2021/07/23 07:00:01
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.
The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post.
The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
Saker Webmaster
Just a thought I wanted to run through your colective minds:
Given that in many countries, where i have direct connection to speak to people on the ground, it seems we are faking numbers, and the severity of the crisis, and even the measures taken seem more to publicize and propagandize than to actually fight a pandemic, what about most of the world just faking the corona crisis seriousness, with 2 possible reasons:
A) prepare the ground for the announced global great reset a la “you ll own nothing and be happy”
B) disguise bioweapon attack on russia itself, where apparently lots of people are really dying, with added bonus of trying to blame china
Which would you choose? A? B? A+B? C?
The best planned crimes serve various different purposes at the same time.
This makes more people go with the narrative, causes more people to use their influence to facilitate the crime and/or use its fall-out, and it makes more people prevent real inquiries into the crime.
Also this helps central actors because they can use other more peripheral actors as scapegoats and distractions in case Plan A does not work.
B.t.w. it is also always useful to have someone to pin the crime on, or at least someone to paint as the main culprit of a bad situation. (China!)
Exactly so PaulSch,
The tyrannical control web is fractalized and multi purpose.
The song “six blade knife” comes to mind.
Some of us have been tracking the disturbing events over the past decade or so.
The pace quickened with the fascist coup in Kiev. This event emboldened totalitarian global criminality.
The latest analysis from the UK is here: about an hour in length.
‘A’ is the baseline motive in order to better deal with the looming future shock that is mass die-off. The Corona Cloud is readymade fog of war. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was ultimately conceived by the British elite. They do such a good job with their readymade food aisles, and with the packaging. True pioneers of convenience food. They took the Yanks’ low brow convenience foods and made them fit for the princes and princesses of 21st century gentrification. If you haven’t fingered the mix and match selections at Marks and Spencer you haven’t lived.
If people are dying in anomalous numbers in certain countries then it is my operating assumption that those who are responsible for those ‘anomalies’ are the respective black ops of those certain countries. The Corona Cloud fog of war is the first inning of the international cooperation template for population reduction. Within that fog the domestic black ops are tasked with customizing the domestic population reduction.
I believe this is so because it’s perfectly obvious to me at least that if one country started this unilaterally, every country wouldn’t be following the same script.
When taking the ecological — as opposed to the Corona Cloud — ABCs, in all their bird’s eye view of simplicity, to their logical conclusions, this is a famous formula that comes out of it:
CC (A + B) > CCA + CCB
This is the human metaconscious formula for the intensification of the the mode of production by “scope enlargement.”
The fundamental principle is this: whatever necessity is least abundantly available (relative to per capita requirements) sets an environment’s carrying capacity.
“While there is no way to repeal this principle, which is known as “the law of the minimum,” or Liebig’s law, there is a way to make its application less restrictive. People living in an environment where carrying capacity is limited by a shortage of one essential resource can develop exchange relationships with residents of another area that happens to be blessed with a surplus of that resource but happens to lack some other resource that is plentiful where the first one was scarce.
Trade does not repeal Liebig’s law. Only by knowing Liebig’s law, however, can we see clearly what trade does do, in ecological terms. Trade enlarges the scope of application of the law of the minimum. The composite carrying capacity of two or more areas with different resource configurations can be greater than the sum of their separate carrying capacities. Call this the principle of scope enlargement; it can be expressed in mathematical notation as follows:
CC (A + B) > CCA + CCB
The combined environment (A + B) still has finite carrying capacity, and that carrying capacity is still set by the necessary resource available in least (composite) abundance. But if the two environments are truly joined, by trade, then scarcities that are local to A or B no longer have to be limiting.
A good many of the events of human history need to be seen as efforts to implement the principle of scope enlargement. Most such events came about as results of decisions and activities by men who never heard of Liebig or his law of the minimum. Now, however, knowing the law, and understanding also the scope-enlargement principle, we can see important processes of history in a new light.”
Ron Unz presents (IMHO) a very well -argued and -researched thesis that “rogue elements” in the American establishment released the Covid virus as a bioweapon in Hubei during the international military games there in October 2019, and he puts this alleged attack in the context of the diseases which devastated Chinese poultry and pork production during the two previous years.
The spread of the virus to the USA could be unintended blowback (according to an ABC report, the intelligence agencies warned Trump of a disastrous flu outbreak in Hubei, before it even happened!), or it could be a deliberate propagation worldwide. Personally, I would go with the most cynical option, A.
Yes j
Bioweapons are the responsibility of the OPCW.
QED. Readers may want to research the recent scandal record of the OPCW.
Regards Luka
If so, why did he deletes any substantial critics on it? His “research” is nothing more than a few news arranged around a narrative. I can stage an alien influence in the same way (most be an UFO that spread the virus because there is no flight connection between outbreaks or so).
Myself don’t care if “bioweapon” or not, but at that level it looks more than a honeypot for narrow minded.
a smallish chortle with this:
Here the plan of Putin to purge the fifth column in Russia. Major info if confirm? I do not know the site.
The Russian Purge is on. This is major! Your ‘find’ is true and I am glad to see it. Thanks
Russia’s greatest threat is internal. Battle lines are drawn not only—and not even mostly—between countries, but within them.
Here are some excerpts from Russia’s National Security Strategy: A Manifesto for a New Era
July 07, 2021
Carnegie Moscow Center
‘Russia’s traditional values and historical legacy are under attack; in domestic politics, Russia has to deal with foreign machinations aimed at provoking long-term instability in the country.”
“This inward focus is informed by history. Exactly thirty years ago, the Soviet Union collapsed just as its military power was at its peak, and not as a result of a foreign invasion. Having recently regained the country’s great power status and successfully reformed and rearmed its military, the Russian leadership has every reason now to turn homeward to address the glaring weaknesses, imbalances, and inequalities of the country’s internal situation.”
“Russia is governed by a class of people who are, for the most part, self-serving, and do not care at all for ordinary people or the country, instead focusing single-mindedly on making themselves rich on the job. Money—or rather Big Money—has become that group’s top value, and the most corrosive element in today’s Russia. Therein lies perhaps the biggest vulnerability of modern Russia.”
“Victories will be won and defeats suffered largely on domestic turf. Accordingly, it is the Home Front that presents the greatest challenges, and it is there that the main thrust of government policies must be directed.”
“Carnegie Moscow Center to Purge 5th Column”
Babylon Bee Front Page Headline LOL. YCMTSU!
This is the magic disappearing act of the elite in realtime. Soon we’ll see ‘there’s nobody driving the bus’s memes go viral. Events are moving fast now are they not, towards national socialisms.
Very Interesting! Thanks!
Big Claim!
Excerpt in mach trans:
“This plan was named “Только свои” (“Only his own”, to be understood as “only ours”). According to the document, there are in the power structures of Russia, up to 15% of elements hostile to the current leadership of the country and favorable to a rapprochement with Western countries. What is commonly called here “the 5th column”. According to the authors of the plan, this 15% are potentially ready to help “hostile forces whose aim is to destroy the country”.
This plan will enter into force on October 1, 2021 and will continue in principle until the end of February 2022. A report will be submitted to the President on the first day of each month, The FSB is responsible for the organization and implementation. Commissions will be formed by October 1 to organize the practical development of operations.
On August 1, 2021, a preliminary process will begin which aims to define precisely according to which criteria the “hostile elements” will be determined, to define the methods used to identify them, and to define the organizational and operational measures. The “hostile elements” identified will be subject to sanctions ranging from dismissal to criminal prosecution, without prejudice to other measures that could be taken if the situation so requires.
There is currently a status quo between the various factions within power: “Conservative” patriots on one side, “liberals” dreaming of Russia’s alignment with the globalists on the other. This plan is clearly intended to put an end to this status quo by eliminating the current second members of the government and of the various federal services, whoever they are. It is part of the perspective of the “great transit”, an expression designating the departure of Vladimir Poutine from the Kremlin. One can only wish its full and complete success so that finally the traitors are eliminated from the Russian political system. The only thing that we can regret is that this operation did not come sooner, in view of the damage committed by this “5th column” for years.”
Wake Up, Wake Up!
Wake up, wake up,
The sun is high.
Open your wings
And take to the sky.
Cast off, cast off
Those timeworn fears;
They’ve held you down
Too many years.
Wake up, wake up
And join the dance,
The time has come
To take a chance;
Familiar and near
As your own heartbeat,
Just let yourself go
And trust your feet!
Wake up, wake up
And be content,
And accept that that’s
The way it’s meant.
There is no future,
There is no past;
The moment’s now,
So make it last.
Wake up, wake up
And look for love,
As steady and constant
As the stars above;
It’s time to mend
That broken heart,
And build a brand
New world from start.
Wake up, wake up
And kiss the joy,
The Captain cries;
“Land ahoy!
Too long you’ve been
All out at sea,
Abandon hope
And come to me.”
Wake up, wake up
And seize the day,
Never again will it
Come your way;
The past is prologue,
The moment unsung,
It comes but once
And then it’s gone!
Bellissima!! Grazie.
to keep being happy
is also a huge responsibility
Thank you so much for the appreciation, michele.
Sudhi, I would only add that we need to come to terms with the things that are making us unhappy, since happiness is our natural state.
Many thanks for your advice.
A couplet translated from urdu –
thousand lights there may be
without sight all is darkness
soul is mightier
than space, stronger than time
deeper than the sea
Deeper than the sea…! We have to retrain to the light in dark times and get ahead now, as they will be yet deeper and darker, and as an aside, there are some brightly coloured fish in the dankest deeps of the ocean I once heard.
Although happiness is a natural state, and light, or positivity also, it seems that darkness is addictive, that is how I explain incidences, to be careful, of spiritual corruption here, and the continual hammering of the negative aspects of politics, techno medicine and more. These evils exist, and best understood, but they are reinforced by negativity, that is the difficulty, they feed into the gluttonous spirit of evil’s doom and gloom story.
Exposing evil, so valuable, is however, ultimately counter productive without the the courage and struggle for the light ! It is obstructed by fear..
Not only fear, but ambition, frivolity, and pride _ ouch, what a line up…and to be profiled in any form, means a continual strain on the individual, as the core tenet of being human is freedom, and the freedom then appears to be expressed naturally only, but has to be forced through the enclosure.
The music’s, poems, humour, brightness, they are, and have long been, a gift, and help create balance here. Million thanks !
Your concerns should be allayed by the understanding that everything in God’s worlds is exactly as it’s meant to be at any given point in time, and that all help is given to the individual should he/she genuinely want to improve their spiritual lot in life. Little can be done for Soul until It’s ready to take up the ploughshare of the spiritual path, so to speak. That’s a decision only It can make, it cannot come from the outside, and woe betide anyone who pushes someone onto the spiritual path w/out the proper preparation. Most Souls are quite happy with the distractions on offer, which are not ‘evil’ of themselves, but are made so by the attachments we form to them. A good definition of a mental passion is “too much of a good thing”, and countless Souls allow themselves to become enslaved to one vice or another. However, the Law of Karma eventually wears Soul down, and the suffering It endures over many lifetimes leads It to develop compassion, love and humility, which eventually places It in a position where nothing in the material universes satisfies It, and that’s when It begins to make progress. The vast majority of humankind, however, are in no hurry, they’re entirely happy with a material existence that provides an ease of mind and body should they be fortunate enough to attain it.
Thank you Dimitar, an interesting reply.
Not only fear, but ambition, frivolity, and pride _ ouch, what a line up…and …
“Hell has three hates: lust, anger and greed.” ― The Bhagavad Gita
As far as I’ve been able to ascertain, we’re all going to die anyway, whether its from global warming or the corona crisis, and the best bet is to stay cool, as Shakespeare advises in Cymbeline, to overcome fear, as also the mountaineer’s, parachute jumper’s, all dare devils at large, and last but not least, the silent initiate..
Fear no more the heat o’ the sun;
Nor the furious winter’s rages,
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta’en thy wages;
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney sweepers come to dust.
Fear no more the frown of the great,
Thou art past the tyrant’s stroke:
Care no more to clothe and eat;
To thee the reed is as the oak:
The sceptre, learning, physic, must
All follow this, and come to dust.
Fear no more the lightning-flash,
Nor the all-dread thunder-stone;
Fear not slander, censure rash;
Thou hast finished joy and moan;
All lovers young, all lovers must
Consign to thee, and come to dust.
No exorciser harm thee!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consummation have;
And renowned be thy grave!
In every race I did compete
the finishing line remains uncrossed
And all my victories will be complete
When the race with time is finally lost…
One could perhaps turn your lines also into the victory of timelessness in life, where reality is.
Amazing how relevant Cymbeline is today, with the play set in ancient Celtic times when the British King Cunobeline ruled, whom Cymbeline is modelled on. Clotine is his wife, a villainous woman who has made the king her puppet, themes of mystery are woven into the drama and characters, including sexual identity, chastity, banishment and faithfulness. The last of which is key in overcoming “time induced” doubt and fear.
Film short from 1913, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0002784/
On the one hand we have fear, on the other, our insights, intuitions, and our experiences with what is eternal, and what we know as truth. There is nothing more stultifying than the thought of death. We need to live and in doing so, understand that death is a part of life.
many a times
have I crossed
the finishing line
now again
the struggle reigns
for victory or loss
to remain the same
Col…’the farmer from NZ’ on July 22, 2021 · at 5:17 pm EST/EDT
You said….”it’s little wonder why the WHO say the presence of these primers may not indicate presence of infectous “virus”.”
For crying out loud…you still to this day actually give this woefully corrupt and blatantly infiltrated flip-flop organisation even an ounce of credence!!!…LOL
End Quote
No credence from me but a world of that from New Zealand:
“International Health Regulations 2005
The International Health Regulations – effectively a treaty authorised by the constitution of the World Health Organisation – are the principal international legal framework for preventing and controlling the spread of disease and other public health hazards between countries.
NZ is bound without reservation to the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005, which replaced the earlier IHR 1969. These Regulations are binding on New Zealand by virtue of our membership of the World Health Organisation.”
The ecological (terrain) reason that NZ has fared better than almost every other country is that, all ecological factors considered, NZ has an easier human ecology in which to live than almost every other country. NZ has no winter, it breathes open ocean air, population density is low, is the perfect climate for the northern european race, and a still-easy climate for the long-since-adapted Maori fishing culture that cranks out robust offspring thanks to their diet and traditional way of life.
(Let me save the Col a conniption fit, oh dear).
You cannot willy-nilly change the weather and seasons of NZ. I mean, those are factual things that you are now changing and talking nonsense.
NZ has winter, like snow on the ground and everything. I have family there and they ski and snowboard in winter. I also have an old friend (ex partner) there who is into winter sports. Did you forget NZ has two main islands and hundreds of smaller islands? There is ecological diversity, but you cannot change the climate and tell us there is no winter to serve some agenda that you have? That is nonsense.
Whereas of course population density has an impact on modern life, you cannot change the climate to suit. Good heavens. But this is par for the course and low level information. Like Larchmonter said, source your statements.
Firstly, you are fixatedly picking at one thing instead of taking all the factors I mentioned holistically.
Correct amarynth, nz does have mountains with snow. So does Cyprus.
People grow winter gardens. In Oregon we have fall gardens but do not have winter gardens because we have a true winter here. If we mulch well the root veg can overwinter in the ground, the kales are generally hardy enough to survive the winter and put on good growth in the spring. Average high temperatures in the upper 40s F to upper 50s is not wintry weather by anybody’s definition. And with relation to winter illnesses which, as I’ve said previously are primarily related to lowered atmospheric oxygen levels due to vegetative dormancy, because plant life can grow at a reasonable rate in NZ from June to September, the favorable climate ecologically minimizes winter illnesses. Another favorable climatological factor is that annual rainfall is relatively evenly distributed, unlike here.
I’m sure you’ll agree that some habitats are favorable than others.
NZ is destination numero uno for elite bugout properties.
Funny. I did a mention to my husband that this fellow is going to come back trying to say What is Winter? So, I was waiting for it. But fact it, you made up facts and you still are … making them up.
I’m done.
But, but, but… remember that mountains and winter might not actually exist anyway.
You know… much like pathogens, viruses, the present, and a whole bunch of stuff like that.
It’s just that as unenlightened half-wits, like many of us here on TS, we are in our collective stupor…blissfully comfortable in imagining that all of these things are actually real.
For my part I want to emphasize that Norway has mountains. Switzerland has mountains and that Canada has the Rocky Mountains, which are exact the same mountains as NZ have and therefore their mountains are equal.
The 1970’es was the only decade where they made rock bands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZdIdX6cK4Q
Hi Amarynth
No “conniption” on my part…just mirth…lots of it. This is good for me anyway, even if it is then followed by a slow deliberate shaking of my head.
Apart from responding to you, I won’t be drawn into this comment string, for fear of another idiotic and protracted semantic battle. Stuff like black is actually white or FCOL that neither actually exists anyway. I think you get my drift.
Zero credence from me personally in regard to the constant flip-flop incoherence of the WHO…but I have little sway as to how the Fourth Reich Lieutenants dance to their tune while they have the cheek to pose as our Govt.
You yourself state…
“No credence from me but a world of that from New Zealand”
LOL…but FCOL you had just quoted them as a source to bolster your case!
For the life of me, I often wonder why I bother to even respond to any anonymous poster/troll that habitually lurk in the shadows. This time however I couldn’t really resist pointing out the infantile absurdity of the ‘argument’.
