2022/08/27 09:30:02
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
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The second tanka is a reply to Sudhi, who on August 26, 2022 at 4:02 pm EST/EDT, wrote;
Engaged in ones Zeitgeist
Knowledge and Wisdom
Seeking something beyond
In the path to Salvation
wondering as I wander,
my reverie interrupted by
a solitary hawk
hovering over a field
of swaying grass
Spring Thaw
trails in melting snow,
stags baying in the distance –
spring thaw
after the rut,
the vanquished licking their wounds;
the victor in velvet
early morning;
a spotted fawn clinging
to its mother’s side
The Hunter Biden laptop content has been dismissed as Russian disinformation. It was a lie promoted by professional liars (intelligence agency people) to protect other liars who benefited from a country now at war with Russia for very muddied reasons. This lie was also an election interference perpetrated by very high ranking officials in the FBI, the DOJ, the DNC and others. They got away with that and the USA are now under their rule.
This only can end poorly. The connection of the actual rulers of the country with truth is highly creative with a very large disconnect with reality. It’s so huge that they only can fail at any enterprise they could start. Remember Afghanistan, Bidenflation, Syria, Libya and Ukraine. It’s only the appetizers. The main dish is coming.
This very loose connection with reality sets a damningly low standard in competence. To me, competence in a given field means that one is given a problem, if one solves it, this person is competent. The rulers are in a position where they create reality to their liking. The reality has to bent the knee to their desires because they create reality.
This creation is, IMO, also the socially constructed thing. It goes from within the individuals with their desires, feelings and impulses, between members of the groups and build itself up and is being built by theses people without any restraint from the outside of it. Any restraint is considered oppressive aka racist. That constructed thing relate very loosely with the thing outside the human society. I do not expect a serious overlap between them. When they don’t, success is not on the agenda. It would be like shooting randomly in the sky to hunt birds. It’s also analogous to listen to people carefully avoiding to watch where the birds are because it could harm them and telling you the direction where you should shoot to kill birds. If you want to eat with the result of your hunting by respecting that idea, you’re going to starve and die from it.
I do have two reasons to believe that this interference helped, maybe decisively, to put in charge such people. IMO, the result is going to be a huge disaster.
Now, these liars are in power and the rest of the country is confused about what to think and believe. Trump, in that laptop from hell, told the truth. It failed when a bunch of liars pretended it to be Russian disinfo. Could it be that these liars can’t stand the truth and that’s the reason why they hate so passionately Trump and the Russians ? Biden and Johnson are not know for their ability to tell the truth. This idea of hating the truth also explain why Trump has been relentlessly accused of being a Russian bot or asset.
This idea of hating people telling the truth also explain the alliance between progressives and the Dems.
Any accepted lie is a submission to the power of the liar. Any lie implies a power game. CRT is all about power plays and superficially about racism. I have here a surprising proximity between CRT and lies. Subjective reality, the thing created by society, is also a point in that same direction. In that reality, lies do not exist by themselves. Hate speech is the thing because dissent in any form or intensity is threatening that reality. In that reality, victimhood is also a thing because the reality of the victims is threatened by the truth.
In the end, being a woman is meaningless now. Feminism committed suicide by allying with progressives. Gays are next. Trans are very much loved because they exemplify the idea that reality is a social construct. Men are done now. They left the society. It’s called MGTOW. Judith Butler created the oppression of genders. The thing is now seriously fluid to a point it is evaporating. The truth, as a non socially constructed thing, threatens that movement.
In the end, any respect for a non socially constructed thing in any form or shape is or will be considered oppressive and will have to be deconstructed. It means that logic, responsibility, merit, accountability, hard work are threats to that movement and are to be cancelled.
It leaves me with the idea that in the USA and the West, people are only informations on a biological support with a collective rewriting of them. That allows fantastic possibilities like putting people on an electronically support and solving the problem of death. That also allows altering people to improve their physical and intellectual abilities aka trans humanism. That allows rewriting the society anytime a new and accepted idea comes out. That allows absolute censorship because differing ideas are threats to the fabric of the supported informations. That implies a fanatical opposition to the second amendment because people could efficiently oppose any rewriting of society and the new ideas. It legitimizes any totalitarian state for the good of the people because they are unable to understand the reality and the good. It allows the « experts » to decide what is good for me and my life. It allows to believe that the great reset is a good thing. It allows to believe that my entire personality can be rewritten (hacked) if the PR is well done. This idea of myself being only infos from the society I’m in with the biological support of my body makes a lot of sense when I ponder the things I mentioned above.
I believe that the USA were at a bifurcation. It took the turn of the constructed reality because they are the empire now.
Reality based people are only able to study the reality they created. It takes a lot of time. So, when we are finished, they will have created another reality that I’ll or we’ll be forced to study. We are slower than them and beaten at each turn that the socially constructed reality people take.
Russia tasted the socially constructed reality. It used to be called communism. They did not like it, were able to get rid of it. I suspect they chose to accept the influence of reality outside the social construct on it. It is highly compatible with the idea of the multipolar world. They do not consider the world as perfect and do what they can to make it better within they capacities. If I’m correct, it puts Russia into the conservative side of US politics and gives weight to any accusation of treason by Trump against the USA.
It also put her in the position of existential threat to the USA idea of reality. It also makes people mix communism with any consequence of socially constructed reality.
My considerations give a meaning to the ferocious hate of Russia by the USA. The latter’s values are derived from the belief that a human being is only a recorder and processor of informations on a biological support aka a biological computer. I actually don’t understand the values of the former but I feel like it’s different.
It could be something like accepting that people organize themselves in groups with distinct customs, languages, religions aka in distinct societies. As long as they mind their business without intruding others the latter are not always fine with that but it’s none of their business. It also implies a lot of things. Relations between people are possible and are done on the basis of separate individuals with separate ideas on a given subject. Their unity is about the existence of an objective world. It’s often, too often for my taste, rough but truth means something there. When two groups of the latter arrive at an agreement, it’s being implemented or the entire thing collapses.
My main point is that the idea of a brain is a biological computer that can be fed with anything explains a lot in our present day western world situation. The alternative to this is the existence of reality outside the human societies which are parts of it. Each society is dealing with the part of reality it can handle and decides how to do it.
I do prefer the latter attitude. It’s reality based, accept truth and lie as actual things and one is responsible for the actions he did or committed. It also accepts that people can have different opinions. The former does not accept dissent, lives in a fantasized world where they are the only ones able to give us the « correct » answer to any problem because they are the creators of it.
It’s not the easiest one but my choice.
Hi Didier, thanks for this attempt to articulate what is at play. I think it is important for our critical thinking and lucidity to express ourselves and, so doing, see where we are still unclear. I think quite a few of us resonate with the basic message you are delivering but might get lost in the expression of it. Agreeing with “le fond” and differing with “la forme”. It is a bit the challenge of us, people, to not only be able to be constructive in our exchange, even if our communication is sabotaged by different meaning we attach to words. Plus the “fluidity” that tends to erase markers and a solid base to converse and even think. There is much to say and it takes time, as well as some “abnegation” and attentiveness to hear our blind spots and question what we listen to. It takes energy and perseverance. It seems that in our communications these days, one need to let many things pass (“laisser pisser” in French) and not be duped. Trying to object at any discrepancy of the narrative of the other creates a lot of separation and is convenient to the power in place (divide to conquer). We end up fighting with one another instead of cooperating and empowering one another. I believe truth transpires no matter what, as the cover up end up flaking faster and faster and the liars have to keep up coating at a pace that doesn’t allow then to do a fine job. Of course for lots of people, any kind of cover is better than the bear truth.
Anyway, thanks for your words that I resonate with and got me out of my lethargy. Be well.
I agree with your analysis regarding the objective description of the seemingly preemiment drive of the ‘West’ to replace objective reality with constructed one – although I prefer the term virtual, because reality is always constructed.
But at what are we really looking ? Are we looking how society really works in the now, or rather a finely tuned ‘creation’ which is sold to us via a gigantic media-stream ?
In my limited observation of people and their interaction I can observe the reverberations of the media narratives in regards to the people, but if anything, these ideas only have the function to approve the ruling, and has relatively little effect on their lifes and if they have, then they are negative – like the four timed boosted bloke who contracts Covid for the third time this year, or the transgender guy, who is on several meds and runs to the doctor atleast twice a week, or broken families because of differing views on any mix of given topics of the media-stream from the last two years. Beside that their daily routines are rather uniform as they have ever been.
What I try to say is that this ‘new’ reality thing is an outside thing put over peoples heads, not creating a genuinely new reality (why else would people need drugs in quantities as never before ???!), but rather using the media-stream’s ideas of reality as a means to control people’s approval to the current ruling – a kind of coercion “Do as we say, or you will get into trouble !”
For one their reality lacks any depth and totally lacks in coherence, because they are not intended to be taken at face value but rather PR-Memes – weaponry basically, to conquer and crack the mind in order to accept current ruling, “YESS you are the good guys, the world ruled by you will be wounderful”.
Their ‘reprogramming’ of the mind only operates on the surface (not negating their attempts to ‘program’ the sub-conscious, which they do all the time foremost), surface in the sense of systemic depth of their ‘alternative’ world, which there is none.
One only needs to sift through contemporary Hellywood & Co. productions, no debt at all, just stupid aroused chatter about me and thee…, as in a chicken farm.
The reason is simple, they know that they absolutly and totally lack the means to create a viable alternative universe, which they absolutly would need to create to gain cohesion and coherence.
Of course it never was and is their intend to realize such a foolish undertaking now and the next thousand years..
One doesn’t need look further as to that Suckerburg, who, the dimwit he is, took it a bit to literal with his Meta…verse – currently the laugh of the UNI-verse… My Spacequest 3 had certainly more depth and rougly the same graphics.
All they want is to secure their ruling, by any means possible !
First, thank for your answer!
Second, from it, I deduce that your definition of reality is the thing in our brains not the thing outside it. I agree with the idea that a lot of it in our brain is constructed. Your idea is it is always constructed. I disagree with the very usual argument.
