2021/03/27 00:00:01
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
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The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
Saker Webmaster
To add to the exploding list of absurdities: top of list, need permission to leave England! List has other absurdities:
Sounds to me like something is being planned that would make people want to leave?
It’s accompanied by a host of other other restrictions, read the article, it’s the roll out of state tyranny in effect.
During times of war, extreme economic uncertainty, and political upheaval, it is “normal” for governments to close the borders.
Countless examples through history where the state have prevented people from running (and taking thier capital – both financial and intelectual – with them).
It is essential for the states survival to keep its “Human Resources” (especially scientists, engineers, factory workers, farm workers, police, soldiers and women) inside the states borders.
North Korea is a good modern example, but the west are catching on as they co-ordinate thier almost global lock down of people and money.
Although pressure will be from time to down relieved through baking off some of the lockdowns, things are going to get steadily worse for everyone as the Great Reset progresses. International travel for the “Human Resources” will become increasingly restricted with only “Party Members” being allowed vactions and free travel. Indeed, hidden in the UK documents is exacly such a clause which states that international travel is still available for people have a quote “good reason to leave the country” which includes as specific examples Politicians and thier families on official trips, Civil Servants on official trips, and other government sanctioned persons (friends of politicians and Billionairs I guess?).
Now our cafeista, Dimitar,
He wields his words like a scimitar
Sometimes he’s light,
With tales of toadfish, to delight.
Sometimes he’s shade,
Our emotions, he cuts with his blade
Deep, deep run his thoughts
With meaning to be pondered and caught
At our cafe, he is always a most welcome guest
Balancing our earnest chat with much needed jest.
After years of verse examples,
And a pallet of samples
With a plethora of words witty and wry
Without warning, one day, he inspired a Wale to try!
Bravo White Whale
It’s really good to see you flourishing under Dimitar’s mentoring
Bright lights in the enfolding darkness🌟
Loved it, well put Mr Whale, I couldn’t agree more ! I’ve never written a poem in my life – I just knew I couldn’t do it. Then Dimitar gave me some advice and encouragement and I’ve now written two ( for what they’re worth ) and I will be trying again – and I’ll keep a look out for your next one.
So remember, whenever I inflict my ‘ works ‘ on the cafe – it’s Dimitar’s fault ! :-)
As a European and Italian citizen, I am deeply ashamed and concerned about the current situation and a few months ago already, I had been fiddling with the idea of asking for refugee status of some kind to Russia, request to be published as a provocation and co-signed by a critical mass of Western European citizens.
As time quickly goes by, it is not funny how elements are adding up to make such a request more and more realistic rather than a stunt.
I am a European citizen, born in Italy and raised in Europe and, as such, I have seen it all.
I am compelled first of all to point out how we are allowing a NATO member – Turkey – to sell weaponry to be used against the people of the Donbass – a.k.a. Donetsk insurgents (forget about terrorists in Syria).
Turkey is also training Ukrainian military for warfare to be applied in a civil war scenario with unholy potential to ignite a global scale conflict.
Let me first deeply apologize – for what is is worth- to the Russian people whi are reading this, for the words and deeds of our Western leaders.
In Europe, we are either carelessly unaware and therefore deserve no mercy on your side or aware and deeply disgusted but in want of any political representatives – you know Western democracies: they are like those husbands and wives cheating on you all the time but they do love you truly so much and next time it will be better and, plus, don’t forget about the kids…
The unbearable lightness of passive-aggressive narcissistic behaviour on sub-continental scale.
European leaders ought to get their act straight, though: Turkey has the highest number of journalists detained in its state-of-the-art prisons;
Turkey has just exited the treaty for the Protection of Women;
Turkey has in general a long, perfect record to be the ideal target of woke mobs: on whose behalf is a NATO member state selling instead weapons to influence a domestic foreign conflict?
– let’s picture what would happen if Russia openly sold war drones and sent special ops to train the popular army of Novorossiya.
But wait: this, while also drawing Georgia into joining NATO. My country has over 100 foreign bases. We are the Amsterdam of military prostitution.
How about Italy sent its military to permanently station in Corsica and Istarska, but also bringing in a dozen other national corps. Or some Serbian-Chinese tanks in Trieste. A few German nuke heads in Süd Tirol? Saudi Arabia should be able to keep an airbase of its own in Andalucia, as well. It is just for kicks, right, why bothering?
How come Catalunya must shut up but 4 motherless souls from the Baltic howl for help and there you have it, half of NATO’s arsenal ready to set off for Lithuania’s border?
While Bulgarians had been protesting for months and openly asked for Brussels’ and Europe’s attention and asked for the West’s help to remove Borisov and his Peevski-financed openly mafia-led gang, Europe had only attention – totally unrequested though- for Lithuania’s democratic process.
In Italy we have had so many unelected prime ministers by now, that a generation has grown basically without ever truly voting for someone. Those Italians who lost their lives for us to be able to vote have been killed d twice, when the nullified voting power and yet one more time, by progressively killing off the voting process itself.
Now a NATO member is openly supporting the government in Kiev, shamelessly linked to actual nazi elements when not jihadists. In Italy now we buy wheat from Ukraine. In the heads of Brussels, it makes sense and I get it: it is a country which has built its fortune solely on blood diamonds, slave-trade and resource pillaging in Africa. Belgium, with the highest rates ever of paedophilia and chocolate consumption pro capita: so guilty, so sad, eo fit to host the capital of this out-doors necropolisEurope has become after – iconically and rather factually- Genova 2001, when the Italian post-communist left now inbred with the masonic WASP mothernest by Prodi, brought down some nice democracy on Italian people.
Due to the media iron curtain, most westerners – with the exception of Germans and some nordic countries, because of their direct involvement with the North Stream saga- are little or not aware of just how unspeakable the situation has become.
As an Italian I am asking my fellow citizens if we are happy with Italian troops being sent to man Baltic and Ukrainian posts in order to kill some Russians, be them insurgent civilians or army. Thing is, no one cares. History is a lively, non academic topic in the slavic sphere. We have in Italy but a few options instead: shallow radical-chic postgrad conversation “because you have read 3 books now you have strong opnions” or football-women or “are you communist or fascist”. The Slavic sphere experiences seamlessly history as part of its life and so it ought to be.
Can anyone tell me any national interest we might ever have in this crusade. French NATO officials have sent unheeded open letters, the military is partly aware they are being led by psycopaths.
The Eurogendfor mechanism is aiming at a hybrid between FBI and Stasi, by unifying gendarmes corps and police everywhere this distinction exists: that is, Spain Italy and France, where we created this differentiation after having experienced the dynamics of dictatorships. Eurogendfor is being led by unelected euro interior ministries and has no duty to report to local authorities.
Not only we are being stripped of civil rights, national security and fair media, but we are also being involved in this crusade against Russia for no reason.
Washington’s vassals in Europe do not care whether by decoupling our countries from Russia, we are being hurt and suffer consequences for someone else’s war: sanctions of damaged Europe way more than Russia so far. But the vassals’ care us for finance, not real economy: you know democracies: the sheep are afraid of the wolf but it is the shepherd to lead them to the slaughterhouse.
Russia took the sanctions as an opportunity to strengthen its independence and realign its international structure while we literally got nothing good out of this, not one single plus in this deal for any European nation.
In a time of land-grabbing and aggressive resource policies, Bulgaria, where I currently live, has also chosen to follow insanity and is mutilating its chances to be a key and respected part of the Belt and Road initiative.
The West has only invested in infiltrating the Balkans in order to finish up disrupting what couldn’t be broken by bombings. It has done so with massive events that depleted the country’s coffers without any ROI, as in Greece, or by generating gentrification through speculative brothels like the City of Culture banksters’ gang bangs.
Hereby, therefore, I am humbly requiring the Russian Ambassador to please consider granting political asylum to me, my partner, my mother and (or at least) to my two cats, since:
Europe is not guaranteeing any longer our constitutional rights and freedoms;
the health system has collapsed;
by staying here we are in danger of physical psychological and financial permanent damage as the Italian constitution’s civil rights as well as Nuremberg’s Convention’s are at practical level now void;
we are in danger of being unlawfully arrested, fined, penalized in the work market, for personal choices or merely spoken or written opinions;
finally, we are generally living in a constant, planned and consistent violation of most civil and human rights achievements of the last 150 years.
May God lead the hearts of the world’s leaders. Please accept my heartfelt apologies on behalf of our careless, zombified people.
If a time to choose come, I would rather live on the Russian side and die under NATO bombs than be here in this moral and ethical cesspit, having to relive the shame of pre-Yugoslavia bombing propaganda and, on top, to be potentially vaporized by Russians, who are just a tad more willing to sacrifice their lives while NATO’s ranks amount to a deformed horde of misused and abused national soldiers led by idiots whose only luck is thwt Russians know to well how horrible war is. But that is a double-edged sword because it also means once Moscow decides for war, it will have to be surgically devastating and merciless: war is ugly for all sides, but if you really want it, I will make it horrible for you before you make it horrible for me.
There are no words to properly describe the level of punishment the perpetrators of the Sack of Ukraine and the Donbass Shame deserve.
I hope the Ukranian people can stand back up on their own feet by themselves, because this terrible trap we have created for Russia makes it acceptable for a NATO member, Turkey, to sell weapons to kill civilians, but Russia cannot do the same in the same conflict without the risk of igniting WWIII.
I wish the people of Poland and Romania wake up and shake off this cannibal flea NATO is from their backs: how come after 70 years of Soviets, they seem incapable of seeing how the new dark socialist wave comes from the west this time?
Where can I run? My country has been completely destroyed by lockdown measures: socially broken, economically bankrupt and psychologically sedated and enslaved: we are not going to recover from this and I am historically lucky since never before one could witness the fall of a culture in fast-forward during his own lifetime – wait, that happened also to people when… oh yes, when the soviet took over, right?
