatrix-like apparel around Wittkowski’s neck.
Did he think we wouldn’t notice it or is it simply an old farmer fart being paranoid. Have to say though this guy gives me a seriously bad case of the creeps?
The more I listened to him the more distinctly uncomfortable I became about the man and his personal brand of science.
An excellent link there with Professor Wittkowski, who’se forgotten more about Epidemiology than any of us will ever know. Thank you for that.
It’s a relief that, even in a small way, some of the science of epidemiology is beginning to be heard. More will be as time passes, as the old saying has it “Truth is the daughter, not of Authority, but of Time”.
The simplest question anyone had to ask themselves, was “In all these reports of ‘n ‘number of deaths today” are these numbers, “n” more than is usual for this time of year in this place, and if so, is this number statically significant?.
As Dr. Bhakdi pointed out, in a nation like Germany with a population close to 83 million, and a demographic which has become top heavy with EI’s {Elderly Infirm}, and a national death rate of 2,200 per day, are the current deaths significantly greater? And he answered his question –“No, they are not”.
Death is a shock to those whose jobs have not required them to handle it. To just hear “230 people died yesterday”, stated baldly and with no context given, it sounds horrifying. And that’s OK – but that’s why those who are expert in the field need to be sought out and followed.
I suspect that what we heard Vladimir Putin state “I want to talk to the medical and other experts now”, was not stated by anyone who is a “Leader” in Europe, Britain, US. They listened to the chicken littles screaming “the sky is falling, act now, ” and followed a linear, computer model put together by a man already responsible for the deaths of thousands of healthy animals costing Britain in the billions of pounds, and instituted a “one size fits all” process which had never even been tested and evaluated.
I know, as one of those supposedly requiring extra care, that this process has, and is, costing me more in stress, money, lack of support, and actual threat, than I ever encounter in my normal life. And for me, read hundreds of thousands more.
Here’s hoping experts like this Professor and the others we have seen being interviewed, are quickly listened to and their advice acted on asap.
I’d like to add an addendum: in many countries of the world – Ecuador is one – where there is a hidden underworld to the animal sphere, and the effect of enforced home isolation on it.
Last night, ready for collection, I put out ,on a brick built ledge, a bag containing the bones from the stew I brew up for my dogs. I’ve been doing it for months. However, this morning, the bag was ripped, and bones well gnawed, scattered, a food tin on the ground — and droppings with diarrhoea around it.
They live along the river bank or under abandoned lots, and get most of their food from the huge number of small cooked food outlets, the “almuerzos” or “lunch” places.
However, these are now all shut down, so no scraps and rubbish are being dumped out. The roaming dogs, which the old style Ecuadorean lets roam the streets during the day when they are out at work are no longer let out as everyone is under “house arrest”.
So the rats are hungry and with no roaming dogs to inhibit them now have invaded domestic homes and left rat droppings over my back yard.
I used some heavy duty gardening gloves to clean up — have you ever looked at a list of the deadly infectious microbes rats droppings carry??
And this is to save me from a virus shown to be of limited lethality.
I wonder if Prof Neil Fergusson and his WHO colleagues included this possibility in their linear, computer model of a non-medical response to a world wide seasonal infection?
Good one guys. Great. Thanks a million
OK Pamela
this is just so wrong on so many levels
1. The rats may be hungrier but they were always there- living in your rafters or under the house. Cheer up with less food there will be fewer next year.
2. Yes obviously everyone KNOWS rats carry disease. That is why we keep them out of our houses, why we put meaty scraps in SEALED bins that rats cannot enter. Why on earth are you leaving meat scraps around. it was only a matter of time before the rats came to party. Now I do throw out meaty bits off my verandah BUT i know that the birds will eat them well before the rats. i would NEVER do this at night.
3. Why on earth are you persisting in saying this is a disease of limited lethality. I do not think seasonal flu puts the UK PM in hospital with about a 50% chance of survival. The death rate is well over 10% in Europe (of those tested of course). Now i assume you are aware that the Chinese reported at least two strains – L and S one of which is more severe than the other. So you cannot look at figures from Sth Korea to judge lethality. Take a look at Italy and the UK and Spain.
4. There are some figures showing the difference in hospital admissions from the US that I saw this morning. i will try to find again.
“Why on earth are you persisting in saying this is a disease of limited lethality
Because, unlike yourself I know what I’m talking about.
And the rats have NEVER been in houses here, they live on abandoned lots and down drains. [Insult to fellow commentor removed by the moderator.]
Here are some German voices critical of the way the case numbers and death numbers are generated:
How Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg sees the current Corona pandemic
(German, with English subtitles)
Coronavirus: Misleading case numbers now proven
Paul Schreyer
Schreyer has asked the Robert Koch Institute (~German CDC) about the relation between
– the number of tests w positive results (“infected w Sars-Cov-2”) and
– the number of tests conducted (i.e. also including the number of the tests w negative results).
Google Translator version:
And here is collection of infos re CoViD19 / SARS-CoV-2 from Switzerland:
Swiss Propaganda Research
Facts about Covid-19
(English version)
For Youth and Age in our header photo
@ Babuška
Thank you for that link, wonderful arrangement. The accordion player, Ludovic Beier, is also featured here;
Thank You so much siljan that is amazing music
I’ve only watched a short clip for now but will return to watch the whole concert after all my chores are done.
Aren’t we all happier and healthier with fabulous music?
Peace and Blessings to You
You know when Trump does not have a long gaze eyes up into the camera at press conferences…and slightly hunches over and kinda rotates twisting from side to side …he damn well knows he is guilty. Not exactly Germany’s best friend at rhe moment I am sure.
Actually he is focused on his notes, and then glances up. Yes, he is reading a lot there and you are way off. It has nothing to do with it. How it has anything to do with Germany is beyond me.
The same message is being screamed out by all media 24/7 but sanctions have not been lifted … I find this most interesting … meanwhile many water supplies are fluoridated and wheat flour is sprayed with synthetic folic acid and those who smoke become a burden to health care, to themselves and others.
The Age of Plastic continues without any shutdowns of plastic production and bio-labs continue doing what they do. Toxic fluoridation, synthetic folic acid additive and 5G wireless have all been mandated. Mandatory vaccination is now being established. What a mess … we are supposedly intelligent … so I’ve repeatedly heard … but I cannot believe it … can you ?
We all talk about the Stone Age, the Iron Age and the Bronze Age, but what era are we living in right now? People are starting to refer to us as the – far less romantic – Plastic Age. We make 288 million tonnes of plastic a year, and unlike paper, metal, glass or wood, it does not oxidise or biodegrade …
The oil and gas industries are the big producers of plastic, which means is business as usual. The question of plastic pollution has been debated for long, nothing has been done to curb the process in a dramatic way, although we heard a lot of promises. The same goes with other things you noted there.
Ah, the question of intelligence…as long as those at the helm of decision are by large the less intelligent people, the chances of evolving are grim, whatever unbelievable may sound.
Answers for Cafe Friends, Russians, Countrymen (includes Babushkas that like Indian food!).
First, Paul (Павел) says:
“What a mess … we are supposedly intelligent … so I’ve repeatedly heard … but I cannot believe it … can you??”
ANS: Yes, actually! Depends on how you view it. For example:
1. Compared to what else? When the head of a pride of lions succumbs to a younger, stronger, rival, that rival proceeds to murder all the lion cubs that are not his. The lions are stuck with this program. We can change ours…devolve if we wish…OR consciously EVOLVE.
2. Individually or collectively? For one, I keep getting smarter and smarter! HOW? By recognizing that the EGO, while needed, is the absolutely stupidest part of our makeup as (potentially ) intelligent beings….and potentially smarter, more evolved species! Like walking and chewing gum at the same time, this is quite a difficult concept for many among our species members…to grasp and apply……but more and more (still a distinct minority, admittedly….) are starting to “get it”. If this paragraph pisses you off or confuses you...that is its intent.For the purpose of making y’all smarter too!
Humanity being fractal (like everything else in the Universe) this is how the components of the collective make the aggregate…the species as a whole, smarter and better. We challenge each other to do so!
3. Meanwhile what I notice is that while the psychopathic “ego run amuck” elites of a Globalist Garbage Can have succeeded in making billions “dumber than a post” and even reduced many to sidewalk defecators…trashing their own minds…and producing nothing that helps individual and collective evolution…………there is a growing minority who are getting smarter and smarter! They can now even read here how the Egyptians raised millions of 2.5 ton stone blocks for example! A generation or two ago it would have been 1000 times more difficult to discover such things. The discoveries of other smart people are infinitely more available than ever. Just make that your “cup of tea” …and then….that Ancient Stone Raising IQ….from 3,4 5 thousand years ago…..can raise your own! Wow! The scope of what we can now “remember” from millenia ago or yesterday’s newest discovery by some brilliant boy or girl…is there for us to connect to, grasp, and make our own!
Black Sheep,at end of last Cafe asks in this comment /moveable-feast-cafe-2020-04-02/#comment-784695:
Can you explain the part especially the bold one to me, please?:
Yes! Just a bit of teasing, Black Sheep. Don’t be too, too paranoid about your Big Neighbor. Again it is the Omnipresent Problem of the Human Ego. If Vietnam was 50 times bigger in population and territory, it’s smaller neighbors would feel pressure…like you …or like Tibetans feel today about China. But there are some good Chinese that want the whole human race to win…not just themselves!
Win-Win-Win DOES include Nguyen, for those more enlightened Chinese!
Taras 77…I read your reply to same Shiva post Black Sheep answered. Yes, Engdahl’s approach is very holistic ….like Shivas…. just needs a bit more optimistic spirit, IMHO. By the way, I am getting filled up with this optimism now after watching the Shiva video below in answer to Babushka……so exciting…Food Is Medicine…and I get to learn Indian cooking from a Master Inventor, Scientist and Candidate for US Senate….and defeat The Corona Virus and Gates Enslavement of Humanity Virus….. simultaneously!
Babushka…here’s that video…… https://youtu.be/DdK67Mu7stE
Dr.SHIVA LIVE In the Kitchen.: Lamb Curry vs. #CoronaVirus
…and versus Corona-Gates and Fauci-Birx Big Pharma Deep State.
I will do web search of Indian Foods and Spices shops in the Southland and stock up on these Bio-Defensive Weapons Shiva teaches in his video…and make Lamb Curry this week! Flank and rout the Evil Empire and their stupid viruses and vaccines!
I bet such shops exist Down Under too!
Evolution is an invisible tool not imagined by humans.
Many thanks Bro
I watched the entire video in the early hours of this morning.
I lived in Pakistan for a while and the Pakistani ladies loved me because they did not have to modify their dishes for me. I loved their hot and spicy curries, just as they were.
Where I live now, we are surrounded by Indian restaurants and specialty stores. Every time we go to an Indian restaurant I tell myself I’ll choose something different, and each time, I choose hot madras lamb.
There is simply nothing better, for me.
Try as I might, I can’t quite make it the same, at home.
I cook with turmeric, cumin, garlic, ginger etc all the time.
All of which is to say that my indigenous Dutch/peasant roots are very similar to Dr Shiva’s
My beloved great granny died in her sleep in the early hours of her 87th birthday.
She had six children and never, ever saw a doctor in her life. She had a very close relationship with her garden which grew everything for their table.
Being a small dairy farm they also were self -sufficient in meat, in which the village people helped each other with the slaughter and all preparations that ensured well-stocked cellars.
