trump merely reiterates and confirms the 3 millenia old historical biblical fact that jerusalem is the capital of israel
you must be a phillistinian or a ghazarian or a hamassite to be insulted by old truths to bang your head against the wall of reality.
the world of today seems te be filled with virtualities and imaginations and dreamworlds and dexeptions and lies and falsehoods as the new norm where truth is based on emotion
Archeology, all the written records, and even the Bible all confirm that the area was populated by the Caanites and the Philistines aka the Palestinians, to name a few, long before the Hebrews wandered down from Babylon. It’s a question of intentional, nationally promoted ignorance, or rational fact. That nobody but the former recognizes Jerusalem as a capital of a Jewish State is also a FACT.
And since Titus´s obliteration of Jerusalem and Israel in 70 AD there was no Israel, nor jerusalem was a jewish city. So much for the supposed 3000 years, a total historical falsehood.
Now, think about this Philistea (Φιλισταία) or Philistini would be a Greek name for their land => Palestine? today.
Few years back (not to long ago), an Archeology professor from the University of Tel-Aviv announced the results of his research amounting to: “king David was king of nothing, but a warlord”
Sorry can’t find this article anymore. Needless to say that he was almost lynched for saying that.
yes and the same bible tells us that god promised the land of canaan to abram and he gave it destroying the cananites in front of the 12 tribes of israel.
although many wars and the captivity and diaspora happened it does not undo gods promise.
burning down a city does not remove the rights.
by the way the israelites first left egypt and then came into the land of canaan the land of the promise to abram isac and jacob and the babylonian captivity and return of the children of israel was at a later point in history.
It was the Capital of Ancient Judea not Israel, they were two different nations after Solomon died, Jews were only one tribe out of 12 1/2 and what makes you believe modern Jews are the same people as the ancient, what proof is there, perhaps zero?
Many of us here can see that your statement indicates a drastic ramping up of the internet cyber operations of the Mossad and the zionist vassal states.
You are easily spotted as shill, repeating the Pharasees/Talmundic/Zionist “Hasbara” (translates into English as ‘the big lie’) propaganda line.
As many here know, the current jews, including the vast majority of Isreali citizens are descended from Khazars, despite the fact that there is no such thing as race, let alone such a ridiculous suggestion of a ‘jewish’ race, the Torah/’old Testament’ is a political manifesto, as per the jewish ‘secret’ interpretation, promoting separateness from humanity, as a ‘chosen people’, all ridiculous; this is a political collective which perpetuates it’s psychotic hatred of humankind by torturing and psychologically conditioning their offspring in this unnatural, anti-empathetic hatred, and uses that empathetic disability to negative-sum game-the-systems of host nation states.
We know about you.
This is theft by culturally perpetuated gangsterism.
Funny enough, the Old Testament was actually written in IX AD (supposedly based on vocally conveyed history) and shoved under the noses of naive Christian scholars with the an explanation that this was the base for the New Testament. While the New Testament, actually “The Testament” was written by Greek Monks (Christian monks) in Alexandria (the one in Egypt) in the I (First) Century. This is also the reason why the oldest Christian writings are in Greek, except of course the Old Testament (Tora).
I may be misunderstanding you but as the Saker has pointed out, and every Orthodox Christian knows, the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew, to Greek in the 3rd Century BC. It’s called the Septuagint or LXX. What non-Orthodox (heterodox, sectarian) Christians call the Old Testament was written by talmudists in the 9-10 centuries AD and is full of distortions and deletions.
A couple of brief points. First, Jerusalem was seldom under Jewish control through the centuries, even before Christ. It was usually controlled by the Empire-de-Jure (Persians, Babylonians, Romans, Assyrians, etc, and even for a while by the Davidic Kingdom), and was home not only to the Jews but to many other peoples and tribes. It was the site of the Jewish Temple for a long time, and certainly the Temple was under the control of the Jews, but they rarely controlled the city-at-large. To say that Jerusalem was the exclusive ‘capital of Israel’ for millennia is simply untrue.
Secondly, the Palestinians are composed of the original Arab descendants of the many tribes and peoples who inhabited Judah/Samaria/Israel, including those Jews who never left the area after the destruction of the Temple. And the present day occupiers of what is called Israel are not of Semitic blood for the most part, but instead descendants of Europeans as confirmed by historical studies and DNA testing.
So the question remaining on the table and unspoken in the MSM of today, is by what authority are these Europeans claiming this land?
Not even Israel was ever Jewish or Hebrew or even Habiru! Let alone Jerusalem!
The kingdom of Israel #, which was a very small “kingdom”, ruled at the end by Ahab whose wife was the ghastly Jezebel, was completely destroyed by Senacherib. Some refugees fled South to the “tiny very poor village of Jerusalem.” The rest were driven out and scattered throughout Senacherib’s kingdom and never heard of again. THERE WERE NO TEN TRIBES – ever.
Read “The Bible Unearthed.” by Israel Finkelstein and even better watch the Youtube video made by John McCarthy, “The Walls Come Tumblin’ Down.” (it is under the name of Julian Scoeman who posted it to Youtube.) the English journalist who was held hostage in Beirut for five years of solitary confinement during which time he read the Bible supplied, sever times. Later, after being released he spent many months at digs in The Holy Land and talking with many different archaeologists, including the great Israel Finkelstein and others from Israeli universities.
Then read “Egypt Knew No Pharaohs or Israelites.” by Ashraf Ezzat. The Semitic Jews originated in Yemen and that is where the Solomon and the Queen of Sheba lived! NOT Palestine or Canaan”
And there is a lot more real information and truth to be found if you love the Truth.
The Jews now
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and even palestinian authority had to give Trump the green light otherwise no way he would have gone with this. So arabs muslims will make noise and then nothing happens, few will die few will be injured and few will be arrested and life goes on. Unfortunately.
A tweet from “Izat”, about how the Arab leaders will pretend to be upset, but not do anything.
“Saudi Arabia deploys two Facebook divisions & one twitter battalion to defend Jerusalem.
Qatar, Morocco, and Kuwait launch a joint attack on Israeli Pinterest.
Bahrain has taken the initiative to wipe out Zionist presence on Tinder single handedly.
Arab world is on the rise again!”
@Rob. The 124 — let their names be written among the Righteous Jews; and added to. The Holy City cannot be the property of one faith alone; neither can the Holy Land. We are no longer living in BC, this is AD and Jerusalem is no longer merely the capital of a little Jewish state called Judah — or modern Israel if you prefer. The more Zionists recognise this fact, the less difficult will be the transition of the Apart-hate State into the Holy Land, sacred to billions of Christians and Muslims, to millions of Jews — and to people of good will everywhere.
The Trump decision aside, this ends the Trump negotiation strategy for a two-state solution. Thus, it is the means to solidify Bibi’s one-state demand.
The one-two punch thrown with just one punch.
Only defeat of the IDF will solve this dilemma for the Palestinians.
Thus, a million missiles, a million rockets are required to defeat the IDF.
The one hundred thousand (so-called arsenal) rockets/missiles now held by Hezbollah is 10% of what is needed.
Then, the MAD balance against the IDF will lead to diplomatic-economic solutions.
The fate of Palestine is in the capacity of the Shia forces of the Levant, Syria and Iran to manufacture enough firepower that can incinerate and flatten all that the Zionists have built.
It may take 10-20 years, but there seems to be no other route to a just solution.
The 1948 state is all the Hebrews are entitled to. A tiny homeland, no more.
A million rockets to wipe out the idf. That would essentially level most of zionazi occupied Palestine. A bit overkill. Think of the pets. Think of the kids. In that order. ;-D The zionazi wet dreams of masada mk. II aside, nobody wants to actually invade israel. What people want is Palestine, a state not based upon bigotry and fascism. One viable state, perhaps along the line of Syria, but regardless of specific, a normal place for normal human beings to live normal lives.
As for the diehard zio-scum, there is an ideal homeland for them to practice their ideological merger of german nazi and american confederate “culture”. It is called Atlantis.
I didn’t say launch the million rockets. Though that would be awesome.
The MAD equation has to be established. Then you can get a solution. There are examples of such an equation. North Korea has held off far superior forces for many decades with convention weapons, a hundred thousand of them,all with a short fire rate.
There will be no justice until the equilibrium is established.
according to this latest political ‘ununited’ states rationale, the cherokee ,navajo and every other indian nations should start claiming their ancestors land from the european invaders.They should demand compensation and the evacuation of all their previously held home lands.
But this maybe on the other hand ,an own goal by the neocons ,as now all the arab and christan populace would not think that the land of israel is a just state….’any attack on it by the barrel bomber especially in the golan height will be perceived as ‘nothing to see here, what goes around comes around ‘ affair…beware your dream come true ..
The stark difference is that the First Peoples of North America ACTUALLY WERE THE FIRST PEOPLE THERE!