I can be wrong and I know that. Each of us can be wrong and, wonder of wonder, admit it. The “My bad” thing. How do we do that? The very same answer can be made positively. I can show you something while naming it. For instance, I can show you the Moon while telling you: “It’s the Moon”. A very usual and unsurprising answer will have you looking at it saying. “Yes, it is.” How come we can do that?
iMO, the thing outside our brains (the Moon for instance) is real and belong to reality. The word Moon is constructed and does not belong to reality. If you consider the word as the reality, then you’ll end up believing that you only are a biological processor of informations. You’ll end up, like it or not (I don’t), playing power games because your construction is your essence. Threatening it by dissenting, even sincerely and honestly, is a threat to your very existence. You can’t accept it. You’ll end up fighting to defend your construction. You’ll end up being at war with everybody dissenting. You’ll end up unable to admit individuals. In the end, your skin color will define your way of thinking. You’ll only have the choice being an oppressor or an appressed.
The other great advantage, on the positive side, is that the discovery of that thing outside our brains can unite us. We share something beyond us. It automatically, IMO, unite us in a very deep manner. In that position, it’s incredibly much easier to deal with each other and arrive at a common ground in our lives.
A third advantage of it is the fact that we become more than ourselves, more than a construction. We become more than a software created by the society. We can become individuals and even bring something to society. The thing outside our brains is so huge that each of us can bring something to the others during our entire lives and beyond. In case we are coherent, we’ll end up with a useful life to the entire human group we belong to. Being different and dissenting, while respecting the idea we look at the thing outside our brains, will be showing each other what we see.
A fourth serious advantage is my view of the other humans, the people I disagree with. They are not to be judged. They see something and have another view on it with personal and good reasons to differ with me. It’s hard work and a chore to get them but it’s possible. I tested it and it works. Then, and of course, the other has to go the same way or he has to accept being told inconvenient truths. Truth opens a way to our hearts and is always an option at hand.
I do admit serious drawbacks. I’ll never ever be absolutely sure of myself. I’ll never ever know completely anything taken from any viewpoint. My idea of the thing implies that I know everything about a subject to be sure of myself. That’s impossible. I have to give up hope being sure of anything. Another serious problem of it is the time it necessitates to get an educated guess allowing me to reach a workable conclusion is always much longer than using a ready to think idea giving me an instantaneous answer. The third serious drawback is the incessantly repeated experience of going into the dark, into the void, into the chaos each time I do anything. It’s on me to go into that and if I’m wrong it’s also on me. Surprises are a feature not a bug in my life. They are always painful but, from my experience, worth it.
In the end, one more time, thanks for your answer. You brought me to elaborate in a better way my idea about knowledge and ethics. Of course, it can be improved.
Thank you for your reply. In fact i do not oppose what you replied one bit, but we must be aware the fact that, that’s what is the ‘true’ reality (outside of us consistently and coherent existing) is also constructed and our brains are an integral part of it and thus there is in fact no hard border between the outside and the inside – although there is a certain amount of hierarchy a given, the outside being larger a priori – but not shielded from that inside, thus our actions and even thoughts can change the world, no matter how small.
By constructed I mean assembled from sub-parts, ultimatly resting in God the unmoved, mover and creator of all things the One from which it started.
So when we see the world and reflect on it consciously, what is THAT which results from this ? There can only be one answer – a picture, some of these might be shared by others, and some even by all, that’s where language starts, the symbolic representation of world – some picture series might attract a kind of resonance with other picture series – that’s were ‘meaining’ starts and a discovery can take off – a marvelous journey ! Seeing the world, one treats in the footsteps of God and it seemed to be important else it would not be. The implications are several all of them being breathtaking.
In the end, its about “Love your neighbor the way you love yourself”.
You accept God. You accept the unity of the thing outside our brains and that is reality IMO.
I accept that my perception of it is sketchy at best. I can unite it in a model, a picture, an idea. We even can agree that a given model is a relevant description of our knowledge. It’s not the thing outside our brains. It’s not the thing that I call reality.
PS : I can’t wrap my mind around the unmovable engine of Aristoteles. It’s beyond me.
Regarding the unmoving in relation to God. In order to relate difference one needs a stable reference else the relata are unstable by definition.
One can take the disput of Sokrates as narrated in Plato’s Republic with the Sophists as a starting point.
Sokrates defends that there must be an absolute truth, hence an absolute which by definition is unmovable as well.
The Sophists insist that the real truth being all being relative.
Sokrates corners them by pointing to the fact that the Sophists themselves put a frame around the question which is to state an absolute truth.
From this follows that the preposition of an absolute truth precedes everything else, and thus things being relative to each other can only be so by reference to an unmovable fixpoint – else no communication at all is possible and no universe as we know it.
One can only measure attributes (as in physics) in reference to an absolute.
Thus God is unmoved – as being the ground, and mover by creating the world.
I believe in one truth that has two sides, one metaphysical and a physical one: Oneness and Change.
We need to ground ourselves in truth, in life, in love.
Integration of Mind, Body and Soul.
Holy Trinity creating a whole reality.
HDan wrote,”Sokrates defends that there must
be an absolute truth, hence an absolute which by
definition is unmovable as well.”
That absolute truth is; “God so loved Soul that
IT gave It life.”
“The Sophists insist that the real truth being all
being relative.”
The sophists were expressing truth at the Mental
level where everything is relative to something else.
We might say that truth at the mental level is exclusive,
whereas spiritual truth is inclusive.
No matter whether mental or spiritual, the underlying logic remains the same. As I see it, in the mental realm the absolute reference is the bearing mental apparatus – in most cases – the thinker (although he must be conscious of the logic laid out, or else it’s just most likely sophistry which cannot claim to be universal) – same in the spiritual, although I’m not so sure about it’s realm – you may know more. The spiritual as I infer from your statement is a realm where things are one – in the sense they relate to each other forming wholeness – more a kind of additive ‘thinking’, where then the ‘absolute’ – reference in meaning becomes the assembled One holy world – a product rather than a deduction and differentiation one starts from one and arrives at One although the blossomed One(s ??!).
Thanks for your reply, HDan, good to say hello. The
logic, or spiritual overlaw, “Soul exists because God
loves It”, is the same throughout God’s universes,
but each realm, such as the Mental Plane, the Causal,
Astral and Physical Planes, have their own sets of laws
and characteristics which are somewhat like a language
one must learn before entering.
Soul has the characteristic of living in the moment –
the past does not exist for it, nor does the future
as we think of it. It works through being in harmony
with Divine Spirit, and as such relies on qualities such
as seeing, knowing, being, which means It has a greater
sense of creativity and freedom in any situation, even
though It may not consciously know why It gravitates
toward one particular direction, or solution to a given
problem or situation, as the case may be. It is because
of Its inner connection to Divine Spirit which It has made
the effort to cultivate.
I’m trying to bring this down to a practical level of
day to day survival, where a mental and a spiritual
approach may reveal marked differences. Those
trying to negotiate their way through life from the
level of the mind, will never do as well, generally
speaking ( although they may appear to do so in
the short term ) as those who have a sense of an
inner guidance.
I have found in my life that there is a Master Principle,
which is accessible through the inner channels. It may
take different forms, but the form may not be as important
as the function It serves. One must approach the
Master Principle with humility, and engage and nurture
It through practice and loving care/attention. This is
“the Friend” Rumi speaks of.
Dogma is characteristic of the mental world – my way
or the highway – but we are given the freedom to create
what we will. We are also given the freedom to change
how we think, feel, perceive life to be, when whatever
we have created as a result of being free to think, feel
and perceive as we will results in a cul-de-sac, and
we’re no longer happy. When Soul eventually under-
stands that It can create whatever It wants as Its reality,
It has usually understood that It must work in harmony
with the Law of Love. This means being aware of the
next person’s psychic/spiritual space and making every
effort to “Love thy neighbour as one’s self”, ie; allowing
one’s neighbour to be as he so wishes, as long as the
neighbour respects your boundaries as you respect his.
We need to understand that we alone must walk our own
path to God, because we are a unique creation, but we
need to learn and understand the laws of life, and the
law of love brings the necessary expansion and growth.
I think the mental approach isolates aspects of life –
a little like shining a spotlight on one thing or another –
but this can result in us losing sight of the bigger picture.
A characteristic of the spiritual student is that he will
see things as a whole, and not lose himself in the details
so to speak.
Hi Dan and Didier, I appreciate those exchanges around truth, reality, the subjective and Creator.
I agree that “there is no hard border between inside and outside”, except our man-made “certainty”.
It is interesting that, as the saying goes, “the only certainty is death”. That might be the only true border defining our reality from the “other side”. The known/knowable from the unknownable. Duality from Unity.
And yet, as paradox rules the play, we can only wrap our mind so far.
Still, even if paradox truly rules, we need the “orthodox” to keep us rooted in the well checked traditions.
There is a totalitarian movement that is underlying pseudo reality and towing us into a drowning insanity.
There is also a great wave of truth/freedom which can be felt as we listen and question and which gives us the chest to live with dignity.
We can live by virtues that are true and free, being of the heart: sincerity, humility, courage and generosity.
I guess some of the work is to catch ourselves when we twist things around. We can acknowledge our lies, arrogance, cowardice and indifference, as well as our pretends. We can easily fake to be caring, daring and sharing.
I agree that we get quickly defensive when our “inner” construct is challenged. The “super-ego” is meant to keep things in order. It is an art to not trigger the defenses of that super-ego. I just got into an other clash with an other friend, because of that. It is a very reactive ground to explore.
As the “I Ching” says in hexagram 61 “inner truth”: “one must first rid oneself of all prejudice, and, so to speak, let the psyche of the other person act on one without restraint. Then one will establish contact with him, understand and gain power to influence him”.
It is so tempting to use force in order to convince, get our way, “make people see”.
That totalitarian business is pretty wicked and find its roots in our minds, so, in a way, we can’t escape it, and yet, we are “in charge” to keep it down (“to curb evil”). A long time ago, in a little book about free-will, or in a tarot deck maybe, it was said that if we look attentively between the door of Heaven and the door of hell, which look pretty much identical, we will see that the Hell one is a bit flaky.
It is tricky also to be “true” because in contrasting with the main narrative, one gets almost ostracized and alienated.
Anyway, here we are. Telepathy works even though we can’t really control it. I thanks Spirit to have those glimpses of realization that “ Yes, we are One, and yet, just one among others”.
Enjoy the day. Thank you for sharing and listening.
Please allow me to add one more to your intelligent piece, repentance. We repent our sins. If we dont, we cant progress and develop.