I went on to work in clinical settings and was horrified by the “reductionist” attitudes of all my colleagues. I’ve rarely heard that word, until Dr Shiva
I’ve at all times remained close to my roots and traditional medicines, although I’ve also had my life saved with western medicine/doctors.
I admire Dr Shiva immensely for taking the good fight right into the faces of the thugs that are doing their best to destroy us. Someone has posted the very critical question elsewhere here in the café – who is Bill Gates?
I’ve long said this person needs to face a court of law. I can only read what I read but recently I read that a vaccination against meningitis left 50 African children paralysed.
If this is true, then Bill Gates and his vaccinations need to be held accountable. Now.
How come he is still on video with his outrageous views? Who gives him the dignity of a respectful listening?
Not me.
I have sent the Dr Shiva links out to my family and friends.
No more ‘nothing we can do’ – I won’t hear it
The growing awareness of the health impact of the 4G/5G densification is resulting in action by policymakers worldwide. Cities are issuing resolutions and calls for research before deployment. There are citizen organizations in almost every country working on this and a growing list of public officials speaking out.
For example, in the United States the state of New Hampshire has a 5G Bill HB 522 that asks, “Why have 1,000s of peer-reviewed studies, including the recently published U.S. Toxicology Program 16-year $30 million study, that are showing a wide range of statistically significant DNA damage, brain and heart tumors, infertility, and so many other ailments, being ignored by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)?” and, “Why have more than 220 of the worlds leading scientists signed an appeal to the WHO and the United Nations to protect public health from wireless radiation and nothing has been done?”
… extracted from & read more at …
(note, this list is not complete)
On the flip side, this, scientists say its rubbish.
Thanks Paul. The following is a report by Dr. Martin Pall. He was approached by concerned scientists from around the world to present evidence (going back 70 years ) of the effects of EMF’s. ( Nikola Tesla stated, about 100 years ago, that EMF’s are “..harmful to all biological systems.. ). It seems we have forgotten.
The first page sets out 8 mechanisms of harm from EMF’s. Dr. Pall is both a physicist and biochemist. There is no one better qualified to gather / present the evidence and advise on this subject. He warns that the pulsed form is the more damaging.
I note people are announcing that covid 19 is caused by 5G. Evidence-free assertions like these are not helpful. Dr. Pall’s is a 90 page report with comprehensive references. Anybody interested can start with the first page and read on at their leisure – we have the time right now.
Best wishes,
thank you Sand.
These calcium channel issues were addressed some time ago on mercola and other sites re phones etc., now we have more to work with. The issue at this stage is can the moral scientists break through the barriers mounted by the evil DS scum and reach a broad audience? All these components coming to a head may, can we hope, cause a sea change in the mass perception?
Yes – spreading this information as widely as possible is important. Every day we are assailed with assertions that 5G is safe (based on nothing at all – the precautionary principle has simply been removed ).
This report is ideal as the first page is an easily understood summary of the harms already identified. Anybody has the time to read one page.
you mention “calcium channel issues”, reminds me on my ‘calcium channel’
referring to the essence and dynamic of Saturn’s Capricorn sedimentary world. And now bones had to become light-weight, and wings, to fit into that airy realm of Aquarius.
You see, there is fate, worthwhile to attend,live humble like the gods= family, we are composed of.
Just look at this short fragment of Joe Biden.
Can somebody please translate this into English, or any other logical language? This man is ready for assisted living….
Cheers, Rob
Actually the coronavirus crisis seem to have helped Joe Biden out of his personal crisis. Now he is calling for a virtual democratic convention, and that is to his advantage also. He actually sounded much better doing that announcement. So maybe it was engineered after all? The deep state is supporting Joe Biden, in fact he is their dream candidate for obvious reasons, but also for the reason he is so involved in corruption, and you may also say foreign wars. As long as the focus of the american people stays on such issues as the president, the virus, they will not come to think about war criminals, creation of ISIL, al Qaeda, occupation of Iraq, and Syria and so forth. And all these have a leader during 8 years Barack Obama and his administration, Joe Biden Vice President, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State so on , so forth. Pres. Obama announced the Khorasan which is like announing the final Islamic State of Islam, by saying Khorasan had been established in Syria. Since USA also created ISIL, by my standards they were proved to be mercenary islamic army created from AQI and IS under US command in Camp Bucca which also served as a prison for AQI and IS.
There are tons of evidence for a court of law I mean a real court of law, say independant international lawyers, not the corrupt house of Rockefeller, UN and ICC, that actually could create a Nuremberg Tribuanl on these issues. It is well know that IS, al Qaeda, al Nusra, FSA and other during the syrian civil war has operated with mass killings (genocide), and imprisonment of the people of Syria, operated worse than the standard of Waffen SS during WW2 for which there are today grave international standards for such warcrimes.
So basically Coronavirus is a relief from these important issues which has started to bother even those hardened criminals.
I just hope that if he makes it to the ‘election’, he won’t suffer the ignominy of losing to some last minute voter confusion write-in named keith richards.
this just in:
Biden looks so done, even more done than the Donner party, that joe rogaine says he won’t vote for him.
Now that’s some real late breaking heart-breaking news for you.
Krystal and Saagar: Joe Rogaine says he CAN’T vote for Biden, Establishment Dems MELTDOWN
Junkos a’flutter,
They fill the trees
Early arrivals
On the cool southern breeze
A blackbird sings, by the gate
A lovers song,
He calls for a mate
A Robin warbles
From an Orchard tree
With the rising Sun
Ice breaks free
The coming of spring, the birds in the southern wind, their love songs do they sing…a lovely description you made Sean…thank you for sharing !
The Cafe fare, has been heavy of late
Not much for those, on a diet to sate
Cheers, mate
First off, thanks Bro for the link to US Senate Candidate Dr. Shiva’s heartening talk. It was heartening that someone of his caliber has the balls to spit in the Dragon’s eye and tell the King he has no clothes. I watched it at midnight last night and slept well afterwards. I’ll not critique it. You gave the link in the last Cafe roughly 20 posts from the end. I’ve forwarded it to many on my list that are barking up the same tree as I.
” Barking up the (wrong) or right tree” is a phrase I remember well from my childhood in the late 40’s and into the 50’s. You probably may have noticed that most or all of my posts are based upon personal experience. If you can, do it. On a rural dairy farm in that period we had no air conditioning or even fans. In the warm months all the windows were open and the “storms” off and the screens put up. Late at night and into the wee hours we could hear the coon hunters with their dogs baying as they moved through the local woods and creek bottoms. We kids who knew the township by heart could tell exactly where they were and when the coon was “treed”. There would be several hunters and dogs and when the coon was up it was quite the ruckus of voices and baying/barking!
Hey Oscar!! (real name). yer dog’s barkin’ up the wrong tree!! And that’s where the phrase comes from.
To them, there were no boundaries or property lines. “The Coon Hunter’s Creed” is “Them’s my coon in yer woods”. A decade or two ago as I became more aware of how humankind operates and how “non state” actors are the real rulers it dawned on me that their position was “The Coon Hunter’s Creed”. Simply insert what you want for Coon and viola! Another curtain drops. Have a nice day all. I will.
Also, George Webb has put out a vid this am that describes how this particular bio-weapon fools the body’s immune system allowing entry where others failed. Also he names names, dates, facilities, Dr. Faucy’s history, etc etc. His research (team) fits nicely and strengthens others done by Cottrel, Shiva, etc.
When watching a game, especially a winner take all game, you need a program to follow the “players”.
Programs, Programs, get your Programs here…………….
A few things on my mind .. watching the world a little, and not that slanty eyed slippery thing called a virus.
So, here is Catherine Austin Fitts (no worries, Greg Hunter is much more subdued so can be ignored in order to listen to CAF). I think on the overall moves of big money she is on the button here, but as always, she never (because she cannot) expresses it directly. One has to listen for the nuances where she asks a question, or tells a story.
– She is correct and to the decisions ahead for the big money movers vis a vis the dollar. Some truly interesting tidbits there in terms of China Trade.
– For the first time she manages to articulate clearly the dedollarization fight in relation to the Belt and Road initiative. That part is early on, and worth listening to. The rest, after that .. interesting but not necessary.
– She articulates clearly that usage of the dollar is the one aspect that puts the world under the long arm of the US law or jurisdiction. This is the only hook that they have, into the rest of the world. I found that perspective good to hear.
– She also says that wars are intensifying and I’ve felt from the beginning that the latest happenings is just continuation of war – usually called hybrid war but the analysts tell us that this is a wrong descriptor. I don’t know what the right descriptor should be then. She puts forward a theory that the hospitals in NY may just be a preparation for an active period of war.
(I do not agree with her on crypto, because the crypto that she mentions, Ripple, any cryptotard that knows anything understands that Ripple is a banker’s coin. There are other cryptos that still are pure to the function. Her contrast of a crypto with a paper currency also is very thin and even I can turn that upside down.)
(I do not agree with her fully, but only partially, on her 5G/electronic entrainment/killing people via electronics .. but this does not detract from what is good of her message – this part just becomes too smoky – and there are easier ways if you wanna kill a bunch of people).
Generally, enjoyable at least to me. I understand the big finance moves better.
Two more things happening now.
They are both tragi-comedy.
So, Trump wanted the oil producers to cut production. He spoke to Mr Putin and to the Saudi’s and they both mumbled .. well, yea, lets see if we can something, and started talking. First question, OK US, how much production are you going to cut? Oh No, says the US – we’re not cutting, it is you that must cut. Right, do as we say and we will do what we want. This is not ending sweetly and probably means the end of shale oil production.
Andrei Martyanov has some good info on this all – just look through his last few blogs
Another tragi-comedy – when we find out that the plane full of emergency equipment that Russia sent to the US, was made by a company under sanctions. Uhm … but sanctions on Venezuela and open beginnings of warfare as well as on Iran again must stay? Yeah ..
Last, they are not letting Julian Assange out of jail. A bunch of others are being let out, but not Julian Assange. I feel as if it is the time for a well planned jailbreak! 10 Best Jailbreak Movies (we can dream).
Thinking of jailbreak, we have to have the courage of a Spartacus. Keep the faith, keep the courage and keep yourself free of mental slavery.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way . . .”
-Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
‘preperation for an active period of war’ ………..so Wuhan was a Chinese test? The stars aligned and fell into place so Trump could display his prowess at reading teliprompters and the US military is taking advantage of it to ‘test thier ability to respond to non existant threats?’ So there is no viral threat in the US, say, worse than the seasonal flu? But, there was a real virus in Wuhan? So many convoluted angles………..and I’m out of Drambuie!
I see the Five Eye Guys moving pieces around on the table under the disguise of a ‘viral threat.’ That never bodes well.
Did you listen to the interview seun the leprechaun, or are you just taking my summary? My summary may not be very good you know .. I wrote it from memory and her words may be slightly different.
my apologies, sorry for the flippancy, just riffin on the; it’s fake, it’s not fake; it’s a weapon, it’s not a weapon, people are dying, but not really anymore than say ‘normal’; what is normal? When is a virus not a virus??? A political tool? An economic tool? A culling too?. The straw to break the ‘camel’s back? An act of nature spurred by God?
Just so many angles, lines in the water, skins in the game, synchronicity of events…………..ahhhhhhhhhhh, still out of Drambuie…………..tequila, maybe somewhere in the bake of the cupboard, must look, now!