Kosovo, this further infiltration of Zionist and NATO hybrid investment, prevents me from feeling at all at ease by moving to anywhere in the Balkans: political turmoil is everywhere as the Cancel Culture, the Equality vs Equity and the colour revolution patterns crawl their way in and cause the worst reactionary stances to once again gain popular support.
It is all good as long as you guys never ever look eastwards… the Golden Horde, the Silk Road, the Khanates, the Trakians, the Scythes, you name it: it is all good for the system, as long as all this heritage remains in the background of a pleasant chat with friends over a few glasses of rakia.
God forbid people in the Balkans actually start telling themselves that the West has always just been a tease that will never ever love you but just wanted to lure you in order to get at someone else who no longer wants to be with her.
Because the problem with passive-aggressive partners is breaking up with them: though it is them to actually need you, they are masters manipulators and will have you feeling the other way round.
The time for the Balkans to marry the West would have been one of development: whatever that means, we are really good at it.
Now, though, the time for survival has come and who are you going to call?
I don’t idealize the slavic-speaking community, but I am convinced that no-one better than this part of the world is always a bit late for everything but faultlessly ready for anything anytime.
As white conservatives, we all have the duty to develop a constructive dialogue before patriotism turns into nationalism and then turns into a number of things we all know too well.
It is not understood in the West that “Russian” is a concept closer to “Romanitas”. It is willingly forgotten how the Soviets never allowed the word Russian to pop up anywhere in Russia’s constitution.
It is not remembered how these lands have kept us safe and free to develop our Rinascimento and our extraordinary centuries from 1300 to 1900 at the cost of having their own land burned down first by the Othmans – undoubtdely the sweetest, most cosmopolitan and inclusive branch of Islam, only so misunderstood- then by the Soviet, which spread cement over memory just like we are seeing now only using 0% fat bubblgum instead of concrete.
I am sick of living in a black hole where history matters nothing, family is an embarassing concept, everyone should penetrate and suck anyone else but at the same time UK calls for nuclear rearmament and, while Donbass residents have to fight house by house and the US keep on one coup after the other everywhere, China cannot even talk about taking Taiwan back.
Nobody in the West really cares about the pandemic: they are really busy on warfare though. In Russia there has been a very pragmatic and rational approach to lockdown and sanitary measures. In italy and Western Europe, now it looks literally like Brazil by Terry Gilliam.
Bulgaria has been first greased up with these City of Culture free-for-all exploitation events, then spiked and roasted up and now is taking in more NATO troops. Makedonia has been brainwashed to think they descend from Alexander the Great, which is like if I, a born Roman, called for the Lazio region’s independence from Italy since Julius Ceasar was my ancestor.
Montenegro has survived a bit like Tuscany on its own forever, weathering an incredible series of constant historical twists but fell to the Trojan horse of euro and the L’Oreal-Because I am worth it-Baal-worshipping mind-brothel of Western media.
Croatians, Slovenians, Czechs and Slovaks, all entangled in the euro web: their leaders chose for them to be the waiters, gardeners, entertainers and cheap labor for Europe.
Bosnia crunched between a euro-wall and international banksters+Turkey’s infiltration in Albania/Kosovo.
I wanted to drive to Russia but it is literally a geopolitical maze: we, Westerners, have brought all the planet on the edge of war and now it is right at the doorstep.
I put my faith in the great heart and extraordinary intelligence of the Russian people and of the present Russian leadership.
Where can I run……..
You have a certain way with words…..!
What a comment!!!
I do think the EU is getting desperate with the appointment Mario Draghi as PM of Italy…Keep us posted Oliviero!
Bravo for calling out the role of Turkey, the barbaric acts of detaining journalists journalist, the abnegation of women’s rights, and the nightmare of the westernization of the Balkans. Not to mention Italy, and the matter of history, it doesn’t matter, it’s gone with the wind.. Great article for the Café de Flore.
Brilliant post Oliviero ! I also note the following :
– since the Soviet Union was dismantled, Nato has expanded East to include many new members ( against agreements made not to do so ),
– Nato intends to expand further to include Georgia and Ukraine,
– the West organised the coup in Kiev – witness Nuland’s ( she of f-ck the EU fame ) phone call anointing “Yats” – even the Bild am Sonntag reported 400 US mercenaries active in Eastern Ukraine at the time.
– Russia was invaded by Poland in the 17th century,
– by Sweden in the 18th century,
– by France in the 19th century
– by Germany in the 20th century.
– 200 000 Russians died in the siege of Sevastopol in WW2.
– Up to 30 million Soviets died fighting the Nazis. Over 25 million Russians died, ( the exact number will never be known ) and 6 million Chinese died too – but we never hear of them – only the sacred 6 million.
I would like to be able to offer you some words of comfort – but I’m feeling exactly as you do – all I can offer is this, Western arrogance, war crimes and perpetual belligerence have driven China and Russia into each other’s arms – and as Field Marshall Montgomery ( of Alamein ) advised :
Rule 1, on page 1 of the book of war, is: ” Do not march on Moscow “. Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good.
Rule 2 of war is: ” Do not go fighting with your land armies in China…..”.
Of course the methods of warfare have changed, but the principle remains. All that’s left is the nuclear option – do they so underestimate Russia’s ( and China’s ) capability that they mad enough to think they can win a nuclear exchange ? Hopefully cooler heads still exist somewhere in the West.
Like you I believe Putin is vital – in Vladimir Putin we have a case of cometh the hour cometh the man.
I’m sorry, that’s all I’ve got.
Beautiful post — sheer poetry. You covered a lot of ground there with the prose equivalent of an AK shotgun. Well done, thank you.
@Oliviero Martini
sorry to give you a ‘cold shower’ in order to wake you up to reality,
but the East/Russia doesnt need you in the East.
The East stroked up the ‘West is bad and collapsing’-narrative so
that parts of Western population gets uneasy and starts unrest in the West
thus weakening the Western effort in the hybrid war currently going on.
In other words, the East needs you to stay in the West and be upset and panicking
and unsatisfied with your government, so that they can win. Therefore, the no visa for you.
Take no notice of the political no-hopers on here, but research carefully, plan with stealth, be ready, you will surely get there safely with your family.
From Peter Koenig and posted on the saker.community site:
WARNING – STOP COVID TESTING IMMEDIATELY – PCR and Quick Test Swabs may be Cancer-Causing
“Not only has covid testing become a US$ 100 billion business, it is also potentially a highly deadly business. PCR and Quick Test swabs are sterilized with the carcinogen Ethylene Oxide.”
Panbio™COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test Device is available in Russia/CIS and is sterilised with Ethylene Oxide:
You can call Abott for some technical advice about it on
+27 10 500 9700
or email them at:
This chemical is used to sterilize many thing in hospitals as SOP.
If you worked everyday with this substance, say in a factory making thee swabs, then you would have reason to be concerned. Getting swabbed by one, not so such.
And people were getting all worked up over the anal swab.
To be fair, it does say “long term exposure” which to me means a more prolonged than just a quick in-out through the nose…?
Let me cool down this a littlebit.
Ethylene oxyde is highly reactive and is often used as a sterilizing agent, but is also highly volatile with a boiling point of 10 degrees Celcius.
I think you will catch more carcinogen agents by walking down the street, where car exhaust fumes containing benzene and polyaromatic compounds are floating around.
I’m more worried about the extreme inaccuracy of a pcr test, of which only 2 of 100 positive tested are actually infected. I’ve seen a short video recently, wuth a so called ‘quick test’. Two were made, one positive, one negative. The test objects were two glasses of apple juice…
Cheers, Rob
“I’m more worried about the extreme inaccuracy of a pcr test, of which only 2 of 100 positive tested are actually infected.”
Forget about the apple juice, Infected with what?
“The point at which the signal becomes detectable, or crosses some arbitrary threshold value, is determined for each standard and sample.
Whilst technological improvements have been made allowing quantitative PCR measurements to be approached by the analytical community, the persisting challenge to the analyst is to demonstrate the accuracy of such measurements. Provision of suitable standards, certified reference materials and other QA tools such as appropriate accessible proficiency trials may help overcome current problems, and allow qPCR to fulfil its full analytical potential”.
The foundational Drosten report itself https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045
“In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”
What exactly has Putin just had his first jab (on 22nd March) to protest him against?
In other words. The covid-19 doesnt exist………………….LOL. What they find is other influenza related vira.
Again, as the inventor of PCR, Kerry Mullis, said “all PRC does is to make many copies of a astonishingly minute amount purely to provide enough for a researcher to work with. It does NOTHING to tell what it is, what it does, if it is infectious, if it can cause disease – NOTHING. AT ALL. ”
It’s like growing a field full of wheat in order to have enough seeds to make a cake, and determining that the stuff actually came from Mars and proves we are invaders of Planet Earth!!
I just this up on FB:
I put the following on RT on response to a comment on how the entire CV “thingee” has led to massive social control similar to any dystopian novel.
“You know, in all this talk of vaccines, and lock downs, and totalitarian rules, a few simple facts have been carefully whitewashed out of existence. These are:
1. Search as hard as you can – and many experts have – you will not find a single scientific paper which has isolated a Covid virus. Not one. And Isolating viruses is standard laboratory procedure – I did it myself, many times.
2. Search as hard as you may, you will not find one publication showing that the virus was isolated, and it’s mRNA -> cDNA sequenced by normal sequencing methods, done by labs the world over daily – I’ve done this myself, too.
3. The “sequence” was obtained by doing sampling of ALL Nucleic Acids found in some cases of a novel respiratory disease, and using a Computer Model – to get a “best guess” of the rest.