The Khazar tyrants of the Juadaic/Pharisees/Zionist political manifesto for separation from humankind, and ultimate domination of the planet have no historic claim whatsoever to the Palestinian lands! It is most likely that the ancestors of the ancient follows of this extremist sect are the current day Palestinians, who, EXACTLY like the cites first people, and the closest living known people with ‘ancestral claim’ (whether or not such a thing as ‘ancestral claim’ should have any validity whatsoever is a different argument).
“the land of israel is a just state”
‘Israel’ which should more correctly be referred to as “the Zionist Political Entity Occupying the Palestinian Lands” is, according to international law, not a legitimate state, since the formal UN ‘recognition’ of ‘the state’ was conditional (the only conditional recognition of statehood on record), based on, among other things, The Right of Return for the legitimate local inhabitants, the Palestinian peoples; since the recognition of illegal seizure of Jerusalem is indisputable proof of rejection of this conditional recognition of the state, it, somewhat ironically, confirms the outright illegitimacy of the claim of statehood, by the Zionist Political Entity Occupying the Palestinian Lands.
concur…the facts on the grounds are ,monsters are running the show on earth, modern day caligulas in expensive three piece suits are feasted as statesman, by talking heads in the modern mass media presstitute force.. .The modern populace, sorry the unawake populace of all colours ,culture,race ,religion and nationalities are hypnotised ,to see false as truth and truth as false.They don’t even have the time or wherewithal to delve deep and discover the truth, cos they are on a 9to5 treadmill ,just to keep living thanks to the benevolent central bankers.
United nation is not united, it is rule of the mighty nations on poorer nations to keep the status quo and the arm flowing .The world bank and B.I.S are there, to feed the top one corrupt in place and keep the rest in check with their trickle down e/comical mantra.
But having said all that, there is karma and it is a bitch and she is loose.3 plus million lost souls in mena region will have their payback one way or another.There is a palable mist of unknown geopolitical incident, that points to the old paradigm is not working for the rulers of the world…..anymore consider the following…
Barrel bomber is still standing and syrians are coming back,
evil putin held a pow wow on all things MENA with errordagon,and mad mullah rouhani,
the desert kingdom has lost all its balls and can’t feed its moderate head choppers,
the United state is UNunited with the president elect not able to project any powers overseas,
the UNunited states does not have a place in many geopolitical tables,it is a spent force,
the UNunited states has lost its military prominence they can’t even confront rocket man.
the syrian generals are raring to go at golan heights.
the party of god has become force to be reckoned with,
the UN united states and the ‘NOTU,S’ are at odds they blew 500 billion on the barrel bomber removal.,
the opium fields guaided by NOTU.S’ are being wiped by the rogue president elect.
so on and so on…so this jerusalem thing might be the last straw that breaks israel’s back…top of the pack trouble maker .
my advice is to, gets lots and lots of popcorns for at least six months,love the one you are with,hate no one ,work environmental friendly ,get the biggest flat screen you can afford and see the caligulas go down on by one.
“At a time when it appears that almost the entire developed world has refuted a recent White House claim of support for the highly-disputed location of Israel’s capital city, one of the world’s most prominent global organizations has chimed in, asserting its refutation of the deeply unpopular Washington move.
The White House, isolated during a special United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting following an announcement by the administration of US President Donald Trump supporting Israel’s claim that Jerusalem must be Israel’s — and no other’s — capital city, now has additional pushback from the UN.”
Lebanon Asking Middle Eastern Nations to Sanction US in Retaliation to Trump
“Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, during a December 9 emergency meeting in Cairo, Egypt, has stated that Middle Eastern nations must impose economic sanctions against the US so as to prevent Washington from moving its embassy in Israel to the heavily disputed city of Jerusalem, according to
“Pre-emptive measures [must be] taken against the decision […] beginning with diplomatic measures, then political, then economic and financial sanctions,” said Bassil during the Saturday meeting of foreign ministers at the Arab League in Cairo, cited by Reuters.”
Daniel 8 has a ‘superior people’ in which wickedness abounds and from within which arises a fierce king recognizable by extraordinary political intrigue.
What is fierce but a ruddy complexion.
Who is thuswise fierce.?
Whose political intrigue and deftness is casting the world anew.?
Which nation considers itself ‘superior’.?
Who are the four horns.?
Iran Russia Syria (turkey…Iraq).?
The horn broken soviet.?
Nonetheless the animating sovereign of the soviet is there animating the alliance against the fierce king.
If that is so than fear not a grassy knoll for the incumbent.
One might posit the first king of Daniel 8 is Russia because spiritually/civilationally Moscow/Russia is the scion of the Greek shaggy goat. In other words Moscow the 3rd Rome is the child of Constantinople. The Greek shaggy goat has two horns signifying Rome 1 Latin and Rome 2 Constantinople.
“How shall we understand the US president’s policy? It is simple – now we lost our last doubts about who had created this terrorist base on the territory of Iraq and Syria in order to establish their ‘new world order’,” he wrote.
It is interesting to me, that despite all the expected euphoria on one side
and fury on the other, there are some in Israel that question this,
whether it’s good for them or not.
THE question might be ”what leverage has trump now with his
greatest deal of the century” ? i.e. the Israel/Palestine question.
further, it now destroys the decade long fiction that US presidents
AND European leaders have upheld that Israel wants peace.
it’s now more realistic.
without acknowledging the reality, what ”solution” could there be?
regarding ”peace”, when you see the comments from Israel,
both leaders and others, the overall consensus from them is
a mixture of whining,
‘that the Palestinians have 22 Arabic countries they could go to’
‘why don’t they leave us alone?’
to the on the ground harassment, oppression checkpoints, Jews only roads
and bulldozing of houses and fire bombing individuals and collectively in Gaza.
then there is the firing on fishermen and the gaza humanitarian relief boats.
will any of this change because of recognition of Jerusalem?
expect a frenzy of settlement building, especially there.
I wonder whether Nasrallah would accept Trump’s decision if it were accompanied by a demand by Trump that Israel accept all Palestinians as full citizens of Israel, with full constitutional guarantees of equality with all confessions, including voting rights. This of course would mean the end of the Jewish majority and the end of the Zionist state. I’m not holding my breath that this demand will be made, but why shouldn’t the Arab world put pressure in Israel to accept this one-state solution? Why should they hold out for a separate Palestinian state (which includes Jerusalem), when this two-state solution is now clearly dead?
I agree. one country including what was /is Palestine.2 official languages equal right for all. religious freedom. best would be to find a new name ( as a joke Palestein) there is no other solution Maybe I am dreaming
Thank you for posting this. I can’t help but strongly suspect that the timing of this event is Not a coincidence, and that the timing is key in other ways: I. Trump is meeting the wishes of a significant campaign contributor (Sheldon Adelson) 2. Just in time for the Holy Christmas season, instead of contemplating the birth of Jesus (Immanuel, God With Us) the world is in a predictable uproar over this, and the dark energy and anger being produced creates a veritable feeding frenzy for demonic entities. This results in demonic manifestations that can hurt people and deceive others. Pray without ceasing for the defeat of this. 3. For some (certainly not all) of the Christian evangelicals, this event is probably seen as a “fulfillment of prophecy” with the “battle of Armageddon” following soon afterwards? ? 4. Some people are suggesting that this will ultimately pave the way for the appearance of the great Antichrist, which may be partly true, but I fear that the “spirit of the antichrist” is already here and has been working great evil and deceptions on our Earth for a very long time. There have been many “anti-Christ’s”, unfortunately.
I have said this before, and will say it again, re. “Armageddon”: that one word– that occurs in one verse– in one chapter– in one book of the entire Bible, has had so many different interpretations wrung out of it, in so many ways it defies belief. I believe the verse in question speaks of a “gathering together”. This may very well refer to something much larger than yet another battle–it is something called the day of the Lord Almighty–which frankly, for this sinful human race, coming up against our Righteous Lord, in His perfect Holiness, will be a terrifying experience. The question is asked, “Who shall be able to stand?” in such a situation. Many will Not be able to stand.
Removed. No attacks on other commenters. Mod This is about a small powerful state masquerading as a democracy when in fact it is a theocracy, and this state being organized such it can time things down to the exact sequence of events outlined in books like Daniel and Zechariah.
I read an article written by one Petr Lvov titled ” The Likelihood of War With Iran” on Near Eastern Outlook (NEO), it looks so similar to Saker’s article “A Zio-Wahabi Attack on Hezbollah and Iran”. In fact, some passages of Petr Lvov of article seems like they were cut and paste from Saker’s article. Is this a case of plagiarism?.
Is this a case of plagiarism?. I don’t know (I did not read the article) and I don’t care. In fact, I HOPE that it is. See, I don’t care about copyrights or intellectual property AT ALL. I care for the truth and if somebody wants to plagiarize the truth, he/she has my most heartfelt gratitude and best wishes for more. That is why I license all the original articles on my blog under the CopyLeft Creative Commons license (see at the bottom of the page). Copyright and anti-plagiarism is either about money or ego (usually both). I don’t let either one of them get in the way of doing what is right. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, is it not?