China just published a very detailed Timeline of their actions vs the CoronaVirus.
You can read it in English and download a MS doc if you want to.
It brings facts to bear against the onslaught of INFOwar propaganda demonizing China.
While I compile my arsenal of food/medicine ingredients for Lamb Curry Counter-Attack vs COVID, I stumble across Shiva’s March 23rd letter to Donald Trump on his senate campaign website:
It is NOT a “One size fits all into Lockdown” approach. 4 categories of people….
Category IV: Get Back to Work!
Now, back to that recipe………..
either printed text or video recipe versions are at that link…..finishing the video version now…..10-4 ….over and out……and about…with ingredients list.
Flatten that curve bro, you’ll figure it out one day. And the meal works better with chicken over here.
Nice Bro — that is almost exactly how I make curry – that one recipe will work more or less for a chicken curry as well but I would add a little cayenne (just cause I like it hot ‘n spicy). For chicken curry, I would add some coconut milk (and not water) and use curry leaves (if I can get them).
I don’t use the smart pots, but for this one would use a flatter pot (like a high sided braiser pan) so I can brown the meat easier and quicker and I like to be in touch with my food, and not have it locked away under some lid – that is just me. (And I won’t add water, but a little stock – and I would use a spice grinder to grind the spices – and my little bitty baby cuisinart for the ginger and garlic paste … and I would add those spices first to fry ’em just a little bit to release more of the aroma – but that is all just me).
Curry is really an art but then for me, food is art.
I agree with his descriptions of the food values of the various spices.
Wanna know more about all this .. use the research tools on
The Real Deal
by ioan
In vain I tried to lick the canvas
The colors are great, looks like jelly,
It can’t be eaten, lost its value
And above all, means nothing to my belly
The art is an illusion,
The food…that is the real deal,
I came to this conclusion
When longing after meal.
You know I use irony but this time the irony is not used against anyone but on myself, please don’t feel yourselves targeted in any way ! I’m also a human with flesh and bones, not a robot and I also love a good tasty meal, if that is a sin then I like that sin. Life itself is the best teacher and I still keep learning.
That is some real joking with yourself ioan .. and the art.
The art itself is a spiritual creation, similar to poetry and music, it is not a physical necessity like food. Many artists in the past and also in the present time have suffered and continue to suffer with their creation of “usefulness” when it comes to living, because art per se has only a spiritual-aesthetic value which cannot or hardly can be transformed in material value/revenue. This latter aspect gets more naked especially in times like this, when people are and will be more and more constraint to their daily necessities, a piece of art cannot be eaten, consumed. It is the same as with the book of knowledge, ” eat it, for your tongue will be sweet as honey, for your belly will be sour and painful”, it means that there is spiritual food and bodily food, the two are different but as long as the spirit lives in a living body, the latter has difficulties coping with spiritual food in times of need for its survival.
Did you ever try a little “fusion” cooking with your curry’s?
I’ve been cooking and eating for curries for years, not surprising given where I grew up I guess, but a couple of years ago I got seized with this idea to fuse a little “French” in.
You know you slow fry the onions to caramelise, then add spices, to give a few minutes to remove any “rawness”, then add meat or whatever, then top up with stock? Well, just before the “stock” part I decided to do a French style de-glaze, using a semi-sweet white wine, and once or twice a brandy. After you get the pan really deglazed, and long enough at heat to drive off the alcohol, I added the stock and continued as usual.
it was truly delicious. I think the alcohol acts as a really good solvent, better than water, for some flavours.
anyway, I offer it as something you might like to experiment with during these days of “It’s Sunday every day of the week> :-)
On April 1st, the US government anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism units, brought charges against a train engineer for attempting to crash a train into a navy hospital ship at the port of LA. According to the government press-release, the police who were on-hand filming the event, witnessed the Hispanic male purposely derail the train while holding a lighted flare, and holding up his middle-finger. The two videos, one from the train cab, and the other from the officers cell-phone are not being released. The engineer confessed his terrorist plot to both the police and the Feds, and is being charged with train-wrecking, which carries a twenty-year sentence.
The US navy reported that the ship was never in danger, because the train “was nowhere near it”, which somewhat contradicts the government statement of the train being “more than 250 yards away”. Aerial footage of the aftermath, from the MSM, was not able to clarify this point.
Strange to say, the previously unheard of crime of wrecking, was a major ploy of Stalin during the showtrials of the 1930’s, whereby the entire engineering, professional, and officer classes were relentlessly subdued into conformity, as thousands of wrecking plots were simultaneously discovered and prosecuted. The gulag sentence for terrorism against the state was also 20 years.
i swear by all the three exceptional names for swearing in Islam which are 1. Walaahi 2. Bilaahi 3. Talaahi the very same questions that were roaming in anger in my head were asked by a total stranger ……… and here are my questions manifested in writing by someone else…..
Who the hell is Bill Gates, anyway?
Who gave him so much power over our lives? What makes him a (the?) top authority when it comes to vaccines?
What gives him the right and the authority to demand a national lockdown, or to propose that everyone’s right to travel is restricted unless we take his vaccine?
What gives him the power to propose the issuing of “certificates for vaccination” that give us back our liberties (and who took those liberties from us in the first place)?
What gives him the right to speak on public matters like he is the voice of the people? I don’t remember voting for him, do you?
Does he hold an official position within the government?
Why is his foundation allowed to travel the world and vaccinate people? Why is his foundation immune to legal action, even after crippling around 47,000 children in India, and allegedly sterilizing half a million young women in Kenya?
Who or what gives him the right to inject children all over the world with chemicals?
Why is the President of the United States of America bowing to this shady character, who is obsessed with population control?
He is quoted saying:
“The world today has 6.8 billion people… now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that (number) by perhaps 10 or 15%.” (Source)
Why are we accepting him as an authority on anything? Has the world gone completely insane?
Can someone, please tell me, who the hell is Bill Gates?
i swear again we are all one but we don’t know..
Here is the link to my other part that asked the questions i wanted to ask..
The strength of your voice is directly proportional to the size of your wallet here in the states, so that’s all he needs to be. One is always free to agree with someone or disagree, these are the rights of free speech.
Bill Gates is the big money cartel.
Steve Jobs entered Bill Gates into a verbal contract to develop the windows operating system for Apple. But instead Bill patented the Windows Operating system for himself (Microsoft). This act of theft proves the man he is. Bill Gates in my opinion is narcissist. If he wants to depopulate the world he should start with himself.
Michael, thats not the history.
Yes Bill Gates stole it(not from Apple) just like Steve Jobs stole from another company.
I do recommend that you watch this documentary that explain all the events.
The Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires (1996)
I can explain pretty fast. This documentary has 3 parts.
The first one is dedicated to the fist PCs. Apple is there and MS do not sell ant OS back in those days.
The second part was like The empire strikes Back, IBM decides to step in. So IBM decided to be part of the market and by doing so it is creating The Market. They talk to Microsoft first and Gates told them that MS do not make OS but they know someone that does. So MS(after sign the non disclosure agreement, BIG secrecy) sent IBM to the headquarters of the Intergalactic Digital Research. That was in the mourning. IBM spent the entire day there and the result was the lawyers(Intergalactic ones) could not agree to sign the Non Disclosure Agreement . So IBM went straight back to MS and Bill told them if they do not want to sell you i do.
Then he “bought” an OS that was a copy of CPM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP/M for US$50k(yeah thats right) and licensed to IBM the MS-Dos that is nothing more than a straight copy of CMP.
So that was the second part, IBM-PC was out!
The third part was about the other companies that came together and the start of the Internet, Apple, Oracle, Adobe and etc… All those companies stole tech from Xerox! Its ALL Xerox tech! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PARC_(company)
Can you blame them? Xerox board looked to all that stuff, a PC with “Windows” OS, a mouse, Ethernet and a printer 15 years before the first Windows show up and said: Where is the paper? End of history!
Its a very interesting history and this doc tell us with lots of humor. Its the best doc about this subject!
Thanks for the links “Zico the Musketeer”
It’s a mystery, unless we just clearly see the US for what it is, the most powerful nation – still, for a little while – on earth, which is also not just an Oligarch, but a Kleptocracy.
Gates is an Oligarch in a nation in which such as he have unelected positions of ultimate power. He reminds me of the Emperor in the Star wars trilogy.
This latest is a perfect example of what he is – watching it, it’s your phrase that comes to mind: “who the hell is this guy to sit there and make this a dictate?”.
As the good Dr. Wittkowski said “if you dont constantly watch your rights, they disappear” .
Your statement and reference Pamela could not be more true.
OK, I just want to share a perspective on masks from the chief medical officer and some specialists in Canada. Please note that in Canada, one of the first officials to speak publicly about this virus was the head of the military, Gen. Vance, who followed up on Apr. 2, in an interview, with the following quote.
He said 85% of the Canadian Forces were hunkered down and avoiding COVID-19. Vance likened what was happening to the military now to how armies responded when under artillery attack. “You disperse the force,” the chief of defence said. “That fits with what we’re doing about COVID. We are taking extreme precautions.”
If you live in a country where the head of your armed forces might make a similar statement, then please consider this. (I’m not saying that every country falls into this category.)
Official & expert statements from the past 24 hrs: The evidence that having everyone wear masks protects against transmission is quite weak. One study even showed that the highest rate of infection was among those wearing cloth masks. Recent studies have suggested that mass mask wearing may be effective with respect to presymptomatic and asymptomatic people. A study came out of Singapore on April 1st (I think?) suggesting that. (hello – *Singapore*) Also out a Seattle long-term care facility.
canada, head of the military is ….the governor general.
reports directly to the crown.
not the prime minister, certainly not the military head either.
so he would have got approval to say what he did.
goes back to way b4 our constitution (1982); i think it’s in the BNA Act layout 1700’s, a century before the country.
Oz, NZ likely similar.
Tom, you are correct. The point is that the CIA, and the 5th column in Canada, wants everyone to wear masks.
“The special advisory committee on COVID-19 has come to a consensus that wearing a non-medical mask even if you have no symptoms is an additional measure that you can take to protect others around you,” said
@CPHO_Canada, Dr. Theresa Tam.
Check the news conference for more of her exact words:
The comment on the one study indicating the highest infection rate among those wearing cloth masks was given by Dr. Saxinger, an infectious diseases expert, during last night’s The National.
Yes, this is predictable, and has been known to medical specialists for years. Basically, because of breath being warm and wet, you provide what bugs you breath out, or that attach to the mask from hands etc with their perfect, optimal environment. What bugs hate is cool and most of all, dry. So the mask is a nice Petrie dish to multiply them, which you either breath back in, or spread again via your hands.
Also, people often forget that even with gloves on you will spread bugs just by touching your face, and everyone, all of us, absentmindedly scratch an itch or brush hair off our face and bingo – entire exercise a waste of time and space.
Best thing is just to keep washing your hands and live healthily.
Not sure if I got the gist of what Saker was saying on the other thread but the implication, correct me if I’m wrong, from the Russian scientist, is that the ‘CV19 virus’ is natural, happenstance, non lab, non gmo?
Please allow me this comment to my views on Covid-19.
Consider the following in addition to what others like Godfree Robert’s at UNZ and others like Pepe Escobar have already written.
1 – Pompeo says it’s a live drill
2 – Bill Gates on his interview of 24th March said that “they” did not want many people recovered from Covid-19 and that is why they were allowing economic pain through the lockdown to prevent 1% of the population contracting the disease and recovering.