4. The novel sequence is compared to one of the Common Cold Viruses – the Corona – and has an 80% identical match. So they call it “Corona Virus”. Chimpanzee DNA has a 94% comparison to human DNA. Are they human also?
5. In March last year, the UK Dept of Health downgraded the “Sarcs-Corona-19 virus from highly contagious, to normal non-threatening status”. Even by normal stands it does NOT meet the WHO criteria for a Pandemic, or even and Epidemic.
6. No autopsies have proven a link between any virus and death. IN fact, autopsies done in US have shown ONLY Influenza virus A and B.
7. Stats of annual deaths from Influenza and pneumonia has gone to zero. Sweden has shown 0 excess death over last 5 yrs.
8. The PCR “test” is not a test and is wrongly used – giving misleading results.
9. What is going on?
10. The above comment on RT has been “held for consideration” – after all maybe it tells people something the PTB dont want them to know.
Yes Pamela but you continue to conveniently ignore the more pressing issue, why did VVP just have his first jab https://xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/news/20210324-0802.html
“As Peskov explained earlier, the Kremlin deliberately does not specify which vaccine the president will be vaccinated with, noting that “all three Russian vaccinations are absolutely reliable and effective.”
What is it reliable and effective against (other than the truth)?
In fairness to RT I would like to record that the comment has received approval and is posted.
Why it required this type of validation is a mystery – but it it got it.
An update from Craig Murray
– all his reporting on the Alex Salmond case has been removed from his blog – this was the only reporting available giving the defence case. Now it has been memory holed and the media keep suggesting ( a BBC ‘ documentary ‘ was quite blatant on this ) that he was wrongly acquitted – and again interviewing the complainants / rehashing the accusations.
He is appealing his conviction.
Eeyh, yandex browser have added “translate words in picture” in the latest update, finally i can read Russian memes😂👍
I didn’t see your reply until after last cafe had closed. You may be interested in this article ‘ The war of the super rich against the Earth’s Citizens. From it :
“….Hypnosis is basically a technique which permits acquisition of direct access to the sensory motor cortex and pleasure centers, and lower cerebral (emotional) portions of the right side of the brain following successful disengagement of the stimulus screening function of the left hemisphere of the brain. The right hemisphere which functions as the noncritical, holistic, nonverbal and pattern-oriented component of the brain, appears to accept what the left hemisphere passes to it without question. Consequently, if the left hemisphere can be distracted either through boredom or through reduction to a soporific, semi-sleep state, external stimuli to include hypnotic suggestions are allowed to pass unchallenged into the right hemisphere where they are accepted and acted on directly.”
(FOIA document “Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process” June 9, 1983 (US Army Intelligence and Security Command )
The scale of this experiment in mass hypnosis to render the citizens of all the world passive, and unable to resist persuasion from authority figures is unprecedented. This process is being undertaken slowly, over months and years, following complex algorithms that are kept secret…… ”
Hi Sandy,
I wanted to pass this on to you – although there is a general interest in it too.
You have highlighted that cheap, easily accessible drugs like Ivermectin have been shown to be effective treatment against respiratory illness in the infirm – whether it is caused by a virus called “Covid” is open to doubt, but here, that is not the point.
We also know that high levels of Vit D not only protect against this respiratory disorder, it does against many illnesses surfacing among populations.
This too has been “debunked” i.e. mocked and denigrated using false information, and is not made easily available, nor the information about it, to the pop.
Well, I’ve been doing some chasing – and I find many scientific papers showing that a neuropeptide in the body, called acetylcholinesterase {AcChE], increases in activity in some – even many people – certainly those presenting with Type II Diabetes, but the order of incidence is not established – which leads to increased generalised inflammation and is prominent among Alzheimer Dementia sufferers.
I’ve also found that it has been established that the cheap, well known, widely used drug, Metformin, is an inhibitor of AcChE.
In fact, some have used it prophylacticly in those presenting with early mild symptoms of AD, with marked improvement.
Yet it is not widely disseminated – indeed I have papers saying that “AcCheE inhibitors do work well, {to control AD} but there are few around, they are very expensive and not well trialled”.
So – another case of “Big Pharma” waiting to push something very expensive when a well established cheap drug is known to do the job – or a case of deliberate waiting because there are certain powers who want to see as many people die early as they can?
I do not know, but I do know Metformin is widely used in UK – maybe it would be of interest to you.
Oh, PS. I read a report out of China, which claimed that of the worst target group who suffered this respiratory disease, ie. aged with multiple comorbidities, the one cohort who had NO deaths at all – were all on Metformin!!!!
Thanks Pamela,
I’ll look into that – do you know what Metformin is used for and is it a prescription only drug ? Sounds like the typical suppression of simple effective measures in favour of expensive stuff that doesn’t work / actually does harm – so no change there. The Pepe Escobar, Michael Hudson interview ( over on the main news page here ) paints a picture of almost unimaginably ruthless elite wanting to reduce the world’s population by 80%. It’s well worth the read, but quite harrowing !
Anyway – nice to hear from you -) I’ll see what I can find out – there won’t be anything I can do if it’s on prescription. I’m wary about even speaking to a doctor in case they insist on testing me for the thingy or jabbing me with one of the concoctions !
Thanks again.
Metformin is used today to help control blood sugar levels Sandy, in Type II diabetes which does not require insulin.
I dont know if it’s prescription where you are, but given the amount of control over people in the UK, I’d assume it is. It certainly is in Aus, where they tried hard to make even getting vit and min supps prescription. The outcry stopped that!!
Luckily for me I live in a freer place, and can get it OTC.
But maybe you can find an older tired doctor, or a locum, who doesn’t care, and I can supply you with the links to print out the papers, and you can show them the evidence and ask to try a low dose slow release to see if it helps with your family member with some AD. Maybe that way you can get them write you a script.
It’s been in use for over 100yrs, when the French first used it by obtaining it from the French Iris root. It’s very safe, there have been rare cases of lactic acidosis but so rare as to be ignored.
I agree with you about staying clear of any younger Dr. or hospital who might well want to rope you in for some Covid funding they make off you. Best to give them a wide berth :-)
… cheap, easily accessible drugs like Ivermectin have been shown to be effective treatment against respiratory illness … – it would be too nice („ürre nett“ as we‘d say in Berlin) if the policy of keeping „just information“ (as was formulated early this year) within The Inner Circle would be given up for just one moment, so that just this information – where the cheap, easily accessible and effective drug that would save us all can be obtained cheaply and easily – could escape to the rest of us, so that we can profit from its theoretical existence, too. So far we proles only know that our overlords forbid its use and trust our doctors to do their duty not to do things simple and cheap.
““This conversation about pushing off our own wellbeing onto the individual is part of these 1980s Reagan era policies that again try to move that structural obligation of a system and this social safety net onto the individual,” Rashatwar said, “instead of thinking that there should be social supports that also help me to subsidize my food costs.”
Her solution to these problems of society requiring individual responsibility was calling students “to challenge all authorities, not just the authority that science has given but also legal authority…the same way I want us all to challenge laws, I want us all to challenge prisons and policing.””
From the “sex therapist” article in the newsfeed, she want the nazi white folks to “die” and sponsor her “diet”😂😭🥴” should be social supports that also help me to subsidize my food costs”
😂the perfect grift🤣😂😭
I want to react to a post of@sandra duthie in the former cafe of 23.03: /moveable-feast-cafe-2021-03-23/#comment-919096
It highlights a rise in deaths among a rise in vaccinations. Unfortunately, I have to add something to that.
First and foremost, I want to emphasize that I’m not a virologist (there are quite some around, aren’t they?), epidemiologist, microbiologist or medic. I’m just an engineer, but with a fascination for biology.
Back to the abovementioned post.
SARS-Cov-2 is a RNA virus. Other than DNA, RNA is a single helix molecule and that is the reason why RNA based viruses mutate so easily while unprotected by a polysaccharide base on one side. In many decades no one developed a vaccine against RNA viruses like Ebola, HIV, SARS and the flu.
But wait, yearly I can get a flu jab, right? Of course, but it’s exactly no more than that. It delivers protection against the actual version most around, but when you catch a different one you still can get the flu. And the next season you have to get another jab.
The presented ‘vaccinations’ against Covid-19 might effectively not be better than a flu jab. They are called vaccinations but they are not. In my youth I got a vaccination against polio, so for years to come I won’t get polio. People who are ‘vaccinated’ against Covid-19 still can get infected (and infect other people).
Then why are authorities so obsessed about vaccinations and immunity passports? I sense here that it is not a means, but the goal. And to what could this lead?
My worst suspicions of the last months are beginning to take shape. Take for instance Israel, where more than 50% of the population has been vaccinated. Strange developments are starting to pop up:
– In the 2 months after starting the mass vaccinations, more Covid19 deaths had to be counted than in the first 10 months before that.
– Orthodox Jews and Arab Israeli’s had comparable Covid-19 cases and deaths before the vaccination campaign, but while Orthodox Jews are quite willing for vaccinations and Arabic Israeli’s far less, now the numbers are rising for Orthodox Jews with significantly more severe symptoms, and for the Arabic Israeli’s it even dropped.
– While before the vaccination campaign the elderly were the group with the highest risk, it is now the group under 40 years of age.
How can we explain this? Let me put it in my own words:
1. Vaccinated people still can be infected, and as such also infect other people. While the ‘vaccination’ just dims the symptoms, ‘vaccinated’ people without knowing it themselves morph into ‘superspreaders’.
2. While ‘vaccinations’ are organized in age top-down, now the group of under 40 are in danger, while being infected by the superspreaders.
3. Since the movie ‘Jurassic Park’ we should realize that Mother Nature is a far more brilliant engineer than we are, and will always find a way around an obstacle. So, the mutations that are less susceptible to ‘vaccinations’ will survive and replace the catched ones. They could be more infectuous and harmful.