LOL…but FCOL you had just quoted them as a source to bolster your case!”
In review, you think it was honourable that the woefully corrupt and blatantly infiltrated flip-flop organisation:
declared a pandemic on 11th Mar 2020
that New Zealand identified it’s covid cases by using RT-PCR using WHO-recommended primers and probes targeting the E and N gene
resulting in, as you said:
#5 A categorically proven absence of false positives in NZ testing protocols
#6 A categorically proven absence of false negative in NZ testing protocols
At this point one might wonder why you consider them as woefully corrupt rather than as the true saviours of NZ from the pestilence.
But now the snake oil salesmen at the WHO throw in a curve ball slightly hidden on pages 33/34, repeated as:
• Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the
causative agent for clinical symptoms.
• This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.
It seems they know even better than I that each of 37 trillion human cells creates, in equilibrium, at least 1000 extracellular vesicles and that, practically, none have been sequenced yet. In these circumstances the two statements made above are simply rubbing our faces in it – they know that anyone with even half a brain can discern that the published pcr primers cannot be known to be unique to SARS-CoV-2.
Of course, they also know that for their insidious plandemic to work that they can count on most people in the world having much less than half a brain.
Pfizer immunity lower than 40%
Invermectin, it’s a soil microorganism……so I’m in the garden trimming the ‘looking me in the eye’ tomatoes, never had matoes that tall, when I spied some bright red strawberries in the patch. I picked them, blew them off, ignored the few bits of dirt still clinging and man what a taste, crunchy soil bits and all, felt like a naughty kid ‘don’t eat the dirt’, yes mom…..this nature piece on dirt, was in my mail box, made my morning.
this is kind of interesting, considering my double vaxxed cousin developed jaundice and had to be hospitalized.
Hmmm, the vaccine was first peddled as the cure for covid, now the political line is it doesn’t cure cv19 it just reduces the worst symptoms. And, if as above, pfizer 40% effect, they are now claiming booster shots will be required maybe on an annual or bi annual basis.
Cheers, M
Oh you make me laugh in joy today.
You have to at least rinse those edibles because ivermectin comes only from certain places. I follow this Indian blog and he insists that the best ivermectin is only to be found in the traditional cobra snake groves of Kerala. He is a bit nuts but who knows – we keep learning. (He is also a good teacher of Sanatana Dharma so he might be blessed with extra-perceptive sight, who knows).
nice sean, good for you. I much prefer unwashed produce.
plants cover themselves in exudates and our goat bucks in the thick of breeding season are currently covering themselves in their own urine and fellating themselves as necessary lol normally I am very affectionate with them but now is the time for my seasonal standoffishness. unfortunately they can’t understand why we’re not friends anymore. the plants cover themselves head to toe in sugars and starches as a feedstock for immunobeneficial microbes that are not photosensitive. they feed the microbes and the microbes produce molecules that repel insects that are harmful to the plants. if a plant is struggling and stressed, for whichever reason or number of reasons, the plant needs to prioritize root exudate production that feeds the soil microbes, over surface exudate production, so when we see plants being eaten by, say, flea beetles in the heat of midsummer, we can know that the heat is probably playing a role in stressing the plants past a tipping point beyond which their surface exudate production levels cannot be maintained, so the surface microbe population dies back and the beetles seek those open spaces.
the beneficial surface microbes on plants are great for us. any small amounts of dirt that may be on them may well contain dormant soil anaerobes in them but I consider those to be inoculants, too, assuming they survive our digestive tract, because they’re already in us, and they serve the function of clearing diseased and dead cells.
and here truth is revealed: the mass die-off was always planned via the “vaccine”, designed to kill later on for deniability Funny how all the “competing” makers put the same poisons in the vials:graphene oxide, gene-alterng experimental RNA, antifreeze, etc. In unison in western world(run by the elites) hydroquiine was defamed, ivermectin repressed, most of you already know. Here is some hopeful blowback, first in Spain, now UK
we are all going to watch this genocide upcoming. will we do anything about it?
will we? or can we?
one is question of motivation and other, ability.
there are a lot of groups and situations to develop. the perps and the multitude of minions/complicits et al are nott without vulnerability.
there will be millions of victims who realize they were duped and murdered after a year or so.
nothing left to lose
sometimes what has to be done isn’t uh, pleasant
there is no punishment proportionally adequate
Thank you for the article about the development of jaundice post vaccination. A relative mine not only had severe symptoms but later developed mild jaundice along with other post Covid 2019 problems.
“along with other post Covid 2019 problems.”
Since the pcr primers cannot be known to be unique how does he know it was covid?
What goes around comes around:
[W]hile India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated.[39]
Thus, we find in Indian’s vaccination program that “non-polio acute flaccid paralysis” is a euphemism for a deadlier form of polio caused by the vaccine itself.
Thank you Dimitar and tuppence for the poems.
They are very welcome :-)
I don’t do poems, but here is an ‘Out of Africa’ story about yeast.
So, I grew up in dark Africa in a country that the English thought they owned … far away from the maddening crowds, my friends were neighboring farmer kids and tribal kids and we all ate out of the same three-legged black pot. We were just farm kids and enjoyed every minute. We had stores in the town as well. So, in that reality we were about 20 years back from modern conveniences of western life. We had cold rooms, but initially, no electricity on the farms. We used antracite, coal and wood for fire and stoves. My mom sewed our clothes and knitted our sweaters but we did not touch crochet, as this was way too English. For high school we were all bundled up into boarding schools where we mixed with Portugese kids, Italian kids, kids from Belgium and all kinds of kids from the ex-colonies. That is where I learned to love history and respect others from other cultures. Most of the English kids went back to England for schooling and we called them .. wait for it, salt dickies, in other words, not committed so the dickie hangs in the ocean between the two continents and we cannot trust them.
So we learned these skills from mother’s knee and bought shoes and socks from the local Indian emporium – and not too many of those either. Now and again we shopped at the Jewish store, but basically only as neighborly payback because they got all their meat from us with a promise that the meat was not slaughtered close to pigs and we faithfully promised. A side story here .. when the lady of the Jewish house went on her annual visit to her family, the man of the house would come and buy a few pork chops but we must promise not to tell or say anything to his wife.
Of course we baked a lot – bread, rusks, sweet cookies of all kinds and all flavors, cakes of all kinds. Oven temp? meh .. could figure that out with a bit of flour or a white piece of paper and timing to browning. We made yogurt and fermentations from wild yeast and made yeast for our baking. We bottled our jams and our vegetables from garden produce and made canning/bottling spiced and peppery liquids, vinegars, atjars, tomato sauce, butter, dried vegetables and fruits on big drying racks, dried meats and sometimes ate clotted cream on a piece of homebaked bread for breakfast.
My mom did a lot of stuff but also worked actively on the farm as she had her chickens and turkeys and planted fields of smaller crops. So, we had a cook who once chased me with fury swinging a big butcher’s cleaver, because I brought a butter churn from town, in order to make it quicker to make butter. Stirring a whole container full of thick cream into butter (without a butter churn of some kind), just seemed too much and the cook got the kids to come and help churn by hand, truly interfering in the days’ games. As I fled screaming from this cook with a cleaver, I thought he was truly going to plant it right in my back. It took weeks before he let me in the kitchen again.
There are strong rules around making yeast and it is a thing of how it smells and what it looks like, the process and the feel of it. My favorite is a potato yeast, because of a softness that it imparts to bread and sweeter baked goods. I can make potato yeast with one potato, a bit of sugar and good water, a spoonful of flour and a mason jar. This is if I don’t happen to have a handful of raisins, because that is most favorite – then no sugar is needed but a little salt is.
So, my poem for the day is to wild fermentation and making the simplest food with the simplest ingredients but with full flavor.
A side benefit, to today, with having a hand for and a knowledge of wild yeast harvested literally from the air around, I can kill you softly, or brutally, just as you prefer, just the same as the cook with the butcher’s cleaver could end me, but I can do it with a non-existent pathogen harvested from the air.
“I can do it with a non-existent pathogen harvested from the air.”
That is classy amarynth. Respect, do you write music?
No, I don’t write music, I just make yeast lol.
just wonderful Amy!
Great story with such a wonderful twist at the end!
Some music for you, amarynth, and all those with an appreciation for fine music. Cécile is Breton, sings in Breton, French and English. It is contemporary chamber music, Celtic based, but simply brilliant songs, arrangements and performances. The last, a wonderful arrangement of Benjamin Britten’s “Corpus Christi Carol” immortalised by Jeff Buckley on “Grace”, with Jeff’s most mystical of versions also.
Cécile Corbel;
Le Bal des Chats
Sweet Amaryllis
Les courants d’air
Corpus Christi Carol
Jeff Buckley; Corpus Christi Carol
Much obliged – muchas gracias! I started with Jeff Buckley and I’m so very charmed and tingly and flying high!
Will listen to those during the rest of my day. In reality, I have to step back and go and collect Kent’s last offering as well as I have not done that yet.
Futures ahead past is behind
Watch what appears in the mind
Watch it come watch it go
Watching thoughts as bubbles flow
We see Truth now
We see Truth here
Seeing this is seeing clear
Wisdom is to know what’s real
Frees us from this worldly wheel
really excellent poem Anomalous, thanks.
Here, Now, Present, Truth: eternal synonyms that hearken our souls to the fixed sea (C) in god. For they do not exist in Life, they exist in god. We journey there and journey back. There and back, sometimes in an instant.
Thank you Anomalous.
This is an interesting article about a coming referendum in Hungary. Which may cause Hungary to leave the EU or see the EU tighten its grip on that country. The EU has been threatening Hungary because of its law on Children’s Defense. Which is close to a similar one in Russia,that prevents the homosexual and transgender lifestyle from being forced on minor children. The “Eu (homosexual) Values” are enraged by protecting children from them and threaten to expel Hungary from the EU if the referendum passes. Which might cause enough Hungarians to sell their immortal souls and vote yes on the questions.I guess we will see. Personally I think the other countries that agree with Hungary should create a referendum in their states at the same time as Hungary’s to show the EU that others also reject their “values”. Here are the 5 simple questions in the referendum.Which sane minded person would not vote no on all of them.
1.Do you support that children shall encounter sexual educational content that shows different sexual
orientations without parental consent?
2.Do you support that sex-changing procedures shall be promoted to children?
3.Do you support that such procedures shall be made available for children?
4.Do you support that media programs which influence children’s development shall be aired without
5.Do you support that media programmes which portray sex change shall be available for children?
Uncle Bob, 1 through 5 represent the entire moral depravity of western culture, for none of that is culture, abhorrent at best…………exposing any child under the age of twelve (12 is arbitrary, children mature much earlier than in eras past) to such teaching should be a crime. Creating gender confusion in children of any age, should be considered a criminal act, maybe even a crime against humanity considering the scope of the current propaganda pushing agenda. In fact the push behind it reminds me of the WMD pushed lies, the Global Warming come Climate Change, the vaxx everyone but me agenda (BoJo), and now this from the same people, you just know nothing good will come of it.
Cheers, M
I may be heading into shark infested waters here.
as with climate change, there are the true fundamentals of the lgbtqia reality, and then there is the political weaponizing of that reality.
do we deny that frogs, for example, are increasingly showing up with penises on their foreheads, or whatever? no, we don’t deny that, because we know that their ecology has been poisoned by homo industrialism to such an extend that their is a huge increase in unnatural sexual anatomy and behavior, too.
the same obviously is happening to people regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. the class of chemicals called endocrine disruptors are commonly faulted for these in utero developmental aberrations but the reasons can be various. are these people with pollution-caused sexual developmental disorders still god’s creatures worthy of equal rights? of course they are. does it piss us off when they try and leverage unnecessary political power as a political block? Of course it does. Does it make sense that the elite seek to exploit the opportunity, by encouraging low frequency behavior in those political blocks? Yup. They like weakness in others, and sowing division.
But lgbtqia (lol) people should not feel like they have to live their lives in closets because the industrial system and straight conservatives (or whatever) does not want to acknowledge its own complicity in the tsunami of sexual developmental disorders. These people are no less capable of living excellent lives than straight people, all other developmental stages being equal.
That said here are my responses to 1-5.
1. Yes. If parents don’t agree with that they should homeschool their kids, which is something they should be doing already. As long as the educational content is presented neutrally, it’s fair. Homosexuality exists, and it should be represented. Otherwise the curriculum is state sanctioned repression.
2. Absolutely not.
3. F*** no.
4. Way too vague a question.
5. No.
do I agree with our local high school that has been captured a liberal school administration excessively pushing a transgender curriculum? hell no. They’re clearly doing it with the subconscious intent of communicating to the conservatives that they are white trash. classic colonialist supremacy.
Bob These 5 points are ridiculous as they should be obvious and natural for all humans. Off course its like that.
It only shows to the world the degree of depravity of the EU institution and creation.
Victor Orban is the only sound voice of Europe. God bless him for his work and backbone.
Another positive point is the number of parents who decided not to send their children back to school in the UK after schools reopened 6 months ago, and are home schooling and delighted in their children’s emotional and individual growth since having done so !
Well, the ECHU refused to act, at least initially.
“ECHR rejects Russian request to impose interim measures against Kiev after Moscow complains about Crimea water & discrimination ” (RT)
Interesting “tell” from Maria… “According to Maria Zakharova, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, the complaint was filed as a “last resort measure,” noting that Moscow’s patience had finally run out. ”
Ok, what happens when there is no legal recourse to remedy? Quiz Friday.
(Hint, you call a cop about an intruder who kidnapped your brothers – and the cop say’s “don’t call.” So you then shrug and say “ok”. Is this why RU petitioned Court?)
Hi Mr P
Love your analogy.
Russia has gone about this whole process with a great deal of patience and of course they knew full well exactly what the decision from the so-called ECHR would be long before they even made the request. This in essence was simply a strategic part of due process.
To quote from your link…
“The Ukrainian government constructed a makeshift dam on the North Crimean Canal, which previously provided 85% of the region’s water supply. It connected the area to the River Dnieper, the fourth-longest river in Europe. In the time since, Crimea has suffered from serious water shortages, with some places being forced to restrict tap usage to just a few hours a day.”
…end quote…
Ukraine blockading this water source was technically an act of war against Crimea/Russia. The EU and Ukraine simply cannot help themselves…they just have to keep poking the big bear with a short sharp stick.
Russia can now move on in the process of reinstating Crimea’s water supply and they have a whole host of strong bargaining points…not the least of which is the supply of gas to Europe through Ukraine.
Methinks major egg on face is imminent for both the EU and the completely gormless Mr Z.
Bring it on
Thanks for reply amigo!
Yewbetcha! Ruski smart and non delusional.
Long time ago Mr Auslander wrote of “Mother” drawing up indictments – or so I vaguely recall. ( Apologies to him if I traduce his recollection, BTW….(Aus has a strong sense of custom and some people say he’s somewhat irascible. I like him.))
Some may, ahemm, remember film> https://sputniknews.com/russia/201503311020271172/
(Crimea – Way Back Home (film)) Sequel pending…
Russia can’t be having no water de-scrim-min-nation. It’s about time for some affirmative action! Here come the judge you ukronazis. No I don’t mean the eurojudge. The Judge! you fools. Here come the Judge!
It’s just a matter of time isn’t it?
Some info out of England re: delta strain….fwiw.
This bill board appeared somewhere in Manitoba
hopefully it can be viewed, push back from what I see. We have a district, Hutterite, Mennonite mostly, with a less than 14% vax rate, they don’t social distance and shop in close quarters without masks, and they have yet to suffer a mass outbreak of cv19 1 1/2 years into the pandamic. Go figure.
Cheers, M
Lithium (one of many Big Pharma “inventions”)
Lithium, don’t wanna lock me up inside
Lithium, don’t wanna forget how it feels without
Lithium, I wanna stay in love with my sorrow
Oh, but God I wanna let it go
Come to bed, don’t make me sleep alone
Couldn’t hide the emptiness, you let it show
Never wanted it to be so cold
Just didn’t drink enough to say you love me
I can’t hold on to me
Wonder what’s wrong with me?
Lithium, don’t wanna lock me up inside
Lithium, don’t wanna forget how it feels without
Lithium, I wanna stay in love with my sorrow, oh
Don’t wanna let it lay me down this time
Drown my will to fly
Here in the darkness I know myself
Can’t break free until I let it go, let me go
Darling, I forgive you after all
Anything is better than to be alone
And in the end I guess I had to fall
Always find my place among the ashes
I can’t hold on to me
Wonder what’s wrong with me?
Lithium, don’t wanna lock me up inside
Lithium, don’t wanna forget how it feels without
Lithium, in love with you
Oh, I’m gonna let it go
The famous intellectual and medical expert, the man elected by an overwhelming majority (sic) got arrested when he (says) wandered into the Senate… Mr 10% hizzelf.
In other news… Well, it was my understanding that Nuremberg Laws established “universal jurisdiction” for war crimes…. That might not have anything to do with the prerequisite protocol of RU petition to ECHR, now rejected…and thus, one might say, establishing that RU has, now, the “option” of arresting the nazi criminals and trying them, ahemm…al according to Law. One might say.
Perhaps the accused will cooperate and surrender, but it’s “highly likely” that some policemen will be necessary.