So, while I don’t have any reason to believe that anybody plagiarized something I wrote, if that did happen, they they have my very sincere gratitude.
The Saker
Has any Muslim/Arab country recalled its ambassador to the US, let alone cut ties with the regime in Washington, since Trump’s arrogant announcement about Jerusalem?
Not one if them has done so!
Saudi Arabia along with the other sheikdoms in the Gulf, with support from Egypt and Jordan, Turkey etc., have been undermining the Palestinians and their aspirations for decades.
Yet, the Palestinians continue to confer with Riyadh on political matters and generally defer to the Saudis, despite the fact that Saudi Arabia actively seeks an alliance with Israel and has shown a willingness to sacrifice the Palestinians to this end.
Saudi Arabia cares nothing about the Palestinians and their struggle.
Therefore, by continuing to seek an accomodation with Riyadh, the Palestinian leadership unwittingly allows sectarian considerations to limit the scope of their struggle.
Abbas refuses to associate with Tehran, yet Iran is the only country in the region that genuinely supports their struggle.
And can we forget that Hamas sided with the “opposition” when hostilities broke out in Syria?
The Palestinians need to get rid of their corrupt and compromised leaders and lift their struggle above the limits of sectarianism, and only then will they be ready to confront the enemy.
Trumps recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel tells us two major points. Firstly that Trump has always been Netanyahu’s man. In simple terms the statements that Russian interference in the American election was incorrect as it was Netanyahu who was always behind Trump as a payback to Obama for interfering with the Israeli’s against Netanyahu.
That Jerusalem be made the capital of Israel was always the Zionist agenda. Even at the writing of the ‘Balfour Declaration, (the final draft was written by the American Jew, Jacob De Haas) the majority of British Jews were concerned about the Zionist plot and the possible outcome that Jews within the Ottoman Empire could have a similar end as what the Armenians suffered. That possibility still exists today.
When one considers that it was not so long ago that those three religions, the Jews, the Muslims and the Christians all dwelled together in Jerusalem in relative harmony with religious understandings and respect. Trumps decision to follow Netanyahu’s designs offends everybody, including the religious Jew much the same as the 100 year old Balfour declaration did back in 1917.
It’s time to remind everyone about one of the greatest die hard myths of our era: the claim of US Evangelical Christians uncritically supporting Israel and hating Palestinians. In fact some of the latest studies are suggesting quite the opposite:
“An article in Middle East Quarterly, a pro-Israel publication, reports that support for Israel is eroding among American evangelical Christians, with only 30 percent in a recent survey stating support for Israel above Palestinians.
This trend is even more pronounced among youth, according to an article by David Brog, Jewish-American executive director of “Christians United For Israel (CUFI), a major pro-Israel organization. Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu has called CUFI “a vital part of Israel’s national security” and columnist Charles Kauthammer has said, “I do not know of an organization in the world more important to Israel than CUFI.”
Brog’s article, “The End of Evangelical Support for Israel?” is largely pitched as a wake-up call to Israel partisans who, according to Brog, “must take this threat seriously.” (For more on Brog, see below.)
Brog quotes a journalist reporting in 2012 about the “the largest gathering of young evangelical leaders in America,” the Catalyst convention: “In dozens of random conversations, I noted that Millenians … expressed solidarity with the Palestinians and annoyance with Israel. This is a seismic shift in the American church and a serious threat to Israel’s one traditional area of support.” ”
It’s quite interesting to think who are those in mainstream media keep on spreading this Evangelical theory. Are they left wing liberals or neo cons themselves or both? The truth is that all over in the western world more and more Christians are seeing Israel of our era much more as modern version of nation of terror compared do pre Six-Day-War of 1967.
@Erno. I find that easy to believe, because the backwoods Xtians of the USA remind me of the Afrikaner Xtians of my boyhood. They were a simple, superstitious people — but they were also an honest, God fearing people.
From their precious Old Testament the Afrikaners swallowed Zionazi doctrine: that black Africans, being “the sons of Ham”, were condemned by Jehovah to become only “hewers of wood and drawers of water”. But gradually Afrikaners became uncomfortable with segregation policy because the more enlightened of their religious leaders began to point out that Apart-hate was incompatible with a far more precious book: the New Testament. Remember, it was an Afrikaner Nationalist government — under Prime Minister de Klerk — who voluntarily transformed The Apart-hate State into The Rainbow Nation.
“The UN has done much more to damage the prospects for Middle East peace than to advance them. We will not be a party to that.”
“the United States has credibility with both sides. Israel will never be, and should never be, bullied into an agreement by the United Nations, or by any collection of countries that have proven their disregard for Israel’s security.”
In so many words, outright dangerous, she says that the USA and Israel can do whatever they want and give the finger to any international agreement, negotiations, or agreements.
They declare themselves above the law.
To get a picture whos poodle Nikki Haley is, see her bragging and sliming at a meeting of the AIPAC. She is their slave. This is disgusting and a shame for a representative at an international stage:
Wow! I feel dirty now that I watched and heard Nikki Harlot. I think I’m gonna take a long shower right away and listen to some good music, just to cleanse myself from all that filth.
“Palestine is an innocent victim… as for Israel, it is a terrorist state, yes, terrorist!” Erdogan said at a congress of his ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) in the Turkish city of Sivas on Sunday. “We will not abandon Jerusalem to the mercy of a state that kills children,” he added.
Erdogan blasted Israel as an “oppressive, occupation state,” calling the response of the police and military to the protests “disproportionate,” Hurriyet reported.
“The US ignored a 1980 UN Security Council ruling regarding Jerusalem which the US itself signed at that time,” Erdogan said as cited by the Daily Sabah. “A system in which the stronger one is regarded as being right can’t constitute justice, peace and stability,” he said, adding that the American approach could lead to more tragedies.”
The israelies, via their trump toy, have probably killed whatever warming of Turk-israeli relations occurred in the last couple of years.
Yes, there is something bigger in this little gem. The vice is closing on Uncle Sam’s balls. The ancient triangle of regional empires is re-awakening it seems — Turkey; Iran & Egypt (aka Constantinople-Tehran-Cairo).
The fake zionist ‘Jewish’ psycho-history cult narrative is being gathered up and trolley’d to the dumpster.
As someone here (if my memory is correct) recently pointed out, there are only Greek names for cities; there is little or no evidence in Egyptian or Roman records of a viable Jewish entity apart fromm some marginal footnotes related to theft, murder and terrorist conspiracy against the authorities of the day; the Persians know the real history of the slave class they ‘managed’ for some time before liberating them; and the Turks (the recent reverts to Islam) know the Islamic history and the somewhat plausible ‘ironed out’ Ibrahim/Abraham (Jewish/Chrisitian/Moslem) meta-narrative (i.e., the ‘world’ story according to a rebellious Iraqi youth who escaped town southwards after burning the tribal idols and pissing off the elders to set up a two-wife caravan route from the Red Sea through to Jerusalem etc).
It is only the empty European derived colonial cultures (emperors without cloths) like the USA that get sucked in by the comic-book cartoon spiel dished out as zionist history and justification. Time will tell, and the ‘Israel’ crusader experiment will be off-the-map by 2048.
The Palestinians have always been the victim, and the Arabs have always recognised that. When the out of work Churchill visited Palestine in 1926 the Arabs demonstrated their disapproval from Cairo to Palestine.
North Korea was among the first countries to recognise the contemporary statehood of Palestine upon Yasser Arafat’s 1988 declaration. Likewise, North Korea has never recognised Israel.
However, while North Korea uniquely holds the same position as China, Russia, the European Union, most Orthodox Churches, the Vatican, United Nations, Lebanon, its traditional Syrian ally, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab League, Pyongyang’s criticism of Donald Trump remains as unique as ever.
North Korea’s government has stated,
“Considering the fact that the mentally deranged dotard openly called for a total destruction of a sovereign state at the UN, this action is not so surprising.
But this move clearly shows to the whole world who is the destroyer of world peace and security, pariah and rogue in the international community”.
Pyongyang affirmed its “firm support and solidarity for Palestinians and Arab peoples struggling to win their legitimate rights”.
The official statement added,
“The US will be held accountable for all consequences from this reckless, wicked act”.
While the DPRK is often painted as the most isolated country in the world, when it comes to the issue of Palestine, Pyongyang stands with the vats majority of nations as well as the UN.”
Due to a complete absence of Jew-nazi/zionazi influence, the DPRK says what everyone else would like say.
Watch her mask fall when she starts screeching: “get out, get out!!”
Interestingly enough she thought they were Serbs. I hope we haunt her waking & sleeping hours for her war crimes, along with those million Iraqi children whose deaths she thought were “worth it”.
Even Nasrallah cannot bring himself to state the obvious: Israel will lord over the Muslim world from Egypt to Iraq, and will maintain the power to attack Muslims as far west as Oran and as far east as Karachi, for as long as it controls the political will of the United States.