In other words, we might see here that the lid on Pandora’s Box is lifted a little bit more.
A collection of abovementioned developments in Israel from several source (like Gilad Atzmon) can be found here: https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/operation-vaxx-all-deplorables-codename-satans-poker/
Let me also share another suspicion, the attack on fertility. Recently, a number of researches around the world found out that males who had Covid-19 have a big chance of getting infertile, let’s just pick out one: https://www.jpost.com/health-science/covid-19-could-cause-infertility-new-israeli-study-644767
Is it only the disease? It might not be. There is also a harsh warning from scientists, among who a former Pfizer VP, that the ‘vaccinations’ itself are a danger to female fertility: https://newsrescue.com/doctors-former-pfizer-respiratory-vp-chief-scientific-advisor-file-petition-covid-vaccine-could-be-linked-to-infertility/
There rings a historical bell. In 1993 a tetanus vaccination campaign was initiated in Kenya, involving many women of the age 15-35 (isn’t that a strange main group for tetanus? Just a question). Millions of Kenyan women became infertile, while the vaccine contained hCG, a female hormone essential for pregnancy. Their bodies became trained in attacking this substance, with infertility as a result. Legal procedures are still running: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=81838
Is it a coincidence, that in the EU (where I live) there is such restraint to introduce theSputnik V vaccine, even within vaccine shortage? Do we really only have to be exposed to a NATO vaccine with experimental mRNA technology? It is politized, and certain people are ready to have deaths for it: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2021/03/11/eus-own-goal-by-playing-politics-with-russian-vaccine/
All this boils down to a bold thought, let me phrase it carefully: could it be, that we are witnessing an attempt to a mass sterilization? Considering the weird ideas of Bill Gates, who even can’t develop a decent browser but is running to the mike daily how we should ‘save the world’, this won’t be so fancy, is it?
I desperately hope that I am so wrong here.
Cheers, Rob
Terrifyingly you are not wrong, sterilization and genocide. Their goals are clearly stated.
they must be stopped.
TASS proffers Belorussian offer to help the US manage Alaska..
” “Deeply touched by the US’s attention to the destiny of Belarus, as a reciprocal step, we can make selfless contribution to development of Alaskan agriculture and development of its territories. In this regard, we are ready to look into an option of joint control over this territory. […] We hope that the positive trend in our relations will remain and that we will together come to a moment, when we would gladly meet the US Sixth Fleet at Belarusian naval border,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.”
The rescue of NA by Heartland Powers will come at a cost… Alaska being part payment…as it is believed that the deal with Seward was fraudulent, it being only a long-term lease, the rationalization, if properly propagandized, will be smoothly accepted by the illiterate peasantry.
(seriously, friends, we observe a classic tragedy, and have no power to alter the forces. Our only real “power” is personal, be nice, pray, do a good job)
Anyone here believe in coincidence?
From RT
Shutoffs at world’s major trade routes evolving as Europe’s busiest freight line remains closed & cargo still stuck in Egypt
1. Europe’s busiest freight train route connecting Genoa and Rotterdam won’t be able to resume operations until April after a massive rock slide that choked tracks in the Rhine Gorge, a World Heritage Site in Germany.
2. The Panama-flagged container ship Ever Given got stuck in the canal – one of the world’s busiest water routes – on Tuesday,
3. More news regarding roadblocks came from China, where a truck carrying an Evergreen shipping container crashed, causing a massive traffic jam on the Changchun-Shenzhen Expressway in Nanjing.
They need to prop up the price of oil, no matter what. Expect more, maybe Houthis will blow up some SA oil facility again or something else will explode somewhere to bring prices up.
to your and our German readers honour
the 13. week as preliminary draft
29. 3.- 5. 4. 2021 2021 0:00 UTC
unter dem Nördlichen Tierkreis
und unter den Nördlichen Königskonjunktionen
der vier Elemente Feuer, Erde, Luft und Wasser aus den Jahren
1603, 1802, 1980 und 1305
(Anklicken vergrößert)
“Neurose ist ein berechtigter Zweifel an sich selbst
und stellt stets die letztliche Vertrauensfrage an
Mensch und Gott. Der Zweifel ist schöpferisch. wenn
er durch die Tat beantwortet wird, ebenso die
Neurose, die sich dadurch exculpiert, dass sie Stufe
gewesen ist, wenn chronisch: Neurose ist verschleppte,
zur Gewohnheit degenerierte Krisis, die alltägliche
13. Woche 2021
im Anwachsen zur fünffachen Potenz des
Mars in Zwillinge
denn zu Stier
will sagen zu
Venus und Sonne
tritt am Wochzenende
als Potenz
von Luft und Erde
in Aries
durch Mars in Zwillinge
Es ist diese Zeit, die in dieser Woche geboren wird in der Welt in der nicht nur die Elemente, gar nicht nur das Innenleben der Elemente genannt Natur, dieser unablässige Ablauf von täglichem Tod und Erneuerung, der im Unbewussten unablässig abläuft und den zu studieren jeder Mensch aufgerufen ist der den Menschen zu begreifen gesonnen ist …
dieser also
13. Woche 2021
ist ein noch andauernder
Widder –
an potenzierter Lebenskraft
seit 2 Wochen
aus Mars
in Zwillinge
für die alten Dornen
der Gefangenschaft
in kollektiv verschleppter Neurose
Schock nun Zwillinge selbst
und Jungfrau
Intellekt und Vernunft
0° Widder
bei Eintritt von
Merkur in Widder
sprach-Magie von
und Jungfrau
in Gestalt von Merkur
unterm Regiment von Mars’
Ungeduld und Neubeginn
und Keimzustand
in der Luftarena des Sprach-Universums
das sich im 3. Spiegel der
Frühling 2021
als aktuelle Besonderheit
Venus Sonne Venus
Vereinigung im Akt der Erschaffung
von Wurzeln, Kraft und Balance
als Potenzen der Energie
des Neuen Jahrs
in Widder, also Venus und Sonne
in der Himmels-Architektonik
des Tierkreises
um die Sonne
Stier Löwe Waage
durch Venus und Sonne
‘im Rucksack’
von Mars
plus nächsten Montag
Zwillinge und Jungfrau
von Mondin mal zu schweigen, die von Waage bis Steinbock den Göttern des Mythos und zuletzt dem Vater
im Jenseits anheimfällt
Das große Zehnjahres- Zeichen weiterhin:
Saturn Quadrat Uranus
Grenze contra unbegrenzt
Bestimmung contra Ursprung
zur Vereinigung im
Turm der Vögel
zu bauen
in Verehrung
des himmlischen
während Venus
Baumeisterin von Schwere in Harmonie
weiterhin in Stier und Waage
Wurzel und Stamm-Bildung
richtet in
Abweichung vom
graden Weg
(zuletzt vor 84 Jahren von 1935 bis 42)
Entwurf: 28. 3. 2021, UTC 15:014.
sorry, the link
That’s better, I don’t think good Babuska speaks German, but who knows, perhaps she will surprise us !
From Russia today actually comes from a repatriated expat Russian, Anatoly Karlin, who mostly blogs from the Unz Review, and Alexander Mercouris, of the Duran.
It really links nice, in a way, to my last, about the 3 events – that THREE folks – from around the world of mess ups in transport of essential cargo’s – not the least the poor livestock suffering horrifically in the Suez Canal – from transport not handling problems well.
We have known for some time that Russia in recent years under a strong guidance and push from V.V. Putin, has been developing the Northern Sea Route.
Here we have a piece on it’s expansion now from Karlin
And Mercouris
Just think where this will be in a few years?
I ran across this today regarding the stuck cargo ship:
‘Egyptian President, Al-Sisi orders operation to lift containers from the trapped ship’
Maybe they can build a pyramid? What else ??
I found a rather lovely place, which I though some others here would probably like too – Babushka comes to mind, Dimitar, Teranum – others too.
It’s called “Brainpickings”. and here is the link
and the email, to get the Sunday newsletter: newsletter@brainpickings.org
This lady has spend ages putting together some lovely finds; poetry, pictures, unusual but tender outlooks on life, the world.
For example, here is a part from today’s artivcle headed ” Secrets from the Centre of the Wrold; Poet Joy Harjo’s reflectons on Science and meaning in response to an Astronomers Otherwordly Photographs of Earth”:
” “I can hear the sizzle of newborn stars, and know anything of meaning, of the fierce magic emerging here. I am witness to flexible eternity, the evolving past, and I know we will live forever, as dust or breath in the face of stars, in the shifting pattern of winds.”
Secrets from the Center of the World: Poet Joy Harjo’s Reflections on Science and Meaning in Response to an Astronomer’s Otherworldly Photographs of Earth
“Place and a mind may interpenetrate till the nature of both is altered,” the trailblazing Scottish mountaineer and poet Nan Shepherd wrote into the void of self-elected obscurity decades before her work was posthumously rediscovered as a rare masterpiece of landscape poetics irradiated by the human search for meaning. A generation later, another trailblazing woman of uncommon poetic sensibility and intimate relationship to the land echoed the sentiment in her own art, into her native canyons of the American Southwest: “It’s true that landscape forms the mind. If I stand here long enough I’ll learn how to sing.”
In 1989, long before she became Poet Laureate of the United States, Joy Harjo entwined visions with the astronomer and photographer Stephen Strom in Secrets from the Center of the World (public library) — a slender, splendid instalment in the University of Arizona’s wonderful Sun Tracks series, celebrating Native American literary art long before Native representation rose to the fore of the American mainstream, long before the English language awakened to how deeply its etymological reliance on the Earth permeates words as mundane as mainstream.