See inter alia “The Laws of War” Reisman and Antoniou
Pretty Reckless, ain’t it?
Heavens falling out of the sky
Sends a message to you, and I
See people crawling out of their trees
Chained to sickness, the dogs are free
I want to be saved
I want to be saved
From the sound, the sound
The world is spitting out
Only love can save me now
Gone so down
Lost is all I found
Only love, love, love can save me now
Drowning madly in deep blue seas
Waves of sadness swallow me
No soul can hear me beneath the weight
No gods or saviors, no hands of fate
I want to be saved
I want to be saved
From the sound, the sound
The world is spitting out
Only love can save me now
Gone so down
Lost is all I found
Only love, love, love can save me now
I want to be saved
I want to be saved
I want to be saved
I want to be saved
From the sound, the sound
The world is spitting out
Only love can save me now
Gone so down
Lost is all I found
Only love, love, love can save me now
Serious stuff this!
Ultimate reckless /sort of).
“Don’t care what happens when I die as long as I’m alive”
Been waiting at these crossroads forever and a day
And no guy to buy my soul
I’ve spent all night and day
How much harder can I play?
You know I gave my life to rock ‘n roll
Here I go
Mama, begged me, please
Yes, she got down on her knees
Said you’d burn in that Mississippi sun
But I’m the only one that’s standing here
So, mama don’t you have no fear
I’m either last or I’ve already won
Here I go
Take me down, take me down
Take me down, won’t you take me down?
Standing at the crossroads, would draw a pen in hand
The conversation went like this
“Tell me your desire, why you pulled me from the fire
And we’ll seal the deal with a kiss”
Don’t wanna waste the dead
Find a note that I can shred on my walls
I scroll my Gods
Don’t care what happens when I die as long as I’m alive
All in wanna do is rock, rock, rock
Take me down, take me down
Take me down, won’t you take me down?
Ooh, signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Signed with the Devil
Take me down, take me down
Take me down, won’t you take me down?
Take me down, (signed with the Devil) take me down (signed with the Devil)
Take me down (signed with the Devil) won’t you (signed with the Devil)
Take me down, down?
I was surfing the ‘Banned in China’ page in TV Tropes, and under the ‘Russia’ section the following section was updated:
The last one of these titles I can understand (The Saga of Tanya the Evil has a “Fantasy Counterpart Culture of Nazi Germany” as the protagonist).
But what I don’t understand is the situation with a handful of the rest, many of which having gotten good reviews over the years up until the ban. Certainly if these titles were inappropriate for children (assuming parents even supervise them in the first place), the logical choice would be to give them higher age ratings. What content laws were being violated that a ban was warranted? How do regulations differ with live-action films/shows with the same content?
The scope of this issue could apply to fictional works in general, not just manga or anime. If Russia’s government is officially ‘secular’, if I’m not mistaken, then under what jurisdiction does ‘reincarnationist beliefs’ fall into?
(A handful of these same titles are still available legally in Chinese video sites like Bilibili. A few of the other titles were understandably delisted/banned for understandable reasons (e.g. actress Ai Kayano was ‘canceled’ after her visit to the notorious Yasukuni shrine, causing Kono Suba to be banned). Maybe it’s because China does not share the same Christian heritage as Russia, but I must still wonder how Chinese and Russian regulators differ in what a fictional work can or can’t have.)
Hi All
With our Pfizer rollout in NZ beginning to stall somewhat in terms of jabs per day, the Fourth Reich is now eyeing an arguably more captive, or if you like, soft target to ply their evil trade.
This is totally outrageous as young adults in NZ statistically have zero risk of any serious health consequence from the virus but huge and severe multiple risks from the mRNA jab!
…a quote from the link…the sheer idiocy of this statement in the NZ context is simply mind-boggling…
…”From early August 1600 students aged over 16, along with about 700 teachers will be offered their first Pfizer vaccines at school.
The city’s senior students will be immunised before the exams. It is hoped the rollout will act as a template for the rest of the country.
Whanganui Girls’ College deputy head girl Chloe Benadie is relieved at the news she and her classmates will soon get their first vaccine dose.
“We’re actually just quite relieved that it’s happening in school and that we don’t have to pay for it or go outside to other hospitals and stuff to get it done especially as a year 13 and I know a couple of the other senior year groups are feeling the same that we’re going to go out into the big wide world after school and feel safe enough to travel the world.”
…end quote…
I was played some good old Pink Floyd this morning and I suddenly realised how incredibly apt some of their lyrics are from the album “The Wall”.
Teachers leave the kids alone
Hey, teacher, leave the kids alone !
All in all it’s just another brick in the wall
I am like a stunned mullet reading the moronic comments of this Head Mistress of a large girl’s high school.
Simply mind-boggling
Hi Cafeista’s
I spilt coffee all over myself reading this latest debacle in Singapore…
…a quote from the link…
“According to government data, three-quarters of Singapore’s COVID-19 infections in the last four weeks occurred among vaccinated individuals, as the city state’s vaccination programme ramps up quickly, leaving fewer people unvaccinated.
According to a Reuters tracker, Singapore has already vaccinated nearly 75% of its 5.7 million people, the world’s second highest after the United Arab Emirates, and half of its population is fully vaccinated.
It reported 1,096 locally transmitted cases in the last 28 days, with 484, or 44 percent, being fully vaccinated, 30 percent being partially vaccinated, and the remaining 25 percent being unvaccinated.
On Thursday, it recorded 162 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, which was close to an 11-month high earlier this week. The increase in cases prompted authorities to tighten restrictions on social gatherings as they work to increase vaccination rates, particularly among the elderly.”
…end quote…
So let me try to unravel this utter bullshit…
A combined 74% of locally transmitted cases in the last 28 days were amongst the vaccinated cohort
25% of cases were unvaccinated
What a resounding success…NOT…a statistically meaningless 1% fewer cases from the vaccinated cohort!
This is exactly the result you would expect if the entire Singaporean jab program was using a placebo.
And yet the authorities spin this as successful.
And part of their solution to their own admission that cases are currently at an 11 month high…wait for it… more sodding jabs…I kid you not!
Help me here please…anyone…am I reading this wrong or is this not a country bragging that after jabbing 75% of its population they have achieved absolutely nothing?
Come to think of it much, much worse than nothing, because the case numbers are supposedly still rising and the vast majority of the population now has utterly dangerous artificial spike proteins rocking around in their bodies!
Genes.. .( … wash , rinse, repeat)
I spit up (same as u) – world upside down.. I like everyone still
When u say coffee spit up… don’t drink that
( lion’s mane, change n herbs- pick ur choice, then coffee.. then drink like a gal of water …n ur good
(Disregard when joking)
They are warming up the “need booster jabs” narrative.
‘they’ are warming up to new one world gov (under ‘them’)… think deeper – who is left w da bag?
Well Col, let me support you a bit in this.
The word ‘vaccine’ is misplaced, it could be that this was done to prevent legal barriers. It is painful to see recently, that one after the other ‘politician’ or ‘expert’ starts hissing in microphones that all is to blame to ‘unvaccinated’ (the new normal ‘Untermenschen’), and that they should be punished, pay, or be barred from society.
I am curiously waiting until the ‘Untermenschen’ are obliged to walk the streets only with some visible mark on their clothing, a yellow star might be preferable.
Two questions. Are we really talking about a vaccine, like I’m vaccinated against e.g. polio? Does it work accordingly?
Of course not. A dry explanation in what hit one of my Telegram channels: https://off-guardian.org/2021/07/23/new-normal-newspeak-2-vaccine/
Bonus quote:
“As of today, it is readily admitted that Covid “vaccines” do not confer immunity from infection and do not prevent you from passing the disease onto others. Indeed, an article in the British Medical Journal highlighted that the vaccine studies were not designed to even try and assess if the “vaccines” limited transmission.
The media, and government statements, are full of statements to the contrary, but they are heavy with “likely”, “probable” and “could”.
The vaccine manufacturers themselves, upon releasing the untested mRNA gene therapies, were quite clear their product’s “efficacy” was based on “reducing the severity of symptoms”.”
It is interesting to watch developments in highly vaccinated areas. In fact, infections, illness and deaths *go up*:
Are we surprised? ‘Politicians’ and ‘experts’ just talk the talk that comes out conveniently. Like they say approximately in my living area; ‘how the wind blows, my jacket goes’. They are paid by stakeholders, and dictated by sinister people with idiot ideas.
(To illustrate the last point: don’t count on saner minds always. Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge assassinated about one third of their population because they thought this was ‘better’ in the light of their ideology. The whole world knew and did nothing.)
Speaking just for myself, I think I’m going to sit out this emerging ‘Purge’, and await until reality overtakes the fairytale. Unfortunately, I guess that this will take some time.
Be good and stay healthy, cheers, Rob
Here’s the abovementioned article in the British Medical Journal (with references): https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4037
Cheers, Rob
Thanks, Rob for the very revealing link.
I am more pessimistic than you Rob… wait for the bad weather to pass?
this time, it appears, if unabated, the fairytale could (over 50% chance) become the new ‘enforced reality’… as lies lied often enough becomes the new ‘truth’…
this is not to say Reality wont bite back… it surely will
… but then we are no more ‘here’
… it will be a new species, not us hu-man
the collective ‘we’ inc TPTwannaB, lose-lose-lose… too bad ‘they’ think they are ‘not one of us’ and ‘part of us’, just because they think they hv paper/digital ‘money’…
the new species wont hv this thing ‘they’ currently called, ‘money’,
so the current ‘reality’ that is born out of ‘money’ must also ‘unvalidated’
Quote from the link:
“ After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel”
“ In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test”
Wonder how come? Have they achieved their goals and no longer need the test?
the ‘new boss’ has been (s)elected and ‘sworn’ in to da ‘house’
Oh.Limp. hics.
(I hope the cafe crowd find this string of tweets funny.
(I LOL/d)
All you need to know is Bruce McAvaney is a solid gold career sportscaster. His sidekick for the night was a young past Olympian who has made a career on lite “lifestyle” TV programs.
Twitter says:
Why can’t Johanna Griggs just talk about each nations’ athletes instead of their genocides, coups etc
Johanna Griggs “commentating” the Olympic Parade of Nations by highlighting national atrocities of many countries.
Watching the opening ceremony while at the same time as watching the Twitter commentary of the latest “Johanna Griggs” faux pas is absolutely hysterical!
wonder if Johanna Griggs regrets not peppering the entrance of the Vietnamese Olympic team with tid bits about the My Lai massacre.
Q: Didn’t watch the Olympics opening sarahmoany. Forgot it was on. Did I miss anything ?
A: Apparently Johanna Griggs was outstanding
I think Johanna Griggs reading directly from Wikipedia during a live broadcast was ‘crazy brave’ .
Johanna Griggs with one of the dumbest comments ever heard on TV, “interesting fact, 70% of the population of this country is under 20”
It’s called genocide.
Thank f*ck Johanna Griggs didn’t mention that Germany & Japan were known as the ‘Axis’ during WW2.
I don’t think Johanna Griggs is known for her genius.
I think we can date the decline in the reputation of Australian universities from September 2009, when Johanna Griggs was awarded an honorary Doctor of Letters from Macquarie University, Sydney.
Johanna Griggs just used the phrase “Iraq-related wars”
when Johanna Griggs said not many Chinese in swimming these days … you know why.
That was an inadvertently entertaining cultural car crash, and if someone wrote that script for her, they obviously hate her a lot.
Johanna Griggs absolutely f#cking up wikipedia this afternoon
I’m still trying to get over how dreadful the Olympics commentary was last night. With Johanna Griggs mentioning every historical nightmare – it’d be like if, when the Aussies walked out, she talked about Port Arthur
I’m just so relieved that Johanna Griggs didn’t try to pronounce “Niger.”
Really enjoying history with Johanna Griggs and the “activities” of the Khmer Rouge
Poland are walking out. Please don’t bring up Auschwitz, Johanna Griggs
Johanna Griggs. Brings up Munich Olympics when Israel comes out!!!
Johanna Griggs read the media guide and has Wikipedia open in 24 tabs
Johanna Griggs: I did not expect to see The Voice’s Keith Urban tonight.’
She’s still defining people by the worst thing that happened to them.
Did Johanna Griggs just do a cross-promotion for “The Voice”?
What a combination
@7Sport have, Bruce McAvaney, with his freakish Olympic knowledge, matched only by Johanna Griggs with her Wikipedia research on each nations wars, attrocities & genocides.
I regret I was not able to transcribe Johanna Griggs explanation of what is happening in Myanmar but rest assured it was very special indeed.
i am learning so much about what percentage of certain countries are covered in desert, thank you johanna griggs.
Johanna Griggs, don’t say it, don’t say it ……
Johanna: ‘Better known as Burma…the coup…Aung San Suu Kyi.’
Johanna Griggs identifying countries by their atrocities, calling national dress “costumes” etc.
I’m just surprised that Johanna Griggs didn’t bring up the rape of Nanjing when China walked into that Tokyo stadium.
sound of Johanna Griggs madly flipping through the CIA World Facebook*
Johanna Griggs patronisingly referring the Angolan team’s outfit as “costumes” was a big cringe.
We’re not allowed to talk about Roger” – Johanna Griggs as Sweden, the home country of IKEA, enter the stadium.
The irony of Johanna Griggs making so many vague war references during the #OpeningCeremony athlete arrivals, is that the Olympics is meant to be about peace and kinship through sport.
Bruce McAvaney: “Rwanda have been through some terribly hard times…”
Johanna Griggs: “But they’ve managed to make it to ten Olympics.”
Today’s wtf thread – read Johanna Griggs #auspol
“Have a look how strong that team looks”
yeah bruce, they’re literally olympians. they’re strong. that’s the point.
I would just like to thank the Korean broadcaster who somehow managed to outdo Johanna Griggs and Channel 7 Australia’s morbid as f commentary of the Olympic Games opening ceremony:
A major broadcasting partner of the Tokyo Olympics has been forced to apologise after using “totally inappropriate images” when introduced a number of nations taking part in the Opening Ceremony.
Korean network TV station MBC, was slammed throughout the show for the images it showed on screen during the entrance of certain countries as they came up on screen.
It began friendly as Italy entered with an image of a pizza on screen, and Norway with an image of a salmon.
However, it turned more sinister as when Ukraineentered the stadium, the broadcaster put up an image of Chernobyl.
And it got worse as, according to translations of the words that were displayed alongside images, when Haitian athletes arrived, the on-screen explanation read: “the political situation is fogged by the assassination of the president”.
For the Marshall Islands, it read: “was once a nuclear test site for the US and is composed of more than 1,200 islands”.
Syria’s description was: “rich underground resources; a civil war that has been going on for 10 years”, while El Salvador was simply introduced with a picture of a Bitcoin.
Any word about the US wiping Hiroshima and Nagasaki off the map, despoiling an entire country and killing millions in the process? An atrocity that probably makes all the rest look positively inconsequential. Didn’t think so.
I tried to find something funny and interesting about any of the above, but must be sadly lacking; it is all somewhat too familiar… maybe others have more talent.
I like the one where she was out-woked. Funny:
“Johanna Griggs with one of the dumbest comments ever heard on TV, “interesting fact, 70% of the population of this country is under 20”
It’s called genocide.”
That’s actually something I’d say lol.
In S Newsfeed Marandi essay is linked “The Humiliating US Retreat from Afghanistan and Implications for Iraq and Syria”, Mohammad Marandi (almayadeen)
Many readers will note that Brother Marandi repeats as a a-prori assumption the false idea that the demolitions in NY and Pet a gone were not inside jobs but the works of “Al Kinda” (or whatever!)
This canard is absurd. One is inclined to doubt his grasp of objective reality…and as a young man Brother M was educated in explosives…his sincerity and foundational assumptions are disconnected, if we accept his essay as sincere. I don’t. I cannot accept that Brother Marandi is delusional. The essay then becomes a cipher – why repeat an obvious lie?
Just in case > he may benefit from reading at > https://www.ae911truth.org/
naw, P. :) impossible to explode buildings with explosives, especially the steel, only possible to bring them down. those buildings were over 90pc exploded, steel included, my best guess is by electron stripping (positron-electron annihilation) which is an explosive process, hence the thick thick thick slow boiling pyroclastic-type plasma clouds described as “warm,” that gently picked up two people (separate reports) and carried one of them a full block before setting him back down again. ride of a lifetime.
9/11 was the grand debut of the Stealth Age. true stealth, using partical physics. and 5G is dual-purpose military-civilian tech. Double stealth. Pretty smart.
If you like. For myself, well, I know what was done and how. It took months to load the charges. This is a public secret, but it’s obvious to people familiar with tradecraft and chemistry. There was no magic. Just a moderately well executed “live exercise” using entirely understandable chemical means, and a lot of bullchit..
However, let us not argue the evident fact that there is no point in disputing the matter, ie> De gustibus non est disputandum
If you say that you have built yourself a good case for it then I believe it. I would like to be one of those people familiar with said tradecraft like yourself but alas I am not, and I ended up in left field.
Certainly there’s no point in rehashing the affair, god no. I only take mild exception to the magical description. If one believes in UFOs, as I do, one must believe that industrial applications of positron-electron annihilation exist, and for worse of course. If one doesn’t believe in aliens then magical it is, although I will mention that particle colliders have been stripping electrons for decades on a very small scale.
