
Address of Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on May 5, 2021, as part of the joint speech of the leaders of the Axis of Resistance, in anticipation of the International Day of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) celebrated on May 7 2021.

This International Day was inaugurated by Imam Khomeini in 1979, the year of the triumph of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, to revive the Palestinian cause, and is celebrated on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan.

The military leaders of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, AnsarAllah in Yemen and the Hashd al-Cha’bi in Iraq, as well as religious dignitaries such as the Imam of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Patriarch of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church and Sheikh Issa Qassem of Bahrain, along with other personalities, spoke during this virtual conference. Nasrallah’s intervention lasted only a quarter of an hour, while his speech on Al-Quds Day lasted almost an hour.

See also Khamenei’s speech on Al-Quds Day.




[..] There are negative developments, like the wave of normalization (of relations with Israel). When some Arab countries move towards normalization, it means that the rest of Arabs and Muslims, the rest of the countries and the living forces in the Islamic Community (Umma), must raise their voices even higher. This leads to greater responsibility: this negative point leads to more responsibility, more presence, and more expression of our position (condemning and) fighting the normalization process.

But despite everything, we are convinced that this normalization will not succeed in protecting this usurping entity (Israel), not at all! Certainly, it can somewhat lift the spirit of (the Israelis), give them more oxygen, possibilities, (a breath of fresh) air, but anyway, the countries who recently normalized have never been part of this battle (against Israel), thus their presence or exit (from our ranks) cannot have the least influence on the progress and outcome of this battle.

المنبر الموحّد لمحور المقاومة يوجه رسالة في يوم القدس العالمي

Speakers of the 2nd Axis of Resistance virtual conference in support of Palestine

Naturally, this set of factors, in addition to recent upheavals in the Middle East and around the world, the detente which is actually taking place in the region between certain countries, certain white flags which are starting to be raised here and there (by Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries), recognizing, in one way or another, their defeat and failure, or the dead end to which their horizon is confined, all of this makes us feel that we are closer than ever (to the liberation) of Al-Quds.

Of course, our responsibility for Al-Quds Day is to provide all possible help to the Palestinian people, to the Palestinian Resistance; the Axis of Resistance must be even more united and attached to the cause, and it already is, it must increase its readiness (for the final war), it must strengthen itself further, because it is the Axis of Resistance that will shape the future of the Middle East.

My last message will be for the Israelis themselves. I tell them this: you know well, in your heart of hearts, whether it is based on your religious texts or doctrines, on your books or your prophecies, and also based on what some of your leaders and experts say, and also some of your religious authorities, you know (very well) that this entity (Israel) has no future, that it is on the verge of extinction and that it has little time left to live, very little time. Therefore, in this battle you are wasting your energy, and your young people are wasting their youth and their blood, in vain and to no avail.

Either way, the sound logic that must be imposed on all occupiers and invaders is as follows: give back the land you have occupied to its true owners, and go back to where you came from. Otherwise you will be expelled in one way or another, by force or otherwise. This land belongs to the Palestinian people and the peoples of this region, in the diversity of their religious and doctrinal affiliations, but this land is by no means for Israel or for the colonizers, occupiers and settlers from all over the world.

We believe in this near future (where Israel won’t exist anymore), we believe in it very firmly, and this faith is not based only on religious and ideological bases, but is based (above all) on the data, on the events which occur, especially on those of the last decades, the last years and on what will happen (soon) in this region.

I would also like, in conclusion of this brief statement, to salute the grandiose soul of the great martyred leader, Hajj Qassem Soleimani, whose name, picture, soul, footprints, strategic thinking, presence on the ground and breathing remain strongly present, in all the battlefields and places of this Axis (of Resistance). It is impossible for us to forget him, nor to forget his grandiose martyrdom, nor do we forget his enormous benefits and his grandiose presence alongside all the forces of the Resistance in our region.


I must also conclude by greeting the Palestinian people, the young people of Al-Quds and all the children of this oppressed people, fighting, resistant, patient, who remain firmly attached to their rights. As I have always said on every occasion, this is the basis (of everything): as long as the Palestinian people remain committed to these rights, as long as they continue their fight, despite all the betrayals in the world, no one will succeed in liquidating the Palestinian cause.

The (massive) presence of the Palestinian people today (demonstrating) in the squares is awe-inspiring, a divine proof on any Arab, on any Muslim and on every free man in this world on whom weighs the responsibility to stand with strength and with all his capacities at the side of this people.

For Al-Quds Day, despite the Covid-19, any form of demonstration of support that does not contradict the health instructions, we call for it so that this expression of solidarity may be frank and strong, with the Grace of God.

May the peace of God be upon you, along with His mercy and blessings.

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