Emerging from the lovely call-and-response between Strom’s photographs and Harjo’s short lyrical reflection is a subtle meditation on the interpenetration of place and mind, of landscape and the human spirit. Contemplating the ochre canyons and the golden valleys, the pleated sierras and the billowing mudhills, the frosty branches of the winter trees and the summer-blazed strata of sandstone, she unfolds the origami of deep time into a note some ghost-mother left for her ghost-child long ago on the edge of the kitchen table, on the edge of the world, inscribed with the meaning of being human.
Abandoned hogan south of Bluff, UT by Stephen Strom
This land is a poem of ochre and burnt sand I could never write, unless paper were the sacrament of sky, and ink the broken line of wild horses staggering the horizon several miles away. Even then, does anything written ever matter to the earth, wind, and sky?
Mudhills, Beautiful Valley by Stephen Strom
If all events are related, then what story does a volcano erupting in Hawaii, the birth of a woman’s second son near Gallup, and this shoulder bone of earth made of a mythic monster’s anger construct? Nearby a meteor crashes. Someone invents aerodynamics, makes wings. The answer is like rushing wind: simple faith.
Strom — who received his doctoral degree from Harvard, studied the formation of star and planetary systems at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, taught astronomy in Emily Dickinson’s hometown for a decade and a half, and spent three decades photographing the Southwest — renders Earth otherworldly in his photographs, spare and solitary, edged in by invisible implied horizons, the way the desert implies life, the way poetry makes life visible. Revealing the fractal patterning of nature, his subtle geometries of shape and color reach beyond the three spatial dimensions to intimate the dimension of time.
Near Burnham, Bisti Badlands by Stephen Strom
These smoky bluffs are old traveling companions, making their way through millennia. Ask them if you want to know about the true meaning of history. You’ll have to offer them something more than one good story, and need to understand the patience of stones.
Harjo — a member of the Creek Nation — meets the cosmological sensibility of the photographs with a private cosmogony drawn from that ancient human impulse to locate ourselves in relation to the universe, to make meaning in the sliver of spacetime on which chance has perched us to live out our lives between the scale of protozoa and the scale of galaxies. She envelops each photograph in a short prose-poem that takes the image as its origin point of contemplation, then radiates centrifugally into a miniature universe of metaphor and meaning-making — the mark of all great poetry.”
It’s lyrical, gentle, a pleasing antidote to the news of the Worlds insanities we are being blasted with. It might be worth a look for many.
So, if 1) there exists such a thing as a singular SARS-CoV-2 virus, if 2) this virus causes serious respiratory symptoms, if 3) the virus is inoculable in VERA cells, if 4) VERA cells are a valid representation of human ditto, and if 5) the Corman-Drosten test really detects SARS-CoV-2 specifically, it MAY have some benefit for a doctor in a clinical setting with a patient having serious respiratory symptoms to run an RT-PCR until Ct = 25 as a supplementary test.[3]
A bit far out, isn’t it?
It really boils down to the primers, their specificity and applicability at low concentrations. How can they target a fatal SARS-CoV-2 virus when its very existence remains to be demonstrated? Furthermore, the sequences of the various primers being used are found not only in ca. 100 bacteria but are also abundant in the human genome.[4][5]
Pairing of two DNA strands – hybridization – doesn’t have to be perfect to occur. If the two strands are, say, only 80% complementary, the binding constant will be reduced. But hybridization happens nevertheless. When a vastly exaggerated concentration of primers are used in the standard Corman-Drosten test[6] it is deliberately bound to pick up other DNA floating around, whether these have been produced by the reverse transcriptase or not.[7]
This is very bad news.
“Trading water futures like oil or gold is expected to leave the market vulnerable to a speculative bubble”, according to Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation.
“The news that water is to be traded on Wall Street futures market shows that the value of water, as a basic human right, is now under threat. It is closely tied to all of our lives and livelihoods, and is an essential component to public health,” the top official said in a statement.
Earlier this week, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, run by CME Group, has launched the futures tied to the spot price of water. The contracts, linked to the Nasdaq Veles California Water Index, has begun trading this week.”
“Michael Burry, the trader who saw the 2008 Real Estate Morgage disaster – and made over 1 billion from it – got out of the market because it had become too toxic and unethical. He works on one area only since then. Water. If this guy sees a big thing coming in water, I’d suggest we all pay attention.
I keep thinking year after year, decade after decade, that California stored water is going to run low, affecting not only water but electricity. So bidding out these resources works as long as one can supply the mkt on the one hand, and on the other, one can afford to buy it.
Given that the human adult body can go about 48 hours max without water Alabama – it’s dire. If there is one supply that should never be under market control, after air to breathe – it’s water to drink!!
I’ve been saying for a long time now that water would be the “oil” of the future. Saudi Arabia has drained all of it’s fossil water wells;, China has been buying water in from Canada and Russia for some time now; places like Australia are profligate – they build few to no damn, then have massive floods as recently in NSW, have never developed their potential food growing areas by supplying water, yet the major river, the Darling, is drying up and getting more and more salty by the day.
The – once mighty – Ogalalifer underground massive aquifer has diminished. The Colorado River doesn’t reach to the sea anymore and disappears in marsh and wetlands. The world has treated fresh clean water as a never ending supply with no need for care or management – and this will have dire consequences.
Why would Wall Street be interested? Because the only way they value something is by combining rarity with value. Then they make money.
I guess this is why Burry has invested family funds in this alone. He’s a far sighted guy.
The War Mongers are driven by ideology, but as well, they want land, and they want lots and lots of clean water. And there sits Russia, with both.
And I dont like the sound of any of this one little bit.
Ecuador has abundant and some very pure water. The current government of Ecuador is going to fast track free trade before the election. 1+1=2
Free Trade with who? Can I guess? And for what in return?
Bah. I hope the Correa-ista gets in as President. It’s the only hope.
US- Ecuador. The way things usually work is that the US will get the good stuff and ECU will get the crap that nobody wants in the US.
There is going to be a food shortage due to climate cycle changes prompted by the 1)suns activity, 2)our weakening magnetosphere and 3)shifting magnetic poles. (all which are being blamed on co2 i.e. global warming so they can institute global controls and world taxes on everything.)
Nor does the Rio Grande
My dad brought in the second Ogallala well in Armstrong Co. (texas panhandle) I think it was 1955, it delivered 650 gallons/minute at first. There were no regulatory agencies, and seeing daddy’s success everybody drilled. By 1963 the well had fallen back to about 300 gal/minute. I don’t think the owners today even bother running it. That aquifer took a million years to fill and was destroyed in 20.and will never recover. There are still no rules, we have devils like T. Boone Pickens buying still abundant east texas water and selling it to unsustainable cities like dallas/ft. worth
.By now the general pop. for distrusts municipal water thus generating a trillion plastic bottles, the activites of criminal nestlee in the NW usa are well known. There are going to be water wars.
That is hugely valuable information pariah. Thank you. News from the front indeed. I’ve saved it.
I said about 15 yrs ago on different forums “there will be water wars”.
I have only felt that more strongly as years go by.
add to the situation, now rain and snow are full of aluminum from chemtrails and mercury from coal burning,it needs distillation to be potable I live near a beautiful lake here in central texas it is recommended to not eat but one fish a week tf that because the san antonio power plants spew the mercury, they are building 17 more not required to “scrub” the exhaust, a lot of ground water has been ruined by fracking in oil country. all ruined.
>got out of the market because it had become too toxic and unethical<
But now invests in water….. because that is not unethical.
Got it.🤪
I haven’t drilled down that far.
He goes back to 2008 – 13 yrs ago. I dont know if he still does.
It’s not germane to the issue. My point is, a far sighted guy who has proven himself over and over in market issues, foresaw that water would be a place of income return.
And we have this development.
For me, that’s all that matters now.
@Alabama and Co.
Excuse me boys. But the water scam is jus one more Rockefeller fraud.
After making the public believe oil is fossil and scarce, Rockefeller made a bet with his pals at Wall Street that people were so stupid so he could sell them the most common material on the planet, which was pouring down in people’s own heads everywhere directly as a free gift from God himself.
Rockefeller was right again.
Some other day I will tell you the sheeple how you can make drinking water from a bucket of salty sea water, 2 bottles and a little firewood, and how you can order a 20′ container with a Waterplant inside who can pull out 600m3 drinking water/year from the air around it, or how to change dirty water from the street into drinking water in your kitchen with simple means.
The secret is to have a little more faith in God than in Wall Street………………………………..LOL.
OK Tomsen.
To hell with “some other day”
Do it now. Right now. I’ve been involved, as part of my job running a micro-genomics lab, in purifing water; ‘down to using 4th cycle osmosis.
You cannot get rid of salt. Period.
So – you got some marvellous scheme, please do, tell us right now, what it is.
And how did the Rockefeller drain the Ogalalifer/
Oh come-on Pamela, get out of the lab and see what is happening. My last long time sailing trip we had a desalination plant on the boat and I was never short of fresh water for showers, cooking or laundry. That was a 2 year trip and just after 9/11 – 20+ years ago. That is where we went .. sailing. And it was not even new technology even then.
Small desalination plants are normal tack these days on any little sailboat even and every large vessel. Period.
There is one … https://www.cruisingworld.com/desalination-decisions-watermakers/
Every decent sailor knows how to solar desalinate water. It is a question of quantity. Distillation or reverse osmosis are home lab things these days.
The people into water wars are those that steal fresh water and sell it back in plastic water bottles – perhaps they put some bubbles or some flavor in there. And then we have people that stop up rivers and water sources to fight with their neighbors. The Ukraine is doing this now. Aquafers of course get denuded, but those get replenished if enough rain falls.