I link the two 9/11 and UFOs because I have read the excellent book, “Unconventional Flying Objects” by Paul Hill former NASA rocket dude. Great book for anyone interested in the topic. Makes a strong case for interstellar travel without violating any known laws of physics. 9/11 relates to it because we know that technology is an equal opportunity deployer, used for both civilian and military purposes.
Anyway, thanks for your reply.
We agree, it seems, that Brother Marandi is at the very least, repeating a not-true. And that he’s experienced in demolition. (his twitter and CV establish this)
The big question is why he does this. Why repeat a not-true?
The lie, when teased out to logical universe, always exposes the contradictions that make it a lie.
I assume Brother M has a good reason… I would like to know what it is.
Think About the Lies… they encapsulate the truth.
Sorry P I only just now read the article Per posted and you refer to. You hooked me with 911.
The wahhabi House is Saud must and will fall and that’s what this iranian paycheck man is angling for with his lies about viru-, I mean wahhabis with boxcutters. Though he’s not exactly wrong either, by any means because the big House certainly was in on 911, and like you say therein lies the contradicting truth that the big House created al-Qaeda, just as Bob Graham always insisted (I guess he didn’t get the memo). So Brother M, whose concerns are regional, here, and rightly so, well, his HOME truth is that Saudia is locally responsible for the Hegemon’s destructive war on fake terror and embargo on Iran. As with all home truths, he’s correct.
I’d submit the not-true is simply regional shia code for is-true.
Yes, antere, thanks. I am glad we’re on topic. Frankly I like Brother Marandi, but… !. His poorly concealed and vituperative anger toward the US diminishes his standing for me. That’s to say he’s a big boy and anger has no place in reason…and he’s a professor. Reason is his trade. Anger sullies his gravitas. I assume he’s also in the Iranian military reserves. Ahemm, and may be acting/speaking from a general set of standing orders that reflect Policy. To be fair, I get the idea that Marandi was badly treated during his time living in the US, and then of course they tried very hard to kill him, still, this happens quite a lot, and many people let anger go. He has not, I think.
Thanks for your suggestion/opinion/view that explanation for his rhetorical acceptance, repetition, of the silly claim that “Al-Qaeda” could have had any material effect on massive buildings and the pentagon rests in regional politics and classical antipathy between Saud and Persia.
The matter of disintegrating steel to fine powder follows this general equation> Fe2O3 + 2Al → 2Fe + Al2O3 + heat and light . This uses a metal, aluminum, to carry the oxygen from the oxidized iron, thus creating a tiny microsphere of very pure iron….thousands of tons of this “dust” product material were spread over the landscape of Manhattan, mixed with some unreatcted thermites and lots of concrete dust. Organic material admixed creates more energetic effects than TNT, pound for pound, if done properly.
Of course everybody knows steel rusts, and rust readily turns to dust. > The overall chemical equation for the formation of rust is
Iron + water + oxygen rust ( 4 Fe(s) + 6 H2O(l) + 3 O2(g) 4 Fe(OH)3(s) )
Iron(III) hydroxide, Fe(OH)3 then dehydrates to produce Fe2O3.nH2O(s) or rust
The single understandable non magical and simple thesis is that these 4 targets were loaded with military demolition charges – something like several 100 tons – by dedicated expert sapper crews who had complete access many weeks in advance as well as complete as-built drawings. I know that’s appalling. The airplanes were theater. The operation more or less failed…too many things went wrong. I watched the squibs firing on B#7
“Somebody” guards the matter of what happened…and blames the guys “wot didna do it”. Like any arsonist does. I have run into farmers in the barnyard who were educated by the US Army in demolitions (I was buying fresh milk (a tiny crime now) and they were comparing notes…they too saw squibs firing). They were not deceived. Rather otherwise, they saw immediately who did it and how, and understood that there had to have been free access for weeks ahead of the “miraculous” arrival of the birdies to distract the audience. I assume that Saud did provide the sacrificial “hijacker” chumps, probably fellas they didn’t like.
P, I’m suggesting from the video evidence that most of the steel in that building was dustified. Now correct me if I’m wrong but you are suggesting that a minority of the volume of steel in that building was dustified, by a combination of the rust being blown off the steel and also surface layers being explosively dustified. I know nothing of chemistry but I can see in my mind’s eye that surface layers of the steel columns could be dustified by thermite explosives but not whole girders. Can you confirm that you do not mean that whole steel columns can be vaporized with explosives?
9/11 usually comes down to the various ways in which we believe our lying eyes. If i look at the video and conclude that we must be seeing whole girders getting dustified then we look for possible explanations. If you can confirm to me how explosives can account for that then I’m suddenly walking in a brand new open space and that excited me. I’m guessing though that you don’t see whole girders getting dustified.
How can steel be turned into fine dust by only “using entirely understandable chemical means” ?
Collapse time was faster than free fall time. If solid fragments of building were present – not possible.They would have been in the way.
For a tall vertical object to fall flat on its side, time is needed for the conversion of its potential gravitational energy into rotational kinetic energy. Slower than freefall.
Also, the volcanic-like “pyroclastic flow” – fine particles.
Also, very little solid material left after the collapse.
Therefore – magic. Big Magick !
Yeah SS, way to reclaim the word. A ole fashion magic trick is exactly what it was. An industrial light and magic show. It was a masterstroke. No planes. The slow roiling dust clouds were highly charged, blooming plasma clouds that, when they converged just right, were capable of floating a man. Incredible.
When people think of disintegration they think of disappearance. Disintegration is not disappearance. That false notion is cartoonland. That false notion is child’s play. True disintegration is explosive. When atoms are forcibly broken apart, there is an atomic explosion that takes place, called annihilation, wherein manufactured positrons collide with the building’s electrons causing both particles to annihilate, and subsequently exploding the now-ionized atoms. The disintegration device(s) used was likely projecting a positron force field. How many atoms, out of each hundred, needed to have an electron stripped from it, in order to facilitate what we saw on the videos — those of us who were able to override the magical Matrix powers of suggestion — who knows, other that the magicians themselves?
UFO force fields are layered force fields depending on the function. I suspect that the 911 force field was a layered one, including both positron-electron annihilation (PEA) particle-beam field and also, perhaps, something like an electromagnetic ‘weakening’ field based on Ginsburg-Landau Theory, because it seems to me that adequate power generation would pose a major problem for a lone PEA field. Ginsburg-Landau Theory is what Judy Wood was getting at with her Hutchinson line of thought. Weaken the electromagnetic field of the building and strip a certain percentage of electrons, from the top-down, and many physical anomalies will occur in the materials that were not disintegrated. If they did have the ability to disintegrate the buildings entirely, which is questionable, then they obviously they calibrated the particle beam for partial disintegration (as in, most of), in the name of plausible deniability. It wouldn’t have been a magic trick if there was no building left behind. It would have been world anarchy lol.
I believe what we saw on the videos was an explosive phase-change of those buildings.
Well, one has to be pretty deep down the rabbit hole to dare utter the words “no planes” !
And even deeper in order to be able to point beyond the fringe physics, into the exotic fields and particles !
Worth investigating, thanks for the info.
Right on :)
I think a lot of AE folks think the pentagon was a missile don’t they? and shanksville looks like it was nothing at all except fill dirt lol and another passport or two.
When hundreds of commercial pilots say that those planes couldn’t have done what they did at sea level, I listen.
When the entirety of those planes disappear into those buildings except for a landing gear and a passport, I laugh. I’m all for the reality of shock loads making themselves known but they have their limits and newton’s third law has equal say. Any part of the wings that came into contact with the face of one of the concrete slabs could not possibly have materially displaced that slab which was tied into and backed by the entire building box which itself was tied into the ground. Concrete compresses and concrete shears but Same goes for any portion of the fuselage that came into contact with the face of a concrete slab, and the fuselage was taller than distance between one floor slab and the next. How much of an airplane would end up inside the building? Who knows, but certainly not all of like wile e coyote when he hits the ground.
Maybe you or P have a simple refutation of this layman’s instict-based analysis. I’m not wedded to anything.
Best guess is missiles with 3D daylight projectors mounted to them. And custom charges mounted on the building in the shape of a plane, and directed inwards. There’s the famous 17sec ground-level video of a glitchy hologram approaching and entering the building that got memory holed, must be out there somewhere still.
No refutation from me. Agree, no planes. Just some Unidentified Flying Ghosts. How did they did it, beats me. I assume that on the ground there were lots of eye witnesses to those “planes”, so it cannot be a case of just editing a few videos …
Some say that classified technologies are at least 50 years ahead of civilian ones …
And now that I think of it, guess the legendary Philadelphia Experiment was a failed attempt at the kind of 9/11 Big Magick …
I’ve found the video, it’s media helicopter, the first tower is burning and the 2nd tower explodes – no plane in area, and she just doesn’t mention any plane. Then she says “back off, they’re telling us to back off” (presumably military, or their boss). It’s a shocker and wasn’t on any tv bulletin that’s for sure.
Resource discovery puts US and China on clear path to war.
Russia obviously has seen this coming for a long time and consistently emphasizes that it is not a party to the territorial disputes in the South China Sea and does not intend to become involved in them.
Gas breakthrough of China in the South China Sea
Beijing announces shah to Washington: US has less and less time to respond
20 jul 2021
MOSCOW, July 20, 2021, RUSSTRAT Institute. The Geological Survey of the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources of China announced a successful experiment to extract gas hydrates from a field at the bottom of the South China Sea. The project started on May 10 and continues to this day. To date, 120 thousand cubic meters of natural gas have been produced with methane content up to 99.5%.
This is a major success for China. The production is not only carried out by the Chinese oil company Offshore Oil Engineering (CNOOC), but it is also carried out using completely its own technologies and Chinese equipment, excluding any sanctions vulnerabilities.
So one can congratulate Beijing on a well-deserved victory, but at the same time warn that it will sharply accelerate the pace of escalation of the Sino-American geopolitical confrontation.
There are exactly two reasons. The first is to estimate the volume of oil and gas deposits under the bottom of the South China Sea. Experts say there is at least 58 trillion cubic meters of gas there. This is 17 times more than the entire planet is produced by all countries per year and covers the total consumption of natural gas in China for the next 189.5 years.
Even if we assume that Beijing will triple it, as promised in the programs to replace coal consumption with gas in plans for 2030, it will still be very, very much. And after all, 29 billion tons of oil reserves were found there, which will also be enough for China for a long time, given the fact that the PRC consumes 642 thousand tons per year.
It’s time to note that China accounts for 13.04% of world oil consumption and 29% of natural gas. Who does not remember, the OPEC + organization with great difficulty managed to return the world energy market to a sane state for a while, reducing oil production by 9.5%. Moreover, this reduction did not work out for a long time.
For many producing countries, the drop in oil and gas export revenues turned out to be critical, as, for example, for Venezuela and Canada. There is no need to explain to the management of oil-producing transnational corporations what will happen to the global hydrocarbon market in the event of a complete withdrawal from such a large consumer as China. It will hurt. Very painful.
The second reason is that deposits have been found in disputed waters. Specifically, where CNOOC is conducting its experiment is located 300 kilometers southeast of Hong Kong. These are just disputed waters with Taiwan and the Philippines. In fact, China has just clearly shown why it is so diligently straining to ensure the transfer of the outlines of territorial waters and achieve international recognition of their new configuration.
The issue of establishing maximum control over the aforementioned 58 trillion cubic meters of gas and 29 billion tons of oil most clearly turns them from an abstract theoretical into the most obvious practical plane. The presence of bulk islands is more a topic for diplomatic disputes. But oil and gas platforms are a completely different matter. Western TNCs will not be able to ignore them for sure.
Consequently, in the very near future, Washington will face the question of whether to bend under the pressure of Chinese geopolitical expansion or unconditionally go to a big war. Because in no other way, 5 years after the start of industrial production in this region by China of its own oil and gas, America will no longer be able to resist Beijing within the framework of a peaceful economic “socialist competition”.
Russia consistently emphasizes that it is not a party to the territorial disputes in the South China Sea and does not intend to become involved in them. The same can be applied to a potential military conflict around Taiwan, which is apparently outside Russian strategic interests, since Moscow, as in the South China Sea case, is neither an actual nor a potential stakeholder. Discussing the Taiwan problem with the NBC correspondent Keir Simmons, Putin made illuminating remarks that received less scrutiny than it should have from analysts: “There are different assessments [of the situation]. The U.S. has its own assessment. China has its own assessment. Taiwan may have its own assessment.”
Q: do you think putin/rus should come to SCS and profit share here in exchange of another layer of security in the region? it’d be under ‘business ventures’, dont hv to be ‘national security’ ;)
thanks for the sharing :)
The gas hydrate play in the south china sea are being used a a tool by china to leverage their horse trade. One of the grave concerns regarding climate change is that continued ocean warming will cause a catastrophic release of offshore methane hydrate and clathrate deposits, especially in the artic where some sizeable releases have already been discovered. The Arctic Methane Emergency Group has been documenting this aspect of climate change. As we know methane emits 30X the co2 of oil.
As a late adopter of industrialism, and still playing catch-up to the west, it’s only natural that china cares less about climate change, being the world’s main manufacturer that it is. You can’t get a country to understand something it’s current account surpluses depends on it not understanding.
Saying it is going to beat climate change to the punch is a f*** you to everything holy, and it’s also china’s way of saying that if we don’t get Iraq (or something else major that we really need because we’re importing 6.5mbpd of oil) we’ll beat climate change to the punch if we have to. them boys is playing hardball. drilling in these deposits risks destabilizing them.
LNG is unaffordable on a global scale due to it not traveling well but china has built out a promising regional infrastructure for it.
Anonymous and antere something intriguing and unprecedented has been announced by Russia involving proposals to involve Japan in Kuril islands economy.
How would you involve Japan in an economically favorable situation unless it involved oil and gas which is known to be in that area? Why is Russia helping a main ally of the US?
These are disputed islands similar to the China, Taiwan Phillipines situation.
Is Russia setting up a precedent as a legal reference?
I could be wrong about the oil and gas but what else matches the economic boost of these resources?
If it comes down to humans or dolphins I am taking the dolphins’ side. We only control a third of the earth, never did rule it and have done a lousy job at that.
There will be trading but waiting on the following. All I got.
Putin announced unprecedented proposals to involve Japan in Kuril islands economy
23 JUL, 05:35
The President recalled that Russia had been working with Japanese partners there for a long time to create the necessary conditions for participants in economic activity
MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced “unique and unprecedented” proposals to involve Japan in the economic activities of the Kuril Islands.
He was talking at a meeting with constant members of Russia’s Security Council.
Putin recalled that Russia had been working with Japanese partners there for a long time to create the necessary conditions for participants in economic activity.
The head of the Russian state added that he discussed this with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, who has some good developments and proposals in this field.
“I would say that what we talked about is absolutely unique, unprecedented. I say this specifically in order to intrigue the participants in economic activity, and I hope that after your trip, assessment of the situation on the spot, we will finally formulate these proposals and will certainly implement them,” Putin summed up addressing to Mishustin, who will soon fly on a working trip to the Far East.
“I would like to ask you, Mikhail Vladimirovich – although I know you have a busy agenda there, as you told me: emergency housing in some regions, medicine, and so on – to pay special attention to the situation on the Kuril islands,” the head of state told the Prime Minister.
Foreign policyVladimir Putin
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Will have to have a sniff round later and see what the divining rod has to say on that matter, if anything, Lodestar.
Wanted to correct the brain fart in my last comment that said methane has 30X the co2 of oil when in fact it doesn’t have any co2 at all because it is methane and not co2… but you already knew that. it is though about 30x more potent GG than co2.
russia is heavily involved in methane release research because most of its happening so far in her neck of the woods. That may be part of why she gave China the cold shoulder in the recent NSS (?), because of the sheer lunacy in exploiting methane hydrates in 2021.
good little vid on the topic:
Russia’s biggest danger comes from within. Poverty exacerbates the problems Putin is up against inside Russia. Part of reason for cold shoulder possibly. See below text.
I have saved your post to read what you sent later. Thanks
Reverse engineering has cost Russia how many billions over the years?
We both know what it is like to mortgage your home for one little fighter jet. I commend Putin for working through this when he is trapped between a rock and a hard place.
Russia up in arms over Chinese theft of military technology
Beijing’s rise as a major armaments exporter is a double-edged sword for Moscow
DIMITRI SIMES, Contributing writer
December 20, 2019 18:00 JST
MOSCOW — In a rare public display of frustration between Moscow and Beijing, Russian state defense conglomerate Rostec accused China of illegally copying a broad range of Russian weaponry and other military hardware.
“Unauthorized copying of our equipment abroad is a huge problem. There have been 500 such cases over the past 17 years,” said Yevgeny Livadny, Rostec’s chief of intellectual property projects on Dec. 14. “China alone has copied aircraft engines, Sukhoi planes, deck jets, air defense systems, portable air defense missiles, and analogs of the Pantsir medium-range surface-to-air systems.”
Rostec’s complaint about Chinese reverse engineering comes at a time when the arms trade between the two countries is thriving. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Russia was by far China’s largest weapons supplier between 2014 and 2018, accounting for 70% of Beijing’s arms imports during that period.
Even Russia’s most advanced weaponry is not off-limits. Russia sold six of its S-400 anti-aircraft systems and 24 of its Su-35 fighter jets to China in 2015 for $5 billion.