Now, my thesis which agrees with Mr Roberts and Pepe, goes like this :- the virus came from fort Detrick. They clearly were playing with coronaviruses to try and come up with one that could be said to have naturally mutated hence all the research to cover the tracks of bioengineering (there are tools to be able to modify sequences of RNA and they can try to make it appear as a naturally mutated coronavirus as possible)
Now, I think that it escaped unintentionally from fort Detrick hence why their responses where sort of caught off guard; – Having confirmed the leak, CDC shut down the lab while trying to figure out what to do. – Americans started to be infected hence why they refused answer the questions about patient zero and the records of the military athletes and the number of infections while shutting down testing in the USA (e.g. Dr Helen Chu). They know it’s been on the loose for sometime. They also know that it’s not really a pandemic because many get it and recover but since for those with compromised immunities, their infections can be horrendous and graphic and they therefore use that as an excuse to advance their agenda with first mandating vaccinations (very profitably along the way to their global government) and controlling those who can participate in the system : ID2020. That is why they had to simulate it with event 201 and Pompeo calling it a live exercise.
Next, they could not accept responsibility for it. So, they let the unsuspecting military team train near fort Detrick thus ensuring that they got infected and sent them to the games in wuhan. From there, we can all pick up what happened after. Blame China being the intention of this part of their act; “Chinese virus” anyone?
As the Twit Brits are fond of saying: Highly Likely, Ponder.
It was exactly what formed in my mind when I read of the first pneumonias in Wuhan. (I read many sources daily on China).
The dots connect.
However, it is still a theory we have nowhere near the proof.
One thing for certain, placing the virus inside China was optimal timing with half the nation moving for the big holiday. With 700 million people taking trains, planes and buses every which way, it was perfect to set off the epidemic.
For it to blowback in the US is very karmic.
But, we will have to wait for the real science to make its determinations, and then see what Truth leaks out from the Intel Services.
It is entirely explainable by science or by your theory.
I’m hoping for that leakage.
Merely looking at the bug only tells us that it is a nasty bug.
“As the Twit Brits are fond of saying: ”
actually only ONE of us “Twit Brits” Larchmonter – an awful lot of us decried her. :-)
Not arguing with anything………..as Larch says…….jury’s still out. I just wanted clarification on what the Russain view, from a Russian scientist is. Saker felt it was difinitive, if I read correctly.
Your theory is what I’ve been saying all along, except, a mild strain of the virus was released in the US first, all Five Eyes countries. The killer strain showed up in Wuhan. The ‘west’ death toll will be extremely lower because ‘the herd’ have been building antibodies since the Fall of last year. My plug nickles worth.
The Russian quoted runs a Russian BSL 4 level bio ( weapon?) research lab and that reminds me of the saying,
The only purely defensive weapon in war is a foxhole.
sigh. Am I the only one who remains a bit skeptical about how much skin this man has in the game of denying that these labs ( along with every single one of the 44 world wide) might possibly be up to something nefarious? If you are developing counter measures to your opponent’s Nanotech/viral invaders, you’d better be as hip as they are to all possibilities.
Every single one of these labs needs to be closed down immediately and this character can be just as out of a job as the rest of the sorry bunch all around the world. Just because someone has to do the dirty work, does not mean I have to admire him or accept what he says . And, may I add, I’ve been very restrained in just how I feel about the lot of them.
It’s not okay to have nuclear weapons lab. It’s not okay to have a chemical weapons lab.
But we see, it’s okay to have bioweapons labs.
I understand the world needs labs studying diseases. That includes all biological substances and their variants.
It should be multinational, transparent, and impossible to suffer a “leak” to get out.
If they can build nuclear power plants and linear accelerators (CERN), etc., they can build buildings from which viruses cannot escape.
And they should only need 2 or 3 of these labs in the world.
Now is the time for the citizens of this planet to demand the end to this institutional madness.
Calmly, cogently, coherently, concisely and correctly said. Thank you
Considering, just for myself, the various “what if’s”. What if the virus is a weapon, escaped or otherwise, then why would it be an advantage to hide it?
— there is no advantage to publicly admitting such, because either it will cast aspersions on your own head (ie, it takes one to know one), or it allows for some kind of back room bargaining chip (give us what we want or else!)
—Russia is entwined in a plot to overthrow the West, spearheaded by China, to crash the dollar economy with a global lockdown, and the US is forced to capitulate because otherwise China will go public and call for global sanctions against the US, or escalate to a justifiable hot war.
—China and allies, including Russia, have declared total-economic-war through a global lockdown, which the US must submit to, under the threat of the severest escalation.
If this is indeed a world war, which the Russians admit it is, then undoubtedly there are factions. If it is the case that this global lockdown is a war tactic aimed principally at the Western factions, then by no means can the Russians admit publicly that their actions are directed at anything other than the pandemia, because to do so would jeopardize their frontline battle against the West, and open up new fronts, while damaging public opinion.
Personally I doubt the existence of any credible Western factions, because the West is a whore and up for sale to the highest bidder.
With apologies to Martin Niemoller.
First the Zionists came for the Palestinian Arabs
But I was not an Arab so I said nothing.
Then they came for the Lebanese
But I was not of Lebanon so I said nothing.
Then they came for the people in the World Trade Center
Thanks be to God I did not work there so I said nothing.
Then they came for the children of Gaza
I was not a child of Gaza so I said nothing.
Then they came for the Shiites
I was not Shia so what could I say?
Then they came for the Russians
I knew no Russians so I said nothing.
Finally, the Zionists came for the peace-loving Jews
But there was no one left to speak for me.
“If somebody speaking Russian could translate the full interview with Maksiutov into English I would be most grateful, I don’t have physical the time.”
I dont’ know if you are familiar with the work of the young Russian lady Inessa Sinchgouva, but she does a greawt deal of excellent translations. She recently put out a comment that because of the lockdown, she has time not normally available, and if anyone wanted to submit something to her to be translated, she would be happy to look at doing it.
This is her channel;
this links to one of her recent pieces.
I”m sure she would be pleased to help this.
Larch and Sean
I am speculating clearly about intentions. It could very well be as same say, a mild strain S released intentionally in the US, while a more virulent strain L to China, Iran etc. With the China one timed for maximum damage.
Regardless, all the circumstantial evidence point to
1 US biolabs mostly Fort Detrick
2 premeditation to hide infections in the US by refusing testing of both infected and recovered, which we all know by now, that the US has been infected much earlier by a “pneumonia” that is unknown ( hidden as vaping …………etc)
3 refusal to provide any information about Covid-19 to as far as classifying and using scif facilities in deliberations about Covid-19
4 Very suspicious activities of foreknowledge such as
• Predictions by Fauci in 2017 that Trump will face such a scenario like the one unfolding
• Event 201 predicting prophetically the scenario unfolding
• Pompeo calling it a live exercise
• Bill gates spilling out not wanting natural immunity
5 All the confusion among experts about its origin and yet simple facts like a natural mutation cannot simultaneously erupt at multiple locations at around the same time. Also ignoring sick people with strains not from Wuhan this proving the source was not China. Or the claims by a Taiwanese doctor who proved all the strains are only found in the US and nowhere else. etc
Where have you been Girl?
No need to answer. I’ve really missed you and your lively conversations
Warm welcome back
I watched Innessa videos on the crises 2014- harrowing to say the least, but hers were the best for a far away Aussie to even begin to understand the dynamics in that part of the world. A short time later I stumbled upon this Vineyard
Oh and I forgot to add that all the confusion can be easily explained by having multiple players such as CDC, state department, ministry of health, Whitehouse etc all not being on the same page and also all information not shared to all and competing interests being at play hence the seeming (being caught off guard) which wasn’t so
Hi Babuska,
I’ve been around, but thinking and reading a bit more. I’m very interested to see more and more scientists coming to find spirituality via their science, since it was that – after a deeply illuminating personal experience as a nurse, which led me to be confirmed in my own { E= mc/2 } and have found new book to download as soon as spare $10 becomes available. –
Thanks for your nice comment – I got a distinct feeling that maybe my “lively” conversations were too lively for a few people too :-) Never been one to hang around if I feel my company isn’t wanted .
Just add that I got a piece from Nessa’s FB timeline, and so have responded with a link to that video piece and asked her if she would translate some of it. I should add, she is reluctant to take on more than 10 mins, as she says 10 mins of track takes her 2 hours to translate and add subs. Perhaps she’ll just do a transcript. Anyway, well see what she says.
Glad to see you all staying well and and cheerful. Unfortunately world affairs are tending to destroy sleep for me sleep ,”which knits up the ravelled sleeve of care” ;
“Methought I heard a voice cry ‘Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep’, the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the ravell’d sleeve of care,
But for Macbeth read – whatever fits i guess. :-)
Was very concerned to read of ioans troubles, which I hope are better now.
Stay well in times where we are ‘Lions led by donkeys”.
Thanks Pamela for your concerns, my dog is better now and that is a great ease for me too. I continue to do my barking sometimes pulling the extremes, aren’t we in extreme situation now globally ? As you and many of us here, I’m also filled with many thoughts and inner feelings, trying to hold myself back, not pushing things too much, holding the line as I could. It’s war out there, everywhere, a strange silent war…
At least the nature can have a relief, healing somewhat herself from daily wounds made by our civilization.
The air is cleaner, the sky is blue and clear, with fewer planes and less pollution. At least these are positive things.
ioan, hello.
I’m so glad your dog is better – I could hear the pain in your words, the frustration and anxiety, so glad it’s better now.
As you say, it’s a silent war for the most part. My daughter is a mine manager, she was talking of the resistance she was getting from the men at the procedures she was trying to put into place, and that “I’ve never known so much anger, spite, to come so quickly”. As I said, “dont take it personally, I think there’s a lot of angry frightened people out there, and its coming out in so many ways’. As you said, we try to “hold the line”.
Your comment about nature having relief brought immediately to mind a photograph from Russia that turned up on my FB, of an empty street and covered car park, and between the plates of outdoor tiles, were poppies everywhere, and the comment “the road now no-one walks there”
Also another “silver lining” — a report that car crashes in Moscow are down by —– 90% !!! Given the high death rate in Russia of young people of reproductive age from car accidents, having their lives saved and being obliged to stay home might help the birth rate improve a bit. Vladimir Vladimirovich will be pleased :-) :-)
Stay well and “together” – hope your furry friend stays well too.
Here is a “Quarantine Humour” joke ioan for you:
“This morning I saw a neighbour talking to her cat.
It was obvious she thought her cat understood her.
I went back into my house, told my dog —- we laughed a lot”
From a lovely lady pen-pal in South Africa. .
Both of us enjoyed it, thank you !
Well worth checking out
Pamela, write more, I certainly have appreciated you, and just think, Bill Gates & Club Partners hates everyone here – that may put things in perspective !
Having written that, sometimes the effort of stopping the Empires war on Russia resonates with another closer to hand …
I can’t comment much, its been months of health struggle, but have enjoyed the craic of truth here. Truth is happiness and sets you free.
Thank you very much Ras, it’s very encouraging to get such kind supportive words.
I will indeed write more, and hope that you are getting better – months of a health struggle is no laughing matter is it?
As you say, truth and happiness set us free – and laughter is a great medicine to help in the struggle.
Best wishes for your improved health.