Desalination plants are ordinary technology these days. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desalination_by_country
Do you have the first idea how much water is used per person per day amarynth?
Have you ever gone desert, and had to take your own water – where a desalination is no good,cos because there ‘s no bloody water anywhere. ?
I have.
Do you know how much it takes to run a cooling tower to provide electricity to a small town.? Do you even know that massive amounts of water are used in nuclear and waste dumps?. How much water is used in a major steel plant amarynth? Are you seriously telling me some piddling little desalination plant can cope with this.
Hells bells, get real.
On average, most people can get by on 2 gallons a day. I live alone, and filter my water. I’m amazed how much I get through, just for drinking, cooking for me and my 2 dogs.
Lets see, 2 gals per person per day. In a city of 1 million people thats 1,460 million gallons per year. Thats not including toilets, or much bathing. Or any industrial requirements.
Thats some desalination plant amarynth. Of course, desalination supposed much sea water. You gonna truck that into the middle of deserts, inland towns?
Jeez, you tell me to get out of the lab. Get off your boat and go into the world maybe?
Yes, a handful of people on some piddling little boat will cope. I am looking at cities with millions in them – all needing massive amounts of water – and nowhere it can come from. Have you ever lived on water restrictions of a couple of litres a day?
Try getting out of your own sphere amarynth, and look at the industrial world. It just might open your open your eyes.
Yes, I know the numbers. I have sailed where fresh water is the difference between life and death. I’ve gardened in the tropics and in the desert.
You said there is no way to remove the salt. That was your statement, no? Well, I disagree with your statement.
OK. I was talking about a need for really pure water for experiment purposes, I agree. This doesn’t matter for the ordinary person drinking t- true you are correct. I’ve drunk salty water out on the Nullabor. It’s not nice, but you can manage for a short time.
But I’m more concerned about volume and the domino principle.
Ever been in Sao Paulo? 22 mio people giga city on a small area.
Their 12 storey complex with 108 apartments of 71m2 all have 3 small bathrooms, 3 showers, 3 full flush toilets, 3 hand wash basin, 1 washing machine, 1 dish machine, 1 kitchen sink, 1 washing sink.
To 8 x 12 storey belongs 3 swimming pools.
No problem with drinking water (in bottles) and washing water, only a question of reservoir size.
If you want water in your desert, we have pipes as we have oil/gas pipes long distance. Off course desalination plants can pump water out on long distance as they can with oil.
As said, the whole thing is just a question of schemes from Rockefeller and Wall Street.
@Pamela All right here you are.
First is the dirty water from the street or any river or lake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CjPPTjVcew
Second is a water from air treatment plant 5m3/day from Israel: http://ec2-34-194-149-103.compute-1.amazonaws.com/products/water-from-air/large-scale-water-generator/
Third is natures way: The sun heat up the sea, evaporates to the sky, blow over land, fall down as pure virgin water as a basic principle.
Seawater in one bottle, heat up the bottle with firewood, lead the evaporation to the neighbour bottle, cool off the neighbour bottle, salt/dirt/fish skin/whatever left in the first bottle, neighbour bottle fresh drinking water :-) as a basic principle.
Sorry Pamela, but Science year 2000 didnt invent fresh water. This has been known for 3000 years in ME, China, Africa, Latin, but arrived first in West around year 1700 whereafter West invented “scarce water resources”…………………LOL.
But they didnt knew Wall Street “science” laboratory schemes at that time………my regrets. Dont beat me.
Tomsen I dont think you’ve understood a thing I’ve said.
What the blazes does Wall Street have to do with the geophysical things I’ve pointed out?/
Or do you think the aquifers drying up is some sort of illusion. ?
Did you even read pariah’s post?
If deep aquifers are pumped empty, it takes a long time to recover. But, in a way, water is like oil. It is self-replenishing. We’ve lived a long time with concepts like ‘peak oil’ and yet, there is a lot of oil.
Same with water. It is self-replenishing. Now, if someone tells me they’re going to trade futures in the price of water, I question the whole ‘water scarcity’ meme. Another example, they’re trading carbons. Is it real or a created meme?
Trading in water futures is like trading in human lives and they do that as well.
If your local authorities do not have a solid water maintenance plan in place maintaining the deep ground water levels, its time to speak to them. If upstream farmers dump chemicals in waterways, it needs to be dealt with.
I would say the problem with water across the world is management of a natural resource, and not scarcity. There is scarcity in areas, where they did not look after their resource. I always wonder if in some way, rain is finite, but it is not. I’ve done the experiments with harvesting water from the air around us myself (gardening in the desert). And then we have technology like this (China) (paywall but the first paragraph is clear).
And technology like this (Africa): https://www.designindaba.com/articles/creative-work/drawing-water-out-thin-air
In permaculture, the first thing you learn is how to deal with water. Berms, swales, keyline systems, rain water harvesting, land management, what is to be planted etc. And then we get this … This long term experiment in Jordan – greening the desert
And this is ten years later:
And this .. in Texas – aquifers and some years, and with good planting the right stuff, you fill ’em up again.
Water management needs smarts and knowledgeable people. I think the water scarcity meme is just another meme to hide p-poor water management.
If anyone wants to know about water, I mean really know in depth, I would truly suggest a permaculture course that deals with structural issues and land.
Water and landscape is a unit.
A very large ecosystem redevelopment
One reference of many. I find most people are put off by a long run of references. Who has time.
so this is one of hundreds I could turn up.
I’m not offering a comment – I’m tired.
IN any case, this speaks for itself. Please do go suggest some desalination plants.
I live about 30 miles from the Bamburger ranch, indeed a remarkable demonstration. In the video it is not stressed what the central issue is: CEDAR! Actually, single-seed juniper. A horrible invasive weed, water hog, it also poisons the soil under it. It naturally functioned to stabilize the banks of arroyos but did not proliferate until the grasses were destroyed by overgrazing, as a seedling does not thrive if shaded under the grass and defeated in the root system. The desperate settlers ran too many animals, sheep being the worse, as they bite the grass off right down to the roots. On my own poor boy scale I did the same thing with 10 acres, getting rid of the &%&^ cedar; the grass recovers like magic. If inept ignorant govmint were to subsidize cedar eradication this whole country would come back in a few years. We get about 25- 30 inches of rain (good years), plenty for a lush grass based system.
That is so wonderful! Do you know how few people actually understand the interrelationship of the land to the water. I am just grateful if someone gets it. It feels like another star in my sky truly.
But you should run some animals Yes? to fertilize and because that is a natural thing? What would you run? Just a few sheep – hogs as tractors to loosen things up (grins) – some chickens?
I also had such a simple breakthrough as well. We have forest land, but forests if they are chopped all the time eventually come back in a type of scrawny growth with lots of undergrowth and the trees do not flourish. The big forest trees have been cut. I was looking for a solution for growing vanilla vines and the structure necessary for them is clean forest and trees. So, one is sometimes too damn scared to do anything in-case you make matters worse and I was thinking in circles already. One day it struck me – experiment you fool lol! So, I selected a part of forest and clearcut the undergrowth to much grumbling of the local folks, as they had never seen it different and had no idea what I wanted to accomplish. It is a beautiful thing. The trees are fat and flourishing, it is clean forest land underneath but still fully protected, I see mycelium and mushrooms, and with a little bit more experimentation, and checking humidity throughout the year, I may have my environment for vanilla. Soil testing first because vanilla is fussy.
here the animals is tons of white-tail deer. They hardly eat grass, can’t digest it, and prefer broadleaf stuff.Until recently it was illegal to harvest does until Parks and Wildlife realized the over pop. problem due mainly to screw-worm eradication, done to benefit beef production. There’s the meat.
Also,re cedar.
The stuff is highly resinous. Typically when it is cut it is fed into a chipper. Even spreading the chips out provides mulch,but if the highly flamable chips were taken to the power plants it could replace a large portion of the coal being burned, hauled all the way from Kentucky which is being destroyed, belching toxic mercury laden exhaust. Win-win. I don’t know if the thermodynamics here has even been looked into, say by Texas A & M
I asked you not to beat me. Then you beat me anyway. Thank you for your appreciation of transferring to you God’s miracle at your hand. One more prophet hanged suffering on the cross.
No, Im not resolving your personal problem of “micro-genomics lab, purifying water; down to 4th cycle osmosis”, because most Western Science is ungodly and only made to make money on self created artificial problems.
I gave you something much better. An understanding of God’s free gift compared to the junk science of investment and laboratory microscope fakery.
The problems with Aquifers drying up? As Amarynth write the answer is “bad water management”.
People in US overpopulate South where there is dry seasons and scarce water resources and howl scarce water resources, while underpopulated areas in the North live with plenty of surplus water and howl too much water resources.
Australia has extreme variations of draught and flood. You cant control it. You cant predict it from one year to the another. You cant make a problem out of it. You cannot blame people for not understanding the problem and all our personal problems.
You can only adapt yourself to nature. Fixed.
Who said it had to be Rockefeller? Why not Trump
Trump drinks diet coke. His third eye (pineal gland) must be calcified by now. Remember when he said that somewhere they ‘sweep the forests’? Norway, I think it was. And he let go of legislation on big farmers dumping chemicals in waterways and if you look now, it does not look so good downstream.
In re Re “all you need is some desalination plants” and Permaculture – this might be of interestt.
Incidentally, although US is trying to move to gas as energy, it still relies hugely coal fired power plants for its domestic and industrial power.
“Remember when you were a kid and your parents made a big fuss about turning off the light when you left a room? Who knew that, besides adding to the monthly electric bill, keeping a single 60-watt light-bulb lit for 12 hours uses as much as 60 litres of water? According to researchers at the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, in Blacksburg, Va., fossil-fuel-fired thermoelectric power plants consume more than 500 billion L of fresh water per day in the United States alone.