Despite Moscow’s ire over Beijing’s theft of technology, it is unlikely to cut back arms exports to China anytime soon. Geopolitical and economic interests provide Russia with a strong incentive to downplay Chinese reverse engineering, experts say.
“It’s always bad when someone copies your weapons without permission,” said Andrei Frolov, editor-in-chief of Arms Exports journal. “But I think it’s fair to say that since Russia continues to cooperate militarily with China, this is not very critical [for Russia].”
China has long copied Russian weaponry. During the 1990s, China purchased Russia’s elite Su-27 fighter jets and S-300 missile systems. Beijing later used these as templates for developing its own J-11 fighter jet and HQ-9 surface-to-air missiles.
Such blatant reverse engineering alarmed many in the Russian arms industry, prompting Moscow to push back against the theft, explained Vadim Kozyulin, director of the Asian Security Project at the PIR Center.
Russia adopted several measures to stop the practice. For example, it insisted that China purchase arms in bulk instead of buying just a few samples — a sign that the arms were likely to be reverse engineered. Russia also pressed for assurances against theft in its contracts, and even tried to obtain royalties from Chinese copies of Russian arms.
But Kozyulin admitted that the measures were far from effective. “We tried combating this problem in a variety of ways, but without much success,” he said.
Russian concern over China’s reverse engineering contributed to a rapid decline in arms sales between the two countries in the mid-2000s. Whereas China accounted for 60% of Russian arms exports in 2005, the figure fell to 8.7% by 2012.
It was only after the Ukraine crisis in 2014 — when Russia began courting China following its estrangement from the West — that the arms trade and military cooperation between Moscow and Beijing picked up again.
Today Russia has come to accept China’s technology theft as the inevitable price of doing business with its southern neighbor, explained Vasily Kashin, a senior fellow at the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
“[Technology theft] is a shared problem for all companies who do business in China, but there haven’t been any cases of reverse engineering causing anyone turning away from the Chinese market — the most valuable market in the world,” he said.
Kashin added that Russia now feels Chinese reverse engineering is not all that threatening. He argued that even if Beijing successfully copies the arms, Russia will still retain its technological edge.
“It’s impossible to copy some technologies in a reasonable amount of time,” Kashin said. “Copying old technology takes the same amount of time as developing new technology. It’s much easier to take China’s money, invest it in our own development, and let the Chinese do whatever they want.”
The burgeoning Moscow-Beijing geopolitical partnership has also helped ease Russian fears about the risks of arming China.
“If we look at how the Chinese are building up their military, we see that they are constantly cutting ground forces while strengthening their navy. That tells us something about their intentions; that their growing military power is aimed at America and its allies,” Kashin said.
But there are other concerns. China’s emergence as a major arms exporter in its own right, fueled by decades of high military spending and reverse engineering of foreign technologies, represents both “a crisis and an opportunity” for Russia, contends Arms Exports’ Frolov.
“On one hand, Russia is concerned that China will gradually squeeze Russia out of its traditional arms markets,” he said. “But on the other hand, China has money and a desire to cooperate, so this might be an opportunity for Russia to advance with the help of Chinese money and technology.”
Another challenge for Moscow will be keeping China interested as an arms partner, Kozyulin said. He noted that China’s military industrial complex has already surpassed Russia’s in a number of areas.
“It’s becoming increasingly difficult to offer China anything new, so Russian policy is to move away from arms sales to joint development,” he said. “I don’t know to what extent this new model will interest China, since it prefers to make everything on its own and only imports technologies from abroad. But Russia will try to find mutual interests and understanding.”
Lodestar, I mentioned previously that I thought the US would oversee breaking up Japan before withdrawing and leaving its administration to China. With this apparently significant Kuril Islands announcement by Putin himself, I wonder if it is a non-specific economic announcement (oil/gas, fisheries) that is foreshadowing future Russian administration/annexation of the northernmost japanese island of Hokkaido, the southern tip of which appears to sit almost exactly parallel with the southern tip of the Russian pacific coastline. We’re redrawing the world map here.
Hokkaido has only one nuclear power plant, decommissioned but still a headache, but presumably worth gaining Hokkaido for.
I did not even look into oil/gas, potential of Kuril Islands. My operating thesis is that they will be no new significant new energy plays in the world from here on out. Continued milking/nursing of legacy plays only. With that in mind I think it probable that China’s unconventional methane hydrate play is ultimately a bluff and probably doesn’t have a sufficient EROEI to help power China through during early-stage collapse, unless they kill off more of their population than they otherwise would need to. The more of their population they try and cull, the riskier the attempt becomes. There’s a trade-off there. But that’s the calculus: the bigger the cull (while maintaining necessary infrastructure) the more energy flexibility there is for the dead cat bounce on the backside of the bottleneck, assuming there is one.
My guess is the gas hydrate play will ultimately be shown to be a geopolitical bluff and, in the meantime, a massive boondoggle that’s makes quite a few men very wealthy indeed, a few families even wealthier than they already were.
Thanks for the article on Russian-Chinese military relations. Nothing in the world I disdain more than the idea of intellectual property. One of my family is an IP lawyer. I side with the fake commies (china) on this one. I recognize the rules of the game but, still, any country that has the gall to exclaim, “stop copying me!” is just acting like a big baby. Sounds like russia, though, to it’s credit, has gotten over itself in that regard in the last decade. The number of times I was told as a kid, “just worry about yourself,” lol.
just some of the
Court cases on pcr effectiveness for detecting “covid” or its use in detecting infectedness. From Lawsuits Challenging Covid-19 False Claims.htm#LR-I040921 at ratical.org
sorry bout the length. could add many more though.
Ruled: 8 Apr 2021 – Germany
Weimar Court: no masks, no distance, no more tests for pupils
Weimar Local Court, Order dated 08.04.2021, Ref.: 9 F 148/21 8 Apr 2021. (pp. 180)
The PCR tests and rapid tests used are, in principle, not suitable on their own to detect an “infection” with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is already clear from the Robert Koch Institute’s own calculations, as explained in the expert reports. According to RKI calculations, as expert Prof. Dr. Kuhbandner explains, the probability of actually being infected when receiving a positive result in mass testing with rapid tests, regardless of symptoms, is only two per cent at an incidence of 50 (test specificity 80%, test sensitivity 98%). This would mean that, for every two true-positive rapid test results, there would be 98 false-positive rapid test results, all of which would then have to be retested with a PCR test.
Ruled: 24 Mar 2021 – Austria
Court ruling: PCR test not suitable for diagnosis
What like-minded doctors and scientists and professors have been saying for more than a year has been confirmed today by the Vienna Administrative Court in its Judgement 103/048/3227 / 2021-2. The court states in its judgement that the PCR test is not suitable for determining infectivity. “PCR test not suitable for diagnosis”. The court also explicitly points out that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) it is also not suitable for “making a PCR test diagnosis, so it does not in itself say anything about a person’s disease or infection”. If the Austrian Crown Commission used the case definition of the Minister of Health and not the WHO to determine the case numbers; thus, any definition of the number of “patients / infected” is considered erroneous. This judgment indirectly rejects the entire corona policy in Austria, which is based on this test.
Ruled: 8 Apr 2021 – Germany
Weimar Court: no masks, no distance, no more tests for pupils
Weimar Local Court, Order dated 08.04.2021, Ref.: 9 F 148/21 8 Apr 2021. (pp. 180)
The PCR tests and rapid tests used are, in principle, not suitable on their own to detect an “infection” with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is already clear from the Robert Koch Institute’s own calculations, as explained in the expert reports. According to RKI calculations, as expert Prof. Dr. Kuhbandner explains, the probability of actually being infected when receiving a positive result in mass testing with rapid tests, regardless of symptoms, is only two per cent at an incidence of 50 (test specificity 80%, test sensitivity 98%). This would mean that, for every two true-positive rapid test results, there would be 98 false-positive rapid test results, all of which would then have to be retested with a PCR test. (my addition: a pcr that is also proven inappropriate/inaccurate)
A (regular) compulsion to mass-test asymptomatic people, i.e. healthy people, for which there is no medical indication, cannot be imposed because it is disproportionate to the effect that can be achieved. At the same time, the regular compulsion to take the test puts the children under psychological pressure, because in this way their ability to attend school is constantly put to the test.” …
Ruled: 11 Nov 2020 – Portugal
Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests ‘Unreliable’ & Quarantines ‘Unlawful’; Important legal decision faces total media blackout in Western world
Ruling in the original Portuguese: HTML and PDF; auto-generated translation in English.
Lisbon, Portugal, Court of Appeal ruled against lockdowns, because they were based on unreliable PCR tests. Most importantly, the judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection. In their ruling, judges Margarida Ramos de Almeida and Ana Paramés referred to several scientific studies. Most notably this study by Jaafar et al., which found that – when running PCR tests with 35 cycles or more – the accuracy dropped to 3%, meaning up to 97% of positive results could be false positives.
The ruling goes on to conclude that, based on the science they read, any PCR test using over 25 cycles is totally unreliable. Governments and private labs have been very tight-lipped about the exact number of cycles they run when PCR testing, but it is known to sometimes be as high as 45. Even Anthony Fauci has publicly stated anything over 35 is totally unusable.
This court case one is important because the “Vaccine” is authorized for emergency use only because supposedly no therapuetic treatment exists for “covid-19”.
9 Apr 2021 – Italy
Dr Stramezzi: Early treatment works and is approved by the Italian Senate
Debriefing with Dr. Andrea Stramezzi and journalist Robert Steiner:
This week, the Italian Senate issued a landmark decision in favor of early treatment as a cure for Covid. Dr. Stramezzi, whom we previously interviewed following his case for approval of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment, returns to talk about this important decision. He explains its scope and next steps. For his part, Robert Steiner talks about the lack of media coverage this historic decision received in the mainstream media. Dr. Stramezzi talks about the journey to get this decision to Italian doctors and patients – a journey that was not easy.
FranceSoir, Scientific Report, twitter
WHO’s Chief Scientist Served with Legal Notice for Disinformation and Suppression of Evidence, Colin Todhunter, Off Guardian, 9 Jun 2021
See Also: on-going compilation: Efficacy of Ivermectin, HCQ, and Other Repurposed Drugs
13 June 2021 update below
On 25 May 2021, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) served a 51-page legal notice on Dr Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO), for: “[H]er act of spreading disinformation and misguiding the people of India, in order to fulfil her agenda.” See 26 May IBA Press Release. The Mumbai-based IBA is an association of lawyers who strive to bring transparency and accountability to the Indian justice system. It is actively involved in the dissemination of legal knowledge and provides guidance and support to advocates and ordinary people in their fight for justice.
The legal notice says Dr Swaminathan has been:
Running a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin by deliberate suppression of effectiveness of drug Ivermectin as prophylaxis and for treatment of COVID-19, despite the existence of large amounts of clinical data compiled and presented by esteemed, highly qualified, experienced medical doctors and scientists.
Issuing statements in social media and mainstream media, thereby influencing the public against the use of Ivermectin and attacking the credibility of acclaimed bodies/institutes like ICMR and AIIMS, Delhi, which have included ‘Ivermectin’ in the ‘National Guidelines for COVID-19 management’
It seems in U.S. court cases the U.S. govt comes in and declares that under a state of emergency these tests and lockdowns etc etc are O.K..
thereby many cases have been “lost”. Also depending on where court cases are steered (ie: to what courts) the “justice ” served is usually bogus.
See any manipulation here? Scamdemic/Plandemic it is. Take your gene therapy bioweapon shots but dont say you weren’t warned!
The science is clearly behind the scamdemic/Plandemic “conspiracy theorists.”
What we have here is a crime against Humanity!
Its easier to fool someone than to convince someone they have been fooled! Mark Twain?
thanks billy :)
Full article –
pdf hardcopy 122 pages
there is a lot of accounting to do!
if we let ‘them’ off this 2.0 again, there will definitely be 3.0
what should we tell our children’s children, why they are not born ‘whole and free’?
An interesting series of interviews:
So we must ask the question.
Why are these highly qualified voices being expulsed and suffocated from the mainstream media dialogue?
Brilliant line up, thanks !
Stark contrast could not be more clear: wash dc cess pool= moar sanctions, Moscow =plane loads of humanitarian aid to Cuba (short video)!
The world needs to treat the pariah US nation as it really is but prob never happen because of too much money, money, money.
Taras 77, thanks for that link!
The yandex translator: “Russia will help Cuba.
Today, 2 An-124 in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation went to the Island of Freedom with a cargo of humanitarian aid – 88 tons of food, medicines + 1,000,000 medical masks.”
Some happy Cuban Music to spread light in these crazy times;
Buena Vista Social Club – Chan Chan;
Hi Siljan
Thanks so much for posting this!
I too was reading up this morning on Cuba’s latest round of perpetual victimisation by its hegemonic neighbour, when I stumbled on your BVSC clip.
Your link was a timely jolt that reminded me of my travel bucket list and how a visit to Cuba is right up there near the top. The whole experience would have to be a veritable feast of nostalgia in being able to witness a culture that has endured the imposition of a state of generational suspended animation.
Scant comfort to the Cuban’s no doubt, but what a legacy to visitors that might wish to experience something akin to time travel.
Best regards
Your welcome, Siljan.
This article adds to the complete revulsion and disgust on buy den”s inhumane policy:
(FWIW, not a big fan of reed but I believe he nails it here-the title says it all)
Hi Taras
What a fantastic article… I love the writer’s style.
I tried to post the link and the quoted comment below on FB a minute ago…surprise surprise, not!…they let the comment through but not the Unz link.
FB is officially complicit in encouraging Uncle $am to pick up any small country they please against the wall just to prove they still can…what an absolute disgrace FB has become!
…and the FB comment…
And right on cue, I find a link describing Biden and Uncle $am’s faux-concern for Cuba.
“If there is any place on this or any other planet that poses less danger to America than Cuba, except Venezuela or maybe some undiscovered tribe in the Brazilian rainforest, I can’t imagine who. There are eleven million Cubans, and all but about five want to work, drink, play with their children, and make phenomenal music that would send the solemn horses’ asses of the thinktanks into therapy. For sixty years the goddam United States has tried to starve them, sanction them, make them as miserable as possible out of a weird sort of Nordic sadism. It is sickening.”
….but surprise surprise, NOT, the FB thought police won’t allow me to post the link…because they are F%%$#ing well complicit in protecting Uncle $am and Co in their victimisation of countries like Cuba…what a sad apology for a social media platform FB has become…disgraceful in the extreme!!”
…end of the c&p of my FB comment…
I’m expecting to be incarcerated in FB jail any minute now…and such an honour it will be to serve my sentence.
” Uncle $am to pick up any small country they please AND THROW against the wall just to prove they still can”
Hi Cafeista’s
I just stumbled on a fascinating interview with Dr Reiner and Rachael Daniel.
It delves into the abysmal results of the jab roll-out in Israel and looks into some of the reasons why the resident narrative police, and of course the State, are able to keep this debacle hidden from so much of the Israeli public.
According to Daniel, some 93% of the nations land is owned by the Govt or foreign Govts. Also, there’s a new Bill recently pushed through which hands over a degree of governance to powerful corporate and private, interests.
This is well outside of my personal expertise…would anyone here care to expand on or refute these claims?
Off topic ….found this on Andrei Martynov’s blog earlier this week …some Russian Funk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq2tu-vAOns&list=PLGQcP4w_hfw0nrqFge60eAOnoF8GxtRzA
Thanks TJT.
..what a phenomenon on keyboards…awesome!!
Col…’the farmer…’
Never heard of those claims before, nor have I ever heard of Ilana Rachel Daniel. Can’t be of any help as to what she is saying. Sorry.
But that interview reminded me of another interesting video featuring Reimer Fuellmich. I received this from a friend just the other day. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who most of you have heard of, is the brave lawyer who has taken on big corporate power before and won. Here he heads up another interview / discussion about ‘covid19’
“The last 16 months have been a rollercoaster of fears and facts, and we have seen the narrative behind COVID-19 change constantly, it was novel after all, what could we expect?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who has been leading the charge on exposing the true information surrounding COVID-19 recently hosted Dr. David Martin, a professional analyst who has shared some disturbing information. His evidence appears very compelling and credible, and I have fact checked some of the patents he has identified. It’s clear COVID-19 was never a novel (new) virus.”
What Dr. David Martin shares here is disturbing information all right, putting it mildly:
Hi Siljan
I agree Dr Martin’s evidence is as compelling as it is alarming.
Methinks Tony’s days in the sun are severely numbered. Even some elements within the LSM have the long knives out now. He also put on an embarrassingly feeble show in the recent congressional hearing.
What a terrible liar he is…and with a memory like a mouse…good riddance.
Maybe in hindsight, he should have done some training with Psaki… she’s a far more accomplished liar…highly paid too…funny that.
Many thanks, siljan, for the link to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s interview with Dr. David Martin. Of course the alleged vaccine has been in the works. For 20 years according to Martin. And it is a bio weapon.
White Whale
Just wondering what your local take is on the fact that they are saying that more younger aged people are now dying or are seriously affected by Covid infection in NSW. I notice a curious situation where I can’t see anywhere where they are talking about these patients jab statuses.