In March you made the following comments in the link below:
“Ecuador is taking NO specific approach to this at all. Ecuador is a Roman Catholic nation. They either believe God will take care of things, or what will be will be. ”
“They figure that this approach has been theirs for thousands of years, and here they still are, thus they will continue. It hasn’t hurt them yet. I think they have a point.”
Less than one month later the situation appears to have deteriorated somewhat, with some areas being so overwhelmed they can no longer report accurately nor handle the influx of corpses…I quote from the below link…
“President Lenin Moreno during an address to the nation Thursday called for transparency at all levels of government regarding the numbers caused by the crisis. “It’s important to tell the truth,” Moreno said, adding that in “both the number of cases and deaths, the records fall short.”
Wated, the task force chief, has said that experts expect between 2,500 and 3,500 deaths in the coming months in Guayas alone.
Several containers have arrived in Guayaquil to serve as temporary morgues to accommodate the influx of bodies, and authorities say they plan to create space for “dignified burials.”
But for now, some of the living in Guayaquil remain trapped in a nightmare, with no way to mourn their loved ones, not even through a proper burial.”
CNNE’s Ana Maria Cañizares in Quito, Ecuador, Kay Guerrero and Mallory Gafas in Atlanta contributed to this report.
With all due respect, my questions to you are…
#1 Since you reside in Ecuador do you think this link gives a valid picture of the current situation or is it just more sensationalizing of what is little more than normal seasonal flu type situations
#2 If the report is a realistic assessment, in hindsight do you still stand by your support of the earlier ‘strategy’ which was… “ taking NO specific approach to this at all”
and a quote from the below link…
“According to local media, many families have been locked up with the bodies of their relatives for up to four days and are still waiting for forensics to remove them.
On March 30, Guayaquil City Councilor Andres Guschmer reported on Twitter that more than 400 bodies had been removed from their homes and local media said on Tuesday that almost 450 bodies were registered on the waiting list to be removed from the houses.
The government has reported over 3,163 cases and 120 deaths across the country, but authorities point out that many more people have died without being tested.
President Lenín Moreno acknowledged that there may be many more deaths than are being reported officially, because the reality “always exceeds the number of tests and the speed” with which they are carried out.”
It might help to save you time and effort if I explain right now I will not answer you at all. After your last comments to me a couple of cafe’s ago, which were frankly offensive and these again, being so combative and trying to stir an argument, I think it better we dont respond to each other.
To me, each time I try to respond to you, I end up feeling that you are from Betelgeuse and I’m from Sirius.
Not being on the asme page barely touches it. :-)
To any supercilious scientists out there
I am intrigued that anyone could view my post as…“being so combative and trying to stir an argument”.
I was simply trying to illustrate just how dangerous the “do nothing” cavalier approach can be.
It is interesting too that they have not challenged the reports of the dire situation in their own country so I can only make the assumption that they are a reasonably accurate assessment of the current tragedy.
But in the meantime, they seem to head for the hills rather than defend their earlier position and then endeavor to make me look like the bad guy!
I have but one motivation in all of this CV-19 situation. It is purely and simply to do my own small part and to try to help save lives. I have absolutely no stomach nor the time to devote to pointless time-wasting arguments.
Perhaps, because I am somewhat vulnerable with a serious COPD condition, this makes me more cautious and more critical of dangerous strategies like the one that Ecuador adopted. I believe humanity is still on a very steep learning curve with this virus and as such, I think we should all err on the side of caution until we learn more.
NZ [see link below] took the opposite approach to Ecuador and using pro-active measures have so far [fingers crossed] avoided that sort of mayhem and death toll…perhaps since the situations are so utterly different it should give us all cause to reflect and to highlight the contrasting results so that more countries can avoid falling into the same tragic situation.
“To any supercilious scientists out there”
I rest my case.
“But in the meantime, they seem to head for the hills rather than defend their earlier position”
This is not true. As I explained, but the explanation has been removed, I DID defend my position. You just never saw it because it was never published. The same thing happened with 2 defences I wrote in answer to Serbian Girl regarding the interpretation of a Black Swan event. Dont blame me for that.
And I wonder what the tone of these posts was then…I’ll take a stab in the dark…supercilious, obnoxious, aggressive…or perhaps a combination of all three of these adjectives?
Please stop the personal attacks – breaks moderation policy. Mod.
Just this once I will answer you.
To your #1 the answer is No, it is not a valid picture. The photographs were taken in a small area, and the truth, which my queries to my Ecuadorean friends elucidated, is that it is due solely to the “austerity” packages which the Guayaquil local authorities have been enacting, which means that when people die at home, – which is usually case, Ecuador does not “do” Nursing Homes – the authorities are not turning up to collect the bodies. this is because of the lack of people due to austerity and cut backs, and also because of the current lockdown rules.
Because of the extreme heat down there, the family are moving the bodies out of the house to remove the odour of death which they hold to bring bad luck.
There is no way of knowing whether any of these deaths are BECAUSE of any virus, or whether they are above the normal for this time of year, because NO tests and NO figures are available.
Before Correa became President and enacted his reforms, Guayaquil was the most poverty stricken city and also housed the biggest number of highly corrupt extremely rich. The city council drained the locals dry to put money into the pockets of criminals. Correa changed the structure so that the rest of the coast was free of Guayaquil, and it has begun to grow, with new shopping centres and good administration. Guayaquil improved a bit but since Correa left and the new President came in, Moreno, he who broke the sacred right of sanctuary and sold Julian Assange to the Empire for 4.1billion US$ , many things have reverted. Reports of the corruption and cessation of public funding are rife, but they are “reports” which are rumours and complaints. I have not heard of any actual evidence.
Consequently it is not surprising that Guayaquil may have a higher number of deaths due to old age in extreme poverty [there is no form of Government support here, if you are out of work, or crippled, you either get help from family, beg, or die] and lack of any form of administrative local Government help. Also, funerals are not being held because Catholics make a big thing of funerals with hundreds turning up; under the current lockdown and social distancing measures this cant happen, so they are having relatives bodies kept on deep freeze – one hopes it is freezing, anyway – in order to hold a funeral when this madness is ended. Incidentally this is also happening in Italy, where, as with here, GovProps take photos of the coffins then pretend it’s because of an outrageous death rate. No – it’s because of stupid Governments and their dumb behaviours.
#2. As I explained in the unpublished response I never did support the early “do nothing” approach. I merely said what it was and why. I dont support the lack of any social scheme either but thats the way it is here and I feel as a visitor here that its none of my business.
I would only note that my “supercilious scientist” reasoning based on logic of science and medicine and knowledge of how sensitive complex systems are has been fully validated by the leading Epidemiologist in the World !!
So you proclaim that Knut Wittkowski is “the leading Epidemiologist in the world”!
Now, why does this remind me of Trump’s proclamation of Guaido being the one true President of Venezuela?
Well, I’ve just had a conversation via FB with Nessa, and she apologises but said she cannot do a translation. it appears that unless the video is or isn’t something or other it contravenes copy-write, and also a transcription just written out would still take about 4 hours of work. So – no dice. Still it was worth a try.
I ran across this most beautiful and moving song which I believe is Russian. However I cannot find out any information of the artist or the song’s lyrics. If some one could be so kind as to any information, thank you.
Until We Meet Again
I’d really love to see you,
How I wish I could.
It’s been a year of two,
Since you left for good.
Sometimes I wake up with a start,
And look for you in vain;
I try my best to be patient,
Until we meet again.
I’d really love to hear from you,
I’m sure we’ve much to tell.
You left in such a hurry,
Perhaps thats just as well.
Sometimes I think I hear your voice,
The songs you sang remain;
I keep them alive inside of me,
Until we meet again.
Though you are different now,
Things are much the same ’round here.
I know that you still love me,
And I know that you’re still near!
Sometimes I glimpse your face
Free of all the pain,
I try my best to understand
Until we meet again.
Now, all I have left
Are memories of you,
And when the time comes,
I’ll surrender them, too.
My heart understands
While my mind simply feigns…
I try to be pateint
Until we meet again.
We’ll ride off at sunset, someday to return,
and light that candle, just to see it burn.
Both ends at once, to see which one turns,
The left or the right, for only one will churn.
trust only in the path
that the Master has set
thy feet upon
* the Master; the personification of the Spirit of Life, be it She, He or IT…
I’d like to invite everyone in the Saker commentariat to embrace your virome!!
Please keep watching after the lecturer repeats “coming out of China” at the beginning. I realize many of y’all are sensitive about that — it has lots of useful information.
And I still say “smells like it came out of a lab”, but there’s no way to prove it merely by looking at a booger with the bug in it… Also, I still say that the spokespersons for a lab, any lab anywhere on the planet, will never say it was any fault of the lab.
I have now watched a few of these virology lectures. This article was mentioned by the lecturer at the end of lecture #3. I think it is significant to the discussion of whether CoV-19 could have come from a lab.
Scientists bring back extinct horsepox virus in lab, raising important biosecurity questions
— phys.org July 11, 2017
In a laboratory in Alberta, Canada, a team of scientists recently pieced together overlapping segments of mail order DNA to form a synthetic version of an extinct virus.
Their ominous milestone—successfully synthesizing horsepox, a relative of the deadly smallpox virus, which was declared eradicated in 1980—has raised a conundrum in the scientific community: …
This article allows us to talk about modern research without immediately devolving into a food fight about bio-weapons. The article describes a project done as purely scientific research.
It illustrates the point I have been trying to make. Yes, these labs do assemble whole complete and potentially dangerous viruses. None of the planet’s germ labs can be let off the hook here. No matter how many scientists come forward to deny that they would do such a thing. And any secret, warfare-oriented germ labs deserve a particularly harsh spotlight.
US Navy at Venezuelas cost.
Will they make a move there?
This map was presented to the UP Congress!
Speaking of Catherine Austin Fitts (amarynth) she does keep trying….I will give her that….and I admire her persistence, despite some sketchiness here and there!
The end of my comment over on Pepe’s Heraclitus article:
“This should be quite interesting…and very, very soon.
Best sign to look for near term beyond a cured BOJO?
A FIRED Fauci.”
And lo and behold the next thing I come across after that formulation is a 3 part series
The Creation of a False Epidemic by Jon Rappoport
https://youtu.be/4x0_fIxs1cI Part 1 How It Started
below Part I video which I have just completed viewing and cannot dismiss a single iota of as yet are his notes:
“Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio presentations about COVID-19.
With the cooperation of Solari.com and Catherine Austin Fitts, we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people around the world.
Readers have been asking how they can help. Listen to the presentation, send out the link to others.
Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every passing day.”
Larch and RATM and many others looking at what Mr Rappaport asserts is a Fake NAME …”COVID 19″…. for many diverse things ….that are not the same.virus…and in many cases may even be NO virus at all.…..may find in just the first few minutes……… cause to view all 3 parts.
I did.
AND: The Sceptic in me is “lovin’ it”…so far.
Too many unproven assumptions in 99% of what I have seen so far causes unease…whether i like the presentation….or not …..or the comment or not.
What I am certain of: This is mass CABAL/NWO mind control End Game Gambit with a plausible ….but unverifiable…(.by design!!!)…”health” cover.
And like Dr Shiva says….. “This is about CONTROL…..not health.”
Be my guest if you beat me to
Does Rappaport succeed…or fail …in making his entire case??? So far, so good….IMHO.