Its built into both the Chinese, Korean culture, in Christianity, and I guess also Islam, that this is a condition for intelligent and maybe also spiritual progress that we are able to recognize our own failures and errors.
Even the vilified Kim in North Korea declare from time to time, he and his team made a mistake but that they recognize it and are willing to change it.
Our Creator has a funny one I find extremely saying: “If you want me to forgive you, you must first forgive all of your fellow men who have pissed, fingered and exploited and cheated on you”.
A very reasonable demand yes? “Love your neighbour as yourself”. It gives a good thought or two to consider this one through. All the best :-).
What we are talking about is the hijacking of the human mind. A very serious assault upon humanity at large. It’s origins are ancient. More on the subject of before our mind was hijacked.
Well thought. But what if the majority want it? Many like to think we are like a computer. If what is in your mind is the chicken’s life, and this life is good, then what?
I mean, you are secure, you have a home, get fed, booster jabbed, and you are surrounded by your pals for chatting and reclamations about the politicians. So what can you and I do about it? Nothing.
They are adults. They have been informed sometimes warned more than three times.
Still they choose the chicken house, and at least I respect their legal adult choice and I let the judge above us to condemn them or not.
I cant judge them nor even say I know what is best for them as I do not know their background or what is behind their personal choice. Because it is in the end a choice.
Thanks for your conclusion that leaves it open. Choice.
Your message also confirms to me that there is perfection at the core of our imperfections.
The picture of the seringe and the chicken is a pathetic drama and yet I reacted to it by a laugh.
We live tragic times. May our tears and laughters bring us to sing and dance on our heart beat.
Thanks my friend ( or so I wish).
I was serious when I said all western leaders are on dope. They supply Zelensky. The US goobermint would collapse in months without their illicit heroin and meth sales. Maybe your day of reckoning has passed its use by date. Certainly, the west’s BS “moral supremacy” has seen better days.
Great Military Cover-Up Expert (massacres, abandoned POW’s, etc) C. Powell said they (in his time) were all using “ambien”..a hypnotic. Easy to find with a bit of sleuthing ’round.
Tacitus: “Step by step they are lead to those things that incline to vice, the “toga”, the “bath”…and these [and other] things that they call “civilization” are but the chains that bind them to their servatitude.”…more or less.
Yup! They are all on dope, or perhaps lost in blackmail and perversions, in a number of cases…and for many years.
nazi army Ost, and their leadership in Berlin were fond of “pervitin” (amphetamine) and smack…that did not work out according to Plan Ost> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC6oJURg6Pk Parade of 60 000 German prisoners of war in the streets of Moscow Under escort 1944 (thanks to “Jack” at the 404 thread for the parade, which is followed by Comrade General Zhukov inspecting Berlin!)
It may be that the elite masters of the westernleadership cohort are clear-headed…one might name these few old fellas… FSB or whatever probably has open cases for their indictments.
Gore Vidal on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ifjDYEmDQE “How the Elite Are Trained to Be the Ruling Class in Secret & Are Never Named” (long video from 2000)
Mr P: ““ambien”..a hypnotic” ??
I believe that it is a common (but prescription) sleeping pill. If Colin Powell said that he or his colleagues were taking ambien, it could have been because work pressures were interfering with getting adequate night sleep.
My point is that there is a benign interpretation to the alleged Powell admission. Plus, he had the money and connections to get whatever drug he wanted if he wanted to get high. Yet he picks a soporific? Seems a plausible explanation to assume he needed some sleep aid. There is no basis to assume that he abused it. And surely he was no force-fed victim — like many elderly in nursing homes.
Soldiers take meth derivatives to stay awake, esp if Powell was in any kind of action. Spec Ops use it all the time…..so admitting the need for sleeping pills speaks to itself.
Cheers M
Correct, Sean, thx. My error was in thinking the reference was to his time as sec state. I once heard Hitlary say that as sec state she had been to something like 17 countries in 10 days; hence, the legitimate medical need for sleep aid with no abuse. The time zone changes got to be a killer to biorhythms after a while. But your point well made. When in action, things are different.
Gore Vidal?? I always take the text notwithstanding anybody’s name and background, but as I see this name repeatedly and didnt knew it, I checked it:
Gore Vidal, American writer and intellectual, bisexual, interrogated the social and cultural sexual norms. Litterature: Jewish History, Jewish Religion.
Beyond literature, heavily involved in politics as a Democratic Party candidate. Born into an upper-class political family (Al Gore).
Gore Vidal’s topical debates on sex, politics, and religion occasionally turned into quarrels with the likes of William F. Buckley Jr. and Norman Mailer, and offended the literary, political, and moral sensibilities of conservative book reviewers, the plots being around dispassionately presented male homosexual relationships.
In social satire, Myra Breckinridge (1968), explores the mutability of gender roles and sexual orientation as being social constructs established by social mores.
So, Gore Vidal, Liberal intellectual, Jew, Democrat, Homo, Gender issues, involved in Hollywood circles.
Well he could actually know what he is talking about re Ruling Class in Gay7 yes?
The fellow said it would take 3-5 years for the sanctions to really bite into Russia’s economy, but the next 20 years is going to be the hardest 20 the west has ever seen.
I give this a 2 year knock out.
Hi Sudhi & Mr P,
you brought up in last Cafe two health-related topics of deep interest and concern to me for years.. what is euphemistically referred to as (A) “insect protein” and (B) the disturbing Big Pharma pill-pushing of “sleep aides in the elderly.” The latter issue concerned me for close to two decades now.. imho, after long reflection, both (A+B) are adjuncts to societal weakening and depopulation. The former targeted at the younger generations, and the latter at the elders..
(A) “insect protein”
The issue with getting younger generations to eat vermin is a stacked function. We older gens with memories of Liberty and a taste for honest meat and protein will not stomach this nonsense. However I pity the young uns ensconced in the Meta!
(1) they are misled followers of fads. It is strongly pushed and sold as “cool” by the latest celebrities (the “in-crowd”) followed haphazardly by the insecure young and immature.. Research went into the specific types of celebs which triggered each gender into taking the leap.. in short, sports stars for men and actors for women. It also includes cynical health gurus and chefs seeking to ride and to profit from prevailing winds of the green and sustainability cult..
(2) they are being priced out of normal animal protein. See countless attacks on farms and ranchers we’ve seen over past decades.. also price gouging in supermarkets. Before covid and human biowarfare, there was even more blatant attacks on livestock such as with Hoof and Mouth Disease leading to culling of millions of sheep in UK or bird flu / swine fever worldwide or water sources being diverted in Colorado river basin or 1 in 3 Dutch farmers being evicted from their land…. one of our Cafe posters recently listed 97 acts of sabotage on the American food supply in last year. And the Green new deal crazies reside in the penthouse of the WEF..
btw, isn’t their unoriginality tiresome? Everything has “flu” attached to it, to drive the fear-meme. Now it is tomato-flu in India. They spoil their own propaganda and expose themselves to the sentient.. It is of course mockery of lemmings. Reminds of an earlier generation of deviants, the ones who were not content to disobey Noah but would periodically stop by his ship-building on dry land (the first true “Submarine in the Desert!”) to mock him. Ahh, who had the last laugh?? Who was left pining for sunken Atlantis and crafting 1,001 derivative myths such as Númenor?
I see a Divine mockery OF the Mockers themselves in the near term. What is the recompense of the demented who presume to cull 90% of the property of the Most High while at the same time gaslighting them into volunteering or going along with the very vehicle which renders them unviable and humiliated? The suicidal temerity of the Mockers will be matched by their creative immolation and expunging that follows.
(3) a surreptitious agenda is to harm health. These bugs and vermin are host to diseases best avoided! Why are they repugnant to most cultures and avoided through most of human history?? They have been made so even in our subconscious as they harbor harmful parasites and bacteria.
At a Big Pharma-sponsored dinner-lecture buffet several years ago, I told this joke to one of my colleagues after observing him eating enough calories for a medium-sized family: the feast was a terrible temptation that served as an impromptu “cardiac stress test.” Similarly eating these vermin protein will add to the tribulations of an already “under siege” human immune system. Again, an efficient means of global control is to annihilate good health through malnutrition, depriving of wholesome immune-replenishing animal protein and forcing to eat harmful crap. I barely scratch the surface of this malignancy. It is brought to you by same Cabal behind biowarfare and depopulation.
(4) Like enforced masking, distancing of 6 feet apart and being lanced by the two fangs of a viper (the two first non-booster doses), satanism has its processes. How do you degrade mankind which was raised and shaped in the most noble image? Muzzle them like dogs, and as practiced on slaves in Ancient Egypt. And getting them to eat vermin has similar effect on the psyche and self-esteem.. God Bless Tractor Farmer Lukashenko, maybe he was onto something when he scolded his underlings for doing it to Belarusians!
So like Dr. Pavlov training his dogs, satanists are precise in their instruction. And the crafting of a global slave plantation is multifaceted and requires a new diet for a New Age. A most interesting movie by a top South Korean director and top Anglo-American actors laid it bare: this is the grub for the subjugated at the rear of the train. I recommend watching this curious movie! It is a neat metaphor for our Prison Planet.. In the front of the train,’ the privileged enjoy prime steak even during enforced hardship..
Further, we know of plans to seed lettuce and other foodstuffs with vaccine products. What else can be inserted, a Parasite waiting to invade the unsuspecting or the desperate hungry? What wave of parasitism does the Russian Orthodox church expect is coming, aside from limiting abuse? Many savants expect possession to be facilitated and increased in those inoculated with the magical products of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.
btw, Lukashenko, one of savviest survivors in any political system today, just announced Su-24s refitted for nukes from Russia. Consider this a rung up the escalation ladder from the Union State for Z NPP?? Or mere insurance against Poles in agony from a delayed invasion of Galicia?
(B) Ambien, i.e. “sleep aides in the elderly.”
It was not merely a personal failing of Colin Powell, the celebrated white washer of My Lai.. I remember a decade and a half ago it was prescribed routinely to most elders at the US nursing, retirement and assisted-living homes.. almost every one was on some drug in that class (and SSRIs and/or antipsychotics and such, with average elder on 15-17 prescriptions!) In essence they serve as chemical straightjacket.. the user remains cognitively dulled the next morning to the degree it can impair driving if not counteracted with a stimulant like strong coffee. Even the sleep it provides is often nonrestorative and unsatisfactory. The overall QOL goes to hell! But this was the sexy drug of that time, pushed by Big Pharma and medical directors overwhelmed with ingress of Boomers into these homes and resorting to zombifying them. Heartbreaking the criminality all around.