I can think of a couple of different scenarios as to how this could be explained…
#1 Maybe there genuinely is a new variant that does have a more serious effect on people in the younger age cohort groups
#2 The younger people are not dying from Covid but from the jabs, but they are conveniently being passed off as Covid deaths. This could be plausible to many receptive audiences, especially since many of the symptoms from either cause can be strikingly similar [scuse the pun]. This would further serve the Fourth Reich’s agenda, as this latest con-job effectively not only heightens the perception of the dangerous virus, but also the dire need for more jabs…especially amongst the lagging statistics of the younger population.
I’m intrigued…
Simple answer is FUD FUD FUD. To the power of 10.
Even Victorians are dumbfounded by the chaotic NSW govt mis-management and shambolic communication.
More specifically, given the staged vax “rollout” [slammed by critics as “strollout”,] no one under 40 has been eligible for the Jim
Jones Juice. (But if you were a boarder at one of the country’s most expensive schools, you got access “by accident”👏 last month). (Meaning also these boys were under 18. And accidentally had parental permission slips ahead of the inadvertent and accidental jabbing. )
NSW Health says there’s people under 40 in hospital with Delta.
So it is unlikely they have been vaxxed. But. Who knows. Chaos and confusion is the only certainty.
Delta does seem to be a different beast to last years covid.
I wrote something yesterday to post to you. See next comment.
A woman in her late 30s from Sydney CBD died at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. A woman in her 70s from south west Sydney died at Campbelltown Hospital. NSW Health expresses its deepest condolences to the loved ones of both women.
There has now been eight COVID-related deaths in NSW during this current outbreak.
“#1 Maybe there genuinely is a new variant that does have a more serious effect on people in the younger age cohort groups”
The old lies are the worst:
“In our recent report, we have demonstrated the possibility of obtaining a false-positive result when primers are not verified during the development of primer sets for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 through real-time PCR9. A similar report appeared in a medical archive, indicating the possibility of a false positive when the authors compared the nine previously published primer sets for SARS-CoV-216. To make matters worse, many commercially available kits do not publicly disclose the critical sequence information of the primer sets that they contain, making it impossible to carefully verify and validate the quality and sensitivity of each primer set.”
And that’s just for the relatively small part of what we are that has actually been sequenced.
Unbelievable, nearly.
Let me deal with this missionary who is not asking questions, but simply posting the same thing over and over again. So, no kindness whatsoever. At least in this, you touch on one problem, but come to the incorrect conclusion.
You are in 2005 and you have not kept pace with this technology.
You blame the technology for abject incompetence and pisspoor handling in most countries both of the various tests, as well as labs for analyzing the tests. In not taking that into consideration, you are completely off the mark. I have videos here of some of those labs taken surreptitiously and I’ll take a test in China, but not in the west.
Here is where you are in 2005 passing along incessantly incorrect and deprecated information that is spread in the alt-media from people that do not know what they are talking about:
This is where you should be, at least in 2012, to gain an inkling of understanding if not knowledge at least:
Note, you need to understand these methods before you can talk – all the big words and all the funny mathematical notation – and know a bit about statistical methods, before you can talk about testing, because you do not understand it.
Then, you can answer me on what China (and New Zealand) did, to get accurate test results. I posted up China’s test results.
Then you can explain the methods, quality controls, massive production lines, and new technologies such as Hybrid Capture Immunofluorescence Analysis, or HC-IFA in other countries.
If you cannot do this you are just a mockingbird from a slice of the population that also does not understand this and wastes the time of serious people.
No, I do not need a response from someone who has not done homework in depth.
“Then, you can answer me on what China (and New Zealand) did, to get accurate test results.”
I already provided the link in this cafe that explains why it is impossible to say that they did get accurate results. You mustn’t have read it so here it is again:
and, to make it very clear, here is what they did:
“Genomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2
A total of 733 laboratory-confirmed samples of SARS-CoV-2 were received by ESR for whole-genome sequencing. Viral extracts were prepared from respiratory tract samples where SARS-CoV-2 was detected by RT-PCR using WHO-recommended primers and probes targeting the E and N gene. Extracted RNA from SARS-CoV-2 positive samples were subject to whole-genome sequencing following the ARTIC network protocol (V1 and V3) and the New South Wales (NSW) primer set15.
Briefly, three different tiling amplicon designs were used to amplify viral cDNA prepared with SuperScript IV. Sequence libraries were then constructed using Illumina Nextera XT for the NSW primer set or the Oxford Nanopore ligation sequencing kit for the ARTIC protocol. Libraries were sequenced using Illumina NextSeq chemistry or R9.4.1 MinION flow cells, respectively. Near-complete (>90% recovered) viral genomes were subsequently assembled through reference mapping. Steps included in the pipeline are described in detail online (https://github.com/ESR-NZ/NZ_SARS-CoV-2_genomics).”
En Quote
In other words, they assumed that presence of the 3 (WHO recommended) primers (between 17 and 21 base pairs in length) or a subset thereof, were unigue to something of more than 29000 base pairs in length even though each of 27 trillion human cells excrete more than 1000 Extra Cellular Vesicles (many of which are of similar size and structurally indifferentiable to what have been called viruses under an electron microscope e.g. exosomes) in equilibrium practically none of which have ever been sequenced.
At one end of faith is blind madness – this qualifies for that.
As ar as 2005 goes, practically nothing was known about Extracellular Vesicles. We know a lot more about them now but all of that still amounts to just a little more than nothing.
Everything is impossible excepting your view of things. Can you tell me why the Chinese numbers on testing are not accurate in your view? Are their numbers too high, or too low? Given that a small fraction of something out of 10 million or so will have inaccuracies. That’s life.
“Are their numbers too high, or too low?”
Leaving aside that NZ say they sequenced >90% Near-complete (>90% recovered) viral genomes through reference mapping but nevertheless concluded that this thing was SARS-CoV-2 for now… .
as far as testing goes – since the pcr primers cannot be known to be unique to SARS-CoV-2 and it cannot be known how common the primers (and their placement) are in a massive number of “particles” yet to be sequenced, it is currently impossible to know whether practically all “positives” are related to non SARS-CoV-2 “particles”..
graphene in the vaccine
So, this story ran like greased lightning all over the alt medias. And if you ask anyone that read this or came in contact with the story, they will be convinced that there is graphene oxide in the vaccine.
Whitney Webb did a superb job here in teasing apart the research that has led to the claim that this is present within the COVID-19 injections, specifically Pfizer. But, it took her two hours to do this. If you have two hours, perhaps we can convince a few people to not just accept everything that is given to them, even if it comes from the so-called truth community. There is much false information running around in both circles, both the governmental and state circles, as well as the alt media circles.
Whitney lays it out that this study deliberately set out to deceive.
Now I am not saying the jabs are good things, I am saying that it is necessary to have good discernment, and please do not believe every story out there.
I would rather detest the jabs for the right reasons instead of foolish ones.
These kind of stories make it easy for the NPCs to disqualify any valid criticism. Even if it’s used and abused one should remember: “Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence”.
Would you please do the work Mr. Anon?
After that, you would have to do the steep climb from Qtard boards to honorable (Saker.is) blog to local news and then national/international. Yeah, you could be offed or ignored at any step of the way; Secret Services and “media” are there for a reason, but there is no other way to make things public. Esp. with capital intensive questions one may never be able to present a counter-argument supported by facts – power also functions always for the same goals in human history. Get a hold of the parts of your existence that you have control over and start from there, even if it means your extinction with which results someone else continues in the end – everything else is futile.
One alternative way is the way of demographically outlasting your enemies. This is a concept almost nobody in the modern world can comprehend anymore. Children are not your toys or love objects. The Taliban won their wars by raising, converting Islamic soldiers and fighting costly insurgent warfare. All the drones, panzers, occupation infantry can’t do shit if your enemy accepts the rules of war (even all-out wars of extinction can be won – you have to be cognizant in the beginning about that). This also doesn’t mean you can’t adapt and employ the technology of ‘destruction’ yourself (like psycho-historic-information warfare).
Or take the example of a certain tribe that achieves almost the impossible by controlling and building higher order networks which co-opt the state and entire populations.
You always have a choice. Even if it means losing your job / life / etc.
Biggest problem is that everyone is ego-invested into a particular worldview at the expense of (your or someone-else’s) objective reality.
Do us all a favor and drop all the parts of the your personality that tries to enforce a particular wannabe reality.
Before you make a choice then accurate information if not “perfect information” is to be valued.
My point is that you almost certainly won’t persuade anyone of a particular “unlikely” or “likely” hypothesis. All you can do is to expose others to your ideas and most ideas are shit. There is no point to beat a ‘dead horse’ after you have presented an idea. If something new comes up, ok, add it and let others think for themselves. Do not try to “win”. Make your argument bulletproof over time and everything else should be none of your bizness.
Had to deal with all kinds of missionaries and they all try to hoodwink you into their most favorite paradigm. Being the black-sheep prick that I am, I made a lot of them angry – best way to deal with missionaries of any kind ‘irl’ is to be physically as dangerous as possible and most lose their interest to deal with you very quickly. Hiding behind a computer is cowardly and you most certainly wouldn’t push people’s boundaries irl. Do not bring any kind of war to others and no one will bring it to you.
Thanks amarynth, very helpful.
re: : Now I am not saying the jabs are good things, I am saying that it is necessary to have good discernment, and please do not believe every story out there.
Discernment is good, and good discernment even better, as it assumes the prerogative of the individual to practice, thereby avoiding the desire to lean on someone else and “believe”, without doing the work oneself.
“Penetration, or insight, goes to the heart of a subject, reads the inmost character, etc. Discrimination marks the differences in what it finds. Discernment combines both these ideas.” [Century Dictionary]
I think I’d better be a bit more precise. One cannot really speak of good discernment, as by definition its practice cannot be anything other than good.
sometimes beating a ‘dead horse’ can be recreational, even healing :D
let me share w you a ‘movie’ insight, one that you already know, but never ‘saw’ it, due to your current programming, it seems, but no matter, I am beating a ‘dead horse’ here :)
Thomas A. Anderson was looking for ‘truth’ and Thomas A. Anderson, was led, to ‘follow the white rabbit’ and he met, Morpheus, who believed in him that he is TheOne. He then was given the infamous RedPill, of which so many in the west profess they took, yet they are still, oddly TheSame, still plain holographic anderson. Why? Morpheus: can there be ‘truth’ in the holographic world? Hmmmm…. never ‘saw’ that?!
As long as Thomas A. Anderson did not follow up and enter ‘TheDoor’, it does not matter how many RedPills he swollow, he will not be ‘changed’. Morpheus: Hv you enter ‘TheDoor’?
After passing through ‘TheDoor’, (notice) Thomas A. Anderson must die. His old body must be rebuilded into a NewForm. Morpheus: If Thomas A. Anderson enter ‘TheDoor’, did not die thus no new body can be rebuilded, does it do jacksh!t?! Thomas A. Anderson would not have pass through the correct Passage, reincarnate into a new more suitable form, in a different/higher dimension of worlds, how will Neo be able (ability not motivation) to seek ‘truth’? Hv you ‘saw’ that before?
I did send you the zen story, as promised. As said, Mr Smith is… not happy and it didnt reach you, as I told you b4 I try. Never mind, what is, IS. TheEnd is TheEnd, for those who are able, ‘time’ is bi-directional, and thats just low lv party tricks. I did also say it seems your karma and dharma is ripe. A download is a download, no sound no trace.
are you Neo? or are you wannaB Cypher?
… then you will still always hv Mr Smith in all different variant different flavours… different bodies!
… then there is still the ‘MasterKey’ and ‘TheArchitect’ and god knows what happens everafter…Neo dies again and become formless ‘immortal’?!
Q: what if Whitney Webb is a mole?!? will ‘they’ show you ‘who are you’ – the ‘truth’?!
what is yours, is yours. This is the universal Karmic law (that spends beyond OneLifeOnly).
friend Nachtigall :)
… it will come to you, this life, next reincarnation, or everafter… ‘immortally’ trapped!
… until you passage through ‘TheDoor’, not just swollow some RedPill (to ‘cure’ the headache of the ‘current programming’ at best)
‘saw’ it? see you soon :)
in our case it seems to be a qantum horse; dead and alive depending on the observer who decides on it.
Once I saw a door, and it was not ready to let me pass. I often tried to to get to this door but this body seems to have become too decrepit. My senses have a sense of humor to go to all kinds of holographic visions, but I still remember how to snap my holographic fingers to readjust to my current hologram.
All kind of programs ran amok. But they have no real power over you, you just have to choose not to run them. Karma is no different.
Some claim to have knowledge of higher dimensions and disappoint how they came exactly to know those dimensions. I sense fear.
Fear is what the story brought, maybe a different kind of mood is the door key.
This body not only remembers the past but has a significant part of past energy. Maybe eternal energy. I am definetely not trying to use it as it only would lead to destruction.
The messenger was a threat – try a different messenger.
As it happens Nachtigal this office does have “skin in the argument” or a “dog in the race” as it were.
This account includes a certain “Nachtigal” entity and indeed we were involved back in the day in the UA.
Now we are sure that your choice of the name “Nachtigal” is entirely co-incidental to the Nazi military cohorts as deployed in the Ukraine.
MfG Luka-The-K9
Natchigall, you write quality comments and you recently wrote a rather testy, manly comment. How about you go out on a limb where amarynth and Col cannot go, and you address Anon’s fundamental point head-on.
If true, Anon’s point structurally trumps all the covid claims because his/her point is that virology is technically INCAPABLE of diagnosing Covid.
Fundamentalism, in the scientific sense, is the only way that science can establish itself as a hard science that deserves to be believed by Reason itself.
What Anon is hammering in is more fundamental to the truth than whatever it is that you have bought into regarding ‘covid.’
It’s time to settle this once and for all, Natch. Since Anon’s fundamentalist argument strikes closer to the root than the ‘covid’ argument, because it questions the structure (lack thereof) of virology itself, it is your honorable responsibility, in order to defeat Anon’s argument, to also examine, with pure Reason, the structure of virology such that the evidence shows without reasonable doubt that ‘covid’ is diagnosable.
You’re the chosen one. The gauntlet has hereby been thrown down. May the best idea win, to the betterment of all.
This is a question I cannot finally conclude myself. I am retraining right now and will have laboratory experience after that. Maybe also a degree in genetics in a few years after that. I will be exactly trained with the tools in question.
Andrew Kaufman and Stefan Lanka are prominent examples of the no virus/no covid idea.
There are two problems with that. First everyone has experience with seemingly contagious agents. Current biology tells us it is a viral agent which uses cells to replicate. To my knowledge neither Kaufman nor Lanka have proposed any different agent. All they tell us is that current electron-micrographs have just imaged dying cells with vesicles mischaracterized as viruses. 2nd. They say viruses haven’t been isolated in the sense of separated from everything else. There are electron-micrographs of t4-bacteriophages with exact similar dimensions. There are many more images of other virus types without the cells. These leads me to the conclusion that there are viral agents that make you sick and that they are most likely those “photographed”. The only question is if there is really no way to isolate those like with bacteria. Most likely is that I just do not know the exact process. Sputnik V uses diferent Adenoviruses therefore I claim both Kaufman and Lanka are wrong.
Now because of all the PCR dilemma: a reverse transcriptase is used to rewrite RNA in cDNA, which then if the primers can pair bond with the cDNA in question is replicated by a Polymerase (3 part process). After each cycle you doubled the amount of copied DNA, this is the chain reaction.
Now everything depends on the primer. The primer is a small chain of nucleotides and has a unique seqence. The genome of the coronavirus is sequenced and available online. The job of the primer of the detection kit is to bond to a special part of genome of the virus which is a hypothetically something like this: TAGGTAACCGCCCC….. If this would be a made up process your regulare DNA replication in your cell wouldn’t be possible. The mRNA gentherapy also wouldn’t work. So yes you can detect specific mRNA with this technology. Everything depends on the specificity and theoretically it should be impossible to get a false positive of this mRNA. PCR shouldn’t be used as a diagnostic tool though because they can even detect molecules completely broken off the actual virus. Without envelope, without enzymes etc. it just has to be the right part of the whole RNA strain. Best case, this should be a complementary test if a MD wants to diagnose an active infection.
As I didn’t check all the details and actually haven’t done the isolation and sequencing of any genome, I cannot state it as a fact. I learned the information through books. As of now this is one narrative that makes sense. The only way for me to make sense of the world is to have multiple narratives in my mind and look for evidence.
This concept applies to so many things that it would be to tiresome to repeat. From 911 to JFK to all kinds of historical events. All you can do is to learn and check for yourself. Everything else are beliefs, stories, narratives, models and theories. There is just no way past all of it.
Thanks very much Natchigall for your honesty in admitting that the very existence of ‘covid’ is a question that you cannot as yet conclude. Really appreciate that. My guess is that if everyone here at MFC was this honest, Anon would not feel the need to be so intransigent on the matter. Anon’s intransigence is completely justified because if we start with a lie, everything else that follows is a lie. If someone as deeply informed as yourself cannot know that covid exists then almost all of us here might reconsider what we think we know so as to avoid the ethical pitfalls of potentially amplifying the false codifying (into ‘covid’) of an apparent global rolling health crisis of truly unknown origin that every single person here agrees is being politically weaponized by almost all national governments.
It is only current ESTABLISHMENT biology that tells us viruses are contagious. Holistic/Fundamentalist biology tells us otherwise. Kaufman and Lanka aren’t what I would call mean of vision but they are doing a fine job deconstructing virology and its lack of fundamental adherence to the scientific method.