As much as I would wish it to be otherwise, the Jews have established Zionism as the official -albeit undeclared- religion of the United States. This will not be changed until Evangelical Christians in America reject the prophecies in the Book of Revelations; or until the Roman Catholics refocus their creed onto the Gospels of Luke and John and onto the Epistles of St. Paul. I doubt that either can happen unless/until the United States suffers a devastating defeat (short of nuclear war, which nobody will win).
Only a world alliance can challenge the combined power of the United States and Israel. If China, Russia, and Iran can work out a coordinated plan to assert themselves simultaneously in their respective spheres of interest, and coordinate their satellites in Belarus, North Korea, Syria, and Lebanon to act in concert, the Anglo-Zionist Empire cannot prevail in Ukraine+Israel+Saudi Arabia+South Korea+Taiwan at the same time. If these countries officially implement a BDS campaign against America and Israel, and extend this campaign to all other nations which do not join in the BDS movement, there is a possibility that the American-Israeli control over the current world order could be broken without open warfare. But it would be more likely that the Zionists would resort to warfare before it would surrender.
Of course, each of the major players in such an anti-Zionist alliance would have to be willing to endure economic hardship and -if it comes to all out warfare- suffer severe casualties. At the present time China is not interested in making such sacrifices; and, without its full participation, there is not enough power within the rest of the world to offset that of the US-Israel alliance.
So, The Jews in Israel and the Zionists in America can do pretty much whatever they want to do. And the fate of the Palestinians is as terrible as it is clear before us. The Israeli settlers have no more qualms about wiping out the Palestinians than the Nazi SS did regarding the Jews. It is just a matter of time.
Yes, the astute could see that next move coming.
Some more flying ‘assets’ on two Russian/Egyptian carriers built in France?
Libya is a mess and the US/Nato have no credibility there whatsoever — in fact several war criminals should be in the Hage. Let’s hope Putin can declaw the usual suspects and send in the Chechen’s to help clean out the vermin in Libya.
There is a new reconfiguration under way and hopefully Russia’s credibility from the liberation (almost, USA pending) of Syria will translate into a new regional confidence that will un-cuff Egypt and liberate Yemen from the infidel art-icon buying Saudi regime.
The Netanyahu Gang must be sniffing the wind and quietly panicking — the ‘official’ narrative is fast unwinding.
Erdogan has finally found his balls and stood up as a moral (if not military) leader of the Islamic world. He will be well rewarded for his efforts — but he better have a good food taster. They won’t likely screw up the next attempt. And the Persians have made it clear they are at the service of Assad in Syria.
Putin (and the Russians) have well demonstrated the critical distinction between the true “Art of War” and the criminal American ‘art’ of bullying.
Within 10 years and Chinese reconstruction support the ME region will be a vastly different place and this long dark saga will go down in history for what it is — the new zionist Dark Ages, indeed.
yes more pop corn please,..the previous evil masters of the worlds are indignant and sad.
Evil putin, is right now in syria ,directing all his SUs and flying choppers killing ‘moderate’ head choppers,..idlip is being stormed by suhaili, the fighting generals with freedom fighters around him, like leaves around a tree.Dang the barrel bomber where is he?…colour me suspicious.
Erdagon meanwhile ,is calling nutyanhoo a terrorist and the mentioned terrorist, is asking nutos to give him more funds to pay more moderate head choppers…as golan heights is going to be lost to the barrel bomber.
meanwhile back in the UN united states the president elect is bringing down the house of pedos,..sorry house of congress.
I never thought i will live to see this day..thank lord ,for your gift.
Why do people always want Putin and Russia to solve all their problems in the world? Pls Putin is Russian and he is not the Messiah. You want him to save Iran but Iranians can’t comfortably lease their base or land to him to defeat evil. Everyone thinks Russia has China’s back and North Korea’s back and every other back. I think Russia will do what is necessary to hinder any form of threats to Russian land or its people either directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly that is all. Pls stop seeking the help of Putin and Russia in every single geopolitical tantrum in the world. Have anyone ever asked himself/herself where were other countries when Russia was going thru hell? or what if by year 2000 Russia was divided into crumbs and it was like Libya or Somalia of today? do u know what almost every other single country would do? they would wanna go in for the kill, rape, pillage and such the land dry till it becomes a vast waste land of nothingness. So Pls if ur country has a problem, rally ur citizens round and do the right thing. Do not wait for help.
It is all about a few goons out manipulating history in order to get rid of this Jesus dude and this Mohammid prophet who have been getting in their way of taking over the world by greed and deceit.
Herodotus wrote 2500 years ago of the 20 provinces comprising the Persian Empire and named Syria-Palestine as the 5th province. He notes Lebanon and Egypt but fails to mention Israel or Jerusalem. Apparently they were so minor or even did not exist yet.
Ralph, many thanks for that link to the excellent Perseus Classical Greek studies by Tuft U. Here are the name Syria and Palestine in the original Greek: Συρίη ἡ Παλαιστίνη. Other familiar countries mentioned by Herodotus 6th Century BC are Libya, Susa (capital of ancient Persia) and Cyprus. No Israel (did not exist in his time), no Judea (an insignificant Syrian province).
Those are facts from Herodotus, the first great collector of Historical, Geographical and Cultural Facts. But as I try to remind readers, there are Two Jerusalems: there is the Earthly Jerusalem where we send our taxes and the govt sits, then there is the Heavenly Jerusalem which will bring Peace on Earth to People of Good Will. In this season we should pray even more fervently for forgiveness of our sins, and try even harder to build the Jerusalem on Earth the same as it is in Heaven.
Yet, stepping back: his entire speech amounts to nothing more but a helpless lament over a fait accompli … clever Trump single-handedly vanquished “the heart and essence” of the Palestinian cause … Trump ended the history of Palestinian nation … it’s now all over … end of all history … boo, hoo, sob, sob.
Theretofore, I had always thought Hezbollah was a powerful and proud political movement, not a women’s lamenting society.
@Richard. You ¨have carefully read the speech” but I think you have misread the implication: Rev.Nasr’Allah is saying in his usual measured and level tone — that does it, the gloves are off. So say the Drusim, the people of Israeli occupied Golan. The Druse have a traditional policy of getting on with any ruler of the Holy Land, but Israel’s arrogant support for the NATZO terrorists who have been murdering Druse, has antagonized them and now their opinion swings decisively in favour of the Palestinian cause. From today’s SANA:
Quneitra, (SANA)- People of the occupied Syrian Golan have emphasized that the occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem) will remain Palestinian and not as planned by our Zionist enemies and their tools in the region.
“The plot of aggression against al-Quds will not pass,” the Golanese said in a statement during a solidarity stand in Sultan al-Atrash Square in Majdal Shams village on Monday.
“ Today, as in the past, American imperialism unveils its ugly aggressive face against our nation and our central issue of the occupied Palestine,” the statement included. “ We will remain with Palestine and its people until the liberation and the return of the refugees to their homes,”
In my opinion, Richard’s analysis stands to reason. In this particular speech Nasrallah does come across as a helpless elderly lady overwhelmed by grief, certainly not as a leader of a serious movement fit to confront the plundering Zionists. My earnest hope is that he will quickly recover from that undesirable state, else Hezbollah might well consider a suitable replacement.
Yakov Kedmi: Whom wanted Trump to make a fool having recognized Jerusalem?
Russian speaking video, English subtitles available (Sorry for my bad English)
trump merely reiterates and confirms the 3 millenia old historical biblical fact that jerusalem is the capital of israel
you must be a phillistinian or a ghazarian or a hamassite to be insulted by old truths to bang your head against the wall of reality.
the world of today seems te be filled with virtualities and imaginations and dreamworlds and dexeptions and lies and falsehoods as the new norm where truth is based on emotion
Archeology, all the written records, and even the Bible all confirm that the area was populated by the Caanites and the Philistines aka the Palestinians, to name a few, long before the Hebrews wandered down from Babylon. It’s a question of intentional, nationally promoted ignorance, or rational fact. That nobody but the former recognizes Jerusalem as a capital of a Jewish State is also a FACT.
And since Titus´s obliteration of Jerusalem and Israel in 70 AD there was no Israel, nor jerusalem was a jewish city. So much for the supposed 3000 years, a total historical falsehood.
@Ralph, I agree.
I have a surprise for you people: Philistines otherwise known as sea-people were Greeks.
I quote “Origin of the Philistines: “… It has been suggested that the Philistines formed part of the great naval confederacy, the “Sea Peoples”, who had wandered, at the beginning of the 12th century BCE, from their homeland in southern Greece and the Aegean islands to the shores of the Mediterranean and repeatedly attacked Egypt during the later Nineteenth Dynasty. …”:
More here:
and from Haaretz:
Now, think about this Philistea (Φιλισταία) or Philistini would be a Greek name for their land => Palestine? today.
Few years back (not to long ago), an Archeology professor from the University of Tel-Aviv announced the results of his research amounting to: “king David was king of nothing, but a warlord”
Sorry can’t find this article anymore. Needless to say that he was almost lynched for saying that.