My father in his late sixties at the time once had cause to seek these remedies and profoundly regretted it. He was very high functioning and mentally / physically active. It retarded everything and started to change his personality! Everything reversed at discontinuation..
There are many ways to harm a society through stripping away its elders, the living libraries and stores of knowledge and valuable experiences.. Before the hatchet-job approach of culling during covid, (see Cuomo’s success via NY state nursing homes,) these drugs were a profitable avenue for the satanists..
The issue with strong sleep pills is the considerable and common side effect of residual drowsiness and proneness to dizziness, lack of coordination and subsequent falls the next day.. As PCPs, one of the major life-changing events we seek to prevent in elders is a fall with hip fracture – a marker for imminent death.. and many in sunless northern climes have osteoporosis and osteopenia with high risk of fracture even from simple falls, especially after their mid-60s.. in such cases their residual lifespan is often measured in mere weeks to months once they become bed-bound with so many sequela such as venous thrombo-embolisms and depression due to lack of mobility and dependency! So this was imho a significant societal attack, like seeding a community with opium dens or opening a community to drug mafia and prostitution gangs..
Ambien like most in its class is actually classified as a sedative and hypnotic. It changes states of mind, increasing suggestibility. Is it like pot (marijuana) a gateway drug?? Does it facilitate possession, for example in Lemmings with little or weak faith, blind followers of the Liberal Cult? Dreams are not always pleasant. Entire literature in the major religions exist on its interpretation. The older civilizations understand the danger of dream-states, the suggestibility of satans/demons during these vulnerable moments. Imagine a drug which prolongs such states, even during the daytime! And lowers defenses during the night-time! A terrifying experience was the cult movie Dreamscape (1984).. If Hollywierd was revealing the potential of dreamtime to be avenues of reptilean/demonic attack, what about its sister Big Pharma in potentiation of such mass events?
The issue of sleep problems are simple but unappreciated in elders. Many docs (except geriatricians, many family docs and the conscientious) do not know. As we age, we need less sleep. From the typical 7-8 hours it can reduce to 5-6! Many are disoriented and do not appreciate these natural changes in circadian rhythms.. it is Mercy from our Lord. The End of life counts. Judgment Day draws near, so we are given more time to contemplate and make use of our precious time.. Also in retirement folks are usually physically less active, so they do not tire themselves sufficiently to sleep well at night. A daily exercise regimen and sun exposure is sufficient to preclude resorting to the Vampires of Big Pharma. And to accept that awakening at 3 am is the new normal.. just get up, meditate or read or keep busy and take a small nap at noontime. This is the new healthy rhythm.
I hope you can appreciate from the above that the satanic Babylonian system has no good will whatsoever towards the Home Front. US/NATO/UkroNazi/Economic Hitmen muscle is directed outwards, and Big Ag/Big Pharma/MSM inwards.. two sides of the same coin. And the denizens of Zone A have the same existential task as Russians.. fight back before the aggressors can kill most and enslave the remainder!
Yup! Thanks for the detailed view! I agree especially (and you’ll hear @ Simpsons” that the best soporific and beneficial “drug”is actual work. Stacking, splitting, firewood is a favorite of mine, as is gardening, and maintaining machinery associated with husbandry, the forge, the bench, (and the old motorcycle maintenance)…BTW, do you know of Persig’s “Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance”? A Chautauqua having to do with Philosophy, set as a travel tale.
Perhaps “focusin” will amuse> https://youtu.be/U4DZZXkKg_E and https://youtu.be/N_HMkbUiCPw (Simpsons/ Bart goes a bit funny in the head) The prequil, so to say… Though “focusin” was obviously related to “ritialin” and similar fiddled amphetamines, and less a narcotic/hypnotic…)
( we had for many a year a neighbor, a dear fella, Mr Tim…. Cal poly agronomy, cancer victim, and the chemo killed his kidneys> dialysis and all of that. From the, fall-broken hip, 6 weeks to the grave. We miss Mr Tim. He was only in his 60’s)
Speaking of “focusin” one of my old school room-mates fell into the hands of headshrinkers and quacks at UCLA…a year younger…they doped him as a kid with psychotropics…he’s a (rich by inheritance) man, totally unable to see reality, even after he quit the alcohol and coke). His father was a genuine intellectual and real scientist…what a pity! My old chum cannot realize that he’s delusional… (BTW he’s also a “Wikipedia” article writer and some sort of editor there!) He was a nice kid, and he’s still nice, but lost in lalaland… (when they tried to push that krap on me I flat walked out of the quack’s office….)
Alex the Elder and his pal discussed to-day the matter privation and cold and hunger of 10 years hence in England and western Europe…but seems oblivious … He’s present at Aktion T 4 writ large, and can’t quite realize it. He will, pretty soon, I expect. (they say 10,000 people per year in Canada are being killed by such methods, with more to come, the “6th largest cause of death” there)
Best to You and all… P
Adding some color, mr p, for those like myself who never heard of aktion t4. Horrific.
Hi Ahh. I don’t understand why you believe that the fracturing of hip automatically sounds the death knell for seniors. Yes, they wind up in bed for 2-3 weeks but can then get up and move somewhat and build on this (6wks to bone mending?). They can move arms, deep breathe, try to protect circulation and ward off pneumonia, embollis, etc. Seniors in their 90’s are not as likely to resume normal life span but why wouldn’t this be the case for those in 70s or 80s?
The problem with osteo, as i understand it, is (1) that it is a silent disease; and (2) that once it gets diagnosed with say >-3.5 t-score via BMD test, senior bone is unlikely to be able to sufficiently regenerate.
I know of 2 people who wound up with cardiac problems from fosamax (one died); so, even that is not a good solution. Yes, a senior fall is serious and big problem. But the sounding of death knell? Really? How horrible. I defer here to you, as you appear to be a physician.
Addendum 4 ahh. BTW, check out aerofarms.com whose corporate headquarters is in Newark NJ. This is their new “vertical farming” method where veggies, primarily greens, are engineered to grow on chemical pads, indoors with no sun, with little water and very little soil. It is here, I believe, that viruses or wexxines will be introduced to the growing plants, incorporated into their cellular structure, and then sold to unsuspecting customers as (fake) organic because no pesticides are used. They don’t have to — no bugs eat those plants. There is a short vid at the website.
GillBates looking ahead to fresh salads in survival underground upon nuclear event?
Lets just say you are not supposed to come back any stronger after a nasty fall, and during these times of shortages, there may not be someone there to pick you up after you fall.
This would be a death knell of confidence in ones future and the certificate would probably read a heart attack and very few would ever find out about Aunt Janes fall and how no one to came to the rescue.
Thx, Alabama. Well explained. I tend to be too naive in my thinking. Your first sentence says it all. I was not thinking about that possibility; hence, the error. The Cuomo effect. BTW, good link u cited above (RT re Economist). Thx.
It in the genes, when my father in law was born doc told his mum, kid has a heart murmur, won’t live past 5. Docs long dead and pops passed at 92, from COVID. In between the 92 yrs, lung poisoning from grain dust. 60′ grain elevator fall, walked out. Fell out of tree, broke his back, got colon cancer at 62, doc have him six months, first heart attack at 68, broke his hip at 72, freaky, on the job with me, up on a roof. Had his second heart attack 78, fell and broke his pelvis on ice walking into the hospital at 84…he walked out 6 months later….some might say luck of the draw…..me, I defer to God.
Amazing history, Sean, on your father in law. What a warrior! Thx 4 sharing. Inspirational!
since there is no test (PCR at least) to confirm the sources of many of the the myriad respiratory “virus” infections we all had prior 2020 (and, presumably, since) how do you know that pops passing was not asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection and that, rather, one of these other “bugs” was the cause of his symptoms/passing?
I don’t honestly. One can call whatever went through our house “scary pox” it won’t change the outcome. But the MO played out in similar fashion in other places….not wishing it on anyone, but something to be experienced to understand….confined to bed wish’n to be dead ain’t for the faint of faith. I live with it, no one in our house was sick till I came home with the plague…
Cheers M
Doctors know, seeing something once or twice in a twenty or thirty year career, rare, then seeing the same thing three or four times a week for a month. We humans are subject to government testing with or without our permission.
re “We humans are subject to government testing with or without our permission.”
Take a look at:
[Quote] “Hip breaks have a 20% mortality rate” – Prof. of Medicine, but AHH most probably will have better info than I.
Thanks AHH for you take on “insect protein” At first I thought this “insect protein” was just a fruit loopy notion. But now i”m not sure. There a couple problems. As anyone noticed that the six legged ones are in short supply? At least here in North Anoxia they are. I play in my garden pretty much every day and this summer I have seen several ladybugs, half a dozen bumble bees, a couple white butterflies, and just this week three honey bees and a few grasshoppers. That’s about it.
What with all the non-ionizing radiation, poisons in the air, water and ground etc. the “insect proteins” are becoming extinct! Maybe there will be grasshopper farms in our future. Confined insect feed lots. And speaking of food these insects have to be fed. Will there be special government programs incentivize farmers to grow wheat for insects? Will the robins be compensated because the humans ate all the worms? As you can see there are serious administrative problems to deal with before an IPO.
Ah, sweet sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care. There is a remedy for insomnia which has been around for thousands of years. Members of the genus Cannabis. In OR and WA householders can grow a couple such plants for their own household. You don’t even have to inhale. Make it into cookies. A cookie and a glass of milk at bedtime as you review the day. It doesn’t get any better
I read that Canada is raising cricket farms. Don’t have a link for you but should be out there somewhere.
Theodora…..you are of the warrior spirit, life is full of battles, so slay what ails ya I say. So many suffer in pain, partake of club meds, doc meds, and never find relief. I suppose that’s subjective, many perhaps do.
But if one can grow any plant that brings physical relief for personal use more power to it.