I have spoken about two alternatives to the contagion myth of germ theory here. One, which i’ve mused on quite a bit here at MFC, and hope I’ve done a semblance of justice to, is the HGT/LGT that occurs on the information highway that is the global proteome. There is a ton of research going on right now on this topic. Just go looking for it. Start piecing it together. Zach Bush thinks along these lines. The other alternative to contagion is the quantum resonance that Tom Cowan prefers to talk about. For some reason HGT doesn’t seem to tickle his fancy. His canonical example of resonance is two tubes some number of feet apart — let’s say less than 6ft lol — one with dna in water and the other tube with free nucleic acid in water. Shine uv light (is it?) on both tubes and abracadabra, the free nucleic acid turns into the same dna sequence as what’s in the other tube, over and over and over again.
That’s two alternative models to viral contagion to explore.
All culturing and subsequent supposed isolation of viruses has happens in vitro and not in vivo. We must not underestimate the synthetic growth media effects in the fundamentals of the scientific method. If you cut the head off a snake can you characterize the body’s behavior as snake behavior? What are the unscientific assumptions wrapped up in in vitro science? That intelligence is cell- directed? That enslaving and providing artificial life support to lost, lonely animal tissues that are being denied their organic signaling, living relationship with the rest of their body can tell us anything meaningful about them other than how they behave when they are experiencing that particular dis-ease with their horrific reality. And they’re being starved and poisoned on top of it, in order that ‘viruses’ should appear. Am I mischaracterizing the situation?
I read through the wikipedia page on the t4 bacteriophage ‘virus’ you mentioned.
it boggles my mind the actions that are attributed to a non-sentient thingy. How do you attribute such actions?
Does it not make more sense that the thingy enters and the cell, being an extension of the intelligent body, chooses what to do about the information, as in amplify it by replicating it and passing it on, or discarding it?
These terrain guys insist that the actual entry/infection/replication dynamic has never and cannot be seamlessly observed, even in vitro, and therefore the dynamic is just a theoretical model and not a result of the scientific method. Is this true?
I am not clear on how you reach both your conclusion and your claim in the following passage:
“There are electron-micrographs of t4-bacteriophages with exact similar dimensions. There are many more images of other virus types without the cells. These leads me to the conclusion that there are viral agents that make you sick and that they are most likely those “photographed”. The only question is if there is really no way to isolate those like with bacteria. Most likely is that I just do not know the exact process. Sputnik V uses diferent Adenoviruses therefore I claim both Kaufman and Lanka are wrong.”
Here you can familiarize yourself with the CRISPR/CAS system that bacteria have developed as a defense mechanism against viral infection.
Keep in mind much of what we know in cell biology has been achieved with model organism like yeast. Not exactly human cells. Another argument for evolution with highly conserved pathways across species.
My hypothesis is that because of different mile stone innovations and discoveries the due process has been skipped and a makeshift model has been established to provide some theoretical bases as far as virology is concerened. Please understand with makeshift I mean rigorous testing by Robert Koch’s postulates. The explosion in genetic sequencing has (which is not random as many in the opposition think, it is accurate) made classical testing obsolete. And here I’m at my limit of understanding. You have to ask virology experts what the exact reasons have been to mostly rely on computer models. Also, there are bio (warfare) labs which experiment with different viruses. You are skipping too many points of evidence that would put your theory in doubt. You would have to explain the infectiousness of different diseases and proof it. And yes, even if all of my knowledge turns to shit, if something else is true I will accept it.
And here we arrive at the inflection point. You have made your conclusions as have I. All I can tell you is to keep an open mind and beware that you can be also very wrong. Naturally the current paradigm has money, power and organization to backup it up. This is the unfair reality, if you are right, be better and out compete us. I’m not an expert, I’m only beginning my first few steps in this field. This is where I’m unabashedly ‘American’ and ask you for your results. Results as in theory and practical application – a working application being the gold standard. We have limited time on our hands, right now I’m not convinced by the alternatives. I’ve got my plans. Time is critically short and important and if @bwbs can help I will punch my ticket and kiss this clownworld reality goodbye
You may be suffering from “cognitive dissonance” which is a common affliction.
Please consider listening to the publications here:
Regards, MfG etc Luka
oh, that’s an interesting thread, I read it all, and saw old things from new approach’s, a cafe change!
only thing is, where does it, or will it lead ? the proffs will assemble a library full of books on virus’s, covid heading the list, and the hard core, evidence based scientists, a digital library, films by the million, imagine the fun, the endless mental tussles ; people will live for ever, it will be too absorbing and fascinating to die even.
meanwhile, millions around the world, ordinary people, good folks all of them, will be protesting about the cruel lockdowns and vaccines, and people and children will be dying of diseases, neglect, suicide, starvation, war, old age…
“You have to ask virology experts what the exact reasons have been to mostly rely on computer models.”
If memory serves me right our old “Welsh Dragoness” friend (Pamela) said she had studied virology and lectured in University on the subject. She said this:
Pamela on February 18, 2021 · at 7:11 pm EST/EDT
Incidentally, they ended up with a computer sequence which was 80% comparable to a known Corona virus, so said they decided that “that’s it”. They decided this was close enough and said that this unknown particle was a novel Corona virus and called it Corvid19.
Comparison of the Chimpanzee with human genome shows a 1 – 6% variability.
How close to chimp do you think you are, friend. ??
End Quote
Once again, repeated from an earlier post, we now have the NZ folk claiming >90% assembly:
“Near-complete (>90% recovered) viral genomes were subsequently assembled through reference mapping. Steps included in the pipeline are described in detail online (https://github.com/ESR-NZ/NZ_SARS-CoV-2_genomics).”
The Chimp once more comes to mind.
The bigger question is, though, since only a tiny fraction of the human virome (EV’s/Exosomes etc) has yet been sequenced it seems likely that the reference libraries could be, as yet, practically empty (relatively speaking).
As far as I’m aware Koch’s Postulates have never been truly satisfied. Not once, with any virus nor microbe. If you have evidence to the contrary I would love to see it. Tom Cowan has poured over the literature and has yet to find one example, even with supposed microbial pathogens (anaerobes almost always or the occasional aerobic saprophyte “edge” microbe) that actually CAN be properly isolated, unlike ‘viruses.’
You decided to shut down emotionally in this conversation. Or maybe it wasn’t a conscious decision, I’m not here to psychoanalyze you but by your non-response to all of the particulars of my reply to you make it clear that you shut down. Nevertheless you honored me with a lengthy reply and I really appreciate that.
You are correct that I’ve made conclusions regarding disease but you say you’ve also made conclusions but I can’t see that you are convicted of anything. If you don’t as yet believe in Covid then really you don’t believe in any virus, do you? How could you? So you don’t yet believe in viruses and apparently you don’t believe that particles that are exactly like viruses, and enter and exit cells all the time, play any role in disease communication, even though we know that these particles get picked up and moved around the body by transporter proteins which look exactly the same as antibodies. Nor do you believe in the relevance, as I far as I can tell from your response, to the magical abilities of dna and rna chains to, without fail, impart spooky action at a distance on free nucleic acid in its vicinity, which is absolute proof in living color of non-terrorist RNA and DNA replication.
So functionally, as yet, you believe in nothing as relates to the mechanisms of disease dynamics and disease communication. Yet two cutting edge theories (one, really) that are not at all fringe in terms of the hard science backing them up — they’re only on the political fringe, because virology is a political weapon — are staring you in the face.
Life, personal growth, is about minimizing the missed opportunities to move out of closed spaces and into open spaces. Open spaces are where the real power lies. That’s why I’m here at MFC, because it has the potential to be an increasingly open space in which a small group of hard working, caring people can do their best to attempt to together chart an intentional path towards understanding the maelstrom around us so that it may help each of us know how to act IRL as events unfold.
Yet you say you’ve made conclusions. What conclusions? That you have a decade-long clownworld career plan for yourself, and you’re sticking to it unless nine-figure aloha comes along and buys you or maybe us all at MFC it’s own bugout island in the southern hemisphere?
Unsolicited advice: a true man makes his own way in the world, putting his body and mind to practical work as required by the circumstances. He charts his own course, or finds a woman (or man) who will chart a course with him that they both can believe in. It’s not an easy thing to accomplish but it’s the only game in town. Many men don’t realize this until it’s too late, until their true commitments to a false paradigm cannot be unwound without either breaking those true commitments or somehow finding a way to shoulder those commitments and manhandling them towards the truth. Manhandling them is extremely difficult because the better part of those commitments come in the form of other people. I can tell you that from experience.
Respect to you, my talented brother. No need to reply.
Listen, I would spend hours upon hours describing, explaining my positions on any said topic (and sometimes my time is wasted by mods that do not publish my comments – it’s ok, I take the L). The reason you perceive gaps in my explanation are manifold and no, not because there is something not well thought-out. You would to have go through all topics that I implicitly mention – that’s your job. Something that I think is more important, I try to describe in detail. And I know all the problems you just mentioned. I try to describe a problem from my perspective. It’s not a dissertation and I’m not obligated to answer. Why the f do you think you know anything about me?
If you start at the beginning you will see that the whole problem is about claims which are easily attacked and drag the opposition onto the wrong side of the story. If you have proof then we can talk about that. Most, simply do not understand how powerful our corporate/government/other networks really are. Instead of focusing on things that can be shown to be logically untrue – the easiest way to dismantle false presumptions – we focus on alternative medicine/theories, which will send us into the weeds. With ‘media’ of the elites, it’s and information war – and you choose the most effective weapon. It’s not a fair and honest fight. We are dealing with serial liars. This cafe thread is not my first discussion on the covid-mania. The part about PCR test is to mybe clarify some misconceptions. It’s like the Taliban would argue about how an AK works, while being blown up into pieces! Don’t you see we are already very deeply ef’d by our elites (c19 passports, censorship, wars!!!). Do not speak about technology if you do not understand it. Do you build the sequencing machines? Do you program the software? If not, focus on things that can be criticized by logic alone like experimental vaxx, lockdowns etc. If you do, show us hard evidence!
You can claim all the things you like but you cannot demand others to fully invest their time and resources into something that maybe right or wrong. That’s why I challenge the detractors to come up with evidence, experimental evidence of their theories! Everything else develops into a bazaar or a shouting contest. Then we all lose.
I took the time, a very long time to challenge beliefs that are present in the Western world. It cost me a lot. The repercussion of this will stay with me maybe the rest of my life, so Antere, my dude, be a bit more modest. Does selling all your stuff and living just to study (does literally living in a f tent and reading textbooks on geology to medicine count?) count? I did literally the unimaginable for most people.
I’m not so full of myself to think I’m the smartest guy in the room. As far as I’m concerned, I’m pointing out the obvious.
As far as I can judge, I do not exclude anything per se, but at the same time I cannot afford to fly like Leviathan above any life needs. Everything has its limits: time, resources, usable energy. You have to prioritize. Most people on earth do not even have the luxury to think about these things – nor most people in our entire history. People in general are very unconscious about their beliefs and worldview and take everything for granted – like real life NPCs. I do not see how any other stance could be intellectually honest. You know if something is real if you experience it. Everything else is a story in your mind that you or someone else tells yourself/you, which can be true or an illusion (nevermind all the philosophical problems of claims of absolute reality). I just do not pretend to know more than I truly do.
Right on Natch. Appreciate the feedback.
Let’s try and move this forward. I like being down where the rubber meets the road. I just asked master P if explosives can dustify whole steel girders or just some unspecified outer depths of girders. That’s what I’m talkin bout!
You’re avoiding having the Conversation.
I ask you, again, how do you see non-sentient viruses performing all the various tasks that virology says they perform? How do you conceive of that?
This is an open question to everyone on this board.
Do non-sentient protein strands preserved in fat doing what virologists say they do violate the basic fundamentals of everything you believe you know about reality? Or not?
It violates what I believe.
If it does not violate what you believe then I would really love to know why.
btw, aloha, really awesome post dude thanks!
Check out prion disease this will show you how just a protein misfolding can spread in your brain.
Again you are avoiding the core argument I just made. All I can say is, to me, at this moment, viruses are the most likely disease originator.
Let’s make it as practical as possible. You claim viruses don’t exist. So do not be a cowardly girl, experiment on yourself with viruses – if they are not the culprits, than test yourself by infecting yourself with them. If you are right no disease should develop. Or design experiments according to your theory. We are a click away to a zoo of ‘theories’. If you are right you will be more than famous. Put your money where your mouth is. This is something everyone would respect.
“than test yourself by infecting yourself with them. If you are right no disease should develop.”
Are you inferring that, by some research measure (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03141-3), the 81% of asympotmatic covid cases did not provide some level of immunity and that one of umpteen follow-up “virus” exposures should, eventually, cause disease?
amarynth, Natchigall,
if you would like to acquire a more circumspect view of the graphene topic then I highly recommend you read the comments below the youtube posting of the whitney webb interview. It’s still a developing story. Maybe nothing will come of it. FWIW, despite what I suggested last week, I’m now currently inclined to disbelieve the magnetic phenomenon, and wonder whether it may be disinfo political cover for the graphene. But that’s subject to change too. So it goes in the fog of war.
Hey Col and all Cafeistas, how did you spend your day.
Me? I spent my Saturday arvo concocting a conspiracy theory.😷
I’m quite enamoured with it. Enjoy:
Aussie Lab rats
Australia is being used as a “test case” by researchers across the world watching the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant, with the country’s low vaccination rates and comparatively low case numbers allowing “clean data” for analysis.
With the Delta strain now well and truly dominant, international experts are monitoring the Australian experience to assess its spread and movement, particularly around the risk of outdoor transmission of the virus.
One of the world’s leading epidemiologists and health economists, Eric Feigl-Ding this week put Australia’s COVID woes on the international stage, highlighting cases of suspected outdoor transmission at the MCG and some early cases in the Bondi outbreak as particularly “worrying”.
Dr Feigl-Ding, a Senior Fellow at the Federation of American Scientists and former Harvard Professor, said the cases appeared to show transmission between strangers with no direct contact.
(See Link4More) ………
NZ also “highly likely” a giant lab experiment.
§ Controlled / captured PM / govt/ media
§ Isolated
§ Small population
§ Easy to monitor
§ Covid “free”
§ Vax with Pfizer only
§ Watch
§ Profit
Thoughts, Col. ? (and all)
Australia was covid free until (allegedly) one guy triggered transmission/ spread across the whole country.
(12million and three capital cities now doing jail time…. I mean “lockdown” for the crime of shopping, working, socialising. )
Americans shocked by ‘sobering’ way Delta variant is spreading in Australia
The “fleeting” manner in which Covid-19 is reported to be spreading in Australia has been described as “sobering” by US onlookers.
Four new coronavirus cases announced on Monday take the total number of infections in the NSW cluster to 11. (June21)(Now about 150 national. 12million/50% of Oz pop in lockdown).(10?deaths?)
…… experts say the way the virus is being passed from one person to the next is cause for concern.
In two of Sydney’s cases, the moment of transmission was caught on CCTV. (This claim was later retracted….)
In the first instance, a man in his 50s caught the virus by merely passing through the airspace of an infected limousine driver at Myer (dept store/mall) at Bondi Junction.
In the second instance, a woman in her 70s was sitting outside at Belle Cafe in Vaucluse when the same driver — the cluster’s primary case — was inside the cafe.
Each of them had stood not far away from each other for a very short period of time and then it would appear that one of them possibly moved through the airspace that the other one had occupied,” Mr Hazzard said.
World-renowned epidemiologist, Harvard-based Eric Feigl-Ding, shared the story with his 521,000 followers on Twitter on Monday, writing:
“No more than mere seconds of exposure in 10-60 centimetres where one man triggers several #DeltaVariant infections with brief ‘fleeting’ contact.
WW: Believe it or not. Site is Murdoch, so… extreme caution advisory.
I’ve been consuming conspiracy theories for 15 years, I am probably proficient/able to now concoct a few myself.
Australia (and NZ) spent a year gloating on how amazingly clever they were to contain, control, eliminate covid.
Closed Border control even prohibited 30,000 Aussies from returning. So the “test” population remained somewhat sterile for 12 months…
All experiments need a “control” group ~
So both Australia and NZ are kept covid “free” for 12 months.
Keep both isolated (closed borders)
Both countries are close to identical (|I know, Col, not identical, but close|)
1/ Introduce Delta to Australia (Delta seems to be the only strain in circulation at moment). And only some 30,000 had covid last year, so no “herd” immunity.
2/ Vax NZ with Pfizer only (no herd immunity) (world’s only covid free / clean data pop)
Yeah … I said months ago already that NZ looks to me like a controlled experiment. Never thought of Australia that way.
But, this is good. At least NZ proved that this thing can be controlled if one does the right things. I trust there is no ‘seeding’ in any of those countries. But we don’t know. I’m not a ‘herd immunity’ believer. (Too much farming blood – you can harden, but to make immune is a whole other story – farmers will tell you that).
Many people will laugh me out of the house, but I’ve heard a few things about Delta from the Russian sources. Runs fast .. 3 or 4 days until visible infection, runs hot .. a much higher viral load than other variants and this has its own problems because reinfection rate of others also runs hot. I don’t know, but this is what they tell out of Russia – it is anyone’s guess if they are only telling this to improve their own vaccination rate, which is the usual story that we get.