”That translates to an average of 95 L of water to produce 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity,” says Tamim Younos, associate director of the center and a professor of water resources at Virginia Tech, where the center is housed.
Remember when you were a kid and your parents made a big fuss about turning off the light when you left a room? Who knew that, besides adding to the monthly electric bill, keeping a single 60-watt lightbulb lit for 12 hours uses as much as 60 liters of water? According to researchers at the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, in Blacksburg, Va., fossil-fuel-fired thermoelectric power plants consume more than 500 billion L of fresh water per day in the United States alone.
”That translates to an average of 95 L of water to produce 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity,” says Tamim Younos, associate director of the center and a professor of water resources at Virginia Tech, where the center is housed.
Remember when you were a kid and your parents made a big fuss about turning off the light when you left a room? Who knew that, besides adding to the monthly electric bill, keeping a single 60-watt lightbulb lit for 12 hours uses as much as 60 liters of water? According to researchers at the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, in Blacksburg, Va., fossil-fuel-fired thermoelectric power plants consume more than 500 billion L of fresh water per day in the United States alone.
”That translates to an average of 95 L of water to produce 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity,” says Tamim Younos, associate director of the center and a professor of water resources at Virginia Tech, where the center is housed.
Remember when you were a kid and your parents made a big fuss about turning off the light when you left a room? Who knew that, besides adding to the monthly electric bill, keeping a single 60-watt lightbulb lit for 12 hours uses as much as 60 liters of water? According to researchers at the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, in Blacksburg, Va., fossil-fuel-fired thermoelectric power plants consume more than 500 billion L of fresh water per day in the United States alone.
”That translates to an average of 95 L of water to produce 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity,” says Tamim Younos, associate director of the center and a professor of water resources at Virginia Tech, where the center is housed.
When you look at nuclear and hydrodynamic, the amounts use go up. And “green” are worse of all.
Does it say how many cents it costs to run a fridge for a day?
In re Re “all you need is some desalination plants” and Permaculture – this might be of interestt.
Oh nonsense Pamela. I never said that. Don’t let me lay it out but you started with Oh Woe Is Us because the aquifers are empty. I disagreed and consider this part of remediation. I also suggested that it may be manufactured scarcity. Then you continued with You Cannot take out the Salt. I disagreed again.
And you said you are not interested in seeing what we do in permaculture in terms of landscape and water – directly related to aquifers and water management.
Again, for water management the principles in permaculture are just excellent because it is first principles. And yes, you can take the salt out to the level of perfectly drinkable water, not salty. And the Indian farmers are out in the street and have been there now for months because of legal changes to their farming methods which will push the small farmer out of farming. And yes, like everywhere, they have water problems. And yes, India has desalination plants and have made it a priority for more. And even that mega big container ship that was parked across the Suez has a desalination plant. And upwards of 80% of the world’s population lives in the belts around the ocean. And no, I don’t get my knowledge of farming in India from the msm.
And not so surprisingly, I don’t like desalination plants but, I know some about them. I like water that comes from a clean creek, or a good well, or a beautiful river – that is, energized in its natural state. We use copper triskelions and I can talk about that. Water for me is also the first medicine so I have a real hands-on appreciation and real hands-on experimentation as to lattice electrical structure and the spiritual meaning of water.
And now you are comparing apples to horse pucks. Understand, sometimes one is wrong, sometimes you don’t know, and the gracious thing to do, is to say so.
I used to built power plants. They do not necessarily use a great amount of water – it’s an engineering decision. The equations are merciless. The hotter the fluid at one end, and the colder the fluid at the other determines thermal efficiency, and, since fuel consumption cost $, one want’s the cold end of the cycle as cold as possible – which is “best” achieved by evaporating large amounts of clean water. Power plants can be air cooled, and I have built a 500 MW air cooled combined cycle thermal plant (2 big Siemens and a Mitsubishi steam turbine.The steam is generated is a boiler that’s heated by the turbine waste heat. Such power plants have good thermal efficiency – about 50%.
The cascade of losses in electric generation and distribution is worth understanding.
1/2 is lost at the prime mover (or more). Of the remaining 1/2, another 5 or 10 % is lost in the generator, then there are losses in transformers (3%) at each change of voltage. There are losses in the transmission line – which can actually get fairly hot and sag. – It varies with load of course, but the actual overall loss can be something like 75% of what ya started with. Of course it’s a crazy way to boil water. Nukes also use great amounts of clean water for evap, as the cycle is thermal.
Obviously, considering modern technical abilities, such systems are almost entirely obsolete and wasteful.
However, “power plants” not only suck up and waste while providing electricity, they “generate” political power.
Everybody’s dependent on the plant, and somebody else controls it. That’s a “Power Plant”!
The electric power goes out from the plant, while the political power goes into the plant. That’s the idea…
Trick question.
Who are they?
They are going to rap sweet music in my ears until their teeth fall out.
Here’s something interesting: the acting Chief of Defense Staff for Canada posted a tweet, which includes a Joint-Statement of Chiefs of Defence condemning military-sponsored violence in Myanmar.
These are all Western or Western-allied nations. So… wouldn’t this normally be announced by NATO? Or does the inclusion of Korea and Korea make that impossible?
Maybe it does. Maybe this isn’t as interesting as I first thought.
Or does ”NATO” now include Japan and Korea?? (I don’t mean the official NATO, I mean some un-publicized but official mutual defence arrangement among North Atlantic — and North Pacific! — countries?) Maybe I’m just fishin’.
So it really is a Soros-financed color revolution in Myanmar then.
The above link is about a lawsuit against Tedros
Yesterday evening I watched/listened to Mercouris discuss Chinese sanctions against a list comprising British lawyers, activists and MPs.
When I find it I’ll post it in the reply. It’s worth knowing and hoping that the players of these evil games might be thoroughly frightened and detained by bigger sharks than their puny selves inflicting untold pain and despair in their own bailiwick.
I’ve read through the comments this morning and feel privileged to be in the midst of such a smorgasbord of material.
Dear Pamela I have yet to open your links but I promise you I’m eager with anticipation. The landscapes of my life R Me 😂
Mundo- the same to you. I do not speak German at all, but the basic sentence structure and vocabulary are similar to the Dutch with which I get by. I’ve started writing out your draft in German and the English translation in my journal, but first I go it alone.
My first thoughts upon first reading of your draft was a memory.
Many years ago, I had what I now comfortably know was a mystical experience.
It took me another 13 years to divulge that experience to a tutor at university, who is now a professor of comparative religions.
His most exquisite response was that my written experience reminded him of Jakob Boehme
of whom, of course, I had never heard. And that was in the 1980’s.
So there is as much as I can say at the moment. It is Monday morning here and I’m back on that treadmill labeled ‘busy’ as Good Friday is fast approaching, Easter being by far my most important Christian tradition.
With gratitude
Until next time
I’m reflecting on most of the contributions in our Café as I go about my days
China sanctions Britain: London shocked
9 entities in total, including Essex Court Chambers
I hope I have that right
Jeez, All I can say is WTF??? Fareed Zakaria, who has been a war mongering shill forever on CNN, yes, CNN, is calling out the MIC! The pentagon must be collectively in apoplexy, gasping for air.
Thanks, Per/Norway for the link in non MSM news column. Prob too soon to see what is going on but this is a mind blower on initial look.
Historic moment – with a stunning visual
Three Russian subs break through the ice simultaneously
Who now can doubt that Russia is – not of the East or the Orient, not of the West – “Europe” – but of the North. The worlds only true Northern Nation, much as Americaphiles might hate the idea.
Starting right now (10 AM EDT)
A United Nations Meeting of Heads of State and Government on the International Debt Architecture and Liquidity.
The event will be streamed online at http://webtv.un.org, as well as https://twitter.com/UNWebTV.
President Erdogan spoke at this meeting and talked of Turkey’s indigenous vaccine for COVID. Turkey intends to make it available to other nations with little restriction. I wasn’t aware that Turkey was developing a vaccine! Here’s some more detail.
A find that could be useful to many.
These people are prepared to look at all dominant narratives through the lens of truth, fact, science with evidence. A “find” for me – and I’ll be following them on future issues too.
This one is for the Covid Manipulation though.
Thanks Pamela, great video.
From the start it has been clear that normal medical practice has been turned on it’s head – the lockdowns, the masks, the asymptomatic spreaders, the testing of healthy people / everyone, the denial of any natural immunity after recovery and more. You don’t have to be a doctor or virologist to know this – it’s simple common sense – or it becomes obvious by asking simple common sense questions.
There was an ” epidemic that never was ” in the US some years ago ( hooping cough I think – I posted links before ) based on PCR tests. This was reported in the mainstream / the NYT at the time, but has been memory holed. The PCR test is still being used to produce new waves. Between that and the scary new strains this game can go on for ever – and it will unless it’s exposed and the prime movers punished. Otherwise we can all be put under house arrest / told to take vaccines every five minutes on demand whenever someone shouts ” new wave / strain / virus ! “. And the vaccine passports will be here to stay.
If politicians, aided and abetted by the medical profession, wanted to jettison all previous practice and take draconian measures never before imposed – they should have been required to produce extraordinary proof that 1, it was necessary and 2, the measures were effective. All we got was a fear / terror campaign and escalating threats / punishments for non compliance and even more disgraceful, the suppression of preventive measures and treatments. It’s a demonstration of :
– extent of control of the media,
– the uselessness and/or corruption of the politicians
– the willingness of chosen medics / scientists to peddle required lies ( many with undeclared links to pharma )
– the unwillingness of enough of the medical profession to stand up and say no.