Take the wee roots, dry them well, then chop. 2oz root, 1 cup MCT oil ( soaks in the fastest) 8 cups water, 24 hrs in a slow cooker, holds the perfect temp. When done seperate the oil from the water. Bottle the oil, refrigerate and use as a topical pain relief. Amazing stuff. Have many people ask for more. I give it away. Last year I made a batch with straight bud. Sometimes I mix them. the root oil is for deep healing, the bud gives almost instant pain relief when applied topically. Not endorsing any product, each individual being unique of body system. But since you are already aware….more knowledge is better than….suffering in pain.
Cheers M
This re-post of a poem from 2020, is dedicated to Daria Dugina, and her father, Aleksandar.
Those who love me, love me for what I am,
Those who hate me, hate me for what I am not.
I Take This Poem and Give It Wings
I take this poem and give it wings,
That it may rise above small things.
That it may travel over land and sea,
That it may carry my love to thee.
I take this poem and give it breath,
That it may survive beyond all death.
That it may breathe the breath of life,
That it may carry you above all strife.
I take this poem born of pain,
That it may reap the hidden gain.
That it may strengthen the sturdy seed,
That it may carry you beyond all need.
I take this poem and give it hope,
That it may find a way to cope.
That it may reach through time and space,
That it may carry you to endless grace.
I take this poem and give it wings,
That it may rise above all things.
That it may cross both land and sea,
That it may carry you home to me!
Brilliant original version of Nirvana’s classic song for solo acoustic guitar.
Eiro Nareth; “Smells Like Teen Spirit” Depressive Baritone Guitar Version
Do you want to know the exact application and power of these words?
Say these words in singular and in plural. Cry out like the blind man, Vartimej, “Lord have mercy on me!” And cry out like the ten lepers, “Lord have mercy on us!” Pray for yourself and pray for all mankind.
I pray to Thee O Lord, for myself who was born in weakness – Lord have mercy on me!
And for all other people born in weakness – Lord have mercy on us!
The world beguiled me and I transgressed Thy life-giving law – Lord have mercy on me!
And for all those who transgressed Thy life-giving law – Lord have mercy on us!
Today and tomorrow I am Thy guest in this world and then I will vanish like a shadow and be counted with the departed – Lord have mercy on me!
And for all those fallen asleep in the faith – Lord have mercy on us!
Lord have mercy, thrice I beseech Thee, on those who are in position of authority, for they are tempted to become aggressors.
Lord have mercy, thrice I beseech Thee, on those who are rich, for they are tempted to become depraved.
Lord have mercy, thrice I beseech Thee, on the poor and the orphans, for they are tempted to fall into despair.
Lord have mercy, thrice I beseech Thee, on those with worldly knowledge, for they are tempted to deify themselves and forget Thee.
And whichever human being crosses your mind during prayer, either living or dead or unborn, say immediately – Lord have mercy!
And if your enemy crosses your mind, say – Lord have mercy!
And what power these words have, the blind Vartimej will tell you when you meet him, “I was blind and now I see!”
The lepers will tell you, “We were leprous and now we are clean!”
The possessed will tell you, “We were senseless and now we are in our right mind!” The crippled will tell you, “We were ill and now we are healthy!” The departed will tell you, “We were dead and now we are alive!” The Apostles will tell you, “There was a storm and it was calmed!” The sinful woman who repented will tell you, “I sinned but I received forgiveness!”
The wise thief from the cross will tell you, I was a criminal, and I was first to enter Paradise!”
Letter 212 – “Missionary Letters of Saint Nikolai Velimirovich
Y’all may remember the man Gore Vidal…back in 2000 he was old, but not too old…and gave a long interview https://youtu.be/2ifjDYEmDQE (3 hours…but one can skip through…) . I found it fascinating, and highly relevant to to-day. I don’t recall reading anything of his beyond “Williwaw”, (which had errors that put me to doubt). Anyway, if y’all have 3 hours on a Saturday night… Quite a lot about how w’uns got to this Time in a really fubared situation.
Vidal speaks about Theodore Roosevelt – and I can claim a shirt-tail relation, I have a photo of my Quaker (!) grandmother driving an automobile carrying TR in a parade… (TR is not a fella I admire though).
It’s a worthwhile 3 hours.
Thanks for that link Mr P…..No need to say more,,,I always knew he told the truth
Been a long time without comment here ….nothing to add to the noise around us which is shriller as the truth rises to greet all who are conscious of our existence.
Funny thing was yesterday I was talking with a friend about Gore Vidal and I come and check into the Cafe `nd there is your link……brilliant….
Great vid, thanks Mr P.
If I could please share this link from Stalker Zone. It best describes what is going on and the reason for the SMO:
Shared (I can confirm its a good link with a serious story :-(.
A thrilling tour into predictive programming. see> “If The Lights Go Out BBC Documentary 2004 Part 1 (and 2) (YT)
Very slick!
(lights out “due to “terrorist attack” “near Saint Petersburg” upon a gas pipe)
Hint…it’s subtle, do not watch unless the critical eye and brain is in a cynical and analytical frame.
Regarding predictive programming, when I enter “science fiction movie” into the tube, I’m literally drowned by gigantic catastrophes all over, from Bio, Nano, AI, environmental, war to planetary, falling meteorites and lots of urban fighting (slaughter of course) – not even yet looking into the game-dungeons. It hits me every time how much the West has lost the ability to tell stories, but instead the posession with whole sale catastrophe, destruction.and total nihilism.
Who is calling the shots here really ? The chosen Ones ?, highly doubtful, why would you invoke total disaster in order to ready the arrival of the messiach ?
No, no, no the Master calls the shots, of course not as excutioner but rather stoic provider – the chosing and initiation was done by others out of very short sighted selfish motivations – they simply reap what they sow…
Thanks for your patience. Have been so busy in last week.
You nailed it: “If Colin Powell said that he or his colleagues were taking ambien, it could have been because work pressures were interfering with getting adequate night sleep”
This was exactly the group pressure at play. Something profoundly changed in US society between 1913 and 1947 (to include the deprivations and hunger of the Depression and Dust Bowl).. war is continually pushed as one of the most efficient means of societal re-engineering (millions of men brought back the acquired habit of tak[ing] meth derivatives to stay awake… so admitting the need for sleeping pills speaks to itself.) Big Pharma was a huge beneficiary of the world wars..
So from rugged self-reliance and regard for the verisimilitude of reality, they began to drift and be herded into dependency on Big Pharma and ever insidiously entered La La Land.. “A pill for each problem” started to become the norm as they became ever more divorced from reality. They became charges of the National Security [Nanny-] State which Truman railroaded in 1947. Perhaps LBJ merely slapped lipstick on the detritus of the hollowed out American with the ‘Guns and Butter’ of his Great Society? By the clinically sick 1960s, every gender and age group they could reach was on something, a rote habit since the war year efforts. Maybe Woodrow Wilson, the supreme cynic and hypocrite who got the US into WW1 mere months after campaigning to keep them out, can be blamed for unleashing the Hounds of Hell.. the FED, Balfour’s guarantee, symbiosis with the British Empire, helping launch the Hollywierd propaganda operation by turning a pro-German population against Imperial Germany, etc..
So every member of the family was puppy-trained to be on something by 1950s. White-collar men were on uppers to remain high-functioning in an inflexible and merciless hypercapitalist system, mothers on downers and anxiolytics (since they, well, had uteruses and needed these antihysterics to render them more docile for both their men and ornery docs!) and kids on multivitamins and ever increasing vaccinations schedules.. by 1960s-1970s, even the middle class kids were being fed amphetamine derivatives to help them focus and get a leg up in the race to the top universities and other ambitions/delusions of mommy and pops (“they doped him as a kid with psychotropics…“).. it reached the point that alpha males and the high functioning like Colin needed uppers in the mornin’ and downers in the evenin’.. a downer without the increasing polite society stigma of alcoholic confabulation, the shakes and other baggage. Enter new designer drugs, new synthetics for New Eras.
How much of this recurring nightmare was exported to much of mankind in their zeal to emulate the American “Shining City on the Hill,” which gripped the popular imagination after WW2 is shocking. Perhaps the higher the invasion rate of McDonalds, Starbucks, and Apple stores, the more common!
Re: I don’t understand why you believe that the fracturing of hip automatically sounds the death knell for seniors.
This topic simply terrifies us generalists.. Like obesity or child sexual abuse, it is the foundational problem that just grows and grows and worsens with time.
Falls are the leading cause of hospitalization and injury-related death in persons 75 years and older.29 there is a huge disease and cost-burden on society once a usually terminal process unwinds.. (see esp. the section on Balance And Falls Prevention) not just the 20-40% who die in mere weeks (it varies by functional status, preexisting health, degree of will to live/undergo long rehabilitation period, family/professional support system, latitude of domicile, etc… ). Consider what are considered the deadliest common diseases and their fatality rates (usually < 30%).. hip fractures can exceed this. this should put in perspective a mortality rate of 20-40%.. not trivial at all. Another reference point: covid, the excuse used to murder the global economy, has had less than 1% mortality so far..
This process can literally fracture the psyche and finances of extended families forced into this, often on unanticipated short notice. Homes, cars need to refitted; sometimes caretakers hired or adult children return to live with / take in the ailing elder.. Many lack the resilience and liquidity. Even the quick deaths can shatter – losing even an estranged parent is among highest stress points in life, exceeded only by the death of a spouse! These are devastating tsunami of unending problems to solve, not to mention the medical care and cost burden and taking to physical therapy and surgical complications, etc etc.. the QOL of survivors is shot, with both the afflicted and family care takers under relentless pressure, like taking care of the disabled, demented or infantile.
I did housecalls for the disabled and elders in rural Appalachia for a while. A key purpose was to check out the environmental & drug regimen safety – i.e. to ensure they had guard rails on stairs and in bathrooms to stop falls; eliminating loose carpeting which increases falls risk; visual screening and home indoor lighting sufficiency; assessment of their cognitive function and their Activities of Daily Living (ADLs and IADLs); discontinuation of unnecessary drugs burden which in certain combinations increase grogginess and thus falls risk.. Prevention is worth a mountain of gold! Entire literatures are devoted to counteracting the soul-crushing sequelae of Big Pharma drugs which puts our elders to risk.. such as the handy Beers criteria – a list of drugs dangerous to elders (imho way too short)
In his usual pithy way, Alabama nails the malignant raison for the mass herding of society onto these dark paths: “you are not supposed to come back any stronger after a nasty fall..” A simple way to deprive us of our living libraries, even if the majority survive. The survivors circulate less in society and are preoccupied with what remains of their constricted life in isolated despondency, recrimination and often pain..