Here is something interesting, titled as “King David and King Solomon: History or Myth” read more here:
Who is it that said “Search and you will find”?
yes and the same bible tells us that god promised the land of canaan to abram and he gave it destroying the cananites in front of the 12 tribes of israel.
although many wars and the captivity and diaspora happened it does not undo gods promise.
burning down a city does not remove the rights.
by the way the israelites first left egypt and then came into the land of canaan the land of the promise to abram isac and jacob and the babylonian captivity and return of the children of israel was at a later point in history.
you purposefully left that out.
It was the Capital of Ancient Judea not Israel, they were two different nations after Solomon died, Jews were only one tribe out of 12 1/2 and what makes you believe modern Jews are the same people as the ancient, what proof is there, perhaps zero?
If there is any ‘confirmation’ is that Jews do not learn anything from history.
Many of us here can see that your statement indicates a drastic ramping up of the internet cyber operations of the Mossad and the zionist vassal states.
You are easily spotted as shill, repeating the Pharasees/Talmundic/Zionist “Hasbara” (translates into English as ‘the big lie’) propaganda line.
As many here know, the current jews, including the vast majority of Isreali citizens are descended from Khazars, despite the fact that there is no such thing as race, let alone such a ridiculous suggestion of a ‘jewish’ race, the Torah/’old Testament’ is a political manifesto, as per the jewish ‘secret’ interpretation, promoting separateness from humanity, as a ‘chosen people’, all ridiculous; this is a political collective which perpetuates it’s psychotic hatred of humankind by torturing and psychologically conditioning their offspring in this unnatural, anti-empathetic hatred, and uses that empathetic disability to negative-sum game-the-systems of host nation states.
We know about you.
This is theft by culturally perpetuated gangsterism.
Funny enough, the Old Testament was actually written in IX AD (supposedly based on vocally conveyed history) and shoved under the noses of naive Christian scholars with the an explanation that this was the base for the New Testament. While the New Testament, actually “The Testament” was written by Greek Monks (Christian monks) in Alexandria (the one in Egypt) in the I (First) Century. This is also the reason why the oldest Christian writings are in Greek, except of course the Old Testament (Tora).
I may be misunderstanding you but as the Saker has pointed out, and every Orthodox Christian knows, the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew, to Greek in the 3rd Century BC. It’s called the Septuagint or LXX. What non-Orthodox (heterodox, sectarian) Christians call the Old Testament was written by talmudists in the 9-10 centuries AD and is full of distortions and deletions.
correction : the oldest existing copy of The Torah is written in Greek.
Care to name a few other falsehoods, and dreamworlds, so we know where you’re coming from?
A couple of brief points. First, Jerusalem was seldom under Jewish control through the centuries, even before Christ. It was usually controlled by the Empire-de-Jure (Persians, Babylonians, Romans, Assyrians, etc, and even for a while by the Davidic Kingdom), and was home not only to the Jews but to many other peoples and tribes. It was the site of the Jewish Temple for a long time, and certainly the Temple was under the control of the Jews, but they rarely controlled the city-at-large. To say that Jerusalem was the exclusive ‘capital of Israel’ for millennia is simply untrue.
Secondly, the Palestinians are composed of the original Arab descendants of the many tribes and peoples who inhabited Judah/Samaria/Israel, including those Jews who never left the area after the destruction of the Temple. And the present day occupiers of what is called Israel are not of Semitic blood for the most part, but instead descendants of Europeans as confirmed by historical studies and DNA testing.
So the question remaining on the table and unspoken in the MSM of today, is by what authority are these Europeans claiming this land?
Not even Israel was ever Jewish or Hebrew or even Habiru! Let alone Jerusalem!
The kingdom of Israel #, which was a very small “kingdom”, ruled at the end by Ahab whose wife was the ghastly Jezebel, was completely destroyed by Senacherib. Some refugees fled South to the “tiny very poor village of Jerusalem.” The rest were driven out and scattered throughout Senacherib’s kingdom and never heard of again. THERE WERE NO TEN TRIBES – ever.
Read “The Bible Unearthed.” by Israel Finkelstein and even better watch the Youtube video made by John McCarthy, “The Walls Come Tumblin’ Down.” (it is under the name of Julian Scoeman who posted it to Youtube.) the English journalist who was held hostage in Beirut for five years of solitary confinement during which time he read the Bible supplied, sever times. Later, after being released he spent many months at digs in The Holy Land and talking with many different archaeologists, including the great Israel Finkelstein and others from Israeli universities.
Then read “Egypt Knew No Pharaohs or Israelites.” by Ashraf Ezzat. The Semitic Jews originated in Yemen and that is where the Solomon and the Queen of Sheba lived! NOT Palestine or Canaan”
And there is a lot more real information and truth to be found if you love the Truth.
The Jews now
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and even palestinian authority had to give Trump the green light otherwise no way he would have gone with this. So arabs muslims will make noise and then nothing happens, few will die few will be injured and few will be arrested and life goes on. Unfortunately.
A tweet from “Izat”, about how the Arab leaders will pretend to be upset, but not do anything.
“Saudi Arabia deploys two Facebook divisions & one twitter battalion to defend Jerusalem.
Qatar, Morocco, and Kuwait launch a joint attack on Israeli Pinterest.
Bahrain has taken the initiative to wipe out Zionist presence on Tinder single handedly.
Arab world is on the rise again!”
The positive point is, that it’s now crystal clear for everybody what agenda the USA follows.
There is little to add to the statement of Hassan Nasrallah, one of the few adults in the room in the Middle East.
But I’d like to add a statement on Jerusalem from 124 Jewish Studies scholars:
(from the site of Stephen Lendman).
Cheers, Rob
@Rob. The 124 — let their names be written among the Righteous Jews; and added to. The Holy City cannot be the property of one faith alone; neither can the Holy Land. We are no longer living in BC, this is AD and Jerusalem is no longer merely the capital of a little Jewish state called Judah — or modern Israel if you prefer. The more Zionists recognise this fact, the less difficult will be the transition of the Apart-hate State into the Holy Land, sacred to billions of Christians and Muslims, to millions of Jews — and to people of good will everywhere.
The Trump decision aside, this ends the Trump negotiation strategy for a two-state solution. Thus, it is the means to solidify Bibi’s one-state demand.
The one-two punch thrown with just one punch.
Only defeat of the IDF will solve this dilemma for the Palestinians.
Thus, a million missiles, a million rockets are required to defeat the IDF.
The one hundred thousand (so-called arsenal) rockets/missiles now held by Hezbollah is 10% of what is needed.
Then, the MAD balance against the IDF will lead to diplomatic-economic solutions.
The fate of Palestine is in the capacity of the Shia forces of the Levant, Syria and Iran to manufacture enough firepower that can incinerate and flatten all that the Zionists have built.
It may take 10-20 years, but there seems to be no other route to a just solution.
The 1948 state is all the Hebrews are entitled to. A tiny homeland, no more.
A million rockets to wipe out the idf. That would essentially level most of zionazi occupied Palestine. A bit overkill. Think of the pets. Think of the kids. In that order. ;-D The zionazi wet dreams of masada mk. II aside, nobody wants to actually invade israel. What people want is Palestine, a state not based upon bigotry and fascism. One viable state, perhaps along the line of Syria, but regardless of specific, a normal place for normal human beings to live normal lives.
As for the diehard zio-scum, there is an ideal homeland for them to practice their ideological merger of german nazi and american confederate “culture”. It is called Atlantis.
I didn’t say launch the million rockets. Though that would be awesome.
The MAD equation has to be established. Then you can get a solution. There are examples of such an equation. North Korea has held off far superior forces for many decades with convention weapons, a hundred thousand of them,all with a short fire rate.
There will be no justice until the equilibrium is established.
This will all end with a war on Hezbollah and the destruction of Lebanon.
No. You have it a tad wrong there diesel and metal salt burner…this will surely end at the end.
according to this latest political ‘ununited’ states rationale, the cherokee ,navajo and every other indian nations should start claiming their ancestors land from the european invaders.They should demand compensation and the evacuation of all their previously held home lands.
But this maybe on the other hand ,an own goal by the neocons ,as now all the arab and christan populace would not think that the land of israel is a just state….’any attack on it by the barrel bomber especially in the golan height will be perceived as ‘nothing to see here, what goes around comes around ‘ affair…beware your dream come true ..
The stark difference is that the First Peoples of North America ACTUALLY WERE THE FIRST PEOPLE THERE!
The Khazar tyrants of the Juadaic/Pharisees/Zionist political manifesto for separation from humankind, and ultimate domination of the planet have no historic claim whatsoever to the Palestinian lands! It is most likely that the ancestors of the ancient follows of this extremist sect are the current day Palestinians, who, EXACTLY like the cites first people, and the closest living known people with ‘ancestral claim’ (whether or not such a thing as ‘ancestral claim’ should have any validity whatsoever is a different argument).