UK column and Ivor Cummins have produced good videos on this subject from the start. That the narrative is still being peddled and doubled down on to remove hard won basic human rights is hard to believe and a testament to the effectiveness of the psychological manipulation and abuse we’ve been subjected to. That de facto forced vaccination is now upon us shows just how successful the onslaught has been ,
I’ve never minded not knowing answers – I can always look for them. But I do mind being given evidence-free answers that I’m not allowed to question. Here’s an Einstein quote that springs to mind.
“ Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe .”
― Albert Einstein
here Sandy
there has to be pushback and I don’t see how it can be anythin less than kinetic.
Thanks Pariah,
I did see that – I actually posted that link above. The interview with Pepe Escobar and Michael Hudson on the main news page here has more shocking revelations. I live in hope that there will be a tipping point where enough people open their eyes to what’s going on and stop cooperating. The other thought is if the police and military step back from the madness.
Things can change with a relatively small amount of committed people – we must hope so anyway :-)
well we know the mentality of career officers and police chiefs, their absence of moral conviction, cynicism, probably Eisenhaurer(sp?) the last real man. Only the barracks might come through.at risk of court martial.
Sandra…I am curious that you have obviously bought into this entire narrative so enthusiastically.
IMO Nick Hudon really needs to take a good hard look at why countries such as Vietnam and Taiwan have been so spectacularly successful in minimizing the health and economic effects of Covid by effectively using the basic low-cost tools that he so flippantly rubbishes.
In fact, both these countries have kept mortality down to a minuscule 0.4 head per million of population. This is in spite of the fact that they have large and extremely concentrated populations located in a potentially very risky area geographically.
If Hudson bothered to take even a cursory look he would see some striking common denominators between these countries…
#1 Strong and informed leadership that retained the confidence of the public at large
#2 A knowledge that masks and basic low-cost hygiene measures have been highly successful in the past and will remain extremely effective in limiting the spread of any respiratory virus
#3 The acceptance that everyone making an effort collectively will have huge benefits in the short and long term with minimal disruption to society. This would, in turn, give the whole country far more options in getting back to some semblance of normality
#4 Testing and tracing if used correctly can have a huge impact in stopping local outbreaks from spreading and becoming endemic
By contrast countries such as Brazil, the US, and UK have not followed this path and with death tolls of 3000-4000 times higher per head of population have paid a tragic price.
The economic repercussions are also far more serious and long-term. Now they pin their hopes on rushing headlong into massive vaccination programs of highly risky experimental vaccines …they are in essence panicked, having lost control, and view vaccines as their only resort.
Meanwhile, Hudson in effect underwrites the horrendous actions and results of the most disastrously irresponsible countries and yet either denigrates or ignores those that have been spectacularly successful…go figure?
Its been the story of my life – pointing out the successful countries and what they did and specifically what their state is now – which is open and working. But, to no avail unfortunately.
Absolutely amarynth!
It is so sad to witness this ongoing and concerted effort made to rubbish affordable and highly effective control methods that have proven spectacularly effective in some countries. This was also the strategy of baffoons like Trump and Bolsanaro.
This lobby has been tragically successful in undermining public confidence in huge swaths of the world so that a large portion not taking these basic precautions allows endemic spread to run rampant.
This same group then beats their chests and constantly proclaims “look we were right all along…these measures don’t work” when they themselves have guaranteed they wouldn’t work.
An analogy could be a serial arsonist loudly criticizing the efforts of the local fire brigade whilst he stands there pouring petrol on the very fire they are trying their best to put out.
Case in point right at this moment…the absolute shambles in Mexico versus relative normality in Taiwan and Vietnam!
The link that Pamela and Sandra trumpet in this string is so utterly dangerous when it glosses over these almost unmissable realities.
A lot like Trump bagging NZ when his own country has almost 500 times the mortality rate of NZ!
Here we go,
we should all accept that the present pandemic measures will be permanent :
I don’t want to give this old fellow any screen space, but there is this:
Pope sends Julian Assange personal message to his jail cell, partner says
There is a new term for general use one presumes, as one cannot patent or copy right such things, and it’s medicofascism, I read it first on here, no need to say more, watch the arms race escalate, breathing is being in possession of a deadly weapon, keep your mask on and keep a safe distance, hello medicobolshevism,,,,
Thank you for the link to that video. Great speech spelling out all the important issues. This is a video you can pass on to people you want to reach. Useful to many for sure.
On the same topic. ‘Welcome to the covid testing industrial complex – already a $90 billion a year industry just in the US;
It seems they have a plan for people who won’t take the vaccine: You have to get tested every time you turn around, all to reassure the health authorities that you are not infected with ’the deadly virus’ that has a 95% survival rate. From a profit perspective it’s a goldmine…They will get you both coming and going.
I recall the Good Book saying: “For the love of money is the root of all evil”
I agree with you siljan, , about the words from the Good Book, money being the root of evil, of all evil that is, even despite the fact that realistically it is hard to separate power-lust and sex from this same root.
However, your comment was made in reply to Pamela, who I am not, believe me, I am most certainly not, and despite the pressure of the inflictions placed upon the thinking mind of today, I would suggest that precisely due to these that are an attack of ruthless and clear intent, it is good at a café at least, to retain the freedom to post independent content.
While we still have this time of relative grace and peace, more appropriate might be appreciation for those great minds as Novalis, who was capable of rising above darkness. Meaning poetry heals and humanizes.
i know you know, and you know I know you know, as you are a valuable poster, but one has to always first leap through the hoop of darkness (think cynicism, dry intellectualism, ennui, stubbornness), to get at truth.
Somewhere in the icy heights of this thread, where the deadly poet Dimitar’s scimitar cut through the frozen words of centuries, someone mentioned another’s thoroughly explicit, detailed and long political comment as being ‘poetic from start to finish.’
A contradiction in terms, surely, banish the young upstart for muttering such idiocies! However, supposing he was right, what then ? When is prose very like poetry and poetry prose-like, that is the question.
No more dithering and dancing around from me, here’s Novalis with real thoughts on the matter :
“By giving a higher meaning to that which is common, the appearance of mystery to the ordinary, the dignity of the unfamiliar to the well-known and infinite significance to the finite, so I may be said to romanticize it”.
And for the medical profession in reply to my comment above, also from Novalis :
“Poetry is the great art of construction of transcendental health. So, the poet is the transcendental doctor.”
You might appreciate this as much as I did.
‘This’ being an exhaustive conversation on all manner of things, earthly and spiritual
Until I listened to this conversation, I had never heard of Jonathan Myles Lea
Thank you so much, will listen !
I’m so sorry, this is the conversation that is far ranging into all manner of things
– I got them mixed up. Both are very special, I think.
My astrological service:
Realization and nurture of the poetical system of readiness
in man: the gestalt.
“Poetry is the great art of construction of the transcendental health. The Poet is the transcendental doctor. Poetry toggles and prevails with pain and trill – with pleasure and reluctance – error and truth – health and disease – she mixes all to her great aim, the elevation of man above himself.”
“Gestalt owns … also the single, and the loftiest and inalienablest right to exist, which he communicates with stones, plants, animals, stars, is his right to gestalt … so he carries within him the
measuring stick, and the highest art of living, insofar he lives as single, exists therein, that he takes himself as yardstick.”
Ernst Jünger
keeping track of global cooling:
It was in Australia 20 years ago that I first heard of global cooling, from some prominent fellow or other, and he explained in particular the UK, due to the gulf stream
So thanks, it’s good to keep track of global cooling, as we shiver into spring time, but the light conquers the cold, so far anyway as nature is fairly bursting into glorious life, the birds sing joyously from dawn to dusk, even the ravens are temporarily subdued… really, this is true.
Perhaps in the fulness of time we will grow up all of us, and understand the relation we have to the earth is not indeterminate, but conjoined.
In the meantime, here’s Shakespeare
“Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,. thou dost not bite so nigh, as benefits forgot: though thou the waters warp,. thy sting is not so sharp as friend remembered not.”
(by the warping of the waters, I presume he meant the swelling and bending created by solid ice.)
Given that many New Normals are our friends and colleagues, or even members of our families, it is tempting to believe that they will “come to their senses,” that “this is all just a hysterical overreaction,” and that “everything will go back to normal soon.”
This would be a monumental error on our parts…very possibly a fatal error.
Totalitarian movements, when they reach this stage, do not simply stop on their own. They continue to advance toward their full expressions, ultimately transforming entire societies into monstrous mirror-images of themselves, unless they are opposed by serious resistance. There is a window at the beginning when such resistance has a chance. That window is still open, but it is closing, fast.
I can’t tell you how best to resist, but I can tell you it starts with seeing things clearly, and calling things, and people, exactly what they are.
Let’s not make the same mistake that other minorities have made throughout history when confronted with a new totalitarian ideology. See the New Normals for what they are, maybe not deep down in their hearts, but what they have collectively become a part of, because it is the movement that is in control now, not the rational individuals they used to be.
Above all, recognize where this is headed, where totalitarian movements are always headed. (See. e.g., Milton Mayer’s They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45.)
No, the Unvaccinated are not the Jews and the New Normals are not flying big Swastika flags, but totalitarianism is totalitarianism, regardless of which Goebbelsian Big Lies, and ideology, and official enemies it is selling. The historical context and costumes change, but its ruthless trajectory remains the same.
Today, the New Normals are presenting us with a “choice,” (a) conform to their New Normal ideology or (b) social segregation. What do you imagine they have planned for us tomorrow?
Gerald Celente on good form :
It’s his weekly news roundup from a few days ago. Very funny – especially from about half way in – can be watched at 1.5 speed.
The Team at Advocate Me ask for this vid to be spread far and wide
It is difficult to listen to, but necessary for all Australians, to come to terms with the endemic corruption that drives the psychopathology of that dead entity known as the state.
Now is the time for all good people to come…