Mr P: the matter privation and cold and hunger of 10 years hence in England and western Europe…but seems oblivious … He’s present at Aktion T 4 writ large, and can’t quite realize it.
I once stood on the banks of the blessed, exquisite and languid Nile River, arguably the most consequential river in human history.. I am coming to realize DeNile also inhabits the minds of even the most intelligent professionals! I have many colleagues, august professors of medicine and nurses, who still wear masks and diligently adhere to inoculations.. to this day!
How many can bear to accept the very idea of a supranational oligarchy and their minion Technocrats hell-bent on Aktion T4?? Can the human heart endure this knowledge? What does it say about entire foundational character of the Shining City on the Hill and other Western fables? What does it say about security on the Home Front,
nevermind the indivisible security on our planet? When did the dream go so sour? And the satanists took charge – lock, stock and barrel? What if anything can be salvaged going forward?? At what cost? So DeNile will continue its sluggish and relentless course through fertile deltas and barren landscape alike
I don’t know too many people who relish sitting around alone all day long in pain, I know plenty of them, and I know they like to be among those in a similar situation.
But alone and in pain, if one doesn’t see the timer on the wall, it will soon find them.
Life stinks, and then you unwind.
About the dope use in “high” places>
“Powell described his killer schedule in an interview Thursday with Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, a reporter for a London-based Saudi newspaper.
“So do you use sleeping tablets to organize yourself?” Al-Rashed asked.
“Yes. Well, I wouldn’t call them that,” Powell said. “They’re a wonderful medication — not medication. How would you call it? They’re called Ambien, which is very good. You don’t use Ambien? Everybody here uses Ambien.” ” ( http://www.talkleft.com/story/2003/11/13/911/66488/otherpolitics/Colin-Powell-on-His-Drug-Use )
I remember my shock when I myself heard The Great Man utter those words.
( some people say that a “licensed” system of cocaine import ran through Arkansas when Billyboy was degubnor.)
Try searchterm> “magazine ads for amphetamine”
(image) https://fakehistoryhunter.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/48693637842_5ab8a80c33_o-2.jpg?w=1024
These days we see all sorts of people overdosing and, in many cases, dying, from narcotics, while many fights are associated with stimulants…here @ Anoxia.
………….Speaking of Anoxia, interesting site> http://tucradio.org/ (“TUC” is airplane speak for Time of Useful Consciousness… Let’s assume Pilot “Able Roger” is at 30,000 feet and loses cabin pressure, he has about 30 to 60 seconds to solve his bigbigproblem, after that? No problem! He’ll arrive at zero altitude pretty soon…
see (ugh!) wiki> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_of_useful_consciousness
That’s where I got the label for our little nearby town…
AHH> Many Thanks! We are particularly attendant to fall-risk… I did a great many hours in OSHA Safety class. One figure for the craft trades, a working rule of thumb proffered in those classes “1/2 of the falls from 10 feet result in death” (and that’s for fairly young and fit fellas…) I shall read your page 48 https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2011/0101/p48.html and the others too.
Best! P
I’m posting this in the Cafe primarily for @joey
It doesnt answer a lot of your questions from last Cafe but is useful for some stats & trends. (Btw, UK’s Financial Times is pretty authoritative for bankers, investors, financial planners, hedge fund managers, etc)
The share of $US assets in the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) reserves of global central banks is at a 25yr low
A post-dollar world is coming (Author Ruchir Sharma is chair of Rockefeller International)
This month, as the $ surged to levels last seen nearly 20yrs ago, analysts invoked the old TINA (There Is No Alternative) argument to predict more gains ahead for the mighty greenback. What happened 2 decades ago suggests the $ is closer to peaking than rallying further. Even as US stocks fell in the dotcom bust, the $ continued rising, before entering a decline that started in 2002 and lasted 6yrs.
A similar turning point may be near. And this time, the $’s decline could last even longer. Adjusted for inflation or not, the value of the $ against other major currencies is now 20% above its long-term trend, and above the peak reached in 2001. Since the 1970s, the typical upswing in a $ cycle has lasted about 7 years; the current upswing is in its 11th year.
Moreover, fundamental imbalances bode ill for the $. When a current account deficit (balance of the value of exports minus imports) runs persistently above 5% of GDP, its a reliable signal of financial trouble to come. That is most true in developed countries, where these episodes are rare, and concentrated in crisis-prone nations such as Spain, Portugal and Ireland. The US current account deficit is now close to that 5% threshold, which it’s broken only once since 1960. That was during the $’s downswing after 2001.
Nations see their currencies weaken when the rest of the world no longer trusts that they can pay their bills. The US currently owes the world a net $18Trillion, or 73% of US GDP, far beyond the 50% threshold thats often foretold past currency crises. Finally, investors tend to move away from the $ when the US economy is slowing relative to the rest of the world. In recent years, the US has been growing significantly faster than the median rate for other developed economies, but its poised to grow slower than its peers in coming years.
If the $ is close to entering a downswing, the question is whether that period lasts long enough, and goes deep enough, to threaten its status as the world’s most trusted currency . Since the C15th, the last 5 global empires have issued the world’s reserve currency – the one most often used by other countries – for 94 years on average.
The $ has held reserve status for 100+ years, so its reign is already older than most. The $ has been bolstered by the weaknesses of its rivals. The € has been repeatedly undermined by financial crises, while the [Chinese] renminbi is heavily managed by a [central government]. Nonetheless, alternatives are gaining ground. Beyond the Big 4 currencies of the US, Europe, Japan & UK, lies the category of “other currencies” that incl. the $CA, $AU, Swiss ₣ & renminbi. They now account for 10% of global reserves, up from 2% in 2001
Their gains, which accelerated during the pandemic, have come mainly at the expense of the $US. The $ share of foreign exchange reserves is currently at 59% – the lowest since 1995 Digital currencies may look battered now, but they remain a long-run alternative as well. Meanwhile, the impact of US sanctions on Russia is demonstrating how much influence the US wields over a $-driven world, inspiring many countries to speed up their search for options.
It’s possible that the next step is not towards a single reserve currency, but to currency blocs. S-E Asia’s largest economies are increasingly settling payments to one another directly, avoiding the $. Malaysia & Singapore are among the countries making similar arrangements with China, which is also extending offers of renminbi support to nations in financial distress.
Central banks from Asia to the Middle East are setting up bilateral currency swap lines, also with the intention of reducing dependence on the $. Today, as in the dotcom era, the $ appears to be benefiting from its safe-haven status, with most of the world’s markets selling off. But investors are not rushing to buy US assets. They are reducing their risk everywhere and holding the resulting cash in dollars. This is not a vote of confidence in the US economy …. So don’t be fooled by the strong dollar. The post-dollar world is coming. [abbreviations & emphasis mine]
@Uncle Davey
Excellent info… thanks for posting.
You’re welcome, Col.
Given Putin described the USSR’s collapse as the greatest calamity of the C20th, I thought commenters might be interested: (or someone do a book review?)
An important study of Western duplicity on NATO’s eastward expansion:
Not One Inch America, Russia, and the Making of Post-Cold War Stalemate
– A leading expert on foreign policy reveals how tensions between America, NATO, and Russia transformed geopolitics in a Foreign Affairs Best Book of 2021
– “Sarotte has the receipts, as it were: her authoritative tale draws on thousands of memos, letters, briefs, and other once secret documents—including many that have never been published before—which both fill in and complicate settled narratives on both sides.”—Joshua Yaffa, New Yorker
– “The most engaging and carefully documented account of this period in East-West diplomacy currently available.”—Andrew Moravcsik, Foreign Affairs
“Not one inch. With these words, Secretary of State James Baker proposed a hypothetical bargain to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev after the fall of the Berlin Wall: if you let your part of Germany go, we will move NATO not one inch eastward. Controversy erupted almost immediately over this 1990 exchange—but more important was the decade to come, when the words took on new meaning. Gorbachev let his Germany go, but Washington rethought the bargain, not least after the Soviet Union’s own collapse in December 1991. Washington realized it could not just win big but win bigger. Not one inch of territory needed to be off limits to NATO.
On the 30th anniversary of the Soviet collapse, this book uses new evidence and interviews to show how, in the decade that culminated in Vladimir Putin’s rise to power, the United States and Russia undermined a potentially lasting partnership. Prize-winning historian M. E. Sarotte shows what went wrong.”
Just as Alex the Elder and his colleague Alex the Younger seem to be unable to understand that “Aktion T4 (2.0)” is part of the ongoing bigbigplan, so also, and this puzzles me, Sahra Wagenknecht’s newsletter (use as searchterm to read her newsletters) indicates that she too cannot see. Since Sahra is of die linke I would have expected that she was/is familiar with Marxist analytical processes … and what other than Aktion T-4 2.0 would account for an otherwise insane Policy of privation and starvation in AZE? Uncle Karl would have seen this plain fact immediately. I am very reluctant to understand the three as stymied by “Overton Window”. In the Wagenknecht example one may possibly account for “blindness” by recalling that practical politics sometimes demands “diplomatic blindness”…but that seems like a marginal reason.
Withal, I read S W’s newsletter…looking for the evidence of debacle, the breaking of the ice dam, which must occur some time soon, possibly when General Winter speaks to her, and occupied Germany, the bald truth.
………………speaking of privation…a strange “quote” seen on a VK account held by a gentleman not-to-be-named…formerly from a Southern State of US. I suppose it might, might, be accurate:
” #Putin:For the future we plan as a Russia to stop all gas exports to Europe for more than one year and our economy will run without any negative consequences -we need to boost some countries economy.
“The responsibility for the fuel crisis lies not with Russia, but with the West.”
If this is a true quote, it may be that the Judo Master designs to utilize the AZE’s Plan AT4, which will of course create a volatile arena, to change the governments of western Europe – as the demands/ultimatum defined, to denazify and demilitarize occupied Europe, remove NATO to 1997 lines, and remove nuclear gadgets from Europe… We’ll see, perhaps, new governments inviting Russian military police and pleading to Russia for rescue. Of course, it takes time to “cook piroshki”.