If this is genuine, it shows that without doubt either the USA has been suffering a flu pandemic or a covid pandemic for months.
AID’s, Bird Flu, COVID-19
Here are two age old documents and a current video I am sharing. I find it relevant in the face of this new viral pandemic. I do not have the expertise to validate the authenticity of what is stated in the documents and therefore value your feedback. The following links are provided for download.
Bird Flu
The original document saved in pdf is about an international corporate criminal syndicate is intent on carrying out a mass genocide against the United States population by using an artificial (genetically) engineered flu pandemic virus to cause death and injury. This document was produced 2009 currently saved as (pdf). It is very long and wordy with a wealth of information, Including Baxter’s effort to contaminate vaccines with Bird Flu back in 2009.
Bird Flu (pdf) by FBI. Contaminated Baxter vaccines sent to the Czech Republic. https://yadi.sk/i/ZL7jS1pPEWhNiw
AID’s Virus
W.H.O. Murdered Africa 9 (pdf) by William Campbell Douglass, M.D
The Director General of W.H.O Bruce Aylward in this interview avoided questions regarding Taiwan’s membership. There is something sinister going on here.
W.H.O. and Taiwan’s membership (video) size 2.8MB
The Taiwan flank has to be looked into. Thanks, Mike.
A quick survey this morning shows BOJO’s hospitalization covered live.
Views of St Thomas’ hospital where Boris Johnson COVID-19 intensive care – LIVE
723 watching now•Started streaming 4 hours ago
The Sun
735K subscribers
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been moved into intensive care after his Covid-19 symptoms worsened at St Thomas’ hospital in London.
10 Downing Street, the residence of British PM Boris Johnson, after he was transferred to intensive care in St Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital last night having experienced worsening symptoms of Covid-19.
It is possible this sort of fizzles…peters out over a week or so (the idea of relying much on this political ACTOR very much does not inspire much hope or confidence yet….lol…in my mind, at least………..) and he is released, recovered and others take over the live coverage.
However it is more likely, in my humble opinion …that this singular case of a head of a major state…the United Kingdom…… either serves to vastly escalate the NWO -WHO control regime (should BOJO die) …..OR to deflate the possibly Last & Biggest (GLOBAL!) Empire False Flag.Fake Pandemic…………should Boris be cured through administration of the already much tested for safety anti-Malarial combo of medications Trump is pushing and Fauci, Birx, and the Medical CIA (Jon Rappaport’s term for the team that is “always on the same page…always looking for “A VIRUS”….a single cause.. where NONE exists………where past escapades of theirs expose the fraud of their play book…..) along with ALL the Demoncrats and MSM are desperately seeking to stop.
Back to Jon Rappaport Part 2
The Medical CIA, Covert Ops
2,591 views•Apr 6, 2020
The Solari Report
15.3K subscribers
Small correction, Bro. In a parliamentary system, the prime minister is head of government, and is easily replaced by another parliamentarian (following the rules, of course). The Queen is head of state in the UK.
Noted….yes…small….main point…though….BOJO .a major actor in a global narrative…… current scene…now playing.
This is getting better, and better and better….making more and more and more sense:
Jon Rappaport Part 3: The True Goal of the False Epidemic
If there is something wrong with Rappaport’s view of this….or any past investigations (I heard of him before…but don’t know him well…) I have not discovered the weakness yet.
10 minutes now…into part 3
So, what will the peeps & plebes see soon?
will it be BoJo 2.0, or BoJo Reloaded?
watch for new weird behavior quirks.
Will they recreate the Paul national hysteria of over 50 years ago there, where he totally disappeared from public for a month or two?
And then got written about cryptically by John in the words to ‘A Day in the Life’.
Pepe, Ramin, Jeff Brown, Larch 455 and other admirers of OBOR like myself, let’s cut some Western Tentacles Into China.
The idea that there is nothing Deeper there….in the Confucian tradition that Leibniz recognized as having affinity with Christianity….and that “the Zionists” run the joint from top to bottom………always struck me as quite unlikely…even preposterous.
But NO western EMPIRE tentacles???
Equally preposterous, in my view.
Now let’s look at the Rockefeller (KIssinger) and Gates tentacles..(includes Technocracy…Epstein, Clinton Foundation and more……) .especially in light of the above Rappoport/Fitts hypothesis of the Fake 2020 “Great Magic Trick” Pandemic:
Bill Gates before MS was a teenager with bad personal hygiene habits that continued into his adulthood, until he got engaged to his present wife.
He was not the great coder. His partner, Paul Allen, recently deceased, was the software genius.
Then Gates ripped off MS-DOS when IBM foolishly left the business sector. Microsoft took the personal computer world with that operating system.
He always was a horrid human being, a bandit, in a time when the industry was filled with creative souls.
Eventually, his imprint set the new pattern of vulture mentality for the IT (hardware-software) sector. And then came the meld into the MIC and National Security State. He blossomed into a Globalist elite.
Gates continuing:
Gates has the greedy scent of “trillions” in vaccine ;may God help the world! Globalists pushing for mandatory and universal vaccinations.
“It’ll be a few billion dollars we’ll waste on manufacturing for the constructs that don’t get picked because something else is better,” Gates said in the clip. “But a few billion in this, the situation we’re in, where there’s trillions of dollars … being lost economically, it is worth it.”
The Gates Foundation “can get that bootstrapped and get it going and save months, because every month counts,” he added.
Maybe overkill here on gates as there does not seem to be any doubt at all as to his agenda:
In a recent candid interview, Bill Gates outlined that, despite the comparatively small threat of Coronavirus, he and his colleagues “don’t want a lot of recovered people” who have acquired natural immunity. They instead are hoping we become reliant on vaccines and anti-viral medication.
Shockingly, Gates also suggests people be made to have a digital ID showing their vaccination status, and that people without this “digital immunity proof” would not be allowed to travel. Such an approach would mean very big money for vaccine producers.
Bill Gates is another George Soros. Gates has established an international school at Cambridge University UK. he is actually one step up the ladder of the pyramid educating future leaders or politicians. With the way Gates are acting on a number of issues though, I wonder what will happen to the system? George Soros is admittedly a somewhat evil figure and so is Bill Gates. They are not respecting people’s opinion. They consider people’s opinion irrelevant while in charge of all media and press, they act with impunity, even while killing millions of people they expect to be applauded for it. This is the state of the world today. The Age of Insanity.
Contrary to this are a number of people who should be able in the name of democracy to mount international countercultures, gaining power and arrest those people. Why is it not happening ?
There are a couple tiny bits of information, which may indicate cooperation between North America and Russia.
In this TASS article, Putin is quoted as saying, “The protection of medical personnel is crucial,” Putin stated. He added that on Monday and Tuesday he had discussed with Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov the measures taken by the ministry in this regard. “Clearly, our industry was not bracing itself for the situation we currently find ourselves in,” Putin noted. “We will talk with the governors about this tomorrow,” he assured.
The Russian leader noted that the Russian industry “has a lot of opportunities.” He added that if necessary, Russia can import certain goods from abroad.
My understanding of “abroad” is overseas (so not China or Europe). Is that what his words in Russian would indicate?
If so, this may coincide with the deployment of Canadian Rangers to the arctic region of Quebec. Could theoretically ship to Russia from Hudson’s Bay.
very interesting, and recent (yesterday).
Mr.T. not so cryptically revealing clearly what he thinks of this ‘flu’,& why it’s fading out as it gets sunnier.
Nooztards & celebrity pieholes are going ballistic.
Trump Contradicts Experts on Coronavirus Treatment After Months of Denial: A Closer Look
The INFOwar against China continues.
The US mouthpieces and talking heads (Senators, officials, et al) try hard to convince the world that China knew about human-to-human infection of the COVID-19 but hid that fact for “weeks”.
The leading expert in China is 85 year old Zhong Nanshan.
On January 19 he went to Wuhan to study the epidemic in its early days. 198 cases, 25 already cured, 3 deaths.
The NHC held a press conference for the high-level expert team headed by Zhong Nanshan, who on the team’s behalf confirmed human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus and called on people not to go to Wuhan except for extremely important reasons.
Thus, the world paying attention could know on Jan. 19 that the virus spread human-to-human.
On January 21 Zhong Nanshan conducted a “press briefing” (ergo, went public again) in Guangdong Province.
He told the briefing that “”since it is known that the virus can be transmitted from people to people, one thing to do is to strictly quarantine patients and track close contacts, which is probably the most important thing,”adding that there has been thus far no targeted and effective drugs against the novel coronavirus.
The US insists that Taiwan was the first to signal that human-to-human, person-to-person transmission was happening. Taiwan announced this on Jan. 30, 11 days and 9 days after the Mainland Chinese press briefings/announcements by their most significant scientist.
Next, the US insists that Germany alerted the world before the Chinese said anything about human-to-human, person-to-person. Germany’s announcement was January 28. 9 days and 7 days after the Chinese press briefings and announcements.
The way I learned numbers and dates, 19 and 21 come before 28 and 30.
The US propaganda war is based on and fueled by ignorance of the masses and Sinophobia.
The facts are the facts.
They could read China news in English or watch China news in English on cable or the Intenet.
You don’t need to know Mandarin or Cantonese to learn the news of China.
They were not hiding anything in Wuhan.
They have released a Timeline of their actions, local, Provincial and national.
Facts trump bullshit, but often not Propaganda and INFOwars.
I will continue to pursue Facts.
Consider the sources leading the US propaganda: Rubio, Cotton, Cruz, Navarro, Bannon, Chang, Fox News.
They also all are Russophobes.
They also all are warmongers.
Today’s George Webb. last day of 20 his present location chesapeake bay right in backyard of the intrigue:
U New Delhi key find explaining the sudden appearance of the AIDS cloaking longcoding sequence string inserted out of the blue no possibility it was a mutation. BUT, moreso, start at 14:50 mark talks about the big Larry Klaman ‘China done it’ $20T lawsuit,says he george is starting one, but against the malfeasors.
I’ve always from day1 realized he is some highly protected asset from way up in ??
I’ve seen and consumed all 4500+ videos that G. Webb has put out over the last 3+ years and watched his evolution from a Bernie supporter to a freelance investigator/video journalist who looks at the players for what they do and who they are. He has all the experience and tech skills from his years as a techie writing programs and backdoors with the likes of Macafee and seeing and interacting with the “players”, Deep State if you will. In the book “The Bell Curve”, the authors used the “Armed Forces Entrance Exam” as an example of a test that determined IQ as it was the best indication of job performance. That was/is born out in their 90 year longitudinal study they used in their book. G. Webb is a classic example of someone with a high IQ setting himself on a mission to expose the deep state in the US and world. Obviously others of great caliber noticed what he was doing and merged their efforts with him. He is definitely barking up the right tree. Others beside you and I have wondered how he remains alive. Trump is reported to have exclaimed back in 17′, “Who The F*** is George Webb?” I do believe that George has a “Guardian Angel”. George has been threatened recently, actually his family. That’s how they start.
Thanks for the post.
Unfortunately this is also going on in Australia, a US outpost. Calls by talking heads for breaking links with China, instituting sanctions, blah blah — oh and confiscating all the land and buildings it says China has purchased.