“the land of israel is a just state”
‘Israel’ which should more correctly be referred to as “the Zionist Political Entity Occupying the Palestinian Lands” is, according to international law, not a legitimate state, since the formal UN ‘recognition’ of ‘the state’ was conditional (the only conditional recognition of statehood on record), based on, among other things, The Right of Return for the legitimate local inhabitants, the Palestinian peoples; since the recognition of illegal seizure of Jerusalem is indisputable proof of rejection of this conditional recognition of the state, it, somewhat ironically, confirms the outright illegitimacy of the claim of statehood, by the Zionist Political Entity Occupying the Palestinian Lands.
basic non-partisan logic
concur…the facts on the grounds are ,monsters are running the show on earth, modern day caligulas in expensive three piece suits are feasted as statesman, by talking heads in the modern mass media presstitute force.. .The modern populace, sorry the unawake populace of all colours ,culture,race ,religion and nationalities are hypnotised ,to see false as truth and truth as false.They don’t even have the time or wherewithal to delve deep and discover the truth, cos they are on a 9to5 treadmill ,just to keep living thanks to the benevolent central bankers.
United nation is not united, it is rule of the mighty nations on poorer nations to keep the status quo and the arm flowing .The world bank and B.I.S are there, to feed the top one corrupt in place and keep the rest in check with their trickle down e/comical mantra.
But having said all that, there is karma and it is a bitch and she is loose.3 plus million lost souls in mena region will have their payback one way or another.There is a palable mist of unknown geopolitical incident, that points to the old paradigm is not working for the rulers of the world…..anymore consider the following…
Barrel bomber is still standing and syrians are coming back,
evil putin held a pow wow on all things MENA with errordagon,and mad mullah rouhani,
the desert kingdom has lost all its balls and can’t feed its moderate head choppers,
the United state is UNunited with the president elect not able to project any powers overseas,
the UNunited states does not have a place in many geopolitical tables,it is a spent force,
the UNunited states has lost its military prominence they can’t even confront rocket man.
the syrian generals are raring to go at golan heights.
the party of god has become force to be reckoned with,
the UN united states and the ‘NOTU,S’ are at odds they blew 500 billion on the barrel bomber removal.,
the opium fields guaided by NOTU.S’ are being wiped by the rogue president elect.
so on and so on…so this jerusalem thing might be the last straw that breaks israel’s back…top of the pack trouble maker .
my advice is to, gets lots and lots of popcorns for at least six months,love the one you are with,hate no one ,work environmental friendly ,get the biggest flat screen you can afford and see the caligulas go down on by one.
“Not even the wise can see all ends.”
Gandalf might as well have been referring to Jerusalem (al-Quds). Trump is not wise.
Just Say No: UN Rejects White House Recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli Capital
“At a time when it appears that almost the entire developed world has refuted a recent White House claim of support for the highly-disputed location of Israel’s capital city, one of the world’s most prominent global organizations has chimed in, asserting its refutation of the deeply unpopular Washington move.
The White House, isolated during a special United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting following an announcement by the administration of US President Donald Trump supporting Israel’s claim that Jerusalem must be Israel’s — and no other’s — capital city, now has additional pushback from the UN.”
Lebanon Asking Middle Eastern Nations to Sanction US in Retaliation to Trump
“Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, during a December 9 emergency meeting in Cairo, Egypt, has stated that Middle Eastern nations must impose economic sanctions against the US so as to prevent Washington from moving its embassy in Israel to the heavily disputed city of Jerusalem, according to
“Pre-emptive measures [must be] taken against the decision […] beginning with diplomatic measures, then political, then economic and financial sanctions,” said Bassil during the Saturday meeting of foreign ministers at the Arab League in Cairo, cited by Reuters.”
Daniel 8 has a ‘superior people’ in which wickedness abounds and from within which arises a fierce king recognizable by extraordinary political intrigue.
What is fierce but a ruddy complexion.
Who is thuswise fierce.?
Whose political intrigue and deftness is casting the world anew.?
Which nation considers itself ‘superior’.?
Who are the four horns.?
Iran Russia Syria (turkey…Iraq).?
The horn broken soviet.?
Nonetheless the animating sovereign of the soviet is there animating the alliance against the fierce king.
If that is so than fear not a grassy knoll for the incumbent.
One might posit the first king of Daniel 8 is Russia because spiritually/civilationally Moscow/Russia is the scion of the Greek shaggy goat. In other words Moscow the 3rd Rome is the child of Constantinople. The Greek shaggy goat has two horns signifying Rome 1 Latin and Rome 2 Constantinople.
Have you known? Saudi Arabia was before Islam a Jewish Kingdom
See also:
Kadyrov blasts Trump’s Jerusalem move as ‘crude,’ warns of full-scale war in Middle-East
“How shall we understand the US president’s policy? It is simple – now we lost our last doubts about who had created this terrorist base on the territory of Iraq and Syria in order to establish their ‘new world order’,” he wrote.
It is interesting to me, that despite all the expected euphoria on one side
and fury on the other, there are some in Israel that question this,
whether it’s good for them or not.
THE question might be ”what leverage has trump now with his
greatest deal of the century” ? i.e. the Israel/Palestine question.
further, it now destroys the decade long fiction that US presidents
AND European leaders have upheld that Israel wants peace.
it’s now more realistic.
without acknowledging the reality, what ”solution” could there be?
regarding ”peace”, when you see the comments from Israel,
both leaders and others, the overall consensus from them is
a mixture of whining,
‘that the Palestinians have 22 Arabic countries they could go to’
‘why don’t they leave us alone?’
to the on the ground harassment, oppression checkpoints, Jews only roads
and bulldozing of houses and fire bombing individuals and collectively in Gaza.
then there is the firing on fishermen and the gaza humanitarian relief boats.
will any of this change because of recognition of Jerusalem?
expect a frenzy of settlement building, especially there.
I wonder whether Nasrallah would accept Trump’s decision if it were accompanied by a demand by Trump that Israel accept all Palestinians as full citizens of Israel, with full constitutional guarantees of equality with all confessions, including voting rights. This of course would mean the end of the Jewish majority and the end of the Zionist state. I’m not holding my breath that this demand will be made, but why shouldn’t the Arab world put pressure in Israel to accept this one-state solution? Why should they hold out for a separate Palestinian state (which includes Jerusalem), when this two-state solution is now clearly dead?
I agree. one country including what was /is Palestine.2 official languages equal right for all. religious freedom. best would be to find a new name ( as a joke Palestein) there is no other solution Maybe I am dreaming
Thank you for posting this. I can’t help but strongly suspect that the timing of this event is Not a coincidence, and that the timing is key in other ways: I. Trump is meeting the wishes of a significant campaign contributor (Sheldon Adelson) 2. Just in time for the Holy Christmas season, instead of contemplating the birth of Jesus (Immanuel, God With Us) the world is in a predictable uproar over this, and the dark energy and anger being produced creates a veritable feeding frenzy for demonic entities. This results in demonic manifestations that can hurt people and deceive others. Pray without ceasing for the defeat of this. 3. For some (certainly not all) of the Christian evangelicals, this event is probably seen as a “fulfillment of prophecy” with the “battle of Armageddon” following soon afterwards? ? 4. Some people are suggesting that this will ultimately pave the way for the appearance of the great Antichrist, which may be partly true, but I fear that the “spirit of the antichrist” is already here and has been working great evil and deceptions on our Earth for a very long time. There have been many “anti-Christ’s”, unfortunately.
I have said this before, and will say it again, re. “Armageddon”: that one word– that occurs in one verse– in one chapter– in one book of the entire Bible, has had so many different interpretations wrung out of it, in so many ways it defies belief. I believe the verse in question speaks of a “gathering together”. This may very well refer to something much larger than yet another battle–it is something called the day of the Lord Almighty–which frankly, for this sinful human race, coming up against our Righteous Lord, in His perfect Holiness, will be a terrifying experience. The question is asked, “Who shall be able to stand?” in such a situation. Many will Not be able to stand.
Removed. No attacks on other commenters. Mod This is about a small powerful state masquerading as a democracy when in fact it is a theocracy, and this state being organized such it can time things down to the exact sequence of events outlined in books like Daniel and Zechariah.
I read an article written by one Petr Lvov titled ” The Likelihood of War With Iran” on Near Eastern Outlook (NEO), it looks so similar to Saker’s article “A Zio-Wahabi Attack on Hezbollah and Iran”. In fact, some passages of Petr Lvov of article seems like they were cut and paste from Saker’s article. Is this a case of plagiarism?.
I have provided the link below:
Is this a case of plagiarism?. I don’t know (I did not read the article) and I don’t care. In fact, I HOPE that it is. See, I don’t care about copyrights or intellectual property AT ALL. I care for the truth and if somebody wants to plagiarize the truth, he/she has my most heartfelt gratitude and best wishes for more. That is why I license all the original articles on my blog under the CopyLeft Creative Commons license (see at the bottom of the page). Copyright and anti-plagiarism is either about money or ego (usually both). I don’t let either one of them get in the way of doing what is right. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, is it not?
So, while I don’t have any reason to believe that anybody plagiarized something I wrote, if that did happen, they they have my very sincere gratitude.