Forgot to say, good theorizing I thought :-)
But why? Let’s see what people come up with generally.
– they wanna kill us all
– they wanna kill just some of us
– they wanna make us into zombified robots
– they wanna take all our money or goods as in disaster capitalism
– its a war between the contries only
– its a bioweapon that somebody let loose on somebody else
Are there more ‘why’s ? that I’m forgetting about?
§§§| But why??
My answer to that now is: ID2020.
They want to control us all.
Global digital ID for all is clearly stated as their plan.
https://id2020.org Click around. Especially look at “partners”.
They explain very clearly that digital ID can be transcribed onto DNA. Which is unique.
Following this weekend Syd+Melb protests, state police are using social media, face scans and phone triangulation to find the people who participated.
Before 2030 they won’t use these primitive tools.
With DNA digital ID the “herd” or “mob” of livestock is eliminated. Instead every single person is immediately uniquely identified.
NLIS (national livestock identification system) was introduced in Aust from 2000. Farmers and skeptics said it would be absolutely totally ridiculously impossible to have a system tagging and tracking every single animal in the nation. But it’s now more than 10 years since this impossibility was achieved.
“Paddock to plate”. Every piece of Australian meat sold anywhere globally can be traced back to an individual animal.
With ID2020 every human on the planet can be identified, tracked, controlled, and potentially, culled.
Hi White Whale
…you asked…”how did you spend your day?”
Well, actually now that you ask…I spent a good chunk of it researching ‘coincidences’.
And it just so happens that I unearthed some very recent developments involving the new BlackRock initiatives right here in the Shaky Isles along with the gushingly enthusiastic endorsement by our LSM. No great talent required here as regards any investigative journalistic savey…our pathetic media is celebrating this new ‘partnership’!
…and a quote…
“AMP’s New Zealand Wealth Management (NZWM) have today announced that their actively managed KiwiSaver funds will be switching to a predominantly index-based investment approach.
The KiwiSaver scheme and it’s 220,000 members will be switching to a passive investment structure managed by US-based fund managers BlackRock Investment Management.
As well as managing the AMP KiwiSaver scheme funds, BlackRock will take over the management of New Zealand’s largest private super scheme, the $3.42 billion New Zealand Retirement Trust which has 37,828 members.
The announcement comes after AMP suspended attempts to sell off NZWM earlier this year.”
But I’m sure there is nothing to see here and that it is entirely coincidental that this happens smack-bang in the middle of the JJJ roll-out!
…and a quote…
“As Matt Taibbi observed way back in 2009 in the midst of the previous bailout, “By creating an urgent crisis that can only be solved by those fluent in a language too complex for ordinary people to understand, the Wall Street crowd has turned the vast majority of Americans into non-participants in their own political future. There is a reason it used to be a crime in the Confederate states to teach a slave to read: Literacy is power. In the age of CDS [credit-default swap] and CDO [collateralized-debt obligation], most of us are financial illiterates. By making an already too-complex economy even more complex, Wall Street has used the [2008] crisis to effect a historic, revolutionary change in our political system – transforming a democracy into a two-tiered state, one with plugged-in financial bureaucrats above and clueless customers below.”
So keep your eyes on your pension fund and Social Security, my fellow serfs (or should I say: fellow slaves?). Larry Fink has long been committed to privatizing Social Security and this current crisis might just be the right opportunity. Of course, it will be called something innocuous or warm and fuzzy, like the CARES Act, and it will be greeted in the mainstream media as an urgent, pragmatic decision.”
Come on folks…FFS will you move along…there is absolutely nothing to see here
Skip if you don’t like gardening info.
The tropics have their own gardening and growing challenges. We plant in September / October for our main season, and I think I have solved three problems.
I’ve been wailing about tomatoes. Cannot do it in the tropics .. there is only this one small cherry/grape tomato (landrace) that does not mold and does not root rot. It truly is a weed and is the ugliest skinny plant you can imagine. I don’t even trail or trellis them up, but just let them lie in a bunch on the ground and we pick a handful for salad. And I’m still buying tomatoes which frustrates me. OK, there are some varieties that I can get growing but it is a fussy business in our world. You have to call it just right in terms of the year’s weather, otherwise too wet and mold and rootrot, or too dry, or too sunny or too shady under shade cloth, and the stressed plants call every aphid and insect in the forest and I’m not going to give up life for babysitting tomatoes.
The solution here is Tamarillo or Tree Tomato. But I’ve killed about 8 trees so far planting from seed, and obviously do not have the hands for them. So, BC-19, I ordered some trees and they are now nice and big and ready for me to pick up as the tree grower grew them out for me during Covid times and they might even bear some fruit in this year or early next already. Looks like hope on the tomato front. https://www.jardineriaon.com/tamarillo.html (Lesson, if you cannot get it done, ask a specialist!)
Another thing that does not lend itself to the tropics is garlic. We can grow soft neck garlic if we can get them going, which is not the real problem, but making a nice big fat bulb is a problem. Now I’ve learned that I have to vernalize them, i.e., put the planting bulbs in the fridge for anything from 6 to 12 weeks before breaking them apart for planting. Apparently, they don’t mind the heat or the rain or the tropical conditions, but one has to cheat them first and convince them they had some cold winter first. So, the planting garlic is on the way to be stored in the fridge till September.
You all know not to toss garlic wastes into the compost yes?
And last problem – same as with the tomatoes I could not keep a rosemary bush alive. It would start great, but then the mold in summer because they prefer fairly dry roots. I eventually stupidly resorted to buying a new little rosemary bush each summer and use it until mold .. and then discard it. So, I was doing some stem cuttings from a very beautiful bougainvillea bush that the neighbor was pruning and then it struck me .. you silly idiot, just do a few stem cuttings every now and again and keep a young rosemary plant or two in reserve. I always have some planting pots ready anyway.
There is a propagation technique that I want to learn. I have this old microwave oven where we’ve pulled out the guts of it, to use it as a clean environment and I do want to learn how to do tissue culture. There still is a dream of a vanilla plantation but that stuff takes mucho money to establish and is terribly labor-intensive. In the meantime, I can grow a few and culture them and grow another few and learn the process of making real vanilla.
All the world’s problems can be solved in a garden.
Supression of anti-corona virus protests in France. The little girl’s sign reads: ‘Don’t stab me’
SHOCK! Protective Detail of France President ALL Resign over COVID Restrictions; will no longer protect;
Very intense and massive demonstration in Paris, also rally’s in London and other UK cities further north, but nothing comparable to France yesterday.
Thanks for the link Siljan!
Methinks another pathetic Goldman Sucks asset is in very deep do-do’s now.
All the Bankster groomed plants get exposed sooner or later. Look at the two recent examples in NZ and Aus…one a Merryl Lynch [apt name] bankster asset and the other high up in the Goldman Sucks ranks [the name pops up yet again…you know the ones…those of sovereign loan-shark fame].
Of course, it was just another ‘coincidence’ that these ‘leaders’ both happened to be in power right when the kleptocrats of the world were trying to ramrod the TPC through…an agreement that would have given massive new powers for their network [the club that we ain’t in] and carte blanche to rob Mainstreet blind.
Bring it on…beers and popcorn for me whilst I watch this sleaze-bag squirm
try growing tomatoes in pots put the pots on a tile or something to elevate them from the soil.
try “purple calabash”
Alexander Mercouris makes some good points in his video on Merkels disgraceful agreement with the US. She is trying to get the US to support her for a cushy job after she retires.And sold out Germany for their support.As for Russia,they make it clear the gas transport across Ukraine is purely a commercial deal between the gas companies and not a Russian government agreement.Probably because ….
“As far as Russia is concerned the EU is a lost cause……The biggest single issue ,if you know about Russia.The single biggest issue about which Putin lost political capital in Russia.Was over his failure,as many Russians saw it,was to stand strong over Ukraine in 2014.An a lot of Russians are very dismayed about this.A couple of years later came the pension reform,which a lot of Russians didn’t like either.Now his political position has stablished since then.But if he was to make a political concession on this.Again,a lot of Russians would not be happy.And if you remember on our most recent live show,there was a caller who spoke about how the mood in Russia, among ordinary Russians is also hardening,and becoming stronger.And I believe this is true…..”
I said the same think in 2014. I was in contact back then with several Russians that supported Donbass. One of them even gathered and forwarded supplies and volunteers to Donbass. They all were generally Putin supporters,but were furious over what saw as his failure to support their Russian blood in Ukraine.So I think Alexander is spot on here.
Mr P, Antere, SeptikSkeptic
Is there anyway I can upload the short video to cafe so you can check out the 9 11 explosion?
Amarynth might know how to, might need permission from Saker.
Then you could tell me if you think it’s real.
I mentioned it above in my reply to antere when you were discussing 9 11
Hi anon. Look I get it. Trying to understand *how* they did it.
Once I “discovered”building 7 in 2004 I descended at light speed down the rabbit hole.
Aptly named. It’s a dark dank place with lotsa turns and cul-de-sacs.
Learnt how many conspiracy “theories” aren’t theories but fact.
And most accepted history and explanations of events like WW1 + WW2 and holomodors and holocosts and JFK and start of Vietnam…….the list is endless… all the explanations of these events are almost complete bull faeces.
Now, almost 20 years post 9/11, I wish 1% of the effort expended on explaining “how” they achieved it was instead direct and expended on *who* did it.
If the core responsible hod been found and executed,-along with their second, third and fourth ring of collaborators and enablers….. we – 9billion- of us would be living in a much much much better world.
So. It does not matter if what you want to show us is real or not.
It’s special effects and distraction.
Show instead *who*……
Once you have who. You also have why.
And that is what they don’t want us to know.
Thanks Anonymous. Don’t think I’ve seen that, a helicopter video. Sorry I have no idea of anything beyond copy and paste. Hope it works out.
videos are nice. but far more evidence including analytical chemistry of debris dust @ https://www.ae911truth.org/
(these people are credible, as they have no reason to lie and have expert educational and professional qualifications…the Big Question has nothing to do with how it was done, but why, and why lie about it?
Again, the Lie, when spread out against the universe, tells us Truth. Lies are wonderful things to take apart.
I again refer to the question I posed about Marandi, but expand it generally – why would the lies be repeated? By anybody?
I see a lot about the dispute between Ukraine and Russia. But I think some people misunderstand what we are seeing.I see this whole thing as a civil war in the Russian World.Not really a dispute of nations,but a dispute of different sections of the same nation.Just a modern version of what the Russian World has suffered more than once over their history.
There is another point that opens itself to misunderstanding, the territory of modern Ukraine. Somewhere between 30-40% of today’s Ukraine was never a part of Rus at all. The land mostly in the East and South of today’s Ukraine was a no man’s land for centuries where some Slavs from today’s Russia and a few from Northern and Western Ukraine settled in.But most of it was was empty and roamed over by nomadic Tatars and Mongols from the Golden Horde.The Russian Tsars liberated that land and opened it up for settlement in the 18th Century.Thousands of Russians poured in,and peoples from other countries were also settled there.But because of nearness and over population in their home areas,many thousands of Ukrainian peasants were brought in to settle the area.When the Soviets formed “Ukraine” they included most of that area into that Ukraine,and they began Ukrainianization of the area..
Uncle Bob
There are around 200 ethnic cultures within the borders of the RF.
You are correct in distinguishing the difference between cultural (language) and political (tax collection) borders.
The political borders of Europe changed after WW1, with the fall of the Habsburg empire.
Along came WW2 with another change of political borders this time with the security of the UN Charter.
The history that we read, in the West, often differs from other sources.
For example: for residents of the city of Vienna in Austria pre 1938.
At that time Hungarian and Czech was spoken along side German.
Within the Austro Hungarian Empire pre WW1 it was a “Heinz 57” cultural situation.
German was the language of commerce in Austro Hungary as it was for the Third Reich
Another example from the UK, in Scotland, they ask “Were do you stay”
Perhaps the Scots are used to moving around or being “pushed around”?
Hi All
The JJJ narratives are becoming more and more challenging to defend now…look out Tony and Co.
And on June 19 this headline…Federal Lawsuit Seeks Immediate Halt of COVID Vaccines, Cites Whistleblower Testimony Claiming CDC Is Under-Counting Vaccine Deaths
…from the link…
“The whistleblower — a computer programmer who developed more than 100 distinct healthcare fraud algorithms, and who has expertise in healthcare data analytics that allows her to access Medicare and Medicaid data obtained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Systems (CMS) — filed a sworn statement under penalty of perjury alleging the actual number of COVID vaccine-related deaths is closer to 45,000.
The whistleblower alleged that VAERS, while extremely useful, is under-reported by a conservative factor of at least five.
In her statement, she said:
“On July 9, 2021, there were 9,048 deaths reported in VAERS. I verified these numbers by collating all of the data from VAERS myself, not relying on a third party to report them. In tandem, I queried data from CMS medical claims with regard to vaccines and patient deaths, and have assessed that the deaths occurring within 3 days of vaccination are higher than those reported in VAERS by a factor of at least 5. This would indicate the true number of vaccine-related deaths was at least 45,000. Put in perspective, the swine flu vaccine was taken off the market which only resulted in 53 deaths.”
…end quote…
Bring it on and then lock em up
Exploring Biodigital Convergence
Policy Horizons Canada
What happens when biology and digital technology merge?
Biodigital convergence is opening up striking new ways to:
• Change human beings – our bodies, minds, and behaviours
• Change or create other organisms
• Alter ecosystems
• Sense, store, process, and transmit information
• Manage biological innovation
• Structure and manage production and supply chains
Full physical integration of biological and digital entities
Digital technology can be embedded in organisms, and biological components can exist as parts of digital technologies.
The physical meshing, manipulating, and merging of the biological and digital are creating new hybrid forms of life and technology, each functioning in the tangible world, often with heightened capabilities.
Robots with biological brains and biological bodies with digital brains already exist, as do human-computer and brain-machine interfaces.
The medical use of digital devices in humans, as well as digitally manipulated insects such as drone dragonflies and surveillance locusts, are examples of digital technology being combined with biological entities.
By tapping into the nervous system and manipulating neurons, tech can be added to an organism to alter its function and purpose.
New human bodies and new senses of identity could arise as the convergence continues.
Oh. Canada
Keeping track of events can be difficult if we rely upon the NATO-EUR syndicated mainstream media.
Of course readers are always invited to research further.
The method of public deception in the UK is described here:
E-ISBN 978 0 85793 688 2
or hard copy ISBN 978 0 85793 688 2 or USA ref: 2012955460
This work is recommended for both academic and casual readers.
It is not a “difficult read”.
Hellow Saker,
As a long time reader (blog and books) i am asking you to comment on russian education.
A recent article :https://www.rt.com/russia/530019-exclusive-schools-elite-institutions/
(about russia) disappointed me very much.
Another :https://www.rt.com/op-ed/530256-china-private-education-non-profit/ (about China) answers (in my opinion) The correct way.
Thanks best regards ,
Warning: for adults only (esp if you are from/at USA america)
I wont add any of my silly opinion
scare da sh!t yourself
Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Banking Reset Plan!
p/s I believe there is a paid Full ver. usually his interview are 2-3 hours long. meaty serious stuff – the X files.
more stuff to scare da sh!t yourself
from Solari Report –
Spike Protein & Immune Escape (15.01)
Full ver.
Dark Horse Podcast (Edited 1 Hour Version)
Tom Luongo thinks the U.S. caved on Ukraine and NS2 and the threat to war is over.
“The reason Nordstream 2 got finished is because Davos finally acceded to reality that it lost in Ukraine.
That’s what the Biden/Putin summit was about (among other things).”
Oh geez … Koch’s postulates. I thought we were done with that one already last year. The forces of ‘certitudes’ are strong.
Thing is, these certitudes are completely misleading. What it does, because the ‘certitude people’ are so stuck on their certitudes that if one simply points out that not everything is according to the certitude, they think you are on the ‘wrong’ side, and they try and recruit you.
In this space, unfortunately, one is pushed into one way or the other, whether you want to be there or not, by virtue of the ‘certitude people’ not brooking any different thought, or even any new research. This is what is causing the world to be on its head.
I refuse that.
I refuse for anyone else to even attempt to make up my mind for me. Discussion, that is fine. But this overt attempt to own this space by virtue of ‘vicious ‘virtuous’ certitude’, breaking bonds, and overt recruitment and no uncertainties, and besides all this, not an iota of humanity in the fierce battle to have a specific word view prevail. If you do not see the outbreak of civil disturbance in our world today, if you do not see that there are in reality sick people both from Covid-19 as well as from bad bad vaccines, and if you cannot have a momentary thought first to people, you do not belong in my world.
I refuse that.
These uneducated and unqualified people that are sitting ‘in vitro’ with no experience even, have forgotten that this world is actually made of the ones that are ‘in vivo’.
So, back to Koch’s postulates – update yourselves people.
No, I have not read all this, because I already did it last year, but your search query (preferably not Google) should be:
Evolution of Koch’s postulates
Koch’s postulates in modern virology
Koch postulates amended
And I’m sure you can think of a few but I am also sure very few will actually do that.
I refuse your certitudes.
@ Col…’the farmer from NZ’
Just a thought. Have you checked which loans passed hands recently? Like follow the money? What was promised to your ‘leaders’?