.I have a friend living in Qld with a Thai partner. He has had to keep her indoors unless he accompanies her out, for fear of the growing – and stoked by media’ – Sino-phobia [that she is Thai makes no difference. Aussies are, in general, not always that bright. If she looks faintly Asian, she’ll do as a target for Sinophobia abuse}
The american election and system based on the constitution may be largest plot behind the presidency of Donald Trump. I mean the whole process of getting him elected, creating the protest and division of americans, the socialisation of society, and while all these minor crisis and operationions like the Russian Election Meddling is going on, other issues behind the scenes make changes to society from the government point of view of establishing a totalitarian less constitutional system that in a future government a more radical system is being implemented. So while pres. Trump are not doing a lot of damage, there may be plans for voting out the constitution in practical terms ie. that the constitution is totally ignored and corporations or even socialism are fully implemented. So also the coronavirus plays an important role in America right now since America have a valid constitution that still rule the system, and they want to get rid of it !
Joe Biden called for mail-in election. The election itself became the target during the russian strategy.
At once the intelligence community were the right entity to handle elections, because Russia had attacked the system, and the system was to a large extent online and also electronic. So then Department of Homeland Security were the right entity to control it all. Yes, hand the election over to them. They must control it ! So I know that the reason for this is manipulation of the election. Now, the election should be in the mail, a voting app (iphone or android run by the deep state operators). So what happened in between? Well, what happened in between were that of course people saw the danger of such a change. Now these people are purged to a large extent from social media and other publications by direct censorship, de-moneytization, de-plattforming, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, absolutely the deep state. So these voices has been silenced now to a large extent, the plan deepened into cyberwarfare through these intelligence companies that hides in plain sight as tech companies. So here we are again.
The driving political party are the Dems.
But the other party and the presidency of Trump is set up in order to facilitate the changes.
The enemy target is the Constitution. (and the larger system).
The enemy target goal is the elimination not of the constitution but to make it irrelevant and implement the fascist state, I might say in harmony with EU fascism which is a totalitarian system, and frankly with the Rockefeller organisations that seem to design such systems for themselves.
Thanks for the Doom Report , John.
Are you done….or do you have any Anti-Doom to offer???
It is a report perhaps, I dont see it as a doom-report, that is in the eye of the beholder.
Well, the solution is of course do the opposite.
They want to destroy the democratic elections, create a democratic election. It as you see today have already been hugely interferred with in unsecure ways. Corporations were able to manipulate the voting, it was actually proven that the electronic voting system had backdoors and those backdoors might have been used by remote access, but certainly also had the possibility of the operators to acces them, and one system even had a graphical administration were it was possible to write any result. So already there are problems before these latest attempts to open for more direct corruption of votes, running of votes, and a “secret” election overseer within the intelligence agencies or DHS, it is evident that a secure voting system is a priority.
Election rigging!…this link relates back to Oct 2000…a professional computer programmer’s testimony under oath leaves absolutely no doubt in my mind that this happens and why true change is hard to come by.
This helps to explain some of the apparent inconsistencies between exit polls and actual results.
Did you know that former CIA director Robert Gates, US Secretary of Defense, was on the board of VoteHere designing electronic election systems? VoteHere still exist as Dategrity according to Procon Org. The About information of Dategrity do not offer any description of the company. Did they for example “vote” pres. Bush and Barack Obama into office in order to establish the goals of Project for the new american century ?
Well this has nothing to do with democracy:
Why is that? Because every technology is a middle man. (man in the middle). A fair and free election must be based on physical appearance at a voting site established with strong physical security and providing secure ID / registration.
The results must be validated by two groups (physical), and restults drafted and signed (physical) and stored securely (physical). Then the result should be transmitted electronically to a central election board at the physical location of such a board for fast election results. But this will have to be confirmed by the mail with a copy of the signed documents. And everybody can figure out that it will be checked against the electronically transmitted results. And everybody can figure out that it will be confirmed by physical documents if the results should differ, untitl everything has checked out it is final and official , but there should normally not occur any problems.
Check the Pro Con.org website for the situation today. It is very bad. Read the Pro Con quotes and arguments at the bottom. https://votingmachines.procon.org/questions/what-are-the-companies-that-manufacture-electronic-voting-machines/
Here is a site that tracks Covid-19 Worldwide.Among the info is deaths by age,totals,by percent.Its a good site:
So far so good.
It looks like Boris will not be “taking one” (life….his own) for The New World Order…….by hyper-hyping the Fake Concept of The One and Only Cause of Death Everywhere on the Planet Now. At least not just yet:
“Mr Johnson’s condition is “stable” and he remains in “good spirits”, his spokesman added on Tuesday evening.
Earlier, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said he was “confident” the PM would recover from this illness, describing him as a “fighter”.
Mr Raab, who is deputising for the PM, said Mr Johnson was receiving standard oxygen treatment and was breathing without any assistance, such as mechanical ventilation or non-invasive respiratory support.”
I’d like to reply to Ulrich von Kafkanien’s comments in Pepe Escobar’s article and I think, by rules of moderation, I need to do it in the cafe.
“The foot soldiers don’t need to know what the ammo contains.”
Ulrich, you talk to my heart here, and maybe this is a conversation that I should have with you offline (email?), but I’ll share my thoughts. (I’m turning you into my personal pandemic therapist. :-)
I lay in bed last night thinking. Until I discovered The Saker’s Vineyard, I was sure that no country could have as many 5th columners as Canada. I was wrong about that. But, anyway. Why do they always get away with it? Does it matter that they’re foot soldiers?
So if the CIA’s faithful are involved (asymptomatic carriers, anyone?), it seems some depopulation is called for — by public lynchings or hanging from lampposts, I guess? I imagined what Auslander might say and do, if the situation was playing out in Sevastopol. But the thing is as enraged as I can feel, I don’t have the stomach for it. I can’t picture it happening in neighbourhoods, in cities, across the country. So now what? I suppose this is what the military is for? How do they do it? Maybe this is why we are locked down. It’s like a gigantic tarp is pulled up in front of our eyes, so we can’t see what grisly deeds might take place behind it, while we’re baking sourdough bread, catching up on our reading, and chatting online.
Enough said, I’ll leave it at that. Look forward to your future posts on the subject!
It’s time for everyone to join in with the howling! Every night at 8pm the entire town of Fairfax CA howls into the night, here is a recording from last week.
In case anyone else also finds Ulrich von Kafkanien’s comments therapeutic, I’m cross-posting this comment from him here:
Reassuring thoughts from him.
On the Full moon : Time to howl…No refinement possible …
Hell Awaits Pell
Rome its duty to Truth does Shirk
Justice aborted–a still-born birth
Hell Awaits Pell
Technicalities erase the judgement of Peers
Pell, walking dead, thinks he’s in the clear?
Hell, one can tell, still awaits Pell
His buddy the Pope thinks he’s got his back
MIcha-el is the one to cut him some slack
But…well, whatever..Hell will have Pell.
Hell’s front man tweeting blasphemy
Placing this Holy Week into infamy
Soon Pell in Hell will have company.
Bottom dwellers the two: that’s certainty
Yes, Hell will have Pell: Macht Schnell!!
Nice Lunar Edginess!!
Particularly at the ending…”punctuation”.
For Western Hemisphere types uninterested in European languages other than English, Spanish and Portugese….. Macht Schnell = Make Haste, Make Speed, Hurry Up.
Po Ruski = Buistra ….which is where “Bistro” came from……..when Cossacks that chased Napoleon’s fleeing army back to France……requested faster food service in French eateries…..and Cafes.
Oh, waiter: A latte would make me happy. And could you make it snappy???
Waiter, add to my table, a croissant for the bon vivant at table 9
as in Love Potion?
as in
How China learned about SARS-CoV-2 in the weeks before the global pandemic
April 8, 2020
Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian, editor and journalist.
Whether it is the New York Times or Marco Rubio, there is an urgency to conclude
that China’s government and Chinese society are to blame for the global pandemic,
and that their failures not only compromised the WHO but caused the pandemic.
Facts become irrelevant.
What we have shown in this report is that there was neither willful suppression of
the facts nor was there a fear from local officials to report to Beijing; nor indeed
was the system broken. The coronavirus epidemic was mysterious and complex,
and the Chinese doctors and authorities hastily learned what was going on and then
made—based on the facts available—rational decisions.
Self-delusional US can only beat Covid-19 if it stops blaming China and faces up to
its own pandemic mistakes
Self-delusions in leading circles in the US have previously led it to geopolitical
disasters – in Vietnam, Iraq, in believing Russia would accept the US’ aggressive
expansion of NATO. Now these self-delusions have led to a disaster on American
soil itself.
As the US had two months warning of the threat of the coronavirus, the job of
leading figures in the US should have been to prepare the American people for this
– drawing on the experience of China and every other country which had important
America: Money or your life?
Host of Renegade Inc., Ross Ashcroft, is joined by Professor Richard D. Wolff and
Professor Michael Hudson to discuss why the coronavirus has closed capitalism.
… music break …
清平乐 … Qingping Music
The music reflects on “a long twelve hours in Chang’an” …
Bernie Sanders Ends his 2020 Campaign:
The Socialist Rhetorician who never has shown a modicum of spine or political savy goes the way of dead leaves, blown to the gutter.
Amazing the Pied Piper effect he had on young people. You think he was passing out dope to the followers.
He couldn’t muster the energy to stay relevant for a few more months.
Did not even attempt to use Streaming Technology to rally his voters during these restricted social times.
Goodbye, Bernie. Not even an asterisk in American History.
Though he deserves a photo in the Children’s Picture Dictionary under the word “Free”, free stuff for the naive.
OMG, I feel like a Big Kid in a Curry Store!
For a modest donation to Dr Shiva (Shiva = God of Destruction ……and there are still plenty of false structures and narratives that are begging to be smashed….) Ayyadurai’s US Senate campaign against Fauxchahontas in the Deep State of Massachusetts I received access to his e-book Your Body, Your System!
Finally I can perfect my systemic approach applied to out -of- body domains (the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the Universe…..and y’all micro-verses —each and every poet or poet to be out there!)……and Bring It All Back Home…… eliminating the remnants of Reductionism Within!
Please no scatological remarks.
I already “got it” …the Doctor of Destruction’s Immunity from diseased reductionist mental poisons peddled by Big Pharma, Fauci, Birx and Gates …….and I have embarked on my first 2020 Culinary Adventure Of Discovery……sparked by his video Lamb Curry Versus Covid 19
Yesterday I bought all the spices whose mixed up medley forms “curry” Star Anise…..Cinnamon bark,,,,,,,Cumin, Coriander and a bunch more….. I always suspected these things could nuke bad germs in the gut and make allied germs there stronger!
Plus, smashing it all with mortar and pestel makes it incredibly fresher and more potent, as well as exercising the upper body!
Whole System…not Ridiculous Reduction!
Today I have to research where to get “Ghee”…which in Shiva’s kitchen looks like some kind of yogurty slurry. If it IS dairy, I wanta makes sure it comes from a Holy Brahma Cow! (The white ones with the hump. They have immunity to little internal bugs and exterior insects, which is why you find them in places like Ecuador..where they thrive….but .where your Yankee Angus and European breeds …get eaten alive!.
I couldn’t find any of that ghee stuff in my regular markets, so its time to surf and search the web.
OH, Frank had Shiva on last night…and both did a great job:
“Calmly Exposing World Agendas” ft. Dr. Shiva 4/7/20
Bro your exuberance evokes in me an image of an alchemist
Even I am enjoying your Journey
Ghee lasts a long time. Good luck finding it from a Brahmin cow though with your positivity I’m sure you will.