The Saker
Has any Muslim/Arab country recalled its ambassador to the US, let alone cut ties with the regime in Washington, since Trump’s arrogant announcement about Jerusalem?
Not one if them has done so!
Saudi Arabia along with the other sheikdoms in the Gulf, with support from Egypt and Jordan, Turkey etc., have been undermining the Palestinians and their aspirations for decades.
Yet, the Palestinians continue to confer with Riyadh on political matters and generally defer to the Saudis, despite the fact that Saudi Arabia actively seeks an alliance with Israel and has shown a willingness to sacrifice the Palestinians to this end.
Saudi Arabia cares nothing about the Palestinians and their struggle.
Therefore, by continuing to seek an accomodation with Riyadh, the Palestinian leadership unwittingly allows sectarian considerations to limit the scope of their struggle.
Abbas refuses to associate with Tehran, yet Iran is the only country in the region that genuinely supports their struggle.
And can we forget that Hamas sided with the “opposition” when hostilities broke out in Syria?
The Palestinians need to get rid of their corrupt and compromised leaders and lift their struggle above the limits of sectarianism, and only then will they be ready to confront the enemy.
Trumps recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel tells us two major points. Firstly that Trump has always been Netanyahu’s man. In simple terms the statements that Russian interference in the American election was incorrect as it was Netanyahu who was always behind Trump as a payback to Obama for interfering with the Israeli’s against Netanyahu.
That Jerusalem be made the capital of Israel was always the Zionist agenda. Even at the writing of the ‘Balfour Declaration, (the final draft was written by the American Jew, Jacob De Haas) the majority of British Jews were concerned about the Zionist plot and the possible outcome that Jews within the Ottoman Empire could have a similar end as what the Armenians suffered. That possibility still exists today.
When one considers that it was not so long ago that those three religions, the Jews, the Muslims and the Christians all dwelled together in Jerusalem in relative harmony with religious understandings and respect. Trumps decision to follow Netanyahu’s designs offends everybody, including the religious Jew much the same as the 100 year old Balfour declaration did back in 1917.
Hassan Nasrallah’s comments are spot on.
It’s time to remind everyone about one of the greatest die hard myths of our era: the claim of US Evangelical Christians uncritically supporting Israel and hating Palestinians. In fact some of the latest studies are suggesting quite the opposite:
“An article in Middle East Quarterly, a pro-Israel publication, reports that support for Israel is eroding among American evangelical Christians, with only 30 percent in a recent survey stating support for Israel above Palestinians.
This trend is even more pronounced among youth, according to an article by David Brog, Jewish-American executive director of “Christians United For Israel (CUFI), a major pro-Israel organization. Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu has called CUFI “a vital part of Israel’s national security” and columnist Charles Kauthammer has said, “I do not know of an organization in the world more important to Israel than CUFI.”
Brog’s article, “The End of Evangelical Support for Israel?” is largely pitched as a wake-up call to Israel partisans who, according to Brog, “must take this threat seriously.” (For more on Brog, see below.)
Brog quotes a journalist reporting in 2012 about the “the largest gathering of young evangelical leaders in America,” the Catalyst convention: “In dozens of random conversations, I noted that Millenians … expressed solidarity with the Palestinians and annoyance with Israel. This is a seismic shift in the American church and a serious threat to Israel’s one traditional area of support.” ”
It’s quite interesting to think who are those in mainstream media keep on spreading this Evangelical theory. Are they left wing liberals or neo cons themselves or both? The truth is that all over in the western world more and more Christians are seeing Israel of our era much more as modern version of nation of terror compared do pre Six-Day-War of 1967.
@Erno. I find that easy to believe, because the backwoods Xtians of the USA remind me of the Afrikaner Xtians of my boyhood. They were a simple, superstitious people — but they were also an honest, God fearing people.
From their precious Old Testament the Afrikaners swallowed Zionazi doctrine: that black Africans, being “the sons of Ham”, were condemned by Jehovah to become only “hewers of wood and drawers of water”. But gradually Afrikaners became uncomfortable with segregation policy because the more enlightened of their religious leaders began to point out that Apart-hate was incompatible with a far more precious book: the New Testament. Remember, it was an Afrikaner Nationalist government — under Prime Minister de Klerk — who voluntarily transformed The Apart-hate State into The Rainbow Nation.
Interesting … Trump takes an ‘unclean’ left hand to the head.
(video clip)
And the shrieking waitress Nimrata Randhawa (aka Nikki Hailey) has spoken at an emergency session of the UNSC:
“The UN has done much more to damage the prospects for Middle East peace than to advance them. We will not be a party to that.”
“the United States has credibility with both sides. Israel will never be, and should never be, bullied into an agreement by the United Nations, or by any collection of countries that have proven their disregard for Israel’s security.”
In so many words, outright dangerous, she says that the USA and Israel can do whatever they want and give the finger to any international agreement, negotiations, or agreements.
They declare themselves above the law.
To get a picture whos poodle Nikki Haley is, see her bragging and sliming at a meeting of the AIPAC. She is their slave. This is disgusting and a shame for a representative at an international stage:
Cheers, Rob
There is no daylight between trump and haley.
Wow! I feel dirty now that I watched and heard Nikki Harlot. I think I’m gonna take a long shower right away and listen to some good music, just to cleanse myself from all that filth.
Erdogan slams Israel as ‘terrorist state’ that ‘kills children’
“Palestine is an innocent victim… as for Israel, it is a terrorist state, yes, terrorist!” Erdogan said at a congress of his ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) in the Turkish city of Sivas on Sunday. “We will not abandon Jerusalem to the mercy of a state that kills children,” he added.
Erdogan blasted Israel as an “oppressive, occupation state,” calling the response of the police and military to the protests “disproportionate,” Hurriyet reported.
“The US ignored a 1980 UN Security Council ruling regarding Jerusalem which the US itself signed at that time,” Erdogan said as cited by the Daily Sabah. “A system in which the stronger one is regarded as being right can’t constitute justice, peace and stability,” he said, adding that the American approach could lead to more tragedies.”
The israelies, via their trump toy, have probably killed whatever warming of Turk-israeli relations occurred in the last couple of years.
Yes, there is something bigger in this little gem. The vice is closing on Uncle Sam’s balls. The ancient triangle of regional empires is re-awakening it seems — Turkey; Iran & Egypt (aka Constantinople-Tehran-Cairo).
The fake zionist ‘Jewish’ psycho-history cult narrative is being gathered up and trolley’d to the dumpster.
As someone here (if my memory is correct) recently pointed out, there are only Greek names for cities; there is little or no evidence in Egyptian or Roman records of a viable Jewish entity apart fromm some marginal footnotes related to theft, murder and terrorist conspiracy against the authorities of the day; the Persians know the real history of the slave class they ‘managed’ for some time before liberating them; and the Turks (the recent reverts to Islam) know the Islamic history and the somewhat plausible ‘ironed out’ Ibrahim/Abraham (Jewish/Chrisitian/Moslem) meta-narrative (i.e., the ‘world’ story according to a rebellious Iraqi youth who escaped town southwards after burning the tribal idols and pissing off the elders to set up a two-wife caravan route from the Red Sea through to Jerusalem etc).
It is only the empty European derived colonial cultures (emperors without cloths) like the USA that get sucked in by the comic-book cartoon spiel dished out as zionist history and justification. Time will tell, and the ‘Israel’ crusader experiment will be off-the-map by 2048.
Is that why part of the original ‘Holy Bible’ was written in Greek, amd why one of the apostles had a non-Hebrew name (Luke)?
The Palestinians have always been the victim, and the Arabs have always recognised that. When the out of work Churchill visited Palestine in 1926 the Arabs demonstrated their disapproval from Cairo to Palestine.
North Korea slams “mentally deranged dotard” Trump on Middle East
“A dotard is defined as a senile or weak old man.
North Korea was among the first countries to recognise the contemporary statehood of Palestine upon Yasser Arafat’s 1988 declaration. Likewise, North Korea has never recognised Israel.
However, while North Korea uniquely holds the same position as China, Russia, the European Union, most Orthodox Churches, the Vatican, United Nations, Lebanon, its traditional Syrian ally, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab League, Pyongyang’s criticism of Donald Trump remains as unique as ever.
North Korea’s government has stated,
“Considering the fact that the mentally deranged dotard openly called for a total destruction of a sovereign state at the UN, this action is not so surprising.
But this move clearly shows to the whole world who is the destroyer of world peace and security, pariah and rogue in the international community”.
Pyongyang affirmed its “firm support and solidarity for Palestinians and Arab peoples struggling to win their legitimate rights”.
The official statement added,
“The US will be held accountable for all consequences from this reckless, wicked act”.
While the DPRK is often painted as the most isolated country in the world, when it comes to the issue of Palestine, Pyongyang stands with the vats majority of nations as well as the UN.”
Due to a complete absence of Jew-nazi/zionazi influence, the DPRK says what everyone else would like say.