A sensation recently in UN went unnoticed:
The free, democratic and civilised world totalling 54 free UN members from G7 and their Allies in freedom, signed a statement directed against Russian aggression in Ukraine, as these free countries prefer freedom gas from US rather than dictatorship gas from Russia.
This means 139 shithole countries 2/3 of UN abstained from going against Russia because they are afraid to run out of gas, as they are focusing only on lining their own pockets and preserving dictatorships.
This is the sad situation the world finds itself in today.
Well, Tom, the cited url article does not seem to support the claim that the “139 chithole countries” are afraid, nor that these countries might “run out of gas”, nor that they are dictatorships, nor that they are “lining their pockets”. In fact, such a claim seems baldly illogical and without factual basis.
Many of the 139 have great resources, including minerals, gas, oil, and so forth. Perhaps they are afraid of seeing these resources stolen, as is the oil of Syria…and as they have been extracted under western colonialism for hundreds of bitter years…
Rather, a more reasoned understanding, and a plausible one, would be that the 139 are afraid of a global nazi colonial dictatorship and tyranny, while they may welcome the “moderate prosperity” goals espoused by Xi and VVP. Perhaps the best way to keep a political job is to make sure that the people are well employed, well nourished, and well educated – prosperous. The “West” offers nothing like that, but only privations and genocides.
To y’all
I am a person who has always believed that Truth is the most important thing. I used to think that no matter how bad something is, if it is Truth, then one can deal with it. I felt that nothing is worse than lies and deception and duplicity because you can’t find ground upon which to stand — never knowing what is fact, what is fiction, what is distortion, etc. The uncertainty. So give me unbridled truth. Give it to me in its plain and simple and stark format. I can deal with it. It is Truth. It forms ground upon which one can build conceptually, instead of the shifting sands of deceit and duplicity and never knowing what can happen next. That is simpliciter unbearable psychological terror.
Well, I then came across this article by Larry Romanov. I started it and then had to put it down. Truth bit too hard. Days later I returned to it. As a stratagem for avoiding the earlier quagmire, I thought I would, instead, start from the end of the article and work my way up. Didn’t work but I realize that the problem is with me. Too much heinousness, regardless of its truth value, is too much for my mind, my constitution, to bear.
Think that all this nuttzyism & heinous evil arose fairly recently? Think again.
They have 100 years of experience, and by time they improve their efficiency in organising evil. I read some of the old Rockefeller’s methods and they are of the same concepts.
The global organisation of this in the last 22 years since 9/11 is really impressing. Be aware, take knowledge is a good defence, but true faith in God is the only way to defeat it.
Now I read your link. But all these atrocities, torture, killings US made, only amount to say max 100-200 mio people during the times.
As we are 7 900 000 000 people today it means 7 700 000 000 still had a good life. Its not all bad :-D.
About “truth”…an observation> There is always uncertainty. We can know truth only indirectly and approximately. Mathematicians can discover proofs, sometimes, but even in such examples of logic they are looking at the past. Of course if the maths were to change…well, that would be astonishing. In the human world truths are far less rigorous…we can make good estimates though, sometimes. Science, wisdom, these are always approximate and subject to new evidence. And then too, there’s Schrödinger’s cat and all of that. Truth is a goal, never quite achieved, always sought. It is easier to disprove than to know. Finally, the Good…we don’t need anybody to tell us what is good, and what is not good…we can figure it out ourselves pretty well, and Good dovetails to Truth, the not-good dovetails to the lie.
…….Moving to SMO404> I note that a not-to-be mentioned fella @ VK, who has fought, with rifles, the nazis in the Donbass – has published his thoughts about SMO404-Phase 3,
an excerpt> ” …a major Russian/Republican offensive will begin on September 1st. There are multiple reasons I think this, some tactical, some strategic, some pragmatic, some symbolic. Taken together, I find them quite convincing.” And he goes on making points of argument.
Points include>
regain the military initiative
raise morale in liberated 404
secure water supplies and quality
establish safe condition of ZNPP power station
weather, autumn, winter conditions, ie timing
Russia is ready, big modern army of 70,000 men, modern EW and T90 tanks, 700 flying machines, etc.
September 1st, 1939, German nazis invaded Poland (aren’t anniversaries ever so thrilling! )
(in another arena, I would add, that the senile fella and his masters are terrified of the November elections (and the “pitch-forks”), and an indisputable Russian Victory over the nazi quisling stooges might well throw all their nastynazi calculations into the winds…speaking of the Mother of All October Surprises! Further, there may well be a bigbigplan to send NATO armies to 404…recalling VVP’s principle of when fight is inevitable, strike first.)
https://youtu.be/qgig6C8xvs0 (0:04 / 1:06
(Leonid Slutsky, the Chairman of the Russian Parliament’s International Affairs Committee speaks.)
Decorum demands that terms be offered…pending action, presumably prior to follow the tradition.
Gospodin S speaks of unconditional surrender…and the rest, denazification, demilitarization, etc.
Dear Theodora,
“Has anyone noticed that the six legged ones are in short supply? At least here in North Anoxia they are…
What with all the non-ionizing radiation, poisons in the air, water and ground etc. the “insect proteins” are becoming extinct!
Yes! Over the last two decades, I have watched the distressing loss of honeybees worldwide.
Here’s much more from the great Engdahl if you search his website at the latter link. Monsanto’s glyphosate and 1-5G and other poisons assuredly play a role. I think you once said you had Firstenberg’s “The Invisible Rainbow?” The penultimate chapter focuses on electromagnetic effects on bees and birds.. it harms all living things, some birds even attack 5G towers in self-defense! I’ve never had heart to finish his work. it’s too devastating and I do not need reams of evidence – I deal with its effects daily. Among them are fighting to counteract infertility in many couples long before covid (carefully documented in this book too). A simple solution was recommending males stop wearing the smartphone on the belt holster, right next to the gonads!
Honey is also one of humanity’s prime natural medicines, a free Mercy begrudged by Eugenicists and their handmaiden Big Pharma. The dying out of honeybees is an incalculable catastrophe. And will divert more of the sick to the tender mercies of Big Pharma. As a top pollinator, the loss of the bee will reduce plant variety and resilience too.
Dishonest honey farmers who feed the bees sugary and limited feedstock provide us with less effective honey which quickly separates in its container and doesn’t heal as it should. The most efficacious pure kind requires the bee to roam in the wild and obtain its nourishment from diverse flowers and sources. These are also dwindling as plant biodiversity is also affected by these multifactorial poisons in air, earth and water.. the sum of all this activity will be weakened and less healthy humans! How much is due to Big Chem’s and multinationals’ bottomless greed, Big Pharma eliminating competition, and Eugenicists making hay, remains to be seen..
The satanists appear to want to kill off all sustaining natural food and herbal systems on the surface of the earth.. and leave themselves as arbiters of health and food, of course to those who kneel to them. This is another reason they are hellbent on nuclear war – imagine the effects of nuclear winter and blocking off the sun for months if not years?? Perhaps the only surviving systems will be these underground or artificial indoor gardens..
To continue the thought from Theodora, I perused the http://www.aerofarms.com you recommended.
In some of my misspent youth I worked for a few months as a gene sequencer at a subsidiary of Monsanto to pay for night school. I was a grunt running the PCR machines which the investigators used to analyze data on the efficacy of inserting cold-water fish dna into tomatoes and corn, supposedly to make them hardier and resistant to cold, etc.. even then I shuddered and sensed there was a Frankenstein’s monster being created in the lab..
Now with reflection, is there anything new under the Sun?? This site brought to mind “the Hanging Gardens of Babylon..” one of the wonders of the ancient world. The Alpha of the cruel Babylonian system finds its echoes today among the Omega of the Eugenicists.. using the same Amalek Beast system, handed down Hegemon by Hegemon, based on demons and black magick.. ‘For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gaine the whole world, and lose his owne soule?’
The main issues with designing all these indoor biomes not needing real sunlight or significant water sources are (1) their inherent fragility and (2) it presupposes benign neglect from demonised and tormented adversaries. Russians and Chinese, as discussed by Mr P several times over the months, have ways to reach out and “touch” each bolt hole, mineshaft, rats-hole, DUMB, etc.. Much can be ascertained remotely via space tech directly or indirectly through movements and digging activities. Some aware Patriots will provide humintel regarding these global scourges too. And all deep bunkers need ventilation and ingress/egress points. Nuking and “glassing-over” such mapped points is sufficient to doom the inhabitants inside, even if they have food for 100 years.. So M.A.D. is still in effect, all things considered. Ultimately the question needing to be answered is why should underground satanic systems be permitted to stand unmolested when they clearly intend to leave much of the surface an uninhabitable desert for the rest of us?
Re: Gore Vidal.
The backwards methodology of the Fallen West is most curious. (N.B. witch music encodes in reverse a coming World War while the masses are mocked for being asleep!) Remember rap and hip hop are the rock or disco of these young crude generations.. its vibes, rhythms and sad culture have spread to every tongue and civilization, hypnotizing and desensitizing the impressionable youth.
There are layers to the wise saying, “the Truth will out.” All need to get it off their chest, and tell others, no matter how dastardly a crime or deed. I note some of the most profound truths are revealed by sodomites! I do not know whether it is mockery and these are the permitted avenues of revealing reality, like Hollywierd and other arts revealing the Truth, or whether it is deep bitterness which wells out of the hearts of deeply unhappy men. Homosexuality results in despair. They are truly alone, fighting against the ocean current of natural law and all around them. They are drunk slaves to their lust and get to the point of hating it, even as they do it, ever sinking deeper into self-humiliation. And some intelligent ones actually show loss of the woke pretensions and cease adhering to illusions. I am reminded of the typed writing of the Jack Nicholson character in the Shining, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull Boy.” They have a visceral need to play in public. Perhaps Freud and other freaks could interject something about exhibitionism and other paraphilias..
Some of the key media heads of recent years were/are homosexual – Justin Raimondo of Antiwar.com, Glenn Greenwald, many TV anchors, etc etc. And how many writers and artists over the years? Yes these are unfortunate symptoms, but they harm themselves chiefly, but if we focus on the unvarnished message they reveal about their systems at times, it is revelatory. One of my History Profs – openly homosexual – had most interesting mannerisms and tics. Even more interesting was what he was allowed to say (far more directly of the unvarnished facts) which was quite unique in a staid and sedate department! It is as if once out of the closet in the fallen West, they have nothing left to lose and dispense with the de rigueur wokeness and PC.