Even ordinary ghee that I buy here smells divine when used in cooking.
There is a guy in Oz who makes it by hand his name is Pepe and he also makes cultured butter by hand. If you want the link I can send it to you.
I read yesterday that Prince Charles recovered from his Covid19 virus with the help of holistic doctor in India using the same principles as Dr Shiva
I’ll put the links up separately
Russian pride on display:
Classic T-34 loaded off of pedestal in Kaliningrad to lead the May victory-day parade:
A nice piece of satirical humour, from a small young Jazz Band I’m starting to have a liking for.
This sadness, ennui and isolation cannot last, must not stand!
It’s Un-American!
AND: The Southland will NOT stand for it…………
After all, what is the most concentrated network of roadways in the world for???
Getting around!
The Beach Boys I Get Around
I get around (get around round round I get around)
From town to town (get around round round I get around)
I’m a real cool head (get around round round I get around)
I’m makin’ real good bread (get around round round I get around)
Hint for foreigners: Although “bread” = “dough” it’s not a song about or by a baker boy.
Those are synonyms for “moola”, “scratch” “bacon” “green” “benjamins” “dinero” “plata” in Sudamerica means silver….and more politically than benjamins (he was never president) “dead presidents”.
But don’t use the latter and jinx Orangeman’s 2 full terms.
After which we can expect the passe and out of date “green” to be replaced by “orange”..or “Donalds”…………especially if the D-Note is reissued
and is again backed by gold.
Welcome to the New World Masquerade Theater
Step right up, the play has begun
Corona has eclipsed the light of the Sun,
The masked marauders have come to the fore,
Proclaiming a world as never before.
Now playing: The Unthinkable Pandemic Seduction,
Never before such a mass production.
A veil of illusion now covers the stage
And truth becomes so hard to gage.
Pandemic pandemonium, a perfect disguise,
To conjure illusions before our eyes.
The whole world watches as magicians perform
Illusions most terrible to keep us informed.
Of most certain death, we’re repeatedly warned,
Unless we conform, conform, conform.
Put on your masks ye dutiful folk,
Join the masquerade and speak in rote.
In the wings the next act awaits concealed,
Stage by stage the script will be revealed.
Step in line, the play has begun,
Corona has eclipsed the light of the Sun.
I like when you come back on the wings of muses kinterra, God bless you and take care !
God bless us all. We have Holy Week now and can find much strength to bear this cross we all must carry now.
Very good, kinterra. Please post more!
fantastic vaudeville cafe-corona round-up !
Just comes when it comes D. I wish I had the fount that seems to spring from your soul, which I so appreciate.
Oh yeah- the snake doctors are coming to town with a little covert 19 cure all vacc.
I would sincerely appreciate thoughts/responses from the Café on the description of this doctor – he recounts his experiences and thoughts just after 18.10 on this film.
Meanwhile I’m hearing on the radio news of an appeal to You Tube to take down any vids linking 5G to the viral illness which has locked down most of our Planet. “In the interest of public safety and to not cause undue confusion/alarm”
Thanks Babuška, first of all, my dog is identical to his and made me a bit nervous to see her running on the streets so freely…secondly, the doc you referred to was or looked really concerned. I don’t know how to judge his words other way than put it together with other information on the long list regarding this entire issue. I agree with dollar-guy that we have to reserve ourselves the right to freedom, the freedom we have in our spirit, if we lose that, we fall in the hands of Satan – I might say.
God bless you and take care of yourself !
Thank You ioan
Yes I agree with you-add it to the long list of what we know…and still we don’t know.
It seems to me this doctor is saying what that first doctor was saying in Wuhan, the one who was disciplined, then exonerated, and then sadly he died.
I’m so glad ioan that you and your companion are well again. As well as can be in the circumstances. If we are mentally and spiritually well, the physical follows as our bodies create all the good chemicals they need, so long as we respect Mother Nature.
You are very respected here ioan, and we grieve when all is not well with you and your best friend.
Maundy Thursday here- washing of the feet. Service to each other.
Good Friday tomorrow so it is entirely appropriate for sorrows to be felt.
God Bless You and your best friend as we keep caring eye and ear out for each other
And God Bless all the people still working to provide food and health care to suffering populations.
Bro here is the link for Pepe’s ghee
It’s not Brahmin and he does not ship overseas from what I can see here
However, it’s still a fascinating story with more good recipes from Mrs Pepe
For Bro and anyone else who might be interested
How Prince Charles was healed of his Corona virus19
I also looked at Soukya holistic healing resort in Bangalore – it looks superb.
If we can’t go to Soukya, we can create it right where we are, for ourselves in the here and now.
I read it! Thanks Babuška!
I was in India at the age of 5. I remember mainly the monkeys…and the cobras…and the Taj Mahal. 1955
I haven’t been back, yet.
You inspired me to share part of Dr Shiva’s book…..below….. new comment.
A close look at the patent page also shows that the Pirbright Institute owns all sorts of other virus patents, including one for African swine fever virus, which is listed as a “vaccine.”
… the patent …
China is currently facing widespread African swine fever, resulting in the killing of an estimated 40% of pigs in the country.
The Oldest Man: The Doctor from The Carol Burnett Show (full sketch)
It looks to me like the Real Indian Dr Shiva (Republican) has a fighting chance to unseat Fauxchohantus by chipping into the Progressive Democrat vote in Taxachussets:
In the table of Contents or Intro of his e-book,…..Your Body, Your System is this subtitle:
“What Is To Be Done?”
Then, take a look at this:
Dr. V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai
To Heaven on Earth
Why Read This Book? 7
INTRODUCTION: What Is To Be Done? 9
PART ONE: The System 21
CHAPTER ONE: Systems Theory: An Overview 22
CHAPTER TWO: Reductionism 32
CHAPTER THREE: Emergent Properties 40
CHAPTER FOUR: Phase Transition 49
PART TWO: Your Body, Your System 57
CHAPTER FIVE: Know Your System 58
CHAPTER SIX: Dealing with Disturbances 66
CHAPTER SEVEN: Adjusting Inputs to Your System 72
CHAPTER EIGHT: External Adjustments 87
PART THREE: The Revolution 93
CHAPTER NINE: The Imitation of Life 94
CHAPTER TEN: Beyond the Center 102
CHAPTER ELEVEN: After the Revolution 111
Why Read This Book?
We have Bread, but no Health; we have Land, but no Freedom; we have “Peace,” but no Truth. For Truth,
Freedom and Health, we need Revolution. And, to make Revolution, you need a practical understanding of the principles of all Systems. This book will teach you those principles, in a practical way, by using your body as a system. Health and wellbeing will be a result, but more importantly, what you will really learn are the unifying principles of all Systems, which will provide you the knowledge to make Revolution on any System, here and now.
What Is To Be Done?
“You have nothing to lose but your chains ….”
I’m starting this book with a quote from Karl Marx. Is that outrageous? Is it inflammatory? I hope so!
I have four degrees from MIT but I don’t want to be the smart boy scientist in khakis and a sport shirt giving
a TED talk and then going out for a cappuccino. One of the themes of this book will be the relationship between the center and the periphery – in a human cell, in a human body, and in all aspects of human affairs, and the realization that there actually is no “center” but one that has been imposed on us from “above.”
I was definitely born in the periphery, the child of a lower caste family in India where my grandmother was a
spiritual healer. But, I don’t want to be a wise and gentle guru telling you about the Hindu god with the head of an elephant.
Here’s what I do want. But it’s more than “want.” It’s “need.” I need to tell you about what I’ve learned in
my unique education and in my even more unique life experiences.
Why do I need that? It’s not to stoke my ego. It’s not to be on television. It’s because a time for change –
radical change – has arrived and I have a role to play at this historic moment. I have tools to provide. Not
physical tools, but vital information for this opportunity so that we don’t blow it.”
Enough for now. The Childhood in India section next Cafe…for Babuška, and others that have been to India or would like to, even in their imaginations.
In terms of your body, your system and The Collective Body of Mankind……..”As Within, So Without”….is my estimation of where this Journey With Shiva is going.
“Here’s what experts think of the breathing techniques shared by J.K. Rowling for COVID-19 symptoms”
Something to consider in the same context as this article, posted in a previous cafe, perhaps instructing all of us to take 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day? (I think it is. I supplement with vitamin C daily.)
It’s a Commonwealth conspiracy! And John Cleese is officially onside. Oh to be a fly on the wall during some of those Privy Council of Canada meetings…
“WHO: we need to look in families for the sick and remove and isolate them
World Health Organization now working with health ‘expert’ Lady Gaga…
A precedent has been set for home removals by police taking children“
The above was discussed on UKColumn on Wednesday 8 April 2020
They concluded the program with the call to citizens to stand up for their rights, as the certainty of a dictatorship is settling into the UK
History is repeating itself.
Brief UK update on the back of your comment.
What I wrote a week ago as the sense of an ugly mood, the atmosphere over the country, seems to being realized. It is not so easy to feel now, the intensity of a lead up is always greater than the accomplishment. Also spring is bursting into life with sunshine, we have had less sun that I ever remember from November until the beginning of April.
So despite the lockdown and increasing restrictions, people are dazed by light and beauty, and at the same time, mesmerized by autonomous reaction to panic and fear, and not thinking and seeing what is happening, follow daily procedures as “required.”
One can see the exhaustion however, and the lack of the usual good spirits of the workers.
The Government have now entered full spectrum control mode. .
Every household in GB received a letter from 10 Downing Street this morning, tightening restrictions with immediate police fines and more if not obeyed. Well, this is a very mall country with a big population, and how exactly, will the police manage to enforce these restrictions ?
People were en mas virtually fulfilling the ‘advised’ drills without complaint, why inflict harsher measures ?
As for the nations weekly clap-in on the streets at 8 pm for nurses, what a ruse, what a parliament think tank brainwave, just get ’em out banging and clapping !
Taking children from their homes who may be supposedly infected with Covid ? Why am I not surprised ?
I am a bit uncertain as to the rules of posting about the covert-19 virus. But this is a link to the OFFICIAL document from the CDC that explains they can label any death from covid in the first line and what they actually died from second, they can then add covid to death stats.
You can draw your own conclusions. I am just presenting the document for your information.
Number Play Nonsense
Covert 19
Code for?
1 is the beginning of a cycle. 9 is the end. Full cycle.
12 and 7 have archetypal significance in numerology and ancient religious tradition.
12 signs of the zodiac or archetypal divisions of space of 360 degree orbit= space.
7 classical planets, days of week, chakras, tones in a musical scale= time
12+7=19 Encompass time and space.
If something is banned, then the subject could be of great interest, if it is not vulgar, pornographic, contains ad hominem matter or is irrational.
Food for thought from this video chat from 6th April, banned by Youtube and broadcast stations banned by OfCom from relaying it in the UK.
Link to Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/H4W7FwBy0Ukh/
Worth inwardly digesting.
March 22, 2022
The day the US hegemony and Reserve Currency / Petro Dollar was destroyed by the Bolsheviks.
On schedule: Say good night Brandon, Let’s Go.
Good Jab Joe:)
The irony is that the Rouble did it. LOL
who said that the “neocons” were intellectually superior? More like intelligently ultra-wanting, IMO.
LOL Hahahahaha
(But, beware the Zionist Ignoranti ‘death to all nuclear wild card if they don’t get to win’). But the Queen of Death has passed – not before time.