Here are our Czech friends again confronting M. Albright at a book signing event.
(Man wearing a b/w keffiyeh)
Watch her mask fall when she starts screeching: “get out, get out!!”
Interestingly enough she thought they were Serbs. I hope we haunt her waking & sleeping hours for her war crimes, along with those million Iraqi children whose deaths she thought were “worth it”.
Thanks, … many will think that it was “worth it” — may the bitch rot away and die like Margaret Thatcher.
Even Nasrallah cannot bring himself to state the obvious: Israel will lord over the Muslim world from Egypt to Iraq, and will maintain the power to attack Muslims as far west as Oran and as far east as Karachi, for as long as it controls the political will of the United States.
As much as I would wish it to be otherwise, the Jews have established Zionism as the official -albeit undeclared- religion of the United States. This will not be changed until Evangelical Christians in America reject the prophecies in the Book of Revelations; or until the Roman Catholics refocus their creed onto the Gospels of Luke and John and onto the Epistles of St. Paul. I doubt that either can happen unless/until the United States suffers a devastating defeat (short of nuclear war, which nobody will win).
Only a world alliance can challenge the combined power of the United States and Israel. If China, Russia, and Iran can work out a coordinated plan to assert themselves simultaneously in their respective spheres of interest, and coordinate their satellites in Belarus, North Korea, Syria, and Lebanon to act in concert, the Anglo-Zionist Empire cannot prevail in Ukraine+Israel+Saudi Arabia+South Korea+Taiwan at the same time. If these countries officially implement a BDS campaign against America and Israel, and extend this campaign to all other nations which do not join in the BDS movement, there is a possibility that the American-Israeli control over the current world order could be broken without open warfare. But it would be more likely that the Zionists would resort to warfare before it would surrender.
Of course, each of the major players in such an anti-Zionist alliance would have to be willing to endure economic hardship and -if it comes to all out warfare- suffer severe casualties. At the present time China is not interested in making such sacrifices; and, without its full participation, there is not enough power within the rest of the world to offset that of the US-Israel alliance.
So, The Jews in Israel and the Zionists in America can do pretty much whatever they want to do. And the fate of the Palestinians is as terrible as it is clear before us. The Israeli settlers have no more qualms about wiping out the Palestinians than the Nazi SS did regarding the Jews. It is just a matter of time.
Putin goes to Cairo as Trump ties himself in knots
Yes, the astute could see that next move coming.
Some more flying ‘assets’ on two Russian/Egyptian carriers built in France?
Libya is a mess and the US/Nato have no credibility there whatsoever — in fact several war criminals should be in the Hage. Let’s hope Putin can declaw the usual suspects and send in the Chechen’s to help clean out the vermin in Libya.
There is a new reconfiguration under way and hopefully Russia’s credibility from the liberation (almost, USA pending) of Syria will translate into a new regional confidence that will un-cuff Egypt and liberate Yemen from the infidel art-icon buying Saudi regime.
The Netanyahu Gang must be sniffing the wind and quietly panicking — the ‘official’ narrative is fast unwinding.
Erdogan has finally found his balls and stood up as a moral (if not military) leader of the Islamic world. He will be well rewarded for his efforts — but he better have a good food taster. They won’t likely screw up the next attempt. And the Persians have made it clear they are at the service of Assad in Syria.
Putin (and the Russians) have well demonstrated the critical distinction between the true “Art of War” and the criminal American ‘art’ of bullying.
Within 10 years and Chinese reconstruction support the ME region will be a vastly different place and this long dark saga will go down in history for what it is — the new zionist Dark Ages, indeed.
Yes, I agree with you, 100%. According to Lao Tzu it,s a dumb idea to fight your wars as immorally as possible.
yes more pop corn please,..the previous evil masters of the worlds are indignant and sad.
Evil putin, is right now in syria ,directing all his SUs and flying choppers killing ‘moderate’ head choppers,..idlip is being stormed by suhaili, the fighting generals with freedom fighters around him, like leaves around a tree.Dang the barrel bomber where is he?…colour me suspicious.
Erdagon meanwhile ,is calling nutyanhoo a terrorist and the mentioned terrorist, is asking nutos to give him more funds to pay more moderate head choppers…as golan heights is going to be lost to the barrel bomber.
meanwhile back in the UN united states the president elect is bringing down the house of pedos,..sorry house of congress.
I never thought i will live to see this day..thank lord ,for your gift.
Why do people always want Putin and Russia to solve all their problems in the world? Pls Putin is Russian and he is not the Messiah. You want him to save Iran but Iranians can’t comfortably lease their base or land to him to defeat evil. Everyone thinks Russia has China’s back and North Korea’s back and every other back. I think Russia will do what is necessary to hinder any form of threats to Russian land or its people either directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly that is all. Pls stop seeking the help of Putin and Russia in every single geopolitical tantrum in the world. Have anyone ever asked himself/herself where were other countries when Russia was going thru hell? or what if by year 2000 Russia was divided into crumbs and it was like Libya or Somalia of today? do u know what almost every other single country would do? they would wanna go in for the kill, rape, pillage and such the land dry till it becomes a vast waste land of nothingness. So Pls if ur country has a problem, rally ur citizens round and do the right thing. Do not wait for help.
It is all about a few goons out manipulating history in order to get rid of this Jesus dude and this Mohammid prophet who have been getting in their way of taking over the world by greed and deceit.
“… of taking over the world by greed and deceit” … and fear.
White House Regrets Palestinian Decision to Ignore Pence’s Visit
Sure the zio-faggots do.
Herodotus wrote 2500 years ago of the 20 provinces comprising the Persian Empire and named Syria-Palestine as the 5th province. He notes Lebanon and Egypt but fails to mention Israel or Jerusalem. Apparently they were so minor or even did not exist yet.
Ralph, many thanks for that link to the excellent Perseus Classical Greek studies by Tuft U. Here are the name Syria and Palestine in the original Greek: Συρίη ἡ Παλαιστίνη. Other familiar countries mentioned by Herodotus 6th Century BC are Libya, Susa (capital of ancient Persia) and Cyprus. No Israel (did not exist in his time), no Judea (an insignificant Syrian province).
Those are facts from Herodotus, the first great collector of Historical, Geographical and Cultural Facts. But as I try to remind readers, there are Two Jerusalems: there is the Earthly Jerusalem where we send our taxes and the govt sits, then there is the Heavenly Jerusalem which will bring Peace on Earth to People of Good Will. In this season we should pray even more fervently for forgiveness of our sins, and try even harder to build the Jerusalem on Earth the same as it is in Heaven.
I carefully read Nasrallah’s speech (its transcript is at ).
Yes, I do agree with the facts he stated.
Yet, stepping back: his entire speech amounts to nothing more but a helpless lament over a fait accompli … clever Trump single-handedly vanquished “the heart and essence” of the Palestinian cause … Trump ended the history of Palestinian nation … it’s now all over … end of all history … boo, hoo, sob, sob.
Theretofore, I had always thought Hezbollah was a powerful and proud political movement, not a women’s lamenting society.
@Richard. You ¨have carefully read the speech” but I think you have misread the implication: Rev.Nasr’Allah is saying in his usual measured and level tone — that does it, the gloves are off. So say the Drusim, the people of Israeli occupied Golan. The Druse have a traditional policy of getting on with any ruler of the Holy Land, but Israel’s arrogant support for the NATZO terrorists who have been murdering Druse, has antagonized them and now their opinion swings decisively in favour of the Palestinian cause. From today’s SANA:
Quneitra, (SANA)- People of the occupied Syrian Golan have emphasized that the occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem) will remain Palestinian and not as planned by our Zionist enemies and their tools in the region.
“The plot of aggression against al-Quds will not pass,” the Golanese said in a statement during a solidarity stand in Sultan al-Atrash Square in Majdal Shams village on Monday.
“ Today, as in the past, American imperialism unveils its ugly aggressive face against our nation and our central issue of the occupied Palestine,” the statement included. “ We will remain with Palestine and its people until the liberation and the return of the refugees to their homes,”
@ Maraudas
In my opinion, Richard’s analysis stands to reason. In this particular speech Nasrallah does come across as a helpless elderly lady overwhelmed by grief, certainly not as a leader of a serious movement fit to confront the plundering Zionists. My earnest hope is that he will quickly recover from that undesirable state, else Hezbollah might well consider a suitable replacement.
RT Cross Talk: Jerusalem’s Fate
Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israeli Capital: Consequences
“Intifada” in Sweden: Firebombs Hurled at Jewish Sites Amid Anti-Semitic Upsurge
Iran Urges Muslim Nations to Foil US-Israeli “Plan”, Hesbollah Calls Trump “Isolated”
Mogherini hits back at Netanyahu: We won’t follow suit with relocating
embassy to Jerusalem
Yakov Kedmi: Whom wanted Trump to make a fool having recognized Jerusalem?
Russian speaking video, English subtitles available (Sorry for my bad English)
P.S. – Yakov Kedmi is known for The Saker