So even a corrupted body having a divine soul which cannot help spitting out the Truth in periodic agony, serves to condemn the Lies enveloping their societies! If a gifted orator arises against all odds from the benighted gutter, we should heed the message if it affirms the Truth, even from unexpected angles, as they have walked the wild side. These people provide us further means of appreciating the universal Message.
Mr P: “the best soporific and beneficial “drug”is actual work. Stacking, splitting, firewood is a favorite of mine, as is gardening, and maintaining machinery associated with husbandry, the forge, the bench,”
The way we are guided from one benefit to the next in this life is truly miraculous. Like pearls strung along on a slender yet secure golden chain.
I was drawn to elders for various cultural and personal reasons, among them delightful mentorships. Then as my professional life unfolded I kept being given opportunities in training to build on natural affinity.. Alzheimer research, a broad competent generalist base, focus in medical teaching curricula on manifestations of disease in elders, even teaching medical students plus fellow professionals in international conferences on sleep disorders, which include the insomnias.
This is one of my favorite didactic slides. Note it focuses on common-sense lifestyle habits most forget or were not taught.. I add on my PPT slide to turn off electronic devices 30-60min prior to sleep, to limit evening fluids intake if an elderly male, and if needed, to take a warm shower and/or glass of milk.
So yeah, for both elder and those who want to have a decent fruitful life, sound sleep is essential. In fact MK-ULTRA/CIA and other criminal orgs invariably adopt sleep-deprivation as one of their key torture techniques.. an efficient means of profoundly disorienting and breaking us.
The secrets to a good restorative sleep is as you outline above. I would add a small early afternoon nap in hot climes (the Mediterranean siestas) or long midsummer days even in the north, obtaining essential sun exposure to regulate our internal clocks and help discharge the needed neurotransmitters at night, and to follow one of my favorite aphorisms, “Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
The complaints from poisoning from the sting of the honey-bee, Apis Mellifica, are attended with violence and rapidity, until unconsciousness is reached.
When the over sensitive to the sting of the honey-bee gets one little sting on any place in his body, he comes down with nausea and anxiety that makes him feel that he is dying, and in about ten minutes he is covered with urticaria from head to foot; he stings and burns and wants to be bathed in cold water; he fears that he will die if something is not done to mitigate his suffering, rolls and tosses as if he would tear himself to pieces. Apis Mellifica is also an excellent medicine.
The topic of sleep has suddenly become very important, the hours of sleep required by a person has started to gain prominence.
An afternoon siesta is always helpful.
In regards to the adversaries of the idiots (they were, are and never will be anything other) you forgot, the Earth (always carefully nurtured by the Sun) and God, the former already having at it’s disposal almost unlimited means to crack them – and it’s a very aware entity (even more so because of us specifically being the eyes) but slow – why hurry ? It is being said the ruling idiocy is mainly rooted in egyptian tradition whose ancestors were some survivors of the Atlantis calamity – which was a little sneeze of Earth when the idiocy there started to attack her in earnest.
How many years do they have left ahead of them ? Ten ? maybe, a hundred – no way ! Everything will be fine !
If the world moves according to the cycle of Ages, then yes, everything will be fine! But what should those living in the current cycle expect apart degradation and calamity ?
French re-education camps
China’s robot industry hits $17 billion
1.7 billion tonnes of new oil in Xinjiang
Germany invested $10 billion in H1, up 55%
Baidu’s superconducting quantum computer
10 exascale supercomputers by 2025
China pledges benefits for single moms
The worst heatwave ever recorded anywhere
The girl in the photograph
Media ignore massive S Korea anti-US protest
Heat-seeking radar’s 300km range
The Jinmen Bombardment
Five Destroyers Under Construction
New rockets change face of war
Gregory Clark
America’s patience with George Soros will never run out as long as he continues to have $billions.
Dollar is driver seat in America.
… and just so we’re all of the same page:
1. India’s oil imports from Russia have increased 900% since the Ukraine intervention. A remarkable blow to the Western sanctions regime. (no ref, sorry)
2. America Imported Over $6 Billion In Goods From Russia Since Ukraine Invasion
:-) :-)
@AHH , exactly what we’ve been talking about over a couple of Cafes now (again thankyou for your insight, it would never have occurred to me)
Very important – Please amplify on your social networks (from dideo.com) (Eng. subtitles)
“The advisor to President Zelensky said this in 2019: “Our price for joining NATO is a big war with Russia.” He said a large-scale war with Russia and joining NATO as a result of defeating Russia is the coolest thing.
It seems the precondition to joining NATO was to provoke a war with Russia. Pause for a second and think about this. Could it be possible that the US Govt is conspiring with Zelensky to sacrifice Ukrainians to isolate Russia and to make the EU more dependent on the US?
[emphasis mine]
US history is filled with malfeasance. Countless ruthless CIA operations have resulted in unspeakable human suffering & war. One example is of course the WMD lie to invade Iraq. If any country is capable of an evil plan like this it’s without a doubt the United States of America.” – Kim dotcom on Twitter
and recall US Senator Lindsay Graham from DEC 2016?
Copy and paste URLs into your address bar
Zelensky’s next victim?
Odessa Mayor Gennady Trukhanov (yes, he is a crook, but so are his Kiev bosses) believes it necessary to negotiate with President Putin: “I believe it is important to act politically, because the lives of millions of people are at stake … Of course, I dream of returning to our 1991 borders, but we need to negotiate step by step.”
(no ref, sorry)
Some of the comments above help to explain the background build up of what is taking place war-wise, and are thus really helpful. They may also contribute to the global information jabbery, including also aspects of those great warriors with a mind left capable of rational and the courage to articulate what is happening, to a greater or lesser degree.
Also. the occasional, very revealing comment from the Military Summary. It is enough anyhow, sometimes a few words is like picture that can express a thousand words. Every day these re faithfully presented, an incredible work for the war,, and always beginning with “hello my dear friends”… in that Russian way where what is true can be modest and gentle and with unspoken power.
Otherwise newswise, perhaps it is a combination of self preservation, mixed with varying uncertainties, and an uncomprehending disbelief in what is unfolding now before our eyes.. Whatever , it is reassuring to know the possible worst case scenario’s. Not fear inducing as fear stands in the way of understanding, one can face life better with knowledge, and sleep better! Sleep is natures great restorer, mind altering substances stuff it up – – huh, sleeping pills to stay awake, that is indicative of the consciousness tectonic plate shifts towards evil indeed..
Never forget the unassailable truth that darkness on earth through chaos and savagery, all the worst unspeakable, unimaginable things, is countered by light, it has to be be, the true light withdraws to an extent and intensifies.at the same time.
It’s interesting that Dmitry Litovkin died at 51. For some odd reason the remark that Stalin made to Elanor Roosevelt about FDR comes to mind. Remark? Yes, “poisoned”. But of course, who would do such a crime? Who would doubt it was just bad luck?
It would be even more interesting to read the pathologist’s report.
The 404nazis, and their western-colleagues, call him “propagandist”.
a note on this event> https://vk.com/wall-214484304_947?lang=en
text> ”
Аргументы недели —Новости—Аналитическая газета
Аргументы недели —Новости—Аналитическая газета
28 Aug at 7:22 am
Died a famous military journalist Dmitry Litovkin. Dmitry Litovkin was 50 years old. About the death of a war correspondent on Saturday, August 27, reported a number of media.
Litovkin worked in TASS, the military correspondent of “Red star”, “Independent military review”, TASS, “Izvestia” and other publications, was a captain of the third rank in reserve.
Deputy editor-in-chief of Nezavisimaya Gazeta Andrei Vaganov said in an interview with 360 that until recently Dmitry Litovkiy was energetic and active. But about a week ago, the journalist was urgently hospitalized. The doctors talked about improving his condition. According to Vaganov, but suddenly everything ended, and Litovkin was in an artificial coma for two or three days.
The cause of death of the soldier is not called. The date and time of farewell to the journalist is still unknown.
Dmitry Litovkin was born on January 19, 1972 in Budapest, where his father served. The school finished in Moscow. In 1993 he graduated from the Maritime Department of the Faculty of Journalism of the Lviv Higher Military and Political School. The officer service began in the Arctic in the newspaper of the Northern Fleet. In 1995 he was transferred to the central printed organ of the Ministry of Defense of Russia – the newspaper “Red Star”. The journalist has a 19-year-old student son.”
Like I said, I’d like to see the pathologist report, but, in view of the poisoning of Rus Soldiers by 404nazis, some might wonder if the nazis had extra Botulinum toxin …
wiki> “10–13 ng/kg when inhaled, or 1000 ng/kg when taken by mouth.”…better read the entire page, there are variations.
Right now? This death seems very odd.
“We have reached advanced stages in talks with the Syrian government in Damascus, and bilateral meetings will be held in front of the media in the next few days. The Turkish Army will withdraw all its military forces present on Syrian soil” – Spokesman for Presidency of Turkey
(No ref, sorry)
Note: Uninvited, US still occupies eastern 1/3 of Syrian stealing oil & grain
Latest reports from UKR are unambiguous.
The much anticipated “Kherson Counter-offensive” has been decisively repulsed with AFU suffering major losses:
-48 tanks
-83 armored vehicles
-1200 approx. soldiers
A massacre that was on the comedian’s orders remember?
This will be the final AFU “offensive” of the war.
Who will replace my joy when i’m gone,
another one is not to be found,
and I am so far from home.
I see no light, but stood in line just right,
My friends are old, some have walked to the ocean from here.
But now we just email, never to see one another alive, again.
No one can know just when the joy shall end, or the chaos of its loss shall persue.
But the chain is long and links are no longer strong, and it only takes one to start the timer of conservation.
Oh i’ve done it before, but this time is different, its was eternal, promised, proved over time, now it
represents an end.
And once a link is broken, all that is left is the countdown to heaven.
‘…countdown to heaven.’
It won’t be long Alabama, patience, just a bit longer !
Comments are turned off…
Might not be long for you, but this could take all night.
A superb article by Alistair Crooke, from the Strategic Foundation
And to remember Biden proclaiming in Poland that a US$ would soon be equivalent to 200 Roubles –
“As a result of these unprecedented sanctions, the rouble almost is immediately reduced to rubble,”