A friend has just sent me a beautiful music video dedicated to the memory of the murdered Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.  Enjoy!

“My Hero” – Lyrics by: Hassan Tavakoli (VERSE 1) Chased by wolves, followed by a hawk; On the battlefield, you took your final walk; It took my breath when you said goodbye; But then again, heroes never die; Your final words were “stay the course”; Trust in God, the Ever-lasting source; Don’t give in to the enemy’s plots, Resist with faith, go against the odds; Your way I follow, O my hero!! (CHORUS) Unbreakable soul, unstoppable power, Until the last breath, you never surrendered. Unshakable faith, unwavering sacrifice, Make you the hero we’ll remember forever. (VERSE 2) Your blood was spilled, but it nourished my roots; I then became a tree with many fruits; The fruits are love, courage and resolve; You’ve made me a soldier, so you I salute; Your way I follow, O my hero!! (PRE-CHORUS) Your way I follow, O my hero!! (CHORUS) Unbreakable soul, unstoppable power, Until the last breath, you never surrendered. Unshakable faith, unwavering sacrifice, Make you the hero we’ll remember forever.